College President Extends Welcome To Student Body ,... .. ri.d·'<ll;. a•: tatr lDt.' ;>;I.JC Hldld a l r- cllal welcome to th<' mom lino 80 11uddll5 •bo are D" er.: Jlers at &he 111&rt o! tbla 11 raind ae.:ieater. See• of 100 ., ... hN<' ror lb ... Orsi ti= and soct1 ar rcwm- lnE a!tet a lapll(I of Um S e of .roa are entutJ collei:e f"1 the fit&: time and aome of 1ou ate flom otb<'t colle1es. )I.. 1 our ttanaltloa a!!IOC>tb and wubOut liJO caru prcblel:ll!. pJnar !ttl frtce ID call on ,.,,, o! us It you reel lbe aeed tor b<'lP In any way. lie pride ourt1<'I•• on ti.!ln1 a friendly colle1e dedicated 14 the bt-31 lrtf!CSlll or all of our llu· d•nti. Girt.' of 1our beat and 1 kno• that you " II be amply rl'Warded. P. A. CbrlaUanson Collese 16th Guidance Conference Slated T I 1t1"nlh annual &l'"•tt tNO"'rt-nr;r. for ul&l"• acllOOI Mnlor.1 •Ill be held IS In thr :'ii.JC um• nuln . Kazi eoch::an. gpedal n r· •ICMI adYlsor lor lluhlniton Wal('r POWN, wlll be tbe cunt apnker. 'Frf'edom of Cllclcr" la tbe tttl" or Illa addrc•. In which he •111 discuss urn e>""lncol freedom for A!IK'n c:in ewdenl a. Patt ldpa!ln& acbools aft' Coeur d'Alene. l.H.M. Aca· d• KootNal \'alle>, Plum· Pn•I fall , RathdNm, PTK Will Sell Volentine Cakes llortr·ri.adf •alrnunr cak•s ro bcln& oltrrl'CI fur nil• on Pttlll ordo•r, Ordtor rnu&I be placed with an\ mrmber or Phi Tht-tn l\011pa 1101 lal"r 1i.n Thurlldnv, Frb. 13. All\ kind of cokll d1•11Jrr<j - •hll•, yrllu,., Cl••cnlut<·, &JllCf' - "Ill bo lllld drllvrrrd an1 who•rt• "'llhln lh• llmllA ol C•wur d' Alrnr. Th" chan:e 111 1 .. 0 dollar• I (>('I cah, d•ll•N> will bC' Salunlll,) aflt"moon, Th" rda !rum llw cak•• I al• •Ill bt> UAl'd ID help d.- lrv or Phi Thl'ln Karpo I lhrH •nll n lhla ASB Create s 'Publicity Stoff "l0 .. Travelogue Film On Egypt Slated Tuesday , Feb. · 1s P ..aa P ..!lo. ' lo be 11ent<!d In thf' s I.JC ID'llll:WU • ..-111 takt" pJac•• on Fl'b. 18, and wlll bl' b1 Telle.rd H. 11011<. ll Is a Ill;;; dl)(Utn entatt ot EE.TPI 'a an· clt:!nl splend "' and 115 people 118 thl'V atf' todaJ. Dr. T "Hord \\o rt<, produce: or "Phatas:ihs and Fellah!l". lnclud"a ancient E1t11>t 10 all lta rem&1nlns: toPl-ndor, as ,.t"ll as 1111 peopl" as Ibey are loda). Hf' .. 111 appea: localh. In person. to thf' nt m P" "am. H. lion.: hu tra•eled to 90 countnes. and ears oontin,.=it. He lhed a year In the f'!lt I bnds. llvc J'eBts In India. o:ie In Gr,..t Br.lain Md has mot<' uum a. , .... , on lbe r.<·u. Denni: las I nc lll&J ln EQPt b.- .,.,. a.tr rded UntQUf' oppOtlU.'lll> to fill!> Its Pt"lP!I!. not only In lb .. bette: kn01tn al ni: I.he but alM n l.'l•r. • vlllai:es. a.-.d 11 of tt .. Sahara. F t nln<" Jer.: " •U a Ill•(! Cl bf: I tile Roekeff'lltr F undAu n. In lndla br "llll t:;lreclllr f ll> \'lrua kt-se1uch Cf"n: : :i! P.x>nL Jn Fl l be "1)t1.\t!d eltphantlul& f r th<' Bau Col nlal Govrmmrnt. I!> F.i::wi>t h• "as nnced re arch. Ht" n< ,. Chlrr of \Ir· I i:1 f r the l .S. Publrr llrallh S<>nlct' C m11nlrabl1 DIRr:IM' Crnt •. •ndrr •. , t. r Ir ar " GR.+. DES H OT AVAILABLE Alt ·r th• d• 1 bri·n tJm<d 1n b• tL .n 1ru loro, an announce <"nl will bt' mud<! w t.-n ClaY pica up tbrl r !If Adr Ctlfd n U1r omc ... T ropkr rf.'ilmm COEUR D' IJ.ENE. IOAHO Cart oouist £11t ertai11 s At Jut .. usm· bl\ Sha" M<Cutchcvn. PGllllcal aartoonl51 r r lhr :;pok nt• ·R<'r'ICll', '8't o lrchJrt ... drnuns1mtion n cart1 oninc. "One pltLUr•· 18 Wt•rth 10,000 "0111'," 14lt'<l \Ir, \\<Cul· <"ht: n untt \\,1•n\ un tu d1 1 mori- to• 1,rtuus tt•chnlq1uos 1111d u:wd b,\ u canoonlM. hO\\\ d hu¥i numt"'rous e\Nt•!S..:ttons oould bt\ r11:01 o lnal<' face und ho" a uae !am!Hu. e1 Nyda) to gtc his pnsn1 "" ltmtrd bow D conwnht con· t:a lS In I& It ltt-d 8PGC<' mnd ent n I< rlr.l• euch pt!UpJ., F'ldPI Ca trn 11nd "" n. Mr. McCutch<-on, \\hO falllt"t sas tbe f>Oll Ucnl au· I I r Chi aao Tn· lnteod"d tl I .-d YEARBOOK PICTURES TO BE TAKE N SODH A <'S 11.t1d t1a1 o " n ... ,,. or rca.r..::l all os w UI bf' t:ilten f r th niart.oook I rrd by Ille 1'<11lonal su.tt r lh<" iannuul. Club prt.>SI· d nts \\Ill b<' tnl nned o r 1hr. lime, plllCC'. and tlutf', and ar iaakr-d to co .. uJH.ftutl' v.:tth lh<' •nnUAI al&ff bl havin& u II 1he 11 ernb•·• or th•rr r pt•cthr clubs b<• on tlmP 11 urranl"d. \\Ill nol b 01 er lncludl' "ho did no1 com" "h••n .1skcd. Second Semester Tops Previous Yems k. of !.&st f ndJ SIJC'A enrollment for Ille •NtDE aemester had r .. ched "9 . an all·Umf" blgh for second semt"Strr rr!ll&1r11uon, lhe 11re1touo p.,ILk at thl& stacr 515 II 1t•ar llCa. k<'K isllar N1sh10 expects Iha flJUre lO KO SU i;llllY hi dier •llll, •lnct' the d(•adllne for re11Jstr<Ulon 1,. Feb . 17. Post rxpcrt cnce 111 N uc ha.. been for t'Drollmmt to drop nbout I O'lt ror lhe 11ecc nd srmestcr since somr i;tudrnts lntnMcr to othrr lnsUlutlon• at the end of the fall semes· IN. II 31lfW!lr.; that the drop this Yt'at wllt be In the 3-11> rani;t". <'lltallments durtnc the p""'t fll t' vears sho• 380 In 1960. 3;9 tn 1961. t2i In 1962. SIS ID 1963, :ltld 589 In 1964. F l'b. Ii Is also the fin DI day for chandnJ ot cla»es. The next the R<"ll<' wtll cam· fln:al rt"dstrallon fli;ures and an •ls of rociMraUoD as to class"5 and aimcul:>. 11 also tht" UM showlDC 1111 stud<nL'< •ho !"amrd 3.0 or t>.,,uer reco:d! for th,. first Schol a rs hips For ' 64- ' 65 Available Allhoui;h the chol· arshlP• hll't bet•n •"Atded, man.v are no" ll\'Ql lable for the 196-1 -65 !lchool )1.'&r. Appllca Uon blank11 Cllll br ubtnln<•d from \llS5 Nl•hlo. The rollov. Inc" 111 be to NIJC studrnL.: M•dlcol A"5ociallon or KootPnlll Coun- 11" (full lultlon l t N IJC !<OPhomoru pre-medical. F'!rs1 S<'CUr!l)' B:ink or Coeur d. Alene ($:?00 Pach ·:? 11ophomuro mPn rn:tJOllns in bu,lness odmlnt stmllon, \lrs. G. 0. Klldo" • Ci. o_ Kildo .. \!em •fla.I (SIOOJ- ..opho"'IOre U.S. F'or.,,t St-r· nee summer I\ tk SC11ol11r- sblps • 3 l>wdt'llL' an Core..trv and encmeennc. Booster Club Plans Dance Friday Night Tht" '\ortb Idaho Jun1 •r C lki:e Boo,.lt't Club "'II sponsor a dance at Ille '\IJC cm on Pndii..v nlib1, 11. Danctnc ••II s\art 111 I 0:00 p.i::. •Ill b<· fumlsht'd b\ th<" "Blue J8ns", a S"!>l<"Cr bWld from Spokanr. The "Blue Jean," ha1·r played encaaemcnu all o..rr the !'Ootthv. rst uod nrL a bi It' selllnc band. Their pla UN "Cool Martini " Is a be .. t-,cller. Tiit Bt>ostPr Club i 1ss11lnR a ,.peclnl ID\ 1totron to all N !JC »tudent:; ond tbrlr !rteD<b. All mon!<•• rrum 1111• dnnce •Mii io 10 1 h1• ,.pt•c1a.I scholarship fund ro r N!JC studeni:.. Adml:,:,Jon Is 75c for W1d $!.00 for coup!.,,. .

