Stellenbosch Gazette 21 August 2012



Stellenbosch Gazette 21 August 2012

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Tuesday 21 August 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

KYLEMOREKRAAI KONING:Dieafgelopenaweekwasdit tyd vir die jaarliksederby tussenHoërskool KylemoreenGroendalSeniorSekondêr. Teenalle verwagtinge inhetKylemoredie eerstespan-rugbywed-stryd teen Groendal met 16–15 gewen. Vir nog foto’s en uitslae kry Vrydag jou Eikestadnuus. Foto: eunice visagie

Kylemore wen derby

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 21 August 20122

Verloredogter gesoek

Sanna Fredericks wil graagkontak maak met haar enig-ste dogter, IngridMalgas (In-kie) wat gewoon het te Berg-stedtstraat, Cloetesville.Haarmawilhaargraagop-

spoor. Sy het haar 30 jaar ge-lede gesien.Belassebliefdiemaatskap-

like werker, Annalise Hen-dricks, by die Haven NightShelter, Paarl by 021 862 1812.

Buurtwag gehuldigELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

DIE LAP-buurtwag is Vrydagaand bedankvirdiewerkwathulleverrigenministerDanPlato het aan elkeen ’n sertifikaat oorhan-dig.

DieLAP-buurtwag funksioneer tussenLavan-da, Aurora en Phyllaria, die munisipale woon-stelblokke in La Colline.In sy toespraak het die minister van gemeen-

skapsveiligheidindieWes-Kaap,DanPlato,gesêhy glo die gemeenskap vorm ’n groot deel vandie beveiliging van gemeenskappe.“Selfsdieoumensehet ’nrolomtespeel.Hulle

kan kyk wat aangaan en die polisie bel. Skryfnommers neer en gee beskrywings van die per-sone en help so om kriminele aan te keer.“Onswil graagbuurtwagtevestig inelkearea.

My primêre doel is om elke area te besoek endie funksionaliteit van die polisie en die buurt-wagte te ondersoek.“’nAnderkernaspekisomdieverhoudingtus-

sen die polisie en die gemeenskap te ondersoek.

“Dus is vanaand se gebaar vir my baie mooi.Daar ismanne envrouewat’n rol speel in die beveili-ging van gemeenskappe enhulle moet ’n klop op dieskouer kry vir ’n job welldone.“Saam kan ons ’n verskil

maak in gemeenskappewaar dwelms en drankmis-bruikword, wat weer lei totdie hoë getalle van verkrag-ting en aanranding.”Hy het die lede van die

buurtwag gewaarsku dathulle nou gaan sienwat diepolisie sien en ervaar hoehulle werk.“Baie van u gaan nou die

liederlikheid van mense teenoor mekaar sien.U gaan sien hoe praat ouers met hul kinders enmanne met hul vrouens.“Ugaanhierdiegoedaanulyfvoelendiewerk-

likheid gaanu soos kouewater in die gesig tref.”

Hy het hulle verder bedank dat hulle die oëen ore van die polisie ge-word het en aan elkeen ’nsertifikaat oorhandig virdie opleiding wat hulleontvang het.Malvern de Bruin van

die department van ge-meenskapsveiligheid, watook die opleiding van dielede behartig, het ook sydank uitgespreek vir diewerk wat hulle doen.Die voorsitter van die

L.A.P. Buurtwag, GlenDa-niels, het ná afloop van dieverrigtinge ook wyks-raadslidRozetteduToitspe-siaal bedankwat gehelp het

om die buurtwag op die been te bring. Hy hetook die lede van die buurtwag verder aange-spoor.“Ons doen dit vir die liefde van die saak en

kan só alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik te bekamp!”

Die L.A.P. Buurtwag het Vrydag sertifikate by minister Dan Plato ontvang vir die opleiding wat hulle voltooi het. Foto: Elbé van Heerden

StellenboschWag hou AJVSTELLENBOSCH Wag houMaandag 27 Augustus om18:30 hul algemene jaarver-gadering by die WelgelenNG-kerksaal in Dalsig.Vir navrae besoek hul

webblad by

Minister Dan Plato

DIENS VIR VROUE IN UNIFORM: Die Rynse VGK op die Braak het Sondag ’n spesiale diens gehou vir Vroue in Uniform as deel van hul Vrouemaand-vieringe.SariethaEngelbrecht het ’n boodskap oor dankbaarheid gebring, waarna al die vroue in uniform genooi is om voor in die kerk te staan terwyl die seën oor hulle uitgespreekis. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

