Christmas Concert Was Best College Ever Produced Th• ra crc ·d ti hod c.;.., ,,f': sue Chn. .n. trtt wtsoJe • i...rudl)' •J:ft'f'd U..t lhlA J<Sr'• prodUctlon WU Ow bot ner prC'Ml1ted.. .).l'n F\nC.h,, ,"'Cl('a.J muatc dJrK tor .., ... .-:od b) )tr Burno and )Ira :-.t'•ln to tomJn.g out th CQO('rrt t'nUUrd ·Qir'Uitma• Around \\'<-.r d.. J'filllJY wu narrator fc•r tM numbf'1 and df'd th commmu br1drtn1: Ow .,..-. u It ., ..... ,C aro..nd th worl :S to obM:J'\"tt C'brlatma• b(o. :l"' ce cbt'atC"'J. ).Ir 81Jm• ott.hc'11tra tan"" the Mctunc off ,. nurr.tw-ni .. Ubrr17 !kl •·PnurM LAm nt J•nl'lr C..IJ• El 0-lo" anrt 8111 .,.. f!t'l thr audtf'ncr rln J J'l'f"f• to. 1ntr> t.htt mt1twS for ttieo t"'rntnr. Tht CJpt"nln, fht1ral u.,n \4&.1 lf,rry Chr.nmna E\·rryon.-!" dunnsr whlth t>on ln•kO. Q\rdon Mtlltr, and Lkrur.· l•• \Vf'JI trd t.ht1 rhhn.tll In ll lb Lot>k LJkf" ChrOl mu• a.nd "0.rolln,;- C..rr•ltni: and J• at 134-ntni danc-tid to lhr mu1k ti 111 .. , tnclutJf"tt .11 pttrod)' tnturtnt:: n""" Muran amlj tht" t..and ln .. Arountt lh,. \Vr1rld t,,1 Chrt•tm•• RlnK The tri ... odfo .. Jlll, Hll"'-•U , In whlth th. boy11• tMN8 •OK .. Mf'I• Kall k1makl "Hola Ht>IA Ku and .. HawaUAn \\'ar Ch•nt &CO',m. by lht' <•rrhfftta F"UJlla rf'tf'r, C';uadii: and """°" ant L.uttm ••hiek-ni.. at NIJC h't•m Ha•all l •rrr JolnM b)' F:lrtMr )1ul""r and Pat a.-nlnir 1n danr1nK Ha•-.Uan·•l)'I'" 11Ur• ln1t lhf' ,.c•nia. f'rl tr th«' audlm<.,. •·Uh hi.a hula llt1o dur 1nl!' Hawa1Jan War Charil" £r1mec ·-r11.. nr: uty ot Chrl•lmal" d•·ptrt 41 t.h• I.Aun &J•d .Spantah Y.tU of f'lr- braUnff lhf" birth of C'hr11t S.Uy Hun>kc r, Ut•nnl f" I-• rt:U on l'irnla M•r11)'n Srv. ton G-\'lft rf'l9C•n Jt,.ui Nkuota I .Sanf'\' Ttum1p1tnn \\'Ill roum• uHh. Oll\nn \\'rl•hl ant1 !·:nhJ Ont·i .. a• thf' Madunnl\, Joln .. d In ·uuMrn C'iuul' nn Old ,. :n1e· lbh t11tinl( Thr t horu• •11ni: •·in 1 Mnn1 .. r ", •· n o.c 1-...m1f 11 n J Cftt11l of 11rom11t" nm1 lh1· tlft"hC'•t rn a dth•d n•• k hl :tm Intort•alUt1TIJ \t Un11Wt •ufntfl John Mr Nto '' n-• l 11tat)• \\"tw lhr Chlm•·• llanJt", • M""'" "'' , lllhl a t111 \' tn ruunct nUl thlJI 1•p .. Hh Thr "h11\lo n•ltt J\\ HnJl' tu ·01 r S11IJhb-1t1 tct lhf" South t .Mr'!Cl · t'l.•t ft"aturtns:r a aMn .,,. th<t ,::lrl1' tt •: da.J thf': chon.a• aanK ' \h '\t- nn f,_.O<'•n.lon.. \n•)lhfr m111 btor tn th11 •rt.ode -.-. ... Sf'art"t\ for l.od,1n,::-- a \h·.xia.n h1Jk monr .unc b\ lhf" .. n1111rmb ftA'!nt1t , rchPlr p1a,,.i a "1-sro aplnlual U>< llQmf' ltoed. The flnal t'pl.eo4ct ... '" AC'aln' ""Uh thf. chonu llll\,,: "Go TciU ll Tu thf" Moun• taan and $tan .-nd Mnr- For.-, •"T &l"t'OlllJ•&niC'd tn: thit t r\hn:tra ln a numbr'r Ld" On-I# lh• \\or Id \\ Ith Muak" ttk:i aucUaw"• be.nd and chonu l<Mrw:d In .. J<•\ to lht1 \\ e>rld and Sl.lrnt !'-:la;bt .. A"otnran.lau tor th. t" Pf' ... Ef•rn "N• C:t>nt and n N.._ \on on tht" ptan•:t •nJ ThornJ*.ll1 un lhf' •ltc"tu<1 o.r,:an Sta.ct and lls:hhnJ: \tic•rco loanJIN b\ Rt.anlt ,. ).foMC'lll and Hutrai,..k1 Chot1l'OJ:'"-J'lh)' "aa bv Moran - Art \\t 1 rk "U Uona by o ... m F'r-anrta Nowackt nn J lht •rt C"l'Ula nr \ lt'11.. Stranahan \t on-111 had rhars:"' of ,,,1, tuphunc mo\ rmc nla .::Y::O:;l::;U,: M ;;E::X:,IV::::::"::O::::;l:::::========== .....: - - COEU• D AlE"l Chorus-Orchestra Concert Featured Christmas \ llbous;:h th,. p•C"10" IM",... d°"'o·t m'NJ ldl"nU- 11,..... " .. 11. II 1, rrtatird to ._ho,, th«- C'00rt:"" t"horu,_ .. and oN'h,...1,..,.. la Ltu-fr oP'"'llf.nc- numbrr ......, O,.,.l'lnnlns: lo UJOk Ukr C'btl--tnm_"'- for thf'lr ;inn11aJ ( brhuna't fflnttrL \ lar-<f' c-rou d from c·of'1Jr t1• \ 1"'"'1t· f'nJn>ffi Utt n\ft"·rt \\hkh d1·pl<'lNI ( llrf..lr,.._ .. t"f"ff'hraUon .. urounct lhf' \\Oriti, :inti m•""t f"a0f"J IC lhr rln• .... t rnlf'rlA1nmf"nl 1untf"4I nut b.\ tbf' rnlh·c..-. t• at n.-·n,.nc 1 .. d11ln;: " ...... 10 tap W.nrr tn tro nt of thf' c-bon.i .... D oes .. ()nf" (lf 'l .I( .. ,. fd"'lp .. t.u.df"GL' f"uJUa P..tf'T t>f Tr11k l ..Jand In lbr P'M.1lk. fra.ttun"d U..- llOd Jtit-rfonnr,,. "' llb hl .. bub dan"' dcU'tai; Uw .. ll r.."allan \\ ar C'bacu"" oambtt durillc ua.r tbti..,lma.._. f'll"'ftn"rL ciaarit-,.... ..,.... lrfl t• rtcb1: rrd Bun. Oran '<'hn><"k. t :lr..nor l1uJlf'r. I.Ao \ aochn.. (.ord"'n 'llllf'r Doui \\ "II' und )vllh ........ riC'k. Tlw era--.... ...kin b(ohtnd ['t"lt•r bt""aooc:"' 1-.. Ya1 Brtunc. "hn ;iii"° did "'°"lf" t.alttUl .C d\&f'Uc u .............. Morch of D imes C ampaign N eeds S upport Of All •r.-. c C-""1 n.,i C ..eaac... ,.,, Uk. I.No. l.l•l°d' "' C>lni .. C'ampalp o! Tiie =- I onal t ..... ,.dallon which ta llnJ:' und<'t"a-a\ C.oatr1buUC:llf'• "-ill bto .a.bctt.-d fof' t.hD c:nor· (lUa t&ak •nd it"\:fl')"ODC" Sa UJl<«I to nmpond In th pul. U.a found&liw> tuu made pouibl.- of Lb• F.&lk polJo ':atttnir It b now thf' much ._,dd- pn;.blrm ot C'r1ppltn.:- U\ s;('nf"l'al aa (n1m b1rtl1 ddc<U •nd rh.u· mauc OOIJ tn· fanla born maltormcd n:·:lr uu"nca a ba.::g:eat tu.••llh probk-m n.11..·h u anhnu.a an:i the- tuN'O\t.alll \."aU.W• u( tn thfl U S. hlllln.: It mtllt.)n l"f'OP1t> ·nua ru•\\ *P'P'C"r ta cnopr:tftttn::: m th.- program of r .. ·ndth.Jtn>; A LL A LI E NS MUST SUBMIT ADDRE SSES DURING JAN UA RY A r ... - m\.t A'!!"rt t.b....tr to tbc U :;; Qth Janu •r> and may t;t'l the tsf'«Ual')' '°""" at ow -' offl« An knoruia:: ot any 11Uirn. lo ol.o r.quoa!.<d by llHo l lmnui::ratLon and Sf'f"\icre Lo call um to their attitnUc>n.. Thf' r nna mav rtlkd out m tM o:ftcdl n! tht. o. al the post oft•Cl" vr mav h:tur thc-m to iau .. n 1ffHM1 "h"n t.01 plt>l"1 f>al"t"nt 1 •r gu•rdlan art" r'-qulrt."ft to ubn\U tt·port tur ela.n C"bJJJr"n unth·• t4 y\A,.. at Rf:t" Rt. nu mbrr um' t1•r r i. ,1uiin1:" Jitnu u·v onl Thi· 'J.I( rtH:."d 1dl-tl\i· 111- JlUh H.. ) n111c1 ... u.,, apfM"ar,-d tn 1ht" C hrt ... tn1.1." "'"'l'nhl> prni:ro.m. Jud,\ pf.3) 1-d o "ho rl"fu,4•tJ Cu Kfn" up In Uu (Jrf• .. rran "'hld1 drJJl<'t•••I u ( hrl ... m+•' 1wrt.) of ••ullt·f:t." ... 11tdrnh., Lo an For NIJ C S tudent Union Building Okayed 1n l 'PP"°' .J t Stl0,000 .>An Cot tudt:nt UhiO:\ buJk1• ln.: Al Idaho Juntor Col· r "' h.aa t>.. ('h $:rantt"d lht' ("ommun1t\· F'ncll1Ue-a n.dr'.ntnta. .rn.uon -rhC> approval U1 fmal fn>m th!!' \\"411h1n1,91.on 11J.: ftc."j: bul la :1oUbJ«t to Lht aomJ C'Pndltton• "rcamp.nnlf'iJ or.J>lna1 <'ond1Uon1 n &.' lhtU WC Att .\b1t" Wlthtn lhl' I Hl of OUt c:<ISUna; lnw11 lo work oul a ml'thoJ of rrp&)'• t"nt or the lo;ut through lht \ cnue ut Studf'nl Union bU1fdJn1i: lo bf. buil t Thua t.Jie p.;trticulftr Joan tn qUNUon bu "lhln' . ._., to do wtlh lht! bond luU<' The Stud<"nt f"nton Mlup i• a type t u('("rnUnn \\·hlch will not Te• Ill In th• bondln!; or th• 1n the Junior d .. tnct It .OOuld be <mplla- thu 1f t.he Sludcnt U1 consum.malN lb.at build· n1t "tll eon!'ltnl<'tf'd and raid for al no e.xpe.nH to thf' tax- r.a\ O{ lht &«Ord· .ns:- to Ray Cox.. attomf'y tor lhtt <'Ommtalon.. The conatructtun "·lll ha\·e no to tlaaroom ape.cc. \ppbcaUon -.-.u madeo for a Studt:nt Union loan ralhC't than lntb for dormllOr)' l"'OJ\»t.roC• t.nn btalulk' the CC!'drrnl 11gtncy UJ:"J::Clflll<'d a StudC"nt Union bu:hJtng- t'Ould 11en ·t aJI A nf..*Cff· ary adJtmct to a donnalory a.nd h\'!lp oft a donnltory lotUL Propol<'d h a on-•t<iry bulld· las; w1th 6.136 -aunre f f' ·t of ap<itf' ah<-lltr1n1t a Cf' ntrnl mttl· lng arc.a.. aludmt adn\lmwlrnUan ll n 1 ttudenl pubhcnuan qunr· tcr.1. f'r&Ung nnd n k ltrhf' n food 11.crvi « Dr. Malik To Talk On Educati on At Co llege Assembly Sch..Suled to 5pcal< at th• all· ttll•i:• u.embly morning Is Dr Anand Mallk. "\<l&aUng in educauon al th4!' Un.lveorttt}' of Idaho. Or. Malik i.. a prof ... llional student or tho probl ....... ot C"ducauon. tvtlh a cattU dal· w ... back to bJ.I graduaUon "1th a BA ln matbem.aUc:a from ranjab Uni\ 1 Uslt)" ln ind.La. then M obtaJnt!'d an M A tn Encliah trum Pan.Jab i:o• a pool i:nodwllo ceorutu:.ate ln educaUon (Com· f"'raU,-eo £ducat1on I from LhC' U of L<.ndon oarmd a D.Ed. I phll· of Crom th"' U or London. and necth·t'd a Oocl"r of F..ducaUOn trotn Columbia Unl\"'rtit,Y tn l!tS.,, in and c:urnculum dt'\'t-lopmtl'IL In l&M bo \'1Jllt..S Japan Burma 11nd lhe .oulh· rm United Stal<"• whlla doing 11tud1f'.I Rt> hu taught ln uni· ',·nrlt1e11 Md coUes;"• ln lndlll, Pakl•u.n. England 1>nd tho \J, S. Hf' edited 1"11" L.ondlnlbn Md hJt• l\1,1c<' be!'e.n appolnl.od Prael- d,·nt•• Schol.Ar whl1t •tudying nt Columbfn Re ha• alan pub· ll!lhed aevoral bOOka.

