Uk film consumption


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UK Film Consumption

By Kirsty Steward

The chart above shows that on average, most cinema goers from 1997-2011 are between the ages of 15-24. Also the chart shows that over the past 14 years, more older people (35-54)

are starting to consume more films in cinemas.

What is the overall trend in film consumption? Growth/decline/Who watches films in the UK?


The below picture shows that on average most people watch films via their television.

Where/how do people watch films?

What type of films are the most popular?

The table opposite shows that in 2011, according to box office figures, comedy was the highest grossing genre. This gives evidence that Comedy was the most popular type of film as it grossed £253.6 million as well as taking up 22.4% of the total box office revenue.

With such advances in technology such as 3D cinema screening, the audience are offered a more exciting way of viewing films therefore they’d be more inclined in consuming films more regularly.Furthermore with home entertainment becoming more advance e.g. blue ray players and cinema surround sound speakers, people are more likely to consume a range of films in the comfort of their homes as they are receiving a cinema-like experience.

What role does technology play in the consumption of film


Most lucrative audience groups:After researching film consumption it was evident that the most lucrative audience group was teenagers (16-25) year olds as they took up the highest percentage of cinema goers.

Strategies that would used to promote films:As most cinema-goers are young people then the most effective way to promote films is through social media and the internet as they are the most common form of communication with the younger generation.

The importance of technology now and in the future: