The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (1) Oct 5, 1960



Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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College President Ex1ends Welcome To Student Body

A we our 27th year u Junior e:ollqe we flnd the ha.11•

and cla.uroom.a of the bu1ld.tn11" lll•rally ja.mmed with atudenta eager to ger. an educaUon. M th1a la beln&' "'" •~ h.a""'e enrollt'ld tor day d...­the la.rgut mrollme-nl in th,. hJl\ory of th• ochool Thll r~prt'9t'nta an tncre-aae of ap­proxtmalrly le-n pe-rcent over !&al , .. ,

ll la vvy graUfylnJ to th• faculty and odmlnlnrauon 1'> note that the .wde.nt.a thla year arc c.oming LO college wllh better high ochool proporauon end more dttertnJ.naUon LO mPlke good lhon hu been evident tor A number of yeer•. \Vbelhe.r t.hJ• (leLcrmlna.tlon wUI carry over through the llChool year rrmaJna to ~ atcn, bul lbc )'rutnt pr-t.a look sood. and tor that wt are tha.nklul

Thia ye&r may hold rr•t promlae Cor th• future or NIJC a now appear-a almo1t c~rtaJn that funda will be made ovall· eblt" .oon through the Homt" n.ntJ I fou•lng Finance Agency for lh• con1tn1cUqn of a new Student Union bullcllng jUal nbrth oC Lh< i.rymn4.llum

Hooe IALJ<• school dlatr1•t hu rccontly vol•d lo join tho Junior r<1ll•g• dl•tr1<t, l•avlnr only Spirit Leko and Athol dlllr1<ta to mtlko tL untullmOUI for Kootcnol County. Some <lt!Una In Kellogg and \ VaJlarf'! arc f"rtoUAly conoldorlng the poaol· blllly of bringing !lh.-hon• C4'1unly Into lht1 junl'1r rol1f'(t" dl•lrie:l, thw providing n. grf'al IAVIOk In tutUon LO Ulr ln<Tt'lllf­lng num~r ot 1tudf'nta who are tomlng from lhe mining nren

The collrga odmlnl•1 rn lion tm• r Me:IYCd mnny r~uule lo hold nnothtr bond oleNlon to provJtJfl the fw1da tor morr llbmry, lflboralory, and <"l•a11· room roellltlca. 1f th<ro I• c-nough dlettlct-wldeo unlimf'nl In fA\'Or ot nnothrr tlM"Uc.m. J am sure lh«' board w uuM M"rtoutly conaldl'r lhe malltr

ThtN' 11 a good i.:hanre that lh• Unlv•rolly will 1tart up1><r (UvlaIOJ\ CIUl('I hNfl In $('p­tcmbtr. 1001. making It po.I· albto tor m&n)' 1tudcnll lo ¥l'l ~P 1 )·tnr8 ot t."Ollega hero In Corur d' Alene?. TM1 ru-og-rnm wilt depend upon 1.hfl room o."t1t1ubta n.l the coUtg~ to huh.1 the,,. cJaue.1. A• or now. thf room 11 not a\'allablf'

Much ot lhf IU«f'M, or thf'lot plan• ... 111 J•1><nd upon th• ('nlhualum and 1upport of thr e:ollf'Cf! 1tullrnla. Att.-r all. ~QU it.and to protlt more than a.ny ~

""r t\M Crom lh~•o rhan~ a.m.t Improvement•

DI.cum t.h~m with )vur pa,.nt• lllld nelghbOra IO that when 11.nd lf they or you ahould bo gtn~n the opportuntty lo a. votf' or v.:.prcu nn opln111n, It mov be don~ tnlrllii;tnll)' wltb all lhe fact.a at hn.nd

Dr. G 0 Klldo" Collcg10 PrMldent

Faculty Will Sponsor Mizer Thursday Night

Tht ttnll bl~ rollog-~ eocla.l t\ tnl or lhc year \\ lll bit lh• fac:ulty·&Porl.IOM!d mtx,r. '4hlC'h will be held TbUrada)' f:\ ~runs ln lhe: gym. Th~ wdt 11la.rt at S:OO p . m. a.n\1 wm tnJ nt 11 :00 p. m.

The.rt" -..1u be a ''n.rlely or actt\'1Uta, ln<"ludlnG dandng. quit\ game• and acttvei pmH. Thtre ahou.ta bt aomethtng Lo appeal to t\'tr)'body

Tht faculty ~;Jl pro,·ld~ tree rdreahmmt.a tor lhoae who •U~nd. Tbe purpoa ot lhe mlxer to lO get the stucknta ac. qU&lnt..ed w1lh each olbtr and w1lh the faculty.


Virginia City Pl.ayers Home B ase

1'b on"'D :ibovt Iii 0J)f'rn Jlouv Ill \lrdnla City, l.lont .. \~htn­thr Vir ginia City VlA)f'no1 p rf"'4('nl t.Mlr !Ua~t" play~ 4" "Ul'llmrr ror tourl-.ttt \\hO "'ilOP ft f thr lamt."Cl old mlDJng dty.

Famed Virginia City Players Will Give Play Here Oct. 14

On Oc:lobf!r u , a prore-.. llf\&1 theatrical group kn""'l\ th Vt~lnta C\ty Playrn wUI ap-1"'•• In th• NUC gym Al ~ 00 p m curt.a.In wtll rt.ff on Bem&rd Shaw·a "Anni and \hf' ~tan"

The tttmt nd(1u1ly tunny play pmv1~d ao pn1>ular In VlrJlnla City It ran tor 1lx wf"rka thlfl put eummf'r

The n.ruon la.k• on' ba<"k 1n IHS!\ 11.nd th• S.rbLan·Bulpr1an wnr. A young ~·1• girl. •·ho hhJr1 a proteatonaJ 90hU4"r flShllng tor th• S.-rba, ftnds lh• conscquencea can bf" '~.r1 '°ra'"e A.tttr U\c war th' 80Jdlrr re­tunw Thll C'Ompll~\4"9 hu betrothal to a O•n:e Bulprian major. and In tum a.lmcwt oatraC'l.ZN her father.