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (7) Jan 13, 1960

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (7) Jan 13, 1960

Christmas Concert Was Best College Ever Produced

Th• ra crc · d ti hod c.;.., ,,f': sue Chn. .n. trtt wtsoJe • i...rudl)' •J:ft'f'd U..t lhlA J<Sr'• prodUctlon WU Ow bot ner prC'Ml1ted.. .).l'n F\nC.h,, ,"'Cl('a.J muatc dJrK tor .., ... .-:od b) )tr Burno and )Ira :-.t'•ln to tomJn.g out th °"~ CQO('rrt t'nUUrd ·Qir'Uitma• Around ~ \\'<-.r d..

J'filllJY ~nolda wu narrator fc•r tM numbf'1 • and V~\: df'd th commmu br1drtn1: Ow t~ral .,..-. u It .,.....,C aro..nd th worl :S to obM:J'\"tt C'brlatma• b(o.

:l"' ce cbt'atC"'J. ).Ir 81Jm• coll~f' ott.hc'11tra

tan"" the Mctunc off ,. ff\·~ nurr.tw-ni .. Ubrr17 !kl •·PnurM LAm nt • J•nl'lr C..IJ•

El 0-lo" anrt 8111 Bail~ .,.. f!t'l thr audtf'ncr rln J J'l'f"f•

to. T.~r• 1ntr> t.htt mt1twS for ttieo t"'rntnr.