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College

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Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body

,..... ri.d·'<ll;. a•: tatr lDt.' ;>;I.JC Hldld a l r­cllal welcome to th<' mom lino 80 11uddll5 •bo are D" er.: Jlers at &he 111&rt o! tbla

11raind ae.:ieater. See• of 100 ., ... hN<' ror lb ...

Orsi ti= and soct1 ar rcwm­lnE a!tet a lapll(I o f Um S e of .roa are entutJ collei:e f"1 the fit&: time and aome of 1ou ate 1~rrm1t flom otb<'t colle1es. )I..

1our ttanaltloa ~ a!!IOC>tb and wubOut liJO caru prcblel:ll!. pJnar !ttl frtce ID call on ,.,,, o! us It you reel lbe aeed tor b<'lP In any way. lie pride ourt1<'I•• on ti.!ln1 a friendly colle1e dedicated 14 the bt-31 lrtf!CSlll or all of our llu· d•nti. Girt.' o f 1our beat and 1 kno• that you " II be amply rl'Warded.

P. A. CbrlaUanson Collese Pt~lden1

16th Guidance Conference Slated

T I 1t1"nlh annual ~td-&l'"•tt tNO"'rt-nr;r. for ul&l"• acllOOI Mnlor.1 •Ill be held A~r.I IS In thr :'ii.JC um• nuln .

Kazi eoch::an. gpedal n r· •ICMI adYlsor lor lluhlniton Wal('r POWN, wlll be tbe cunt apnker. • 'Frf'edom of Cllclcr" la tbe tttl" or Illa addrc•. In which he •111 discuss urn e>""lncol freedom for A!IK'n c:in ewdenl a.

Pattldpa!ln& hi~ acbools aft' Coeur d'Alene. l.H.M. Aca· d• • KootNal \'alle>, Plum· ~•r. Pn•I fall , RathdNm, .,1r·t~ • and"ul~

PTK Will Sell Volentine Cakes

llortr·ri.adf •alrnunr cak•s ro bcln& oltrrl'CI fur nil• on Pttlll ordo•r, Ordtor rnu&I

be placed with an\ mrmber or Phi Tht-tn l\011pa 1101 lal"r 1i.n Thurlldnv, Frb. 13.

All\ kind of cokll d1•11Jrr<j -•hll•, yrllu,., Cl••cnlut<·, &JllCf' - "Ill bo r1t•~h·bakrd lllld drllvrrrd an1 who•rt• "'llhln lh• llmllA ol C•wur d' Alrnr. Th" chan:e 111 1 .. 0 dollar•

I (>('I cah, d•ll•N> will bC' rr:id~ Salunlll,) aflt"moon, ~·•b. I~.

Th" Pl~<• rda !rum llw cak•• I al• •Ill bt> UAl'd ID help d.-

lrv "'"""~"" or Phi Thl'ln Karpo ~lt"Ul•ll I lhrH

~uni •nll n lhla

ASB Creates 'Publicity Stoff

• "l0 ..

Travelogue Film On Egypt Slated Tuesday, Feb. ·1s

P -~ ..aa P ..!lo. ' t~ lo be P~·

11ent<!d In thf' s I.JC ID'llll:WU • ..-111 takt" pJac•• on Fl'b. 18, and wlll bl' pr~en:ed b1 Telle.rd H. 11011<. ll Is a Ill;;; dl)(Utn entatt ot EE.TPI 'a an· clt:!nl splend "' and 115 people 118 thl'V atf' todaJ.

Dr. T "Hord \\o rt<, produce: or "Phatas:ihs and Fellah!l". lnclud"a ancient E1t11>t 10 all lta rem&1nlns: toPl-ndor, as ,.t"ll as 1111 peopl" as Ibey are loda). Hf' .. 111 appea: localh. In person. to na.rra~ thf' nt m P" "am. Tel!~rd H. lion.: hu tra•eled

to 90 countnes. and ears lnhbl~ oontin,.=it. He lhed a year In the f'!lt I bnds. llvc J'eBts In India. o:ie In Gr,..t Br.lain Md has 6~4'llt mot<' uum a. ,...., on lbe bl~b r.<·u. Denni: las I nc lll&J ln EQPt b.- .,.,. a.tr rded UntQUf' oppOtlU.'lll> to fill!> Its Pt"lP!I!. not only In lb .. bette: kn01tn cent~· al ni: I.he ~lie, but alM n I~ l.'l•r. • vlllai:es. a.-.d 11 ~ of tt .. Sahara. F t nln<" Jer.: " •U a Ill•(! Cl bf: I tile Roekeff'lltr F undAu n. In lndla br "llll t:;lreclllr f ll> \'lrua kt-se1uch Cf"n: : :i!