B~rnard Tun~. lt~adtng l.C'tor omong th• lfl'OUP. \\111 •!'PH• In " panl<>mlm• of • hapl a1l.1,maul on a botch~ Lrlp lo thei tnoon I-le ""111 a.i.o 1.p~ar In hi• IOIO act \\ hlch la ...... • tOl'l' w1thoul. worda t-nllllfld 'Th• J>r<>ap«:tor, th• Ja<kau

and th• nea" A batt>Onh<>p QU&rt•ll•, a

mO(k ttnnon. C'OmC'dy dancing and tunny .... dine. al~ ••Lb 80ngl anJ ltl..nt'ff of thC' Ca) ·90·•. nu a 11,·.iy anJ amuatni: halC-hour Coll<>'..tng th• play

Tht program I• <>pen t<> th• public. ILRd tlle co.t la U 00 or n 1LudMI. body tkkt:t.

LSA Invites All Students To Join

The t..ut.hi.-.ran St.udtnl A~ cSatlon ot the collc-ti;e v.:taha. ll \\ elC'Omf' all and an~·­one e~ v. ho ma~ be tntt""°tl'd tn JOlning the club to com• to tla mcelln.gL Thtre \\ill ~ a f"llOll\t:r on the bultelln board \C"ltinc of lbe ume a.nd plac-ie ot lhtt<e mcc-Unga.

Tlua )·ear LSA hopeis to ha\ e:­tv. o mcellngs ea.Ch month Ont \\ \ll be for dlscuasion a.nd Uw olher will ba,'"e M!Creatton

CA1'"DY ~IAJH.-:C: 1n::_,,10~

All cc,Ue:g., atuJe.n\.8 are In· nted to a cand) ·m•kln£' demon· atnt.uon in thto home l'C room al 1 :SO Oct.. 19 ,,_ha Jean Martm. home: e:conom~ for tht" U and J Supr CO. wiU ptt'M>nl lh~ progra.m unckr .spon.wrahlp of the home cc de:pa.rtmt"nt.

Enrollment Hits All-Time Peak Of 460 This Fall

\\·hrn :--.:uc rr <~ty ha.JI quartf"n. ... Jr ma.a ''&c.aUon tn lPtP dovr eetl.mall'd that the- pT nt campus tar1ht1f"a ~'l>Uld ~ • quat• for ltn yf"ars. f':nrnltmrnt th111 fall temt mndt h\1 pf"t'dt • lion come tn1""· w1lh ht. tsti· mal~ ot :'iOO •lud1.: nt1 In 1Dell almoet f'9.('.hNI. At Uit thlllN" of rf"K\l'tntlon M onda), 460 \\en 1ttt>ndln$: d&••· RecutraUon WlUI ru.-tt.r &.l OGt" pol.nt . l!WI ngu .... ln<lud• all dropout.a at th• <I- Of ~tratlon

A Yf'•r ~ at lM COt"f'NPCIDd· lng tlm11, 4.16 '4""Cre rq:tattt'l'd. In 1~1 f inal fall •nrollmmt abowed I U rectaltnod at :-O'JJC Tbe p.-ll faculty hu u many metnbfof'8 u lhere wrrt! .tuckct.a t""'Ued In I~ 4. 'Mlenextlal'Ueof~•Rrntw

wtll carry • oomrl• tf' break· oJown <>t curnmt ~riatr&Uon

ah~ ..-i.e... otuJuta come Crom. what ckp&rlmeDU they ha•~ enrolled ID. and an)' other da la "' i.nlereat

T!ua fall llllllon ... , ....... ralMd ,.,,. atud<mta Ob\ c! the iuruor collece dlalricl Onplte thla n>O\'t by th• roll-re -rd of tnat.-. approxtma.tely OG<­tow-Ut of lhe 111.udeal bod)' m&df' up ot non·r'9&1dMll&.

l l ....._<ages W ill S.. P U>d

H ere ia; a tt.mlndcr to all at 1· deal& , may be tteel\'Ull ma..l or teltpbane eall1 at tht <oll<i:• ~o m_ .. of acy kU>d will be d..11~ Tbcy will be poal· et! ID the mau> ball on the llptdal bullrtln - '-"'et! ior lha pu.rpome A ll •tudenl.9 uked to cbeck UU. bullelln boa.rd at OD«' • Jaye 1t may ~ lmport&nl to )"VU.

KEEP GR OC\'D:> CLE.\ -: T1i> ensure that Mll~c

gTOUnd.6 thls arc k~pl

tookLng neat, •tudent.a •·tw. e&l lunch ln lhe:lr c:a.n an rem.ind~ t.ho.t empty udc•, Vi.-rapprr&. a..nd 90(t dnnk bottle. to be de-poelt..t ln proper wute con la.lnus. The admw.tra.Uon exp«t.a: 1lnct a~rence to lh1a col· lep regulation.

Series of Four College Orientation Programs By Administration and Student Board Underway Tb~ tirwt proram ~ rte.

of tour orienuat Qin mw ,.-.. held ::fl In the coU r• Q?IUIJUllllm. Thr aumlbl .... which are compul»ory !or all atudent.a he.Id to &.eQ.laint

the •t.Udcnta v.'ilh the achoo 'he faculty. and the pollClN and rttUlaUone wh!ch will tc.virrn th•m.

The ~min~ addroo ._-u made by the prl!S!dtr.t or the college, Dr. G 0 KU""'". who welcomM lht .student.a to th ~gumin« ot t.M :7t.b. yar ('If th• ext.ot•r.ce or ::-.'JJC Dr Kil· dow broui:ht out the fact th:.!

Dr. G. O. HUdow tbi oili::Dent lhi.. year ts tho l&r: m the <Ollege·a history Re then l.nt.roduood the faculty, "hlch be ,,aid be Coand In hla •xptnt'.ru:. w llK!Gnd to nQDe ln Lbelr ~ pttf<>rn>ance

Dr. !Wdow .,,umeratod tho rwpon.m.bWU• of the C&<ulty and lllUdenta 1.11 <>rdcr that the otaden ta could r•t the most po8Si.bJ.e out. of their et.Jucauon. Some of u,.. facully ,..ponai. bllWei won to bring the !&tat IJ1!W'ID&UC1n cm &n.)' given aub-o Ject lO the stad<nt. &ad to a.alst I.hem Lil bdpila&' t.bemwJv..._ For ua Jlllt'PON • .-c11 uad<:nt 1a ....

-- to &D - ...... Tiie ~ tie. of the at-ta lndDdc altmdlng f.'Y•ry claa - l&ldDI! lime to prepare &Ulpmmta 1,.IUclJ usually - ~llK twn kvun of stud f 'rt la ur of

Vet Enrollment Takes Another Tumble To 14

Tb number ot stud• m al~

t ""JUlll' 1'"IJC und•r th G I Bill bu drop-pod to H thJa year u compared to 30 la•t fall and i3 the fall •emnt .. r ot J~.

