Siklus Hidup – Pemicu 1 Hendry FK UNTAR 13'102



Ppt Mahasiswa FK UNTAR angkatan 2013 pada Blok Siklus Hidup tentang Embriogenesis, Neurulation, Gastrulation, dan Tumbuh Kembang Anak

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Siklus Hidup Pemicu 1

Siklus Hidup Pemicu 1Hendry Agustian405130102FK UNTAR

LO ITahapan pertumbuhan janin(Embriogenesis)Gametogenesis


Fungsi EstrogenIt causes the uterine endometrium to begin its proliferation and to become enriched with blood vessels.It causes the cervical mucus to thin, thereby permitting sperm to enter the inner portions of the reproductive tract.It causes an increase in the number of FSH receptors on the granulosa cells of the mature follicles (Kammerman and Ross 1975) while causing the pituitary to lower its FSH production. It also stimulates the granulosa cells to secrete the peptide hormone inhibin, which also suppresses pituitary FSH secretion (Rivier et al. 1986;Woodruff et al. 1988).At low concentrations, it inhibits LH production, but at high concentrations, it stimulates it.At very high concentrations and over long durations, estrogen interacts with the hypothalamus, causing it to secrete gonadotropin-releasing factor.

Ovum Zygote Morula (32-cells) Blastocyst Hatching Adplantation Implantation

1. Pellucid zone2. Trophoblast (outer cell mass)3. Hypoblast (part of the inner cell mass)4. Blastocyst cavity5. Epiblast (part of the inner cell mass)Blastocoel blastocyst cavity+ Amniotic cavity between epiblastsAdplantation initial phase of implantation



Trophoblast cell (syncytiotrophoblast) will secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 6 days after fertilizationTrophoblast cells Syncytiotrophoblast & CytotrophoblasthCG can be detected by 14 days of pregnancy or 28 days LMP (Late Mens Period)

Thechorionic villiemerge from the chorion, invade theendometrium, and allow transfer of nutrients from maternal blood to fetal blood.The chorionic villi are at first small and non-vascular, and consist of the trophoblast only, but they increase in size and ramify, whereas the mesoderm, carrying branches of theumbilical vessels, grows into them, and, in this way, arevascularized.

Thefunctionof theallantoisis to collect liquid waste from the embryo, as well as to exchange gases used by the embryo &earlybloodformationThe allantois becomes the urachus which connects the fetal bladder to the yolk sac. Theurachusremoves nitrogenous waste from the fetal bladder.[2]The allantois is vestigialand may regress, yet the homologous blood vessels persist as the umbilical arteries and veins connecting the embryo with the placenta.11

Exocoelomic membrane = Hausers MembraneExocoelomic cavity = Primary/Primitive yolk sacCytotrophoblast = Layer of Langhans12

Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm & splanchnic mesodermExtraembryonic somatic mesoderm + trophoblast = Chorion13

am.- amniotic cavityb.c.- blood clot, at the site of initial implantationb.s.- body-stalk, or connective stalk later forming the placental cord region with placental blood vesselsect.- embryonic ectoderm that will contribute to embryonic and placental membrane developmentent.- entoderm (endoderm), this was the historic term for what we today call endoderm that will contribute to embryo developmentmes.- mesoderm, consisting of both embryonic mesoderm (in the trilaminar embryonic disc) and extraembryonic mesoderm (outside the trilaminar embryonic disc)m.v.- maternal vessels, spiral arteries that have been opened at their endstr.- trophoblast, relative to the embryonic disc the outer syncitiotrophoblast and inner cytotrophoblast layers that will contribute to placental developmentu.e.- uterine epithelium, the epithelial layer that lines the unerusu.g.- uterine glands, the glands that secrete nutrients to support the initial growth both before and after implantationy.s.- yolk-sac, the endoderm lined and extraembryonic mesoderm covered cavity that will contribute to the gastrointestinal tract, blood and blood vessels

