Ancient egypt


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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Key Terms Da Nile river True or False

Egyptian Religion

Pharaoh’sNubian Kingdom

of Kush

This is the ability to reach

A 100

What is access

A 100

Egyptian’s writing system

A 200

What is a hieroglyphics

A 200

Is the stone that contained a message written in three

different languages which helped scholars decode


A 300

What is the Rosetta Stone

A 300

A long, thin reed, that grew along the banks of the Nile


A 400

What is the papyrus

A 400

This is where rushing water forms waterfalls and rapids

A 500

What is are cataracts

A 500

The Nile river is over ___ miles long

B 100

What is 4000

B 100

This is a marshy triangle of wetlands

B 200

What is a delta

B 200

In terms of weather, this is why the Nile so important to

the Egyptians

B 300

What is floods provide water

B 300

This is why the Nile floods

B 400

What is snow from the mountains in central Africa


B 400

List 4 gifts of the Nile river

B 500

What are water, mud, papyrus, fish, ducks, and


B 500

The Book of the Dead contained prayers, spells, and


C 100

What is true

C 100

Osiris was the one true god of Egypt

C 200

What is false

C 200

South America is the continent we live on

C 300

What is false

C 300


C 400


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Obelisks are short, four-sided pillars of stone that rise to a


C 400

What is false

C 400

Artisans were located on the top of Egypt’s social pyramid

C 500

What is false

C 500

The ancient Egyptians had this form of religion

D 100

What is polytheism

D 100

This is a life that would continue after death

D 200

What is afterlife

D 200

The process of treating the body to protect it from decay

D 300

What is embalming

D 300

The body of a human or animal after it has been


D 400

What is a mummy

D 400

The Egyptians believed that without this a person’s spirit couldn’t eat, drink, dance, or

enjoy their life after death

D 500

What is their body

D 500

She took over control over Egypt when Thutmose II died

and Thutmose III was to young

E 100

Who is Hatshepsut

E 100

Hatshepsut wanted to improve this instead of

conquering other people

E 200

What is Egypt

E 200

This person took control of Egypt after Hatsepsut

E 300

Who is Thutmose III

E 300

Thutmose III led this many raids in 20 years

E 400

What is 16

E 400

Thutmose III set up these to protect Egypt’s trade routes

to Kush

E 500

What trading posts

E 500

This is where Kush was located in terms of Egypt

F 100

What is to the south

F 100

Kush had many desired goods including gold, ivory, ostrich

feathers, perfumes, oils, grains, and this

F 200

What is ebony

F 200

Kush ruled Egypt for less than this many years

F 300

What is 100

F 300

Finish: Kush is to Egypt as Babylonia is to _________

F 400

What is Assyria

F 400

This was the problem with the language the people of

Kush developed

F 500

What it has never been deciphered

F 500

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Name the three Kushite kings we learned about and give their

major achievement

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*Kashta conquered Upper Egypt

*Piankhy conquered Lower Egypt

*Shabaka became the first Kushite king of Egypt

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