P.x>nL Jn Fl l be "1)t1.\t!d eltphantlul& f r th<' Bau Col nlal Govrmmrnt. I!> F.i::wi>t h• "as nnced <'l•ld~mlr re arch. Ht" n< ,. Chlrr of \Ir· I i:1 f r the l .S. Publrr llrallh S<>nlct' C m11nlrabl1 DIRr:IM' Crnt •. •ndrr .~ •. , ~ t. r Ir ~' ar "


Alt ·r th• ~r d• 1

bri·n tJm<d 1n b• tL .n 1ru loro, an announce <"nl will bt' mud<! w t.-n ~tu<frnts ClaY pica up tbrl r !If Adr Ctlfd n U1r omc ...

Tropkr rf.'ilmm


Cartoouist £11tertai11s

At Jut 11.•da~diu' .. usm· bl\ ~Ir. Sha" M<Cutchcvn. PGllllcal aartoonl51 r r lhr :;pok nt• Spuk~>llCD ·R<'r'ICll', '8't o lrchJrt ... drnuns1mtion

n cart1 oninc. "One pltLUr•· 18 Wt•rth 10,000

"0111'," 14lt'<l \Ir, \\<Cul· <"ht: n untt \\,1•n\ un tu d11mori­~lf~ to• 1,rtuus tt•chnlq1uos 1111d rn,ichod.~ u:wd b,\ u canoonlM. Ht~ hO\\\ d hu¥i numt"'rous e\Nt•!S..:ttons oould bt\ niudt~

r11:01 o lnal<' face und ho" a cortoonl~l mu~t uae !am!Hu. e1 Nyda) lutppt'nln~s to gtc his pnsn1 ucros~. "" d~moD· ltmtrd bow D conwnht con·

t:a lS In I& It ltt-d 8PGC<' mnd ent n I< rlr.l• euch pt!UpJ.,

F'ldPI Ca trn 11nd Pr~s1den1

"" n. Mr. McCutch<-on, \\hO

falllt"t sas tbe f>Oll Ucnl au· I I r l~e Chi aao Tn·


tl I .-d


A <'S 11.t1d t1a1 o " n ... ,,. or

rca.r..::l all os w UI bf' t:ilten f r th niart.oook I bt>ln~ p1,~

rrd by Ille 1'<11lonal su.tt r lh<" iannuul. Club prt.>SI·

d nts \\Ill b<' tnl nned o r 1hr. lime, plllCC'. and tlutf', and ar iaakr-d to co .. uJH.ftutl' v.:tth lh<' •nnUAI al&ff bl havin& u II 1he 11 ernb•·• or th•rr r pt•cthr clubs b<• on tlmP 11 urranl"d. Pictur~ \\Ill nol b tnk~n 01 er ~> lncludl' mt'lllb~• "ho did no1 com" "h••n .1skcd.

Second Semester Re~stration Tops Previous Yems

k. of !.&st f ndJ SIJC'A enrollment for Ille •NtDE aemester had r .. ched "9 . Th~ I~ an all·Umf" blgh for second semt"Strr rr!ll&1r11uon, lhe 11re1touo p.,ILk at thl& stacr b('ln~ 515 II 1t•ar llCa. k<'K isllar N1sh10 expects Iha flJUre lO KO SU i;llllY hi dier •llll, •lnct' the d(•adllne for re11Jstr<Ulon 1,. Feb . 17.

Post rxpcrt cnce 111 N uc ha.. been for t'Drollmmt to drop nbout I O'lt ror lhe 11ecc nd srmestcr since somr i;tudrnts lntnMcr to othrr lnsUlutlon• at the end of the fall semes· IN. II 31lfW!lr.; that the drop this Yt'at wllt be In the 3-11> rani;t". Sprtn~ <'lltallments durtnc

the p""'t fll t' vears sho• 380 In 1960. 3;9 tn 1961. t2i In 1962. SIS ID 1963, :ltld 589 In 1964.

F l'b. Ii Is also the fin DI day for chandnJ ot cla»es.

The next l~sueol the R<"ll<' wtll cam· fln:al rt"dstrallon fli;ures and an :inaJ~ •ls of rociMraUoD as to class"5 and aimcul:>. 11 ~•l! also can~ tht" ~an·, UM showlDC 1111 stud<nL'< •ho !"amrd 3.0 o r t>.,,uer reco:d! for th,. first Sf"~Stet •

Schol a rs hips For '64- '65 Available

Allhoui;h the 1~63-64 • chol· arshlP• hll't bet•n •"Atded, man.v are no" ll\'Ql lable for the 196-1-65 !lchool )1.'&r. Appllca Uon blank11 Cllll br ubtnln<•d from \llS5 Nl•hlo.

The rollov. Inc" 111 be o rr~ro'<I to NIJC studrnL.: M•dlcol A"5ociallon or KootPnlll Coun-11" (full lultlon l • t N IJC !<OPhomoru pre-medical. F'!rs1 S<'CUr!l)' B:ink or Coeur d. Alene ($:?00 Pach ·:? 11ophomuro mPn rn:tJOllns in bu,lness odmlnt • stmllon, \lrs. G. 0. Klldo" • Ci. o_ Kildo .. \!em •fla.I (SIOOJ­..opho"'IOre U.S. F'or.,,t St-r· nee summer I\ tk SC11ol11r­sblps • 3 l>wdt'llL' an Core..trv and encmeennc.

Booster Club Plans Dance Friday Night

Tht" '\ortb Idaho Jun1 •r C lki:e Boo,.lt't Club "'II sponsor a dance at Ille '\IJC cm on Pndii..v nlib1, F~b. 11. Danctnc ••II s\art 111 I 0:00 p.i::. ~luslc •Ill b<· fumlsht'd b\

th<" "Blue J8ns", a S"!>l<"Cr bWld from Spokanr.

The "Blue Jean," ha1·r played encaaemcnu all o..rr the !'Ootthv. rst uod nrL a bi It' selllnc recordln~ band. Their pla UN "Cool Martini " Is a be .. t-,cller.

Tiit Bt>ostPr Club i 1ss11lnR a ,.peclnl ID\ 1totron to all N !JC »tudent:; ond tbrlr !rteD<b. All mon!<•• rrum 1111• dnnce •Mii io 10 1h1• ,.pt•c1a.I scholarship fund ro r N!JC studeni:..

Adml:,:,Jon Is 75c for ~rnales W1d $!.00 fo r coup!.,,. .