Offle<1 ..-.rdo ahow I.hat th fOrUormg .i.udeat.a are attend· Ing und<!r Pub!Jc Lawa MO. ~­"11d 634. Charlea Adama. Ea.rle Allman, Rutua Cook. Ralph Do· nnt. Richard Hai.ted. Gordon Ho!!ma.nn. i\-~ce Holcombe, John Amis, Wayne Paraon•. Gerald Plumlee, Larry S.Ue. Bruce Shafer, Herbert Smith, and David Snydtr

\'E T.£ RA .. '1S S()Tt;

PubUc Law ~ veteran. arc re-minded they to com· plete \' A Fonn l 096a at tbe end of each month. SOme have not y~t till~ out the ronn for the month ot September

l&a Ume' and all ~mbJy pro~1 rroup mttUnp. The tracbcn ha\'o •<ported to Dr KU<!<M• that thero Is an unusu11ll> rood poup <it l'tude.nt.& lh•• )!"<'• ..

\ltt'r Dr Kiidow m :uldreu, uio president of t .. r l d nt bod)', Wall)' Ada.mJI, wn . "tra-duced. Re commcnkd the fact Utat no matter hov. D.\"')'

a oo~ ls bt!.nr 1J1k~n •here 1a alwava a ·UlUf' Ume t be a.pent On the ~llft'l"''I' M«.""lal act1\1 .... ~

Al the 81Kond onenl .ton

\ VtLU) Adam_~

rn...,ung, the Ooa.n or the F&<UJ­ty Mr. Chrl.-Uo.nJK.1n, out.ltned aorn.e of the ruJca or th,. college Th""e tncluded keeping the J:lrla· lounge clean, &ttcnd all claa.e,m poUlble. have no liquor a t. any ut the college !uncUon•. a.nd k"'P the grounds free from lunch Utter.

M•. Cbrtstiaruron lntormGd tho group that the <<>lloge Is tully accrcdlted, o.nd the credit.a ea.m­ed hero can be transferred any­where.

Another potnt brought out " that lf a studv>t mlUed t n percent ot his meet· tn~a without an excuae. he auto­maUc&Uy rec:ctives an ''F'' for the courae. An emph4&1ud point o f the addrua wu the fact that there la n 10 mil• p<r b<.ur opeod limit by tho nearby rro.•le llChool. which will bo 1triclly enforced tor lha pro­tection of the children.

ln ( onc.Juaton ot tbe uaembly. 1tud•nl bGdy pruldent Wally Adam11 lntroduccd prcatdcnta and rcpre&e.nlAUvu ot tho var· tf)IJ.8 e:luba o.nd organtzallona. Each r<:pttaentaUve br1cny told u • purp<>ae or ha club.

Student Elections Set For Oct. 7

An ~bly for the nomlna· Uon of offlcu11 will be held In the l:YTn Friday, OcL ; , during lhe ae:llvtty period. Each cl.Us mu1t nomtnat..o candJdnt~ tor the orttcee of pre.stdcnt, vice· prca.ldcnt. and secretary. NomJ· no.Uona wtU also be open tor tho student body ... 1ce-prc.atdcnt.

ln addJUon, ca.ndlclatea wW bo chosen to run for four J)Old.Uon.a on the •tudcnt union board.

Student body pruldent Wally Aclama wrui olected !&at y..,. '!'be atudent bOard olecta the

1tudent body oecret.sry.

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ,......., s-.;._tW, o-;., .... Cello9• y .. , ., ___ ,, .. ....


lle,.....n IC.I•• P•t..w•. W 4e w.~-.. Ut. Pe~ ....... Atefri•rt, Uri At JllY•. h•• Jtilf • t• tw••• • "d ..1., ...,...,..

To oJI now ituoon1. o. wca Io. roh,r· "'9 t""Ooa' ~. '"'c t1e•spoper >loll would hie lo woic.omo you bet• lo IChooo. 1111 11 )'>"" now-ipopor. ond it •• oe- put our e.,ery h•O •H'-S. lir.o • or .. dOno on th" popot •· por1ormod by tour tollo .. sr...oon'l mo<I do not roce1Ye monolory •••ord• ror Iller olfOrl>. l •• on 1 poy1n9 po11t1on1 ore fho!ot!' of co od1tou, sfudont ao., ior, or.a phol09rophor. lv>y .tudonl wllo would I..., to wo•a "" the •ott w1U bo wolcomod wormly. lhe """ not fwird ond ••pe< ence 1n nOW>popor work and "'"''"9 can be 90inod.

Ono footuro ol tho popo · 1h" y.,.r w1 be .. hot •• hope on och•o 'lotion to lho od1lor w umn. 1 column • t;i•• ovoryono o chonco lo voice. h11 op1n1on, wbo•t;., rt bo cntoCdll'I or pro•"'· 01 co..r:.o, lho •ub1oct1 of tho letton tliouid be 000<. ~ .omoth1ng c.onnoclod with •ho 1c.hool, b..t the (;QI!!• >h<>•ld not bo uniu>t .tom•. Yo11 .iudon1> ofton hove good a.. or bona>t griovonco1 that hove o r ght lo be a rod Tha u. _.,..., o good chance lo gel tho:.a thing> on tilt> Cpe!l where t!>ey c.o.:. bo l1•lonod to ond pou1bly actod wpon. :.o we urgto yo-~ lo port1cipolo ond write your lottors to the oclitors.

Otho< foaturo• planned for th• t"°' oro ll>OfO c:oc:-.ple • &pO<t c.o""rego, o meoMho-•tudonl-offocen co umn. o g••I penor.a 1'f column, op1111on polh. ond o humorou. hoppon""J' n o;; ce~ >ection. tf onyono seos or hoer. onytflin9 tho• u f:mny. p!ee.e iot 1t down and h.irn 1t an so everyone can bo 111 on ·he job.

Someth1119 new for tho staff th•• year ;, o ploce • wbiao t: do our '°"""' un worl. We hove been 9rontec:I pe:=-. •c u-..o tho 'omm1tloa room n which we can do ou• wnhng, ~9 filing, odd1 ond end•, ol\d 1n which we con ~ o..r roee•tng.­Becouso " I\ our worls.hop, we must <1.• o uno"thor :ed peopl. to plea c 1toy out. Tooch.n w1 bo louftCJ the r clii.- in o •how !ham mcv11• , but orhor rhon that, only !"°"' wtlo worl o· tho UW>popet oro suppo>od to u o rho room.