PopularArchaeologicalDay is back

THE popular annual one-day lec-ture series of the ArchaeologicalSocietyof theWesternCapeand theFriends of Stellenbosch Museumwill takeplaceonSunday26Augustfrom 10:00 until 15:30.The series will be held at the

Erfurthuis in Ryneveld Street. Thetheme this year is An Archaeologi-cal Wander through Time: SomePerspectives; various topics will bediscussed.After lunch there will be a visit

to the Uiterwyk farm, situated inthe sunny StellenboschKloof alongthe firm old wagon road over theBottelary Hills.A quartet of 200-year-old build-

ings on this farm boast some of thefinest Cape baroque and neo-classical gables.Participating in theArchaeologi-

cal Day costs R150 per person,which includes tea and lunch withwine. Bookings are essential.For more information call Esme

Adriaanse on 021 887 2937.

Jeuguitreik AJV

DIE Jeuguitreik hou Maandag 10September sy algemene jaarverga-dering.Ditbegin17:30 indieJeuguitreik-

sentrum, op die hoek van Bell- enBirdstraat.Belangstellendes wat die verga-

dering wil bywoon moet teen Vry-dag 31 Augustus hul bywoning be-vestig.Stuur asseblief ’n epos

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 21 August 2012 3

Navorsing oor angsvlakke ondervisueel-gestremde kindersSTEPHANIE NIEU-WOUDT

KINDERS wat swaksien-de is – wat net buitelynekan sien – se grootstevrees is dat hulle met dieMIV-virus besmet kanword.

Kinders wat heeltemalblind is, is die bangste virvuurwapens, terwyl kin-derswat ernstig visueel ge-stremd is ’n groot vrees virvuurhet. Dít is ’n paar vandie bevindinge van LisaVisagie, ’n sielkunde-stu-dent aan die UniversiteitStellenbosch, wat haarmeestergraadoordievresevankinderswatvisueel ge-stremd is gedoen het.Visagie is self visueel ge-

stremd. Sy het haar mees-

tergraad onder dr. HeleneLoxton gedoen.Haar bevindinge is on-

langs by die 30ste Sielkun-de Kongres in Kaapstadaangebied en haar navor-sing het haar ook die Full-bright-beurs besorg.Sy sal in 2013 by ’n uni-

versiteit in Amerika methaar doktorale studies be-gin.Syverduidelikdathul-le indie toetsgroep42vreseper kind geïdentifiseer het– twee keer meer as dieaantal vrese onder die kin-ders in die kontrolegroep.Die kontrolegroep het

uit kinderswat geen visue-le gestremdhede het be-staan. “Dit was egter inte-ressant dat die kinders indie kontrolegroep ook ’ngrootvreeshetomdieMIV-virus te kry.”

Syglo die oorsaakvir dieMIV-vrees is die groot be-wusmakingsveldtogte indie media en in skole.Die vrees vir brand en

seerkry is weens die feitdat in ’nwêreldwaar jy netligendonkerkansien, tallegevare kan skuil wat mak-lik deur ’n mens wat kansien vermy kan word.Kinders wat swaksiende

is, se agt top-vrese stemooreenmetdiévankindersin die kontrolegroep watgoed kan sien.Kinders wat ernstig vi-

sueel gestremd is, het baiemeer vrese as kinders watswaksiendeis.“Angsiswê-reldwyd een van die meesalgemene sielkundige pro-bleme onder alle mense.”’n Groep van 67 kinders,

tussen agt en dertien jaar,

van twee spesiale skole indie Wes-Kaap het aan diestudie deelgeneem.Na raming is daar wê-

reldwyd 1,4 miljoen visu-eel-gestremde kinders,waarvan sowat 300 000 inAfrika, suid van die Saha-ra, woon. “Dit is belangrikdat die kinders se vrese ge-identifiseer word, sodathul ouers en onderwysershulle emosioneel kan by-staan,” sê Visagie.As ’n visueel-gestremde

persoon ervaar sy somsookangs.“In ’nvreemdesi-tuasiemoet jy altyd ’n stap-pie vooruit wees.”Symeenegterdat sybaie

opgewonde is oor die voor-uitsig om met haar Full-bright-beurs in Amerikahaar doktorale studiesvoort te sit.

