Spring --------------· Bis,~op ~ s~!:~nery, Cheap....


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. '

• 6

REMOYI~D-ll. A Morrissey is tiow li'Ang over his s tore. :md will jn future be in n position to atteuo n11 cnHs nt nny hour for the conYcnicncc o f },is cus to mers and public genentlly .

lli\RBOR GKA l 'E, ~FlO. FIHOAY, MAY 2~, 1894. (SI~GLE COPH:S TWO CF.NTS) S 0~1 Bl\R. 44

-·-Brokera~lc~~!s~~nAgent ! Spring·& Summer Novelties ..... oM .............. -.-.-•• We

~FOUND! 1 have Just ·Recefved l'onsignmcnts olil'it~d nnd cnre- '

fully attended to. . Our ~toC'k of Kew nntl Fashionable nood~ is now complete. nntl we 0f'FI<'£-W,\ TF.n. Tl'lEF.T" ~..:T. woultl n!'k you to cnll nnd in!'pec:t. the different nepnrt\nents, which will

"Aftei'C':trc ful \nal rsis of sam­p le s or .

HAHBOR CiRA('I·., - - - ~FLO. be found to contain nil the lutest Novelties for the .:cnson . WOO DILL'S GERMAN BAKING POWDER,

~JlOlM )!antics and Cnpes-no two nlikc. . .Job line of Lnclie:!' Wnterproot's-$1.50 cnch.

Public Notice The p\tblic arc hereby notirird

thnt by the provis ions oft 'hapter i 1 of the' Con~oliuntc;tl ~tuLutcs th oy ure required to krcp their

Yards and Premises free fro111 allno~ iou nuisnntc nnd filth whirh nrc lik<.'ly to inj ure the puhlic health . · ·

There will be

A Thorough Inspection of the town on the :ith dny of ~lny, nnd from clny II) day until it is ocmplctetl.

The ownet of t•r<'tlli ~c found in hnd rondition wi ll IJC' lialrlc to a fine of

Twenty- Five D_~l~a,rs '1'. n. HE~~I·.T1.

• l-'ti pendinry )ln~!i . tratr. !lol icc Oflicc. I brlJ•lr (i r:tcc,

J\ pri I :!~. l , !l·l. -~-·--

Roy ' ~nilor . uits, lnfnnt. · C:o. !tunes nnd )lillin<"ry. Ore$ ~aterials in Tweed, Serges, &c., &l·.

Doo(~. ~hocR, Hosiery, Glo\·cs, c c. (:ent ' Furnislain~ Department- Collnr11, TieR, Rrncc~, ~hirts, Hnts,

( 'nl'll n l:trJ.!O Ynriety to select from. ~Lowc:-~t Cash Pricee. l::ipcci:t.l ly-scledcd Goods.~

~ .. - ... ._ __ ..... ......,..,.,.., .... --...----

pmchn eel by 111e ut :eYernl Groceric~, l f'otttHl them PURE \VIIOLE OME, nnd \VELL­PROPOR'l'IONED.




- - - WOODILL'S WORM LOZENGES ~Speed the Plough.~ houlc.l be in cH~ry household . _..Jt _ .. A:!.J4i

~~······················· ..-e>H. A. MORRISSEY in tltaukiug his eus tumers nntl the public "•nerally fur their

c:-~t e ell\cd pn t rotut~e , beg: to i 11 t i mate I hat ltc i: nuw - prepared to lill order~ lot· alll<ind:-; ul','ccds.

)\otltin~ has been spared in the cndca,·or to ohtnin Good:; of a rclinhlc tJU:llity. nud with inc rcasPd nt·commodntion in our s1nw prc­

mi::c·!'l we will he cnnblrd to conduct businc:::; tu ~r<'ntcr ath·:mtngc for our cu>'t om~r:: .

FOR :-;:\ LE ~ TO CLEAH.

A lew tons No. l Timothy Jlny .\SO

i OO lw~h . 0 .\ T:-i nt ti~c. a ltusb.

• T. .1. )1E~XE. '. 'Y. - . -For Sale, To Lease Or To Let !

---A .FEW---

Ladies' Home-Trim'ed Hats - AXD-

TULLE - ~ SHAPES. J. JONES, 93 -water Street.

· \Vc han~ at ln~t rccei ,·ecl parl ol' o ttr <: nod: hy train fro nt St . .Jo hn' :-;. ex llnrccl una. C lunda aml Grand Ln.kc , nnd we w olll ll in\'ite our lll !lny cu~t um r:-; tu g i \' C u:; nn ca dy eall.

----~- .:\ hu·ge Stot:k ~(Urc=-s Goud:-; or all dc~cri pt i\ lll:• ~tttnmcr Prints and . 'atcens, Flann ·llc ltcs, Calicoc:-~, Flanne ls, Mulc:kin:-;, Blanke ting :-;. I fats and :tps in all style: "ml all pr!t·cs. Cheaply :-: •lccted, ' t ock nf \\romcn's , Mi:-::-: ·~· .

nntl Ghiltlrcn':; B oots nntl Shoes .


-· .


Eadie's Bihlicnl Em:yt·lopctlia .... S:!


, nntl ha:- been !"pccinlly-!'elcctcd JM this country '· ;.rrowth. ~ • H inc!utlc!l some choice Prize-winner~. AI o, (;htdiola nml • I Dnh lia Uul h • Flori r . Friend in :~1 b. Bu;.r::, 15 c t!'. per B:-t j!. ~

Dwelli~;;,~iouSe Joseph Ross' Bulletin May 25th Dr. l-'tllith's nihl c Dictionary ..... I.. 'II Life of Chri~t , loy HI!'' · Pidc.n, ~ , ....... :J.:1ll Life ofChrist IJ,· Hc\'.F.W. F11tn1r .. $J.I;ll

' . . ( ' 'k' >C:J ··-Life of Christ, by It!'\'. l.. •el ' IC ... ·: ·~·' J.ife of Chriat , t.y Ernt st. Hcunn .... ::'{L)ll Life of Christ. t.\· H,., ... 1. ~tnlkcr ....... :!.i c Life of St. t•,,ul ,'t.y n e ,· F.\\'.1-',, trllr ... ~:! Jo:arly Dnys oi Cltd"'tianity-th• ...... ~IJiO Merry a111l Judgmclot- uo .. ..... ....... .. t~~c Etrronl Hope-do . ...... ........ ....... .. : ...... :::! Apologia pro \'ita :'Ill\ Ly C••r.! uull

:\ t!WOI:ln .......... . ................. .. !1(1,·.

F..ss11ys on ~li rnrlrs-dCl ............... ... !l(lc Crux Christi bY Jh·\' .J .UC'onc lt , I>. IL.!tl~ Wl'l!l(ly'll :\nt ('s ot~ ~c,~· 'l'rshtnH• nt .. . ffi~~ Oxford Hr lps to lhltlt•:--tntly.nt·,,· d .. l :...J l'erfcct l .o,·c J,,. Ht·\· .. 1. :\. \\' t t><l. ..... \\()c The Christi a~·,j t ' \ re t {o( :1 !l:l ppy Li ft•.

h\' 11. \\". :;: ...... .. ..................... !t( t,· Titc ,·nh·ntion .\ rn"· :-:.,Jtf it r ',(iui.t ,•. J .i~; The Doc trints uf lh; . ;-;,tl,·;l\i••ll .\nuy l.-rt'

S. E . GARLAND, ] ii East & 2!Hi W c:-:t, \\ra t cr S t .

,''L' .. JOliN' :-\. ~lid .

P<itatoes, Turnip-s, Oats Butter, &c., &c.

I ~To arri,·e in ~t~y, per !! ~o:hoo~cr Gtlrrie E and J crlllt l' Arm trong, fro m Prince Eclwaru I~lnnd .aGOO Lushcls specially sclccletl :O:cc<.l, nn t~ Enling Potatoes, 500 bush els 'I urmp~, o>OOU 'ntshels Oat!", Butter, H ny, \\:c .

Orders booked immediately nl . owest rates.

J . . J. )lt:RPHY,

H. A. MOB.RISSEY, Water Street, Harbor Grace.·


Spring ! anq. ! Summ<7r 8 GOODS

('l'wCI T enement ) , f:itunlo on ('oopcrnge l I iii , hcnd of \' idorin ~~reel. Heul low. l'os­sc,-:: ion ;.d\'CII i Ill meu intcJ y .

.\l-~o1 T il .\ T

DWELLING-HOUSE, on \\'ntcr :0:\rcct. nl (H'C!'cnt occu· pi<'d l.y )lr. J(lhn ('a::ry. l'o . c -!'ion ~i n ;n li r>'l ~on'mllrr.

Fot· parti t·Jtl nr;; :II•PIY tu ED\\'AHD P.\H~O);~.

... ------ --------· wh k h th <-y ClfTt.'r or Tn tock. n full line of

un:u.sua11y _ Lo-vv _ Prices. Household : Furniture of nil ldnd:<.

~ .• l.cn•lin;! Line. in Fn«hi onnl, Jc Hat.:. Bl <~n::c::. Ocl:lin<'ltc:: , l'rint:- . Art ~(u.:l im:, \'- C:.

.\l ~o, n Lar:rP \':Hicly of

PICTURE - FRAMING J\11 "i1.c~. Ch<'ap and Good .

Fancy Goods, Bonks and Stationery !£,~ 11 kil'lll ~, CJll~ i ~~s n~d pricc:.2..

PHOTOGRAPHS, ··&c. Thi i. the sen!'lon for l'hoto~rnph!', -Tinh·pc~: ~\: c. <.iood . Lyl e and -fini~h . Picture:: cn]nrgcd. .... _ ............................... , .......... _ ... ~, ..... ,_ ............ ._......__ ................ ..


EMPORIUM, Opposite the Ollice of M cl!llrs. John

Munn '-(:,' Co,

'hoice Early Rose • 'ecd Potatuc~, )lcintyre P o tatoes (101' table u:c)

Pnl':-' llip:-;. Tut'nip=-1 Oat:-;. 'l'i111uthy Hay , 'ecd.

The a~,~~~~~··odttcc ~ at lOWeSt priCe~. - ..-A. .. _.-. -. -- ·- _...._. ___ _

Joseph Ross, Water ~treet, Harbor Crace

........................ Htt•tt••~······· ... ······~·

Bis,~op ~ s~!:~nery, Cheap. Bishop,! T;~~ellery~, ~~

• ~ Order:; Duckworth St. ~ Music," I>rom1)t1y

St. John's. Papers nnd l'ol'il\<iit-nls. Attended to. \

•••••••••~•••••••••••••••~•!o••••••••••••••••••••• WHILE THANKING OUR MANY PATRONS

for tlteit· much-appreciated support tlu ing the pnst 30 ycnrs wo beg to solicit a. continunncc

• of t.lte :-;iuue, and would c:tll a.ltcntion to the fal·t . althou,.,h failure i1.1 t he Eng lish crops ln:t scnf'On ltns ca.uscd n. g rca.t scnrpity of SEEDS, nod notwithstanding t.he extmordiunry ndvnnce in price~, we hnve ng nin ~ecured om: nsnnl lnrge nnd vnried , 'tock of . ·

GARDEN •••••••••••••••• •" Commission Agent. ~or Grace, AprillO, l<'U-1 . .!!:._

W n.ter lreet, llnrLor Grncc.

.................... 9..,. '0* "8*

Piano and Reeq- Organ AGR~~~;~~AL, 9~9~9~9~Ji~vlv

. Potatoes Oats, &c.


As soon ns navigation ~pens, tho schooner Brillinnt., 8-l ton!!, wnl commence loacli ng at Charlottetown with n verv choiro and pecinll y­selected cn.rgo t1f. 'EED nnd 'I' A fli.B POTATOE.'. .Also, OA'fS, 'l''C R-NIPS, &c. All of which will be y l 1 d R t '1 ~•~ E · t to 1 t f sold nt lowest mnrkel rates. ' ho ei'n e :m e m · ~•~ ~ ve ry , ·nrte Y · se ec r om.

Orders now booked for dcli\'ery on arrivnl here of schooner.

H. ('. WATT~. Hnrbor Grnce, April Gtf

· W. J. RUSSELL, · House, Sign & General Painter. VOJt~~in; Blinds mndc, refiited nud rc·

. no,·atcd. Grainir.g and insiclo W(lrk neatly done. Lettering and SiKo Painting a specialty.

satisfaction guarautecd.

>HALL BROTHERs< Water Street., Harbor Grace.

... - - . ..., .,

Sole Agents ·for

~Sm~llwood's Boots~ (Whol~salc nnd Retnil.)

Government LANDS. Reaidenee- . ·

vJaroRtAsT . .'HARnoRonAcE. Canadian FOR SALE


fANCY AND TOY BAZAAR · 000 (two hundred millional or Berea of the \'Cry beat land in tho world-.. FV'ftV'\BJA STREET ' which it. ofrera free to actual aett 1!1"8 in sections of 1110 acres each. '111e 1wcnge


ia prepared to ntteml to the Tl'NIXG nnd REPAIHIXG of .

- PIANOS and UEED :ORGANS. - · Ordrn for town ~·ork or from outside

plac('S \\•ill :be given prompt attention. ~&'"All \\'Ork cuefully and satisfnc­

toril1 performed at, rnodemte rn(cs. Wuee, Felt, horit's for .Koya, ,t:c., &c.,

alwnya kept, on hand.

,V, II. KENNEDY·~ . \\'nter Street, Harbor Grace.

.Mar1U3m .......................... Carriages, Sleighs, Carts, &c. - · JAMES WARREN, CARRIAGE((: SLEIGH BUILDER 11 pr~pnrcd to ueeute all work In hll llno wllh de~pntch . Oood Met raltbl\11 work cuarantet'll.

All klnlla or !Uipnlrlnr done aubort nollee and nL moderato prlcca.

Vohlclel built In latest •trlea and In ftrat­eii\U tlnllb .

1/fir Satisfaction guaranteed.

W'e nre now prepnred to fi ll at t he lowc:3t p os::;ible _Pl'ices nll orders with whi<'h our C'nstomers mny he please d to ltnror us.