In oddohon to 1tr<119ht now>popor wor~ .... ore II) ng to 9" 0«J•n1:od o clou of 1ou1noll\111 Tho dou W0111d mee• ono !I... o .. ool, and "ould corry ou credo• hout. The f><'fPO'O of • cla· wo.11d bo lo tcoch tho 11.,0onh tho otl ol 1ouma ism mo. fully th. o !hey e<1n go1n by I" I working on the paper. Then proct1c I 01por once ;:ould bo gooned by the wor• on The R11Voew Th• clo· would nol bo ltm1tod to 1u>I those on the stall, but 11 opon lo onyono who • 1n oro1tcd Mr, Wend! tho &tudon! ~dv1>0r, would bo 1n chorgo of tho clo •·

We hopo lnol you w II got 111 moil out of thi1 yoor of ce oqe - boih Kholo,!ic.olly ond ocool y -. ond tho! th• paper ,.. contnbuto lo your on1oymonr ol NIJC. -N. 1.

poc od, tl>e , o p po o.." "<I Lng durinq "'9 urohon. O:ie <I>!>) •

copy w U go to +,,. yeo~ n of•.

decided ofror coM>de· ng ~•"°"• or• doff 5hou1d •h s year 090

I of ••! yeor For ••o bonet I The new spcpe" w co~e O(;

year ond may be poclod ~p 11•0 \\od~~ We w er.,• of eo:h .o "" i;oo•ec pope<• o c:opoei w be ::o"'b r.oa wo '-

0& ond odci ti0n0 .,a,..,f..,~..-.:s ono The .., • l"Chi'1» 1eot. e d ~ - ...

ho oorboo~ w; be •.,. '°""° si:e

n ~';ot."1 wa"' ""° o na o burdrn imposed by o '°P"'•'• o~d ,,,.,,.

e oboro•e yo.>rbool •' 14omocl mod logic.. lo !Ty Iii· w:home er year.


Due to the odv~rl; <n n•1 in 1h;1 popotr th& e~f·e i;od o· pubfuh ng tho popor i1 not liaed upon the •rudents. Tho re•onuo qoinod from tho od• i u.oct to cover cost. of produc· ng !he po~· wh;ch greatly roduc" th• price thot tj,o •tudenh would hove to poy othOtWi... In rolum for thi'- wo hope studen!l w·a polroni:o tho morchonts who cooporote in our•ion1 von· turoi ot NIJC.

OUr Cant )f,...,l ttw- l'n.! C'blwnn t of' th.., ,-,,...-,. 9f"•l c°'l' I)r .. F'raftC'itS Heard S1JC'1 ftf"W

&:i~Uall LnAructor

l}r, ......,,_ llrard

Or Hoard halb from Elkton Md. Allr.CT~from~h ...-a. mo atllAdftl \\"clldl.y ~· f r faizr ,._,,.&Dr! Johm HaFf<b:ul Ucln11t7 far UU... )<Sri

AJ'<a- ,;r.duauo.. rrom Jo?ina Hopld=r, u...l~ .it<- taq!Jt at U>aL lmtftnlt.J Tbq odQ Cllt.d Uwlr OW'll tc&Cbcr

~,,.,, uked - - llllod !'.-UC &lw "1'lJod. "'l e I n17 much. I Ilk• 1oeinr lloeelo ~ a ta9Cbcr"a desk. .l(UC la • ""7 f ~ place botJI u.. studmta o.a4 U.. taalllJ'

AboGt the ~..-U - maid. I 1=1;1or U:q an ...,_. I wbh

tM;r .....,. men p,..,......i t £...:l:s!> Cu::p. -

Lllf-t a all a.t.eDd a Welcamt' to °" a_,._ :.-i.-

Paved Parking Area Exponded During Summer At College

the puo cf :>-UC dUrlq ..,. awnm•r A - r ...... put an 111<' ~ put r the edmtn • atnlk!n ~ II lo a tar nm er J..-.llanntn. bulll·up roof"'J which can1n • :o., .... guanuJIW nits ahould •(hnl• nal• lhe l...U wblcb plqu..S many of I.he claaa roo- wt y-

Tlle ..we.. allu ,. b ,. .... uumblmc ,...,,, roc~mtod and lh• •t<'P m rron1 o1 the n.,,. eni.nuiee ,.... ellmlnAtM. n.. drlvr• .. r llJld .-rldnl; ,.,_ bo­h:nd U.. aillop •en paved.

"Ibo !lowerbedo IA back of u.. bc:lldl.,. Will • rmro m w1u. tap oaU and planted wt tlcra u.i Gr era-. Mr PrldC)' w'bo taku care ct tho -utl!ul floWOT bed>. la aJoo In <brt:~ cf tbla.

ni. ~ cl<c:.r-lca d<-­portmc:1! pard1ued JS.coo ...,rth ct ~t for thbo :'.e"I daa. Appru1lm&U 1 $6.000 w1ll ... ·~ by u.. Ste:.. Dopertment ol Edoo&UOD.

P-"'9"" Ulc ~ U:adude a Dra" mat 0: n.n:mb "" tJ>e nm noor. "'P"lnlll:JC o1 JwUDeLa:.dO~afU.. ~ r. !e"m IA! UM' •



Queue Al Check-out Registration Desk

Tbt" Cl""''""' •.IWut" l" f•u·mln• '' thr flnal •h•I) dutlnl N'Kl"'t "'Uon - ttw df"""l-k \\tU•f"f' a huolt'\ nlt"mt"l"r fh""("k~ O\~f • 11 "".-l•t t'atlon f• m,, '" .. ~' ,,, 1-.a,m1·nt c•f f...-...,

Faculty and Administrative Staff Members l'llc-·11t\' llif' uhJecl• thr\· t..acb.