Jong wetenskaplikes seEkspo in Augustus op BosSOWAT 400 leerlinge van dieBoland, Overberg, Weskus,Suid-Kaap en die Kaapsenoordelike voorstede sal van23 tot 24 Augustus hul weten-skapprojekte by die jaarlikseStellenbosch streeksbyeen-koms van die Eskom Ekspovir Jong Wetenskaplikes uit-stal.Die byeenkoms word deur

die Universiteit StellenboschInstituut vir Wiskunde enWetenskap Onderrig, in sa-mewerking met die fakulteitNatuurwetenskappe aange-bied.Leerlinge kan navorsings-

projekte in 25 verskillendekategorieë inskryf.Die onderwerpe sluit onder

meer medies, natuurweten-skappe, wiskunde en sosialewetenskappe in.

By hierdie byeenkoms kryleerlinge die kans omhul pro-jekte met behulp van plakka-te visueel voor te stel, terwylhulle ook hul bevindinge aanbeoordelaars moet verduide-lik.Belangstellendes kan op

Vrydag 23 Augustus tussen11:00 en 13:00 na die uitstal-lings in die Paul Roos-aktiwi-teitsentrum kom kyk.Leerlingemetdiebestepro-

jekte sal medaljes en spesialepryse ontvang.Sowat 30 projekte sal ook

gekies word om die Stellen-bosch-streekbydieNasionaleEskomEkspovirJongWeten-skaplikes inOktober inBoks-burg te verteenwoordig.Bel Erika Hoffman by 021

808 3482 of2 meer inligting.

Volunteers needed for AWSS projectA MASS pet sterilisationdrive will take place inKayamandi from 5 Sep-tember to 13 November.Volunteers are needed

to assist the care stationsfor a day or two.The animals will need

to be found and preparedfor surgery, as well as

washed, dipped, de-wormed, clipped andtransported to the clinicat the AnimalWelfare So-ciety Stellenbosch.All volunteers must en-

sure that their tetanusvaccinations are up todate.The operating hours

will vary from 09:00 to15:00 onMondays, 11:00 to15:00 on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thurs-days, and 12:00 to 15:00 onFridays.Please email Rene at

dewetrene07@gmail.comif you are interested inhelping out.

Heritage treasure huntALL pupils in Grades 5 to 7 fromschools in Stellenbosch and sur-rounds are invited to take part inan educational heritage treasurehunt on Monday 24 September.The pupils can represent a

school, church or other organisa-tion. Each group will receive apassport with clues on how to dis-

coverninetreasures inthehistoricpart of Stellenbosch.The huntwill start at 09:00 at the

Ou Landbousaal in Die Laan. Theentrance fee is R10 per pupil.Call Laurika Schneeberger on

078 248 0725 or Visit

18 000 copies distributed weekly in Stellenbosch,

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 21 August 20124

• Fun walk for the whole family

• fun and entertainment for the children

• celebrity cook-off, facilitated by Pete Goffe-Wood.

Three course meal on the grid in only 90-minutes.

Grab your tekkies and braai tongs and head toPaarl/Franschhoek for a proudly South African Family Braai Day.


Family DayFamily Day

You can barbeque anywhere but you can only braai in South-Africa and on Monday, 24 September you can only braai big at the JAG Foundation Family Day!

For more information contact Magdel: or 074 102 4851

Bring your own crockery and cutlery. Own food and drinks not allowed. Cash bar available.

Enjoy the GospelShowpiece 2012CELEBRATE the first day of spring by at-tending one of the two 2012 Gospel Skouspelperformances on 1 September.The performance will take place at the

GrandWest Grand Arena, Goodwood.Organised by Radio Tygerberg, the shows

features top South African singers. Appear-ing together on stage will be popular Idolswinner Elvis Blue, pop group Romanz, Na-mibian songstress Nianell and her equallyacclaimed sister Riana Nel, and Christianmusicians Retief Burger, Joe Niemand, Nev-illeDAnders,RouchelleLiedeman,LezaLiv-ersage and the legendary Jan de Wet.The first show starts at 12:00, and the sec-

ond at 20:00. Tickets are available fromCom-puticket at between R125 and R225.