W. H. THOMPSON & CO., \V nter Htreet, Hnrbor 9rnce.

FOR A Useful Present


Wife, Mother, Sister or Daughter




uv.a.v • yield or wheat. on thcae Ianda ia from 80 to 40 bushels per acre ; oata, 50 to 70 ,...__c'ed nn'" ' •llndet.l Mats, bushels; barlcyl..~ to 50 buahoJa i... root. <U'OJ11 and other grains in proportion . .a.xa .. u., THE LAND IS .K.l'.iADY FOR THE rLOW, and does not. require clearing, i'onciog



~;~~~RTMUNN&co. Groceries,~ Provis10ns,i&Q . Berlin Wool, Color Boxes, Crayons or manure. There ie DO rain in &.bo ran to injure the grain, am) aeeding bcgioa \ Ink BoU'lea and Stan'ds, about. the lat. of April in .be la~nt_part. of. tho country. Over a gretll. pan of

A. &. A. BRUNLEES. this region CATl'LE AND HORsn:J RUN· AT LAlWE all winter. There ia good water"eaaily found everywhere. Coal fa delivered at. from 13.50 to 10.00


. • \Ve have in stock a full nssortment of J. W. KEN N ED Y, per ton a\ all railway elaliona. LU.IIBER1 for building, coeta from 16 lo 120 per

Boot d Shoe Maker :u; ahloglca aell at. ts per M. Cattle dr(.'f)ling from 700 lba., to 1)()() lba., are Board of Trade .Buildm' g . Plaiu and Fancy Biscuits, Sy-rups, Snuce .... s, Flavouring Extracts,· · aD . - ~ railed on t.be prairiN wlt.hout. any food but, tbe wild gra... RAJLW A YS

WATER ST . Ji:ARBOR GRACE are bu':!f 9r being buUt.i all over t.be counLry. Churches and f~ acboola aro t'l- Speo.i 1 Uentl giV.to t.h ale or (op~site the Slip.) , ~~l~~g. 1N~!eii f:"ti~ r=3?d"n~O:o1:0:!' :~~:l:~~r:!~~:e:.r::bt~~ Fil~:o:t~~: ~E~ng ~~ abl;p:ng ol

~ ~p&lOa or L&ATDBW ARB 1

localilict. Special ra~ given Tia I. . n. aDd 0. P. R., on !fill caUon lo I Flour ..00 Pro\'ieiona and General PI'& ~~eclw=-o~~ ~ . C. C. CAHLYL•- . duce. ·

'f1101ak1• Care or NewfoaociJaud Bailn1, B&. ~~'•· Olblt~ 4ddreu-M.UNN, JICibLreal.

Tinned Fruits. Cottolene, the new substitute for Lard

A Full Stock of GENDAL -C AS. BUTLER,· WA


-~--~~--~~==~============~~================-~- =-=--=--~--~~======~~======~~===== .. ---------------

"German .: Syrup" ·

Here is somclhinc;' from M :.F rnnk A. H :lk p:-oprictur o f the De Witt H ouse, I.c wt:;to n , nml the T on t ine H <.'te l, 13run:;wkk. Me. H otel meu m eet the world ns it comes a;td goes. and arc no t s lo w in s izing people and thin~s u p fo r wl1at they are w orth. He s:tys tha t he hns lost a fa tlte r a ntl se\·e rnl b rothers and s is­ten; from P u lmonary Consumption, nnd is him~el f frequently troubled

with co lds, and be Hereditary often co ughs enough

to make him sick at Consum ptlonhi!' stomnc:;h . When-

ever he h as taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Sy rup , and it cures him every time. Here is n man who

_ knows the full d:u;gcr of lung t¥>U· bles, a nd would therefore be most particula r ns to the medicine he u sed. Wlla t is h is opinio n ? Liste n ! " I usc nothing but Bosch ee's Genuao Syrup. a nd have addsect , I p resume, m ore thau a hundred d iffe rent per­sons to t:tkc it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the m nrl:et. " ~



Till A t'~lebrntrtl 1•rrpn ,..,aoa of lf'lltl Cltr r r y t .. :a b• ra ' ' l .o u•d•ol<l fut·nr ilt• f o •• " 1'• tt'ar tl• o{ a lm lf a f'<' llirl r !J1 .u ul I • t o -!lay the .Sor .. r d un Ilemedv f'or a lt


Tt op e11• tiLe t'OIIf~Ntlr.t pa, . •o.o~•, r zp,.l• tho ' ' ' "('ou:.r t .. c ­l'o•ll•, a mt by r r n.ron of It s • tomacl•lo quallll<'• Jl r ,alurr •

4 h cartv appdltc '"'" v•····$ •t~,.uth a,.d t'llcr q u to tho pall.,,. I ,

F or •al" bu a ll Druoql• t,.,

SETH W. FOWlE & SONS, Ptii O PftltTO"S •

apendinJ your money for wort~­lon medicines and buy a bottle of


TH AT wilt prove of ineatimabla nlua,

•• it Ia 1lmost certain to cure

at .011ce that aevere and raaplnr . . .



Till deuth ehnll pBrt, our d u ty 9h ouhl be p ll\in

To atand uprighlly in the aight. ort r~1th , Loyal Lo thoae who've lovctl ua e111ce

our youth, Till)lenth ahnll part.

rill tlrnth shall part, while loving bands unite

Hig-hest o f all in Leavening Powcr.-La~est U. S. Go':'t Kcpor i:.

Baking Powder

Ami clnsp our own in ti~e of brother­~lo<xl .



lie ExprN!S company's buiUing, Eagle CJLtOII Gin ('Om pany's buihliug, nud n llllnllJI'r of oLI·cr IJnihlings wcro set on li re t.y flyinz SJlRrks , :lite! moro or lt'ss d:Hliii~C\1. 'l'hn Western Union tclc· t,: r~tph l•llice was u nrrll'll 1\nd all the wires c:.trril'd do'fn by tho f11lling wnll. Tho po.,ltll wires were 1\ll rend •red usc· lc~s. l ' mlcr 1 he St . Charles. on the Gr.l­vit>r at rccl s id •, Willi located AI<' X. f.c,·is' tn i lor II hop, t h·~ l;t .Ch:l rll'll Tut r e xchango ~cw Orlc:tns l·:tcctric compaoy '~ olllcc, 11.ml other C&l:.tbl i:sh mcniR. ·Tho build· iuJ:d IJnruc,l were lifly or sc,·euLy·li\'1.1

._ fl't L onck Of tho hold. .

Al>iue in pence ami con~tuer ill will• good,

Till death shall pnrt. Till death ahall pnrt, Ct'ment. each

"'olemn ,·ow That h ue been nu\de in holioese nnd

love, Seeking the bleaeiPC of our Goo ahove

Till death ahall pnrt .

Till death ahall part, remember ,·irtuc'a cauac,

Uphold tho right. and champion the weak ·

fhrough ad\•crse fate the path to glory aeek

Till death shall. pnrt.. l'ill denth shall part, 0 ho!y "'l'orda that

bind Soul unto aonl and throbbing hent to

hcan, . Lorge is thl' meaning. glorious, sublime,

· 'Jill deal h aha 11 parL.

eout h·aouth·eaat. direction at.lhc rate or two knota tut hour. 'fhe discovery of t his ahoal 1lumb-founded t.bc eaptnio, ns he luul paaaed over the aame cotner mnny times bcfc.ro and never noticed it. H e thought. it. was formed by volcanic emption or aubmnrino explosion. Thl' current. flowing aout.h-1outbeaat wu no­ticed ns a moet uausual oecurreoct', and the log reJ!istered 135 milea to the pn1111ea, when the true diatanco by cbarL 1e only 10-1, thus showing the atrengtb of its flow. T he en p ta in eaid he thought. some ,·cry g reat dusturbance had taker. place in the gulf and that it. wou.ld be necessary for the ::overnment. to acnd a ahip to mRke ~ search for any new shosla or currer.ta. Thia shoal waa not the one rcr o rtcd hy the captain or t.hl' Alhcrt Dumoie some tlll.fl ngo, aa that

FAMOUS TABERBACLE IK RUI:NS. ehcRl was only t.cn nnlea from the mouth of the pass. This one waa at

Talmage's Brookf'~ Church Destroyed lena~ 12J. The cat-t.Ain d id not. make by Fire. • any soundingat, tht:rcforc he did not

lH know the c xuct. deoth of water, but. he

Sons; of Ye Eclitor.

W E •iL in onr den nt. mi. lniJ:hl , wh r•n Lhe clock is ticking :twn T, :\lld we thhk of the cush sul•l\l'ri l ,~r wlao h:tfl wautlcrcd in to-d.w . We couuLo'r r nil tho ~tood thinrs · thnL t.wll·;\ntl·:L·hal f 'fill buy, a nd t.hejoy '1\·hich thu thou~ht. brings to us ~:ushers forth from our pale blue eye. H ow often : 0 how of~en ! in t.hc days that. are t.o come, wi ll we wish for the cash aubsoribcre to h ustle them· aeh·ca and come. H ow often ! 0 how often ! aa t.be days arc mosey in~; paaL, we " 'ould long, i( lon~ing 1\'•>uld help iti thl\1. t.bia Cl\llh lluaineu woultl lasL. A as ! our bcnrL is wenry, li l.: cwi:se our pr.lc blue eyt'a, for few lle~ween tus com~ to us anoh glad surprise. Y ct we aiL in our den at. midnigh t, and scratch "fl'iLb a alubby pen, and ion~; for the cAsh subecriller to wander 111 ngllin. And we think mnyhap some delinquent lllRY want to witneas our smile, unci may happen in to-morruv; a nd swell our little pile. - --- - --

AERIAL ~.\ Yl< .. t:\TlO~.

llrtOOKL\'s, N.Y., May 13.-'The Tnher· enid th~to aomc plac~a looked to be very n:1clc ' church nt Greene Rml Clifton shallow, aud the water could be plainly :~\···nuc t~, ot which Ut~v. T. DuWilt. Tul· seen ewirlinll( in ripplca. Ita location mage it pastor, l\'111 ournetl to-di~Y . wna aouth·SOIIth·el\1~ from the PIIII'U. l'hc lire wna clisconreu just ufter t.he In an nrt ic l o o n the nLov~ sulJj ect ,·cutcr••,~:atiou luul Ul'l'n dtsmiaat•d frnm Tragedy in Boston. the N e'v Y ork 1 Jfcrnlcl · any s : · he mornin~ sorvice. Dr. 1'11lmago was' · The pro~t'lling o f n k i te :~;!ninst in the cltttrcll alt·•'· •'ncr lt•ttds -•"til lli)JTOS , M.w l :!.-EOward Cllhtll, h · b 1 · 1 · 1 1 ..... "' " " 1 .,., 1 J ·r F l ·• · L t ' • t e wtnt ,. t t c w 1111. 1:1 so ' 'e( , rit•nds. The lire ..... 8 •.lt'sco,·cred L:\ck ngrr ~. ,. lOt 1\l llCll . • oou Ill lll 111 s .

"" ' u l 1 1~ d t 1 1 I tit' but tho :-.erona uls have not vc~ of the oq;l\n and 11·ns probably OAllllt'll eta • e. .. u son s rec , out 1 cnc , 1 9 ·•:-- l' l<'ctrtc 'l'irt a. Vr. Tnlmu.:c a mi h ill momin~, and then pu t. n Lullet. into been nblc t o ntnk c :1 safe k ite' 9 f ri cmls ln-rc Jrh-~n out of tho church his o" " br,lin, nrnl fl·ll to the floor thnt c h nrnc ler.

' •Y the flnnHs bur11ting from the or.:nn. denJ. Tho l i\ O t•trllc ts hi't F lood un ' There i:~ nc> tl iOicttlt \'i n :lltain -'1 he flumes sprentl with nlmosL t he the head hu~ d id 1\0 L pcnctm t c Ilia in)! nerinl n nd )!:Liioll ii' til e-r<' were

rt~ J litl l· l .'' of l•'g i• Lrll· n,. llttcl •ll.•tr'·s fl··1v •. ,, , kull. The wounds may 110~ prove j't · · · } l II ., " " ~ 1 c 1 ·11 • • 1 1-. • · any pr011 1 11 lt. !'ay -< 1 If' •n t.tn.n dt .tirectionH. 'J he grenl l·SLt' X('iU·IW Ill. ~ llll~trou :; . :I II IS S:ll ll ~Ol<~:l\'C uCl'~ fa rmer. I but t h c r :! i:> 11 0 11 (!. I t IS nn·vai ((•d . . All t it<' ptO)JJC lidn,.. in th e 111111)1111' WIH ' COillleCII!( l'l'lt I !\ rccen.

" J'n tul lltnll. fi C'tl.CO en ·e t' t·l l~V"rl! ' t tJl C...OlCl~l CX (ICn;:iye 111(':\llS Of JII'O· I fold HcJ:l' llL JHijoining wt>re j usL &<'t· " ' 1

• •• - • ~ · • • iu,; rcudy lor d iuncr and flt.d lrt~m the ) i:lss, nwlthc police th ink the shooL· gres of wh ic h we h nn· :\ llY k n t)W· . pnrt nwnte,.Icnving evt' rJth inJ; llchind ing wns thcvutcome of tho lnttcr c:•Pe. ledge. \\'hil c i t is cn><ily )'O!':ib l o · lll'm. T he: fb mes shorll,- nfl!·r nonnl F lciOll t'urnwrly worked f(•r Cuhill in it is not to IJc lhott)!h t nfnt prc.~cn t:' ., , .. ,.d ' " thn h•·tt·l. The fi r l:'mt-11 could h is co.d anti . woq,d y:trJ . IL i. s tilLed A m nch i nc hn~ hc(! n mndc wh ic h fn r:c,thing in rrgnrJ lO th e hotel oth~r th t• .l!l tll' f .u~Jicb'l'e•ll~•'lu~ uud bc:en may be prope ll ed th rOII!!h the> ni r. 11 a i1 kct' l' t holl:.amrs from •t•re~u lilw to Lt>lll n~ s tOrll'S a ouL 1111\ tn connection l • I l 1. . . I "' ' t l t ' 1 ti<' 1 •··t~~ • "~ a llll, <o wn, I'll.! at. c lor 111 :t <: tt'C c, . he ndjoinmg houses. 'fhe Jtncs Of hose 1\'1 I 110 lllR pra c ,...c Cl SC. J..' uuu n <l -

1 1 I I 1 1 :~:J yet~ra of age, tfiarricd nml lived aL b ut by m u!!c u la r polr e t· o nl_r. Th i~ ,,·1·rc 8 wrt Rnc cou' noL rcac 1 t te top :! • ~ h11wn' u" n.\·enuc. Cahill ia snid c nn bo OJ'" rnlctl onl.' ' 1\"he>n the. ,f I he bui ld in(;. ' '