( ... Ip .... w ....... . J•Me• ..... . N.,_• 0•P..W IN ... Qr ... '"911

PA0 i1•~•"'

•·• .i. o.~ ..... cm. .... t-tt. 0. ... ---·Ml llnc:h .. "••• fwalltt Dr 1-.. J.ets

t<olo. ""'"' u •• ,.,.... l ....

a... Colao G.:bo" 0. Jra11CA1 H .. '4

"'•"" IC .. r-. 0. G 0 KU.• Mart. 1Ctl4.r t .. dl. t....,. L..·• L•• JeM McJa,Ca•tl .,., .. ~.~ V•r"• Me""9" W.itM.t~t 0.1•H M .... ,

~""''• N •W. F. S 0.11..,, W, F. ' •••n (,,, ,,,.,.dy Hef'\C~ .. lie~

C etli•r .n• .SC.t .. R'""'• Sc.lvod •• ,~ s. ... . fietMC• Stu. .... ._.fl '"'•W w."c1' s .. • Y•'"

'II' b.:r .. .............. ,..,., A .. ~ • .._. .. ._."lu. t..a Ctib ...._.Y Chra ••ry, a.,...J c_.,,941,.,.. Libt•t ... ~· el , .. tvlty M•t~•"'AttC.•

Plr!rtk• M• 111l•••M• bt1ft.., lw&iAaH

l.4wth • (l•tlr~-c.• ...... s.& ..... H•tsty P.ChuJ Sc .. tte.a , (d1r1t• t•

~-l~•U Awte .._,•t.h••JC.t aw ... ti bfdlo "9,,iut tJ ... ut;.... &. oi..,., '·•.W•.-it •f Hett~ Id:•'• J""'., C•ll•o• At1ot•.-it Lib'•' •" b9llJ. o ... ,. lat' th Sp.'"''°' M•t._•,..,•tkt V•c.I e!Wll ldwcetHtA S1.1per.lw.1

S•et•••ry c ... ,•oct·•" '-"t••••' "'' ••o••''•' c ... ,..;,,,t A ... to M•chtftiU Sp .. ch. FoM\, Mtf~•"'•'•o t"d1.ntri• I Ath f•1'W. Sntef•"t Ufllio11 ~tot•9•r S.C. t1 Sc1.ftUt

HOM• £4o"'O"UC.t 1.,,..,, (C611i4t"'"U ........



MISSOURI LUNCH 110 ~ .. .,A·• • C....., ,,.-.;_


Co.ts • Oto>... • Fo..ndo•ions Sport. .... ,

"'C' ,.. Nurtk S• c..- d A/.•IW

THE PIT Karme com & C.ndy

Ho.,,....,.de P-a:r.o


)17 C4°A A•• ... QM.I 4-~ ~


Y•• '""• "t qd rty ;. Pl l'I 'f .-. ... -. •• •s dotitia9 foo4. f.,,,. tw• • !'141 ot"-" comllft9tf: •• .... r. • f n.. 11•11 eiur in• C4<f't..Od•t• h'°" it· Not Ji.• d!Hp l:M.• kov 9oodl ~od'•u eqvtp.. l!'te"'1 •11d •~·? ,,..,. ll"eie U



DR. PEPPER n.. Fr •"''., ,.,,.,.u,.,.,

90t1-1b&e ,~ "'' ·~ - ....... "' ·""9•r . a-..ovt •'''•••t•"' •·


p,,,,..,. o4 t"-• H. I. J C ~ .....

T wo R egister For Engineering

T" o mf"n ar" 'ho\\ n rf"C°110tf"rlnJC In ""'Rlnf"'f"r1n,C' du-r1ng th,. r~cular N"llt'l"tratlon 1wr1oi1. ~It'd arr Mhi"'°,.., n ,.-..t.,-r ,.\1QV'r ( lrft ) ud f1'n11k Onkt.rr .-. f".it t"h 11ttudf"nl hl N I.IC 1, la~r OJ\."ilKntd to tin t1chl-.or "tw ht'IP" lh<" "tudt>nt nwf't pMhlrm .. \\hl«"h C"(•.trw' up dur1nc thr ) Mr.

Library, Bookstore Hours Now In Effect

NUC library hQur •re from 7 43 a "" LO i JG p. m on a ll a<huol clay•, and Crnm 1 p m to 10 p m al nllfhw on all tchool claya f'X«PL fl'riclay ltc-l!l'i.­uon• aa tollow• all bookfl rtfeN'ncci mal4"rtal. and :un.. may b9 u....i 1n Lh• llbr&r)'. any of· lJl• 13.000 book• may bo <htekt'd oul, but N'C.r· tnc-.- m&tf'r1al and maaUJnH ~y nol; and onn mu•t alp tor lhf' beck lM"U• of m•la&UlU tv•n lh<>uah 11....S In lh• llbr&r)'

ThP old bonk•toreo hu bffn mad~ Into a nt"W mac&JUno 1oom Thtt pt·rlodh."•l• coruil•t or th,. onf'.a ttf1U1rf'ld b> th., teachtn and ff\'l'ral nf the mun~ popular om.. .Mo Chti•• U•llJl(.Jin II tht day llbrart"n ""'' Mn Krtdl'r ta nt1t;hl llbrar1•n

MOJ lk·r.: t• tn chnrtC" of lh~ t>ooklln!""' Th~ briic,k•lun- l OPfn front .M tr. • ft\ \O 12 OU nOlm.

C-ompl•t• SelHtlo" of W0>torn Woar - Gilts

Souvonin Fot M•" Wom•A a!'ld Chi,dr•111

The Bar·B·Q Ranch l'OSI FAlLS, lDAHO


Leader Publishing Co. 114 N Fo.11h So • MOh•· • +210t


Your Exduw•• Yardage S~ol'.

l01 M Fe111rtt. St ¥ M0"•vl ,....., COEU• o ·AUNE. IDAHO


21•1 SHUMAN AVINUl ( lt41l-• Ji••1 t• Dff•• lliHh•)

Buy. S.11. Trade

w. H • .-. •t ,,.""'' Mod• l1

A .. l c:. ~.

ti A •'I Came" lo..t\ M • d l S•Mlf.d A ,. ,,...,. f11t,t ~ •r.d W :id.n , oe1 A , '4•., M t J• U ~ " Hev S1U \ ~ f

o,.,. Moncl•'f' •~d Wedl'luday ,, to I p. ft\. •rul 4 to 7;)0 p. "'

lMeuf•y. Thwnday a"d FTld•y hto 7 p. '"·

S.hml•r ro • . ""' •• s p. ""·

Political Science Club For NIJC Is Being Organized

E\·uyonft ta aware that wtth· In IX w ... ka lhe pooplo of the Untled St.ate. W1U ba\'t d«tecl a nf"'t':· ''r.Udt"nt.. A•-.renc-. lll•l thll t. an rl«Uon yeia.r ha.I probably nevt-r 'befon ., aC'Ut.e. and NIJC _,,.. LO bo JUmplng lnl" l'<Jllllc:a tw.J Ont.