Stalletjies vir ErfenisfeesSTELLENBOSSE stalle-tjienemers word gesoekom by Erfenisfees 24 Sep-tember plaaslik vervaar-digde items te verkoop.Terwyl daar kanovaar-

te, binnebandresies, mu-siek, braaivleis en jolyt inDie Laan sal wees, is daar’n geleentheid vir gemeen-skapslede om stalletjies tebespreek om allerlei pro-dukte te verkoop.Diensorganisasies kan

ook stalletjies huur waarhullevirbesoekersoorhul

werksaamhede kan inlig.Stalletjiehouerswatplaas-lik vervaardigde (handge-maakte) artikels wil ver-koop sal voorkeur kry. Ditsluit ook kos, lekkergoed,koeldrank en geregte in.Dit is ook ’n ideale ge-

leentheid omdie beste vanStellenbosch se tradisio-nele kossoorte te verkoop.Nie-winsgewende orga-

nisasieswat plaaslike pro-dukte en kos wil verkoopkan ’nstalletjievan3 x 3mvir R40per stalletjie huur.

Mense wat self hul eieprodukte teen wins wilverkoop, kan ’n stalletjieteen R75 huur. Winsge-wende organisasies en pu-blieke sakemag stalletjiesteen R150 elk huur.Die mooiste of interes-

santste stalletjie sal ’nprys wen. Alle aansoekesalgekeurword.Sluitings-datum is 24 Augustus.Bel Debbie Gabriels 021

887 2937, Elize Fortuin 021886 7156 of Martie Meiring021 883 3289 vir inligting.

Sri Sri RaviShankar visits SASRI SRI Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art ofLivingFoundation,willvisitSouthAfricaforthefirst timeinsixyears from26to28August.His visit, during which he’ll conduct pub-

lic events and host a meditation course,comes as the foundation prepares to open thefirst InternationalCentre forPeace inAfrica.Thepubliceventswillgivethoseinterested

an opportunity to learn from this “wise soulwho shares practical ways to live a contentlife, being harmonious in diversity and evenadversity”.Entrance to the public event in Cape Town

– happening in the CRC Christian Church inKoeberg Road, Montague Gardens, on 28 Au-gust at 19:00 – costs R150.Visit for tickets.

Celebrate artsand culture inKayamandiTHE second annual Kayamandi Artsand Cultural Festival will be heldfrom 21 to 24 September.The festival celebrates the cultural

diversity of this community. Visitorswill be able to enjoyworld-class enter-tainment, listen to stories and dis-cover the beauty and pride of Kaya-mandi neighbours and friends.There will be music, dance, drama,

poetry and theatre, as well as a DJbattle, a Mr and Miss Kayamandibeauty pageant, and soccer and net-ball challenges.For further information, or to take

part in these events, call0 082 087 2432 or send an email to2

1 Augustus)Kindersorg Suid-Afrika, Stellenboschalgemene jaarvergadering. 10:00, Rooi-kruis/Kindersorg-gemeenskapsaal in Bang-hoekweg. RSVP by 021 887 2816.) CANSA Relay for Life Stellenboschspankapteine vergader 18:30 in die Rooms--Katolieke Kerk in Idasvallei. Gwen Sim-mers: 0 082 5333 563.

22 August) Franschhoek Toastmasters meeting.18:45, Blueberry Hill Cottages, MiddagkransRoad, Franschhoek. Meet new people andlearn to practice and perfect communicationand leadership skills. Claire:0 021 876 3362.

24 August) KlapmutsPrimarySchool:EmoAdamsinconcert. 19:00.R80perperson.00218755471.

28 Augustus)Weber Gedenk Primêr bied ’n koorfeesin die Stellenbosch-stadsaal aan. Deel vandie skool se 50ste-bestaansjaarvieringe. Top-skoolkore sal optree. 19:00. Toegang R30 perpersoon. Verversings sal verkoop word. 0021 880 0286.) Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir Vol-wasse Persone met Gestremdhede se21ste algemene jaarvergadering. 19:00,Matie-gemeenskapsdiens, Ou Lückhoff-skool, Banhoekweg. Ds. Simon Adams is diespreker. RSVP by 021 887 8688.

7 September) In celebration of 160 years, St. Mary’s onthe Braak is hosting a dance with theTrevarians Dance Band. 19:30, AF LouwSchoolHall.R80,bringyourownxyzandplat-ter. BrendaBrandt:0 083 661 9975 or the par-ish office 0 021 887 6912.

