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for getting Bachelor Degree of Education
in English Department
(Andika Aprilia)
“Eat Failure, and you will know the taste of success”.
(Bayu Wardana)
1. My beloved parents, my mother Sri
Wahyuni and my father Marsidi,
2. My big families,
3. My beloved Desti,
6. All my friends in Department of English
Education 2012.
The purpose of this research was:1) analyzes the characteristics of the psychopath
The Cuckoos Calling (2013): Psychoanalytic Approach 2) analyze the
psychopathic brother and 3) analyze how Roberth Galbraith's overcome the
psychopath who happened to a sister. This type of research is qualitative,
descriptive. In this study, researchers apply a Psychoanalytic theory of
Psychology approach i.e. by Sigmund Freud. The theory of Psychoanalytic
Theory by Sigmund Freud is used as a tool to analyze why and how the main
character becomes a psychopath. The results showed that a brother can become a
psychopath on the novel Roberth Galbraith's i.e. the unbalanced force to control
the nature and duration of the psychopath, acts of repression, the character
oppressor was intense and proactive, and deliberate action to harm other people.
Oppression of sisters depicted in the novel Roberth Galbraith's The Cuckoos
Calling in the form of physical oppression, suppression of verbal (words), and
social oppression. Roberth Galbraith's way of overcoming oppression happens to
him through six main principles analyzed the psychology of the individual that is
feeling inferior, struggle to grab the superiority, lifestyle, social interest, creative
force, and finalism fictional.
Calling (2013):Psychoanalitic Approach 2) menganalisis kakak yang psikopat
dan 3) menganalisis cara Roberth Galbraith’s mengatasi psikopat yang terjadi
pada seorang kakak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam
penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan pendekatan psikologi yaitu Teori
Psychoanalytic oleh Sigmund Freud. Teori Teori Psychoanalytic oleh Sigmund
Freud digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis mengapa dan bagaimana tokoh
utama menjadi psychopath. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seorang kakak
pun bisa menjadi seorang psychopath pada novel Roberth Galbraith’s yaitu
kekuatan yang tidak seimbang mengontrol sifat psychopath, tindakan dan durasi
penindasan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, karakter penindas yang intens dan
proaktif, serta kesengajaan untuk mencelakakan orang lain. Penindasan terhadap
adik-adiknya yang digambarkan dalam novel Roberth Galbraith’s The Cuckoos
Calling berupa penindasan fisik, penindasan verbal (kata-kata), dan penindasan
sosial. Cara Roberth Galbraith’s mengatasi penindasan yang terjadi pada dirinya
dianalisis melalui enam prinsip utama psikologi individu yaitu perasaan inferior,
perjuangan meraih superioritas, gaya hidup, ketertarikan sosial, kekuatan kreatif,
dan finalisme fiksional.
Alhamdulillahhirabbil’alamin. All praises belong to Allah SWT to His
blessings given to the researcher, so she can completed her research paper entitled
Many people helped the researcher in doing this research. The researcher would
like to give the deepest appreciation and gratitude to them in the following list:
1. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum., the Dean of School of Teacher
Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
2. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D., the Chief of Department of English Education,
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
3. Dewi Candraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Phil. Dr., the consultant who has
supported and gave the researcher guidance patiently to do this research by
giving the best advice and suggestions, so the researcher can enrich her
knowledge about literature.
4. All lecturers of Department of English Education who have become such great
educators and for giving precious knowledge to the researcher.
5. To his parents especially my beloved mom, Sri Wahyuni who always support
me during study in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and my father
Marsidi who always give me motivation to be better person.
6. To his Uncle, Kamto always give me inspiration to be successful person.
F. Research Method ............................................................... 9
CHAPTER II UNDERLYING THEORY................................................... .... 13
B. Notion of Psychopath ........................................................ 15
C. Characteristic of Psychopath ............................................. 16
3. Superficiality ............................................................... 17
4. Grandiosity .................................................................. 17
5. Irresponsibility ............................................................ 18
8. Lacking Goals ............................................................. 19
9. Compulsive Lying ....................................................... 19
D. Structural Elements of Fiction .......................................... 21
1. Character ..................................................................... 21
2. Plot .............................................................................. 21
3. Setting ......................................................................... 22
5. Theme .......................................................................... 23
6. Style ............................................................................. 24
A. Structural Elements of the Novel ...................................... 28
1. Character and Characterization ................................... 28
5. Themes ........................................................................ 43
6. Discussion ................................................................... 44
C. Data Source ....................................................................... 45
CHAPTER IV CLOSSING ............................................................................. 47
