Press NeiDSpdper Vol. No. 9. ^orwegiansBue for Peace With...


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A n Associated " ' Press NeiDSpdper T H E TW IN FALLS NEW S

I Vol. 23, No. 9. OmClAL COONTT T W IN FALL*?. ID A H O , S A T U R D A Y M O ilN lN G . ? IA Y •!. in id K AlIDtT IIUKEAU Pricc Five Cents

■^orwegiansBue for Peace With ichTHREE MEIi BODIES FOUND

W CMSC leveland’s ‘M ad Butcher*

S u sp c c te d of New S lay -_ _ _ Ings B ro u n ht to Lig h t in

P itts b u rg h S w itch Y ards(Dy Tlin An-wtalefl.Prei.O

P IT T S B U R G H . M ay 3 — H Prtdloss bo d ies o l Ih rc c 'm cn , w ith th e w o rd " N a z i” c n rvcd

— o n -th o -c h c f i t -o £ -o n f t* in - l i i In ch le tte rs , w ere lo u n d to d a y in box c n rs nnslRned to th e s c ra p h e a p a t t h e PU L sburgh a n d L ak e E r ie 'rn l lro .n d y a rd s In n e a rb y S tow e tow nsh ip .

'A u th o r lt le .s ndvnnccd i (l)rory tlif Uircp were vlcUms of Uin •'inacl hiilrlirr ot Klnusbury riiii.“ blniDf^ for 12 torro slnylnK* In

. cicvflimd, bp<rnll^e or Uic MmlMr- liy ' of tlir ••biilclicr'.^" work. T»-o of Uiff IxxllM lind 'bocn dLwcWd ulUi Ibr (Icxlcrlly of n kUrRpon. a butclirr.

Drputy Cnronrr Antliony S.ippo »nld. howovcr. Uip.'Tnnd bulclirr"

• nnfllc wn« ■’confiuwl" -by Uio dU- covfo' of tlie word '‘NiuJ" and a rcjxirt tlinl Uir box cnni Imd been on ft YoiinK-ilottn. O,. sldlns for

•ytftr before U^py w tre slilppcd W Siniihcrs, O.. April 10 luid on to Plttsbun;h U-o dttj-s IiHcr. He ndd-

''Tlie word N ad Indlcftte.i a poMl- blllly there miRht be ^ome secret so«lCl.y. opporc^l tp Ui8 Km Is. con- nected »JUi the ca.iB. Tlial'* *p« - nlaUon. nf roiir.«. u id only InrciU- O tlo n wUl l«U."

All of the bodlM, appitrcnUy those of :inen from 30 (o 40 rears old. wer#,JiU(J8 ond there were no clues t* fc f‘nilRhl lend to Uiclr Idf-nlity except' Mmo pnper bssii and a y<nji)pila»’n nca-spaper dated Dec.,

Rccortls Fall Before Rural School Athletes

• W............... , . , r and blood «t«ins'rJjswed. C oiw cr P ; J . Ilenney a id . th« third Wan m l^ it have been lUUttIn»!l.JoJ.iflcar. 'He. added: ..

•There Is AufflCieiit blood around to indlcaU tlmt. And could hAve bftppencd hi December. iCiortly a fte r tha t paper u iii printed.'

Other MllmnlM of the tlm« tjf the deuUis mngcd from six week.i to tfl-o montJu.

171 S3 irmtS~from New CaJtle, Pa., nenr u-Jiere the hend- ]p.« botjy of a youni! mtw wa* founil iM t Octoher nnd elRht o thrr bodlrn

Whisker,s Growing Leails lo Clashes

. PAMPA,-Tflx.rJkIay-a-«>>---- Someof Pmnpa's Rcntlm rn are Krowlnc beards for the celrbrntlon ot Ihp 400th nnnlveruvrj' of the trek nf Coronado, thn Spnnlsh conqiibla- dor. acro-u tlie xouthwest.

some nrr not.Tlw -bewtiUkercd ones think Uw

nmoolh-faces nre Thrj-suirted dunklni them In thn loa-n t-ink.

This mnrte the *mooth-faces «n- sry . ITiey Atjirt«d catchlnR whU- kertn'os and dimklnR Uiem, too.

Non- the tank U full of one or the o ther half the time.


Holder-Uppor*BOSTON — Oovemor fialloaitiiU

»tnrtlf(l onlookeni In n hotel lobby Itixi niKht when lie took off hls'tux- edo eont to prepare for Inlllallon In the Dunker Hill camp, heroes of 78, national nojoumer.i.

The Bovemor"* troiner* were held In place by.a palr-of-fUry red gnl- lusei.

IIP AND OVEIt went D arbara IIIU of Cc«l»r Draw Jti (lie primary. jlrU’ h ljh Jnmp to let one of 10 new RCtfdt Cftabllihed In r n le r d a r ’a rural Khool alhlcUe meet a l IVIn Falli couniy lairtmDmlt a t Fll«r.

_-*h» l» Utrft r lcu r tn r the ere5A-bM.;At-llUT«/ret,dlx and nrni-ijuarler. Inches. In.'tt thpua Me».-T)oi'iSIradlry, rosnty tuperin lendrn t. ot public inntnKllon. awartllns inrilals to Koherl rrrrhh of Mania who act records In b'otb tlie prim ai7 boyi' clilnnlni aad primary boyi' pole vault. (Newt riiotns apd EnmiTlne*).


[APEIBStorm y Session V otes to

R efer Questions to La- — b o r-C o m m ilte e - fo r -S tu d y

A n d R cconim cndalions

(Ry Tlir A -'ociritert W ASHINOTON. M ay 3— All

pro.sppct of w;»;<’- h o u r taw

Unrest Sweeps Britain As Allied Troops Quit Central Norway Area

EooseveltJle^eals-EffortsTo Prevent War’s Spread

Q ro a to r Need CfcTTVELAND-rindinB only 10

. pennlrs In a woman's purse he had anatched. a youUiful pinmon towed a dime to Mr*, Sophie Ludna. 30, w ith the remark:

"Here. I piew you can use •more than I can,-

Q a l lo iyBrSMARCK. N. D ,-B a n e n d e «

•protested to the city eommlMlon— how '».-ero;ihey to know who the drunkarda were?

Now If you sec your 'm us" looking a t you acroM a bar, you mlslil Juat as well Uke your fool off th# rail.

_ T he comralsalon. In Mlvlnc-tiiB.prah. lem ruled \h a t nnytine placed on Ih# llijuor blacklist be photoeraphed and the 1Ikene.M <H.itnbuted to nil ban. _____

E rro rMINNEAPOLIS—171# appearance

of Tpomaa J. Donatdwn. Negro, In ro u rt to hetir:the trial of Daniel S. WlBB'ns. hW» a Htcrt). on a ehftrse of poiMsalne'beer for a«le without 1 license,Was an error In Judpnent.

A detecUre recocnlzed DonnldBon M the tnan- who warned occupant* of WlEsIns' tAvem to flee a t thn

' ilm e of the raid nnd In ■ twlnkllns hlii status w ai changed from cpec* tntor to defendant. Ke got 30 days on a disorderly conduct ebiarte.

RoomwsA l i R ’S l E A T

.Veto Kills M a n d a to ry R e- tircm cn l_ j5 f A dm irals,

M arine G en era lsWASHINGTON. Atiiy. 3 (,1V-Prrs-

Irtent noo-ifvelt vetoed a nn\-y pro­motion and retlremenl bill today, becau-ie. he rjild. the "pxtrcniely .dif­ficult anil uncertnln status of Inter­national rrlatlnn.V mnde unwise manrtntoo’ reilreuiriil of renr . . mlml.i anti Rencral officers of the marine eorp.i.

Tlie bill's stated piirpose «ti-i to create n (julcker'flow of promotion for yoiiiiRrr men.

."At Uil* particular time," Uie president said, "and becnu.<n of the extreniely difficult nnd tincertjiln

ot lntemhll6t\M ttlnttons. I hesitate to approve rjieclflc m anda­tory lecl-ilatlon and believe th a t this ahould wnlt until the nekt re.vslon of Uie congress."

President ’ Discloses Purpose of Confer­ences W ith M ussolini, Italian

----------------------- A m bassador— —. fCy The A>JOClnted Prerl.';)

WASinNGTON. May 3—An effo rt by the United State,'; to prcvcfit the .-iprcnd of th e E uropean w ar to the M editerranean was revealed today by Presldef^t Roo.'sevelt.

ExplalnlnR th e conIercnc« th a t have been held In the past few days betweeh Prem ier Muiwollnl and the American amba.-ftador to Rome and between the Pre.';ldcht hlm.sclf .and the Italian am ba.«ador to W ashington, Mr. RoMCvelt snld th is country ,wa.<! .striving, a.t It h a d nil along, to prevent the extension-of the Europeanto new arc.os.

Inrormet! sourccs .said Am- basr.ador Phillips m ight Bavc told Miwnllnl th a U f Italy became a belllgerrnl It would have nn .un­fortunate effect on American publle opinion.

Some .'peculation was aroused over A \Vh»e House huicheon today a t which PreiJdrnt Roosevelt played licM lo L. BUmr^n, Repubil- enn fornipr secrptnry of state, nnd Felix Pmnkliirter. a.isoclate Justice of the supreme court.

