The Saga of Luciano De Herrera Rio Arriba County Sheriff ... · PDF fileRio Arriba County...


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The Saga of Luciano De Herrera Rio Arriba County Sheriff and Commissioner

By Patricia Sanchez Rau

Luciano de Herrera was sheriff of Rio Arriba County from 1865 to 1873, and County Commissioner in 1880 during the time that the County seat was changed from Los Luceros to Tierra Amarilla. His life story has several interesting aspects which were uncovered during research on the family. Jose Luciano was born on May 25, 1823, and baptized three days later on May 28th. His baptism record shows the grandparents, however, I believe that the paternal grandmother listed in the baptism record is incorrect.

In this church of San Juan de los Caballeros on the 28th day of May, 1823, I, (name- illegible) put the sacred oils and chrism on a child three days old named Jose Luciano, legitimate son of Francisco Antonio de Herrera and Maria Estela Espinosa, paternal grandparents - Jose de Herrera and Maria Vigil, maternal grandparents- Antonio Espinosa and Francisca Cordova, godparents Diego Antonio Martin and his wife Maria Luisa Martin, all from Chamita and they agree to fulfill this obligation.

Luciano’s paternal grandfather Juan Antonio de Herrera was married twice. He first married Juana Atencio, in 1776, in Santa Clara.

Santa Clara Marriages p. 70 - September 15, 1776 Juan Antonio de Herrera, coyote m. Juana Atencio, coyota both from Chama, witnesses: Juan Duran, Juan Salazar and the rest of the Pueblo.

Juana Atencio died about October 2, 1785, six months after having given birth to a child whom they named Francisco Antonio. No death record was found for this child. Juan Antonio then married Maria Margarita Vigil on January 14, 1793. I do not believe that this second wife Maria Margarita Vigil was the mother of Francisco Antonio because mathematically – it doesn’t work. Francisco Antonio was married about 1804 (first child baptized in 1805). When you do the math

1805 minus 1793, there is only an11 year difference making Juana Atencio more than likely the parent of Francisco Antonio.

Santa Clara Marriages - page 82 - January 14, 1793, Juan Antonio de Herrera, widowed of Juana Atencio married Maria Vigil daughter of Francisco Vigil and Petrona Padilla all of this jurisdiction, Witnesses: Carlos Crespin, Jose Alonso Trujillo and Juan Tomas (no surname).

The maternal grandparents Antonio Jose Espinosa and Francisca Antonia Cordova were from Santa Cruz but had moved to Chama several years after their marriage.

Santa Cruz Marriages - 100 years page 35 - December 15, 1772, Antonio Jose Espinosa, son of Jose Espinosa and Maria Antonia Sanchez married Francisca Cordova, daughter of Gregorio Cordova and Barbara Valdez – no other information recorded.

Luciano apparently grew up in the Chamita area as indicated from the sacramental records of the family. At age 26, Luciano sought the hand of Andrea Garcia in marriage, because about March 16, 1849, a marriage investigation and banns were published so that Jose Luciano de Herrera could marry Maria Andrea Garcia, from Santa Clara.

NM Roots Ltd. p. 842 - Banns notice - On March 16, 1849 Jose Luciano Herrera of San Pedro de Chamita, son of Francisco Herrera and Maria Estela Espinosa with Maria Andrea Garcia of the Plaza of San Antonio, Santa Clara parish, daughter of Jose Francisco Garcia and Maria Guadalupe Martinez. No other information listed.

Luciano and Maria Andrea’s first child Maria Teodora was born in 1850 and when the census was taken in November of 1850 in Rio Arriba she was listed as being eight months old. It appears however, that she died as a child as no other information was found on her. Twins Rita and Jose Antonio were born on November 1862 but must have died as children as they do not appear in the 1870 census.

Enumerated in the 1850 U.S. Census - Rio Arriba - Luciano Herrera 24, Andrea 18, Teodora 8 months. Enumerated in the 1860 U.S. Census at 7th Precinct – Los Luceros – Luciano Herrera, 34, wife Andrea Garcia 25, Francisco Pacheco 17, laborer, and Vicenta Garcia 22.

After the deaths of their children, Luciano and his wife Andrea began adopting Indian children. On June 20, 1864, Luciano and Andrea baptized and adopted Miguel, an Indian, born about 1859, then Maria Juana, a sixteen year old Navajo Indian who was baptized and adopted on September 29, 1864, and Maria Guadalupe, no age listed, Indian who was baptized and adopted on Apr 1, 1866. In the 1860 census they are listed with two other people – Francisco Pacheco, age 17 and Vicenta Garcia age 22, however no further records were found to indicate if they were also adopted, however, it can be assumed that they were. By the 1870 census, three Navajo Indian children all later identified as being adopted children; Jose Antonio 16, Juliana 9, Andres 1 and are living in the household.

