Water Shed project proposal


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Jesse Jones

Water Shed Management

Grant Research and Project Proposal


Grant: Beneficial Uses of Dredging Material (CAP Section 204)

Project Proposal:

Being from Western New York there are many small rivers and tributaries going into the Genesee and

other larger rivers. During these times of snow melt and heavy rain falls from the localized

thunderstorms the occurrence of flash floods and flooding in this area is a great matter year in and year

out for local farmers and communities along the Lake Ontario Watershed. I want to create a project that

will be a win- win situation for the environment around these areas. The necessities needed would

nature organic material to create natural wetlands throughout the smaller rivers and connecting

tributaries, creating new habitats for the birds around this area and mammals and much. These flooding

areas can be constructed into well-formed wetlands so the ground water can be cleansed through

natural processes. Along the Genesee mouth there has been tons of dredging and the material dug out

would make for great material to use for these flood plains along the many tributaries along Lake

Ontario. This sort of project would be a success for this area. I’m sure farmers would love these

wetlands/ flood plains made from the dredging material so their fields don’t wash out from over flowing

streams. Using this organic material from the river bottom of Genesee would create a better process to

gaining cleaner ground water in the surrounding communities using well water. The ecosystem in the

surrounding area will gain a boost in vegetation life as well as multiple water sources which will lead to

an increase in habitat and then these lands can be protected by the state agencies. With the protection

and being made state lands or parks the pollution from society can be lower and the communities can

enjoy the wild life that comes with the creation of these wetlands along the Lake Ontario Water Shed.