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963


~' 'vWi:tMcf S..m;.~o.nthly °"'•"9 '"'• Co •--t• v .. , ly JovrMr.wn Sivdt•h at tM


Editor ••••••••••••••••••• , • • • • • • .. • • • Bcclty J<ro11-,e I Sport1 Editor •••••••••••••••••.•••• , •• • AAG•• Er1cl.:1on I Clra1lotion ••• • • •••• •••••• Bod)oto ScrDfl1>rd. Shor:Jn Sc.hc"U I Pho109ropheo ••••••••••••••• • RI Ii Ac5..•rNll'I, Povl We"""' Rt~'"'': Leuy 8orc11h, Bob ()y lrt •n•, Penny (',ood..,.n, Jtrn I H.l,-1on, T~ H•gglM, Mo,., Lou Korret, Mo••• l<wro. Mb.trv Mutt90i, Oo•id l.kC01.1ght10, Flo p.,,&., Clo,. Robla '"

I Editorial . ..


t ••

,. QO t 'f'I


W. AJmi1 l1

Ol'lttnc •Ul • Pa;>e< Is tun­ltul 11' 11 n picnic.

II..,., Ptlnl Jokes. people sa.r ,..,.,.,sill). U ""V don't. th"')' sl.)· ... are

too &trtous. 1r wr clip lrom other ma«a·

>lne" v.r 111e Jusl too 111~ t.o ¥.'Utt ou r~~l\t's.. U we don 1t WP are too fond or our own a lurr.

II we do n'l Pl1nl atnlt1bu· hons. Wf' don't Q.PJ>rcc~att• lrut< 1trniuh. U \\ r do print lh~m tit~ PU•S 8.ll' hlled '4 1lh Junk.

S ow. Uke as not~

lolks art• co1ni: ID s~ ,..e d rP -<I t~ s llu::i &OCI' olher ma ....zrn,. \\t'll. we did!

'lako t:od'lal Jlal>ll& \\'e muat ma.ke &\l.loma.tk &Dd

habitual, aa -.rly u poMtble. •• many uatuJ acuona ... v.-e c•n Th• mor. de:t&.1la or our dally UCe "'• can band over lO the 4'Hor1.lua C\l.llody at auto­mauam. lho more- our hi~he.r po"'_."' of mind Will be ae:l frtt tar lhtoJr own proper work. -\\'Uluun Ja_m~eL"--=----

R•9lurotion D•aJllM ~ b. 17 I !hf li.:il da)· fot

r · ltUU n and ' •r ch11.11gin1 Cb ~ • lh ut PCll&llY !or

Inc• rk.

Cardinal Pep Band Needs More Players

N.1.J.C. REVIEW, c-· ..... ,.., .. '4o~ ..... , .. r ........... 12, '·••

MI. Bu"' ot1l ••. lf .roa tut' male or rem:Ue and pla7 ll b rn. 1f TDC atf' ht-­tween !hr ac~ or 17 and 100 and ,ou Pl&T a strtnc llllit:J· ment. or II TOU m OODt' of lbese r~al:rmc:ii.. but 10u play anr 01be1 kind ol ln~uu­menl ool assoc:ialed ordinarl.1.1 wllh a band (or c~en .ome 1nsuumenl nol assodaled w1 th a band - lllla •orld nl'eds pjoncr:s l.

lt!:. Buras and bis swtoi:ln' Cardlaal f'tp Band •Plc:ooe ll!lJ'Dllt' and t'TNJ'Ol)C lnte:est• ed in Jolnioc Ull!m. Tb~ 1 d!lC't ch"I' rt"T ca111 rnncP bcndJIS. 001 do tl:Q ~~ ::i.se eas1 llootS. n • do tbl'• rc:aca:ittt 11 b cll1>aJ1~i: b •llh !DI! rch lra upon cradtatlon. Bu: lher do pro ~ D !Dt'llk al .:. -phell!, IOAds of Ian. 1111d a p slttoo f r 1oa •M ar• 5laltU Se4'krra. So II TIKI ar~ ln~!t'~lt'd, lhraw 7our ta55 ovrr 1our abouldl'r r tuck your Plano und r nur ILtm and llr.d Y.r. Bui"'

Tuist Shot

,\ ne-A 1nS1ructor. ~lr:t. Setty H. G :d -~. la lnch.lna child deTcl p::ient clau~ lhla a•· cntt':.

lJf'!I, G rd n, a llomP Eco­nomics uadua111 of Ult> t:nl· 'ersl t.!' ol Jdabo, nu~ndod &radua~ achoo! al lht' Uni· HNlty of lo•a In lhe Child ll ":rarl' Dl'partml'nt and In th1- Pre-school Lab0mtol1t'll.

Shi! hu sine" 1au1ht hOml! e.:onc.:nlcs In tile Krllocc and Blackfoot hlah 11chool11. start"d thr nursrry 11Chool n.nd klndrrcn.rtt•n proarum 111 lh• l. "' I. In l!M:H3. al


i! !CIPll nL~ ;>0 music e,cbo !ar.sb.lps auf ecuud se· c.-stcr ate Jtn1 Olson, .Mike Plat~r. B b Rela•lc. and P~:uiy Bodtae. Thi!lle atu­d.i:ts 'A't'tt chosen ID rttl'ht! llle 11<:bol!lrah1p1 !or bl'lnE acuve In either bll!ld or clloru •

The \'anetlea or '&I, an all col !~cc varl<'l.Y ftho,. pr<>· sented bl the NIJC rllud~nt body earlll'r In th., tollegl.' tNm, raised lhe tunda for lh<'se tnu•I c acholarahlps.

:-rext year $50 acll0lart1hlp •Ill be Pf<'lll'nted l.O t WO frt-a h· "1ert a.~d rour aophomorei.. , ..... ns~ on tbe bula o! ap­plia>t!oo and audlUan.

E:q>erlence Is ol no etttcal Talu~. It la mereb lbe name me~ ciY i.. tbeir mlstakf'S.


DrPepper D• INIC fl noStY


DR. PEPPER Tlle f.·eodly

.. ,•pp.1 .. u,,.r·

FISHER'S CLOTH/ ERS I 217 Hortl. Fourtl.

• C4ctU1® i~~l'!.S]~~~


which Ume ah~ tmtnrd l•ach l'r . OPM•l~d lhl' Jane Adda Nu: l'O' School In connl'Cll •llh the .lQne Addo!!!~ Hit School ln PorUand, Ortl".l and al.ailed Pl'1 Kboola I .MollCow and K•llocc. •h r &he held parent educau cla.saea. ~·· Cutdon la a ll'fll"3er.l

Uvc or Ille Bunbr-IUll MtntQ Corpomuon. Thl' OllldOfl have two chi ldrl'n, a daushlr attending Coeur d ' Alrne lllcl School end a son allendln Will un11t1 Colleae In \\al I Walla.


A younr lawytr ncallfll • W1tn.. l.o Ute otand 'Mi man," he aid ot•mly, •you m•1 find younell cbarJ-4 wlllt po JUI')' Only an hour •«io you lOld lhlA court lhal you ha4 tltll7 one brothrr. but your llLtltr h&f now swom Utat a"- hu l• t....1'a ha•e Ute tnilh nowl

- trom NEA Jwmat PIClu~S Of nl'W atud•n

will lw tllll:tn 110metl1r.c 1Cltr frb. 1 ;, 1he laal d•r r rep:straUon.