Tht CJpt"nln, fht1ral pr~nl•· u.,n \4&.1 lf,rry Chr.nmna E\·rryon.-!" dunnsr whlth t>on ln•kO. Q\rdon Mtlltr, and Lkrur.· l•• \Vf'JI trd t.ht1 rhhn.tll In • ll • Bt-temntn~ lb Lot>k LJkf" ChrOl • mu• a.nd "0.rolln,;- C..rr•ltni: and J•at 134-ntni danc-tid to lhr mu1k ti 111 .. , tnclutJf"tt .11 pttrod)'

tnturtnt:: n""" Muran amlj tht" t..and ln .. Arountt lh,. \Vr1rld t,,1

Chrt•tm•• RlnK The ~nd tri ... odfo ~._

~·H .. Jlll, Hll"'-•U , In whlth th. boy11• tMN8 •OK .. Mf'I• Kall k1makl "Hola Ht>IA Ku • and .. HawaUAn \\'ar Ch•nt &CO',m. f*lll~ by lht' <•rrhfftta F"UJlla rf'tf'r, Char~• C';uadii: and """°" ant L.uttm ••hiek-ni.. at NIJC h't•m Ha•all l •rrr JolnM b)' F:lrtMr )1ul""r and Pat a.-nlnir 1n danr1nK Ha•-.Uan·•l)'I'" 11Ur• ln1t lhf' ,.c•nia. f'rl tr ~o\\f"tJ th«' audlm<.,. •·Uh hi.a hula llt1o dur 1nl!' Hawa1Jan War Charil"

£r1mec u1~ ·-r11.. nr: uty ot Chrl•lmal" d•·ptrt 41 t.h• I.Aun &J•d .Spantah Y.tU of • f'lr­braUnff lhf" birth of C'hr11t S.Uy Hun>kcr, Ut•nnlf" I-• rt:U on l'irnla ~lUf"a. M•r11)'n Srv. ton G-\'lft rf'l9C•n Jt,.ui Nkuota I .Sanf'\' Ttum1p1tnn \\'Ill roum• uHh. Oll\nn \\'rl•hl ant1 !·:nhJ Ont·i .. a• thf' Madunnl\, Joln .. d In ·uuMrn C'iuul' nn Old ,.:n1e· lbh t11tinl( Thr t horu• •11ni: •·in 1 Mnn1 .. r", •· n o.c 1-...m1f 11 n J Cftt11l of 11rom11t" nm1 lh1·

tlft"hC'•t rn a dth•d n •• k hl :tm Into'· rt•alUt1TIJ \t Un11Wt •ufntfl John ~hu'-"''" Mr Nto '' n-• l • 11tat)• \\"tw lhr Chlm•·• llanJt", • M""'" "'' , lllhl a t111 \' tn ruunct nUl thlJI 1•p .. Hh

Thr "h11\lo n•ltt J\\ HnJl' tu ·01 r S11IJhb-1t1 tct lhf" South t .Mr'!Cl · t'l.•t ft"aturtns:r a t•an~Uf prn<~ aMn .,,. th<t ,::lrl1' tt •: da.J whd~ thf': chon.a• aanK ' \h '\t­nn f,_.O<'•n.lon.. \n•)lhfr m111 btor tn th11 •rt.ode -.-. ... Sf'art"t\ for l.od,1n,::-- a \h·.xia.n h1Jk monr .unc b\ lhf" .. n1111rmb ftA'!nt1t -~,.. ~ , rchPlr p1a,,.i a "1-sro aplnlual • U>< llQmf' ltoed.

The flnal t'pl.eo4ct ... H· '" AC'aln' ""Uh thf. chonu llll\,,: ~"«i "Go TciU ll Tu thf" Moun• taan and $tan .-nd Mnr­For.-, •"T &l"t'OlllJ•&niC'd tn: thit t r\hn:tra ln a numbr'r Ld" On-I# lh• \\or Id \\ Ith Muak" ttk:i aucUaw"• be.nd and chonu l<Mrw:d In .. J<•\ to lht1 \\ e>rld and Sl.lrnt !'-:la;bt ..

A"otnran.lau tor th.t" Pf' ... Ef•rn "N• C:t>nt ~oran and Mani~ n N.._ \on on tht" ptan•:t •nJ ~IU1C\ ThornJ*.ll1 un lhf' •ltc"tu<1 o.r,:an

Sta.ct and lls:hhnJ: \tic•rco loanJIN b\ ~t"'' Rt.anlt ,. •~1 ).foMC'lll and C,-or~t Hutrai,..k1

Chot1l'OJ:'"-J'lh)' "aa bv c;""'~ Moran -

Art \\t1r k "U Uona by o ... m ~hrorSt. F'r-anrta Nowackt nn J lht •rt C"l'Ula nr \ lt'11.. Stranahan

\ton-111 Ct11n~r had rhars:"' of ,,,1, tuphunc mo\ rmc nla

.::Y::O:;l::;U,:M;;E::X:,IV::::::"::O::::;l:::::==========.....:- - COEU• D AlE"l ;;D;;A;;H,::0:<....,=======_,:W~ED~N:;E~Sl>~A~Y~JAN~i41J~.~l~9~60k:,=::J11S

Chorus-Orchestra Concert Featured Christmas

\ llbous;:h th,. p•C"10" IM",... d°"'o·t m'NJ ldl"nU-11,..... " .. 11. II 1, rrtatird to ._ho,, th«- C'00rt:"" t"horu,_ .. and oN'h,...1,..,.. la Ltu-fr oP'"'llf.nc- numbrr ...... , O,.,.l'lnnlns: lo UJOk Ukr C'btl--tnm_"'- for thf'lr ;inn11aJ ( brhuna't fflnttrL \ lar-<f' c-rou d from

c·of'1Jr t1• \ 1"'"'1t· f'nJn>ffi Utt n\ft"·rt \\hkh d1·pl<'lNI ( llrf..lr,.._ .. t"f"ff'hraUon .. urounct lhf' \\Oriti, :inti m•""t f"a0f"J IC lhr rln• .... t rnlf'rlA1nmf"nl 1untf"4I nut b.\ tbf' rnlh·c..-. t •at n.-·n,.nc 1 .. d11ln;: " ...... 10 tap W.nrr tn tro nt o f thf' c-bon.i ....


.. ()nf" (lf 'l.I( .. ,. fd"'lp .. t.u.df"GL' f"uJUa P..tf'T t>f Tr11k l ..Jand In lbr P'M.1lk. fra.ttun"d U..-a~ llOd Jtit-rfonnr,,. "' llb hl .. bub dan"' dcU'tai; Uw .. llr.."allan \\ ar C'bacu"" oambtt durillc ua.r tbti..,lma.._. f'll"'ftn"rL 0~ ciaarit-,.... ..,.... lrfl t•

rtcb1: I· rrd Bun. Oran '<'hn><"k. t:lr..nor l1uJlf'r . I.Ao \ aochn.. (.ord"'n 'llllf'r Doui \\ "II' und )vllh ........ riC'k. Tlw era--.... ...kin b(ohtnd [ ' t"lt•r bt""aooc:"' 1-.. Ya1 Brtunc. "hn ;iii"° did "'°"lf" tt~I• t.alttUl.C d\&f'Uc u ..............