Buth Luildinga l.urned li rcc ly until to hn,·o recenL!y returned fr.>m New wind is \\' •n k l•r !hall th <· ri(le r a n d • ,•a rly four o'clock, when tho lire was York, where he hntl oeen in hiding when it is with t•r n~ai n4 the 1111ler c<mtrol. T he fi remen \Yere kept. from the policl!. · · mni n c urre nt. Like a rQwl•n!\t i n

··usy putting ou~ smllll fin s which o'b· Fl•.od 1111Y8 he ctm't. accounL for tbP ll. river c m+enL. 11 soo n <\ l'l the ni r· :urred in houat.'s neu "'"· a nd with in shooting, na he hnd no qm~rrcl with 1 l . I . l :unr b l-.cl;s of the churc h and hotel. Cnhi ll, who greeted him :in a friendly sh ip is t urne d 1r01H . tt c to t l l 1e n s ti wnv when he cnt.ered Lhe atable. ' In' Yessel i& n t th e m cl'1.!y t•f thnl cur-

le um mt'r lelcl M. E. church cnught ndtlit ion to his w<>vd nnd coni '-uainess rent. ·ire from the !lying apa rks and wns ~ !:~ mn~ecl to the extent of $:!.3,000. The (;nj\ ill nctcd. ns jnnitor or tlu1 building G The lighte~t . lNtll l cngi nc w h k h eoplc lidn, in the H otel Regent. los~ Clarendon •~reet, ''1\berc Mrs. Mary J . Gl\ll b e con structcll wi ll !.(' n hurd en

dl tlu• ir ~ fleets. No one in the h 'ltel llcndcrson, nn alleged doetor, made her of Se \·enty p ou n d l•Cr h o rse po we r, .vnl' injurrd . } 'h ·c h ousrs Cl\lwh t lire hentJf)unrlt>f'l!, nnd~ whore n criminal nn d t h e l en!lt c u m bersom e e lec t ric c · "' operat ion wtu preformed lly her !nat ou •reer.e nvenul', suataintntt dnmngc Octollcr, \Yhich resultetl in t..he .death oi plant which cou ld he <-nr rictl i nto dl t he way from $5,00U to $15,000. 1 · 1 1 · J 1 J( 1 t While the firemen were RL work

0 11 the viotirn nud the impriaonmeRt of t l C ntr wo u c ,,.CI); 1 J po u m s o

he housea 0 11 Greene avenue flames Mrs. U enc1eraon, '"ith whom Cahill is ea ch h o rs e po wer. Un t h ts a ccount ,,·ere seen coming from the roofs or four snit! loo ha,·~ bad close rela~iOidla,. an.d the nero nnuts h n,·c t om pornrily houses Oil Washington nvcnnc. T hey. when tho cr.lme was _commllte . at. .a• nbnndoned h o pe o f nttnin i n g 11

w~re cxtin&uished a fter bl\\'ing damag· stnted Cnlnll had kno .vledge or •11. chea p ni r cy c le . .t

1·ur h J1uusc $1 ,500. T wo houera a nd Mrs .. llcndcraon wall~· charged w!th _________ _ _..:._

at a Lie on Wavt'rly nvcnuc were d~tm- · CI\UIIIl\g the death of Etlcen D. Perk ana Loss Half a .Million Dollars ).!ed $3,000 to $J,OOO ench. ~~~L Dc~em~c~ l\n4 wne sentenced to _ _ _ o r tho Tnbcrnncle ami H ole! Rc~:rnt. e!ght. ) Clll'$ ttt:~prlaOn~lcnt.. At the Nr.w OntJ:,\S:i, April 2'.'1.-The i mp<M·

lutl.ing rema iue huL the w11lls . tune ~f Lho trta l Clllnl! d Jsappeare.tl ing front. of th (' St Charlc11 hott·l, ' t. ·: ho totalloaa i8 t•s limatcd at. O\'er a and d ttl not. rcL~rn unLJi a fow lin) II Cb•rleaslrcet., with itsl!pacious p•lnicQ

million dollars. The lose on the H otel ngn. ~e got .tho adc~ that. Floo.d h:ul in the centre, ill nil thnt ill lrft )!land ing He~enf, includiog the buildfni paint· been. CJrc t! laung stories abo~•t. hls con- of lho most. famous h 011tolry in t.hc 1nga and ~neata' hou ehold ' b t. !lectaon WI Lh Alns. H enderson, aud that. United St.Rln The tire roged llehind tlao GoO,OOO. l'he loss on

1 the Ta1~c:Oa~le Is supposed lo h.&vo.been t.he cause of walls of the hotel from ll lau~t n i~;ht.un·

·" abt.mL$400,000. The adjoioinr build· the nttem pt. to kill hun. til 3 th is morning. ~Lnrtin~ Ill thn uga are ro"ported damagea to the Ten Murden Bia Beoord kitchens, which fron t on the · ""nnll .mount. of f{)(),()()(). . tourt. in the \'Cry laenrt. Of t ho eq uure, It ia eaid the h otel waa insured for YR£1\..& , CaL, ltf.ar 15.-It ia expected not. ton minutes nfl.t•r lho em pl<iye .. lcflf

$500,000. There wore 100 guuta and 03 thnt. Lhe gnand jury 'fi'Ould to-day bring the flames ate their \Yay along t.he 1\'00< ~er'v1mta in the hotel when tbc fire " 'u in indictment. -.ccuaing Geol'le :Qeck· work with amazing nlpid it.y. 'fbe hun­discovered. It. ia aaid 1.11·o firemen were er, a wealthy rancberhorthe murder or dred or more gueata hac! nbout. · nl! re­iujured during the fire. hie wife Margaret E. eoker, and Nevr.· ~ired. ~nd Niabt. Clerk Muon sent. m~a-

On Wednesday Dr. Talmage celebral· d& Decker, her babe, Zlyean ago, and ae{lgert to every room occupied. The d his 26th anniveraary aa paetor or the Rosie Stone, B grand-daughL~r. about.. fllhlea did· not reach the ron in portion l'abl'rnaclc. On leaving the church eight years ago. Ten murders are laid or tho structure for fully half an hour Or. Talmage wenL into the aide roon1 ~Decker's door. 81 well aa· other foul af\er t.ho fire was disco\'ered . A panic ur hia b&L and coat. H e started to r.nd unnatural crimts, committed at aeised t.te guests, and men, women nnd ·•1me ou~ through the . cl.1Urcl11 which varioua times through t.he Jut. t.hirLy children ruahed about. frantically, moat ,\'Ould have brought. him unaer the years. Btaidca t.he three named, tho of t.bem in t.bcir night. clot.hca. Al· •rgau, but decitled t.o go out. by another liat. com~riaea Edward Stone, who wu though there waa ample opportunity to loor. Wl1en be got out. he t~..und the Decker's second wife's aon·in·lt.w ; Ben- get down ~he broad at.ainraya it. took th l' pi pea h ad fAllen and would probab- jamio Dccbr'e aon ; Caroline Goodrich aU t.be effort a or the cooler beada to ly h&\'e cruahed him had be JOne thaL· Decker

1 hit second wife; a four year prennt.tbc m011timpetuoua from throw·

way. old eon or Edward Stone ; a hired man in tog tb,emaelvca from t.he ee~ nd, third 1pr.L REBUILD TIU': TAJJERNACI.E. . Sacramento Vnll\\Y, name unknown. and fourth story wiodowa. 'fbe only

IlRooKLYN, N. Y., Ma7l8.-Tbe board Decker killed bia ilrat. wife and child in man who did jump from the window uf truateea of tho Tabernacle to-nigM 1867, lmtcherinl{. them with hb O'lrD waa unknown. Ho wae nol injured. held a mectiug in the houae of Dr. 'J'al- hands, null bur)'lDI their bodies on the John Riley, A baker, occupied " room uutge, at wlnub iL waa decided to re- top of a high rulge. on the fourth story of the reur portion ttuild the Tabernacle. 'fhe 1 t.atement. ACter hia lint wife'a doat.h he married of t.he building. He a ttempted to come ~1ven out by the truateea ia that U1o in· a widow named Goodrich, aad Jiyed down the apiral atairwa!', and All be •uraoce mo!ley and the money realized with her O\•cr twenLy yean, and ia b• atepped upon t.be stairway he t umbled I rom the eaJe of land will pay all t.be Ueved to ha ve gotlcn rid or her finally t.nd fell, ~urn bled t.owal'd t.be third atory, tlcbta. Within a year the work or re- j in 1880 by poison. . rolled part'ly o ff thft at.airway Aed re· nuiltling will bt-gio. They willaelltbo He diapoerd or ono child who bother- mained holding to the broken b(\Diat.en. the prf'eenL land, ,.ovo to another aite eel him in l SSG. The murder in Illinoa Before the lAdder coultf be procured hit nndbul, i~at.acoetofnot.morethant70,· is sa id t o ha ve been committed before strength gave wtty nntl ho fell upon tho 000. 1he Tabernacle wae insured for . h e ~me west., and tho one Sa~ramento eLono pavement. GO feet. bllnenth. H c . $380,000. \"nlley nfler his arrh·al. Hie varioua died vcry soon nftcr wnr,Ja. He w.a

· relntivea " 'ere kill ell becauae they al.ood eixt.y yeara old ami lea,·t'a n widow nnd . Evidence~ or Bruptiona. in tho way of g rnLifying hie deaire' or four chilllren. •

know or u.is cri mea. Patrolmlln Fitsgernld climbed to t.ho Capt.. Gerchon, of t.he st.eamt'r Pro- . second story on Guw icr atn(c~ a nd res-

(eu or Mora<', which arrived in New 01· . DEAFNE')S CQ;\[PLETELY CURED. cued fourteen women e mployes , who lt?ans lately, from PuC\rto Cortes, Hon· Any person Bu ffering from De.Uneaa had their only nvennc or C'SC:IJ)O cut off ,fu_!U, .report• that when he WJS abont Noiaee in t.he H ea.c.J, &c., may learn or~ by the flamca. DridgcL Mnllignn, 12o mllea from l.he paaaea, in latitude new, airopJO treatmen~ which ia proY• ohambermBi\1 ; .U rs. R0 11 , dOIJlesUU, :!7'1lnd longitude88,28,t. .. c abiS entered~ ing ' 'Cry auccesaful in complet.ely our- and John Finlay, a~U~istant. harkc'epor, large p~tob of green water an there waa . in1 caaet or all kinds. Fullparticulara. 'are the only once missing. 'fhc hotel 1!very Indication of• ahoal of 1•1'1• ex- lniluding many unaoli01tcd tea&.i· rcgiat.cr was saved and a ll t.bo gueet.s ten&. The green 'tl'ater extended 6n moniala iand ne~per Pl'!U notlcet· are aceonnted for. every aide •• far u he could eee, and will bo aent ~t me on app1ioation. 'l'he flamers "~ their wny in nll d i· ~bere were rip})lee plainly viaibler u in The ayatem Ia wiLbou~ doubt, 1.be moat recpona, ionching the rear of a row of • river. The lblp ..Ued for eix noura, aucoeeaiUl e~er brought before' Ul~,u~ ofll&e building~ on CalrQudolct etrcett., •ll' • dla&uce or ftft7 milea, before get· lie. Ad~ Aural Speol&lial, AI~ burning clear t.brouJth to tho atrccL on &l~:t~ OYU the aboal, &Del imDMdia'-ly a BoUdiop, av_, Victoria Street, We.t- Common and Gmvior.· The barbL•rahor.' lkoDI ourmst Will me& ftomns in -. minater; LoDdon. 8. ~· ll70Gravler•~'' Turf,exchange, Pae •

The electric com pnny 's lw i lcl ing Willi cnti rch· destnl\'Cu, 119 were the ren r of · tho Criiou ~atfonal l . ~~onk bui lding. a mi · the oflicc huildi o~9, J;jv, lJS and l tiO Cummon atrct>t, Wt·rc contplct••ly gutted. T he Tex:ts 1'1Lcitic gen.: rll.l otlice11 were dc:>LW,Yl'll with their cuntcnt11.

Tho total loss wi ll r.h h:llf n mil· lion dolluro~ a nd 1111\)' 1,;•1 0\' l!r tha~ nutount. The hoLt> I prvJICrty , nxcluai Y•: uf th o gr(l\l lld , i11 wurLh $-IOO,IlOiJ ; in&nr·


tl for $~ 1~,000. 'J'hc ~t. t.:harles \Ya\ !1 ownc,l m:1inly lly

:\fcasra. :Uooro 11ml H ymllna, John A. ~lorria nnd Frank T. H owllrd. 'Jho hotel could a coommodllt.e betwecr• GOO a mi 700 ~ueats. Within ita Wlllls the leading hguree ofLhe ccinfo•leracy form· e<lthe ti rst. ph\lla fe~r the establishment of a uew repulJiic before they at~trt.ed for .Ricbmoml. ~ix congreaaionnl com· milt.eca aat in ita rooms trying to aol\'e tho .Louisil\nl\ queation. Coumleu ~ litical, rAilro.u), coanmcrcial'aud aocu1l mcc~inga of national imporLAnce were

Brings oomfort and improvement r.ncl teuda to personal enjoyment yhen rightly used. The ml\ny, who li-ve bet­ter than uthers and enj t:.y l ifo more, 1rith ltlsa expenditur~, by n1ore promptly adapting the 1rorld's b est: product. te the necU. of phyaicnl b eing, will r.ttea\ the n luo to hcnlth of tho pure liquiJ

· laxnth·o p rinciplca embr~ in the remedy, Syrup of Figs.

Its exccllonce ia duo to it. pr•entina in the form moab acceptab:e and pleaa­ant to the taste, tho refreahing and trul7 boncfic:UJ p roportioa of a perfoct lax­ati \'e ; effectur.lly clt:msing tlte a7at.em, diapolling colds, bc:ltl:~chca and feura and pcrul:lllt:ntly cnriug conatipation. It laaa given Mtisfnclion to miUiona and met "'l'ith tho approml or the medict.l profeuion, becauae it act. on the Kid­ne~·a; Lin1r and Bowela witl1out "'I'Uk· held in it. ·

- ---·-- - emua them and it ia pcTfcctly fl'M from :Minl\nl's Liniment. cures Burne, &c. . eYe• objectiono.ble aubatAnco.