ThPre wlll b~ no cla!IS on '.larch 27 or •.111 '. 10-

prln 1 •'llC&U•>n 1


R£HT • SALES llEPAl• o,.h.,t & T~•t s..,,lte1

IHTDISTATC TTl'CWllJT(JI CO .C f7 SMr-.• A.,. • ,.._. 4Jot1 I


111o... MQt..,.I <.SS'2

216 SMnMA Iv• .


Woodcock's Drug Store c~ndies. - s ... "d' ~

P~esc'p• Of'I,

IU N -· St C.... 4AM>•


'N«Jd1ng /nVI •JI•~ aod An'10U'1Cemf'1 ts

P • O WC NO•••· • •••• 100 H .,. .. ST• lC'

Co~u• o'ALC .. c. 10•~

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

Trophies A worded During Banquet TM t>Owhnc banquet .,, nt •~SM~ it·r lf'ao.ie wa~ ~d allh• HaPPY Hour Jan. 29. Tll• •••nt ,.05 o.rran1ed by

Han son. Ron Bt&U>son =Frank f'loRllO. prcsldi'nta of lb• bo .. Una l•o;uf!fi. Spc­dal JU•sts were Mt. and ;.irs. Tflll•D and ~Ir. and Mr ••

Kntln,. rded tro-Tam Mattson awa h!f'S 10 the rollow1ns boWlrr~.

~a•·e Atchison. Pal ~!Artin, 1udJ 1ollen, and *" Allen

bO const!wted the IOP tearr. ;hr Gre~nhoms. Members ot anotbez l"1lln wNe Piii Kiwf­man T•l'T1 f'1she:, .\!3rk !IUt~hlson. and ROJ:•r Br>JOks. a:alllnc up " tbl'11 tt'a:n ,. •re Jack EdW1lnfS, To::i Beny, Rldlard Jetlnff. and L.arr1 sml lb.

Rollln' hlsb ~llllll'S for Ille '"ea.son. l'Xtencll ng ove; 16 .. ttks. wew. glr1s -. Joey Tor.:er.. 14;1r7 Lou Kaner. Ramona SClllll. boys - f'ra.m. !lubor. Barry Jenkins. Ken R•n:mleman. R.oJlinc hlcb ••ties ..-Ne: Sirls - Judy Tutten. \!Af1 Lou l\'.arr~r. PcntlJ' G>OCl•ln, boJS -:Ud>A.td Prosser, J11c:t Ed­wards, Micha•1 s..-ank.

It' bad tor th~ h.,...n to run up ;,lt~and run do•n people.

Messieurs !

II n'y a qu'un seulment mot

pour nos pantalons­chic, magnifiques, elegants, distingues.


(1=1-1} Tapers SL ACKS

""' ~"Ofr .. CO ~O& '"4nn c,. '"'".,,."

Whitworth College In Spokane Is Coed \\hlc-r. orth c; .1 , , .: ·.

!ur~e&i of ~5 PIP b;I ·n.., ­tt!lutt'd coU..;ez. Is 111tual"'1 In tht' h .. n of the unny Inland Eas>lrc at Sp luin". \la.ab., a co111n polltan cllJ' or 225, 000. Localed on a atatcl)' !Ghere PIM-CO\Cred OluiJW! .

tbe colle&< bcost.s 1 ~ "'~' bulldlnl:'< -10 buUt W\t~Jn the last ten ,..,..,.. ..... thletlc ht-Ids, termls couru, and a Sl.6 ciU lion ad<'nce hall soon under con5lrucUon.

The coU~e loundN and n:imcsakt'. Dr. Geo111c f'. \\ bltwortb-1>1one.!r, educator and dicrcbml.n- was tv. ice president of the Un1verslt:r of \\ublnCtOn dunn; 1111 ~Ir 1ears. f'Ollnded In So!llllt:, II ashini;ton. In J 890. II blt­...-orth moved to Ta~:i:i at the ium o: the century wb~re .1 rema!Jled tor 13 ;ea:s. ln 1913. on tile lnYltatlon of tb~ Spokane Pre&brtery, the CD!· lei;e mo>ed to Its presrot spacious 111te overlook! ns the SPoltane RJ\·er \'al:e;. Sf'xt school >ear, thr Counto Hon:es callete will celebrate ! ts O!Jum>od Anni\ crsa:y. ~ h\1.,..onh las a reputation

wr acade!f!!c excellence and t'flC!ctJve 1.n:egratlon or ott'l­t .. lectu.al and spiritual troW:h mr.ont Ila stud'!!llll. The col ll'l:t' at:empt to acquaint each student 'Kith the natu• or 11111 own aiaure r.nd cul · tura.l heril.al<"· St.rl,lna 10 t'ncoumi::e !lnd aid tht' Mudcnt as be matu:cs In his alUtudes and ,....,. Gf U fl'. tbt> I nslltu­uon pro,ldP.S opponun1ues that paint toward •ocaUonal cornpc-tencf'. Liberal ans onenl<!d, th• college cu·r.c­ular prcpam pro\ldes un f rm flducauonaJ e11.1erten c t r all ~tudenta maltln~ a:npl pro.-Uion for ~Pf'Clal :-.11u n In major field arl'IUI.

Major stuc1Y &reas o(f Prod at \\hit worth tort' Amrnc:a t:.:1· Im, an, bulc i;clence, B h ••

bloloi;r. busln~s adl!llnl '"" Uon and f:'conom1os, bu 1n cdUcatlon. chemlstr), Chrl I· tac cducauon, F.ni:lls'>, h • tor)', l.ome econociles, Jouri:a· lli;m, matherlllltlai, t'dlc:a 1ecbnolog,, l!Od-.11 lnn;;wi1 mus!c, 11u1:slr,'- phL 90Ph • phvstc:al education. :ih.v cs, pol!Ucal sc-1 t!nCP. ps;chol ~, aoclal sctence. llOCI 1 ;:. • 11p• ocli and drama. :ind t~ach­ln;. Ptf"1)rofessl ml Slut!ll'S in dPntt111rr. ('DC!a nor. 111,., mt'dlclne, nuratnc. and throlou are al!iO tlt'l'C'll.

In adcllll i. to • 1ronc a~ de c tradlU o and Chrl tlan rn' bUI&. tht' collei: l!Ut • p rt 11 ro I tr int •-1 ollri;lat o.thlc!IC' P ..,. wuhln th rJlrs Iii!! d':Wll to" :b.. SAL-\, ~:CAA aad th E• eu::rcn Coal r nee. f'• -

Ill) 111.nd .. dmlOJ UW n \'l('~ lbe athleUc cont t "a 1ruln-1D' g~.JUnd for ctnni=r. .Pl\Yslrlll and mcnuu ntnoss and tner sl<Ula necess1uy fnr a succea.-.tul !lie. Colle~" alhlctlc teams tbrou,h cll!Al'I and rui;:oed pla1 In all ~pOrla,

bull d I t'adNghtp . 11chool BPlrlt and aid "' m..tine V. l:ltwanh Collei;" fu·arablv known lt.tol\ll!llout the Nonh­,..esl and the n:iUon.

In 19.;B V. ll1twonh Coltec<' beCllll!' " charter member of the £> cri:reen Cgnfcr~nce pJUUc1paunc In football, basketball, baseball, track. :.ennJa and 111H. Since !hen Iha collece ~ produced st'\'<'lal nauocm.llJ' ranked tear::s IUld for the past "11 years hllS ..-on conference Cbamplonahlps J.n all sports except tolf.