1870 U.S. Census, 11th precinct – Los Luceros – Luciano Herrera 45, M/W Sheriff, Andrea Garcia 3;, Juana 24, Navajo, Cook; Jose Antonio 16 Navajo; Miguel 11, Navajo;, Juliana 9, Navajo; Guadalupe 6, Navajo; and Andres 1, Navajo.

In the census of 1880, several more children have been added to the household: Sesaria 9, Maria Esquipula 8, and Meregildo de Herrera 8. Meregildo was identified as an adopted child in his marriage record and Maria Esquipula was the daughter of Juan Mestas and Dolores Mestas, but identified as having been raised or adopted by Luciano de Herrera. I was unable to find anything on Sesaria to confirm her status in the family, but we can surmise from other records that she is likely adopted also.

Enumerated in the 1880 U.S. Census - El Guique - Luciano Herrera 68, laborer, Andrea wife 44; Andres 12 servant; Sesaria 9 servant; Maria Esquipula Mestas 8 servant; Meregildo de Herrera 8 servan;, Vicenta Garcia 43 servant; Miguel de Herrera laborer; and Nicolasa (illegible) 17 wife.

Adoptions in New Mexico seem to have been a rather loose connection as sometimes one finds adoption notations, but other times, the children just show up in the household or perhaps there was a “handshake agreement” between the natural parents and the adoptive parents. Another inescapable fact is that even though children were adopted, this did not mean that they were all treated as “natural offspring” would have been. In all the census records regarding Luciano and Andrea – the children were listed as “servants – cook or laborer” so was the census taker making assumptions when he saw that they were Native Americans? The children did confirm their status as both servants and adopted children in the contestation of Luciano’s will making me believe that they were considered “family”. After February 5, 1880, the Rio Arriba County Seat was to be moved to Tierra Amarilla. The change of the county seat had a deadline of Nov 1, 1880, and by this time they had to acquire or build public buildings which were to be used as the courthouse. After the county seat was changed, within the month, the standing County Commissioners all resigned - they were Agustin Mestas, Antonio Guadalupe Cordova and Luciano de Herrera. Excerpt from “Rio Arriba - A New Mexico County” by Robert J. Torrez and Robert Trapp, page 102. The family next appears in the 1885 New Mexico Territorial Census Precinct #6: Luciano de Herrera 62, Andreita 55, Nicolasa 20, adopted servant, Andres 16, Sesaria 13 laborer, Hermenegildo 13, and Adelaida 4. In later records, Adelaida is identified as the daughter of Nicolasa, listed above. Miguel, her husband was also an adopted child of Jose Luciano de Herrera. Andrea Garcia appears to have died between 1885 and 1899 as when the contestation of the will is filed, it clearly states that Luciano had no surviving conjugal partner. Luciano de Herrera’s exact death date is unknown, although from the newspaper article below, we can speculate that he died before May 25, 1899. From the following records, we know that a will was written, however, the actual document was not a part of the court records filed when some of his adopted children contested his will. The contestation of a will was such an uncommon occurrence that the story was filed in the “The Santa Fean” newspaper.


The Estate of Luciano Herrera: M. Read, attorney for Pedro Dominguez and Esquipula Maes, who are contesting the will of their foster father, the late Luciano Herrera of Chamita, will tomorrow apply for a receiver for the estate and an Injunction against the helm and the administrator, and also ask them to make an accounting. Honorable Thomas D. Burns had been appointed one of the executors of the will, but he declined, and one of the heirs appointed himself in his place. Domingues and Esquipula Maes who were adopted children of Herrera, as were the other five heirs designated in the will. Dominguez had been taken captive by the Comanches in Mexico, but Herrera bought him from the Indians. Both claimants are in the city today to consult with counsel and will ask to have the will set aside and to be made to co-heirs. In the estate, this is worth at least $50,000, and includes valuable real estate around Chamita. [Thursday, May 25, 1899, Santa Fe, New Mexican] - Reprinted almost exactly on June 1, 1899. The contestation was examined closely to try to determine who Luciano had listed as his heirs as well as those adopted children who were contesting the will. Complainants –

1. Gabriel de Herrera probably the grand nephew son of Bacilio, no record found to indicate that he was reared by Luciano.

2. Hermenegildo de Herrera – adopted son. 3. Pedro Dominguez had been captured by the Indians and redeemed by Luciano as

indicated in the newspaper article about the will. 4. Juliana de Herrera de Tapia – adopted daughter. 5. Maria Esquipula Maestas (name blocked out on the copy of the contestation as if done

after it was typed) – reared by Luciano de Herrera as indicated when she married Julio de Herrera, grandnephew of Luciano.

6. The complaint lists “other children reared by Luciano Herrera” but never identifies them by name and they did not sign the complaint.