Morch of Dimes Campaign Needs Support Of All

•r.-. c C-""1 n.,i C ..eaac... ,.,, Uk. I.No. l.l•l°d'

"' C>lni .. C'ampalp o! Tiie =-I onal t.....,.dallon which ta i::~ • llnJ:' und<'t"a-a\ C.oatr1buUC:llf'• "-ill bto .a.bctt.-d fof' t.hD c:nor·

(lUa t&ak •nd it"\:fl')"ODC" Sa

UJl<«I to nmpond In th pul. U.a found&liw>

tuu made pouibl.- dc-,~Jopmc-nt

of Lb• F.&lk polJo ':atttnir It b now tacklu~ thf' much ._,dd­pn;.blrm ot C'r1ppltn.:- U\ s;('nf"l'al aa (n1m b1rtl1 ddc<U •nd rh.u· mauc di~ ni~ ~o:.o OOIJ tn· fanla born maltormcd ~ch n:·:lr 1~11~.nt uu"nca a ba.::g:eat tu.••llh probk-m Rhc;ounatl~

di~ n.11..·h u anhnu.a an:i the- tuN'O\t.alll \."aU.W• u( '1IAb1Ul~ tn thfl U S. hlllln.: o\'~r It mtllt.)n l"f'OP1t>

·nua ru•\\ *P'P'C"r ta cnopr:tftttn::: m th.- program of r .. ·ndth.Jtn>;


A rt~ r ... -m\.t A'!!"rt t.b....tr to tbc U :;; i:o•~t Qth Janu •r> and may t;t'l the tsf'«Ual')' '°""" at ow -' offl« An ~ud<'.nt knoruia:: ot any 11Uirn. lo ol.o r.quoa!.<d by llHo l ~ lmnui::ratLon and ~atUTallUUQn Sf'f"\icre Lo call um to their attitnUc>n..

Thf' r nna mav ~ rtlkd out m tM o:ftcdl n! tht. ~rvh o. al the post oft•Cl" vr mav h:tur thc-m to iau .. n 1ffHM1 "h"n t.01

plt>l"1 f>al"t"nt 1 •r gu•rdlan art" r'-qulrt."ft to ubn\U tt·port tur ela.n C"bJJJr"n unth·• t4 y\A,.. at Rf:t"

Rt. nu mbrr lh~ um' t1•r r l~'r1 n~ i. ,1uiin1:" Jitnu u·v onl

Thi· 'J.I( rtH:."d 1dl-tl\i· 111- JlUh H .. ) n111c1 ... u.,, ~tw apfM"ar,-d tn 1ht" C hrt ... tn1.1." "'"'l'nhl> prni:ro.m. Jud,\ pf.3) 1-d o bobb>··"''~··r "ho rl"fu,4•tJ Cu Kfn" up In Uu (Jrf• ..

rran "'hld1 drJJl<'t•••I u ( hrl ... C· m+•' 1wrt.) o f ••ullt·f:t." ... 11tdrnh.,

Loan For NIJC Student Union Building Okayed

1n l 'PP"°' .J t • Stl0,000 .>An Cot tudt:nt UhiO:\ buJk1•

ln.: Al ~o;~; Idaho Juntor Col· r "' h.aa t>.. ('h $:rantt"d b~· lht' ("ommun1t\· F'ncll1Ue-a n.dr'.ntnta. .rn.uon

-rhC> approval U1 fmal fn>m th!!' \\"411h1n1,91.on 11J.: ftc."j: bul la :1oUbJ«t to Lht aomJ C'Pndltton• U~l "rcamp.nnlf'iJ th~ or.J>lna1 •p~tlh.<tU_,n Tho•~ <'ond1Uon1 n &.' lhtU WC Att .\b1t" Wlthtn lhl' I Hl r.~IA'C\rk of OUt c:<ISUna; lnw11 lo work oul a ml'thoJ of rrp&)'•

t"nt or the lo;ut through lht \ cnue ut UI~ Studf'nl Union

bU1fdJn1i: lo bf. built Thua t.Jie p.;trticulftr Joan tn qUNUon bu "lhln' \\·ha~, . ._., to do wtlh

lht! ~ndlng bond luU<' The Stud<"nt f"nton Mlup i• a type

t u('("rnUnn \\·hlch will not Te•

Ill In th• bondln!; or th• ~mpcrly 1n the Junior Coll~ d .. tnct It .OOuld be <mplla­~iUd thu 1f t.he Sludcnt t~nlon l~n U1 consum.malN lb.at build· n1t "tll ~ eon!'ltnl<'tf'd and raid

for al no e.xpe.nH to thf' tax­r.a\ ('r~ O{ lht ~lnCl • &«Ord· .ns:- to Ray Cox.. attomf'y tor lhtt <'Ommtalon..

The conatructtun "·lll ha\·e no •~l.ltlotuh1p to tlaaroom ape.cc. \ppbcaUon -.-.u madeo for a

Studt:nt Union loan ralhC't than lntb for dormllOr)' l"'OJ\»t.roC•

t.nn btalulk' the CC!'drrnl 11gtncy UJ:"J::Clflll<'d a StudC"nt Union

bu:hJtng- t'Ould 11en·t aJI A nf..*Cff· ary adJtmct to a donnalory a.nd

h\'!lp pa~' oft a donnltory lotUL Propol<'d h a on-•t<iry bulld·

las; w1th 6.136 -aunre f f' ·t of ap<itf' ah<-lltr1n1t a Cf'ntrnl mttl· lng arc.a.. aludmt adn\lmwlrnUan ll n 1 ttudenl pubhcnuan qunr· tcr.1. f'r&Ung tn~Ulllea nnd n k ltrhf'n food 11.crvi«

Dr. Malik To Talk On Education At College Assembly

Sch..Suled to 5pcal< at th• all· ttll•i:• u.embly \\"odn-~

morning Is Dr Anand Mallk. pr~5itnUy "\<l&aUng le<'lU~ in educauon al th4!' Un.lveorttt}' of Idaho. Or. Malik i.. a prof ... llional student or tho probl ....... ot C"ducauon. tvtlh a cattU dal· w ... back to bJ.I graduaUon "1th a BA ln matbem.aUc:a from ranjab Uni\1Uslt)" ln ind.La. Smc~ then M obtaJnt!'d an

M A tn Encliah hlf'ratu~ trum Pan.Jab ll~ i:o• a pool i:nodwllo ceorutu:.ate ln educaUon (Com· f"'raU,-eo £ducat1on I from LhC' U of L<.ndon oarmd a D.Ed. I phll· 090ph)~ of ~uc.auon ) Crom th"' U or London. and necth·t'd a Oocl"r of F..ducaUOn de~ trotn Columbi a Unl\"'rtit,Y tn l!tS.,, a~hzJ.ng in au~.n·i.Slon and c:urnculum dt'\'t-lopmtl'IL

In l&M bo \'1Jllt..S Japan Euro~. Burma 11nd lhe .oulh· rm United Stal<"• whlla doing 11tud1f'.I Rt> hu taught ln uni· ',·nrlt1e11 Md coUes;"• ln lndlll, Pakl•u.n. England 1>nd tho \J, S. Hf' edited 1"11" L.ondlnlbn Md hJt• l\1,1c<' be!'e.n appolnl.od Prael­d,·nt•• Schol.Ar whl1t •tudying nt Columbfn Re ha• alan pub· ll!lhed aevoral bOOka.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (7) Jan 13, 1960

THE N.I.J.C. RE\ IEW r.~ s.~;.MutWy 0..1"'9 "'- c.I" • y .. ,

., J~ St.cf~, ••


C.Editon ..IN" M•""•t •l'IO Jvv. R.ra•• P't..1-,repht Editw kl. Gtfff!l' C1r,wleH011 Ma ..... 9w D•I• ~ Acf11•rlit1fll9 Maflape1 y,,., Gooo•t.