SUm-vsn has frequently come mit

In open lplter!< In support of fordjm pollclp.' of Prfslrirnt lioaw elt. Ife haa advociiteri what ho termed an “afflrmntlvo" policy against •'mill*' tnrlred OKureMlon,"

Both Frniiltfurter nnd 's tlm son lnnl.-;tf<l. however. Ulat tlie call had


Knvi.'i 'to d :iy w h rntli r hoii;;r Votr'd to c llrnct It.s labo r com nilttr.- to Rive f iir lh e r ;:tiidy lo the fiun.stlon.

T h e drcl.slon. c llm a x cd ! w eek nf nnt.'iy a n d a n R ry d e ­b a te on proposod r lia n n c s .

li;iil nrinplnl nni'I' nl a lliiir, wlilrh woiiltl

linv*- e.t<-m|it>‘(i many hiintlrei thr)ii^an«l;:» n( unrki-r,'.—the luimVr m liirioiii. from the linivl-.lmi.s cif th r liw. Tlirn It .virveyeil jt li.indl^v

ri’lv iiiitl Iniiiiil It lin<A ioM-dill vrilr ol 21:

nil that hml l»-pn done nnrt rejeeteil anii'inlDiciii.s as ,•» whoti\ A j.oc- vole, J0.'> lf> n s . rcenmmltted

riillrr :.ul)Jrcl to the lioii.'.e lalmr cami5\itScv S(ii IvitlUer study and rcrniiimrndailnin.

t.eitd('r5 had no expectation 1 the rommlller roiilil complete

nrk In time .for action before the ■.'.•.Inn'-i ffhediiled June adjourn-

Ailmlnl.'.tMtlnii lendrr.i had vlfror- i.'ly oppoM-ii the .ruee'plni; amend- nii.r wiiirh wrre written Into the

1)111 in the cniirre of the debate bill 1(1 en<lor:nl a series of milder ances, nin-.t proiiraed by the i-e-hnur n<lnilnljtration 11.s e 1 f,

Clirilrmnn Niirimi 'D-NJ) and her roi:r,ii;iirs of iJir Intmr committee mdc-.i h,M-ml:ui?f fffort-to.o>)la1iv ipi'mval of thfj* by oppnslni; tlie mnilon to recoiniiill—but, ’, Tbday* dlwuwlon was nf a piece >1} ’f " «!chn'e *)i1ch had .!7?cc lefore.' Rep, Parsons (D.IID; pre­

siding. beat nn almost coiiitant tfltoo with his gavel In n tisunlly vain effort to mslntiiln order.

Ona speakrr who was heard, how- Tver. was Rep. McCormnck <D-

•Tlil-s i<i \h t mcel rit-.srnttlMl spec -' tncle I have «en in my 12 years In the house," he shouted, •Tills Is not'a oonsreM but a chaotic croup

Clamoi- foi'NcM Lca(lci'slii|)

( i l O M S

I3fli:iln mill ali.'uulriiinii'

:)il a in im ccd llinl N;ini.S( 1

i‘(‘nir:il Norw.iy to tlip ( jc t mnii': — ;iti riritiio'.vlrdR Ihril adticd new lo rce lo tin .Mii'iUni: u iil iin lh< r foim dalln ii oi i’rm ie m i N ovlllp Climiibi rhiln','; K' i m cnt.

A cn;nnnuii<iii.' •..•ii;;;.: nf i: of till' c 10 Vh".:

1 Ihi'

niurMli.v,. It iii'-nilonpd no Op>T.i:itlIL-. llllTP tl«liy,

Coinliic ii.i II <i:ti iiiihln d. <I.iy ■ I!ie .-iljaiulo.'uiiMi;. o' Ali'labiit

tOlllsUt-'.-i l\\ tlMU V.vlunli;;i o:i t!ir CtKiinL-rl.ilii jjoviTn-

I'Vcn liDin wi'.hin ll-s oxn

ic'inti-T f 111-'lll)-Ml

iii'ilt (li-clarril:rr)iiiur>- c.iiinn; l»- pmpcrlv

orn.itit.-nl uii!l! till' Kovcniinent

T!ir I'T:r «ar oKli'e en'iiiniinlfiui' ni'.()imi:ju.-; Ih'' N:uivo'. wltlKlniuiil

durln:: Uu- In-l nlnlii. nfti-r :< iIjiV of ur.orrMlir.v in Mlilch Hritou'. nlriMtly had hi'iiril l!ie nr'A. finiii Siveiirn and Orniiim'’. :..ilci the "ri'-

-CmliarLHlon tt.L% r.irrhtt n’j-,. ■.vlL!i coniplde .Micce'-. nnd ^lUiout (Norweiilan rfjioru .m 1<I a Gennnn ftlr bomb killed 30. wounrti'd GOI,. II said Uie abaiidcnmeiit, of tlie Nam.'o.s from, north I’f Onmnn- Jjclc! Trondheim, was nirrled out "In accordance u’lth tlie n<:i''r"l i>!an of withdrawal from the Uiimnilnie nelKhborhood of Trondheim."

DeMilto tonlchfs annoiiiirc ■mlUlag

Sicalcn Loses- Faith in IFc.sV

.Nazis Prcs.s On l\lfaii(l<)iu'(l

Areasiri! P.-r'

Relcli D eclared Ready lo R es ist Any Strotce,

By B rita intirn i.trj,

't lull , , Inf.- t/iiiKJlU ■—•.U-oke by Ilrltaln tn ■at.i.Mrtiiihtc d e tra f In


UNION I M Z h WEEK BOISE, May 3 W>-Ooi-emor C.

A. Dottolfscn luued a proclamnUon todny setting nslde May 5 lo 12 as "union label week."

Battle Scarred American Ship Home From Norway

NEW YORK. May 3 (,?) — .The little American freighter . PJylhB rVsh. he»^Jeck plales pUtcd by bul­let* as mementoes of the O erman- Drlttsh battle for Bergen, returned home today wlih master nnd crow In slmrj) dispute 'as to which side had fired upon her. '

All agreed, however, tha t tfie bul- let.1 which struck Ihe F ly ing 'F ish and another American vettel. thoO ts i te n trM c o irn M e r— 'cuU ina'away the lalter’s. mast stay* and wire rigging — had been fired either by Accldenl or by m utakc In Uie ldentltle.1 of tho largcta.

Speaking for IS fellow seamen, hopeful of receiving t 2S0 bonuses by.eontcndlngthat they were under fire, Oeorge Gilbert declared tin- equlvocAlIy that ll rfas an allied plane that, on April 13. loosed three bursti of machlnegun.ilre upon the hapless Flying Fishr-m nklng her nsalden voyage.

Captain W. W. Wollaston Insist­ed. Just u fUUy, tha t hU ship was strCck. accIdenlAll; a t U ha!'& Norwegian land battery which had been selMd 4>y the invading Oer-

■ '“I WHS cn the bridge," he said, '"lind I sfl*' evetj’Uilng tha t hap­pened." He was supported by M of the 13 other crew members.

Gilbert — ' ’ho. along with the IS other teamen who supported him. L-i H mrmber of the CIO’s naUonal maritime union - declared tha t the plane had "Tieaded directly- for th e Flj'lng FI*li..and tha t ltd «re minctured about 10 drtims of tool

,1 on lhi> face-deck. a ll o t wWch ere "heaved orerboard."*Chester Shimp of Baltimore, chief

engineer, and.the vemeVs log bolh supported the Gilbert contention,

■nils same auUiority — the ship'* „ _ declared that- the rain

„iRchlnegun buIleU which datnw the Charles R. McCormick — U ras on April 18 — had coma m i'piano during on allied aJr raid.' 'Aside trom the. contrm-erty--be>

tween skipper and men the Flying Pish brought back news th a t the Gerwans In Bergen had taken over 650 tons of fish oil — used In lub­ricating guns — which had been taken there, by the Plying .piah as p a rt of her cargo and consigned to

B tn tn ccrportUpa.

G ilbert declared the oil was c( signed 10 Germany vJ* Bergen.

We' and other crew membera ; serted tha t the same Ume th a t the Moore-McCormlck lines, opemtors of the Flying Pish, a 7,lPi-ton Tes- sel oft-ned by Ihe D. a goremment, had ^ n l . thousands of tons ot cargo to GermAny via Norway and that shipping men In Bergea 'U ughed" flt th ft .

NEW YORK. May 8 OD — Cap­ta in Waldo Wollaston. Denver-bom skipper who brought the Flying Flan home from war-torn Norwny, fiarUelpated In firing the t in t Am­erican shot In the Werld war.

Ho was fln t.m a le .on the Mon- golla, a paasentcr liner conTcrted Into a troopship, when. »-O cnnan U-boat challenged .the . ressel on April .19, 1017. The MongollA p m crew's first ahol scored a direct h it a t 1.000 yards and the U-boat went to the bottom. '

e U p p a . Wollaston. 49, lald hfai expetieiiees a t Bergen wen tame in comparison with hU’Job of fer- Tyteg towpa to PTtaw ^ ,_____ ■ '_]

H oldhusen and E n d ress S ta rs of T w in Falls’ 7 -6 Win

O ver PocatelloANni:latrd I

WBobe ........................ i 2 , .6CPocatello ________ i 3S nlt L ak e ________ < 3 _'i7Ogden .................... S 3 .i7Twin Falts ............ J < .13Idaho Palls ______ 2 5 JE

Friday'* Seer^s .Salt Lake City B. Idaho Falls i.Twin Falls 7, Pocatello 6.Ogden 10. Bolic 0.