Evh1t"nce or t.lll• S. :llH'ft by Oll' concf'ntralt!d aM 1r11.-. c..t the do&cn or IO 1tucH'nU who litt'm to bC' lalklnr pollllcs rn ... t1ni; un.n mt•J'hMr.. and &ch,•n·1 ur1 ttnf' "•U ot the atuck'nl unt0n and Jo'4 n l.h4" othf'r

\' .. ry •r101Jab·, ~e"t-r. lht"99 IZ •lutk'nt.a arr Lh• ln•UK•ton tll a nt'\\ Putiuc-al Sel<-n«> ctub tnr NJJ'C A• nr lbta wnun1 tht flrat n\HUnc t.1 pta.nnN tor ,...r1t1A'.\'. S4·rt 30 The rrta1n 1t~m ~·n lht ngrndta tur lhLI mftf':t1ng lw1tdra r•anntna and orpnl&a• tl'1n, \'.1 11 ~ tht" nom&.Mtkm nr tlCfu·t·ta.

"Mu f" l'll't" Un- ulh'"r p&U1.n·u· 1a.... th<- utrh."era ~ m tnclud~ .. pn-,.1\11·nt. \•le,• prtt .. td«."nt, a 8f<"­ &.tld a t.nuuttr Thti dub \\IU IM.• aphl lnlO tacllo1111 u'h:h t\a\'tOI: Ila O"'·n otrtrent rloa .. rom.mlttff head Each UtUdn M \H'll u Ult' club &J

a tAhuh. Will ba'it SU O'·"n C' 'CKUU\'d board

"t'\I. o ot lhe tlnn. &C'U\ tu.. o(

th• <iub "1U be a moclc clecuon and & Vlt"lory Ja.nce.. ..\.a a u• th~ •.le.:Uon. tla~ 1oeet'9 -.·Ill plan a d&M• for Lil< "'1nrl<re. " ho ••UI ~ t.IM bot>ott<l ~LO.

Th<> •tudenla ba<k1JIC" Lilia Jn\• tor ~ club ba\e .tOtDe LN.mcodaua ldt'!IU., but lbcy idea.a from olbe:ra aa ~iru Hf'r. a one of lhc - ~ IUl)• ~ ... m eu·r be offered to run P<>hll"" lh• """> bt' al .. &) lhouchl it alloW.S ti. oo:-.-r PASS IT UP!



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners l07 Fn.•I • MO~....!. •·l514

FToo Pidup and Delivery

Music Department Outlook Looks Bright This Year

Tbc mu. ~ ~pert- l lo 1u.

u.. 4b 1t ,. '" bear 1rblnc 'rry c .. ow1,· thi• lt"nn. 1°hC'I C'horus.. u.ndrr th~ di.r«"UO.."l ot H•lcn Flncb., and Lil• tw>d dl,....<d b) .\Ir Jama Burno both 90Wld promising £•·.,. lhocu:t> bOtb blUld anJ lM <hono loot a lot of i:ood JN't· 9C!nftcl. th~ Croah mnnbtrs bau• rcplae<>d thC'1D ,.,r) nittly

At Ul~ ptt:t~nt timer lhf' cb6tu11 la "-orlun1t c n ..:mw oL1 nu.mbrra unUJ Uw f\itW muste &rTi\f'1. .)t1'. F'mc.h pla.M lO hau· lhC' cbonM do .ome mod· trn. old fa\·or1te-.. ,uuJ 90rr ,,i,.,..· nl«ll•y• ~ b&r\d b.u a1Al"led ff'\ It"\\

Ing_,,~ old ta">(ll.-. fro:n Jut )ear llr Bunu hall a.lccltd 80mf'I mualall c&m«'d~ and 11>m, RoJ;en and Ftammrraltln ehow tun~ for Ult' C'Onunar year. anel pl&JU to fta.tutt 9t'lmt1 vocal. ltnor ux ~d lrUmprl 80loe

»r. Burno aoy1 lhl\l h" u duperatdy In n...U or tom• trombone. and t"nch horn play<ra I! any atudonl i. tn· t~rettcd.. th• band mHt.I on Tuaday and F'rtda)' noona. You att ~•clcom.e to ta.Ke band ror credtt or Jtal LO au ln ror ) our <t'·'"Tl V1JO)mt1lt.

Tlw muotc dtpartm<ftl al ~UC ha.a bttn quJl• acthf' ln ycan and lool<a to ~ •'~ more IO now Tbt-) put on 'anoua _,,, lllroui;!lout 1M )Mr. and both STOUP. LAk• a tb\lr C"•r)" apnni: w n lhP) \U1t .. rent Khoob an tM lni.nd t:mpt rt Tb.y f l<>t• ot CS.hpolrul mlrrta ., k ... p vou •

Candid Camera

\ D('\"\ ff:Alutt UU"' )f'a.r \\all b4

C.-.ild a "tf'id) •pot · llJhl •t ~ or~Uoa .. D

ts.mpg..._ 'f1ltt P\l'PO""f' l .. lv ta.Vb,lllC"flo et ii..tudNlt.. o r fac.·QJt) , bumo"°""-' U pb..J.bk· .. Tbl"' "ttk tbr C'aAdld nutM"...,..,. ... pc»t· UC-bl-... :-.;rwmaa C1ob M'U\ lta-. "1111 Pat "-"'i uJ t:d 'lol"lc'al <JiJ°''a <'-.lor...- Uw ' '"'""..,. C1u ... _""1 bMt rid.- ""'' Jaaeoai lbr ~ .... - ~ Corur d• \.li'W". n.. f"\t'DI oc ..'d t oo lalf" t o mal..e la!.t :.NI" .. papt"r and )~k.

Entries Sou9ht For NPA Poetry Contest

Any NUC lUdODl la • tr.U>l• to submit vu. to tbe annual tollet;e otu~ni.' poot.ry conldt ot Lil• Nauonal -.ry ~ cio.tng C!&t• cor .. - ot manwocnpla la Nov !I. Tbtre la no 1unltat1on u to form or U>one, but lhorur worka are prd•l'T9CI by lhe ~ of ~udg ....

C<>ll•g• t.euhtMI &nd llbrart.ana ·~ aao 1nv1led lo aubmll \'(' r'"lle

in Lho -..octatton·• ciam~Ullon. put AJ"tl tn A MPIU1ll.O branch

O>mplete lnlonnallon about pnKedure may be found on Lhe 'bulloUn bOard In lho maln •nU')' hall.

N I J C REVIEW Co•vr d Al•••· ld•t.o. W.d, Ocf. S, 19'0

New S. U. Manager Seroes Ashrafi

' ' " llon"su:• ...,.hM<'k. nl"W .... tudtol wlloa m&naJ;t'f' lhb .)ear, Juditn-=- h) lb•• 1'MI .... on 'lohammad ~nail·:, !Acr. makra C"Off~ tb~ "'"°' h<- llkf'" It.