'"'';"•" Man•9•' Jvcfr SpeG,..u "'IOIOtteph•t lob l,;epotd

St.ff M•mb.n. S~M• Wa•ttrl1,,11\cf, a. .. At•l'l•rt• Jtrry Ct•,.,~ ke'tUt Now a th. Na"t"r T •t19•"· P•vl w .. ,.i9 W• 1 Adam.1,, Ou"" S.Clitroca

fRINTEO Al c..O U- A P W

==== Study Problems of Junior College Students Can Often Be Worked Out With Instructors

UI .....," "'' ·~ .U~I.~ a1.Yv}' . .... ua .,..uuu•.i ~ u..-uu" .. ,u.1 auu •••U..'•"u"" t..uUua .. : .. ui.ai;:

t l\!4M&JHcil Ut.:qt.u:.nliy UCU..

n.:,p an a.t.:Q.UU'llll; lfu~l aii.u .. , K'Ua .-a~ \\O•ln\\Jl.U\.' c;w..,.

JIU\.~1 WJUCAW'l: st.U'-')prf.."C.llc.&•

uun \.l.llh.l \\.'.aci)'. az1c rcav.1J1~

\.iUCU:nuy. o"!l&JUr problcl\\S SW.Q1 lU OU

\U hatc..a in a st.u~· oy LJ(lncl VI.ten, a <1"411 al bar•" ell 1,;<11· ae)lc UI CaluornJ.A).

J. J.D.abllll)' to Conc..:.n\.nlt\! uwu:u.11.y m co1M.;enu ... ut'­

oun pu:ld)' "'pon Uli: atu\l)° ~ lil llanU a.a nu:.nuoued mo.t u.1ten oy Ul.: alUi.ILCDl& Tbo pn>uiie>m "' opl"OllC'd U'l vanou. way•.

J Q,&\'C: d.lUJCUU.)' lD. kttpulg

m) muw trom 'A"'andcrtng. .. .l m eully d.i.ttJ a.cleu a.auJ

.UU4.:\J'aC.kod. .. • t c.ann.uL dear .my muhl ul

c\·cr)•Lhma.; cxci:pt Lbe Uun1 1 an lU<l,)llllS•"

:::5onh.: tnd1v1du&lh o.ro l.\MJll.A.'tl

lO upgr"4e 1.11111 abl.llly by ~'°Ii t.hov.. n mun aduquato mclhe>ull ut rC;,;,1.Ulnjt anu ouUJJUna lho l<'Xlbook.

Ot.ncra m&)' bo ttqu.ircJ tu fUHl plac~ Ulal a.n: eondU1.:l\'r to aludy, lhey ~"d. to cunald• ~ lbci c:UCC-l.a of a DO~)' CD\°ln>,1•

a.c:nl upon Lbe al>WI.) to P'' lull au.enuoo lO colk'o alu'11n

Oc<:.u1onally, frcolun<o I*'· Udpalc UCeul\'cl)" Ul clU.l"&• airncular ACU\"1b.Cli \\: lUlOUl NalWnl' rcl&Uon.Wpa bC!l\liffal pll) .. cal and meJ>tal tai.guc an. lho alllUI.)' 10 c:oncenlrll.lc.

~'ll'Ol')o&r SlUdcnUI from rural wsll ..mooi.o may "'""' lruublo i;t\'lnS atngl<-nund<:d •l· t.enUon lO lb.ctr alud1e.1 b«au.J lhuy h&\'O not adJw;lud lo lho •<•®one deman<b or " colic&• c:n\·tron.mcol. umc and encou.r~ ~cnienl may ba all lh&l lo 11....SeJ.

PenonaJ a4JWOUZlcnl problcJJU eomcumas pl"e\ t.nl al.Udenta lrom "'Ull:' !ull atlc:DUoo lo alUdJ.,._ ~ & llWt.o.lllC \oe&UonaJ i;o&I. for uampl~ la a porwinaJ a4Jmtmml probl ... of oona1okral>lo IZIAj;nllude for .omc coU~o aludenL<.. \\'bell •ta.ff mc:mbera a.aatn you.a£ men and womm to eelccl JXl"OOn&lll aalUlf)~ns catt<'r obJCCU'•., an lmpro• umonl In lh• ahllil)' lo \."Ontcntral4 upon aoUe:re \."OUNO \\Ork otltn ruu!U..

: , lnal>Ull.)' to Follow a Sludy Sdiodulc - The ln&bWly lO plan arul rei;ul&rly follOW &

drluule 1ludy 8CbedUI• lo m­llonod ncd moat freq11a11Jy. Tyr cal lt&lcm<nl.I of lblo probl<m are:

I m &IW&)-. pullinlt lhlnga otf unUI Lbe !&.It mlDUl<I."

'"SomcllllDs e1a .......Uy coma up tha.l La mor. l.nlrn:at· "" lhan llU>dyu>I;."

1 do ~ ouleoL aul;:umenl.6 flrat and n~vcr 1rtt.m to get "round lo t.hf" bard ones. ..

Slucl6ot.o BOm•t:Une9 fall to unde111l 1nd Ul• bcl>Cfll.a ot fol· lowlni; " M!i;ular alud)' ochO<lulc Tl\•)' appa1tnll)' think that ono wttk contain.I enousrh Umf" to •ludY 3JI AJbjoel.I ad<qu•l•IY ,.1Lbout nrco~ to a cumber· .on:1f'I atu,1y achoduJe-~ Such •tu· d•nl.I uau&lly do not ...-J•u lh• •mount ot ume wut~ •bell

aw v. a U....1-of .. pointed le­t ~nu,' lo rrs:ular ~of •UJdy Um• &a ~God S:.DGai!A "hon th•> unoSc:nltJu>d UIO u­i><"le or a w<ll·r•l&oncd 81=1 J"ll"O•• •m. .1ucb u a..rra.a.;tnC Uml'I rAth \\ Hk fi:Jr a ttYlr'll: ot p .. l a.u15tun<llla, ~ •lUdy Un>• ... d°"" to U.. lect· un: 11C»l•ma ... J>OMll>lc. &DC pro• ldllll; Adcquate recnau-

o.....U.. al awl&blc ~ clur· 1ni; Ulc day.

3 Laci< ol lntcrcot - Lack ut tnlCJ"Cllll Ln colk;~ at~ ti n cnl.loocd Ullnl moot l'req.-1.· ly, Tbc f.:>lJo\\'\rlj; are - ot lhc waya Ulla aluJ) problem Ill lXpru.aod

.. • JU..l Jun t ha\ c &n) 4.r'IYe tn 5d thc.k• untntirruun;: ~

'"'""- dont;" u 1 hrut mgry lnlt:r.:.tl and

muu\'R.Uon J'e,l du Wtter: , 1u\\ can yuu ll'&rn anyt.nau;

v1:h.: n you "' nul Lntert:.at....a 1' umc-ro\U rt.:aao.rut tur •ll.1•

Ut!nU la-=k 01 antcrC'll U1 t..-o.lk&..: 'oua.o ~o•k nu;hl bQ g\\~n

LA-.K u£ tntt"reat &nd lb4 ma· b1hl) to i;unccntratc &or a· ~mpuo, MCm lo be related. aince lb~ •1U~a'1l Vi"tk.l GpcnmC'f'IJ A 10"' 1ntc1cat lc\cl 1n r._a c~ piubaDI) bu IOD10 GUUcult) In

concentraW!j; upon ui..., """" j«la.

. .\ ,,.,"" or UJA4cquatdy ad«trd car .. -cr ob.)C'C1.l.\e ma) (HuJUCC' Cl ilt.&U\ll't9tC'J •lt.llUQt< \OWM.nt coUt.:":bcr °""'rk. PcnoaaJ t 1uhh.•flt.9 °'"aalona.11) auu..nci aUl'h prvporuon.» t.Dal eta.a.. work b..'C'Omca unlD'lpvrtanl lo the lt\JUbled •tudcnt..

