Guides To Income Management Are Told By Speaker The that In a eerie• or ccl· twal usembllea to be riven at NlJC tb.la 1eu was held on Oct. 11. The apeo.ker •u Martl.D Cbeaout , u a llltl.tll manacer or tbe Idaho Ptrst Nallooal Bank lo dowol01l'o Coeur d'Alene. w. Cbeeout spoke on the topic or mone1 rnaoagemeot. Dur lnc b.la talk, Mr. Cheaoot etreaaed the lmport&Dce or maldoc bud1et1o1 a "taml.l7 a!tt.ll ." Be alllo outlloed what portion• of a faml.l7 ' e take·ho me pa1 ebould be spent on each Item lo the budcet. Be auccested tbe foUowlnc perce otaces : bows· ln1 20'itt, houslnc cotte 100.. . food 30'itt, ck>tblo1 12'1. eav- loca 10%. and the re rnalnlnc for additi onal expenses a nd non·neceSB lllos. Mr. Clleanut aleo U. led some tbln1s tllat people should not doconcero!ng the rnaoa1em eot of their mone7. In addition. be ca ve the alutle nte tlpa on what the1 should look for when the1 be1Lo . to b01 dur- a ble Items a uch u cars and furniture. In bill tallt, Mt. Chesnut also dlecueeed credlt and banllrupt.c7. Concernlnr bank· ruptc1, be explained the two pr oceduroe that a re used lo oaaea where a p craoo le no loncor ablo to pa7 hie dobta. Mr. Choanut Included lo hl a tall! many lntor cstln1 cue hletortee fr om hJa o"n ex• petlencu . These c ue hltorlee effectively demonstrated tho dlfrtcultlee that can r euJt from poor maoacement of money. In cloelnc. Mr . Chesnut emphasized four points or money rnana1emeot: ( I ) Mar rt ed couplee s hould dlecuaa thalr deble together; (2) Don't bUJ on lime unleu 1ou can 1 ucce1&tull,y manap your money; (3) Do your pert In keepln1 a contract. and If 1ou can' t do ao. teU yo ur or edllo ra ; (4.) Don't let your obUouona exceed your 1.neome. Former Cuban Official To Speak At Assembly As ' 61 Borm L ecturer L.allo American problems wUJ be the theme or the Uni· vorallJ' of Idaho's 1961 Borah L.ectu101 Dr. Gucla•J,madorwlll 1pea lt to the students of NlJC at an aaaomblt on Tuesday. Oct. 31 at 9:30. 11 la lltUna tllat Dr . Garcia· Amador s hould speak dwlna o . N. Week , as be bu llad ex · tenelve nperlence wltb the United Nalloos. to addition to m•Jl1 u N posts . or. oarcla ·Amador bu been a member ot sevcral lnter·Amert· can oonreroocos and orcan!· utl ona. Dr. Garcla·Amadorwaa L.epl CCunoll and Ambuaador at IA.110 for the Cuban Fotoltn Mlnleuy. Be has served under both the Batista and CUtro co•e rnmenta. ln 1960, be Oed CCba and came to the Un . tied Sta tea. where be bu been worklni In a conaclllve capa- cll.J' with the Pa1>-Ametlcsn Union. ROLIDA Y NOV. 11 NIJC •Ul obJJen e Veterans Day on Nov. II with a s choo l boUday. VOLUME XVI, NO. 2 COEUR D'ALENE. 10.t.HO WEDNESO.t.Y, OCTOBER 2$, 196 1 Speak At Assembly OI th.. r•c.:n1 1n1toc:J11cu19 fo1•111" trud.nfl _..,_ feft 10 rtght! Lo1pol S1nglr. frot"\ New O.Hu, Mottolo Tehitt0rt, Ital'!; Pe-fer c:Mnter from EdmoMon, Albuto, '°"""•tQl'U'le Mu'4ii10.ro ftortt Eou Afrlco; Edu-ordo P1codo ol $of' Jou Co"o Rico Student Officers The tO•Mf of • Mt-"'' efftcw• h. new c--.1•'•• JoHow•nt 9Cl•• lotr Mil of ell b,,1 BJll T"tbln. tt'\N.nt bod)' , .... ct.rt cfiios• l .. 1 """"" L.h '''""· ''°"'' row1 Oo.m Gu-IVQ.fd1-on tt...i-. M<n't•y; C1fde '#'•II.. Ire.It· .on ptu•detu; 0.CW.la N ...... fruhtMin •1c• iPCU•OoWlt; T"'bln S.c•4 toW! Ruth OeMh 1-c,hOll90N •ec.,••'t't E41 Joc"DOSon, ..o,h090r• ,,.,,._.,; J. rry R,•, t.opMeore ••U Pt•11d ... f; 8'11 Hof•'fW•ft 6.Jt.ldMt VIC. Pf u lS.nt Sock IC'W! Ju• J•d. tti..ldef'I WI•• bocrdi Sur. CoH1a uul.1 boord. 8tmito LtOI'. st'l.ld•t 1-K,.tory Maddin Wil l Head N IJC Political S cience Club The nra1 evenln& meetill& or the po!Jllcal clubwas Oct. 17 and an election beld. Tbe officers are: pres!dent, Robert Maddin: ,·tce·pres1dea1. J a oet l.llllanl. and &ecretao" ueasuru. Kalb.)' Orow. Com- ml tlees were formed and a.re: a dvertlstns. Anna Marie E:Y&JI&, Dorothy Bolton. and Ooro tb.)' CalsOA: speaker. Tom Jachettn. LesUe lb.wk· Ins and Jim Glllbraltb. Memberghlp,dues,and fu ture or ocrau rre E:ver1one Inter ested In na· t tonal. !crelcn. and dollll'sUc atfa lts Is encouraced to come to t hese meetlnμ. The meet· lnsa WU! be OD TlltsdllJ' nl&ht . 7 to 9. eve.,iwo v. •eeke. A mo vie •dll be sbown llt the next meeUnc. St off Change Mov es Keating To Physical Sciences Deportment A recent &ta!t ch:ul&e at NJJC mo•ed Mr Keo.t1n1 from P E Ullo I.be pb7stcal sclen· cu department. Re fotmerl7 was athletic clln!cto: and pbJ'slcal education Instructor IJ.1 addltloo to teacb101 some classes. Mr. KeaUnc ,..Ill conllnue to teaeb ph.Jstcal ceopapllJ and ceolou and will rt'place MI Burns as chemlsuy lab In- structor Mr Burns w11J rc- ml\in In the blalo;y depart· ment. Be .,,,_. also coach a basltttball tum eouy Ill t he clcy league Mr. ll'Ullams replaces Mr Ku line as athletic dlroctor. coo.ch and pbyslcal education dePllllmt'llt bt'll.d and lmtructor. •••• An ueembl,J •as held Oct. 18 In which the forelcn stu· dentll were Introduced to the student boclJ'. Five of tho forelln student& spoke at the usembl,y. Mr. Stone Lotrocluced Pete r Chenier. from Edmonton, Al· berta. C&nada, •ho acted as master of ceremonies. After a short talk, Mr. Che· nler acquainted the student bod3 with the fo re lan studenta seated In the audience. Next, M osta!a Farahancbl rr om Iran wu Introduced. Be told the students " hJ' he la maJorinl la acrlculture and spoke briefly about his home and his !amil.Y. Edustdo Picado ot S&n Jose, Coslo. Rica wu the nest apealler. Be spoke or the ceo- papbJ'. econQlllJ', o.nd covermeat of hlscounuy. Mr. Picado le tak.lna aato mecha ni cs. Foll""lnl Mt. Plcado's iallt. a student from lndJs. Lajpal Slllcb <»erot spolte to the at>:derua. Mr. Oberol. "bo Ls a mecllanlcal eopoorerlnc ma· Jnr eJplalned hie reuons for c oallnl be re and a!ao 1ue smo.e U1111reat101 !&eta about Ila b.omelaod. The lut apnke r wu John· StolUWI KullUora, a political scleoce m.tJor trom Eul Af · rlca. Mt. Mutblora pr oved to be a very able apealter aftd bis tallt was sre•t11 en.toyed b7 r.be scude ot bcd1. sueraJ of tbe forelsn eru· dents mentioned that they would be bap PJ to answer ques tions a nd talk with 1t u- deota about tbemaeJves and their home co untri es. ADAMS ELECTED PREXY OF HIJC SPAHISH CLUB At the !ltsc 01eet1oc of the Spanish Club, held Oct. 16, members nominated and elec· ted the follo•lnc otncers: presi dent, Cllarles Adams, •Ice-presiden t. Bill Jacobsen: seueu.. Marilyn Watson: s ocial s ec. , Leis Poland. The croup plane to meet every other Monday, under the s upe rvialon of Mr. McFarlaod. E:vents planned tor the 1ear Include the showln& of movies about Peru. ard one n:ajor soclal actJvU;y. prob&bl,y a dance sponsored JolotlJ' with the French Club. Enrollment Of 586 Comes From A Wide Area The 586 f\lll·llme d"J' stu· dents enr olled at NlJC thle fall come fr om all over ldabo. and f.rocn five foreign coutries . as well as from other states. Rerlatratlon cf stu· dents who are rea tdents o! the Junior collaae dletr!ct ls 359. or 62%. Despite the fact the t Ibey pay out-cf..USttl ct tuition fees, students from the Coeur d'Alene rnlnlnc a.rea number 75, and those rromWashlni!U>n number 64. There a10 13 here this t&ll !iom C<nl.an countries. The 75 from Shoshone OlunQ' break down aa follows: Kinas· ton 2. Pinehur st 7. Wa.lla.ce 14, Smelterv ille 7. KeUon 29. Osburn 7, Silverton 3, Cataldo 5, Mullan 1. Comins fr om other countries: Ca.nada 9, East Africa l , Iran I, cosi:a Rica 1. lndla t. Rere trom other cities In Idaho (out ot tho dis trict): Sandpalnt 12 . Stl Ma rt es 12. Priest RJver 9, Hope 6. Boners Fert)' s. Spirit Lake 4, Moscow 3. Troy 2. Harvard I. Athol I. Dover 2. Pot latch I, Koote n ai I, Kendrick I, Em· mett 1. Enavllle I. Idaho Falls I. Le wiston 1 Fr om othe r states: Wublng· ton 64. Montana 4. Arizona I. Weal Virginia 1, Ohio I, Pennsyh anla I, MUUc;bu· setts 1. Student Officers Elected After Nine Campaigning Days The Cct. 11 el ection matked the cllma.t of nlne days or heated campalgolo& by noml· oees ror cl ass om ces , union board positi ons. and tho student body vlce· presl· denc:y. Pr ecedlna the event were campai1napeechee given durllll an Oot. 9 assembl,y. SHI TUrbln, ))Jesldent ol the st ud. eat body. the candidate£ a nd each voiced hlaquall!lcatl ons and opinions befo re the entlrestudent body. Ba.llotlna res ults wer e: stu· deot bod1 vier- president , BlU Bolsteln; union boord members. sue Collier and James Judd; sophomore offl· cera: pr esident , Ed Jacobsen: vtce·prestdent, Jerr y R.yan; secretary. Ruth Dennie: and fresh.men orncers: pres ident. C!Jde vlce·pres ldent. Denola Newton: secre ta.ey, Dawn Cunftldson. OnlJ' of t he entire stu- dent bod,y recJsler ed to vote In the election. a decr ease of a bout 20'Jt, trom les t year. Sophomores led lndlvldual cl&ss voting with or the class merrbers voUna. wblle Ibo rtesbmeo, numtietlni 334, bad a 57% voting total. Tb&nksJI vi ns vacation thls Call will be Nov. 23·26 In· elusive.