I t took ten lnnlnR.s to turn th e trick, but tho Twin Fall-s Cowboys cllmbcd out of the P ioneer league cellar last n ig h t w ith a '1-8 victory over th e Pocatello Cardinals.—A seventh ' inning uprising se t th e stage for the defending- th a m p s ' ultimate succcss.

In th a t session they wipedll a 3-2 Pocatello lead by pushing

three runs across the plate, then. In spite of a cardinal comeback th a t twice sub-sequently Ued the

'. outlasted the visitors In Uie stretch.

Credit for the tlctory—Twin Falls’’ second 6{ the soung campaign— w ent to Stuart Holdhusen, Uie southpaw from South Dakota, who lasted the route and limited .Poca­tello to nine hlts ond struek oUt U.

Boldhusen's bal also played an Im portant part In the Cowboy trium ph; His single In the eighth pu t Twin FalU ahead and his fty to le ft neW la Uie la ifoT Uie' lenUi drove In Al Marehl with Uie win­n ing run.

T he winners collected II safeUes off a n AnhuleU and Pau> Bemdt, who replaced the starting Poca- tellan 3a the lenUi tn a vain

W U replseed Uie Cowboy* -1 the'loop's boiwm niche. It* de- feat-by- Salt Uke-Olty -dropping the eastern Idaho entry a half- sam e behind the local te«m.. battlnc ben w u big &nle Sbdrets. Tbs first ucker-banged out a.double and,three slnglas tn five times at bat. .

I n Uie tenUi Bercdt woU:^ Mar-

Uii'-Ufty hud iilly Uiat Great Britain has -no tn lentlnn of nb.indonlng Norway.'-

Gloom neverUielrx.s sjiri'iul nvci tJie rtxwis of the Norrt-CFLm ie^aHot iiJid Uiat ominous word •';.iii>tnl'' .ilon~ wa. he.ird there for thr Ilr.vl jlme,

lJrit.iln .itnjck by air ii; Na.-i a t Ry. Denmark. I'onicliu,

OOo. nnd Slnvannt-r and ihr a<imlralt>--JIailiod-a-;’tt’c are inoml

f our fleet air nmi,"TJie new.i Umt Uie iillird fleet

had flipped into Alexandrl:i i hardly a ripple in dlploniallc nnd mllltarj^ cltcle.s.

InfomiNl soiiree.s believed tonisht lha t unleM n signal vlrtorj’ for BrllLih arms U nnnounrrd lirlore Next Tiirvlay the fnte nf Cluim- berlaln and his Rovenimenl on slntement-s tJien bv ti\r prime minister and Winston dinrehlll. firs; lord of the artmlmlty. and Un bate whlcli U to folios '.

(By The Associated Pi « ..m . 4U UIO u « u . .a . BTOCKDOLM-NoTwegla^ts ittk

Germjiii Troops at Hungarian BorderBUDAPEST. May ♦ ffiaturday)

(,r)—Crtch refUBees arriving liere to­day declared Umt Geftnnn mtcii- anlted troops In large numbers arc concentmted In Slovakia nloiiK the Hungarian border a t point* from which they could make a ijiilck Into the Balkans.

I t was reported also that Uinn 100,000 "lIshtiilnB troops" concentrated n t Bruck on the Vlen-

i-Budapesl railway line. Hint tliree my corps were a t Krakov. Ocr- an-oecupled Poland, nnd larrre

forces were mas.sed a t Klncrnfurt. Austria, neat the YugoslaT bonier.

German Bombers Attack England

LONDON. May 4 (Saturday) in y - German planes tried for three hours last night and early toiay to pene­tra te EnglantS'* southeast coast de­fenses. returning repeatedly to the coasUI region os they were driven off by h ea\t anti-aircraft fire and senrchllghbi. '

British defenders Iheorlicd It was possible Uiat Uie planes came singly In reUys. ,

.ItfjCil: nlf.'.et hrr Nnrnay,

i1prt lor aellon t ne linni Ui"- Brlti'.h In nn effnct revive their.prcf.tlse, Orrmnns

f.ald "wo nre-preparrd. rnme what lav" In any new thi-,:ter of war •title mnppUig up profffils (julrkly

In Nonviiy. 'Tliry innllrieil thl.' tJi.-.k uid b<' fhil'.hrd In 1<-.* limn two

.S K 'l.K llU J.M , May H -D ls- u.'.iciiii’tl iiiul ciHblttcrctl by

;ic' ))r ''i- i |) tta tr w ithd raw al of itir.l; ;ii\t1 Frt-nch MippoYt, irw i-clan offlcrr.s of the .nivos d l.'.ir lc t loilay forcccl L'lr v i t i 'r a n comm ander,': to p lti ila tc to l l i r Ccrman,>:, r in ' .Swctii;;h now.'? nucncy rre.-.iKiiulonl a t G ronp sen t

<tl i;i;v :r .ncnuiit ol ii li;i<,:ily mU- 11 roii;ii il 111 ',s':ir at whlrli a niajor-

r.l i!;.' Nnr.>r(;lans d.vldrd that '.Ji'T n- 1 .[.Hire «:i'. tiitllr «r,(l

I te l.( I t;i. irMij). Ilnr. Colnnel 0. I), I.- in fn;- pruce,

• Tioal III:. .hrMliji;:irtr r nrg ro iu ;’

■:ill:ilik ofllcers lo .1j)pf,irr him t' n ttluit to

ri.jwudrnl rrhteiS. l.-|iiifarls-f»erm»n«

".‘5iini'iii!ii' wiir, (lerldrd upon liy in:il<iiily i)f in'* iillirfi> »!io ex-

re •e.I bellrl Uml lutlhcr (Uhtlng a.s ui i'liv.'.'"nip iniiiiimiKier tlierrupon nd-

i.'.ril nil tr<K)jis .Mntloiied In this •< iof to cearc firhig immediately lut in CKVli'ilale.•'.Mi'»n«.hllr. Uie Nont'eclnn eom-

iiinrler cMatilLvhod contact ultli the iennnn conimiinders. Tlie Nor- I'lllan tr<xips set iiji a enmp until iry eoirtl be Interned.•Tlie Geimiin forces are sdvanc-.

IK m Namsos from ilic-fouth-and accordlni; to latef.l advlce.s which I liftve rectlvetl ulre.viy have reached Orong wlUi the vangimni of Uielr motorivil ttnllA."

O lher advices re.nchlng Otockliolm said lh a t a number of Norwegian irooiK. commandpd by a Lieutenant Dahl, '•* fanatical pntrlot but neitr- tlielf.s.\ n good r.o;dler." ileclded nKnliu.t <'apUuIatlon mid fled to the

"We il ilglit on and well make a cleiemilned Mand, de.-.pile Uie severe th/nnlng-s of our ranks." they said. •

.Shot to Pleee*Tlie S»edWi new* acencT cor-

re.'.iwndrnt, de.wrlblng Namsoi as •■iliot to pieces." ,sald allied troop.s milled nbout n small area of ,thn town awaiting their turn lo mnk« tor tile dei'artliiK tmn.^ports white

northern port o! X.irvlV,.Kyn on Mrdilrrrsnesn

Attention mninly wa' rlvM- 1 r the Medllerrnnrnii in th ' pov'lble

of RrltWi netlon following Prime Minister Chnrnbrrlaln's nouncement ye.stenisv o( tlir c rrntrallon nf a nrltl-.h nml Ffenrh i battle fleet nt AIr\n

WMrrrs r!i\ishat.lred,linwpver. Hint It Is ii|> to Premier swarms of'G erm an niaties bombed Mus.folliil of Italy to drclile wftsr-tir •t^p-har[)o^ Inrri-.antly.

Tlie hlRh-flylni: planes < droves, .wme of them ronrlng down In ixiwer dives to dump tons of bombs on the harbor, adding

•splitting din to the rampant confai-loii.

Antl-nlrcmft cwt\s on U\e trans­ports kepi the night fkles filled with hun.ttng shells but the speedy Oer-

nn airmen were hard targets. "Tliat the British and French

ere leaving in a most peculiar faUilon." the Swedish correspom’ ‘

(ConllnufJ en J. Colonn I]

(In al>out the rltua-

Germans ns'.erlcd their al.tentlon JO wa-s directed uiirpar.lnRly

ward the Netherlands, Brtdiim nnd Scandinavia ns ixiMlljIe plnres for nrltlph Bcllon.

In this aimosphrre Orrmnns said their,m otto I.s: -Wli<-re%’er Hrltaln .Mrikes, we will strike bsck doubly hard."