J:;.'.\.tJ-a • c:1.uru::ular acU\1Uc» n\15bl maJcl" CXOi:'al\d oi:tnan­un a atudent 1 um.: awl lhou•ht •llft a c..-queza I~ o: u. lntcrcat.. ~ .ui;s~..or

and counacJol' o!tien obacne a rd&l.lcmlup ~ lllc rm.oaa tor 1tudcnta ln:l.tll!!::, to am· ccnl.r1llc, toabl.llly to f"°"" " •ll>d' odl«lul-. and bod( o! .... \Cral ln coJki;c atW11CIL

A .tudcot wbo lacks lnlcrat Ul hb aluWa m.A} be taktn;; A pfO&ram of COlmlCa 1.ll&L ovc:· l&XCO hi. cap<ibil!U.._ :Slllnd.ud· IUd tcol.8 of ocllolutlc apllludc aro hc.pfUl to de~ U lhia lo th ca.ao Prior llChl.-e­mcn l In hl'h acllool DUI) alloo .. ,tit lh&l the lr.U<lcnL be hclpc:I to make & mct'e reall.IUc cha co of CDUrlC 'A""C:"k.

• ln&doq'Jatc Geno ral P:wp-&n>U= aod Skil1a - .,,.. 1-l~IWll.ly mc>U<med .. .udy problem la a sa>tral lack of IOp<CUIC nudy alc1ll> a:il! &bill· llco. Tb1'I prob.cm lo •"<>rded l:l •"U!om waya: "ldollOl-ll~

cnoui:b YOC&bulary to ~ um 111:bJ<ct."

I C&MOL pul dOWD u... _,,_ U&I thlnp aunns l«tura."

ln11ul\oo~ .My nwmory l"" l 'illY i;ood

.n.nt1 I forgtt a lot ot what T,;e -d."

C.rtam or ~ ~ •twly akill• .._.,,bl<d undor tht1 ll<ad· Ins can be In:""" ed dur\njC

l&Mroom pnRnt&Ucm.. ::-:~ ... l&k~ loclmlqu..., tor """"'P~

80% Of Idahoans Expect Children To Attend College

from a ... ~or. tlcm u to U: ntu ma7 be appropriate tor different mtudy &ali;mnmt.o ar "°"'"" Um~ be p!ul.

Su1n>..t<ll dt'Vlea tor Lbco •m· pru•anml of memory be l the otudml ,. ho rori:-e D&aM:S. p oca, and da \\ &JW ol In· cr-1nr ..-ocabulnry ""'> i... indicated In cl&q &Dd Ubnuy aklU. on•n lmd lMm· omlv .. to i:roup J'l"<X'lll.llkm..


Candle Bearers Lead Procession-....

~ n.LA-JJ"' brAn-f' ,hm\n 1.r~ lt"adlnr: lht· alrf,• 1'.t . ti.I ........ tM-,... IJortoc tht " '"'' •t lt• l'ror~ ... tnn .. muutw•r ut thf" t hrl•I-..., "'n'""'~ , (),,on \olfT, lrft lu rl.:M. ~th-. \\ rlKhl. IA"on" ' '""'""" UnJ.ai ' .f"t ... Urbu \lf"I\ !Intl '·' h lh " ""''t•rlunti.

l:S, llOd 66 fur C:I Jr 11 Lllrullib 1;

Theft,..... oho .. we nri.tlun by ns- by rol3the oco­- m"tb. ~00om1.~ .. 1 ~ wctt 1 fOT lllj;ll In I fa.m..lllc:5. I r abOve-avern..st'I tamllia,. Tl tor tho •'nag" famllleo. -1 H far below• •nnJ:C IJlo>IUa..

In 1.11~ a- I clllldrm nol rxpectcd to allm•I Ct•U I:• m.JLn.)' parl"nU douh\a 1:uueir trom lack ot muney \ Id' I Uul •monr child""n Crom 1 ' U1ruu1tt Ii lignifl(Ant porUoru, rtrtort.I· ln; lo l.hiclf' pCllt'hll, d\ I not "'anl to go to coll"'i:• t !:)• • an • had lllad«jUAI• mark• '13• I

Ot' l.boac ch1ldr n O~t'd tu go lO colkgc, 3; ptt cent wore expected to &U•nd al.a\.e lnlll wuom •· dly coUesca, 17' • print• ID&Ututlolla, lllld Ci , JunlOI' or commw:lly col~.,. Parml8 of 37 oa1d they ill ' not know.

la colUUAUo&' total co!lq ~ tho median ttsure fo pn'l'llU eollri;;~ WU $1,ll7 4 per ) ear, compared with $1,370 for otate w:lvcn!Uo $ 'l! f<1r Jun• tor or community collt'ga an 1 1>61 !or l;y coll•gt11.

The median lOl.ll cat.1mal<''1 '""l ~r tanuly for Kn•llns nil La c.hildr<D through ,.,11egu

WU $10 0:.0 TOW&N Ullo C011t. p&rcnl.I l&ld th")° plan to COil•

lribuLe a median f SW'• Of $0 OGO or 10 UI of the r.amllJ ... !lpnd their lot.al c:oal.8 A' m«e than $111,A)OO

Mice:! bow Lbe7 would fiDao: lhnr fa.mll7 ~ 0""""6 -la aid U>ey apoct

u.. anua.I -=-cu. SIXlJ· RVrn per cau. ted oom fonn

I M\'tnp 41' , _,,., type of ICho nrl:l;> cwn t In·

lll ' emment Cil' CDl· <:;I..,.. 4.bl< I a.dd!!lon expcc~ th• r




417 9'·~"" ....... .. ,,.._ 4-)411


&d th(') hAdn·l hi••1 a bane.. tu thlnk 11bL,nl U. 11 lMJ n-out.l 8f't up M. ('otlr~ M\' np r1an, :?3< • thf\" woulfl .. G•n•ral •\Ing , SO Utq "-ould UM: C'•rr•nl lnrom•. a.Oii I u • t be duhlttn wdl t•k~ (&h

of ll thf'~ l\·«"• Nin• prr l•\«P uthttr anll:W•r•

l•l&1>Mn1 rxpnc lod !iO fl tht•lf thlMrtn \\.ouM J:'u to fUI. I ,;o •n•I f"Xptttt-.t tho mil ll\«"racr $J.itM> • )'tt11 r lt. ·1tC'dlan coal r.rortC"•I

There onco wna A coer:t nlU'I •4 lA'a

Who al by my • l•I• Al • i.._

tr~r runibllnlr• ab<l<JonlnaJ \\.'•re 10m• phrnomrnn.I uvl e\O•l')'<•n• th<>u-hl ll

\'\ ur m•'


Y o~r.: ~~"'i;'- . Y erde99. S-, 101 ti Fourth St • MOhowl 4'*'




HERBES CITY DRUG ....... '-'Oh•~ 4-11 .. 10' s..­

"E.SCP1Pi G~ SPfr A ~·· Co'-'""•t.r;t 61fts.. St.•-•rr

• ... 4 s-,,.c1,; .. ~. f.....<l t St ••



J l SHUMAN Avt. 0p..1 ..... te•~-

1 o.ys • w .. ~


Perry • Del

224 SH~RU"'" AV( COEUR D' A l(Nl

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (7) Jan 13, 1960

College Singers Entertain At Masonic Lodge

Tht• mht"'d \On&l .:roup ~ho"o ,...,... .-etaol"t.ala#4 for n. hl\lf h our ut tbr '1..-M•nl.- Lod.4..- • lJ.roirrm.. tt..-.r. ~nd> !\) ,.,.. Jolnrd tmo ~KM""> •~lit a C:hrl,.,,tma." rt·ndlnlf'. AJl o~ N1MI lrf• te rtpl; s:trl .. - r nulu " "''""" ' l•rll>n s~ntoa,.. a.an.w

• f"IT&~ J -. ~~tad. o..aa \\ rtcll• , .. , '"" p,.~ "'-'aat'1 TltomP"'O-. a.ad ~.) l\t.1ntklf'r llo}' - J 'Tr) ' "'P-r. J ..... li •todall \\ IU < ou:mrritb,. DMt ~ Tillir ,,...~m.bW a~o ....n1 tor ~ .. n.t •ttw-r- ritJ ~ 4artnc tbt1-.1nUL ...

t ulllnn tnH•ntN.l Ccunm.a

Tho Jt.allon pr1nt•r·humanl l Aid"- l4.l\nUUU !14G0-16161 WU th~ tnvtnlor oc \.ht comm" ak)n,· ~1th olhr:r f1W1ClUAtlnn mark H~ WIU llO •Urf' of hi• pm!eo• olllnal ablllt)' ho Mr<~ a ~old f"rO\\'T1 for f'\ N'Y t"rTOr pointfd out

OUnns: • hla\ol')· cl.au lrttt.U'\" on th~ lillldu'e "0""'""'"· Stub­by Lycm• ocm•rk...S •Sn lhat'e wht>l"f" th"Y ,., th~ f''\;rn-.uk>n a lot or bull' ..