Administrators of the will –From the complaint – several were heirs as well as administrators but not totally identified

1. Andres de Herrera – Adopted son of Luciano de Herrera. 2. Francisco de Herrera –Grand nephew of Luciano – married to Guadalupe Zamora. 3. Francisco de Luna – This man married Emilia de Herrera daughter of Juan Ramon de

Herrera and Maria Jacoba Trujillo but do not appear to be related to Luciano. The 1900 census shows them living a few houses away from Francisco and Andres de Herrera (Family Number 1 and 2 listed above).

4. Romulo de Herrera – Grand nephew of Luciano de Herrera. 5. Anastacio Garcia – witness to the will and next door neighbor to Luciano. No relation. 6. Francisco de Serna – Helped with the estate inventory – married to Candelaria Salazar –

does not appear to have been related to Luciano. I do not know the conclusion of the Contestation. The estate did not appear to be as large as what was reported in the newspaper as no large parcels of land were listed in the inventory. I was more interested in the fact that Luciano Herrera had adopted so many children who grew up and

used the de Herrera name. Perhaps other records can be found on this family at the Rio Arriba Courthouse in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico by descendants of Luciano.

ABSTRACT OF THE CONTESTATION In the Probate Court, County of Rio Arriba of New Mexico In the matter of the estate of the late Luciano de Herrera To the Honorable Jose Damian Duran, Probate Judge, in and for the County and Territory aforesaid: Your petitioners Gabriel Herrera, Pedro Dominguez, Hermenegildo de Herrera and Juliana Herrera de Tapia, all citizens of the United States, and residents of this County and Territory aforesaid by Benjamin M. Read, Fernando Mestas and George Haskal, their attorneys, come now and protest against the approval of the will of the late Luciano de Herrera, filed in this court and move that the same be, by this Honorable Court declared null and void and of no effect in law, and your petitioners further ask and move that this honorable court they, your petitioners, be declared together with all the others who may be legally recognized as such, heirs of the said Luciano de Herrera, after they, be allowed to establish by legal evidence, their claim as such heirs, and to prove by legal evidence that said will is not a legal will of the said Luciano de Herrera and that it ought not be approved. Your petitioners further move that pending the investigation as to the facts alleged herein, this honorable court appoint some whole disinterested and reliable person as administrator, who may be able to give a good and sufficient bond for the care and protestation of the property of the estate, and for the protection of the rights of all the parties concerned in or affected by the said estate, and that said administrator be required is forthwith immediately, after having qualified as such, make a full and complete inventory and detailed report of all the property real, and personal, belonging to said Luciano de Herrera, at the time of his death, and also as to whether any of the parties mention in said will have in any manner whatsoever taken, appropriated among themselves or used any moneys, animals, grains or any other property of whatever nature it may be which belonged to said Luciano de Herrera in his lifetime and which is now the property of his Estate, with a view of enabling this honorable court to ascertain the just value and worth of such estates and to judge of the amount of the bond to be required of all the parties who shall ultimately be designated by this honorable court as the administrators of the said Estate, and also with the view of ascertaining whether any one has used or appropriated to his or their use, any part or parties of the property of said Estate without the sanction of the law, in order that justice may be done in the premises or grounds of this motion, your petitioners assign the following to wit: Will is null and void 1) Because it names as executor a man who is an heir and the law disqualifies such person from being

even witness in which they are interested.

2) Because one of the alleged witness to the will, to wit: Anastacio Garcia, was unable to sign his name, and someone else signed for him, without witness’s to his cross, and the law requires that witness to a will must sign their name to the will and because said Anastacio Garcia has an interest in the estate. 3) The will does not show that the witnesses were present and that they saw the testator sign his name and that they signed as such witnesses at the request of the testator and in his presence and in the presence of each other but in the con..(Illegible) of said witnesses did not sign as such in the presence of each other. 4) (Scratched through) Because the testator was unable to and did not write his name to the will, as required by law, nor does the will say that he authorized anyone to sign for him.

5) The will is invalid, null and void and is not instituting any person or persons as heir or heirs of the deceased 6) The will being illegal and invalid, and there being no surviving conjugal partner, the estate must, under the law, be administered by the nearest relation of the deceased,, and his brothers being his nearest relatives, are by the law, the only parties authorized to administer the estate. 7) Because the will declares and institutes (sic) all the servants of the deceased as being his legal heirs, but without naming specifically or in plain unambiguous and comprehensible terms who the servants are, and judicial investigation is absolutely necessary to ascertain these servants are in order that a just, equitable and fair distribution of the estate be made in accordance with the letter and spirit of the law. 8)Because the will is indefinite and uncertain in not describing with accuracy, and by clear and unequivocal reference to documents, the real and personal property therein referred to, and by reason of such uncertainty, the will is ineffective and illegal. 9)The will is ineffective and illegal in that it leaves certain real estate situated and lying in “San Juan and Chama Abajo” to all the heirs of the deceased without stating who these heirs are, and without describing said real estate in a manner to enable anyone to know what the testator meant by this bequest. 10) Because the will is imperfect, invalid, illegal and ineffective in other respects. 11) Because the will is a contingent or conditional will. Benjamin M. Read Fernandes Mestas George Haskell Attorneys for the petitioners