14 September) Langverwag-aftree-oord outydse etemet ligte vermaak vir fondsinsameling. R100per persoon. Spyskaart sluit kerrie-afval, ou-

tydse uieslaai, karringmelkpoeding en tuis-gebakte brood in. Kontantkroeg beskikbaar.Mariana Strauss:0 021 887 2038/082 376 0833.

15 September)ACVVLente-teemetLizzMeiring. 10:00,ACVV-sentrum in Merrimanlaan. R80 perpersoon. 0 021 887 6959.

20 September) Idasvallei AFC vier sy 80ste bestaans-jaarmet ’nMiss IdasValleyAFCkompetisie.Juniors (6 tot 12 jaar) en seniors (13 tot 18jaar). Vir deelname: Leigh Cicero: 0084 6871477.

22 September)Papegaaiberg Amazing Race, hosted byVuya Endaweni Community ConservationPartnership. Schoolsandcommunitygroupsare invited to participate. Teams must con-sist of eight participants, including at leasttwo adults. 08:30 – 11:30. Hotdogs andcooldrinks will be served at Oude Libertasafterwards. Prize money will be R1 000. En-trance fee is R100 per school. Enquiries:

KOM DANS SAAM MET EMO OPKLAPMUTS: Die KlapmutsPrimêre Skool is die plek om tewees op Vrydag24Augustus. Dietalentvolle Emo Adams gaankonsertgangers by dié skool ver-maak. Die vertoning begin om19:00 in die skoolsaal en alle be-langstellendes word genooi om’nprettige aand van sangendansdeur een van Suid-Afrika se top-kunstenaars by te woon.Kaartjies vir hierdie vertoning kosR80 per persoon en is by die sk-ool beskikbaar. Bel die skool by021 875 5471 vir meer inligtingof om jou kaartjie te kry.


JEUGBRIGADE: Die Stellenbosse Jeugbrigade van die VGK Cloetesville hou diá naweek ’n samekoms.Vrydagaand is daar ’n modeparade in die Kerksaal om 19:00; kaartjies kos R10 vir volwassenes enR5 vir kinders. Saterdag word ’n speletjiesdag vir die jeug aangebied en die naweek sluit af met ’nerediens in die VGK Kerk. Almal word uitgenooi om die gesellige naweek by te woon. FOTO: DAAN WILLIAMS

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 21 August 2012 5

Delicious chicken stripsTHESE delicious chickenstrips will leave your familybegging for more!

Ingredients4 chicken breast fillets, cut

into cubes or strips5 ml dried thyme15 ml barbecue spice rub or

chicken spice10 ml lemon zest200 ml nutty wheat flour2 large eggs200 ml dried breadcrumbs30 ml sunflower oil

Method) Place the chicken pieces in a

plastic bag and add the thyme,spice and lemon zest. Close thebagandshaketocoatthechicken.

) Add the flour, as well as saltand pepper to taste, and shakeagain.

) Beat the eggs in a large bowl.Add the chicken pieces inbatches and toss to coat in theegg, then transfer the chicken toanother large bowl.

) Add the breadcrumbs andtoss to coat. Place the pieces ofchicken on a greased and linedbaking tray.

) Drizzle with oil and bake inan oven preheated to 200 °C for15 to 20 minutes. Alternatively,fry the chicken in the oil untilcrisp and golden.

– These chicken strips are tasty and delightfully crunchy.

Capitec Bank now in Eikestad MallIF you’re looking for one solution to moneymanagement, Capitec Bank’s Global One isit. Global One offers lower bank costs,higher interest on savings, and the easiestaccess to personalised credit, all for onemonthly admin fee of R4,50.

) Save on bank costs: At Capitec Bank,you always know what you’re getting andhow much you’re paying. “If you’re notbanking with us, you’re simply paying toomuch. All our fees are fixed per transaction,and there are no hidden costs. This givesyou more control over your money,” saidBoland Regional Manager Lourens Botes.

There are zero fees on card purchases,which means you can swipe for free,whether you’re paying for your shopping,accountsorpetrol.Youcanalsoshoponline,and pay for mail or telephone orders usingyour Global One card at zero transactionfees. If you need cash, just draw some withyour purchases at Pick n Pay, Shoprite,Checkers, Pep and Boxer tillpoints for R1a transaction.

Like card purchases, these cash-backtransactions save money and time.