Fighting a t Narvik 111 later nfternfwn reports ni

Norwegian campaign, DND. olflelal German newn ngency, fsld Uiere

Increa.sed flchtlni; In the Nar­vik region, Ihnl In Ihe Stelnkjer gion north of TYondhclm there ' •'lively rwonnaL-wance ncUvhy." nnd lha t In western nnd r.oulhem Nor­way "Uie flituntlon . . . can genemlly

• deslgnnted as paclll'd."Following the regular Wgh t

mnnd rommunlQue, c o n ta in claims to blows agaln.'.t allied . .

ver. DNB reported that 13S unlLs the Brlti.sli fleet had been put

nut of action since April S, Uie day tho Norwegian inva.sion slArted,

King of Norway Sails for Norlli

LONDON. Mny 3 tA>-K]ng Haak- .1 of Norwny was reported tonight to hare left an undlsclo-sed Nor­wegian port aboard a British warship rim Dritlsli troop* for Uie norUiem

part of Norway. .Tlie Dtdly Man-# illpltirtalSe . . .

respondent, Wilson Broadbent, said the Norwegian monarch could have sought Vfuge In Londcm but that "he preferred to remain with his government and . Uie Britisli fotcps which have Uken up new pwIUons around Narvik."

Wai’ News at a Glance'

......... .. ......... - . AreUe. circle:■IsBMd and dUUnlMkt^ N enie. c ian . cemmander. .ne« for lays allies did not eren (4 (bey wen teavlng, cQtUnr eff his retw ot.-

NAM608 - n a s t y BHUidi-French depwtsr* te a m 'behtad; asked Uielr defUnatimi.' of- fleer tayi.--England.- • t

1 PERUN — Qtri«»nT

preparedoesa for any British fae«- taring aettan to offset -ealulMpble defeat" la N o m y .’ LONDON — mUidrawab 1 tnobla la base of Cluunbe

ALE.XANDMA - Allied warships « l ^ l n - ^ p a r ^ o B for |« iW e

A T H O f B ^ .^ ^ ^ Y lu s a ' inap.

te e s Greece and T m W - 'BOaiE — ItaBans take view that

atlled MedllerTwicaa fears aeedlcH, ttWri»la..Bnaa.-,-------------------


ftllicd F le e t a n d Ita lian Con* c e n tra tio n s C re a te New

T ro u b le ZoneA-niEN^, Ma^ 3 jff>-A rriral pf _ '

ft-lATse B ritU h-F i^eh bitUe fleet In Alexandria and reports of Urge- scnle IlAllAn naval, air and army eoncentraUoas In the Dodecanese fcdands Rwltclied *outhea.item Eur- opc’A anxiety over passible spread of the war sharply to Greece to­

ny. V ('■Atherni Itself was calm'. bnt!»lert.In Turkey'. Uie allied fleet's ar*

rh Al a t Its Egyptian was greeted aa new evidence that Brit­ain and Prance nre determined to ' fulfill their obligations In the Near East, which include a mutuil as­sistance treaty wlUi Turkey »nd , guarantees of the Independenea of bolh Greece and Bumania.

There was no outward show of belief ellhcr in Greece or Tnrtay-

♦g >in* . bothcountrle* pursued- th d r preparations.

Opinions varied as to whether, the Italian move hod been taken; to counter ttie allied naval opefa- tlons.aad Uie etoersency. m eawrw' • pu t Into-effect In E ^ t yestadar,.-. or WheUwr It w«s.ptansed fln t and;

the Britlsh-P rtodi {-action.' ... . -; .TentioD in TUtoalavlk.-«hkA had;' dlndnlshed aUlUe'WithTtallm dlpi^7. lomntle a«im n«*-er:the;5« t fnr:-r: day*-that.thor» fiar 'as Ttallaa timal,'boeuta •rata u '*nlt -of. t ^ rane*n«Uvltle»... • —

HowevBT. *11 of * i______________p e s ir ii too vearied by ncurrea t\r.;

- .......... . " -------------------------------------T \V IN F A L L S N E W S , n V I N F A L L S . ID A H O . SA T U R D A Y M O R N IN G . I IA Y 4 . 194S

l i [ R I O L D O r

A d v ise r G a ll io n A p p e a r s a t S e s s io n ? ' M a y o r

O f f e r s S 5 0 0

B re v itiie sI — UoOiU'S

nl informnlloii upon t i'!)Jrcll'rs of i:;r lo;i iiis :iiil!!orltv niltl

I’N liKMl ful!nvi,-J livMsnrmi'. iD'-.'UJjkhi, orttipltd a tu«- Inr I'l rlloit I'f >• r.ii rilaj s Imichfoii

c! liif T*!n FilU Chaniljrr ol Co:ii;;ictcr «l :t;» liOKrnoii hotrl.

0. r.^illloii. S.iii Primcl.'.rn. irJiiliM iiroJ.r'- luM-.rl- for tlir antliCNlV. ••'•Ii'' 1- ll’-ir to :iul-,L 111 prrltiiiiii.iry oi'-'iAiioii'i In prr- I'Minii tu nj^r'Afaiion (cv ll« locul Kiojcri. fur "lilrli Sinrooi") lit frclfral liiiirlv li:". l.'M-:; iipiXM r-'d

rf-tlrMitiinll.n; U. S, hleliway '3 ilifoiuli IliP cliy to liirlurie Mnliftvemie 'icll n.' iriick Unclrthe plan. wUWU nui't sn IUtoukU ifir rririlio (Jcimriiiicni of public *o;ks nnrt Ihr fwlortv] biirfati of public roiirtfl. till* iimln ihoroiiglifaif will b< (Irilk-nitKd b:i the U. a . 30 iW K,'tiitli tnirk liuic A* ill! nlt(»r- nstlve route. Tlir r tv m e U now »n eJI«l.

Prtilrtfnt Carl N. Anderwn com­mended rhr bridge relehmtloii com- mlttre and nil others rf.ipon?.lb1e for m c fis o( the celebrntlon la^t Tuc.i.

. d«r marking rfmovnl of tolb a t Uie Tula Fnlln • Jerome Intercounly bridcp.

Appolntfd to a civic Imprm-emcnt and municipal affairs eommltieo by PiTildent Andfrjon were rrimer Hol- llngi»orth, fhalrihan. H. E. VoRel,

.and John Klmes.ta his U5fe 0»Hlo« rmpi\a'V;.frt

that ihe houilns pro«r>im to n*-. mOTi ‘slum" condliion» In cltle* ii a local program, .wltli th« federal jttveniment acUnir only tn an TUory and lupenlaory capnclly.

AIM app«/inn« at t»i« urMion wcro JudKe Duvall. THoinaa D. McDougftll, .Bolic. largely reipontlble for In- xUlut^ns Uie program In Idaho, and BuBen# Scott, member of the Twin m i j houitnK commlulon.

with tlifie men and oUji .. .. b«n or Ih# houilns aulhorlly. Mr. Oalllon conferred here ycMerday

• 'I irL • ■

mini III«hirl.iii — .Mim Hel<- I ol •IMin Fall-. *Hldenl a l tli eully nf Idalio ftt‘ ^fosI:o•l•. hfl

. ,i.-. liiMorlnn for i!i

. y.:1V Vliool In ID3B, Is .iiril CMiip Mill;,.- I’urrto 111 li;.- C-,:;i loiiii nnill^p ' un-

r r ; i r rorii nrcnrfllni:’ lo «oril

M -lrr |M'..f.„lT-,- Iitinll .J.aibn, priMoi ot N ^rnrrnf clmrctinr ll"l.'<-, ului «:n iiK.-lldlllK •lOii' cif ll;o^ l't.ih-Iilallo*Ol''i;oii iinminl Nar.irrne cnnfcrencr here. refflvr<1 w„rd y-.l. relay of tlir (Ifj.lh a! Ill;, -l-u-;-, \V. D. Cfim-'VOn 01 LiiOrnnrlr, Ore.. and left imme- dl.iielv f<>: ih» Orfiimi eliy.

morning, annour'i--------iTO Rr cTtHB ua,H.A. will be In

Twin Talli loon. and dbcu.ulni; type* of homes lo be coMtructcd, regulations as to occutviney. type ol jTound 16 be puTthafieri Mid.oUirr deUUi.

DuTlni .ye»t«rday'i thntnl>er of cotnmerco meetlnR. « va» moved and paued th a t the chamber (jufit that Uie U- 8. Chamber Commerce .at Ita annual. 1 record u urglnft ipeedy ___pletlon Of federal Irrlsatlon projects now under conatnjcUon. provlrtlni; horeea and luidj for thouMndi of farm famllle* now leeklns locations. A rtMluUon to ihia effect ha* been prepared by Out P. Baclimiin o( ll»e Salt l^ke Chwnber of Commerce.

' according to ■ letter from Earl a . I lUcd. Omah*. Nei):. a^Iculturai de* vclopment auperTlMr.of Uie Union

Pacific ra!lrt>ad. rendJo_Ili5_m:ct . Ine before the action was Ukcn,

•niB request th a t Mayor Joe Koch . Jer b t named official emls.’nr>- ti ‘ th« nepubllcait tla te delegate cok “ »entIon at Lewkton Monday In at

tffort captur* the O.O.F. stAte plat• form convention for T*'ln ra l l i wnj ‘ approTfd.

. r R. J. Vallton told of recent re . (jueita received- for “.stlchrrs" niirl• other idvertWlng material on Tivin• Palli. and It wai poinled out liint , this U atallabir throuRh tho chi• ber office here.