The next item is written is Spanish and I translated it for this article Know all these men present that we Francisco A. Luna, Andres de Herrera, principals, and Francisco de Herrera, R. Martinez, William Kinderman and (blank space) as bondsmen are assigned and obliged (surety bond) made in this Territory of New Mexico, in the amount of eleven thousand sixty pesos ($11,060.00 United States Currency) to which we are obliged as joint heirs and administrators on this the 1st day of September 1899. The condition of the obligation listed above states that said Francisco A. Luna, Andres Herrera and Romulo Herrera have been named administrators for the estate of the deceased Luciano de Herrera by the Probate Court of Rio Arriba. Now the said Francisco A. Luna, Andres Herrera and Romulo Herrera complied with their duties as administrators and have accounted for all collection of debts and all expenses by the following report and the surety bond is null and void – Signed Francisco A. Serna ) [seal], Andres de Herrera,[seal]Francisco A Luna [seal] J.R. Martinez [seal] W. Kinderman [seal] Territory of New Mexico, County of Rio Arriba On this 1st day of September 1899, I personally confirm that Francisco A. Serna, Andres Herrera, and Romulo Herrera, Francisco de Luna, J.R. Martinez, Wm. Kinderman, all signed in front of me, Clerk of the Probate Court and who I know personally that their names were signed for the surety bond and they signed same. Manuel Garcia, Clerk of the Court Territory of New Mexico, County of Rio Arriba

On this the 1st day of September, 1899, personally confirmed Francisco de Luna, J.R. Martinez and Wm. Kinderman who have valued said estate and signed their names here. Francisco de Luna, J.R. Martinez, and Wm. Kinderman I swear that the above signed their names on this 1st day of September 1899. Manuel Garcia, Clerk of the Court. Honorable Jose Damian Duran, Probate Court Judge The signatures of the administrators on the estate of the deceased Luciano de Herrera have given us the following list:


26 fanegas of wheat $ 26.00 Manuel J. Vigil 56.00 Serafin Salazar 25.00 From sheep 391.50 Staviano Cata 4.00 Jose A. Garcia 5.00 Habran Vigil 1.40 Manuel Salazar 33.00 Santana 44.00

Expenses Don. Salazar 20.00 P. Salazar 40.00 Libro y carteras (book/env.) 2.80 F.A. de Herrera 7.00 Trabajo 65Cruz 5.00 5.65 Fabian Serna 25.00 Rubel Trujillo 2.25 Trip to Conejos 11.00 A. Read 100.00 Monies for (illegible) 2.00 Abran Vigil 18.00 Subtotal (as written) $42.90 Animals received Fifteen beef cows $150.00 One hundred goats 100.00 Total (as written) $250.00 Respectfully submitted: Romulo Herrera, Francisco Serna, Andres Herrera Administrators Approved by the Judge of the probate Court on the 6th day (month not listed) 1899, J. Damian Duran, Probate Court Judge. Attested to by Manuel Garcia, scribe Filed in my office this 6th day of November 1899, M. Garcia scribe.

Descendants of Juan Antonio de Herrera

Generation No. 1

1. Juan Antonio1 de Herrera1 was born in New Mexico. He married (1) Juana Atencio2 Sep 15, 1776 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, daughter of Maria Atencio. She died Oct 02, 1785 in Santa Clara New Mexico3. He married (2) Maria Margarita Vigil4 Jan 14, 1796 in Santa Clara, New Mexico5, daughter of Francisco Vigil and Maria Padilla. She was born Jun 01, 1765 in Santa Clara, New Mexico. Children of Juan Antonio de Herrera and Juana Atencio are: + 2 i. Jose Antonio2 de Herrera, born in New Mexico; died before 1827 in New

Mexico. 3 ii. Juan Jose de Herrera6, born Apr 22, 1780 in Santa Clara New Mexico. 4 iii. Juana Josefa de Herrera7, born Feb 17, 1783 in Santa Clara New Mexico. + 5 iv. Francisco Antonio de Herrera, born Apr 12, 1784 in San Juan de los Caballeros,

New Mexico; died after 1870 in New Mexico. Children of Juan Antonio de Herrera and Maria Margarita Vigil are: 6 i. Maria Pascuala2 de Herrera. She married Jose Victor Valerio Apr 15, 1813 in

Santa Clara, New Mexico son of Domingo Valerio and Nicolasa Mascareñas. 7 ii. Jose Miguel de Herrera8, born Jun 06, 1795 in Santa Clara New Mexico. + 8 iii. Maria de Jesus de Herrera, born Jun 15, 1799 in Santa Clara New Mexico. 9 iv. Maria del Carmen de Herrera9, born about Jun 18, 1802 in Santa Clara New

Mexico. 10 v. Maria Gracia de Herrera10, born Feb 07, 1805 in Santa Clara New Mexico. She

married Juan de Jesus Abeyta11 Mar 08, 1828 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, son of Tomas Abeyta and Maria Antonia Armenta.