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners 101 fro.I • MO~••I 4-JSi.

Fr .. Piekup and DeGvery







Aho Orden To wo

Qunllt~ PRI NT ING

Ye-. tt..,,. k ·q.,,.J ty• iin P'illt•9 H w.n "-' 1111 cJo•hi.nt. ,..,,, fvni:tvr. ud .tti.et COl"'""°"';.u He,. at Th• ,,.u ••' [rd <Of\•icf• r•t'-._ '* Not 'ho-• cl.Hp

bwt "- '*' "'°'""' ........ "'•flt •ruf .,\_,'Ml M•1t 1tu1~e t

poolW• fot "' to clo ~1 r< "' Mi9 \>.tt.., .,hkvl ,.,., • ..,•tJ•"'


'°''"'"' of tit• N.1. J.C . ._.,, ......

Supt. Couch Tells SNEA Members How To Apply For Jobs

At ' t tll"lt "'" '~ar ......... ~r or SN'&A bt'6.l"d ~upt Jay Coacb of Poot f'llllo C'' • tlw -TC<l r·roc-rdu"" tor applyt.D.c for • lC".A('hU\c po!Jll.On. H~ ..- .,.._ t'UaMd v. ha 1 U.O.. w!ao h.trc' l.,..ching ptnoniwl )oio,k f'1f' ~ •rr11ranu aod tcnmd a -wrry lntr,...atf'd audlf'Dtt

Salh Hurc: itrr •-.a .-.!ectrd 1 ... rfffitnt lb*' rraup m Ole fort­co~ l.ll.M ~UC OM1 Sh« .. .... M'l«l..d Wt tall 1111; th• l'!'EA .. _..,Nd H~-1\ ttk ... &lit .- "® cl!Jp ' thr moot ""'11D and p.""""'11 Jurtng th.al on<ttt.aUoa •«­fur frnhm""- end Ulr (TOQf

<1dcod thm tbat ol>e eboUW ~w bC' th('.u- Ml&I XUC c:a.odJ· Ole ~d<tll Dta.n :>chrock ~· 11~ dttp concc-m o\.'tt th. 1c-laU\'t>lv a.man t&&rnot.UA al SNEA ~Hllr.p lha )•r o;.n­

•t~trtnC th• ~· eruollmftlt 1n t!'ducauon He- poLnt.ed out I h.al an OU1$t.tuldlnl: opcak~r had btt:n obl&Uied for «•ch merunc .,.. rar and ~ LM pou>l that at.cnteas are m.JalN.ng a !rood odu<aUOnal opportWUl) He •t.al~• th.al the nexl mere-Wt~ ,. .. b..swod ror l'rbru&ry • \l.1Lh a 60·mt.nuu film on t'dU· caUon to be ~-n.

o.lleinam art nd&ng bil<s IA> scbool ""'1 ClrulU>&' thml delJ.?1-rWJy IAel<peN>Vr - OM ....,.

p&)'""ICl. DO ps, oil.~.


FRENCH CLEANERS Free P'teb.'P or>d 0e&wty

7lC N. -~ S• • "'°""" 4-~ I '

T as•es better


It's fresher .


Speech Students Judge Debates

"""" :.ur ..,.. .. ...,.... !._j t..i • .,..,.,.. • .. rn u JCCH for a .S.loal• In Do<: bor bot•- CoaMp and Coo d Al..,, b (II orboat. ll<bl •• ... bJ«t ••• --no. Labor rro

'"" Jmw s. '-rtl F.luJI« .W ltt Jack \"""nc a%ld lloCI Ur pold .. ,b Judl;od on• bow' .S. beta and rclata U...t U.. •peal<

i: i., atudenla <Jf boUI ocl>ooh >. t

Fender Was King Of Annual AWS Chris1mas Ball

J-.t F~r . ._ ro-.a..s

""'' r u.. ~·....s "'°""'" Student.a' LIUW&I Cbnaunu formal. wbld> ,.... ""Id ellc l'\l7 bc-tv"" YitC'&tlan.. Ct.ft Blaclc and LA.ti') 8rt.:M'"l11J\K wtn C'l'OWIMld pnncd.

Ttua cou.rt •u wl«led from a tl•ld or 13 candldat .. llldU.S· 111i; Larry Cood&I< Clwt Howrll Pau.J Petcr1t0n Di<'k Tat• Tom Rdd Bany Pry l.mu>tt •• ..,., Bob Yoot Ed .\foncal and Ard•n l.for.-, ID M!dllk.n lo ~ alrca4)' llAJll<d

'""' royal!y ,.... ~ by popWar \.'Cite &mOCIC U\~ WOCM

o11tudf'ftt.a and th-.y wrrc ,,,,... n· "" b~ Liie fcol»wU>K Aw s om· un · So• CUey p.-.i..,t Bomur ~ty. •'b ?">ldr-DI, and F'rlu><!o ~.....-.ckL

'"" IJlazW or u.. - •• u \\. .. Ultct' \\~c-odeT'l&Dd 1"bt ~

on.tlcm.I ,..ere CllDt«ed arOQnd r.rom>d • po:>lr Chr!atmu ,,.,. lolc&lc WU prcn1dcd by a four• "4tft band tram u.. t:mT<r­•tv ot 1dallo. wblcb WU l<d I>)" cedi R..tck.

Comm"'_.. for t.btt c:a.ncc an­'udcd lldTc".llc::>dlt. Jad7 p_,Lee~~

T~ ~ 1\-.Jtan rotJWl>­.......t. $lluQn Sll}'dor -..a­....... a.......- ~Halm·

ll&rl.me Banmm.. \"ld<W l\.allu:r - J...c:I~,. u4 Oe!l& Jeu :M •r prosrama. Obdt Rahr.er IAD7 Ricllal'd.J. C&nil ,uplDDd K.a,. Ota-. JCAMlt. Cary aDd Carol Dami­,.,, -. :Mldcle "'b,t.i.,.

A. blacl< ..,._ la called a bit» ...,.. !JI Cttm&A7 and a poaebod ey \.ti F'ratt<"

SOUVENIR RECORDS - "'°''-..\ ._SS'7


N I J C l(Ylf.W C..w• I Ar.I•"'• 14'.e"-, w.4 J.,. fl. tUO 11


AAJC Receives Kellogg Grant Of $240,000

,,,.,.. Ar • r1c&n ~Ucm ot J" c ·11•1M ro<'mUy an nouCKCIJ a u,,rnmllm•nl of $2•H.· ow from I.he \\ K K•11"11 round&Uon w 111r..,.u..n aM r.af'aAd tile .-uon·a Ml"V• I q t.o the nauoraa 700 C4•tn• mW1lt7 IUl'1 J••1>l<>r colMIM and \Mir aRIUOW1ltl•&. It le YWwed u ttidctlOI Of lb• P"uWl latloA'a dttp U\ter•t ID t.b• 1rowins: aru1 aicnu...,.t role ot •uch IJIJUlul.lolla ui A.mfl1Can educe• tloQ.