Youcanevenbankwhenit suitsyouusingmobile or Internet banking. These servicesoffer secure, easy access to your accountsand money, and there’s no monthly sub-scription. Get account balances, pay benefi-ciaries, transfer money and more.

)Earnhigherinterestonsavings:Sav-ing is easy with Global One because you paylower bank fees and earn higher interest ondaily balances from R1. You can also watch

your money grow with up to four additionalsavings plans earning you higher interest.

) Get the easiest access to personal-ised credit: Credit is approved in minutesand the cash is available immediately. Youcould get up to R230 000 over 84 months, sub-ject to a full credit assessment. The amountyou qualify, interest rate and term will bebased on your credit profile and afforda-bility. You can also transfer additional cred-it to your main transaction or savings ac-count by SMS no matter where you are.

Free retrenchment and death cover is of-fered for all loans six months and longer,so your full outstanding loan amount willbe settled if you lose your job or if you die.If you’re retrenched when your loan is lessthan three months old, Capitec will cover50% of the outstanding amount.

)GetGlobal One today:With Capitec’snew branch opening in Stellenbosch, youtoo can join more than 3,7 million clients.“Capitec Bank has over 520 conveniently lo-cated branches nationwide, and we’re com-mitted to making banking easy and simpli-fied using innovative technology,” saidBotes.

To get Global One, take an identificationdocument and an original proof of residen-tial address (for example, a municipal ratesand taxes account in your name with yourstreetaddress,notolderthanthreemonths).

For more information, call John Davis,the branch manager, on 021 883 9242 or callCapitec’s 24-hour client care centre on0860 10 20 43 or see


Jonathan Butler at GrandWestTHE legendary Jonathan Butler returns to his birth-place of Cape Town with his brand new show,Evolution,hitting the GrandWest Grand Arena on Wednesday 12September.Evolution tells the story of Butler’s life in music, from

his early days of living in Athlone to the internationalstages he now occupies. The show also encapsulates hisexperience under apartheid and his relationship withGod, which he refers to as “life-saving”.

During his long career Butler has performed with agreat many music greats, from Dionne Warwick and

Patti LaBelle to Kenny Loggins and Al Jarreau.He will again perform with Ronnie Joyce and Lionel

Peterson, his childhood friends and fellow performers.Joyce went on to have success with songs such asGive

a Little Love and It Takes Two, while Peterson has beenlauded for classics such asBouncy, Bouncy, Bounce andCome Back Liza. Butler will also perform tracks off hislatest gospel CD, Grace and Mercy.

The show starts at 20:00 on 12 September.Tickets are available through Computicket at prices

ranging from R155 to R285.

Stellenbosch Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 21 August 20126

Eikestadnuus 021 887 |




MEYER AREND.Sag heengegaaan op63 jaar, 16.08.2012.

Roudiens more22.08.2012 om 07:30in VGK Cloetesville.Begrafnis, Saterdag25.08.2012, uit dieRynse Kerk op DieBraak. Besigtiging09:00 en 10:00 die

diens. Sal met liefdeonthou word deur syvrou en kinders. W.FPietersen Begrafnis-

dienste. 082 896 8422.

In Memoriam



DANNY VANNIEKERK. 19.12.1953- 22.08.2008. Wanneerek aan jou dink is daar

'n "smile" en traangelyk. Wys watter spe-siale mens jy was. Dielewe is 'n reis, ek is blyGod het my toegelaat

as jou metgesel dielaaste jare van jou reis.Mis jou baie maar weet

jy is veilig by Jesus.Sal jou nooit kan ver-

geet nie. Rowena(Wentjies)

Geld & Lenings



1 2 10 CASH LOANSLenings tot R200 000.

Swartlyn welkom.Goedkeuring in 5 min.

021 696 0676.

Huise te huur

Houses to let


KABBELS:2 Slaapkamers en mo-

torhuis. Sekuriteits-kompleks met

swembad. R5 000 pm.Beskikbaar 1 Sept. 083

415 5223.

Te koop: Algemeen

For sale: General


FFiinnaannccee aavvaaiillaabbllee -- NNoo DDeeppoossiitt

Algemene dienste

General services


ALLE HERSTEL vanyskaste, vrieskaste enalle tipe wasmasjieneen gas hervul vanaf

R150. Skakel 076 9190596.