14Gastrulation1. Cut edge of amnion2. Primitive node3. Primitive streak

1. Prechordal plate2. Primitive node3. Primitive streak4. Cloacal membrane

1. Ectoderm2. Mesoderm3. Notochord4. Endoderm5. Prechordal plate6. Primitive node7. Allantois8. Primitive streak9. Caudal mesoderm10. Amnion11. Yolk sac cavityblastoderm contains three layers germ cell layers and the embryo is called the gastrulaGastrulation formation of three layer germ cells endo, ecto, mesoderm15

Prechordal plate = orophangeal membrane16

Summary of cell fates:Theepiblastcells form theectoblast, themesoblast(or chorda-mesoblast) and the intraembryonicendoblast.Thehypoblastcells give rise to the extraembryonic endoblast (the umbilical vesicle and the allantois).


Paraxial mesodermThey contain the precursor cells for the axial skeleton (sclerotome), the striated musculature of the neck, the trunk and the extremities (myotome), as well as those of the subcutaneous tissue and skin (dermatome). The somites are the prerequisites for metamerism. The segmental (metamere) partitioning of the spine, the neural tube, the trunk wall and the thorax (ribs) depends on the ordered arrangement of the somites.

Intermediate mesodermThis longitudinal, dorsally lying crest is called the urogenital crest and serves as the origin of the kidney and gonads. It forms cell masses in the neck and upper breast regions that exhibit a metamerism: thenephrotomes.In the more caudally lying regions it remainsunsegmentedand forms the so-callednephrogenic cord.

Lateral plate mesodermTheintraembryonic coelom(the coelom represents the future serous cavity of the trunk: peritoneal, pleural and pericardiac cavities).Thesomatopleure, which is close to the ectoderm, is involved in the formation of the lateral and ventral walls of the embryo.Thesplanchnopleure, which lies on the endoblast, takes part in the formation of the wall of the digestive tube.19Differentiation of EctodermThe central nervous systemThe peripheral nervous systemThe sensory epithelium of the ear, nose and eyeThe epidermis, hair and nailsThe subcutaneous, mammary and pituitary glandThe enamel of teethNeural crest cells give rise to the cells of ganglia and ensheathing cells of the peripheral nervous system, Pigment cells of the dermis, muscles, connective tissue and bone of the branchial arches, suprarenal medulla and meninges.

20Differentiation of MesodermParaxial mesoderm Somites 1. Myotome (future muscles) 2. Dermatome (future dermis) 3. Sclerotome (future vertebral column).2&3 are differentiated from dorsal wall of somites

Intermediate mesoderm nephrotomes cranially nephrogenic cord caudallyboth developing into the excretory units of kidneys, gonads, ducts and accessory glands.Mesoderm para aksial membentuk somitomer; yang membentuk mesenkim di kepala dan tersusun sebagai somit-somit di segmen oksipital dan kaudal. Somit membentuk miotom (jaringan otot), skeletom (tulang rawan dan sejati), dan dermatom (jaringan subkutan kulit), yang semuanya merupakan jaringan penunjang tubuh.21Lateral plate mesodermIntraembryonic coelom(future serous cavity of the trunk: peritoneal, pleural and pericardiac cavities).Somatopleure (+ ectoderm) The formation of the lateral and ventral walls of the embryo.Splanchnopleure (+ endoblast) The formation of the wall of the digestive tube.Lateral plate mesodermTheintraembryonic coelom(the coelom represents the future serous cavity of the trunk: peritoneal, pleural and pericardiac cavities).Thesomatopleure, which is close to the ectoderm, is involved in the formation of the lateral and ventral walls of the embryo.Thesplanchnopleure, which lies on the endoblast, takes part in the formation of the wall of the digestive tube.

The parietal mesoderm participates in the formation of the lateral and ventral body wall, while the visceral mesoderm participates in the formation of the gut. They also form the mesothelial lining of the serous membranes. Mesoderm juga membentuk sistem pembuluh, yaitu jantung, pembuluh nadi, pembuluh getah bening, dan semua sel darah dan sel getah bening. Di samping itu, ia membentuk sistem kemih-kelamin; ginjal, gonad, dan saluran-salurannya (tetapi tidak termasuk kandung kemih). Akhirnya limpa dan korteks adrenal juga merupakan turunan dari mesoderm.