: Divoi’ccs G ranted: To T hree Women• -Three women wrra' granted dl- ' vorce decreet foUo-*lna. hei\rlns.i bffore Ju d tf Jnme.^ W.• Porter In' dWtltL-fiuiiri in Tiiln : F.ill.% yejterdiiy! '

On grbimd* of nnii-.Miiii>oii, .Mr.i,. Dollle Wllllani!! «a» u-rniiifd a dl-• vorcp from Fred Williams' Mrj. Lrona Roiilli. moOirr of two, dilldrrn, KraiHi-d ii divorcr from• Arthur Itouili. on KroiJiul-,‘(if onirli• Tlie miinluKr took plncr In Jciom ! .S'ov. 30. 1530. . .

M n. niith ilaiuoii nbiulned• divorce from Roy V. Haiirou oI crounrt* of non-Aiipiwr:. Tliry wer.. mairlfd In Burley. Junr 1034. anti. liiivp been sciiarutcd Kince March,


I O. 0 . r . .Merihij — CoIfi.X rn- caiiipm<'lU. T, O. O. will mret Mfliitlay, May 0. to cclebrate the nrtlvr mrnibT^Wp d rjir , nfi'‘r<-/n llif rnM mpmnit h s i more than doubled lt.i mmibera In the ln»t thrre, moiitJi«, Tlie meeting will be held" nt iJie I. O, O. P. hall, and t report of the group mcrllnK a t nu- pert during April kjII be-^x-en.

California fiuc*ti< — Mrg. Un« Knief of neverlv Illlli. Mr*. E. nel dri, H rrbcit ilirdri nnd l-'redrlck Urfhrr. nil. of Cnllfornla. arrlv

the hemeS. i

- ............................ ofmd Mr:., n ie d fl 'li n .-.Inter of Mr

Decher. rredrlrk Hecher la tho ro of .Mr. and Mr.'. Beeher and 1* at

idlng Santa Ana Junior eollegi

. nptUtNolr>-M r», R, K. Wnlle- hrad, Mri. H. E Crags. Mra. Oracf WeU and Mrr. Ffed Tyler Of T»'lii PnlM have bfen admitted to the Tuln Tnllfi county genrrnl liospitnl Pntlcnts (llMjiU\ed incliide Mra. W n . Slcknfun of MurlaUKh;Harold Lackey and daughter, Mr.i R. O, Arringion nnd Mr*. Chris Williams nf Twin Palls, nnd Mrs, Frank Shelton of Billil.

nUhop VMU — Tlie niglil Rev. ricdcTicK n , liM tut;, biihop ol Idaho, u-ltl make a special vislia*

11,:.-. i iiowri bv the I,;ol'>:i:ed im il.alrcrult uumK.ri- wrip rovertrt with nt si.Audlng by for pw.'ible

Equipment Abandoned T;;r Adoii IJladpi co rrr '|¥

i:ii tii'-driiiriitu: ircxip-. l.-fi brhind ii;-e f|ii.intlili-r, of Valuable u-«r ma-' Mirli IIS hp.-«vy nmi-ftlrcmfi im. liravy nrtlllcr^- and U nrk i of riiimiiiiilon, / llipy had no mean* of KPiting the rnv-.- e^uliimenl nbnsrd the tcana :iii;., Ilf explained, liecausr the IjIi iin.. which nnloiiilr<l them hm

brrn liliiifd to pieces by the Gcr-

alio had-.-■i\TnriK<l/-


forcir>S'' the- •nlllc.i' to rttTj), rocky cllff.i :n for tlie trip to t

.Soitie of the henvy pii111*- wMti's rtiftp wrvr

nil till- llrliiy nierlinnlM !ti',n 'v«-re .snia.'.hrd.


ro(i|viinllcr np plle.n

I thr Irnlit of II

l[upelr»i Standp .Slrlnkjcr Iiciil, Ui'' Or


In the procea in d a t one alage lat< in the rn:lte. l appearpd on the w g t of ttoWillnK. but he iteadled whef Hie nuMcia threatened most rlniiily-aiid hiing up hi* mcoiuI ..........................Pioneer lenjue»oi{.

church a t the 11 o'clock terv’lci Sunday. Al th a t lime he will ndtnln- l.itpr the Rile of Conflmiallcm t< ft group of personj, who, riurlng the rite. wiH accppt iliplr Individual

d ppmanal re.ipon'lhlJiiy nu ti. bem of the church, Hhhop Darllett »1ll also de lirrr Ihe lermo'n. -

lie atjite central Salt U k e City, who wr

>esker a t an inter-couniy............ ..! DaiisHler* of the Utah i’loneer.i !sterday a t Rupert, and who will

be guest apeitker a t the nnnual Twin FnllJ couuly conventtos> i« Tv.m Fall' today, is a gur.M nt ihe homr of Mr*. Minnie J, Db:

St.inip for Idaho’s i)Olh Annivui-iary•ASHINGTO.'J, ^flv 3 _ A

foninicmoratlvp Mnnip iririiraUng the tlftlcth annlversar>'. nf Idnho'a MMrhood will go on Rale through­out Ihe state on July 3."

T^ p Mmnp will plriiire Idnlio'a :.itp ra£ltol, the view liplng taken •nm the ,'outh ihowing the main'

The s will fatehood.

n troopv.• SorwpKiaii;! thetnselvp.v ■lY etioucli ammunition for ten

nilniitr' cl heavy tir in i. are hclng tm-irclcd.

Within the port of Narvik the OeniinnJ have blown up the ore 'nrk» while Qerman nlr bombs drum [eadlly on Uie allied sleur lines,Tlip alllc-. are awnlttiiK -lupplli

i wt-51 n> more men.

C O iO Y S TAKE 0 - i l l

chi and Vfm Reynolds. J^anels n e lto '« .'.ncrlflccd Mnrchl to third and nryiioldi to aecoud bate, wher upon the Cowboy chucker lilted .. fly to left field, .Marchl tcampererf aciOM the plate wlUi the deciding'' ruii after tho cntch. •

Tlie irams wiU play the sccoiid gnuie Of UiPlr lerlrs loiilKlit-. •

Ken Wyatt, lha Isd whoia icit- mided flinnlng .ilopped biiii-

men, l.< MansRcr F rank Tohln’.i cliolee for Uic Cowboy pitching chore, /

iTiB bo*; _-xml.IIo . All ( i n 0 A

Tlif ntt» compeniated for thertiDts W'lty innrie brWnd ih rlr

(liiiKcr by protluclng runii In brace.' in ii:c M-ruiid, third, fifth nnd . Ixih lIlllllu^, re.Milied In an B-: lead vtilch Idaho Falls wni imabl'' to ovtrcome in sp iu of a lat« In- nliii: .'forins Hurry.

11 mlgtii have been a different oiy If D.mion JIuvps had .Marted IP VMM for the io:en. Hr came

to ihp mniinrt m Ihe ,'.lxth. replac­ing Joliiiiiy llall and iliut out the Salt Liken for Die balnnce of the

in\e, hut by t h « tim t the ilamage ad been wrought,

JIKDS 1«. riLOT.S 9DOISE, .Miiy 1 i-r>-0nlen '3 Red.s

trratrd llirmi>elvp4 to the blgKCJt fcnnti!; 'pre'' ot U« Pioneer Itfti , i-n;j to dale tonight, punch 18 runs ,vfof.' iJie plnte—10 In-one Iniiliu:-fo: n lO-B r;latighlcr of the ■ ■fiKil'-leatllfn: HnL-,e Pllotll.

IIIP rtrliiiri- of tnllle.< came alter 'Jl-.' :i:'j)r:ju-d lo h.ivc the game '■n In limtl.Cioiiic liiio the sl'xiir ttie Pllot-s

-:)i;.nk..s 10 home rull.^ by Al luiiril;!. Wall Lon'c iind Joe Ex­i t i c l i n i ; 8 it> 0.0 .;il'-ri m.iiiaged lo score a julr

'.V iiii'. I'.it-tr.i.v iKi lt;rtlf.itlon of the Inipriid- i: (l-b.K-lc ,i;. liol.'c In turn addi-d Ki'ii.r m-iicer to maintain a coin- iri.iWe 7-2 control of nfliilr.'. rtii-li !iir M:vi-Iith, Four IjnL'C .i l'.cr." f.inie and went, nnd Rixin

the (lo,-en iwirndcd to the pint* r at 0.1P nm followed another

b.-.-n ii-nihwl,TH.-.I tt,i.Mi'l fiulle till' finish

m iirr Diss:itlsfie<l with ,'uch !ii'M.:er advsniage oa they then li'-ld. ihp npdi acciimulatPd another i]u.irtf'. of score? In tiie ninth be* for- rflentlDi for keep,?.

Wi;h *11 thP.'f dolngf. the gam* rrqulrrtl nearly three hours Id play. wi

C0RO8 W L [

AT l l O r t E I4 0 0 B o y s a n d G i r l s C o m p e te

in C o u n ty - W i d e T r a c k . F i e ld E v e n t s

Me-iP than m Utn'.' atid girls of F,ill.i county rili.J ,‘cliwls left

10 Lioki-n r iw ils bi'hhul tlu-m whcii.'i' rriiirnpd lo th rir hum--? ycv -rdjy afternoon following Uie an-ii.ll rural jchool tilileilc meet «i le Filer falrKrouiid.'.Ideal weaUier added *ucccu to

le crtnt, whlcli sloried a t 0 a,, m. nd continued until late afternoon. Ralph Peterson of Falnjew ;wliool

)3r( i to I height of eight feet Itwhei in Junior I

..ale vault to ottabllsli a new ord. The former high mark In Uio

vault wna made bj' Hertjert Oentr)' of Maroa In 1038 when he lopped the croabnr a t • eight feet n :iie junior boy«' division.