Speedqueen andWhirlpool repairs. Plus

do all other makes ofwashing machines,fridges, stoves etc.

Contact 072 843 2219.DECKSTER'S

CATERING. Décor /Hiring. Menu's fromR110.00. Includes:

crockery, cutlery, whitetablecloths, white

chaircovers, organzabackdrop, arch & red ( Ielaahm orRene 021 371 4507 /

082 324 9486.

Betrekkings gevra

Situations wanted


A LADY is seekingchar work Tue & Thur .

References: Windy082 461 8009 or

Jaques 082 042 9830.




4 EXPERIENCEDSales Consultants with

customer baserequired for leading

furniture store in Stel-lenbosch. Preferably

have a drivers licencebut not a must. Pleasefax a condensed CV to021 887 0387 or 086

695 3726. Closingdate: 30.08.2012.

FACTORY MANAGERwanted with experience

in manufacturingluggage, school andsportsbags in Stellen-

bosch. Salarynegotiable. Contact

082 340 5499.

Start pledging for theSanta Shoebox projectYETHU Crèche in Kayamanditakes care of 36 lively childrenfrom the ages of one to sixyears old.

With limited funds and sup-port, the crèche not only cares forthe children, but feeds them tothe best of its ability too.

Housed in a small room, with-out heating and with very littlefor the kids to play with, crèchemanager Zoleka Selela’s task isby no means an easy one.

Yethu Crèche is one of the newfacilities that will, however, bereceiving gifts from the 2012Santa Shoebox project.

These 36 children form part ofthe over 4 000 children from 46 fa-cilities in the Stellenbosch andWinelands areas who have beenregistered with the Santa Shoe-box Project this year.

The Santa Shoebox Project is anon-profit organisation that hasbeen working to collect gifts atChristmas time for thousands ofunderprivileged children since2006.

Parents are encouraged to in-volvetheirchildren,who person-ally choose and fill gift boxes andthen decorate and label each onewith the recipient’s name.

Uniquely, the donor knows thename, age, gender and care insti-tution of the child the gift wasbought for. The Santa Shoeboxproject not only manages the net-work and distributes the gifts,but also provides content guide-lines for each individual gift box.

With the project’s drop-offdates in Stellenbosch at the NGChurch Welgelegen set for 23 to25 October, the organisers want

to give all of their Stellenboschdonorsenough timetospreadtheword and start shopping for theirboxes of Yuletide joy.

Please register online as a do-nor on pledge a box from 1 Sep-tember onwards.

The caretakers and children of Yethu Crèche in Kayamandi PHOTO: SUPPLIED

DIE Stellenbosch Gazette vra drin-gend hulp vir die volgende welsyn-en gemeenskapsorganisasies:

) Stellenbosch Hospies: ’nKlein kroeg-yskas, ’n tweedehand-se Avanza/Condor-voertuig, pot-plante vir die Hospies-winkel envrywilligers wat in die winkel kanwerk word dringend benodig.

0 021 886 5994.) Stellenbosch Werksentrum

vir volwasse persone met ge-stremdhede: Verf vir gebou; krui-deniersware vir driedaagse vaar-digheidsontwikkelingkamp wat inOktober gehou word.

0 021 887 8688.) Kayamandi Women and

ChildrenProject (traumaroom):Ketel, mikrogolfoond, stoof, bed-dens en matrasse, linne, handdoe-ke, klere vir mans, vroue en kin-ders, speelgoed en ’n hangkas.

Natalie Scheepers: 0 076 753 7766Gladys Bakubaku 074 717 9676.

) Stellenbosch Voedingsak-sie: Sopmengsels, pasta, rys, mie-lierys, boontjies, grondboontjiebot-ter, blikkiesvis, brood en groente.0 021 886 8986 / 071 322 0747.

) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Kryte,werkboeke vir kinders en matte virleeshoekies in die klaskamers.

0 021 889 8774.) Stellenbosch Safe House:

Vrywilligers om kuns en hand-

werkvaardighede een keer perweek en ook lewensvaardighedeaan te bied.

0 021 883 2574.) HuisHorison: ’n Yskas vir die

een koshuis, toiletware en toiletpa-pier asook die volgende vir diehandwerkafdeling: houthangers,wol, katoenmateriaal en “batting”.0 021 887 5080.

) Marcelino Singh-stigting:Brood, broodsmere, vars groente,tweedehandse klere en meubels.