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (2) Oct 25, 1961

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (2) Oct 25, 1961

Guides To Income Management Are Told By Speaker

The that In a eerie• or ccl· twal usembllea to be riven at NlJC tb.la 1eu was held on Oct. 11. The apeo.ker •u Martl.D Cbeaout , u a llltl.tll manacer or tbe Idaho Ptrst Nallooal Bank lo dowol01l'o Coeur d 'Alene. w. Cbeeout spoke on the topic or mone1 rnaoagemeot.

Durlnc b.la talk, Mr. Cheaoot e treaaed the lmport&Dce or maldoc bud1et1o1 a "taml.l7 a!tt.ll. " Be alllo outlloed what portion• of a faml.l7'e take·home pa1 ebould be spent on each Item lo the budcet. Be auccested tbe foUowlnc perce otaces: bows· ln1 20'itt, houslnc cotte 100... food 30'itt, ck>tblo1 12'1. eav­loca 10%. and the re rnalnlnc I~ for additional expenses a nd non· neceSB lllos .

Mr. Clleanut aleo U.led some tbln1s tllat people should not doc oncero!ng the rnaoa1emeot of their mone7. In addition. be ca ve the alutle nte tlpa on what the1 should look for when the1 be1Lo . to b01 dur­able Items a uch u cars and furniture.

In bill tallt, Mt. Chesnut also dlecueeed credlt and banllrupt.c7. Concernlnr bank· ruptc1, be explained the two proceduroe that a re used lo oaaea where a pcraoo le no loncor ablo to pa7 hie dobta.

Mr. Choanut Inc luded lo hla tall! many lntorcstln1 cue hle tortee from hJa o"n ex• petlencu. These cue hla· torlee effectively demonstrated tho dlfrtcultlee that can re· euJt from poor maoace ment of money.

In c loelnc . Mr . Chesnut emphasized four points or money rnana1emeot: ( I ) Mar• rt ed couplee should dlecuaa thalr deble together; (2) Don't bUJ on lime unleu 1ou can 1ucce1&tull,y manap your money; (3) Do your pert In ke epln1 a contract. and If 1ou can' t do ao. teU your oredllora ; (4.) Don't let your obUouona exceed your 1.neome.

Former Cuban Official To Speak At Assembly As '61 Borm Lecturer

L.allo American problems wUJ be the the me or the Uni· vorallJ' of Idaho's 1961 Borah L.ectu101

Dr. Gucla•J,madorwlll 1pealt to the students of NlJC at an aaaomblt on Tuesday. Oct. 3 1 at 9:30.