Other record* *et yenterday fol- ,iw: Junior boy*' running broad

liimii — SUnley Miracle, Pnlrvlew. :5.7: Junior girls' high Jump— Mc;b,i Bowman, JIolllAter. ^-SVi:

liar glrlj baseball Ihrow-Vlolft r;o:i. VViililnglon. H8 feet: prl- iry boy*' pole vault. Robert Per­il, Maro.i, 6 fppi: primary boy»‘ i;i»lng, Robert PcrrUh. 25 times; :ii:iry boy*’ high Jump, Chorlea ,-]>lii.Td, HolllKler. 4-1; primary

high Jump, Barbara HIU. liar Draw. 3 .6 'j: primary boy*' iiilng broad Jump, Dllly Blnas,

nyd Duncan. Deep Creek. 3 It.inch.

As indlcftled above. Robrrt Per­il of Maroa *napped two rccordi the primary evenu.

W e a th e rIDAHO: Cloudy followrd by llglil

rain Saturday: cooler Salunlay night. Sunday lenerally fair,

nigh temperature here Frlcl.iy 80 degrcfs. low <S; clciir; baronictcr :o.OS a t S p. m.

(By The A*«oclaled Prei.M .. low p;ej4ure trough extends

from the wejlem plateau eastward over ihp central RocVy nmunl.itn.i to Ihe wc.ilem plains nnd th r Texas wuiliwcu. ttccornixinlrd by abiinr- nially high teinprraturp'> .'or ih lx , early In Uie leaMn and niOMly elen; «kle«.

Some light spallered precipitatlor has occurred over the WnKhlnglon- Oregon coast and over the Moniflnft- Wyoming border eecllon.

Mat. Min. Tree. Wlhr.Bolie ----- ---89 31 .00 ClearB u r ie y ____DS 4B .00 HearDntt« • 43 .00 n e a rChleato 3< .00 ClearDenver .....*3 49 -.00 I’t.C l’dy

-a* Clly fi* 47 .OOPl.Cl'dy U i Anxplca 7J 51 ,00 PI. Crdy Minneapolis 63 » .H Houdy New York -.C* ’ 49 . « CloudyOmaha ..... d9 40 M PLCI'dyPoealello _-.6« M .00 CleahPortland ■.... 71 43 .00 Cloudy8.111 Lake ....74 3S .00 ClearHan Fr»n......87 4G .00 ClearBtattU ....... 6S- 4t .06Pt.CrrtyHpokane ..... 63 4! .DO ClrarTwin ra lli ...M 45 ,00 Clrar AVaihlngion i t 47 .o: ( louriy


D irlng ttlJO. 4;3».820 truck! n •Blsiered In the United 8ial»», ThJi

■■ Ime high for the nation.


IDAHO FAl-LS, .May 3 i,V ,-Un- Jlsmayed by his siates' innbility to lang onto the ball. Paul Plscovlch. rlPd and tnisled Salt U ke City iRhlhander, muddled h U way hrough to an 0.5 victory over the dalio Fnllt-Ttuveu tonight tha t

cept the Deej in a tie for third place. Pljcovlch w!\i louchcd for 10 hlt.i

^ O G E L ' SV Phone a i l - .112



STEAKSKoiintl, Swias, Cube Short CulK,Lb............... 2 5 cPORK STEAK,2 11)H......................

I’OUK CHOI’S ,2 Ihs.....................

VE.VL STEAK,Lb.......... ..............SIRLOIN s t i :a k , lb.........

2 9 c3 3 c2 0 c2 0 c

SLICED PORK LIVER, lb. , i 5 c

ROA-STSllEKF POT f H -HOAST. lb........... l U CRUMP ROAST,Lb.........................SIIO. BEEFROAST, lb........... 1 3 CSIIO. PORK H ROAST. Ib. ........ 1 MR in BOILB EEF, lb............SnO . SPRINGLA.MB, Ib............PORK BACK BONES, lb..........

I S c

S c 2 5 c - 4 c



PINEAPPLE JUICE. Libby’K. & oz. can.‘t . 4 f o r ..........

i’ORK & BEANS Vnn Camjis. Z'/t si/c

'can-M, 2 f o r ........ 2 5 cSALAD TIME or TANG, ■Qunrt J a r s .... 29cPEACHES, Li>hy>. 2'/^ s izccn n s, E f A j n 3 f o r .................... - 5 l f C

MILK, tnll runs. ^ ■nil brnnds. 6 for

CAKK KI.OUR. Kwnn.'^Down. PacknRc . 2 5 cC O FFEE. Mon. arch , 1 lb. cuhh .. 2 5 c

C R A 1 ? K l ) l tS r 1 5 n - 5 - |f ^ pcT ln r. II). p Ur .


.......... 1 8 cPIN EA PPLE. Rosc-Dalc,2 si re e-ins' 9 1 * ^ 2 f o r ;......................3 5 C


y O G E L 'S



B<nd la Th« U n d "K T F I 7:00 P. M.



M o r e T t i a n 6 0 0 P e r s o n s A t­t e n d H o m o M iss io n a ry

More than (SOO i>enon.» heard Rev Oleiin Oriffltli of Nninpn, n-lin re-cIccKd TJiur»d»y for a fourlli consecutive yeur a ' ,»ii|yrln[endent of the Idaho-Oreiioii-UUh dliirlcl of Ih# Church of the Nawrene. de­liver a .lermon on 'Tlie Niinie of Christ" a t Ihe Home Missionary rally last evenlnc at the T«.'ln rail? Church of the Natareiie.

A tolttl of II7C0 in ca»h and pledges WB* raUed Irst night and wHl be used lo hoid re\WaS rnttUrms In to«-ns In the Idaho-OreKon-Uiah dUinct. where there li no N aurene chureh i'

Wilbur SUiionj, baritone wlolH Of National. Wiih.', mnj 'Tlie Loii: of Ood,"« bujlness meetings yes­terday. pastors jtave aniiual report' and ofllcers were elected, fiev, rjoyd Klntler of Emmett rejlBin'd hl.i office an a mlnlslertnl delesale to the general awembly of the

church a t Oklahoma Oily tn Juni and Or. R. V. DcLot\g c t Nampt was ilamed to take hf-» place,

Al 4-o'clock ye.*.lcrclay Afternoon, -A anrnial anniversary aervlces for ihf SainarllAn N aurene hospital *t Nainpn »er« held wltJi Mrs. Thomaj K Maninim. wife of ihe dean of ih» hoipltnl pre.sldlnc.

Spenklns brleflv during the i>erv- e% wcrr Dr, MnnRUm. Mr.v Irn

Tnylor o? Eleln. Ore., nnd Rev !I G retiln ser- 'o f-s tll Lake Cliy.

nii.'.Ine*' le.'slon will op^n al H th li mornlnR nnS be lesuinfd

I 2 pm . when aniilversnn- ^en'lcrs ir the Nnii.i4.iie Ymint: i'er>p!e'!i

ioclcty will be held. Hcv, j-ioitl K lnrler will prejlde.

At 7:30 o’clock tiinlght. Rev. Orll- flth will fpenk to the young people s i.i>clety.

Tlie. «.v,enibly win dose 6und.iv illh .servlcen nt II a.m.. 2:30 p.m. md 7:30 pjn.

CARS DAMACK1) fV CHASIl 3arn&ee totnted ftboiit SIS -whrn driven by Ocofce aiodii;irO. Huhl, and Martin V. Bculley, Twin FftlLi, collided nt the Inlersectlou of Second avenue north mid Poimii •treet north .veMerday. No one w,t,

Jiijured, according to the ie|«>rt of Twin Palis police.


Wherever the GncH Vinill* besni Schilling-! qucH for choictK

<iusi;ty iiever ends-'Sd.illing f u u

from tropic lands-quiIit)rihd'n*votI~


: Dem ocrats Name Convention U nil

.' Tii-in r^lls county Democri- rentral committee Tliursday niuht

elected 13 "deleBate.i to the ntnie; canvenUan lo b« Iwld hero May 16.I >md Inslnjcled Uie. deleentlon lo • vole lor, RASuey Walker ef Coeur ' d'Alene for reeIe«tlon a* national ; cotnmltteemar. and for .Mrs. Fmnkle

A law th of Pllrr for'national com-- mitteewoman. .

