T Williams Graphics Portfolio




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Thomas WilliamsGraphics Portfolio

December 2011

Object Drawing

Continuous Line Drawing

Graffiti Name Design

Final Graffiti Design


During the past couple of weeks, whilst we have been working on our graphic portfolios, i have thoroughly enjoyed it. There were three parts to this subject; still object drawing, continuous line drawing and then finally typography or graf-fiti name design. One of the first task that we did was the still object drawing, for this I used wil-low charcoal and a 6B pencil. I hadn’t used charcoal before but found it very fun to play around with whilst attempting to create different shades. I drew two ap-ples together, and as I was using the coal and the pencil I was able to get a very wide range of shading, which I think presented the shadowing on the apples quite well. I decided to draw a grid on my page before I started so I could get the scale of the apples on my page very similar to the actual picture. I was quite happy with my image but think if I did it again I would would try apply more pres-sure to the coal as I was drawing in order to get a lot richer darker shadowing. Next was the continuous line drawing. I have not studied art much in the past so had never done this before. I found it quite difficult as we had to draw some ones face within 30 seconds without looking at the page. This task was fun and I think that it came out quite well. For this I used a 6B pencil and found it a nice pencil to draw with. I learnt from doing this task that it was possible to get quite abstract images from trying different ways of drawing. If I did this again I would take the drawing slightly slower, I found that I rushed at the beginning and then lost where I was within the drawing. Using illustrator was good. I uploaded the face to illustrator and used the pen tool to draw around the outline of the face, dragging the mouse in different directions in order to create the different curves. The pen tool was hard at start but once I had the hang of it I managed to com-plete the task quite quickly. Finally I chose to do a graffiti name design instead of typography. I love doo-dling graffiti words when I can so this task was perfect for me and I really en-joyed it. I know a place in Manchester that is full of professional graffiti so I was able to look at the art to inspire myself with an idea. It took me a while to draw the graffiti but I was pleased with my design. Once I had scanned it onto illustra-tor, similar to the continuous line drawing, I could use the pen tool to draw over my graffiti. Once I had done this I experimented with different colours to find the one I found most aesthetically pleasing. I then added some drips of paint for a ‘spray can effect’ and I added the wall effect into the background. Finally I thought it would look more realistic if I slightly reduced the opacity of the letter-ing so the bricks could be seen through the graffiti. I was very pleased with my final product!