As 11 ro· l'ducauonal colle;;" of arts :i.~d sciences wllb an enol!:nent or mare than 1-;oo lncludina llllfrt and s:aduate school. V.llltsorth siudent.s co:i:e !:om lhtn3--seven statl'S and tweh·e !orri111 countnes.

V.httwonh Collci;e ls fully accredited by the Northwest Assodatlco of Second:uy and H1 chN Scbools v.·1 th an un­quallncd mt!l!lbersblp In Iha! A&sociatlon. It Is all<O a mecbt'r of lhe M'oc:latioo or American Oolle11cs and Is on the appro'"ed 1151 or tb" A:n~ncan Chemical Soc:lct>. the A,'llt'llCIUI M"lllcal A&:'OC>·

cta:lun. the 1\merlcao A.sso­datlon of Uruverslly Women, and the No tto!'IA.I Council on Cburcb- Related Collecb.

11 .rou want 11 challenl!na :>('.a,,..:nlc cxp•nence In a leacblll' libeml ans collese or th Pact nc N Mhwr.:;1 ..• 11 .TOil ,.. .. ~, u-.c relailns at· Cl051lhfl~ C D ~paCIOWI, suburban oollei;e carq>us .. Ith

d m bu Jd1nss and up-to­lilc. UUm , •• If )OU

t~ plus facto!' of n hll:h<'I P<mcatlon at 1 •• th~n. Whlh•orth ' r 'you.

Eat Al The Student Union

Breakfast .•...•• 60 cents Lunch ..••..•.. 7CI cents Otnner .•......• 85 cents

Servecl Doily 7 - 8

Suvecl Doily I I ·JO - I :30

Serv<rcl Doily S;JO - 6:30

Sunda1 Dinner 1.00


COEDS' CORNER By Borboro ScrollorJ



row aw ow on r

nn de g,.,r ~ " '. "" i:-? o t • • '· y<1U'r body Jrc~~. If !h"Y

, D1.'re w II '' • t" or



8" 101'"" r1•g«Jlns

So thr srme.1cr t<!lll~ rue over. bli: deal' Now the m's thaf period or time for sweot­ln1 unul the grade~ come out.

... ~ ror the md or the nna serr.estN and us effect on the b0\'5' dotm. ten o( thl' "1l)'S

rrom last semcstN ha\'e mo,·cd out, 11nd about an cqulll number ha,·e moved ln.

Actually, then- hosn 'I be n a lot aotn& on tn th., dorm thot Is tllllll> ne\'111, Juat lhe run-oHhe-mlll ~tun Uke nil nt ht clllll pmes. no hot watN In th<' ~howr ri>, pant y mid~ , and atrls runnlns around In the halls. Oh. by lhr way, thr last t..o Rlllll'm ... nt.a aren't true. di1m 11•

One person. namely Bruce \\'h!S'll'r, seems to be h11.-ln1t cruubll' getting lht' money fur the 1ele,.1slon f('nllll. Uke help hlm out, be need~ I 1.

Unfonunntl'ly w1• have gone tbrouch Molher dorm proc· 1or1s 1. Mr • .ind Mrs. Hughes quit last wef.'k. Our nl.'l< matron ls \!rs. l>uhlmnn.

For uU or lht' De"" guys, l .. ould ll~r to welcome you to the dorm. H you hue an.' 1nteresllng news about the dorm ei• me. Tom Hli:pns R l'..'O.

WOMEN 8y Mory Lov Ko'"''

As !hi.' new semest .. r be­Jlni;, .. e nre lulPPY to" elcome three nel\ R!rls: Tamm:v Gl'llnt, Ann Cliul<, a.nd Gcnellf.' Dwyer. lie hope they will be h.lppy wl th U6,

On Peb. 5, 'A<' had a pony for Pat Meeker before she went out ror the '-''·enlna to celebrntc hN twenUetb btnb­dll,y.

On Feb. 9. we cell'bra1ed Tnmmy Gront's blrthdny. Her btrthdos was ncrue.lly the Sunda v b<'fore, bul due to t1err.eiter break II wus not pos~lblt> to help her oolebr111e tt then.

11<! are ver1 happy to ha \'e the m<'n work! ns on our re­creation room IUld will be Glad to see It~ complellon.

With semester break thlnRS bti•e been quJte dead around tho dorm and are Just begrnrung to pick UP. ;o thN• l.s not much newM.

Th<' nl!lt 1 meeUns of !be T.N.H. Club organized by Alias E).um, will be meeting soon. lie hope not tn Ille mnnner of lt:o previous ml'<>tlni:.

A omall child'• theme on Socnt.lea rea<b lllWI; "Socnt.t4'1' WN a \'tr)" v.'1.se: man. He went About ~g people •dvlco. The people powonod Socrates.'•

School Supplies

New Shipment of Sweat Sh11ts N c 6'.N. - ,, • ., Jor a,.. -~IQ/1'1'1

Study Aids - College Outline Se11es Schaum's Oullines

Po , t

and Others

NIJC Stationery '" Sc'-I r ,/.,..

t O 0 I • "


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

Paper Staff V isits Spokesman-Revieu·

Poper Stoff Vis its Review, Chronicle Plant In Spokane

T1< "eeks ago, on a clull­n~ Thur>;dus. i;e\'en members

or ll'c NIJC' Rt-view Malf. :L!oni: \\llh two ed\!Lo;ors, Journewd IO Spoke"" !or an oxcurs1on through the plant o! the Spoko man Rn1cu and Chronic/<'. Tiu• first phase ol t~ \lsit was" h-ctur.' b> \Ir. Klla•m>, who Is hl'ed of tilt! photo llbrurs. ~r. 1\lhtore told ol th<­

hl torr of lh•• pnpers :and of th<> prO<"··~s In which 111<" ar.· romplled, prtntt'd 11nd di"' tnbul<'d. Tho Spol"·smaa I roui Is thP HOph1sllcaled and ntNnnllonnl papN It ~" tht• world huppenlnS"

wl1>l<' tho C"brOJltclt- I~ n vir.rtal pa.per CO\"t!Un~

uty tht.• luru.l &Cf'>nc. 1d1 punt1r11: sr.V• n ed1 ..

h ti Q( tht Spoke .etut: r, dalh and st• <'•hl1on~

I \bf. Chtc-1•h fr·. th1 CC>r' 11an't l•Ut UI ! \C bl•monthl.Y rnmul .

(who dOPsn'I eust. l Tht• A>.sOClllted Pre" d._.partmenl pn \ed e~pe<'tull\ lusctnat­lng. HNe tb>" ""tcl11'<1 the wu.s bnns:tnR m lht- n, .. °" .. !rom oil O\'er Ille glob<'. se­conds eft•r II happened.

ThP compan) i:a\e ea.-h member of the ~ruup u number nr lllllt> lhlni;,,. the most l:t­terttshns: b~1nc a ~mall Plt:'ce l1fpnnt '.\Ith the t.ord's Pco..•er e"1beddl'(! tn 11 - s• lnnnttp,. Ima! that II """ lmpo siblr to sef".