11 la lltUna tllat Dr . Garcia· Amador s hould speak dwlna o . N. Week , as be bu llad ex · tenelve nperlenc e wltb the United Nalloos. to addition to m•Jl1 u N posts . or. oarcla· Amador bu been a member ot sevcral lnter·Amert· can oonreroocos and orcan!· utlona.

Dr. Garcla· Amadorwaa L.epl CCunoll and Ambuaador at IA.110 for the Cuban Fotoltn Mlnleuy. Be has served under both the Batista and CUtro co•e rnmenta. ln 1960, be Oed CCba and came to the Un.tied Sta tea. where be bu bee n worklni In a conaclllve capa­cll.J' with the Pa1>-Ametlcsn Union.


NIJC •Ul obJJen e Veterans Day on Nov. II with a school boUday.


Speak At Assembly

$pt1o~fn9 OI th.. r•c.:n1 OtU~~l' 1n1toc:J11cu19 fo1•111" trud.nfl _..,_ feft 10 rtght! Lo1pol S1nglr. Ob.ro~ frot"\ New O.Hu, 1~1•; Mottolo for~01"1ch1 ~ Tehitt0rt, Ital'!; Pe-fer c:Mnter from EdmoMon, Albuto, '°"""•tQl'U'le Mu'4ii10.ro ftortt Eou Afrlco; Edu-ordo P1codo ol $of' Jou Co"o Rico

Student Officers

The tO•Mf of •Mt-"'' efftcw• h. new c--.1•'• • JoHow•nt • 9Cl•• lotr • Mil

of ell b,,1 BJll T"tbln. tt'\N.nt bod)' , .... ct.rt cfiios• l .. 1 """"" L.h • '''""· ''°"'' row1 Oo.m Gu-IVQ.fd1-on tt...i-. M<n't•y; C1fde '#'•II.. Ire.It· .on ptu•detu; 0.CW.la N ...... ~. fruhtMin •1c• iPCU•OoWlt; T"'bln S.c•4 toW! Ruth OeMh 1-c,hOll90N •ec.,••'t't E41 Joc"DOSon, ..o,h090r• ,,.,,._.,; J. rry R,•, t.opMeore ••U Pt•11d ... f; 8'11 Hof•'fW•ft 6.Jt.ldMt ~ VIC.

Pfu lS.nt Sock IC'W! Ju• J•d. tti..ldef'I WI•• bocrdi Sur. CoH1a uul.1

~ton boord. 8tmito LtOI'. st'l.ld•t ~ 1-K,.tory

Maddin Wil l Head NIJC Political Science Club

The nra1 evenln& meetill& or the po!Jllcal scle~ clubwas h~d Oct. 17 and an election beld.

Tbe officers are: pres!dent, Robert Maddin: ,·tce·pres1dea1. Ja oet l.llllanl. and &ecretao" ueasuru. Kalb.)' Orow. Com­mltlees were formed and a.re: a dve rtlstns. Anna Marie E:Y&JI&, Dorothy Bolton. and Ooro tb.)' CalsOA: speaker. Tom Jachettn. LesUe lb.wk· Ins and Jim Glllbraltb.

Memberghlp,dues,and future orocrau ~ rre discuss~. E:ver1one Interested In na· ttonal. !crelcn. and dollll'sUc atfa lts Is encouraced to come to these meetlnµ. The meet· lnsa WU! be OD TlltsdllJ' nl&ht . 7 to 9. eve.,iwo v.•eeke.

A movie •dll be sbown llt the next meeUnc .

Stoff Change Moves Keating To Physical Sciences Deportment

A recent &ta!t ch:ul&e at NJJC mo•ed Mr Keo.t1n1 from P E Ullo I.be pb7stcal sclen· cu department. Re fotmerl7 was athletic clln!cto: and pbJ'slcal education Instructor IJ.1 addltloo to teacb101 some sci~cce classes.

Mr. KeaUnc ,..Ill conllnue to teaeb ph.Jstcal ceopapllJ and ceolou and will rt'place MI Burns as chemlsuy lab In­structor Mr Burns w11J rc­ml\in In the blalo;y depart· ment. Be .,,,_. also coach a basltttball tum eou y Ill the clcy league

Mr. ll'Ullams replaces Mr Ku line as athletic dlroctor. coo.ch and pbyslcal education dePllllmt'llt bt'll.d and lmtructor.

•••• An ueembl,J •as held Oct.

18 In which the forelcn stu· dentll were Introduced to the student boclJ'. Five of tho forelln student& spoke at the usembl,y.

Mr. Stone Lotrocluced Pete r Chenier. from Edmonton, Al· berta. C&nada, •ho acted as master of ceremonies.

After a short talk, Mr. Che· nler acquainted the student bod3 with the fore lan studenta seated In the aud ience.

Next, Mosta!a Farahancbl rrom Iran wu Introduced. Be told the students " hJ' he la maJorinl la a crlculture and spoke briefly about his home and his !amil.Y.

Edustdo Picado ot S&n Jose , Coslo. Rica wu the nest apealler. Be spoke or the ceo­papbJ'. econQlllJ', o.nd covern· meat of hlscounuy. Mr. Picado le tak.lna aato mecha nics.

Foll""lnl Mt. Plcado's iallt. a student from lndJs. Lajpal Slllcb <»erot spolte to the at>:derua. Mr. Oberol. "bo Ls a mecllanlcal eopoorerlnc ma· Jnr eJplalned hie reuons for c oallnl be re and a!ao 1ue smo.e U1111reat101 !&eta about Ila b.omelaod.

The lut apnker wu John· StolUWI KullUora, a political scleoce m.tJor trom Eul Af· rlca. Mt. Mutblora proved to be a very able apealte r aftd bis tallt was sre•t11 en.toyed b7 r.be scude ot bcd1. sueraJ of tbe forelsn eru·

dents mentioned that they would be bapPJ to answe r questions a nd talk with 1tu­deota about tbemaeJves and their home countries.


At the !ltsc 01eet1oc of the Spanish Club, held Oct. 16, members nominated and elec· ted the follo•lnc otncers: president, Cllarles Adams, • Ice-president. Bill Jacobsen: sec ·ueu.. Marilyn Watson: social s ec. , Leis Poland.

The croup plane to meet every other Monday, under the s upe rvialon of Mr. McFarlaod. E:vents planned tor the 1ear Include the showln& of movies about Peru. ard one n:ajor soclal actJvU;y. prob&bl,y a dance sponsored JolotlJ' with the French Club.

Enrollment Of 586 Comes From A Wide Area

The 586 f\lll·llme d"J' stu· dents enrolled at NlJC thle fall come from all ove r ldabo. and f.rocn five foreign coun· tries . as well as from other states. Rerlatratlon cf stu· dents who are rea tdents o! the Junior collaae dletr!ct ls 359. or abo~t 62%.

Despite the fact thet Ibey pay out-cf..USttlct tuition fees, students from the Coeur d'Alene rnlnlnc a.rea number 75, and those rromWashlni!U>n number 64. There a10 13 here this t&ll !iom C<nl.an countries.

The 75 from Shoshone OlunQ' break down aa follows: Kinas· ton 2. Pinehurst 7. Wa.lla.ce 14, Smelterv ille 7 . KeUon 29. Osburn 7, Silverton 3, Cataldo 5, Mullan 1.