Th new m&nal:t'r of lh~ &LU• dent union Ult.a 1ehool tern' u. loln Schrock U lh• nam• aouna ta.mtll&r 1t'• b«'au.e h~r on, o...... aU•nd«l NUC for

two yrara. and a.nothrr aon, Jack. la nOY. •nrollcd

i.t rw lkh...,.,k • hom~ i. ln, ~rant , ~."htf"f' ab~ hu H\C'd tor 20 yit'A.r1 Tht ne\\i s u nl&IUJ:er hu •X;'C'MCPI°'\"" Ul

ht'r j('lb. to.r ahit had chru'a:~ of ttw hol lun<h l'QOnt for li.., Khool3 In Choteau tor t~n ) ~ni ~h.... a\90 "-orked on th• h• l lunch pro.:ram tor t-...o years tn ST"J~ Khoo .. ln Boise

OUnn,::: th• eunun~r Mn kh.roe:k v.; orkeod u a cook •t a d Jde n.ncc- la. Calla Un G~lC'A:l) l1 •

\In ::ochmck Uk.-. Coeur d .A ~e th~ Ol1~1'• the atudd\tA. a.nd ber Jie.b "''"') much anJ b

ni llrd o • ar

Home Ee Majors Will Attend Convention

H• ~ &J lr. of NlJC art­ri 1"' to ltt."nd the cotl,.gt­

dub& attlion mttUnJ: Of Lh.,. Idaho Homt> Econom1c.a Allan. an Pot'&lrlJ() Oct 7 antJ "" C"lub apon.or 1-~n-nc.·e StranAh&n and l!unl<"e ~!«"Akin Kootc>nal Coun· l) homf' d....rr'°natn. uon agent. Wiii •<«•mp.tty th• i;roup Th~ p-oup of tra\'t'kra wUI

mclu~ Homr Ee Club PrHldent S.lndy Schooler, !locl'<:lar')' May­\ 1.1 P•ttrm>n. a.nd mern~ra Enld Ct"rnr Bill \Vcb•ter. Dan Mel .. lick, S.tty Ca)• S.nnlon, lAr­ctlD. Odt'nt~ a.nd MUJ."Ortc Tl,rkeolaioa.


Biology Departmen Creates Big Stink - Sonwt.Ur.c. durtnc th~ tU1nmcr ,·nc11t1on U'i<e deep t~e tn l.ho up!tlA.lrll hDll al.lo Wl•nt on \·acn.· uon Di:SCOVt't')' of Lho mochanl· c&J in<'ompclt'nc~ wu m:a.d•~ bdortt ttgtat.ralion Nwttcrou• an1m&1 l!lptttrnen.a mtghl all h&ve ~e.n ml• for akunk.a. Tbe • - W24 oovortd by ,, lood ll'C'IACO WILM"aDl)'

Thi.A ycnr the ~ttp fn::~ wW ~ ulCd rnnelpcill)' tor Ulq alnr· A.:~ CIC C.rnh plant m•t~rtAla for t&J.<inumlC ~t&n) ~ hi<'h wUl be !fend the &CC"<md amceter.

.... r(lUn v. Ud 11<1wcrm "111 supply th •tud•nta unUJ aprtng per­m ta pLh~nn&: ot fnsb maltr--1&1'1. Mr Enna roporltd 11,.,ring aJ~dy froz.en an abundance of na •.rial, lndudlng almo.l llO nau' ~ nowertn.r plan ta..

Student.a ara uw1ted to bn~ ID •Pf'C'lml'n. that may ha\;~ bc-tn kUJed or 1nJW't"d ao c at alud)' akin. can bo made for '1le co11r;;e collect.ion How· • r th•)' ahouhJ koep tn mind truot laWll prolocl mlgn.t.ory birds tur~aren and kpl ""-mf'

Tn>ln• '10 -r.,...,h•"" T ho Unl\'cl'llly of Calttornta

ol B<·rkoley A!«nUy complol...S us rir~t )'e:a.r ot lta new""° yr11r Junior Collt:JtC Cradua.t ln~mahtp Proi;nun In Ttaclter Ed ucaUon. ll Is dtllli;n«I •peel· tlcnll)' to train Junior tollogo tt-achtn. an ad,·a.n~e progT&.m to co~ wtth lne:reulnJ:' JC en .. rol lm.cnta.

I. X. L. T 0 G G E RY lt I Sh•r"'•" A._ ... COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO • Phone MOkaw~ ..... S46

Girls Enjoy Pleasant September Weather

I\ «{rl• P. £. dMtt l-. -.h0\\"11 I.akin(••Ucr ol oearl~ Jk'rft'M autumn \\f'lalh•·t fur a PJ!lr! et 80flbal1. AL «"'fN'mt·1 rtiht l• U. to.•tn.r t•.ir ''"'"

~tr... \\bf) r, ~nln~ a .. un1pt"" TM,,. "_. ... ...., MU nn u.t .. play In "hk:b a Nn l• brlnl' .... ...s.


Art Suppli"' • Coln Foldet'I Microsc:opei Up to 750 Power

420 Sh.,.,,...• ""· • Co.ut d'AJ.t,,.

For Your

Hunting Equipment Vbit

THE LIGHTHOUSE 105 ShnM A• - MO+i•"'l .&.S711

For a Lifet ime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. l•I• N. Fourtlt t. Coe~ d';J l'l•

College Poetry Society Will Publish Original Worh In Antholoy

T'- ~ ft 0 p. tr. ~-,, 1 .... 11.n~ <l ..

fourth a<mMt<l'IJ' anU>aloc' ot outau.ndille eollq• pocuy lo

"""' ~ compiled tor publica­llon ..,.1,. l><O<t ,_,.

Contnbutlcna m- be Ule

~nal worl< ct - -IWbo ohall ~ hl<rv,- r!Pta to tb• m&taiall, mbmllted to .Alan C. Fox. ExtaitlYo !'«n­tu)" Nun<al> Collq. P.,,.tiy SOdrl) Boo< :ua. u.. -'-nt•la : ' Call! "'1th the- octn.::.t a P&m• addrHa, and Kbool ... en.en rag-ir

l"ocma. "blch may daJ .nu. an) subjf<'t m&)" not C'XCftd 4S hnea.. nor may an) todJ\"'ldm.J

1bmlt mor• than CIT• -F".ntnts ,. hltb &tt n<>t o.cmpt

' I lor pubUOlllon w1ll be re-llU1\<d If Accompanied I>) a t.unpod ... lt·addreued -·d-

01'<' but lhc-y cannot be otber­" &ae'' led.Ced nor can tht Socl<"l)" com~nal• atUdcnta ror i-try whJch Ill publlabed. All l"ntnee mu•t tM not later Uu.n midnight. Dee. 9 1000. to be ron.aldc:r<d. and the l'«i.ioruo or the Soctety Jucli;ea fttul&I.