Mr. lh•ndt and ;\Ir. Hutch prO\"ldf'd tnl" traospertat on for th<' 1noup and aho ,..,,t'd ai; chaperons Cor Bcll Dufresne Run SI' llh, Lorr> Bozarth Tum l!IG(tlOh, Beck) Krause Ou\ld \lcC'auRhn:i. and Rarr.ono Smith.


0 1plomo Poys Oii

Ther~ e->.t:-.l: o dJwct rtW. .. hon b,t1,el'n o PNl!. n's 1 .. v,.1 of l'(!ocoUon and has llllrnlni: PU'.\t:r,

The mun with a hl~h school dtplomu .-u1 l'orn ovN S'.!17,000 b"twPrn lht." nRC!I or '.!~ and GS. 0Jrr.p111ed "Ith men •Ith I•~ ~uc:i.u n tbla " 111 tuPOunt t.o· -) 1on.ooo n:rm• tllon ""' inan

"1th I s lhazr 8 yr r f C'r.>t>I. -s 70,000 caore than Lhe """"

with 8 "''"" >! t!Chool. -S 36,000 '" limn lh• ll"AD

"' ~h 1 1111 n 12 .... , r

Small aa.r- °"ntr ll df"-~1'1!'• ~).lay I tulYc lhe box .~ Cl$mc tn~ J don't hDv~ :. ,.:am.; .. •

lJ~n ualk1ng to lr'•nd ··r thtnlr I ti buy m~ .otnt' et~I "U.:O'\l :a.nd knit rttVICU A Volk • "" ~on

Gif t Presented

The ll!lle boy wanted $100 ~o he dec!dl'd to OIUJ' tor It. He pnn<'d s•v•ruJ woek& ••Ith no resu lls. So hl' v. rote to too~.

The POsL ofhce llnall )' (or­,, ardl'(! the lellcr t.o the Whit<' House. ThP President chuck· led and ord~red $5 sent to Ute bo;.

Th.. W.d. d~IJtthted lhllt his p~ea. bad brrn am ""ered, ln p:itl nl leut. -.rote a thank· :iuu note to Ood but :uldrd this P.s.: "I n•Jllce you routed m)' le11er lhrou1h l'IUhln;t.on and a USU!ll lb4' bur~aucnits dPducted 9f> ptr cent.••

Engineers Hear A Talk Aboul Sandpoint B11dge

Al Soch•c w11.> th• IU~•I lhe F:n1lneN" Club Ill lh bonqurt Tu~ 1dftJ nl1b1. sochse '40& lhr Mllln~q Chere<• o( th•' con"trurtton th•· sa11dpo1n1 brld1e. dil!CUMNI lh<' brld~1" II eon,trucllon Md olh•r polr. otlnt,.resl nl»ul lhr slruclur Th~ m•'Nlng .,,, hrld

Templin ·~. \Ir. M1JSrr I• ed1·1,..,r to the club. Ga Shramek Is pre•ld••nL

swing into Spring with a



Net ctof totacll ter • ,..Ut ':!•~ Cltf WltlttDI tie' WUt II . ., 111btr1 ••it•• s,,,,, ,,..,"'.., &mtwffd - 11urs tl>t ~ .. 1 !1i!lltublt ufWtr HIS. tit. -.... "'-""" ....... ..- . Ult •I lln , ,,... • . . """ I,., enudvur.

$20.00 1.X.L. TOGGElf


) I I Sh~t't•" f\v• t.Aou-' _::,!:

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

,'\ieu• Radio l 11slr11cl'Jr

.. A Book Review

a,. C ovld N 0 r 0

f r~m I n1 mr II JI ace Q>IDl'll

I leDllb \ no• el, TA<.' Prize. ll 15 a dlsi:u11tln~ " rt , lnde<'d.

1 h no\cl 1 1111 or Ii P~PI" who art! av.nrded Nobol Prize . II f llowa U1cm to Slock tiolm und 1"11!1 r lhl'lr problo•rns , r<eandalti,

trtun1ph~. o•tc. II v. uuld Ill' \••rv luud t<1 rlrrJ 11h 111<11'

tro ubled pe •Pl• thon Uui 11h • lnn..rs. I cunn t 1111 y lh:il J'OU v.111 R• I mu<:'h <!Ut or lhl abou l rile Nobel Prt:r: or about lh" k ind of P• pie win ar tuall v •In II, but u Ond ul a Cl<'D t do al 11b<1ul Swed

lsh murals. alcoboll • lrl· Cldll\, nud l t col nira, extra• mnrHnl 11•lnUn 11"·" 111l 11um1•ttJu

th1•1 do•llr.hllu l I •l'k ll ts not t hul th hou~ Is

J><>NI • l\ltllen, I r It It oil\ la quit w.JI d n , but 11' 11 th• cMt•·nt t hat I ret ul· l\e. Man' or t he- "n nt ID

this bo< k I coulol •oil I 11 cine ha1i1 rnl1111 during II

.ah· rr.1·n• O\• nti n in

and 5Potanr. Hl• llrst co:i· tac:lc "11 adl c=e 1.1 KFPY n " JC: L.Y In 5Pota:e a:u!

froci lh~ he Wt':lt to K\ 'J';L

H And hi& wife, D r tlu". and three children Grant. a 11oph0m ·•~ at Coru: d 'Alene Hll;ll SChool Gayll', elllhtll g :acli', and Gwenna. w~.o a Ur.ads Sh~nnan Grade School) oow reslde In Coeur d 'Alene.

su11es Mr. Mern an ·'lb.la l!I 001 neceaaanl.1 a 1111eecb COIH&•. Tbe £tudents •111 be there lo IQlm radio thcoQ."

:;e·~ Yc.rk, but am n; ~ bel Prize .. 1nntra?

I rl'l1117.t tlat II la quJle lhe thin~ nowada15 among th" Wrl t<'I ti) l)UI IOl!I or Sl!1 ln their 110\'el11, and ln ao:t:I! cases this mak•$ f r i;ood, realistic read1ni:, but In T,.,, Pnu Mr. 111lllace bas i;one a hale overboard.

I 6Ul'POll4! llal this llOTe! -.-on' t d? mucb r : th n:pu· llillnn of the Sobtl PrtZ<', even thoui:h ll'a fiction. It •a untortunatr that Tb.­Prr:c h:ui lo bl' atlDched to the Sobel Prlz which ID tum oonora th<' crt'atel5t men ot our c nrmtlOll.

".... °" ( 'apal>lr \'ou can t bum rovr ,.,,.

tbrouirh bli;b odlool ond exp<d lo I><' llc:ttptn! by • col~.. w~ think «olnlf to collci:• lo• pn•"I· trio lhat t'\c-ry rt"non bu a. r ight to ""P<'<' tr h<' a. """"bit ot c101n,; coll«'J:C- "or k Eat.h~r D<.\1".rrltl PrN!d nt. A.-:llo­Uon of C>ll<'C<' Admbalon Coml­M"lOl'L

C\Jotomrr I d 11kr llODHI •

~at.rr ahocs Cl••k \\bat me doa your l t;&lo \\ftU'•


1201 N. fovrr~ MO . 4-8123

Coeur d'Alene CREAM ERV



May/Quote You?