Comins from other countries: Ca.nada 9, East Africa l , Iran I, cosi:a Rica 1. lndla t.

Rere trom other cities In Idaho (out ot tho district): Sandpalnt 12. Stl Ma rtes 12. Priest RJver 9, Hope 6. Bon· ners Fert)' s. Spirit Lake 4, Moscow 3. Troy 2. Harvard I. Athol I. Dover 2. Potlatch I , Koote nai I , Kendrick I, Em· mett 1. Enavllle I. Idaho Falls I. Lewiston 1

From othe r states: Wublng· ton 64. Montana 4. Arizona I. Weal Virginia 1, Ohio I, Pennsyh anla I , MUUc;bu· setts 1.

Student Officers Elected After Nine Campaigning Days

The Cct . 11 election matked the cllma.t of nlne days or heated campalgolo& by noml· oees ror class om ces , sc~deot union board positions. and tho student body vlce·presl· denc:y. Precedlna the event were campai1na peechee given durllll an Oot. 9 assembl,y. SHI TUrbln, ))Jesldent ol the s tud.eat body. Introduce~ the candidate£ a nd each voiced hlaquall!lcatlons and opinions before the entlrestudent body.

Ba.llotlna results were: stu· deot bod1 vier-president, BlU Bolsteln; st~dent union boord members. sue Collier and James Judd; sophomore offl· cera: president, Ed Jacobsen: vtce· prestdent , Jerry R.yan; secretary. Ruth Dennie: and fresh.men orncers: pres ident. C!Jde ~7eller: vlce·pres ldent. De nola Newton: secreta.ey, Dawn Cunftldson.

OnlJ' 65~ of t he entire stu­dent bod,y recJslered to vote In the election. a dec rease of a bout 20'Jt, trom les t year. Sophomores led lndlvldual cl&ss voting with 7~ or the 23~ class merrbers voUna. wblle Ibo rtesbmeo, numtietlni 334, bad a 57% voting total.

Tb&nksJI vi ns vacation thls Call will be Nov. 23·26 In· elusive.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (2) Oct 25, 1961

THE N. L.J.C. REVIEW ~ S1•"hzttlr o.lmt .. Celep Yw ., __ ..............


~er:~ ~~

Oae aUncUYe a.• fa ce • el·

E41,_ Jloo-int .... , ..... ,. c:-t K- ... , _ , - Kl ..... o-i--.. P.tricle E4p< ......... -... . -*"' .. ......,_, ,__,___,_.,. ........ ,,.,~

LHll• .._. ..... 0.-, e.i-. -- E­_ _.

&litorial .. At a _ , a ssembly, the speo ... r. Mr Mortin Chesnut.

suggesi.d that the s tudents take no'9s on hi s lectvre //ony ,....i..,,, did a• he ·-•...t; - did not The lex• tho• same students didn' t write no'9s on Mt c i.snut's tolk is no• of ltHff slgn1ficon1 Ho..ver, one of 1i. reasons behind this fact 1s very significant Indeed, 1t m1gh1 '°""" prove ro be one of ti. bos ic couses of ti. IW><nlfecl opo1hy of riw American people That reason, which might come as a sur· prise to s ome, la fear.

Ti. fear wh ich prevented many studenrs •n 1he above· mentioned s i tuation from toking notn IS the some fear which causes some s tudents •· even bright students •• ro hold bod their opinions In class dfscussions and to scorn reocf>e<. supervised socio I ocrlvltles It is this some f_. ...t.och dr ves some s tudents 10 "live 11 up" 0 1 college ond 10 lovs;,-off ~" faillng grodes

No doubt the reader is wondering 1usr what It t s •ho• •new s!udenis fear In short. rhey fear that somebody .. 1 II '!11n• !hey care ·· rhinlc rhey ore concerned about such •h1ngs as becoming good cllizens, lmp<ov1ng their school. ond prepor"'ll lhemselves 10 serve society

This feat. Ir sHtlls, os the result of o son of unwn"en taboo rho1 exists among studon1 groups ThlS !oboo "ro-t.er hard ro define II mighr be rhought of O> a , .. "'Cl•on on >'<>­denr cooperation If a student does nor wont to viola'• ,,. roboo, he musr not be overly cooperative ... irh hos •eoct>ers ond other super10ts, he mus• not show over-eogerna..ss to jeom. and he must not give whole-hearted approval •o such odul • convenr1ons as clouocol "'usoc, good lirerar ... e, and (ro get bock 10 rhe evenr rhoo inspired this discourse) cu' turol o>sembloes

Perhaps this roboo ond Its r .. uhonr fear ore norhong for c:ollege srudent> and other Ame<icons to be concemed obour. Possibly It Is •omerhlng rhot hos been presenr on every gene­rotion or American people

S.,1, on the other hand, moybe Ir Is a Hriou• condition that •s .reodlly becoming wo·se. Perhaps rhere will come a time when rhe taboo again" showing interest and concern will be rupected by c:hlzens or oil OQOI rhrovghour America.

This writer I< one who befleves rnat a wry real and ve<y dangerous problem Is doveloplng In America becousto some people · · both rnidon1s and othur< •• are forced by social fears and p19ssur .. 10 soy by ohelr oc11ons of not •n so many words. "I don't give a darn."

However, no mo11er whor people soy ond do. the foe• re­mains rhol they really do core whot happen• to rhemsel"9s and ornero Even SO, some •ry IO h1do their core• undM a clood of 1ndilference

Thus, ...,.. rosk foco"il Amerocons rodoy rs ro reverse •ht' rrend tho• hos mode the cloak of indifference "fashionable " In the fu•ure, II mus• become foshol>"Oble •o be a good sruden• robe o la .. ·obid1n9 ond porr101 c corl:en. ond robe on en•M•· o>!lc oe,.on .. ho Is 1n1ere51ed n .-e than "'°k'ng ,,._,, aid "ge•t•ng by" tn school ond 1n llfe

S•..dents a• rhos college con cemunly do s01Pe0 nong to re­•erso rr .. •rend of nd.fference Woth a lirr!e effon on ·he !lDr1

of rne .rudcrn•s, such th1"'s os good depoMmero•, good scholar· ship, and r,rorest n c1oss ond e••roci.rr1culor oc•:vi.• •es cart

beCO<l'e the fashion for rhos scnool year and for suc:Cffding years

Thon, possibly, o change con be brought about in ·he 011i­rudes of rhose students who ore afraid rhot by exMT ng mem· selves '"°Y ,. ,If incur social disapproval Pemops those studenrs con be influenced 10 forger the•r silly fears and ro trode the1t lnd1ffer4!nce for a ,,. .. 0111tude ·· on onirvde of co­-ration with and re~r for ou1hor1ty; on 0111rude of interns: on the offo.rs of rhe school, the noolon, and rhe world; ond above all, on Qtlllude or self·irnprovemenr for rhe good of

society ~·J_M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-EJ1,.,,. Welcome Le lN tJ

come to NIJC lb.ls .rur b4!· loop to Mrs Culton. •bo teacbts Foundallo,. of Edu• caUon. Geoeral F;lemeatar.r lletbads. and Elldlab ComPO­alllon Along w1 lb IMH

Un Cu•°"" claua, •~ will abo auper• YIU tile stadtoal "'acbera and b4! a 1poaaor for S:'>EA

Mnl Culton'a husband •NU Cot the Slandanl OU COC:PB!U' aad lhe.r bue a Utile boy who la J11$1 all mcmha old ~ Cul1oos reslde In Dallcui Cl&I· de as

M:a. Culton"• bobbin In­clude bome-klnc. art, and aacb ou:4- rec:ullon u 'tshiQI.