Th<' crant wtU .,..bl• U.e u· .. -.ci.atJCl.n to lmprove effecuv .. tLMll UI &dmut.lalt'IUl.ia, Cun'ICU• lu.m, ln•tru< uon, kplatlon, an•I •Uidcet prr11.1An•J - &11 ..,,_. wbor• Jack of •tall and r1111<1• handlcap~ ar.t.IVIUM al1<I nt• ...... h or I.he ..-iauon.

Th• ntw tMOW'C•, lD M UNd ovtt a rtv .. y..,. J>"r1od. Wiii h#lp jun~ir «•U• 1M, Whkh art re1au .. 1y wwdrd by oul$1tl• aourc.. 8u•b colltlM ••• 11a11>-11t1 wtdoproa.d rw<>gnltlun u , "" or I.he bul ,,...,.. ot provtd­inc odu•auon beyond UI~ hlch "'houl Al pr_,,t t.hve art n..n1 a mlllk>n ll...S...t.I In commwuty and junior ooD•C .. .. 1u. an Mum&t.od enrollment of two mlUwn by 107G JI II ..U­m&~ that ORIP ot •vay faur atudmt.a bqtnnln&" Ille colUJI• educaUOn I.hi• rail enrolled '" llUCb. ~ ..

Educator Makes Predictions For The Year 2009

&m• tnter•On&' thlblt.a about ... Joa aUon ln 200lt wilff recflnUy nfr•rt<,I by Dr l"nui<1e Cha.M, h .. d nr tbo o.p&rtm<'nl of Edu· ratlttn al tht UnlVfl"9'lly of Cha .. CAK:O Jlp ptMlict.a

I • 1tty l)"rcent nl Ule U. 8. poru1at1on 00U•r .. 1ra1n .. 1 w1U1 a Junll>r oolltp In every city or ll<>.000

2 T--rw With edvtulC*I Cl•Jl'UI draWll from !Op llU· •l<-nu In ooD-.• '"'duaunc w.-· 3 A. ac:bool r•rornm wbleb kffpe up W1UI atom14 •lontt and !IJJ&C• U&Vtl

• JI0,000 alarl• lln Ibo daY'• pr1u.) ror catotr tea.di· ~re.

~ Otce.nlnlllzaUOul or llUC•I Of'hOOl.t tnto unlu or about 00 l•chl'tW. bul lfl'Ml~r centrmllZ&· unn 11! atehool f't'Vtnue llOU~.

4. ~·od•ral .upport nf t<IUCA• lion at approxlrnat.<'ly 23'.~ or avtnJ• CXNtt or in•lru~UM' from •len>CJllArY irr-6.. Uirou,ti '"'duate tud)'.


Nip & Kurl Beauty Salon and School

)•l CIA A<• • MOl<•wl .-S

Be Sociable . . _ Haoe A Pepsi


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (7) Jan 13, 1960


T("ttm \\' t. Tl!

Cords Race Post Whitworth JV's

Tho ClowM ZP 1 ~ Z" 401 JOO'• :?T ~~ 16 •';J ~-4 Z:.tl Cb.cm· PfC"k.~·rs 1?4 20 23.:09'; fl'~n K1e:k<'ra 2., 20 23,3J ~ Alie) Drapru 22' • Zl \:r 22 6.33 Hftppy Haunt ?2 2? 22.185 Ha.ndJca,,,. 20 Z4 22. 75."t Ril'"d Onion• lJi 2G 2.2.67:i S<lrewb111lh1 I& 26 n .1()8 Sludl 16 2ll ::2 470

~ten· .. I U«f1 \\~l"DI~

D&rryl J• C<lbMn 1"4 Cldl S("•·H~ l~..S. Krn Cam1:Jt'YJ 1'"•2, RlrhlU'd E111t~ 119 IU< ho rd Ul>yd Htl. Ralrh O'Ut•nn•ll u2. Ard~n Morro\\ l<t l , JtM l U1 1p1 ....

by H I, 21'11<'~ Halc h 110. Juo tin; .. ~ 1 ~0

\\'unwn·~ lflgh 1\\rnai:; ...... \lari" Gray 1:?2. J ud) R•)

nol.U 116 M~ry Tobl<r 113. su .. C.....-y 10-I

~\ffl>'' I Ugh Gnmc

t,,, an Lu.ndbl I K n r~

nd Bob Y trt J t Car

\'. lM!' n I

1nr: S"!·:i c·antlaal .&in . ~.,...

JO<'I Ro~<by :?:ll le II pl Ip ~ftn'"' H ltth Storie. .. Lur1dbl&J I> b I 10

Jo<I RolPl•by !\Ori \\'t.'t'nJf:' 2 Ox I 0 ' Worn..,·s lllJ!h Gnnw Man• C"*Y 119

Gnutl I Cb. 0 . ~ \\'tlh••lm 3 :,, 3 l"allon l a. : J I.)

Wumcn·~ llli:h S.,rl(" l.1&11<> Cray 390 \'o•l 4 3JC 3 I I t



Hjort Hrnlt-;i ,\dturu Y"ndt B•ll c.inry Thl\t'kN

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llO '\ "'-<>RI t:a.ni-1- le " Ada I h. cw; 0 Ox tf:n.Jft. Ox

s. 0 la : Lundblad l' h. :s \ \ ...-:t!i; 0 11.. :

l o" I~ ( x I)

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T4-~\4 a P\&.> Lraru- 1t - ... uJ1 ..

S lc.J Ja\-.:t'ft t tu~ man Bttn Ct nnc- Ptul 1 r 6a 6-' J:4h nu.n Ila"

Sndth SO

:-nJC O.r<1>"'1b ;:-, t&l~h _.._John Ad&nu 11 Dan W • t'r-4 lm. l ... Red I TA\trn, 4% n i:b mm. w.,, Wooch If Bob HaD,iC'k 1::?

':\:'Ul"' J&JT~ t1i tili:b .an. Kffl Pal :on. ~ Sl>orman

)ilaC"h:u:i:tJ :4 btrb man. Jclm HU!'.!r,,. <

llli::h r ... 1 ... ~ll<o~ FQUT .ut ~ it""'ttj' 10 Amf'T1•

an l "-ja.•-oldo :i.•• ~r.Mlu U....- from ns!den: hli;:?: M<.

lAl>oo ~ rc1.a.-y :.Ut<J>e:: P' o" • \\'bal b.a~!ll< 1' Old<' C:n::p~l.Ja 4 Jbbl &a m n lab<,..,ra ~ ti..o - · ha!

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Weddln9 lnvilation1 Olfico Suppli"

S-• •• Good .. t . 1>e . .. N .... 1o • • Leader Publishing Co. M..9•.,,.,.t ' • ••'" • nc4 Cef• 1t6 N f01;f th St MO~ ... \ 4-Jlot

Tale of Two Cities! A.mo:;i w """ ~ ddt. with 1M u.:r.t pa capo.1& clo1ment ot Coa-Cala a.-.,~ n>OQ&b, &1mQ7

~ .... Ort.m aDd dlll!y lloi:tnal. Wbc .. •7· -rblzst Knows Xo S.-0," ....... ald • cb.rlol mousb!ol. • So don't take az.:r lame a.- aboat !ta not belaa bot CIO<qh !oz eoc.cob. Forpt Ibo tem~tara ud dtlzil< apt

SIG!I OF G000 TASTE aom.d """- ..-..dy of n.. Coco.cdo c-po.,. ..,.