Enumerated in the 1818 census at Abiquiu (Plaza de San Jose) p. 185 - Juan Antonio de Herrera, wife Margarita Vigil, children Jose Miguel, Maria Antonia and Maria de Gracia.

Generation No. 2

2. Jose Antonio2 de Herrera (Juan Antonio1) was born in New Mexico, and died before 1827 in New Mexico. He married Barbara Garcia12 Nov 15, 1802 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, daughter of Juan Antonio Garcia and Ana Maria Mondragon. She was born in New Mexico. Enumerated in the 1818 census at Santa Clara, Plaza de San Jose, living two doors away from his parents, Jose de Herrera, wife Maria Barbara Garcia, children Maria de la Luz, Jose Rafael, Maria Tomasa, Maria de los Reyes, Jose Dolores (name scratched through). Children of Jose Antonio de Herrera and Barbara Garcia are: 11 i. Maria de la Luz3 de Herrera, born in New Mexico. 12 ii. Maria de los Reyes de Herrera, born in New Mexico.

13 iii. Jose Rafael de Herrera13, born Mar 09, 1803 in Chamita, New Mexico. 14 iv. Maria Tomasa de Herrera14, born Mar 07, 1805 in Chamita, New Mexico. She

married Jose Ygnacio Trujillo15 Apr 27, 1827 in Santa Clara, New Mexico; born Aug 18, 1782 in Chamita, New Mexico.

15 v. Maria Francisca de Herrera16, born Oct 04, 1819 in Chamita, New Mexico. 5. Francisco Antonio2 de Herrera (Juan Antonio1)16 was born Apr 12, 1784 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, and died after 1870 in New Mexico. He married Maria Estela Espinosa about 1804, daughter of Antonio Espinosa and Francisca Cordova. She was born Oct 28, 1789 in Chama, New Mexico, and died after 1870 in New Mexico. The family is enumerated in the 1870 U.S. Census 11th Precinct – Francisco Herrera, 90 Maria Estela 81, Cresencio 15. Children of Francisco Antonio de Herrera and Maria Estela Espinosa are: 16 i. Jose Ventura3 de Herrera17, was born Aug 07, 1805 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 17 ii. Antonio Jose de Herrera, born Oct 22, 1807 in Chamita, New Mexico. 18 iii. Maria Francisca de Herrera17, born Mar 10, 1810 in Chamita, New Mexico. 19 iv. Maria de la Natividad de Herrera17, born Dec 23, 1812 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 20 v. Salvador Policarpio de Herrera, born May 24, 1814 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 21 vi. Jose de Jesus de Herrera, born Jan 11, 1819 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 22 vii. Jose Gabriel de Herrera, born about 1822 in New Mexico. + 23 viii. Jose Luciano de Herrera, born May 25, 1823 in Chamita, New Mexico. 24 ix. Antonio Enrique de Herrera, born Jul 09, 1826 in Chamita, New Mexico. 25 x. Juan Antonio de Herrera, born Apr 27, 1834 in Chamita, New Mexico. 8. Maria de Jesus2 de Herrera (Juan Antonio1)18 was born Jun 15, 1799 in Santa Clara New Mexico. She married Jose Joaquin Salazar19 May 16, 1816 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, son of Antonio Espinosa and Petra Salazar. He was born Mar 15, 1792 in Santa Clara, New Mexico. Child of Maria de Jesus de Herrera and Jose Joaquin Salazar is: 26 i. Jose de La Encarnacion3 Salazar20, born Mar 22, 1838 in Santa Clara New


Generation No. 3

17. Antonio Jose3 de Herrera (Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1)21 was born October 22, 1807 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married Maria Peregrina Cisneros22 October 10, 1832 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, daughter of Diego Cisneros and Barbara Martin. She was born December 18, 1818 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico. Children of Antonio de Herrera and Maria Peregrina Cisneros are: + 27 i. Jose Bacilio4 de Herrera, born about 1832 in New Mexico. 28 ii. Maria Ysabel de Herrera, born about Jun 05, 1832 in Chamita, New Mexico.

29 iii. Jose Benito de Herrera, born Apr 13, 1835 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 30 iv. Juana Maria de Herrera, born Feb 08, 1837 in Chamita, New Mexico. + 31 v. Francisco Antonio de Herrera, born Apr 20, 1841 in Chamita, New Mexico. 32 vi. Julio de Herrera23, born Apr 20, 1843 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married

Maria Matilda Pacheco23 Jan 08, 1867 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico.

