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My S.M.A.R.T. Goal

YogaGreg Tucker

Goal Specific- My goal is to do 15 to 30 minutes of yoga every


Measurable- Set a music playlist for desired duration of activity. Record time for three weeks.

Achievable- I love yoga and have done it for a while. Doing it every single day might be tough with scheduling conflicts.

Realistic- Yoga is one of my favorite ways to start the day. Making this activity an everyday occurrence will not only be realistic, but very enjoyable and practical.

Time- 15 - 30 minutes a day, everyday, for three weeks.  

Influence Factors Predisposing- Knowledge of

techniques and routine. Attitude and values towards staying in tune with my body.

Enabling- Adequate Resources (Yoga mat). FREE! Physical Capabilities.

Reinforcing- Incentives and Rewards, my grade as well as my physical well being. Teacher Support and Encouragement.

Resources Yoga is FREE!

The only things I need are time, motivation and a comfortable environment.

My roommates are very supportive of my goal. Sadly, none of them do yoga with me.


Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Day 9

Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 1


Day 2









Minutes of Activity

Minutes of Activity

Self Assessment For the most part, I am very happy with my goal. I

did not meet it completely, but this is the most consistent I have ever been my yoga activity.

I only went 5 out of 21 days without doing yoga. Those days are contributed to timing, conflicts as well as some laziness.

What I learned during these past three weeks is that I can stay active and focused with my yoga when I want to be.

On the days when I did yoga, usually first thing in the morning, I felt physically conscious and prepared for the day, more mentally aware and awake, and I felt overall better. My days seemed longer (in a good way), I was generally happier and ready to take on the day.