The ,·ut. flllci litie.! of t.he J. C. Ayro Co. Lowell ~lau., enable them to plllCC · The Superior llloo·l·puri ticr- .\ycr ' e Sarupnrl li :\ - Yt'i th in rnsy reach , oi t he poort>st inv111id. Dont.' t. bo imluccd to tuke 1\ " ch t:ap " substitute. A 1\Yaya remember thtLt the lJeet. i4 the cheap · l iiL.

r---.. Tho oil of Lhe Nor\\"ftgi:m COO Li vcr

is nnt urc 's grand rc11tor:\t i vc, • nd is on ly foun.t tn its c ntirctj nnd purity in ,\li llE>r'a Emulr.iQn, • t he kind thllt t lll t ll ' ' t:ohl! , con~h's l•m urh itia a llll 1\1l :111\·ctioml of t l1c 1l1r•1.1l nn.l h1 ng!1. E'•cry hottle w., rr.urt ~.-tl . ~o oily tns tc likr othcra. I n ll ig t.ott lee, 50c. a nd ~ 1.00, nt d rugg ist!!.

~linnru ·s I.i nimcnL cu r~s D.uHl ri ll' .

·T,•I' T i i.\T C 'JI.'t>ll or it \\' ill t ~>rminl'\ tc in curt umption. Aft t·r 1111 11·,,rin,; f,)r 11\&nth~ fr•JIII 11 cou~h which,. a fter ll!ling ml!uy rclllcd it·e l'l' i t hou~ 11nY rclid, t hrt.!:l tcnctl to termin11 to Sl'r iQ.tt:l· ly, we were ent irely cu red t.y t h se ,,j \\'t:"r.\ u's lS.\t~A 't <· ~· \\'1 i.1J Cu r:IW\' . .1. <i. \\' B::rrA F im , .&litor of •· Ghron· iclt.'." .EiizullNI.town, 1':\ .

l'li.I:S ! l'll.f,g ! ITGIUI\ti rll.f.$.

Syrup of Figa ia for aale by an dru&· pta in '15e. bottJea, but; it ia manu­factured by tho Califomia F ie Syrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on eYer')' ~bge, &lao tho name, Synrp of Figa, and beini wo11 infonned, you "'l'ill 110' r.ecept any auh1Lituto if nfferocl.

YouNeedlt! 'l'he"D.&I;: --

~----!~ntutsion. I .,:-,·· ··· i" • .. •

f.. ViJ:!i C' •r· !l.'!v •f ( •,..._, JC.jJ

M ~ 1<.\.-. '-V \ t:,t \ )

U~nli'C :i:Lu ~~s , r.,•r.l, ·,\r' ~\' t•r ftc-"s '""\4 1 \. ::. ... ... ;.,. •• v .. # al \.:

P ....... 1",: t r ,'! ' '' l'm "'t'"n Q t ..... l - "' . .. J .... _ . l .;. ap ,-.J. ,1 ----------___ ...,.._, ............


·Assurance Co~ E~;to.bli;;hcd.

l. X: 1. ~ronG.\TR S Er71', • • E. C.

1836 ·nri'To~ts-Moit~Lure; intense i tch10g

and 8ti ngin~; ; llltlSL a L nigh t ; worl!e Ly I!Cr.ltclain$:. H nllo1vcd to cout inue r s COl l £ ANO F l S ll!> (1587.) tuml'lrll form which often b lcCilll llll ul- 1 Fire Prclll iums ............ .......... . £ 607,000 cemtc, becoming very i f?re. Sw 4 vs•:'a Lifu Premiums ...... ... .. . .. ... . . .... . 197,QOO 91~Tll f:H atupe t~1 e itcht~g and lll ·ell· Jnt f•rcst. .. ...... : ..... ........ .. . . ......... 143,000 111~ h eals u lccr.\l lon, and m mos.L cases Accumul:n cd Fnntls ............ .£8,421 000 renlo,·e.s the t~unors, \ At dru.ggtat!l, or 'l'he .Undersigned n rc em powered to vy m nt!, for .,~ ceotif. Dr. ::SIYILyne & effec t. tnaurnnccs on a ll lUnda of Pro-Son, Pht lndelph1n. perl.y in Nowfound!,md nt current.Ratee

- --- of Premiums. Minnr,l' Liniment. relieves Neuralg ia Tho above Company ia well -known for·

- . - - ita liberalily and prom ptnceain eettlin& • ---- Joaacs.

~linnrd'a Liniment for ulo ev~ry· Pr011pcct uses , Fom 1s of a pplication where. · for Fire nnd l.i io Jrum rance, 'and &1·

--- othe r information cnn be obtained a~ Consamptio!l and Lung Di1Bculties. tho oflico of. · Alwnysariac from pndiclcs of corrupt. A. 0. HA YW A·RD.

m ntter deposita iu th~ air-cell , by ST. Jom~'B, impure lllood. Purify tha t. elcnm o r Agent. for N.FLD. lifo 1U1d i t. will very 1100n ca rry vffaml W. ll. THOMPSON destroy tho poisonous maLter, 1\nd like Cll.ih-Agcnt for Harbor G~C'e 1\ c rytl.tl\1-rivcr llowing thr\lu~h 1\ deserL PH will llring \\'ith h amllea ,·e th ronghouL

4 4 CEJN!X

tho llody tho clements cf hc:•.lth nnd RE ASSURANCE CO. s t ren~;th. .<\a t he ri \'Cr, lc1wi ng Lhc ric· mcnts o t fcrliliLy i n i t;s course, c.tusea tho before ,bar rcn waste to lJloom with flowera and frui~1 10 puro blood ca 'JIIca t.he frr.me Lo reJoice in strength and

'•healt.b,and·bloom with unfading beau~y. All Medicine Dealers aell Dr. Alol'le'a Indian Roo~ Pilla.




J01epb w. Baxendale, EaQ. .Urlttow .Hovlll, Eaq.

Tbo Hou. Jamu B1•1· c. c. RIClliRDS k Co. John Cl:~ttonl ~- r G .. s..,., "'" £"' 'fh •-· ( b d ~tav ua & Coopo, Eeq., M.P. ............. ...- e ...,p o my ea Oeorce Artbnr l<'uller IICirq.

waa bald for aeverr.l yean. I used I Cbarle. E. OoodiJuL. ~. MJNARD'S LINlMEN!'. and now have :,;J}~~·C!~~~.·ba~;M;P. aa good a gro1'fth of ltaar aa I ever had. Chattel Tboma• Lueu, z.q.

MRs. ,AI.DERT Mel' A\.. Cb'ile~ lf~~P~· ~ Wbeatly Rher, P. E I. . . Dt.dte1 Ro~~ s:.Ttb. ~~ rortmaa, ~.

• wuu~. ~.~~~~ :nompeoD. &eq. I have uaed MINARD'S LINIMENT

freely on my bead and now baYe a good '~~~~~~DBl~~'LU.D·~· bead Of hair after having been bald for F&AlfODI B.IU.oJ)oJfALD l Boore\art ... s.c• eralycal'll. I~ ie t.be onl7 hair reator­er I ha• e uer found .

Mae. C. ANOERSO,.. Stanley Bridge, P. E I.

The traditional diamond of tbe Enst is the Great Mogul. The orig innl we ight Wl18187 carat~ and

Tbll eDppmentl or tbla OCilce are= &eed b)' a DUMIJ:Oill and Weallh7 .. tary,ID adclJUon to alarp lDTea&ed 9&11 &aa• aacl tbe J,:>:S~Iklcle ·Ulcl llbeTalU;, w~ wbteh ol laa•e al~ bMa aes an Wltl•kDOWD and aaJr.DOWledaed.


• .,. be W\lmac.cl from \be fadtbat ala• I .. N\ablllbmeD\-Dow onr 0 Jr~ RVJrJNI.D r~be PQ'IDIDtllD aallaftleUGD 0~ elalma .Or 1.AeiU ba-vee~J'OUBf ULLIO!l-'8 Bltrllnr. ' ,.. IDIDI'SDCit'l aplniL Lclile b7 J'lte aat

Ltrbt.DIDC are etfecLocl b7 \be Oo1ll IIADJ' a,_ uer1 d* rlptloa or PrOper\J, Oil \be aoes ra•orable tenna.

. W. G. RENDELL, St. John,s.

it d is nppeared in the la11t Tartar invasion, when treas ures to the amount uf t 350,000,000 were cap · turcd by N adi r Sbnh. Tho S htth o f Persia, hns in bis troa s ure-ruom j e wels vaiued nt 84li,OOO,OOO. His crown contains a mass of diamonds J s urmounted by n ruby nY big us " •

Agent ·ro r Newfoundland.

A. Whitman. h e n 's egg. Has roynl belt weighs ' 20 pounds, nncl is n solid mass of

-tliumonde an<l gem s, ths smnlles t o f which wo uld have b een n fur~une t o the lncky possessor. The but­ions of hie c ont were fh·e· in num­ber nnd enoh bulton WllS a diamo n d laTger thnn the k ohinoor.

Custom ·Tailor W~aranteo~, Workmanship

and8~. Custom work of all klnda performed

a~ loweat. prices and with dNpa&Ob, Oul.por\ urdon recche proDlP' auendOD

Ulve tll a call. WATER ST., HARBOR GRACE.

· ~

. ..





·o oes vou~ W IFE

Do HER ·O~wt~


----------- ­'·

IF she r ccs, see that the " ~l' 1 is made Easy and Ck~.' by gctt inr~ her Sr>.LIG IIT ~·OAP,

'· iic:t docs away with the tl rror" of wash-day.

Exp-:1 i< nc;! \:ill c01wince her that it 1'.\ YS to usc this soap.

'AMERI~ 4N f\1~11


~~ TV'JNE en . U ~1 1 ~ J1 . .. ~ _ JY _ u. Commercial Str0et Bos ton Mass.

--~---------------·-MANUFAGTUREnS OF


EINES. -AT~ 0-

Cod, Trap aJnc1 f-Ierrin.g N ets. .\.11 ot' the \"e n BL'!'l t) u.dl ty and ~\[:ulo or Out·

ShepaJrd · Gold - n/Iectal - TW"INES of which w1· .11'(.' tht• oul" m:. : •. t.-:\l't.tl'l!l'. . r~~)"" Or.lcrs hv letter or wire

l' I'\Hll l.'!ly :l!lll ,.a 'i,. ·., .. :•n. ily cxccu lc<i.'

Highest awards at }; ,)~ifH t I hti": nhilaoldJ~hia, 1S7G Londou. l'i: hl·J il':- Ex II ti •I 1 io•t, 1 ~b3 .

Send for I llu:.l r<Ut•t! ('a t ;I!P!!tl"·


PILLS --J, .... I !.--

BILIOUS & NER~.IC U ~ DISORDERS, -:-r•u ,.,.._

Sick Headache, Oon stipa·tion, Weak Stomach, Jn1paired Digestion,

Disordered · Liver, ~:- n.nd -: -··Fe1nale ·:-Ailments. THE ~ALE T.' ~ \\" t'IX .'ld.LIO. · BU.:\.E:" YEARLY.

lfiir Fl'l. l. lti!H. I fh•~· \\ 1'1'11 F..\ 1'11 !luX. •9


AM:· 1




Sold by nil Oruggi. ts :1ncl J'atell t-)t eol idne I e:dcr11, everywhere.

C. K NOWLIN C, . ' t .. . J ohn'~, Agent fur ~cwfuunulfl:nd.


HOlloWay's PiUs and Ointment THE PI LL S

·Purify the Blood correct nll Disorders of tile Ll\~ER, STOM~9H~ KIDNEY. AND BOWELS.

They invigorate nnd rcslotc to health DEll>ilitnted Cons~itutions, and are invaluable in nll C'..omplnints ineident r~ to Femnlca of nil ngcs. For

: \- ·- ·children nnd .the ugc(l th~y nrc priceless.

. ' T H. E 0 I N T M E N T 1: an. infalfihlo remedy for Bnd L CJ!l', Bad Bren ts, 01(1 Wou~tls, Sore :and Ulcers. Hds famou. fnr ti t~ut nml Rh<•ttmtith:m. For disorders of

tho Chest it lws·no Cftunl. FOR SORE THROAT:::>, BltO~OH ITI COUGHS, COLDS,

Glnndulnr f\Nellings, nnd All, 'kin Discnscs it h ns no rivnl; nnd • for contracted nnd stifTjoint it 'nds liken charm. '

Jlanufneturw only"" T IIOatA., liOLI.VWA' •s F.,lt\blllhmonl, 78, NE\V OXFORD STREET (lRtc UU:l, OXFORD STREET), LONDON.

ADd are eolcla&.la. li<J., 211.111.1 •• ~r. Gd.; u .. ::lll.,llntl ~ \'IIC:h Cox or L'Ot, and ma.y bo batl or all llwlclno Veondon ~hropaoout the Worltl.

J8. Purcbuma tbouid Jook t.o &.bt! lAb<• I on lho Boxea and l~ott. It &he addrraa it No. 683, Word Strcot, London, Lhe7 aro 8pUriol'la.


A VISION. ltrecchesf· tho, hydraulic mechan- l,CJlJ() FAMILH;."' ~IAOJ.; Jl ~~~~-'l'he Lou of the J.tcdltorranean Fleet. ism cnug It them nnd opened them LJ•::-:8. I

:H lil e\· r II townrtls tho 0 0111'. 'l'he Th 1•• l ':tll ~tall f:,:tl/1 recon lly tun l't' ~<~pun round t•J the lu:1 tli ng " nu: n·~ ~·t..H; H,\TJO~ r~ llCt:<To~ n:~- .