33 vii. Diego Antonio de Herrera, born Jan 04, 1847 in Chamita, New Mexico. 34 viii. Maria Teodora de Herrera, born Mar 30, 1848 in Chamita, New Mexico. 20. Salvador Policarpio3 de Herrera (Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born May 24, 1814 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married Maria Hermenegilda Cordova24 about 1837. Children of Salvador Policarpio de Herrera and Maria Hermenegilda Cordova are: 35 i. Maria Paula4 de Herrera25, born Mar 22, 1838 in Chamita, New Mexico. 36 ii. Manuel de Herrera25, born Mar 22, 1838 in Chamita, New Mexico. 37 iii. Maria Ysabel de Herrera25, born Jan 02, 1842 in Chamita, New Mexico. 38 iv. Maria Guadalupe Quirina de Herrera25, born Dec 31, 1844 in Chamita, New

Mexico. 39 v. Maria Soledad de Herrera25, born Aug 06, 1848 in Chamita, New Mexico. 40 vi. Antonio Jose de Herrera25, born Oct 12, 1849 in Chamita, New Mexico. 41 vii. Manuel de Herrera25, born Apr 22, 1852 in Chamita, New Mexico. 21. Jose de Jesus3 de Herrera (Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born Jan 11, 1819 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married (1) Maria Manuela Cisneros26, daughter of Felipe Nerio Cisneros and Maria Ygnacia Quintana. She was born in Abiquiu, New Mexico. He married (2) Maria de los Remedios Duran daughter of Mauricio Duran and Maria Felipa de Jesus Baca. Children of Jose de Herrera and Maria Manuela Cisneros are: 42 i. Antonio Jose4 de Herrera27, born Jan 16, 1845 in Chamita, New Mexico. 43 ii. Maria Antonia de Jesus de Herrera28, born about May 14, 1850 in Chamita, New

Mexico. + 44 iii. Crescencio de Herrera, born about 1855 in New Mexico. Child of Jose de Jesus de Herrera and Maria de los Remedios Duran is: 45 i. Jose Aniceto4 de Herrera29, born Apr 08, 1857 in Chamita, New Mexico. He

married Nepomucena Trujillo30 Oct 20, 1890 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico30 daughter of Maria Antonia Trujillo.

22. Jose Gabriel3 de Herrera (Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born about 1822 in New Mexico. He married (1) Maria Guadalupe Aniceta Cordova31. She died Dec 16, 1846 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico. He married (2) Maria Antonia Valdez32 after Nov 17, 1847 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, daughter of Francisco Valdez and Nicolasa Romo.

The family is enumerated in the 1850 U.S. Census Rio Arriba - Gabriel Herrera 28, Maria 25, Maria 4 and Leandro 2 months.

Children of Jose de Jesus de Herrera and Maria Antonia Valdez are:

46 i. Juana Maria4 de Herrera32, born Oct 06, 1848 in Chamita, New Mexico. 47 ii. Jose Leandro de Herrera32, born Mar 12, 1850 in Chamita, New Mexico. 23. Jose Luciano3 de Herrera (Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1)33 was born May 25, 1823 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married Maria Andrea Garcia about Mar 16, 1849 in Santa Clara, New Mexico, daughter of Jose Francisco Garcia and Maria Guadalupe Martin. She was born about 1832 in New Mexico, and died between 1885 and 1899 in New Mexico. Children of Jose Luciano de Herrera and Maria Andrea Garcia are: 48 i. Maria Teodora4 de Herrera34, born Mar 31, 1850 in New Mexico; died before

1860 in New Mexico. 49 ii. Jose Antonio de Herrera35, born Jan 22, 1862 in Chamita, New Mexico; died

before 1870 in New Mexico. 50 iii. Rita de Herrera, born Jan 22, 1862 in Chamita, New Mexico; died before 1870 in

New Mexico. Adopted Children 51 iv. Vicenta Garcia, born about 1838. 52 v. Francisco Pacheco, born about 1843. 53 vi. Navajo - Maria Juana de Herrera, born about 1848. 54 vii. Navajo - Jose Antonio de Herrera36, born about 1854. He was listed as an

adopted son when he married Maria Salome Montoya on Jul 04, 1875 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, daughter of Juan Montoya and Maria Dolores Garcia.

+ 55 viii. Navajo - Miguel de Herrera, born about 1857. Married Nicolasa Fresques, who was also an adopted child of Jose Luciano de Herrera.

56 ix. Indian - Maria Guadalupe de Herrera, born before 1866. 57 x. Navajo - Jose Guadalupe de Herrera37 was born about 1866. 58 xi. Navajo - Andres de Herrera, born about 1869. Listed as an adopted son at the

time of his marriage when he married Maria Dolores Cordova38 Jan 14, 1889 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico; born Oct 06, 1869 daughter of Francisco Cordova and Maria de los Angeles Sanchez.

59 xii. Navajo - Juliana de Herrera39, born about 1872. She married Clemente Tapia on Jul 09, 1888 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico; born about 1862 in San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico son of Inocencio Tapia and Maria de la Cruz Cruz.