DeUgites named vere n , O. Wln- Jde. Mn. Orr Chapman. 'William B. flara te, Hiomo* M. Robertaon, s r , W. B. I*wrence. Mr*. Inez Beamer. M n . E. D. Cogan, Wllllnm W be- m an, Roy ahaver. Jack Campbell and LMoaid A. TVlnUe. -


; - - B o a e . May a (j t - dt, e . i* Berrjr. dlrecUr of the division of BOblie heallh, left today for Wash- inxton. D. O . where h* mi) attend

' th e furgeon senerari annual con* .f«nne« of itat< and - territorial health of^cers. May M S. •

Youngttert thrive on Hetiey Mold Craliaffli because o f th e w b o le so m e , n u tritious food e lem en ts they co nu in . Let them have a ll they w an t. T h e d is tin c tiv e f liv o r o f carcfully jc lc c te d g ra h a ra flour a n d pu re hon#jr sw eetn ess m akes a "h it.’* A nd th ey ’r e so easy to digesi! •

"Cooifnesi leoled h — E veryfttriplc-w rapped pack ag e o f H oney M a id G raham s .you g e t fro m your food d e a le r p re se rv e s th a t fre jh*from *the-qvea q u iU ty so desired..

^ y M a u l- GRAHAM I C R A C K E R S



Y o u r p 'ockclbook w ill c h c c r th e s e u se d cnr bnrfrninf?. , 100 lo from . K vcry K & 0 u.scd a i r w c .sell e n r r ic s ,i w ritle n m oney b u c k . K u ar .in le c . y o u ’ll f in d Ihe m ake y o u w a n i a l th e p r ic c you wnnl lo pay .

:n Dodfic DoUixo F o rdo r T our niohnir uphoisterinp. Oiio uuh.t ,t nuk'd hi on Deluxe V - 8 ......... -. S>4S5

;!7‘ N .n s lr T o u i 'I n ^ 'S c d n n r O n i ; 'o \v i ic r r Low milcaBO. Thi.s ca r is a s() bargain, but owner w an lcd a newFord V-8 ........- ..............................$ 4 7 5

'XI Pontine Deluxe T ourin ;? S .Scciim. Low niileatre. liad Kood c a r e amiturned in on a new M crcui-y ......^ 9 5

39 DoSoto Custom Coupe. Low mile- ngc. Hnfl radio, hea te r, overdrive. A new cnr'w lth S500 d is c o u n t ......$ 8 5 0

.^G.Buick 40 Special' Sedan. S id e - mount.'!. One owner. N ew tire.<5. T urned .in on Lincoln Z e p h y r ..................$ 4 9 5;18 V-8 Cou^c. V ery low mileage. Oneowner and i t 's good ..................$ 5 2 5a« V.8 Deluxe T udor S e d a n ......$ 5 5 0

Chevrolet D eluxe TownSetinn ..........V..................................$ 5 5 039 V-8 Deluxe F o rd o r Tour ....$69537 Lincoln Xepliyr Sedan. Onti owner, new tires, orlKintil fii\ish .......... $ 7 2 536 Dodge Pickup .......................... $ 1 9 538 Stiideb.iker P. U.......................$ 4 5 0

V-8 Pickup ............................... $ 3 7 5\M V.S Pickup .............................. .$ 4 3 038 V-8 1 Ton S ta k e . ................... $ 3 2 53CJ'-8 Truck, new m o to r .......... $ 3 9 537 V.8 Truck.' 1 5 7 ...... ................. $ 4 5 088 V-8 Tnick, 1 5 7 ........................$ 5 9 336'Chevrolet T ruck, 1 5 7 ...... ; . . .$ 2 9 5

37,Chevrolet T ruck. 1 5 7 .............$ 3 9 537 V»8 Truck, T andem i'car axle,.32x6 tires -..$ 7 5 0 *

Man.V others, all m akes, a ll modcU, You’ll be .'«nfisfied w ith th e term s. Drive one of these May P ricc S p litte r Spcclnls with savinffH th a t will m ake the f irs t 3 months Taynients.

Unioh M otor Co.r O S D — M E K C D R V -L IN C O L N Z E P H Y R .


' i •

GOES INTO AIRB r i t i s h C o n tr o l - O v e r - N a z i

B a s e s f o r A t t a c k im p e r a t i v e

■ By KIIIKB L. SIM P k)N fA.MOClalfd Preji S U ff Writer) n^porlpc! Franco-Britlsh exacua*

lion of nil NorB-ny eiccpl for a loot- hold a t Nnn'lk heiiflUeii* Uio slootn with which ftilled nympnllilrcra more completa rt^velaUon of wliAt tha t Abnipt about-face means.

Uindoa siwlteainen buck up Prime Mtnlstrr Chambcrlnln'.i nMCrtlon iJiat Ihp tUlil for Norv.'ny will ro on. Yet allied a-miclrawnl of tlie forces landed north of Trondheim as well a* tlioM &ouUi of the city could hnvB only one nlBJilfleance.

It m ujl mcnn th a t the wnr ■ Noruny fi'om now on will be w;

In the n!r only. Norwny nppear* le.^Ilncd to become n cockpit for

rlvn] Nazi and DrltUh nlr flslitcr*. Dny* nlsUt% of c tnstitM ttr ro r lie nhrnd for NorwcKlnn commun- ItlM niljiicent lo flclunl o r potentlftl nlr flelil.1 or U-lmnt

Tlie nIHcd hW i ’ coiiuniiiid fncM tlip Imminent diinKcr ihnt Gcrmnny will employ NorftTk’Inii-Dnnl.ih a ir­fields. liarbnrs niid fjord/i for Inrce Krnie a lrn iu l submartlie atlnck,i on Norlli rrtv Nhlppliu;. Tlie only re- (•our^e f,eemi lo be to coiicentrnio lirlthh nlr nttiielc on every rucli tarctt.

clo.'.er home lo Drllaln'.'i Milp Innes nnd e;;.il cai,U porl.t K-otikl b f a Braver mailer ihnn the Trondlieim defeat.

Nor can it be doubled Uint - i«me tneiidurei (he vlrtiinl cc.^-intlon

diirlnB ihe Nor^veKlnn cnmpnlen of Nnrl (iMtnicllon of nllled nnd neU' tr.ll slilpplnB In the North sea reprC' w U trt ft Ocrronn Mr nnd nnvnl cou' centrnllon on *K-|ft completion of the Scnndlimvlan *troke. Allied

-wlihdrawal from nll'of Norwny but Narvik menn.< relrnse of Oermnn fllrpower to re.Mime the Ren rnkllnB,

T7ie war In Norway so oi> niUileuly by nlr. a t If thnt new upsucce ot Oertnat^ f tllnc t by Afa li to be countered effectively. I t 1» « Brim forecast for Norway and Denmark. m«und between olllNl-Oermnn w nr. mlll,ilones ....

•■ and unwllllnR vlctlm.n of tlie I'tniEEle.

Tliere'seems little allied salvnRa • Tftlue about tJie retrc.H from Nor-

way. E\'eo‘ consideration iirKes up­on rmnco-BrlUsh leadership some drastlo move to counter quickly for tha t setback, IncreaslnK nllled pressure on Italy lo disclose here rent Intentlaiw In the struKsIe polni.i RtronBly lo tlie Medltcrranenn m the tJieater where liondon anM Paris iiopo to retrlev#-nllle<l prestige.

Gooding ^{iles t o r Form qr R csideiitaOODINO, Mny 3-P unera I w r-

vice* for Mrs. Alice O. Havlland, who died a t her home hero Tue-sdaj morning, were held Thursday after- nodn a t tlie TljomiMon mortuary chapel with Rev. C. H. Northrup, BnpUst pastor, cfflclntlwr.

------Spetlal !UU*14-Wni. lumUhed byTwin Fnlls and Ooodlnc friends and Interment »a.s In Elmwood cemctetr k t Ooodlns, 1

Mrs, Ifavlland wn* b o m 'jn n , 28. 1875, fn Cedar^’IIle, O,. and waa mar- lied October 0, iflW, to M artin L. Hnvlland. who surv-h-es. Tliere no children.

Mm, • Uavllnnd was a devoted member of the 1>-ln Palls Methofllst

Uiere. Her pnrtleular IntcresU . thOfB of tlie Porelitn Ml.wlonnry ... elety. During her residence Uierc. «h« served the Red Crbss in an o«t- atandlng manner,'enmlni: a dlplomn «5 ln.structor in mnUlnu bnndaBcs.

She WM also a member of chnpter D. P. E. O. Bliterhood, In Twin m ils . Besides her husband, ahe Is Rurvlved ■ by four sister* and brother.

B aptists A ttend Amnial M eeting

Annual business meeting, preceded by a pot-luck siippcr. wan held by th e First Bapttut church Wednesday

' evening at tlie bunBnlow. Reports Indlented thnt the yenr closed with oil local expenses met and a .toUl of more Uinn »pOO conlflbut«d to ^ocnI nnd world-wide mlMlonary nnd benevolent purpojea.

"A marke<l atlvanccment townrd Uic Koal of a new church bulldlns 1ms been reconled Uie past year, w ith tlie dLiixvJil of the vacant lota n t Sixth nnd Shoshone nnd Uie choice of tlie prc.sent siw of tlje church for permnnenl development.

JJulWing committee, composed of b e rt A. fiweci, OcorBC W arbers and Lionel Denn. Is mnklng prosress w ith the study of plans for the new p lan t and means of raising addi- Uonal funds needed for Uie project.