P I' 1 ar~ lu:my 1>n1 aJa. I've heard mor~ sohd, <It· te:ml,,..d r aulullons nbout " 1um1nc o•er a n~ l~r 1:11111 i;cttlnc d n to stud lnC In eiune t " lhAD I can counL I llllJ', "lla." .\nd 11i::.1n I say "llL " I b nr t!lllt eve11 ae ll't. II nea: co tzue becau • n.l ell .,,..,,,. _ one has c:iod intent ns r bdn1 th beat stud Dt th! coUer:r hll" Ileen, r.o ne has Lhl! fortltud to study as much u he should. Sooner o: 101 r, so l'One brt'llks d~w n and ~ t lbe SUB I r a COkl' ILl>d na on u b1s ggO<S b d ­ell se" hie. .,., thr.e. Ibey reluctalll'1 drcp ove: at bis tabl l : a l!Ule •IOI~ relru · Ill on. P:~I,)' 50<!C, eu!rJQne la bnvlnc 11t1ch a good time that no ne wants lo r:et back lo wor&. and another Ptr!ecth piod "new semester's 1~0 -lt1tlon" Is sho l.

lolr. St ne thinks p;,,; pie art' fa= too. Ac:Un I su·, · ·11:1." lie a:artttl or: the new st'· t:ll!!lte1 by bounclnr: cp to " l5!:ak111c a tn1 l paper cllpa and ast ns: etod th«:' =bt1. nen I refosl'd b~s<' he •llB PlllJ'inc l the • r n; rhflhm, he '•hexed" =• And I tboui:!lt I .. as Ul b:ul &b:lpe• Oh, ,.ell. Jusl u I o.l•DJs salrl, lt takrs •II kind> lo ma~e a ... :ld--1 •ond : which '4 rd he's lro-.

SOl!P ad'1 ce t : :br ae,.. se::ieat"r Ir Scl:cltz, KrllT, and l.l> r. ID tbe c:ul51C r the:e'11 a poste: p cttu c Llllll!I. 1rbo s st'tl!'amlnr::. "I c1111't lni; Y u kn -.. lh:tl I neYl'r h!l..-e IK'en able 1 Bing•·· ~nd I c Quletl• all· monlsbe , "lA'llm." In lh cra11hlCZ1 r 1 : • a""'' r ID wlu i... sc•ra nc aglo, "I ca 't d Y know lh:ll' I O<'Y r Ila" b .... n abll' ~ •' And acala tJ:c c ts. Learn." I pi s I rrr's n• ll:Jnr lo d , lell ... st::dl!!lt. - e:.r:: - --

THE PIN CUSHION • "'D"'W> '!"'- ,_

=~!h 117-0. -,,.~ '=

310 Lc;.e$ do A c _,,,


°"' ,,,,.,,,, Cleo1tln9


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amt : . d ei;ates 11nd chapbl115of1: Xe•m:in clubs In ldallo and l!o:iboa ml!l OD lbe M ntans St:nr Unl~<1slt) t'JlltlllDS saturds). F'eb. I. Phil Enck:son lllld l\athll'en C nro\\, :-; ewm:in Club p1Psl­drn1. r"!lresentt'd :"LIC. Thrv uthcr d to de<'ld<> p01le' nd ••lo· r r t: CnlhoU<"

nt n '"'r ca puses



OPfN tilt) /\. M. TO 5 JO P M

or h1&me: l~mln,. One of the h1chll,hts or the meet~ was th ' l of Tl'n; o ·B:IOlll. I .... City, IOYo ... =~Ur.llal ' Cl' prr ICl1mt 1n chu~e o! ml' ~t P and l!'ader.;h1p. l!r. O'Brt:in •POkl' satuntar e' cnlnc at lilt' closlns: ban'luet on • ·x wman on the ~.Jv\·e. ''

lie dOn~O\f' cifil~ht ,, " "· II 1 n men shnuld

t.qu r 1U n•



The Lively Crowd says

"Pepsi, please!" ._ ___ _

Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (10) Feb 12, 1963

Two For Dust

MSU Frosh Edge (ordinal s' 85--82

Tb•• Cards tr~veJPd to Ml souln for a game acalnsl l ht Monltlna State JV '5 onb to come home ermt...v hnndcd with n close 82·8S defent. Al tca~ l four Umet< lhe Cardtml s came within two pnlntis or 1)1nc the score but couldn ' t quite do lhe trick. T be Card 's •Iii-loss record I !> presently 13·~.

Jame- Joe pulled ou t of a 1 .. 0-eom•· " connc slump and made 2:? points fo r hlch Clllc

In that catecoo-. Follo.,1oi:: h Im "ft• Bill Snith •1 lh 18 and BarclJl.y Poole (1112kl nK hl~ flmt appearance) \\1 th 14.

All-luound hl1h·p0lnt mtln for lhe game "·as ~IOntana ' 11 Kina with 23.

oth4!1 scorers ro r the cnrds "ere· Sle,·e Bru en 8. II ayne Ou~ t 6. Us Gardner 6. Ian HUntN 8.


Del Gittel

Mrs. Dohlm!!n Is New Dorm Proctor

An ,-., ""'uh Lt .u 'r .an tc~ctu-r ~lrtt. ~.on 0 um:>.n In th,.. new l >1111 pro~ r !his aeru n. l1•r. Mrs. Onhlmon I furmt'll) of ::. atllc and h~ ll\ 1•d In Coror d 'Ale~" net' I 9-18,

Slw has lhre chlldr,n. All married. Oal and R d, ber i>Ons, lh In C NI d 'AI nt! and Spokane htr d:l r;btN. Ellen In TDCOCIL

Mrs. Ollhlman aUcndf'd b ch 11chool In Soand;> 1 n: and lalcr conUnurd bcr ed au n In LewlslDn.

II hen o kNI hoto" sbi.> fdt about h•r new p sltlon, she r~pl ll'd. •'I'll lit' qUlct and ll'am ror ow hit . Ma> be !'!I '"') 11omrthlnc la tcr. "

\!Ill. Dahlman reside' 11.t 1935 :-Oorlh <lh.

poo r


JOS Sil ,,...,. A•• Mi""'•-· c..sn


For o lifetime of

PLEASURE leorn to

BOW L While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc.

N.IJ.C l'lf Fri. c-., O'A .....

" Cords Edge WSU Frosh For No. 15 Cards Have To Shake Slump

Cords Avenge Loss To Whitworth JV

c ng n l and k ad 53-5.i.

SUI " lb aptn took top honor .. In lhc r nc dt'l>ar.-

ent •Ith _4, t I •ed br Le5 Gardner •llb H.

The Clltds sccr<"d muc b~tlt!r on an lndl .. idaal bast than d1d !he llblblor.h JV' . For ~ample, llhll>I ortb" hi~ point-maker, DennJ Lemm n (Is he ever•) scored I~. Hh:blr·rated ct-.:uUc ~lPP 'KILB held to a llklmpy r. POint:;.

:io:t::s In lbe i;rud ,... Bud a.,c• ,,

Gonzaga Frosh Are 14th Cord Victims

vem Bcn;ston :?. 6te"e Bii.ten 4. 'lli:i.)'lle Dust D, Tt:ry Carl· b r :. Ian Hunter JO, and



... ' l J Slt.-•"f'l.AJt Ao • C...,,. d ·A!t,..•



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