60 xiii. Sesaria de Herrera was born about 1872. 61 xiv. Meregildo de Herrera40, born about 1873 San Juan de los Caballeros son of

Dorotea Fresques, Indian servant of Salvador Fresques. He married Genoveva Zamora40 Aug 09, 1890 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico. His marriage record indicated that he was an adopted son of Jose Luciano de Herrera.

62 xv. Maria Esquipula Mestas41, born about 1873. At the time of her married she was listed as having been reared by Jose Luciano de Herrera, although her parents Juan Mestas and Maria Dolores Mestas were listed in her marriage record. She married Julio de Herrera Nov 02, 1888 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico son of Francisco Antonio de Herrera and Catalina Mascareñas.

+ 63 xvi. Nicolasa Fresques, born about 1865, listed as an adopted child in the 1885 New Mexico Territorial census. She was daughter of Dorotea Fresques, Indian, and therefore sister to Meregildo de Herrera listed above – person # 61. She married Jose Miguel de Herrera - person #55

64 xvii Pedro Dominguez – listed as a complainant on the will case. He was mentioned as having been redeemed by Luciano de Herrera after being captured by the Indians. He married Juana De Herrera, niece of Luciano.

Generation No. 4

27. Jose Bacilio4 de Herrera (Antonio Jose3, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born about 1832 in New Mexico. He married Maria Lorenza Montoya42 Feb 25, 1855 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, daughter of Rafael Montoya and Maria Dolores Garcia. She was born about 1840 in New Mexico.

Family enumerated in the 1860 U.S. Census at Rio Arriba - Bacilio Herrera age 28, Lorenza Montoya 18, Antonio Herrera 1, Manuel Martin 47 (laborer) Maria Herrera 37, Ramon Martin 17

Children of Jose Bacilio de Herrera and Maria Lorenza Montoya are: 65 i. Maria Antonia5 de Herrera43 was born May 11, 1859 in Chamita, New Mexico. 66 ii. Antonio Jose de Herrera43 was born Mar 16, 1861 in Chamita, New Mexico. 67 iii. Jose Gabriel de Herrera43 was born Mar 26, 1863 in Chamita, New Mexico. 68 iv. Juana de Herrera43was born Oct 21, 1864 in Chamita, New Mexico. 69 v. Jose Benito de Herrera43 was born Mar 21, 1867 in Chamita, New Mexico. 70 vi. Francisco Antonio de Herrera43 was born Mar 21, 1869 in Chamita, New Mexico.

He married Maria Guadalupe Teodora Zamora Sep 26, 1891 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico daughter of Tomas Zamora and Teodora Gonzales.

71 vii. Jose Benito de Herrera was born Nov 28, 1870 in Chamita, New Mexico. 30. Juana Maria4 de Herrera (Antonio Jose3, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born Feb 08, 1837 in Chamita, New Mexico. She married Pedro Dominguez44 Nov 10, 1857 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, son of Teodoro Dominguez and Tomasa Romero. He was born about 1830 in New Mexico. Pedro was redeemed from the Indians by Luciano de Herrera and was considered an adopted child. Children of Juana de Herrera and Pedro Dominguez are: 72 i. Maria Ysabel5 Dominguez, born about 1857 in New Mexico. She married Jose

Ramon Montoya Jun 25, 1879 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico45; born Jan 17, 1859 in Chamita, New Mexico.

73 ii. Jose Leandro Dominguez was born Feb 27, 1859 in Chamita, New Mexico. 74 iii. Maria Manuela Dominguez was born Oct 25, 1860 in Chamita, New Mexico. 75 iv. Jose Anastacio Dominguez was born May 08, 1862 in Chamita, New Mexico.

He married Maria Dolores Espinosa46 Feb 05, 1881 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico.

76 v. Francisco Antonio Dominguez47 was born about 1863 in New Mexico. He married Maria Guadalupe Montoya47 Nov 23, 1890 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico.

31. Francisco Antonio4 de Herrera (Antonio Jose3, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born Apr 20, 1841 in Chamita, New Mexico. He married Francisca Catarina Mascareñas Jan 16, 1862 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico, daughter of Jose Guadalupe Mascareñas and Maria Esquipula Quintana. Child of Francisco Antonio de Herrera and Francisca Catarina Mascareñas is: 76 i. Julio5 de Herrera. He married Maria Esquipula Mestas48 Nov 02, 1888 in San

Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico; born about 1873 an adopted daughter of Luciano de Herrera.

44. Crescencio4 de Herrera (Jose de Jesus3, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born about 1855 in New Mexico. He married Maria Josefa Trujillo Jan 26, 1874 in San Juan de los Caballeros, New Mexico daughter of Manuel Trujillo and Maria Quintana.

Enumerated in the 1870 census living with his grandparents Francisco Antonio de Herrera 90 and Estela Espinosa 81 , Cresencio 15.