22Differentiation of EndodermGastrointestinal system,Respiratory system,Urinary bladder and urethra,Tympanic cavity and auditory tube, andThe parenchyme of the tonsils, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, liver and pancreas.

Lapisan mudigah endoderm menghasilkan lapisan epitel saluran pencernaan, saluran pernafasan, dan kandung kemih. Lapisan ini juga membentuk parenkim tiroid, paratiroid, hati dan kelenjar pankreas. Akhirnya, lapisan epitel kavum timpani dan tuba eustachius juga berasal dari endoderm.

Cranio-caudal and lateral folding of the embryo causes the incorporation of the part of the yolk sac into the body cavity and the formation of a tube-like gut.23

Structures of the foregut are:EsophagusStomachDuodenum(proximal half)LiverGallbladderPancreasSpleen(Note that it is located in the foregut region, but is not a gut organ)

MidgutDuodenum(distalhalf of 2nd part, 3rd and 4th parts)JejunumIleumCecumAppendixAscending colonHepatic flexureof colonTransverse colon(proximaltwo-thirds)

Hindgutdistalthird of thetransverse colonand thesplenic flexure, thedescending colon,sigmoid colonandrectum.24

5th month mother may feel babys movement28Hormonal changes

Placental hormons

Notochord process31

LO IIFaktor faktor yang mempengaruhi janin & bayiPrenatalHormonal Mothers hormone & Fetals hormoneNon-hormonalMothers condition (physically, psychologically,economic)DietsExposure to chemicalsGeneticsMother and familys knowledgeCare providersGeographicEnvironmentMaternal Hypothyroidism IQMaternal & Fetal Hypothyroidism cretinism, with mental retardation, deaf-mutism and spasticity because of iodine defficiency

Estrogens too high resulting breast swelling on newbornsprogesterone is to inhibit the smooth muscle in theuterusfrom contracting, thus allowing the fetus to grow with the expanding uterus.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Maintains corpus luteumProgesterone & Estrogens Maintains endometrium of uterus Help prepare mammary glands for lactation Prepare mothers body for birth of babyHypertiriodisme

37postnatalGeneticsMother and familys knowledgeDietsCare providersGeographicEnvironmentFamilys condition (physically, psychologically, economic)

LO IIICiri ciri neonatus normal (refleks)Menurut (Pusdiknakes, 1993 : 69) adalah sebagai berikut :1. Berat badan 2500 4000 gram2. Panjang badan lahir 48 52 cm3. Lingkar dada 30 38 cm4. Lingkar kepala 33 35 cm5. Bunyi jantung dalam menit-menit pertama kira-kira 180x/menit kemudian menurun sampai 120 - 140x/menit.6. Pernafasan pada menit-menit pertama cepat kira-kira 80kali/menit, kemudian menurun setelah tenang kira-kira 40 kali/menit.7. Kulit kemerah-merahan dan licin karena jaringan subkutan cukup terbentuk dan diliputi vernix caseosa.8. Rambut lanugo telah tidak terlihat, rambut kepala biasanya telah sempurna. Kuku telah agak panjang dan lemas.10. Genetalia : Labia mayora sudah menutupi labia minora (), Testis sudah turun + scrotum ()11. Reflek isap dan menelan sudah terbentuk dengan baik12. Reflek moro sudah baik, bayi bila dikagetkan akan memperlihatkan gerakan seperti memeluk.13. Graff Reflek sudah baik, apabila diletakkan suatu benda diatas telapak tangan bayi akan menggenggam/adanya gerakan reflek.14. Eliminasi baik, urine dan mekonium akan keluar dalam 24 jam pertama, mekonium berwarna hitam kecoklatan.

Apgar Scoring

Maximum score 10 Nearly all babies score 8 10There is an excess of mortality and an increased risk of severe neurological morbidity in infants with total Apgar score