Sb@ bu spent U:rn 1eara u aa AMl.stanl Pr~feuor of Ed· acailcn at Ln la and Clark Nor.ial School ID LAl•lllDD. She bu speal ao.,. summe·~ workUI oa the facult1 st Mos· cow. Mra. Callon auulded \fSC 10 "°rk en her Doctaal Pt0Cflll, alld she bu apect some IJ:Dt! i..acbln~ at Potlatch Blcb SCbool In PllC latcb. :int sun:~r )lz"I Culton

to do some raldance work with stw!e~ts •ho are planllln1 to attend NIJC In tbe future.

Nut aumme: Mrs. Culton plan.' 10 do some suldance work with atadeni. •bo are plannlnc lo attend :'>IJC In th• futurto


Al the llme of publication. tbe eiact date for the openln& of the student un.loo 11 001 deflnltel.Y know a, The bulld· IOI la co::iplete e~cept for de­ll•er.r of a Ce• plecta of tile beatln& plaat and some of the lltcbEn equipment

Dedicalioa cuu1onlea. bow· eYet will p:otabl.Y b4! held lo tbe Terr earl1 part of .So•ecbe:.


A !iclllt.r ad•lacr llal bu IM!too placed oo the -111-eotra.DC:e bul!eU::> boa:11. Sia· de!lts ue uked to check lbe IJ..st :o determine • bo their &dTi.!IC: b

Student.> are alao iuced to con.suit w 1111 thelt laculty ad· vtso11 :ecanliDC problems and chan;es la their curriculum alld other p:oblems they mlsbl encoun1u durlnc tbe aohOol .YU:.

N IJ C REVIEW. c- l'At- . 1 ....... Wo4., Oc..W U. 1'61 6

Student Social Committee Lists Formalities Required Before It Will OK Social Functions

ln •- lo U>e pleu !or IOdal hmdloaa,, U.. - - · rr "'" '" publllihlnc U.. lolJawtnc bot of ~Ca. nao,, -Ilk• m.mt>era or clube and U>e -t -,. u a wllale lo -!.IM,. roqulre....,.ta. It i. rau .... lo - - la - -.. llleh ..... do<La"" student -,. aetlYlt.r. n.-~ta .... n•,tJltt a.r rt nor dll'll<ull. tlMy an -lllT _,,. lonnallU.. ""blch m110t be completod bdc>re a IOdal ,__ caa be ....-­eJ Oft lbe ochool calendar Com~ with - wll! _,.... OW io-1 of mo~ Oda1 f\mCUODL

ar.Qt lllDIE.'"T!I or PLA.'""1NG A flOCIAL PVNcnox lft •"'d~.r tor any du.b to bold a 80d&! tuncuon or oMain llllGIDe7

tor .. ' llOCa&I tunc.Uon.. the dub mu.t: J ~ .. lmUI • wr.tlen plan or llM ~ lO the IOdal cbalnnul

fo1 appronl by UM IOdal comm1u ... !Blank - a...U­able "' lbe otr~I A"lf lormal or -.l·form&I actlYl\J" muot "" oubmltt<d lhl'M .....U ID ...,,,_ ot tbe .-,. ooot lot Ule &ell\ otY An.y 11\formal aetlvtty - be ...-u.i at lf'&.Sl two w.t>lul U\ adVa.nc. ot the date Ml for Ule ac­ll\."ll)' 111.e wrtlt•n ,.uuon mumt cOftllist ol; Tbe 4-t• ol lbr runcuon. UM amount ot money ...-Ced I om lb• -lat fund. tbe •i«""lun appnlYal ot the faculty •pon.or or lb• (J'C>Up. lb• • IJNllUre ot tbe ~ or pe.­"'ho .... to opoiuor lb• particular acUvtty. 11. _..., ttprurnt.auve mun aceom~ th• peUUOn lo tbe -I c"mmltl.,. mH~ lo .......,. any qu..UONI which mlEhl &JUf Chc<k on "'" ornce alendar lo - II UM date which you V.'&.nl la op.ft

Co--('"f\aumt>n of lh• SOdal Commllt"


Type or Flanctlon


Dato ol P\11\CUon

Maney ~-loJ

To be uMrJ for

H. Ee Club Planns Annual Foreign Student Onves

Tbt'ro are about 20 members In the Home Ee Club lhU .rear. The ofttcera chosen are : president, Lois Pitz· Slat1DDna; Tice president. Jad1 Anderson: aecretar.r. L .. na £rtrla: aod ueuurer. Sharon O'Coonell

A United Na Ilona' Da1 dln­oer wu held Oct. 23 . Tbe di.oner. wblcb •u beld la tbe bome ecoaomlca rOOCD, fea· tared Ille fotel&n atadelllS u apeclal cuesta

The 1ues1 apeaker wu 111 . Dreaoe.r •ho bas receatl.r re · tunitd from a ~&Chine poa!· tloa IA Japan.

vera Colllu •aa cllalnD.aA o! tbe dinner committee . Belp-101 btor were Jod.r Allderaoo, staron o•con11dl. aod Dla.M Db an


RENT SALES REPAIR o .. 1ti..1 ' r,...., ~11e. INTtllSTAT[ TY,cw•tTDI Co

..17 ~~" A-. • ,...._ 4)411


KEEP GROUNDH (."LEAN To cn•urc that colleae

.-Munda till• year are k•pl 1001<1n1; ntal. 11ud•nu who cat lunch tn their car• ar~ ttmlrtd-.J that •"'Pl)" aa•k•. wrapp<'ro. and ooll drink ~ul~• are lo be MpositPd In proper ""·utf' (Oftta1n"ra Tl'U'T admuii.tratton cxptttl tri' t •'Uwnnc<- to lht.w col·

Jec-e tt(Uh_Uon.


,._ - 4-S5n n•-­COEua D'ALENL IOAHO

Woodcock's Drq Store Canel'°' - Sund•••

Prewip•;OJ'I, , ,. "' ~ St .• c.... l"AJo ..