Child of Crescencio de Herrera and Maria Josefa Trujillo is: 78 i. Romulo5 de Herrera49 was born Oct 03, 1875 in Chamita, New Mexico. 55. Miguel4 de Herrera (Jose Luciano3, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1) was born about 1857 in Navajo territory. He married (1) Nicolasa Fresques50, daughter of Dorotea Fresques. Adopted by Luciano de Herrera, she was about born November 21, 1865 in Villita, New Mexico. Child of Miguel de Herrera and Nicolasa Fresques is: + 79 i. Adelaida5 de Herrera, born Dec 18, 1881 in Chamita, New Mexico. She married

Donaciano de Herrera. 63. Nicolasa4 Fresques (Jose Luciano3 de Herrera, Francisco Antonio2, Juan Antonio1)50 was born about 1865. She married Miguel de Herrera, adopted son of Luciano de Herrera and Maria Andrea Garcia. He was born about 1857 in Navajo territory. Child is listed above under (55) Miguel de Herrera.


1. Compiled by Windham & Santa Clara Marriages - 1726-1832 San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 82. 2. Compiled by Windham & Baca, Santa Clara Marriages - 1726-1832 San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 70. 3. AASF Roll 38, Santa Clara Deaths, frame 520. 4. Compiled by Windham & Baca, Santa Clara Marriages - 1726-1832 San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 82. 5. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, San Juan 1726-1776 1831-1855 and Santa Clara Marriages 1726-1832, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 82. 6. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 40. 7. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 45. 8. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 82. 9. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 107.

10. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 115. 11. Compiled by Windham & Baca, Santa Clara Marriages - 1726-1832 San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 112. 12. Compiled by Windham & Baca, Santa Clara Marriages - 1726-1832 San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776, 1831-1855, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 90. 13. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 109. 14. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 115. 15. Compiled by Tom Martinez, Santa Clara Baptisms 1728-1861 Tom, self Publication, 244. 16. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication). 192 17. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 192. 18. Compiled by Gonzales, Santa Clara Baptisms 1729-1805, (Self-publication), 97. 19. Compiled by Tom Martinez, Santa Clara Baptisms 1728-1861 Tom, self Publication, 213. 20. Compiled by Tom Martinez, Santa Clara Baptisms 1728-1861 Tom, self Publication, 50. 21. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 192. 22. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, San Juan 1726-1776 1831-1855 and Santa Clara Marriages 1726-1832, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 22. 23. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 28. 24. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication). 198 25. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 198. 26. Compiled by Tom Martinez, Abiquiu Baptisms 1754-1866, (Self Publication). 192 27. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 193. 28. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 192-193. 29. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 193. 30. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 106. 31. Compiled by Fray Angelico Chaves, New Mexico Roots Ltd., (LDS Microfiche), 841. 32. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 192. 33. AASF Reel 40, Frame 44. 34. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 193. 35. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 192. 36. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 49. Jul 4, 1875 - Without the banns due to grave reasons, Jose Antonio de Herrera single adoptive son of Luciano de Herrera and Maria Andrea Garcia with Maria Salome Montoya single daughter of Juan Montoya and Maria Dolores Garcia both from Chamita. 37. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 193. 38. Compiled by Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), p. 100 - Jan 14, 1889 Andres de Herrera adopted son of Luciano de Herrera and Andrea Garcia with Maria Dolores Cordova single, legit daughter of Francisco Cordova and Maria de los Angeles Sanchez both from San Pedro de Chamita. 39. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 97. Jul 9, 1888, Clemente Tapia from the Pueblo of San Juan, legit son of Asencion Tapia and Maria de la Cruz Cruz, deceased, with Juliana de Herrera, single raised by don Luciano de Herrera and Andrea Garcia. 40. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 105. San Juan Marriages HGRC - p. 105 Aug 9, 1890 Meregildo de Herrera single son of Dorotea Fresquez raised by Luciano de Herrera and Andrea Garcia with Genoveva Samora single/ legit daughter of Tomas Samora and Maria Teodora Gonzales deceased from Chamita. 41. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 98. 42. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, San Juan 1726-1776 1831-1855 and Santa Clara Marriages 1726-1832, (NMGS - Alb. NM), 33. 43. Compiled by Tom Martinez, San Juan de los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, (Self Publication), 193. 44. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 3. San Juan Marriages - HGRC p. 3 Nov 10, 1857 Pedro Dominguez single son of Teodoro Dominguez and Tomasa Romero with Maria Juana de Herrera single legit daughter of Jose de Herrera and Peregina Cisneros. 45. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 58. 46. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 67. 47. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 107. 48. Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Marriages 1857-1900, (HGRC-Alb, NM), 98. 49. Extracted & Compiled by Luis Padilla, San Juan Baptisms Vol 2, HGRC - Alb. NM, 62. 50. U.S. Government, 1885 New Mexico Territorial Census.