· t · · JWRit ion,· th e Jo:\(lilw ' •·n ,, \"llS ,._.'ItO•\·. I f!:l\'1} ('1'11111111011'-=e II :1 !"-lll'l'Jllg :IC· ,., ~ ' "' n

l'll \lnl of n \'i.,:irm whi 1·h :\ll nnony- mi ' ed lr> it place, nnd tho nuillliCI'S III•Ht:- writer i>' "ll!'l"'~c· 1 l•> han• l!r,>,·e the hugo ohells home. The J:o,..,.,, :-;, )l av lii.-Somc small h:t<.lt•l. th<' J n,.:~, 1' tl 11• ~l cditcrr.111• powJcr wn. put jul't in the j!Uil Hoxbury !toys ~tnrtr.rl n hll\7.e this !'an flcC'I. tl, i:11 :;. 1 ..,. that on when n ~rn al l ::hell en tered the afternQnn. rc:m ltinl! in the lnrgest thu !h-l·lamti •ll '" \', , ol .. 1) has been turret th r>~u~h :t gun port anu bur ·l firc Jn this city !!i nce 'l'hnnk f!iving .. d Yen :l pl.tt• c 1 , 11 1 •ar.l lh<' ~au~- with a f..:.ll'.-ul c·r:t ·h. tilliug the con- d:ty, 1.' 'H. nml !turning o,·era grent- • pnrcil t1y :\d.nir::l :O: t•,,·mour. wllich £inetl ·pat'<' with n t•ni:;onou~ s lcnth . cr area than any .·ince the memor- 1

1 I•Ul tn ::ca 1\'ith the rc.:t of the fleet r wn~ ::hell~red ;.,. the bre'l!ch nf ahle OliO of 1."72. Tn less than :llhl elltlt•.I\·Pil'd t•) form a iunctiun OllO of the lllt;!O \\'e;LpOil:i. ~0 f \\': IS three lt OUI':S 1 ~ acres of territory nt (;j J,r:tlt.11· with the ('h:tnncl !Jut scorchecl; but when th e ·tnoke were hurned over. nnd th e hn!!cl•ail :-;quntln•tt. ( 'nntin t.in1!, bto \H i let· •·IC'an.•d nwa,v f11111' Fba 1 'ele~" n•a scs gran• I Rtand nntl Bleacher's senti, n --l:ttt:" : n( lmttcrctl fl~sh \\Crc Ftrct<·hed on largo school house. nn engine

Tho (' \' (Ill ~>l'thc Ill"'\ ; t\•rl\'·t'i~ht thr ti.trrcl llonr. :tlltl two 111 \ll'e, hou.:c. IGI wnodcn and 1~ uriok hour:: ma~· Ire 1.a ... ~(' 1 m·cr. ':-; 11 flicc f! ri ~\·ously h url aut! llh>nning in l~tti i.J ing.; \\'ere •lc:;ln,yod. Ouo it tl) Fll\' tha t (':trh· 1111 tho th ird tl1c1 r :1~1111)'. \H'I'e l•oin;: p:t~ cu tlwu::;:\llu fnm ili#; wero mncle hollle-lllurnin~ al'l l'r l t•;n· il'tg- .\I:Jitn our {I'll down lo tho t'l'Ckt •i t. Hut now l c.:~. I uattk.:hit•" a11d :-ix c· J·ui:-:or:-: !iig-ht eJ duty :\lie! curi•,::ity coml,inecl led 'l'he i'ndication nrc that the £ire a lar)!t· Fr~'twlt Hct' t of lwentr iron- 111e I)Ul of the Chmparati,·c snfcly was caused bv c~:Hcle:.:- ness and l' l:tcl:<. \\ ilh 11\llliN•tll" t'l'lli:'CI'S :tlld of lite tun·cttownrd:: th e tlll'lll l)iJ uf llli ·chit:f. :t!liJ]~('C:t lii C berond corft lnrpe• l ••-ho~:l t ". ht·adiu~ :- tr.dgltl ftlr tho upper deck. All tltis tillle I trr>l through stupitlit\' . The bovs u::. Owin:.! In t•nr . hurl ~u pplies had seen 11~l thin~ 'Jf the oucuiy. t:eL tho fire in ::omc ;havin~;s su\d \lf 1:1·:11 at ~l :dto . :tnd thr fact thnt .Tu,-t n::: r lr•tt thl· tmrci the gll ll:! loo..:o J•icces (If wuod under the there w:1:: little to ltc h:ul at (:ilnal- were lirctl 011l'e nwrc. sl1:1ldng- the .:e:1ts in the bn~<: hall ground,. Tt ta r. \\' 1' h:HI t•> C!'tll\l)l llisc It\' di- ~hip so that r wondered that !'he tuok a loug tin lO to send in 1\11 I mini~h iu;.! nur ~i'N: .J. 'l'h~ Frcrl(·h held t, ..... ,.lhcr. Tho long p n <;::;:J:;!C'S al:trll\ nnd turn on the \rater. Two 1

hat! won tlw lirA mm·e. :uul cut us Wl're dark<'r than e\·l·r and an in- and a h:1lf inninw of th e ball ~ame I off fr(llll til t• t 'ha n111' l :'qtlaril'\HL I olc::<·rihalJic rrt·k nt' nlC' Iiu ile lilled between H0:1ton nml lb ltilllore h:td wl'nt,,n dt•l'k to ~cc tho:Jhi p,·lc:u c.l the \'es:::ol. 'l'ho ch•dric li~hl was hcen played, with :~ . .'1(10 spectators. l'nr acti~tn. 'l'l11• IH):\Li and othu c·xtill;.!tli:dwcl. and tl•o !i Jtl'Ctl was Tho lla1u e:-~ spread wi th grenl ra­c·nctuu b.·a 11. , ., 1\ l'l"l' :"ln\rt•d away, pcl'C:cpti ltly slower. .\ · ill the twi- pitlily. th e \'l'IHil:t t"r' f·•rwar.J l'I' IIIIH'erl, lio!hl of th e l'arl ,. huura tho hcarl· Fi fleeuminul<~:! afl<:r the fire wn'i the hu_c turr.::t rrYoh·NI. a nd th e heal of the d _yiu~ man grows e\·er d isccwcretl the lwu·cs in th e renr of 1111 t••n !lilt" \\ Crc I(J:ulcd . The feebler an.! fecltlcr wit h :tPI'r,>ach- lito hall ;.!rountls were attRckeu. plan ,,f a~ti"n had hcen ~ctllt>d I><~ · inr! clcnth. :o the ship's Jlllll':t tiuns Within an hour the whole fent!c on I. 1 1 1 ll t · ld • halted nwre and llllll'e l,cf·>'rc i111· oro t:tnt, an• 1c <·ap n111 :t' re~s - ' the right fiehl shle, all the seals on otlafcw . tin in~! \n•rc l ~ lotllocrow, pend i n~ dc-<tructiou. • HI 1 · tt 1 1 · k

- The h U,.."C culln"u" wa ii1SIJ.l1Ct enc 1el· s, no gmnt st:tnc . tic 'P.t rc1nindin~ tlt t·tu th:ll 011 them oflice nnd all conti~uou:i \YOO•len :d ono re. ted the hnt•o c,f Engl:wtl. witlt · tran~e IHri c;;-the cry ofm t'n l t d • 1 'I'I

. in the bolter ngon.v ol tlc.atll. ". •• ·' s rue urcs wore es~royer . le At the !':t i ll<' tnsl:lllt from lite flag- ·• u fire ltnd nlso bumed throu~li to ·hip cn111 • the ::i;rn:ll : .. :"hips to the uprCl:\r of hun;ting shel ls being Tremont trcet, then )'roceeuin~ cngnge lit o t:uem~· with th e )! lin. tho dollli naut key-note!:! nuoYe ihe soutlu· rh· had seized nil the "·oouen ~u surrender." The men, with n erun ·h of uu~id ing ironwork. ll"·cllingl5 on Burke, Co,·entry nnd loud cheer. fi led on· In their Jlt)i!td, :\e\'Cl' h:l\'0 T felt ~0 awful n l'Cn n- 13 )' t t . l • II

ti•m ns in that l'immeri:ln hlack · er tn ~ t·eo s. anu prach cn y con-and the h ugc mons'cr tlt robb1•d n till sumed e,·eryth i ng on the right quh·ercd in nil it~ IJ~nm::. a!' if it::1 ne.s. whore the lm~e<ly of:<o matw hand side of Tremont street. It breath wer ' •iui ckcnl'd I>Y these poCir fellow ·' li\'e:: wa being pla\'ell cros·ed thnt ~treet nnd procectled hrn\'C \I'OJds. \\'o knew tlllli we (l lli !;() pitrully. Dl ovcl and smoke in the direction of Hoxlwry cross· were outnurul,ercd t\n> to one. btJt :uul fum e;; of hells were every- in;.!. 'l'he norllu:rh· hoununry of were tc~oln·d tn ~i)!hl to the Just. where. T emerged ft·om the armor- th e fire was B nton street. Hs

·tnl: 111:-1'~''11'10~"· ~tl redoubt into tho light of tb \· : lntentl boundaries were ('abol:"Lreet :'C\ l'll i r•ll1l'l.u!~ Were in front hut what n Pi)!ht tuet my eyes on on one ide nnd the Boston and

tlw deck ! formt>tl in an irrc:.;ulnr trinngle. Pro\'iclcn ·e rnilwav on tho other. The• ll uwl. with th~ ndmirul lecl ·' on~o lltu~llt .. \O. At G o'clock the iiro reached \\'ul-tl• o way ; thc·n 1'\o lluwcd the :\ile The . hip was ohangeJ-chnngcd pc1lo nnd Sterl in~-; f! tt·eets. This :tlltl 'fl :llal:.£ar: ·llC:-\L tho J1mlney f repeal. entirely frOtH it!i former district \\'1\ S fu ll of woQ(}en houses. :ltHi uur::dh•.' . t l~~.~ u l'amc tltc t'nm - "etuhhlllcc into n i'mokin~ heap c,f Sparks from tho fire were Oyin~ all t•crdllw 1\. 'l'ltc <'tH'IIl y were tHJ\\' J;i nler~. Tho bul lets pln!'hed round (1\·cr t h(' northern pnrl o xhun·, l•ut · ftr\11' 1niiH dh·iall i. their slti po; tlH', ],ut T lwl'lll,,· thougll t of th t ' ~elting fires in IIH\Ity loca 1tics. 'It close' tog tllcr in I itt· ahre:1 !. The :;nJ:!rcat wa~ my am.azcmcnt. T 1 wn fenrcd thnt i<Ouic children wore H'.L wn.: l·lue :tn<1 ..ctiilni11l th e sun funnel. were ~oi n;:. the super. ru · lost. A number of women fell u'n

11 tuN \\'<'pl nwa,·, and lite trim U s 1 ~ h 1 · c:t! >ll,!. C:tl'(' w:.:: upnn tuture, ad • I to stre~t 1rutn s oer ex tausllOll

thnl re~tcd on tt a !ten t> of ~; l,lintcrs. II if i 11 t·out ra:-l ~~~ the :1 •1\ J>lu:\ciJ i nr• nne tad to be cnrricd into houses. - 0 'l'hl' mn,. h:1d fa! ien. anti tl11' !Jud i e:~ :'tJ u:r:Je of llH:n. f The streets were full of carts t!nrry-

\\'c W(' rfl ru~.hin~ . tht·uu~h !Ito 0 tho i':tilor:4 in tho top~ lny head- ing nw~y fmniture. Tho work of walcr nl th c rat<' ut' J lj knn!i< an lyupontho dcck . Forwnnfbo,·onll tho department wns complicated l . . llll' e;t,nninf! tower the :::hiL' • wns 1 1 · h f h tOUt'. tlw :< 11rke 1 llll'llll.( lr•llll lhc JY t 10 tact t nt part o t o nppnr-

fum d. tl,c .. lJ ukch,,lds :<crewe,! lhitl clt•nn opcu, while con. t:tnL atu · was oul on cull from other down , :llld all J• .~,_iJ,Jo comJIIIrt- hur:o~t · ur lln tuc 10""ing huwan and ltnxc and other nlnrms for t< ubsi-

it·on frnl!lll •nt11 thi. wn'· and tltu.t. tncnt~ c·lu-ccl. :.; .. !t.ngcr, 11 .. in tho ·' • dinrr fires ntlded lo the confusion. brave dn'" • •·t' u!d. t:uuld tho 111cn told of nn uncea ·in~ l':lin uf proj cc- .DCroro six o\!l ock help wns sum­ff:li n ''•1\ll"agc fr..t lll the j.;.nll:llll he:lr- ti le~. \ s T lookctl r ~:l\\' th o grcnt lllOncd from all cities nnd towns , turret di. soh·o into fire and :'l!nvke in.l! ot' tlwit c.tl l:tin nnd roull'ltde.:. within a mdiua of len miles. At with n r:hot· k J.ik o tho ~hock of sn The\· \\'erl' "":lt!t~re,l .-ar npart in G. l .J tho fi r:!~ piece out of to\Yn np· I i ltl c rum pauh•i! in th<: t wili!!h t, of cnl'lh' (ll:l ko. 'Hut what took 11" ' nl- p.\l'at us nrrh·etl. nntl Roon after the the t·lunldllJ! iron \'aults

1. while tcnlhm nud c· att~Ll my TH·ealh , ~-'0 lire w:~ nnclet· control.

tltaL I dcelarc r Ctlltl•l not h:t\' 0 . de •p hclow tlto !'lnk '1'" ntH cng i11- . A few minutes pnsL !!IX n womnn ct·r,.. Cl•Uhl II• t I; nnw wltnl wn ltnJI· loCJked romul ~'"1. 111 ·' ' l if<'. or II10\'Ccl, ru::lhed f1'0m n house on Cnbot

fol":lll tho horror:-~ tltnt were nbout t·eni n~ i11 the dear :1ir or day. treot \fith her clothes on lire. 'flt eir.:; it wa"' to die without tho me, w:1s n hu¢e French ship brond- l'atrolmen <.:reen nnu Lewis cnught lt rncin~ C'Xcilt'lllellt r)f thc tl'll~_r)e; tli~Jc Oil ' tmight IJet'uro liS. \'Oillitin~ her. rolled her in the sbrcct

1 nnd

Rlltl thlltl\• thC\' llll-3\\'l'fl:tl lv thl'it• rtWth firt> from her u~tterrJ) \\;urk:!l, 61\\'Cd her life. ~he recei\·ed 1\ fe\Y countr\' 'ti call.' tcr ~t· upp~l'. l'lJnntn" 1• o~u UIH S'light burn . 'hades \\". Enton

The· cnpt:tin took JPs lonely t~wcrmg h lf!l.1 uboYc.t~s wiil~. tn~r~t nnd )[r. ' usiek of Rrooklino, nt stnlion of dan~l'r in tho t()mlin~ I led on tlllrct. Like 0\11 ehe,, great peril rushed through cloUtls tower i hii n:\\•igati nf.{ <•llicet· o,ril ~· !'h? wus down .at l th o. ~~ws, ~~~J of shtoke into a burnin~ tenement IJy Ius ~ide. I made my way ~.mng de~d sl cl\~ .. ! nt . ou.1 capt.un und !Hl\'O(lli\'o smnll clnl<lren from through (he di ul pa!<:-:agcs to the ns hon<hn.r; ~llatght for. her-nnd lhe second story. Se\'eral persons, tmret. The ~ren t ~un~ were run would he lltnkc her ? ~lowlY. our in<·luding C'hief Engineer Webber out nJHl tho crow were eagerly b~\ys nenretl her 1 ~1 0n!llrous Rl <~e!l, nnu two liremC'n