The Re"'•.., •cl''°'* ...,.tcOlft• '•"•"' '0 '"• etlltor on any ar,,b1ect.s •tvdenP't feel ttr0tf'9ly •nou9h obout ro •''if' ,,,.,, na"'9a Thia col­"''"" olf•'• sr\X/eM• o cftal'ICe ro t9och c:0Ue99 olllclola unolllctoHr wuh complorn'• orw/ tV099U10tt• or 0/10 th• chonc• to ocknowle</99 con•trVC'riY• 1h1"9• '"'°' ro~• plor:• of th• coUe~

DrPepper O• INK If F•OSTY


DR. PEPPER Tloe F.io"41y -,.,,_.u,,.,·

P.io .. c N OMA•• • ·••••

100 H •T• ST•CIT

Cor:u • 0°A&..1:•c. to•wo

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (2) Oct 25, 1961

Foreign Students At NIJC N IJ.C REVIE>r, °'"" 4'41one. ldono, "'•' Octobot 25. 1961

Showrt •bo"* •o h .. •tv49'U •t ~UC tftl f1 foll who h.v• COl'IM ,,.._ oth• Chftlr'H L•h t• ,1,+i11 Mottofo foro­henchl. TeftttM, hon; Ro .. rt Fo•, T,oJI; Bill JeMelohf\,

Nola.on. B.C.; K• 1tft F,.d••"••• M•Tton, 8 (.; Lo ,..1 S'ntf'i ~'°' -HP' 0.IM. 11'1410 0-rh.r fo,.11"" '~~ .. 0,,...,.4 .-otl1er


Bocholor of Arb Bochelor of Sclel'ICe Bu1lneu Educo1lon Engineering Foresll'y Horne Ec~lcs lndus1rlol Am Pro· Low

47 36

105 '58 68 25 Zl 38

Pre·M.d O.n•lury. Nursing· VetAr1nary Voco1lonal:

0 32

Au10 Mechanics lndu11rlol E l..:•ronlcs

~··: Wornon


Speclol S1udenta: Women W..n

College Officials Attend Boeing Eleclronlcs Meet

or. Kildow. Je.ae Marmon, Keith Erlckau and ltarlan Siebert or the collec• 11arr went 10 Seattle It.al •eek to ttlll'taent NIJC at a ~tum on the tralnlna ttQulrementa ro1 elecnonlca technJclana In lndue111 Tiie Boalnc Com· pa117 '1 A"o Space 01vtelon 1pon1ored lbt mffUnc

Tbe mHllna ,..,. held al lbe Boeln1 lllulle Production Center In Seat1l1 . NIJC 'a electronJca NOcra111 la or•o­l&ed 10 provlda lndaall'1 •lib ql&llMed ttchnlclana read1 ror Jobs In lnd11au1 upon com­pleuon ot their lflllnlna pro­pam here. and 11 conatanU, be Inc checked ant oat lnd11a111 requlremen11 .


13 1

580 Wuley FounJot/0<t P ion• For Elecr/on 01 Ollie•~

Tbe Met hodlata or the col· lu• bad • meellna reeentlr 10 reorpn1H lbe Mt1bodJs1 W11le1 Fouodalloo. II 1s lo ~ co111poud or 1bldents ot 1be collece • bo are lnteresltd ID Join.Ina Lhla cbarcb poop. Tbe Rn Glau cocl wu

preaent 11 lbe mntina IJlrs Yatu wu lntroduced u tbe Caca.llJ' Mlruar, TM liletbo­dle1 COllvtOIJOD lo £.llensbll!S W'lll diacused and repreun­tatJTU trW be IUDI.

£lectJona • W be h~ •hen Ille '104IP la ol'PAlzed beuu and • be12 lbere ls a bluu at· lendance ot 1be 60 PloPle •!coed al reaialr&tlOD


Band Is Still Seeking More Clarinet Players

by Les/lo Ho"'* ln s

I! 100 bA •• beard ne• sounds co"'t.na rioro the band tbl yeai, II may ha•• bf'en "Th<­Soand or llustc •• •• F1t11& Callpao." "Caravan cf Mel · ody " "Gloria " or It Q&.1 be because or 1~ lack d clarl· ne11 U "• could bill' o: tradr musicians u buetall lt'.ams do PIAI••• •• • uld bf' In tbfo mazut At11nne lctr·u1ed pleaae talk to "nad•t Jim'' oa !Mm am ~ m u.. .,,,,.

On Sept 30 tl:e band elected ...,. otrlcett rot '"" 1ea1 Don Pleat was elecled l'rttldent and •UI wo be atudut dl· ttctor Gordon $711• Is •lce­prealdoct alld second 1luden1 dltecui: D••n canrudson •a.a elecltd aaalsl&llt U· brarlrui 10 Pal Rhe&ms. •bo Is tbfJ bold·o•er l1tmu11a rroa last , .. , SeCttWy re.: Ible year la Lola FllZSlllUDODI

Tbe band'a nrat "Dl&PtlleOI 11 10 rl11 r~r 1tw !dabo Scbool nu_,,.,., AaaoclaU~o sovem· bet ; Preparatloo ror lhl• I tb• pre..,01 ta•• or th• band


TU liPln.1•11 elub 1 ar· ~K 10 !Ian II• meellnp oo Ille nni1 and t.blrd Ji1onda1 of e.acb mo111b Rown.,. uua monl.b tbere will be • ll:ffllol 011 lbe tuU1 MOlllllJ, alllc:e tbere at'° [Jn MOnd&JW lD Oetobet

Mr llef>al:&nd. •-01 of tbe c:::t>. lua9d an LDYl1&Uoo IO a.ll 11ude1111wbo .... takeo a cocme ID S;laa!ab , ellbrt at the bin acbOol o: collec• t.vel to Jaln tbe ctub Re woeld also lilt all anxlecta r:om SPacbll·A.m•ne&11 cowa­trtea to Join tbe clab

Lmerui.d anidetlls aboald alleod lb• DUI lll"tUlll •blcb •W be be:d actlYllJ' period Mollda.r. OCt. 30 l.o Room 2~

Former Russian Anti-Communist To Lecture Nov. 3

cooa1ao110 Boldyrerr a leMler lo lbe Ruaalall ruiU­Commun111 llDderllQund. rui eipen oo lbe Comm11D1s1 "'etbod for world dom.lnat!on lhroucb lnMltrltloo. and rormer leCIUltl ror the Geor1e10•D Uttl•eralijo P11cbolopcal ••r· Catt cou1ae. •lll pttaeot a lecture •llll accompa~& ffim on "F<uulan Antl<:om­mualall Al Worlt" al rui as· aemb!J on f'?ld11. No• . 3, at 9:30 1.m.

Mr . Bold1ttrr. a auave, coo­Unental·mariM~ man of arla1oaa11c burlnc. blldl1 011 lbe popular concepUon or an •cent or a secret orpnl· ullon . Bui lhal la exacl!J •hat Ill' 11. HI• peraona.l hls· 1ory baa been a auccesalon or conatanl dan1ers arreata as a IP1, and period• In concen­lfallon oampa

The aon or 1 \\bile Ruaslan General "ho ... one or Ille Ciratotrloere 1os11r1011anl&ed realatance 10 Communism and wbo .... executed by lh• 801· abevllta. Conatanlln Bold11err baa continued and upanded on bla ralhet'a •Orll alnce he waa twelve yeaia old.