"SWISS MISS" Needle toe t'lat-hand stilctled

detail antique button ornament Antlqnt Br:i'~ Suf:de

Bl:1ca Surde

Ten From Abroad Are Studying At NIJC This Year

,... r ,. l..n,.. lltU• doct body ..... ma1 r~ .1 ... dcl1U "'bom tbr I.cult)' &M todirnt bod1 are s1ad I W•I

All - .0:-la allould tak ..,..,,_~~ af 9"<') opportunlt to~ a-IDl<d W1lll U...

ot~ " - lO pin p1 .. an and cnJOym<"l11 lrom tnendatup. u wdl u r..o ltarn ICOft> about their n&lito'rnli •m! <'llWJtne.

'nMw otu&nlJI ftpr<Wnt lour eitt~ r reli:n .-nt.w. n..- rrom Brluab a.111m1>1a 1n Canada \\ llllam P Han!· -. ;o.:.i.m. buoln<u, Rl>but 0 HAJTbOD., ;-.: i...._ torntry, \\'II· Uam J \"auglln, Cruton. eni;t• n«rlnj: Stm.n C ~ S11-<>11. <ni;iaeertq and Tb<r1U1 J<>)C• L.aM. Tblrdar. medical - r• l.t.J")'

n-e '"'"' Japan • ..., llan· &bin> T11kl, mochanlcal ong1· n«nllJ, Kauublko Hayuhl, b~ TboH from Iran AH M..n&mm•d Taghi Aahnoll, lotahan, cnS1nterLar: "'""tat• F~cbl. Aral<, enllO..,nnr, and F'ujlta P<t.,, Tnlk Carolln• Wanda ln tbe Paclnc Oc<&ll

-- - -- -- -_J;:i.?..-~ ~ --:.-_______ _

THORNDALS Shoe Salon 112 Shernwn Bud Foydo. ;\Jgr. Pb. 1·3511

N I J C ":£VIEW C..wr c:f"'AI•••, tel.ho. Wff... Oct. S. 1960

Ngw Electronics Ceportment Hos Stuc:ent Cvtrflow

•• \"11• •• !l "'"""

I ..: su-. ~ Ls , ..... u ~uh

I: atudmta .-nrollC'd- h b an xtnmdy w • ttJ MU.far

In tbla att& In lt wa' Dr<"fttSln" to tum man' in tf'N"Stf'd 11\~nu •~av and tt.:btrnt""' had to b<! dosed two ,....k• ln adT"anc-.

lndusu1al <I.ct rontco t l"IW>.O tbC'! atudn\t I r • po!I" uon u a ~oo elttlronl 14' hnld.An fnr ttdust,..,.. tn lhtt rll'9t ' .. r l h~ ot~nt lt!llms lM baldc radlO and -Rk<'tronlr• f' ttu b ;and black. and -. h1ti'I !t"Je-, •.Joa. <"iro

u Tbtt tttand 'ffr «"Mi.l.J!!

at ad'snc"t •tiortJ .... t tl<"<ttonl C'O\ f'rtnt:' ('ftlor lf"lt-\ Won m1cro '°'' .. And nUAr

ll'ur1nc lhte" pa•t t\\O \Vttk• lht" ''ude.nt• h.t\f': alf't'".l\•h cc·m­•1 ruct.,.J •l~tn,-..l l"f'\\:t'r \"It cull• "'r~.una- 1 ~ voUa out put rh~v h&\if' Al•1 \'flU•lnh: lf'•I

U'"'' rtrat r•••I~> "'".-1\"f'f"I, ''""m ~J to rttl\ J th~ J(f'ntrft1 tune; llon11

I A \ .. c-uun\•lUl>f' \oll·mrt~r

and \IN " tubt? tnltr Tlw IMlN("\dr. 'lr t:r11 k .. ,n.

b frahl Spokllnt"' nnd 1• it rurm('r tftfllrch •natnMr tur the \\'ur~ lJ~ ComJ•ny In C.'unnlh \hu

Rt•1dm1,. "ho ,.,. lnc.r~•t"1 In v·iJdt~ lhe tn,Juatn•t .. 1.~ Uonta dfi-rtmenl .. ,. \\.f'l1 "'"" to vtalt dunnc cl tir•11r•


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP F., 0•• ~ •-.d S.rrfc.e .

JI) SAi.,.._.,,. A.. • C.e.t 4"Al•111•

Star ra Pray

8rrn.anl TODft and a...... Coif' .,,. pklur'fld h<'h' In a <iC'"1M'

cni.n' llw- \lrctnta (11) MA..'"'"'• llf'l~hK'Uun of S-ha" ·~ ... \nn"' find lhf' \tan"" "blrh "m ......... r a l 'I.IC ()(-1 .. l l. :\It. Ton.- aim , ....... C'1llf:" a"' a part of a t oC rltht pN'ff',,lnnaJ M'IO,.. \\ho hn.\r tliffn at lht- 0 1'«"ra lhttaw In hl .. 10,..<' \ "lt•lnlD ("lt,., 'lonL nU ,.,Uml1'W"r and an- ""'' tourln 11 In thr "ho\\ "hirh 1•n.l\ ""1 lo •~ ...n 1HlJhilllt lhf'rr. 1\uth '"· Tunf"

pntl ~u,. ""'" "lll "'"'" n1•1 ... ar a. .. romf'dlun• In thf" Oa) 00'• \ a.rlN.) ~hO\\ \\ hl~h l'f <loC"hM.hal("d

lo f(JllO\\ fhf" J11AJ ·


Del Gittel

J 17 H•f"r•'4• A••

Gosh frosh!

bow'd )"OU OD'° quick' OG IA> lM fact that Coc::a-Cola la tM ~P clrinlc oo'lllo I mean. Alway. dnnk it, you ay1 W~ll-bow about dtoppmc ovor to the dorm and do•·ntnc a sparltllnc Coke or t'lro witb tbe boyw. The man wbo'a for Cote. • i. IM man for u.. 8£ ~ REfUSHUI

lont.d Uflder ovdlotlry of n.. Coca-Colo C-po11y by