1 wore injnretl, but

wntchin!!-somo the tlinl thnt told ~\lueh seemed forlen~to~owhJrl- none fntnllv. the rnngc, ~•~me tho enemy throuah 111~ nlong pnsl us t trough t e bloo~ The loss· is conscrvati,·ely csti-tho gun IJOrt~. A ronr from nhencl rt.d.sen. A ronr cjo c to me, a feat - maCed at 8300,000 to $500,000. told tiS t 1at the Hoorl had nlrondy fl!l shock ~ould not n\·o~~ my ~nz.e. The burned district on the north­opened tho hnll i and ns the pointer I felt the \\u.rm bl~od trtckl o do" n westerly side of Tremont street is touched two thou!lnnd ynrds, our my cheeks, !1 ' '~'JL~\ .n. Crnllh t~tat bountled l.iy the Hoston nod Pro\'i­quick-fircrs inst:tntly mng ont. nnd tnade the · 1111' S\~ ll} hke n drunken dcncc rnilr'ond on the northwest ; the . hip rc,·crbernted their fierce man, our rnm cnught her nt ln~l.. by Dttrke street f¥l th e nor.thenst ; uj)ronr. Hut our role wns not yet 1 wns flunsr to the seamed_ and ptt· by Tremont street on the southettsl ; to bu pln,·cd. \\"1.1 \Y OI'C to stnnd Led deck ns .nnother shock, follo\f- nnd by Sarsfielcl All ect on the south­and wnit tintil n mis~ with our hugo e? Ly a lernhlc lurch, told me thut west. Everything on this square guns was i111possihle. Ami. now n . . v. e, too. hnu be~n rllmmed .. I is lnid flni. Eeveral houses outsi(lo LlifTorent sound broke on our card, looked rott~(~, dnzeu a.nd stupt~ tho defined boundaries of tho fire n sound like th o rnttlc of lJebblc! throu~h the VIolence of tho blo\\ cnught from flying embers, and in 'beaten on tho shore by n stormy nnd tho ?fTeo~ of my wound, lo see some cnsos woro badly dnmaged. sen, ns the surf CJf projecliles smote the ho\\ 8 ~f nnothor mnmmoth Madison park is coYored with the on our work . Tho ship wns nliYe come hnlf-,my ncro~s the.deek :'ncl household effects of the homele!ts with bursting hells forwnrd-and bnc~ oul. Our sbt~, ~h!l firang, people. The Boston and Dar.lti· oh I how slowly tho pointer trnvel- sank 81?wly, ontnng erll~ o~r firs~ more clubs will pllly to-morrow on led on the din! ! No longer were on~my :, lower nnd 10'~ er , then the CongresR street grounds. the mou looking out of the two gn' 0 n grcnt lurch once more, !'nd DosTos, MA..o;s, May 16.-Despito ports. They \\'C! ro in their firing conrtuerod and con~ue•or snnk 10 n the fact that the section burned positions, but two hnd nlrcndy wo.tory emLrneo. knew .no more. over by lnst night s 6re coyors nn fnllon victims to tho enemy's bul- Whon '[ recovered consetousncss, nrea of from ten to twelve nores leta. Tho turret clanged nod r<:oled . I found mytielf on n French t?r- on whiolt stood nearly t"·o hund~ under ll1e hcnvy blows; the officer pedo-bont, n!'u learned .fron~ ItS I red buildings, which served as nt tho sighting hole for the right ~row the gracvous, yet .glono'-!s dwellings for nbout 1,800 or 2,000 guu fell, killed by thejnr of a shell news of our defeat. . Gne\'ous It people the nc~unl loss in renl est.ato asrnins~ the armor close to his head wns, for of the ~f'n _uonolnds but will be' comparatively small. This - kiJied, too, without n scratch . two escaped. ~lon~us, too .for is duo to the f>'eculiarly cheap class

prE~J~G .FIR.:. . eleven of the vJctors battlesJues or building which were erected in At lnt!t , aft en hours it seemed to hall f~llo\hvedd our heroes to their that neighbourhood. Tho ruJaeesed

grnvc 1!1 t _e cep. value of tho buildings which wer*' me, tho point~r renchcd 900 ynrds, when the long-looked-for aigonl RHEUN.&.nsw Cuun JY .&. Dn.--&uth totally destroyed wna abo\tt 1221,· enmc, and tho two uug13 monsters AmerieanRhcumaLI.cCnre,rorRhouma- 000; insurance, 1200, 000. delh•ored their two tons ofmotnl nt tiam and Ncuralp,ftdicaliJeUrH in 1 the fne with n shock which ma~e toSdaye. ltremovt'la\oncetbecauae tile -llolo llhi( reol

1 and a .noise as and thodbenteimmedla&olJdiaappean.

" The fin\ d01e t;reAUJ beneftta. 76 ceut.a. the noise o the lu~ ~rum11et. Sold b7 w. H~ Thompson & Co.-Jn 6. Back flew • the poli.shed eteel -10 w

.. Ctrrs."-The het\ thing we know or to heal a en\ or wound it to bind up the injured pan wl&h a cloth aatura&ed in Perrr Davit' Pain-Killer. Only 25c: Cor tbe New Big ~Jo.



"Only the Scars Remain,''

&ys Dt:~nY Jlt:oso:-:, of the Jame. Smith Woolen Machinery Co, l'hihwelphfa, Pt\., who eeni. fles as !oilowsc

" Amon~t the 10any testlwool­al• which I 1ee In regard td cer­tain toe.tlclnu pe rform l nc curu, cleau.lng the blood, ct.c., none lmprea, me m ore than 107 owa caae. Twenty yc11u ago, at tho ae• of 18 years, I bad swellings c:ome on my teg1, \Yblcb broke and })ocamo rua­nlnc aorea . Our fawily phy· alclan could do

too no good, and lt wu feared that tho <fJouell wuuld oo Affected. At Jut, my J:OOtl ol•l

Mother U rged Me to try Ayor'a San.nJ'nrllla. I took three l10ttlcs. tho sores hcnlcd, nnd I hove not bel'n t ronUietl sln~:e. Only tho acara remnln, and tho m emory of tho past, to renalncl mo of lbe «ood Aycr's SnnAparllln bas dono me. I 1111w weigh hro hnu!lred and twenty IWlllllll~ . Ullll lltn In tho belt or h ealth. 1 ~l\'C beo·n on the road lor tho put twt•h·c.~·cars , hav notlce1l Ayor's Sar· sAp:nillu uth·ortlsc!l In 1111 parts of the Uuitctl Sl:Ucs, nn•l nhuy11 tako pleaJ~.o nrc in telling whnt sood lt !lid lor me."

Ayer's Sarsaparilla l't~t>:~red by Dr. J . C • .t\)'tr A: Co., LoweU, )(au.

Curas o thers, w ill c ure you

~:: r 'HEY ero l hJ flemcp_ that (h, b;un:~~!ls h:wd c, nalur;J 1.1..;

prorldoJ for all di:eas~3 ar/s!t.g [rJm /A/PUR£ BLOOD.~ez· ~ .. ..,, . ' Mops B 's m· .. ~· ~c .... cu .... rnr nu.t.

ut,.~ t.NI. an:A.auc nr. 1' ou: u.nux. t.n'Jni

P .11

, .u,;"'.L, .. ~., .• u\·,l·a:&. ..

I S :.a t., 1:1~ •• t.:r.

!'.:.t : Au • r ,;a !Jzt:L91&

w I H. COIISTOCK, .. DC¥r•LLC, O.'tT. MD611STOW1f1 N. t


QUEEN Insurance - Coy. Lost in the Grcnt QonOn-gthtiou

the sum

$54l,ooo nnd the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. pnid out to 398 of its patron~ whose policies were involvec:i in the fire, exnctly o. similar amount, viz'/

$541,000 JOHN CORMl\CK.

Agent, St. John'1. A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, Ho.rhor Grace. ·

Blacksmith and Farrier Work. The undeuigocd bep \o intimate to

Lbe public gencrallJ, and boJSH1roen pt.rticularly tba' he it propared to do all Jdodt or work in the aboYe-named Jlnt'l or trade.

HORS.&-SllOElNG wiU bo given •PHial ac.&eot.ion. ~he puantet'l to ao all work in &hll llne wilh the sre&ta' oue.

_.. Pncea \o aoi' \be t.lmee, &ad IM­itCact.ion aunred.

.NIOBOLAS ~~ JlanwJ'





We do uot hol<l oun.ch'tll rospon-nllo ror the <'pinions c:~:pr,·~ed lly our corrcapoud·

en~~aslt'nl Adverthlln~~: pay .. blo lu noh•aace. "Sotlccl' oc l:Url h•, ~urrlqe~t ""tl D;.o~&tha,

Ill; erled rreeorctmrJ.tC,-vrue.accompunylnc death notice• wall be chur~d ror at r"1ular ratell.

Corrt'l!p<lUdllDC't nn liii,Y llllhjCCl O( i(~Uoral 1 nterellt lnvllf'<l. llem- or n .. , .. ,. troon rmy pla.co will be lhl\ulct\ally rt'et!h'NI.



The result of the election in Bny· d e·\' ordc Wt\S known here on \\' ed· ne!!day la~t, nt 3 p.m.-23 hour!' after the c lose of ·the Poll. TJ1e Bnllot. hoxcs were received in West­ern Bny nt 4 a.m. Wednesday nod the count. began at 9 o'clock.

'fhe count must have been ex· cHi n j.!, and no forec.ast of the relitt lt coulcl be 111nde dunng- the record· ing. ·

'fbat Opposition ptuty hns lost ground there cannot but be ad­mitted their candidates lnst fall being ;eturnetl by n majority tvb!l vote of j .jl\ Now one car.<.h· dntc i s returneu with n m:tjority et 30 votes.

Tllc total vote of each cantlidnh• wns:- . ~. W oods (Opposit ion)......... l-ii(i .T. B. Avrc (liovernment) ..... . S·lfi :. Hutchings (Oppo~iLi•m)..... ':.l l

C. ~[acpbcriicm (Government) '0 Each side hns thus won o ne mcm·

bcr and wh:\t cfTect the result ot the'ctecliCin will hn,~e on the pnli· ticnl ntmo phcrc wi ll be seen dur· inrr th(' next week nr so. , Some ­thin)! must ue done, for th e busi ­ness o f the country is retarded and anything uut a satis factory state of affairs e:ti!ils.


A demonst r:ltion was mnde to Sir \\' . \' . Whitew:\\' and H on. R. Bond by a pn rty of ~citizens at GMdon Lod!!C on \Vcd nesd ny night ,&h ortly after the arrh·::\1 of these gentlemen from Carl,oncnr en route for. St. J ohn'tl. A crowtl gathereu at the historic wall of the L~dge and wns addressed by :-;ir \\' . Y. White"•ny, Hon. R. Bond and Messrs. ti. Woods, C. Hutchings nnd n . . T. Green . The nffnir wns gotten up hurriedly, but a band nnd lnrge crowd "'ere present. The spee<'h c:s were gen· ernllv on the Bny·<le- Y erdc election and " mntterd connected with it. T~.e meeting broke up at 11.15. Cheers were ~h·en for ~ir William and his collea:,!ues.

On W ednesday evening, nt 7.30 o'clock , a l:trgc {' rowd of men gathered in Carbon ear nnd nccom · panied Hem!!. :\Iorino and n . .Mori· son, and )[essrs. Ayre nnd Macpher­son through the streets of thnt to wn. At the South ~ide, :\[ e~s rs. :\Lori ne and :\lori. on addressed the men on the result of the e lections in Bny· de-Y erdc nnd on matters political generally. Ch eers were given for the Goollridgo party, &c., and the

~ party continued its wny to this town.On nrrivnl h cr<:.thoy were met by severnl Government supporters, who accompanied them to their several boartling·houses.

A warm reception was g iven ~apt. Charles 1\We in Bny Rorberts on his ivai there from Day-de·

erde. Quite a lnrge number o f men \vere in the cro,fd. Capt. Dawe spoke for n time, and ch eflrFI were given for him and the party of which he is a m ember.

By Telegraph. - --:>--

JL\J.It'AX~~[ny ~3.-The miners' strikes continuo nnd owners nro preparin~ to employ outsiders.

The French toimst!Y being de· feated has resig ned. The m inistry l'efuaed permission t o servants of the State to join Trade U nions, nnd hence-their d (.'feat .

The Queen has knighted Isn~c Pitman, the sh ort-hantl inventor, 11nd Geotge Williams, the founder of ChriStian Associntionl!.

Bryce ·auceeds Mundell nns Presi­dent of the Board of 'l'rnde.

:MAY 24.- The French crisis con­tinues. Combinatio,ns ofth~ Minis· try, ill'Cludiag. Dupuy nnd Bour­geoiae, have been attempted.

A diRsolut.ion of the BritiBh Bouse of Commons is expecte~ in July.

The Pamellites oppose cCar-thy'a·auppori-of th·e Government.

• A reign of terror and c onfusio n in Servfa.. ' •

MAY 25.-The British warship" B~and 7brlar are iri Boston, and were. aiYen a warm ' reception.

. .BoHberJ: eays that the Welsh · Diuatablilbment. Bill w111 08.81 be­

. fore the election-. ~e GoYemment ~ority wu 40 on the Budget yee •

n:~~y declines Ule Premiinbip of Frace; the crllit continues.

A mow norm in ~JJ&iD.