Born ID RUHi& nMr Whal le no• un1n1rad !llr. Boldtttrr rectl<ed bis urly •ducallon la a Ruulan )1Jl11&17 Cldel Corpa Arter his paduallon rrom Belcrade Unlverelt.r In Yocoalavla, be joined the .-\ntl Comrnunlal Uorler1round and •orlled acll•el1 In lls bebal.t ·neD lbe Nul1 a11acked

lkl&rade. loll . Bold.Jrerr eo­llated lo the Rotal Yuaosla• Ar=, and roa.sb1 unUI capllu· lallon Arrested u an al· I teed Bl!U.b •P7. be WU a.111 IO C.llllAl\1 ror rorced labo: bot eacaped to Berlin •bere the undercrouorl as· alated blm In ucaplnc de· lecUoa

Rt baa llleca.J.l1 penetrated Ruaala Innumerable limes -Pra Yda tau repo"-d blm buna ro: IHUOD ball a doZen limes. A 1arce1 or Nu.I and commu­n111 &eertt Polle•. Ill llold7· rorr aer•ed lime In concen­r.n.Uo1> CUIJOI but baa al••1• -•led 10 HCIP9 OutlDI the AWed occupaUon. be WOllled rc.r Ille Aam1can ror cea la rui orcarlllcatloal ca· pac111

Tbs ltHllJe11>e1!1 or !Wulaa dleplaced l)l!J'SODI Wbo did llOl dnlle 1epa1rlatlo1> be· c... bla Mll concern. H.la IDCCHI 111prad Iba SOY!el I 0\'91'm111D1 IUld AmlOCIDI •ere rorcad 10 place blm la ~roleC"JTt Cll&lody. RI later conllmled b1a • or& troa Parle IUld !Mn ltOlll CUlblaDc•

Conal&lltln ao1t11rerr came to IM On.lied Slate• In 1~7 lO recruit ror Ille ADtl·COIDalll· a1a1 mo•tr:aeot. StW • apeclal tarcet or lbe Soriel press. Conatantln Bold11err con·


PubUcaUoo or a call for b1ds oo bond ror tbe ne• classroom MlcUUooand ••••bop btll.ld.lna la Wlderw.., arid bids •W be opened No• 13 tl7 the col­Iese board of LtUSleu.



HJp ' l(vft S-uf)' So,_, R9Jwc1., Solo.i, 4 Sdtoo/

>11 U A ...... • l.<OIMiwl 4..SOU

Fof The f1n .. 1 I" Oetry P~ch Uu Comotl0tt

CARN ATION COMPMY N. l06 Thtnl MO "2728


Presctlptlon Spec/o//sts • Giits Ao Special'>'

1107 H F .......

tlnu~ his •ork at the same lime ac:qualotlna lbe Amerl· can people wllh the true racta ofwlal ls (OIDI OD In Raaala DasbJna, d.rnam.lc, and Cited •1111 a deep sense o! minion be •Pellks br1lllAnllJ and rorcetallt from bis own per· sonal firsl·haorl k.aowled&e IUld ezpertence.

Naval Avi ation Team At NIJC On Oct. 26

collece "'en lalettsled lo obta1n101 commissions In lhe field o! aa\'ILI uiallon wlll ha •e an opportunilJ' 10 talk "llb "'embers or lbe avlelor lntormallonteam fiomseatlle's Nani Air Station al NIJC on Oc1obe1 26.

The team members wlll tell sludenls ho ... they tllS1 pin comraU!slons as na ¥ILi avla· tors throufb lhe Na,-al A•la· tlon Cadcl (NA VCAD) and the Avlnllon Orrlcer Candidate (AOC). pU01 or non-pilot, tnLl.nJnc P10GTI1ms. Tbe1 will alao counsel young men on other mWIDry procrama and service oblJ(atlons.

Tbe na •al av la lion cadet proi;:ram ls open to 1oun1 men 18 to 2S years or ace wbo have II leaal 90 QUarter-hOUlll or 60 semester·hout1 or col· Iese work.

The aviation o!Ucei candi­date p1opam la open lO col· lece craduates between 19aorl 26 1eaia of aae Thia procram covers pilot train.Inc. noo­pllot tn111ln1 {na•lp101. bom· bardler, radar lnierpreler). nl· allon around officer and air­ln1elllceoce .

Cade!$ are co.,,mlssloned e.ner succuarwl1 complellnc 18 "'on1bs or nlcht lrain.tnc al Ptnsaeola. Plorlda Collea• lfllduatea receive lh•lr com· missions arter the Ural rour montba of pre·nlcht 1ralnJn1.

W.R. Cains. Jr • csc. local naY)' recruiter . said the lum •Ill be aY&!Jable In the C1111· aaslum between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. f'llChl apUtude 1ea111 wUI be a.!Yen al 6 p.m. ror those Interested lo quaJJfl-1~. Tests may also be talten du1-lnc 1he dis. lf deslled. The re Is no obUaatlon In 1aklna 1hese tests. Those who quall(y me.1 take tbe p!\)'slcal In seatlle at a late r date . Trans· portadon Is rurnished by Ille Navy

Members or the naval A'1· allon ln!ormalloo scheduled 10 Ylall NIJCare ComroanderE.J. case and Barry L. Fischer. .-\£CPI


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP . ... o....r;.., .... s-.ic.­

- MOI....\ 4-)145 °' 44476 11J ~A.,... • C..<it 4'AJ...





Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (2) Oct 25, 1961

Williams Replaces Keating As Cooch, P.E. Dept. Head

The new a11lleUc c1J'*c1orand bead or 1be P E departmenl la Rolatld lfllllama Re wu boro and ral.Hd In KeU011 bul la oo• ruldlns In Coeur d 'Alene •llb Illa wile, Karen and Illa nlne·mool.b-old !Win 1lrl1. Tbe WIWama' alao bue anotbtr dausbter aced 2.

Mr. J;llU&ma. who la 6 feel 4 Jncbe• WI. la a rormer baa· hlb&ll aiar aod co-eapl&Jn or

"'' w1111.,,. tbe team In b1a aenlor year al lhe on1veralt1 or Idaho. He pl&J'ed on the rreshman aquad aod 3 Ieara on the ¥&tall;J

Durlns h11 1cboollnc be ... pruldenl or Pb1 £pallon Kappa, a naUonal P E. bono­,..., aod Pb1 Delta Kappa, a nat1011&l education bonorary. Be wa1 also aecrtl&r.1 and prealdeot or 1be "I" club to: lettermen. Ml . \\llllama hu a B.A lo educallon and In PE and II worklnc ror hll Mastera decree.

Mr. 11 lllla1111 la plan111nc a full ach#dul• ro1 thfo be11te•· l>all tea111 and bu Included tho O of I froab, 1'/orth•eal Nau· rene Junior •u1l17, and Lewie and Clark NorlD&.I. Theae are but a row or the 1ea1111 Uned UP rar thll ltUOn. Mr Wll· U.1111 •Ill al10 try to Include more actlvlliea ror P E llu· deni.. AQ10nt lnteroled In turnlnc out ror buketball. be aure to aoe Mr. II Ullama.

Siie: A woman'• mind II clea.nu than a man11 .

ae: 11 oupt t.o tie, I.boy ~ 11 mo .. ottonl


MISSOURI LUNCH 110 She.nnH A.,... • c..,,.., ffAJ•"•

C-101• Li•• 01

Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE

SPORT/HG GOODS >05 SW..n A••· • MO-..•w• '-512 I


.. f '<'

~ ~ -1\11 'WH\•1 8o•lln9 Gt.iHt of HDMt

MORRIS Pl.ANTE Pr•Hnl •4 fo, 1r .. '°"'• "-1• ... ~


cror week or Oct. 8·14.)