0 021 889 9555.) Kindersorg SA, Stellen-

bosch: Kantoortoerusting asooknie-bederfbare voedsel.

0 021 887 2816.) Stellenbosch Nagskuiling:

Skoonmaakmiddels, badseep enenige smere vir brood.

0 021 886 6173.) ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm

komberse en klere. 0 021 887 6959.) Jeuguitreik Kinder- en

Jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker,pasta, broodsmere, vars vrugte engroente en blikkieskos. Werkendeketel, winterklere vir meisies enseuns ( 8–16 jaar), onderklere, pa-pier en tydskrifte vir aktiwiteite.

0 021 886 6216.RignavraeenversoekeaanSa-

mantha van den Berg by 021 8872840 of e-pos

Ons Gee Om.Ons Gee Om.

Electrical skills trainingSTELLEMPLOY is presenting atraining course in electrical skillsfor unemployed people from 3 to 21September.

Students will be trained in basicsoldering techniques, the funda-mentals of electricity, the designand construction of a single-phase

circuit, and the methods of appli-ance repair.

CandidatesmustbefluentinEng-lish, possess a Grade 12 certificateand be between 18 and 26 years old.

Call 021 886 6993 to register forthe training. Only 12 people can beaccommodated in the course.




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Stellenbosch GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenTuesday 21 August 2012 7



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SEGES VIR MUNISIPALTEIT: Die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit het onlangs in ’n netbal- en rugbywed-stryd teen Dennegeur Franschhoek te staan gekom. Die netbalspan van Letchmee Loggenberg,Janine Adams, Danielle Heynes, Janné Wiese, Revonah Anthony, Karin Jaap en (voor) Wilma Wiesehet met 8-5 gewen, terwyl die rugbyspan (foto onder) met 9-5 baas was. FOTO’S: VERSKAF

KAYAMANDI BASKETBALL: Klapmuts Primary hosted the Drakenstein Basketball League last week-end. Action was red hot and the quality of high school basketball exceptional. The League leadingKayamandi H.S. remained undefeated at the end of the day. They got the better of the PaarlSchool of Skills (55-21) and then trumped Groendal Secondary School with a victory of 69-10.The team head into the last week of league action with a important challenge facing them inthe form of the other undefeated team in Franschhoek High School. The finals will be playedin October. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Book now forCellar2Cellar trail runLACE up those trainers for the thirdCellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experi-ence in thepicturesqueParadyskloof out-side Stellenbosch on Saturday 8 Septem-ber.

Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippenoff the R44 between Stellenbosch and Somer-set West, the 12 km trail winds its waythrough the vineyards of Vriesenhof,Dornier, Kleinood, Waterford andStellenzicht.The Trail Run & Wine Experience begins

at 08:30.More serious participants can opt for the

trail run without the wine experience; thisstarts at 08:00.The Trail Run & Wine Experience costs

R295.The trail run without the winetastings

costs R120 per person.The Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Expe-

rience will be limited to 600 people, so it isimportant toenterassoonaspossible toavoiddisappointment.For more information the Cellar2Cellar

trail runandentrydetails, youcanpayavisitto one of the following, or

Die week inEikestadnuusLESERS van Eikestadnuus moet Vry-dag op die uitkyk wees vir al die nuusen foto’s van die afgelope naweek seinterskole-aksie.Die tyd vir skole om nominasies vir

dieLet’sPlay/EikestadnuusSportstervan die Maand te stuur raak ook min.Voorstelle gestuur word.

Golf dayBookings forWeberGedenkPrimarySchool’s50th anniversary golf day, sponsored by Pro-tea Hotel Stellenbosch, have just opened.The event will take place on Friday 21 Sep-

tember at Stellenbosch Golf Course. Four-balls are available at R2 000, or you can payR500 per player. Limited spots are available,so please book early to avoid any disappoint-ment.For enquiries, call Gilroy Williams on

0 083 701 2682. You can also send an email to2

JAMESTOWN WENNERS: Jamestown-gholfklub het verlede week sy jaarlikse Memorial-gholfdag by die Somer-set-Wes-gholfbaan gehou. Die dag was ’n groot sukses ten spyte van die gure weerstoestande. Meer as30 pare spelers het deelgeneem en die uiteindelike wenners op 50 punte was Donovan de Villiers en AnthonyDaniels. FOTO: VERSKAF