THF: PULP FA CTORY. Local and oth~r Items.· I -Yeet.erday (Corput Chris.ti) ~&;II ob· J -~CIIIln. w. Boyle, Eli DI\WC, J. A. FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. . -"'·"'~-''"'''-~".~"''~.. ... aecved ~.Y. our Jt_o~an Cllthohc Ci tizens 1 Robwson,. A. H. Scym~ur, J . F. Muon, __ .

ln last issue we published a letter from a Lisbon 'Falls, Maine, cw·· reApondcnt on the s ubject o f tne l'roposed opening up of a wood pulp fnctory in Placentia Day. The letter was interesting to our people; it showed that we h:we to look to outside sources for news of matters that directly concern "'s, and which would naturally he ex­pected to be known homo first. A couple of yenrs ago, Yfe know that effort.s to start a pulp fac to ry in 'Placentia Bay were made and that there was every prospect of such being' opened up s uccessfully, but some laxitY on the part o f eome of the interes'ted parties in this coun­try the project fell through. The factory now propo!ed to be opened up i!i no doubt a new start of· the snmo company, nnd we cnn bu t wi1h it n more succ·essful ln unch than its fir:St attempt. The s tarting of such am industry means incrc1\S· ed c mplo.'•ment to our people, which unfortunately they now greatly lack. anti if for no other reason the Com pany s h oult..l ),c g iven c,·ery pos iblc concession , so that the undertaking will he nble to be cnrrietl on as succe~sfu l · ly r.s po:;:;il)l c for th~ . cnpitali ~t s who have pl:\ccJ thcir4.moncy 111 the busi nes:;.

n the c:ccontl page. Ia t issue. we republ ish ed :m nrtic le on the same ~ubjcct. Tt was takoo from ·' the T 1westor's G uidc." nn Eng! i:!h publication whose mis~ion is e\'i· dcntlv to protect i1wc~lors in thi:-~ and oth er business scheme,;. 'rhc obj ect of the periodicnl is no do ubt a JCSt nnd proper one. h ut to ntnny of t he . tntcllleUl:! \Hietl in the nrticlc in ques tion we 111\ISL take exception. Among other slntc· mcnts it says: ' 'During the winter \Yith a tempcrnturo ranging from freezing pqmt to 30 below zero, in calm weather it is impossible to pre\·cnt obstruction. and anyone 1\Cquai~tcd with the North Atlantic in th e early spring months kno"s !hat the coas t., fro m St. John's to ncnrly as fnrsouth nsHnlifax, Nova Scotia, is ofte n bl qck ed for ,·cry considerable periods of time by a confused " lo lly " of field and berg ice," thnt ' ' the people are totnlly unuBed · to manufactories. They nrc habituated to, nnd prefer, a sea· faring life, which indeed , syste111· nticallv carried out, will give n higher· net return to each man's labour than would be paid to- the employee of a ~orweginn ,PUI p mill. In the spring there is the herring fishing which is not compl eted \Yhen the cod fishing on the Ranks begins, and the advent of \vintcr hns no sooner put a stop to this thnn carne~t prepnrations for the ,·aluublennd lucrativesealfishery."

Our read ers will ag ree with us when we say that the~e tatements arc very disingenuott!l or made t.h rough 'ignorance of the true fac ts. As a matter of fact, the temperature never or very seldom goes belmY 15° below zero ; that the outside coast is never so blocked as stnted by the \nite r, except in very rare cases, for it is seldom that mail and passenger boats nre .Prevented by ice from making the1T regular tri ps to St. John't:, and when they are so prevented the obstructions are not found on the southern but on the eastern coast ; our peo·· pie m a ke first-clnss operatives, fully ns good fornll kinds of work as -the men who can be b rought down from the Provinces, and uecd only limited instruction to becom e the equals of any that can be had ; to a certain deg ree they are habituated to a sea·farin~ life, but this is not a matter of ch otec but rath•el' of ne­cessity-they can get profitable employ m ent n~nothing else, nnd make but poor wages nt the fish ­eri('S i nnd with r egard to t hoir cm­ployrr.('nt nt the h erring, bank nncl I ucrative senl fish eries-nil do not en~n~e in the h erring fishery, but a lmuted number go to the Bank fishery, and it is n question if their nrc n do£en men in Placentia Bay who regularly engage in the lu-i;l'(rljre sent fishery. ·

The writer of the a rticle is evi­dently greatly misinformed on the matter which he attempts to show up in its true light, and his object is to endeavor to throw cold wnter on the establishment of a pufp fac-' tory in Newfoundland. There is nmple room notfor one factory, buL for many, and the sooner such are opened u~, the sooner will our s ur­plus population find profitable em· ployment apart from the fisheries. We do no~ cry down our fisheries or fishermen, but·there are plenty of men only waiUnJ an opportunity to engase in other beside fisn­ery~ work.

We again wish the Company aueceu and have not the least doubt but that the und~rtaking will · prove u yrofl&able to the fo­vetton u l& wll ~ our. people.

WORLD'S COLUJOIAlfBXPOIITIO• uaboliday.TbuuamovRblofeast-day, I 'Mrs. Robmeon, and ~haa Munn, were T.h D llinwH , Will be of \•alue to 'be world by illuat- and ia always o~a~r\'ed on the firaL niiiOllg t.ho pauengers by t.o-<lay'a train. at Jelllll&. onse and Pre1011es rating the improvements in ~be mechan- ~ 'l'buraday aft.er Trtnu.y. I .. . ~--, . . . . . ical arts and eminen~ h aiciana will --. - . . ;:-~hutsl: :\~~-'Ih~ barquenttoc 11tuate on tho aouth au.lc of\\ ater St., tell you thnt the progrJ.{n medicinal . -The latelt news w pohltca~ mAttera 1 ~\ llham, Cap.t . fi~o.rd, sa lied t.lua mom· Harbor Grace, the property of Jeremiah agents. haa been of equal importance, 11 that. the Government. camhd11.te for wg, for Br:ml, wtth a full load of cod· Pumt>hroy of London, Ontario; at. p~e­and as a atren theoing laxative that. , Bay-dc-Verd~, Mr. J. B. !-yre, elect.e~ fish. l eent. Ill the occupAn<'y of .Mr. Dame! :.iyrup of :Figs ~~ far in advance of all . O!!lY on W~neaday lut., lS to be pet..i· The ach~ner Cad'YIIIader Jonca, Capt. Pumphrey. ror particulars apply to llt.herll

1 tton~ agamat. o~ the gl'Ot!nd.a t!laL ~aa J~nrs, . nm~ed th1a mormng from WrLLt,u t PuMt'fiREY, Agent,

· ___ eleotto~ waa ~·~~ by whmldat.l«?n F1guer1a, w1th enlL cargo to .Meaars. Barnc• Ro11d, St. John's. -The S.S. Maruca Arrived atSlJobn'a 11nd lmbory. lhu ia Lhc JR.teat on d1t.. John Munn & Co.. · or to Wooo « J\Et.L\:OSoliciton,

r H rr 'l' d . H I -- --- Duckworth SL St J ubn'a rom a i 11 ~ ~ea .•Y mommg. er I -A clcapatch to the Daily News, Tilt -Some codfish wcro taken by boats May 25. ., · • ~asae!'gen ~ere .-CAp~. Card, MNars. Cove May 23 sllye tho ice hlocluu.le Lilia morning nncl were sold tcKlny i11 •carhn,Kerr. Co~nor, Savage, A. Connnr ' condnuee '1\'it.h atrolg north·east winda. town. Tb ia is Lhc firs t lot of any size Bn~ Homer Ely, Mn. Bret'ae and Co.ur : The Gmnd l.ako is jnrnml'd betw('en thnt hAs been soh.! here. The lint. Cheap Shl·ng leS cl~tltlren, for Harbor Grace, an~ Mill LitUe Bay l&land aml Gull Hock. There anlmon for the season .was aold here this • \\.alker. Capt.. (!raaboof and Mtaa.Jdc· l are maila on bonnl for us. A largo morning. It was cnught. at. Bryant.'a -o­Kmnon are t.rnna1t paascngera Co.r Ltver· • foreign steamer, supposed to ho the Co\'('. pOll I. She had a long and rough pAIIage. Austerlitz, from EnglBnd, bound here,

The undersigned,hnving receind --- the agency of a ~lill P roprietor, is

· . ---- . ia jammed in the icc 1\bouL twcnl.y miles -A ) o:tn'· mtu\ of the Clty w~ .re- eut. of Tilt. Cove Icebergs arc numcr·

cenlly . finc<l m co~ul. the~ for ~ilhog . ouaaround h<'re.' bl~ckbirds or English robins. ~Its cer· , This is the &tenmrr ill senrch of which t~tnly crn.cl _fQr any ouc to lull these tl 0 s. s. Vlln 1 nnl wn nbou~ to 11e de· ltanld.nlo thus tu.no ohhc Y.enr when they

1 llched on ~.', lnt> In~· J,1 t

tLrc c1Lhcr !liRtlllg or _nestlng. Boys. a~e !11111 c_1 _


11 •

pro''~ to k1ll them '~'1lh atones, b.uL 1~ us : -LEl-'1' 1-·on TilE Cln·.-A l:trgo 1111111. achlom thnL n. mnn 18 ~nfwn Lo ht hun· ber of politicinns lcfL tnwn loy lrtl in self out to shoot such bir• a. I Thur,day morning, nml vroiJaLly i ~ hns

-Lox<; ~Ln- SuE l .ln: ,_ y terday never he en t.bo task of conductor Lt<l<ly h ., i 1. . 1 " 1 es f H ' to take hence such 1111 nu~w~t lu:xly of

t o.- 4t I~ ny, " ~~ tte. nata! ( ay o -~ er ' public m <'n. Anl<lll).: tloo pnrty were: ~~llJt'llly Qurcn \ ICl~rt:l, ~c~ng h t>r loth : tiir W. Y. Whilt'WII\' an<l h i~ licuL<·nnnt l>arthdny. ( .. 11cen \ 1.ctor11\ is the ruler l -Hon. H. Uond, ·l hln .. \ . u. ~! Min<', (,r tho grent1·~t. cmparo the world hos I H on. D. Mori~on, ~r,•t~sr;!. J. )[c(:rnth. ever Retn. 1\o hohday wos kepi. here, C 11 tcl 1·ngs C '(· <' ll"r• .1 ..; \\' > . 1-< tl 1 , f } \ . 1. • d f I • \l I 1 • •' ,1 (I ' ~1), , ~, I '" , ,

1e ous~nnnrc. o t iC tllJ uc1r g e err- I J. n. Ayre, ~ . T. )~ n ight. anol S~\'Cr:li etl nutal l:ttcr in .the Beason, allhouglf oth<'r prominent mrn. :\li,-:; ::\. ~hum at ~he pr.?s<'nL tlnte . . Lho dl!mandd 0 nnd Mias Quintin were nlso pnsaengers b.us i n.rs~ c•onld well ~~nord n olosc·tlown. by tl;e tra irl. (.cxl S:t\C tho Queen . Sir w. \'. \\'hil<'wnv :llld Jfon. H.

-- JJond atnycd nL \rhiLUOuruc lnst niJ;ht, A ~os .\t: F:S.\Jti.\S.-Ellen Dcnclly' a o.nd" went. on lOSt. Jo1hn'll ,,,. lo·day 's

V<'n · CJid W()llll\11 died hrre Tncsday lnsl. t rnin. · · ' he ,,., s !H yeara old, :mtl cnme to this u Ill' try !lomo W yr:u~ ngo from County Kerr,·, lrelnnd . Dura ng her long rc&a· chm<'o Ia ere she I i ,·cd i 11 n house on Lncly l'••llll R o.):.d. \ 'cry fow persons k11cw l11·r us she hns \)l:cn blilltl fO"l' t.hc p:~st 1.5 ,·es\ra: She lcn\·es one niece nnd two ~r:lndchildren. \ 'cry few of th.e old Jri11h stock nrc left now.

-IT WII.J. f'.\Y YOli to give Mr. lloll'a A<h· .. 11 Oltl St.ampa Wanted" your care­ful attention, ami hnnt up old at.ampa for him. l:lc nch·i•~• ua that. he pnid one party O\'Cr $-100 for aame. lie pay a from 5 cents to $50 apiece for them. Conault your inLereeU! Rnd pune ami realize good c:uh pric~s Cor your old alampa and those of•follr frienda. J.et. your children cnnvau the neighborhood after achool, and forwanl the atampa that ore. sure -to be found to him for. cneh ort~r.

-A ' 11 .\~I:F:.-W ith the end ing of the political contc:;t. i n H:ty·Je· \'erde, on \\'eclne!<day, n tt ~.•:-~ imb l e change coultl be ::ceiL ~\s the C\'Oning n•l\':tncc<l the wincl ,·ccrecl townrds the wc ' t point nnd in tho n ight h en,·y ruin fel l. Ycs te rclny. n tine breoz~ from the w~ilt w:m.l preyailcd :\tiel clenrccl' the harbor of the mass of icc which hnd so )o·ng blocked n il !'~:t tmflice. The sun s hone out hri~hth· so brigh tly that i t drew the wind rn ngnin from tl1e enRL in th e nfternuon. 'fo·dny the wind is from the N. \\' . qunrter. I

- DnOWr\ED AT .'\'DNEY.-A llle • sage rocei\'ed Tuesday eYening from Sydney, C. 13., to J. L'. O'Dwyer,

-- Esq., states that Capt. J ohn Rynn, -Ot,;T o~ ;ltJS ow:-; Bo~D·)~lr. of the schooner Hope. was drowned

Timothy Doyle, the man charged nt that place some time during the with assauHJ d.:c., nt Gull Island, day. Cn1.t . Ryan left b ere on Mny Bay-de-Verde District , appeared SLb for Sydney, whore he intended yesterday before the Harbor Grace tnking a load of ·conls for 0 h nr­Di~trict Court. There being no loUetow'n, and then a cargo of pro­p~osecution, h~ was.allo'!ed out on duce to St. J ohn's. He wns mar­his own. recogm~~c~ until wanted. ried and ]eaves a. widow, re iding Th•Jre ts a posstbrhty of another in Bond Street. He was well known nction in this case. I here and quite popular. • 'trnuge

to say, two of his brothers nlso lost their lives by drowning. - A:>.'TJOOSISII C Ai"t.:£1' :-The Rt Rev:

A later messngc from Sydney co ncerning the denth ofCnpt. Ryan states, the Cnptain stumbled over n h eap of coals on the whnrf, falling into the water. Although rescued almost immed iately, life was ex­tinct. The verd ict given~ by the doctors wns dcnth froih ltenrt dis­ease.-Herald:

· -FnEr. o..- CII.\RGE.-Thc Rev. P. prepared to sell O'Orirn, of St. Palrick:t Deanrry, ·,yhoae DJVt1 pntcn~ dc"icc _for im'J>roving the con· PruBU. GOOD SliiNGLIS st ructiou c.f l!lllpa lana been ao auccess·l ful , h.111 rea«?l~""lto P<'rl!lit.. Newf~un~· · A T

l:u.Hl~lll, rtsh~lll~ ntul Lmhhng sh1ps 111 THE · LOWEST PRICES tlu~ 1sluwl w1tlun the uexL two ycnrs, I to use tho pntcn.L frc<: of chnrgc> .. 'J:he A. Hl'T IIEHFORD. r~\' 0 j::entleman 1$ dtl!troua or. nllowu~g I ~In y 25 t f. lata own countrymen to nmil of th1a ! ·· 1

i m pnrtnn L im pron:ment., ontl nil lh<'Y ==-=----=-:-:::============= rcttll irc is to obtnin written permission A Fortune tor yon m· Old Stamns. rr.illl him lo 118C it. J~ut.hrr O'Bri~n 11 1' hu11 olotainccl pntents for his in"·entio11 iu tl•c prin<'ipnl countries of thn world, and it IK .lrst1ncd to pro,·o of im•ue11so v:llu l.'.-llcmhl. ----- --

J,.\ TF. ~IAIJ.IT F. ~l ·.