Sandbaccera • Dave swao-100 124. Ed Picado 160. Bob Hersey 158. Dane! Colbert 183

Holy Rollers • Larry Kitson 119. Keo Dans 136. RaDd7 Green 131. Terry V&llSl&te I~

Lucll7 Larer Fom • B111 Bol­atelo 127. Mark Brtltbaupt° 147. Terry Clem 130

Church Keya • Bruce Erlc:k· 100 I SS. Bobb! Ball 1Z2. Ron Warren 11 l, Pat Braden 140

Lell-O•era • Ra.1 Chapman 142. Jim Olaeo I i5. B1ll Ja· cobaon 162 Wall.Y Lane 116.

Hall·Ful • Tom AntbODJ' 133. Jerry DaJkel 141. Ron Earley 131. Ga17 StoYern ISO

Bullahlppua Terr1 Burris 114 . Jim Acart 132. Georce LeGon 105, Ron warren 111

The B&O ·Stuart Roea 133, Bill JenoeJobo 116, Keith Frederlkloo 114, Done Lona 163

Loa Faubea - Pal 6hadllea &8. 6aodle Alexander 148, Bett1Sue Cb&mbera 113.Jer11 Kennedy 83

Shelu-or-stelt • Ron Ball· zell 139,DarrellKoeppen 151. Dick lAFtencla I :?7. Ed 011· ver 139

Pinhead• • R&1 Ran 111 Vern Ellla I 56, Gene ~!e: 157, Jim Perham 108

Team 12 • CIJ'de Weller I~. Jack IOI, Gel1ld 11;

Hieb lndlYidual ser1ea 571 Darrel Colben S57 Ed Picado SSS Jli;i Olsen

Hieb lodhldual Game 222 Malt Breltba11111 215 Darrel Colbert 212 Jobo &ud'l"Old


(reaulla or oc1. 11 •eek)

Blc"4"· Mu Prudent• 1s1 Tom Mll1 18.S. Don Pase 165, Don Arthur 179

8owleretles· Katb1e Taocen 123, Diane Kunz 138. Sherron Berllla 117. Ct.role Marker 12~.

Peo111 • Robbie Maddin 127. J o:tee Heine 109, Ernie De­Luca 138. Pat Powers 125.

The Hookers • BCM7 Wozow IOI. Don Roclce 138. Jan Ha.· mer 110. Paul KJmball 118

The Roae·Bud'a ·One Am· onaon 128, Jlm Bair 129, Georce Wood 134. Jim Lower 133.

L&kera • wamo 1o1a1on 140. Jim Brewer 125. GalY Welllel 98, Mlb Neuer 168.

TUrtltl . RUH B:o•n 143. Tetl'1 Smith 181, Bob Gridley 135, Red Plan1e 169.

Maple Mas be rs • B1ll 1'Unle r 120, BObby Corbin 151. Lan1 Jobnaoo 141. Rieb Co:bln us.

The Pin Buaters • Dannis O'Lttr7 125, Jobo Price 106 W7tOD Rlcbazdson 95. Gertld Sb.tloer 104

8·8all.s • Can Slark 160, Chuck Ta.11or 123. Robert croclteu 135. JooSmock HS.

S&!•IJ' Ploa • Bruce waUJ.cs 131, Dave Lilldle1123. Gr1111 Person 111. Barrie aae"'ald HO.

Do Nots • Ron Enos 129 Pat Edpz 83. Jo Jacobsen 95. Linda Roebke 95.

Tire Otnee or EdncaUoo es· Umaled tbat 1.684,000 class· room teachers wW be ne~ed by tbe public and oonpubllc elemen1&17 and sacond111 acboola. TbJa number la 3 percent peater than tbe 1,836,000 employed ln 1960-81


The! Newman Cini> la pl&o­lllna a Halloween d&nc• tor th• •••Dins or Frld&J' . 0c 1 27 There •UI be no admla­aloa Charct and &II llod~Dta a:e l11'11ted

Maslc ro: lbe d&11ee wUI t>e by reccmla. with one or the &roa disc Jocken aplnDlnc the record~ Tbere wW aao be :.ustcal entert&inmea1 al tbe lnte=a&IOD fe&llltl.11& NlJC stadeoa. Cbapero~a for lbt dance

are I&: . atld Mra McFatlaod &:Id l4t. aod l&ta. Drt&neY.

Coatw:iea &re :iot reqa1red far U.. wbo ~ lbe duce.

SNEA Selects Sorbel As Group's President

Al a recent meettna. !ll<!rrr bers al S~"EA btld elec:Uooa ror otncer.. Tbe reauJta are: Raocl1 Sorbel. prealdelll: 1'1&17 ~11 Rarlcll . \"fCt·PtHldelll. Sherron S.rllla. aec1ew1. aod Diane E:odera, lrt&1t1rer.

Mrs. suab Culton Is lbe !aclll1;1 a11Ylsor or tile uaocl· &Uo11 Ulla 1ear. Map.zJ.nea &ad maierl&I wue 11re1tnt.., to U.. fu\we taacbera .

Tb& uaoc:laUoo 1ut a re· presemaUTt tolbe rectal 1EA CODY1!DtlOD

F":ntt teachers &ra maid to a::eod Ille ,..eU.np II wW be ~· crnt •al..c 1o i...ct1o1

.W•"'• PE C/ouu Are En joyln9 TOQC/i FootM//

Sore. ach.nl "'..11Clu Hem to be c:ocmocpl&ce IJllODC tile ceo allJdenta sloe. tbe Pll1al· cal edocalioD cl.uaea bue DOS bernD far lilt 1981·8Z acbool yeaz.

PIM11&111 •ulller bu dt .. •D the cl.use• ocldoors, •here IOOCbfoolbaU bubeenpland Despite a few "cua&!Uea" 1he 1tudea1& aeu: to •llJoy lbe rootb&l.I pme1 Ttl'1 mucb.

Enrollment 111 !69 aaUon•a pabUc &nd runlt acbOOla from ltlndrrprten tbronsh col· Iese. lncreulos ror the I 7tb coosecuU•e year, will reach a new aU·Ume hl1h or 49 .300, 000 la the 50 atatea and the District or Colu:rDI& In the acbool YHr 1961·62 tb• or rtce of Education bu eat! rrnted



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MI JC REVIE._ Coevt 4•Al.,tte, ldotw. We4 Ot•obe' 25. 1961 =-

Clrcl• IC Club HHJ1 H•• M .. ,09,. 1-•Jlor•/1

A allortas• or member• forced lbe Clrcl~ K Club to poerpone a&a1AC c! board members at lbelr laal mt~Uns The croup adapted a new p01lcy or ac· ce~UllC cecbHI

AQ;t lotmrr aemller or a Key clllll tn bt&b •cbool • U1 be CiYen apeel.al cooal.derallon ~u1 aece1tar all rreahm&n IHD wlll be IDYll~d IO Join U I.My meet I.be roll,,..ln• quail ncauou. (I) sood charact@r 121 •ra.d• 1><>lnl ....... or 2 0

or aDOTe. (3) at11ndanct at !'>1JC on• aemuter

Circle K la NIJC'• aer<tlce club. artlltated wllb the Kl· wanl.a CIQI>.

Chrlatmu •acaUon •Ill b .. cln Dec . 23 &nd run tbrou1h Jan 7


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