.- L()S i tt l:-.", ~Iuy H.-A sprcia l tiC· spntch VJ the ' Timfs' from .l'n ris 8111' 8 1 hill the <'Ompromi~o dli:cted b(•twecn ~(. Eitl't•l anti the li ttll idu tor of the l'ur111· tllll Conal l'omp:uty, h:.s lu•en l<'gnlly s:\llctioned. Eilli:l ~ n~ngcd, i t' 11 new <'Oillpany is forrnCII, to inn· t lil·c nti !· lh·ll!! fra nr :~ itt it , :11111 tn IIC'C<') ·t !.otto ry loond-. <•f tlw ohl l·omp:w y at J:!(i fniiiC<I

<':1\:h in bclllelll('nt Of h is Ch1inas for work < xecutt d. 1f 1\ IIC\\' <'Olllf·RilY is tl(oL formed, he v.·ifl J)IIY lho million friiiiCS (()1\'onJS the winding up of Lho 1Jhl co111pauy ontl will nLnk ns R creditor for tho uills gh·rn him (In nccouut. of work done IJy him.

It will pny Y•.m ll) look' tlari•ugh your ohl Jettrrs atlll til• sc \If ,·our friends, in ollicu•, lll•,rrs, ~> torcruinns, gnrrcts

1 t runkR, lil<'s, r tc., · 1111 1 b11y any olu stnur11~. unolpoy llij.:hcst cneh prices for l!:lttiC Ill nny ljllllltllty. l do lllot wnut.l, 2 or a cent ~>Lanq~'l lhnt or used to-day, Ket•p ull yr.u fiud on th · old cuvclopea. if ~·ou con ond t~cnd thc111 to me by re­gi::;tcrctl mail or <'Xpr. Sll, c.o.d., ifJt•sired nml I will nl one<' sulonait n cush ofl'tr. l'u.1· liS hi~:h liS $:!.i u111l (IY<'r for ccrh,in stump:~. · \\'i ll :tii!O IJtty 11ld Uevenue &tamps and l!. . Columi.Jia.na, and old Untmdinn aml U. :>. Coinl!, Mounts ami 'fokctlll.

\\'. KEI • . E Y H.\T.I., St:unp nut! t.:oin Broker.

J'ctcrl!orough, Ont.


J ust received and no w landing another lot of those "'hoicc Seed Cornwnllis Potntoes.


May 17, 1894.

Public Noticel

- J..(osno:-.-, MtiY 1!?.-Homc Secretnry Aaqnith hns poaitivt>ly refused to orJcr the rl!lensc of Mrs. Mnybrick, who is srn·ia•g a\ life sentence in Woking pruon for murdering her huabnnd, or cvrn to reopen her cnse for the purpose r f the gi nng of new cv ic.lence. Mr. Asquith hils JtOBitively rcfuaed to rx"aNinc the sigurra of the ae\'t'n nffidnvita ntt~aling tht-ir pE:rsonal knowlcd~c thnt Mr. MAy­hrick Will addicted to the usc of mor· phine nnd arsenic. The sign en of these nffida\'its will alL<'nl}lt. to ntisc tho qnea· tio11 in porliam<'nl.

-- .._ T etiders will he recci\'ed nt this -~VASHt.saros, M~ty 13.-Secretary Office, until THUru 'DA Y, the 31st

Carhsle bas anbounced that. he baa . 'May inst for a s uitaJie ngrccd to fix the limit of tho aeal catch I · 1

., •

of the Prihylotr ielanda for the preaest . Stea-rt.. Vessel season, unde.r contract with the NorLh ... AmericAn Commerciol company, at 7,500, nnd in tho ciacretion of the to ply along the coast of Labrador United Stnt('a OJCnL on the ialands to for a bout four months, making say increase the limit not exce.edin&' 20,000 1 seven round trips. All parlicUlara for the season, orovi~c.d 10 tb~ judg· of Service cnn be obtained at this !u~nt of ogcnt auch toercallc wtU not Oflicc. · l!"Jt:re the aeal herda •. Secretary. Ca~ 1 V~ssel t o call at Harbor Grace on nalu aleo fixed tho\priCe to be pa1d by . the company to ~bb United StaLN for h er way to Labrador. ServiCe to Fox islnnds at. f5 cacb for tho but and · commence.Thursday, 5th July. $4 Cllch Cor all others. Government do not biud them-

--- selves to accept the lowest or any -J.ord Roeebcry'a colt winning in tender.

the 2,000 cuin'eaa, nt. the Newmarket., A. B. :MORINE, Acting Col. &cy.

R. McDonuld, D. D., Diahop of Harbor Gmct', who arrived in Halifax from Newfoundland on Aiondo.y, paid a viait to Bishop Cameron on Tuesday, anti rctnrneu to Haliru on Wedneaday. His Lordship appears to be in e.xcellent. heAlth. His coming to Nova Scotia, u t\leo tho presence in the prodnce of Mgr. Howle1. Vicar Apostolic of St.. George's, i• underdentoOO to bu in con· ncction with Lhe app<?intment or a auc· ce1111or to the late B1aliop l'ower, of St.

hns ro,·i vrd the old ator)'tlhout. hie lord· ship'• three ambitions tn lire, to marry the rieheat. womtln of England, to bc­

John's. - T HE'PORT·AU·PonT AsnESTOS Co.- como premier, and to win tho Derby. --- Tho following are the directon .of the '!he first he accomplished in 1878 by

Secy's Office, May 8, 1894. ·

-Cnnl\da is hardly clear of o ne Port·au·Port. Aabeetoe Co:--: marcying the daughter of. Baron Roths· scnnrlal thnn another is started up. James R. Hayse. Prraident; Colin child, but he ia now· • widower. The Tho nenitentiarv scandal is the Campbell, V_ice·Preaid<'nL ; Jamt>s P. second he accompliahed a few montha

1 t ~ h 1. • th •

1 . Bowley, F. G. S.; 'fhoe. Long, E : W. ngo, but i1. haa brought. him no end of

ates m t nt me, e trregu an· BenneU, Campbell ?tfacPh('rson, Ueo. anxiety, very little pleasure, and the ties being connected with Govern- E. Bearns. . pr011pcct. is by no means btighL. The m('nt . prisons in J<in,gston and lt!r. HAyra has lately nrftved nt Drrh)' ,·lctory may well follow tho New· New W estmins ter, 0 B. c. Short S.andy Pl)int, lhy s~ Georgr, l rom n lllllrket eucce~, Lut. if the orelnierahip credits, ptOd\:lcts and money not ac- \'isit. to the Cflnnditm asbestos mines, be loet, as i11t·ot unlik('ly, h. woulc.laeem counted fo1·, missing sheets of ac- where he h oe Lceu for the purpose of l•rouaLle thnL his lonlship, though ob· count boob, &c., ate the principal getting information to help him in ta ining·t ho three ohjecte <Jf Ia is yo•tLh·

working tho comp11ny's asbeatoll orcas fulamuition, may ye1o luwe coriaidern&lc items in the oho.rges against the during t.he summer. .. . aympnlby with Sclomon when he wrote,

F O'R S~LE! Chamber's Cyelo pedin (10 vol­

umes), will be sold at a bargain. A pply at· the STA~OARD OFFICE.

FOR SALE ! A HEHRTNl.;. ~EINE nn<l a lot

of other T•'ishing Gear. \\'ill he Sold Cheap.

~. FITZGERAI.D. b eads of these departments . We leam that much valurlble infor· 11 ltll is vanity." ---- . mat.ion bRa been acquir('d hy Mr. H ayes --- ll.ay lG, tf.

- A S£Rlous ACCIDF-"'T.- A ead acci- and that he fet>la Mnguino nf auccru, -The Montrenl Committee of the ====-===== ====== dent. occurr,.d a~ Long Pond, Kelligrewa, as the aebt>st08 nppt·nrs equnlly osgood Metlical Miui:m (or the LnLnulor coRat. . 0 H r1Md Th d Old St Tueedny. LAwrenCA Noseworthy and 11\8 llbe Cnnadinn; IIIl i I tho surfllCC in· lll i.!L on Saturdny, W~Lh t.he }ifC6i~cnt. Sir ne nnw (j on~~n amvs his fnthc;>r·in·IAW, Ridout. were trontin« diCtltiona arc much l'noro numerous. Donald A. Soulh, ill t.ho chntr. 'L'hc ' . ~ . ,. nt. t.hot place. 'fboy lighted a fire to ltfr. Hnyes hBs en).!Rged the senicca members . wa::re informed that through or N~wfou,IClluntl, ?\ew Brunawtek, N.o''A boilepme wAter, and Noseworthy pull· of a comp,•tent. miner, nod intends the liberality ol Sir Donnld the ateom Scollo, P. E. leland~ CAnada and Umted etl ou l. of his pocket. accidentallr, a box giving the summer operntions his per· "'t'ACht " Dahuula " had beet: p~trchnecd S~ntrs want.ed , u~e.d or un~sed, for "~ich contnining- dynamite cat~B, wh1ch fell ~anal su}l('n ision.-Dnily News. from the utatQ of tho h1L0 Sir John haglwst . Cush 1 r1ces "111 be patd.-in t~e fin mrs. He immedtat.ely thought ---- Abbott for presentnlion to tho mi88ion Stamps lll ueo tcrd~y 11?t bought. Keep to .rescue them from the place, but. on --.The schr. I..othier, Capt. Denn, ar· with which the lectures of Dr. Grenfell tho used onn you hnll, so far aa poeat-bl.'lng removed.thoy exploded,·ahatter- rived at. Carbone1u this mcJrning from has maclo the people of ~iontreal eo blc, on the old cn,·elopcal na you find inJt his h11nd in n fcorful manner. .He Barbadoe. She hu a cargo of molaarra well ncqul}intcd. 'l'ho " Dahinda , is them. Senrch cnrcfully tln:ongh all old was. ~om·eycd to town and to h.oeptt.al 1 for her owner-Hon. John Rorke. SO feet long, l.J feet beam and dran·s six papcra,C"trl'spondcncc,&c., m. old deab, aa qmckly ns poeaible, and tho dunbled j -Th o Trinity sch ooner Mnrian fee~ rdx inches of water. The IJ(Iiler aud dm.wen, boxes and trun\a, tn garrets, hand w~a ampn~t.ed bet.w~en the elbow was abandoned nenr Pouch • vo machinery will be O\•erhauled nml put Mt.1ca, vaults, otflcca, and etorea, and and "'rte~. He aa to-day tn a very low d

1 1 d 1 b in thorough · onler under the direclion send me w~at. you fin~, for cash offer. condition, owing to loea of blood, and an wa8 subsequent Y lOar Cl Y of Mr. Wnnklyn, of the G. T. R., nnd ~nd ~y regtstered, maal orexpreu, c.o.d. gmvo fears Rrc entert.'lined of his re- I n crew from the shore. LRter on n when fioiahed will he a moat. valuable tf deatred. \\.KELSEY .HALL, covery.-Hc>rald. I tug from St. John's WAR given pos- present. • Stamp and Coin Broker.

-- 11eesion of her by the Pouch Co"'e j liUJlB · PET.ERIJOROUGH, ONT. -Tl1o following extmc,L refen to the me n, and ~rbitrntors gnve them At Whitboume, Mi.y IGth, the wife llnylSlm

.Rov. Jabe:z 1\loore, o! ~rboneart who t265 for thelT work. of Philip B. Moore (accountanlo), of a j ============== Jaboure~ fnr ~""?year 1m the Rea Bay - The S. S. Lady Glo\·er Wl\8 daughter. KERRY D • Q tt·l Met.hodiat Mtaaton:-Mr. Moorepreacb· 1 d k d 1 }' d 8 1ry 8 8 ed his farewell sermon on S.t.urday party oc e on t l O 8 t p yesle r ay I MAUIBI); . r d B d f A . lt Wo ce~l sorry to loae blm from ib~ and the damage to her rudder:pin- At the Parochial RHiden~. \Vl,it- as supp •eSt Johr, 0NOdgncu ure, Nowt"tto charge. Bla labora bcre and · tels, &C., made good. he was let ' bourne on \Vfdne.day evenin(, by ~v. · · o D s, · ·~ tbe Boweemom and Midland ap- ofr Af.&in lnet evening. ·I P.W. Browne, brotherof&hebrtde,asstat- . They are very hard¥, docile and point.m~l• baa been aat.Wactorily per- -1he 8.8. 'poUno, 544 tons Capt . Lo- ed by Re•. M.J. Ryan, D. Ph., brother rich mil ken. . formed. · A• a putor he wu alway• chanctt, auedup theBay \Vedn.eaday. t ofthegroom,Albert.J.Ryanloft.hoN.N. ALSo, . found where duLy called. A• a fdeild Sbe la bound for Salmon Cove, and baa and W • Railway SU'!z. to Della, eldt'tt. be wa• true. A lap number . hue ~ CUIO of floor &o., ror E. Kennedy, daughter of Thorn.•• .asrowne. F.aq., late Englleh DON KEYS,· been brouaht lDto &be church here &q. of t.bat. place. o;:;r:::Oa::;;:;rbo:=n::ea:=r.=:r.;:;;;;=:===== tbrouah bla inlt.rumeu&allt.y. He -The &rf11gblrd, A. Noel ma•ter, JWW. 1<& to 15 bands high, and leave. many warm-beut.ed Crieiida bel'e hence for l'lower'• Con, aalle4 Thura· On Tue.day 1111-, Mn. Ellen Deoehy1 SHETLAND PONIES, .

hOM bftt. wlabel ucl praJti'IIO with day111orainr. a native of Coun&.y Kerry, Ireland, agcu him to bla aew fteld ·~ labOr. llr. I -Tbe eolir. Ro.e of Torrid~, CapL 91 ycan.- R.I.P. · 9 to 10 bands high. Moore Ia DOW at Pemblua ill Nort.h• ~·rald,.Ued Tbunday momtng, for At. St.. John'•, on 20th inat, of con· DakoCa." Bg m&DJ frifiMII wW be ~ wft.b a ~ of aeal oil, codfiab, •umption. Naomi .Noel, &led 28 yeara ; ROBERTSON & CO., Exporten, pJeaMCI to b-.r olbll aaOC*IIaloaper 1 & ir. <:1 B . BebneU went. JIUI8DJtr a aai.i\'e of Harbor Graoe; she leavu a Woking~,~urrey, England. iiDce be left bla home. bJ b~. molb'!r to meum ber tad 1~ J~b. 1866. )M.,y818iw ·