TIic following o f f l c e r a wer« elected:■ CUucli d « k . UlM Alice Olbbs;

church treasurer, Bernard Mart}7>: financial secretary,' K. II. Burkhart; auditors, J. W. OoerUen nnd Paul IJod.wn, William Blue and L. U Holloway. . ■

Deaconesici. Mr*. Arthur Gordon, Mr». P. S. Munro and Mr*. .Helen , Taylor: board of edutaUon, Mr*. A. e . Mart>Ti. Mr*. A. D. Bobler. Mis* Hnsel Holloway; board of, tnistces, Oeonre Warbers nnd tlone l Dean; church school superintendent, Mrs

- Helen B u r k h a r t ....................

W H Y ?W hy do p e o p l e p re fe r P arisian , Inc., fo r cleaninff?, Thlfl.aign Is the answer.

One txlR' ttiroURh the bakery in which Butler* R rust Bread. U produced and you would have

-••m uch- b e tter undentandlng'oftJOW'BuitCT- ' K nst, has achleyed Q ttt plwa In'U&ste VaTl*5.‘ ' No bakery In MQth een tn l-Idaho can match t u comblnailon of noctem cquipminl, expert vorkmoo. u d hiRh'*tandards of aanltaUon.-It U upoa tufih foundation th a t Butter-Knut

. ha«,buU t.lta cavlabU.r»s)ut*Uo&‘

and he sure to iise FALLS BRAND MEATS

Sanchvichcs make the picnic, and" Fali.s Brand m eats make the bc-sl saniiwiche.H. T h ere is a sandwich m eat to s u i t you too. F irs t th e re aro th e prepared sandwich meats ready to use. I t you p refer, you may s e t a -F a lls Bhand pre­cooked H am <jr & roast and use p a r t o f i t a t home-nnd p a rt a t tho, picnic.

Palls' B rand m eats arc full of energy build- ing food value 1 . . ju s t w hat everyone nocds fo r phyBical f i^ o s s and vim lo Tcally enjoy outdoor activities.


’A sh fo r FalUBrttndMJY.ovrJUeotCoxtJtier—



r M.i

W i:iJ..B K nA V ED SAILORS SalSors don*i n av e s w a e lh e a m . In every

p o r t, s a y s ih c c ap ta in of a 's h ip of t h e A m e r- . Icnn Prc .sl(lcm Line. P c rh ap .s th e y used lo,

b u t lim e s tintl cu stom s h a v e c h a n g e d .-------i^ IlB lior-w ftgps.-boU ^M lvlng-c'ondlH ons-an*

sp e e d e d -u p .schedules te n d to th r o w ^ Ih i sw c e th c n n n iy ili In to th e d lsc n rd . S a i lo r a re younR m en very lik e o th e r tourl.'!t5 . T lie y

• b lend w i th . t h e to u r is ts—y o u c n n ’f t e l l one f ro m th e o th e r In forelR n p o r t-s /',

I t .should be ob.'icrved t h a t th e c a p ta in r e ­fe r re d To th e sw ee th e a r t bus! os a " m y th ." B u t th e Idea will doub tIe .« be a s h a r d to k ill a s th e m othcr* ln-ln .w ]oke.

lo m a k e . H e had to g e l m essages th ro u g h to A m e ric a n consuls th e re . H e h a d to d eal w ith G e r m a n s m w ell as N orwcRlaa':- H e h a d a lo a d of gold to p rp tc c t. H e hart to n a v ig a te th ro u g h a live ly w a r zone to rea ch th e o p e n A tla n tic .

All the.-ic thlnffs a p p e a r to have been h a n d le d a b ly a n d q iiletiy . S h ip a n d m en got o u t s a fe ly a n d a re now h o m e . T he Jo u r ­n a l e n d s ; .

"T T iro u g h o u t llil.s w holp tro h b le m y offlrcr.^ a n d c re w w ere v,oiid<Tful, ^Everybody .icrm ed to w a n t lo w ork toK -'ihrr. I th in k we m u st a il l iv e r ig h t ." .

W h e th e r that'.*; a to u c h of hu m o r or a .■jolemn b e llr f . 'o n ly ilie' c a p ta in or wlio kn o w h im w ell can .say. B u t I t h a s a n A m eri­c an .sound t h a t l.s re a s su r in g In t h e o f .^;ppechcs, b o a s ts and th r e a ts from th e fellows In p o w e r In E urope.

O tlier Points of View. IN .SEAHCH OK THE FACTS

o r »1I the proclpm* wnicli. bp.ict the Unll«l Siatf lodny U is Beiierally rrroRiilrfd tha t on# of th« wre.i is ihn l of llif mlbTnni wnrkpr *nrt Jobscfker. Johi Si«inhfclc prcr.ciiifU k in .ill itn mUery In "Ompcj o W ralh." AJdou.^ Hiixl?)' lotichw upon It bliierly li. "Atier Many ti Giinmfr Dlf^ ths 8 « 6 n .' «rli«ts. itud tn la of »oclal trrndfi ni»l problems, hnvr atffmptrd to explain ih r pilKht of « triivdlng populntlon wtilel 1.1 loo oft«n iinwflcomr In i“very eommiinlty un lfa 1' cnii be explolli'd n.i ntri.^onnl hbor,

Tne states imv* ttw tlffl with tli# prqbltm to nt Bvnll. And. ntUioiiitli ilii* plafuo of humiinlty li uorje In some nintpi limn In o th m . 11 li evident nc solution, eon be woikrri out by the KOflnte Here Is n m ailfr wtilrh rfqiilrej national action. I t Is not enouKh for Callfornlji lo nttempt lo keep tin sunrm out-nlde 11, bmmdnrlpj. Whnt of the ilnies li Itip <1iHt bov.1 wlienff r.o misny of thes# mlBrnn

-Irtnj-h iir fn n n o ijn ’fiti t vlih iln

.A rU T IL K ^ rE R F O R M A N C E I t d id n ’t ^ u l r c a‘ p r o -B rl t ls h a t t i t u d e to

m a k e A m e ric an s .smile a t th o se R lb b e n tro p r e v e la t io n s of B ritish g u i l t In t h e in v a s io n

• o f N orw ay, I t w a s 'J u s t a n o th c r ^ o f lho_se__ r a th e r c h ild ish p e rfo rm a n c e s th e - w orld has” com e to ex p ec t from H itle r . R lb b e n tro p a n d

• C o m p an y . 'T hey u re m igh ty In w ar b u t w eak In logic

a n ti u n d e rs ta n d in g of h u m a n n a tu re '. T h ey a ssu m e t h a t o th e r n a t io n s will be lieve th e m a s Im p lic itly a s th e ir ow t\' p e o p le f.ccm to d o .

T lie w o rd "seem " Is h e re u se d a d v ised ly , fo r- I t Is h a rd to believe t h a t a m a jo r i ty o f t h e G e rm a n people, ev en th o u g h s h u t o ff a s th e y a r e from w orld c o n ta c ts a n d u n b ia se d n ew s, c a n be so cred u lo u s a s th e ir p o lit ic a l le a d e rs a ssu m e .

SLOW M O T IO N _ 5 itA m a:ic ftii.^ j)riitcJu ii:£c lyc5_b u t we c an , w in la u re ls by th e o p p o s ite p ro c e d u re . I n fac t, i f s in c re d ib le h o w slow w e c an bo even w hen w e 're n o t - t r y in g , b u t l u s t b e in g n a tu ra l .

• T h u s a r e c e n t c h ec k -u p a lo n g t h i s lin e sh o w s t h a t a m a n In T ab e rg , N , Y., h a s /i m a rr ie d a g ir l h e s ta r te d c o u r tin g 40 y e a rs a g o ; t h a t a m a n ^n D ansvllle . N .'Y . turn_ed_tpJho local lib ra ry a book he_bo rrow ed

of Ihft load ihert dii conBrcM a t liiM ha.i rfnl mlKratoo" problrm nnii lin- /a r more cffrctivr (cUcnil

oiish Fl9rtd.a bf(Ins the winter monih.v So pil the linportnnc* of ihe nlv) acknowledged the need ciion. Til" lioiue of rrprr-

, .^piirrfd on iKntrly by Rep. John H, Tolni. of Cnllfornla. hns ndopicri n re^olulten for the creation of B flve-mnn commlHir in jfudy the slliiaUoii In «I1 Die .ilatea and recommenrl leshlallon.

Sonic of n«p, Tolan'n reasnnn for leliing up mieh a rnmmltlee nre ^lRnlflrAnl. Beenune many auL ioriile.s on mlKroUon iire convinrrO lhat Jilgli relief allocallons liave i>ecn n mannet iJrsuIni; IndlRenU to partlciiliir Males, he l>elleve.i' "fonRre.M ouKht lo hiive a full knowlrdKe of ilie provhioiis for relief, education. hoi». InK. hpftlth. te;,eUlrnirni of non-re.ildenl famlllt.i In evco' hlntc, njid liie federal relief allocution iihould be made In conformtiy lo a program which would be inlecralcd »’lth slnle and It>"j\l aid." TliLi is a senslblB trtmnthlion. nWiousii Mt. ’i’nlan’s.hopM wrm a opilmtstle. •;Con#reM oiiRht lo know what it the niicl most t)raRtii;aI wny 10 anchor fnmllles t« the foil in Uie llsl)t"o( cKlMInc conriltlona and nbo how' to iiiablllr.c indu.strhit employnunt over a gtfaler number ol inonUis In each ye;ir." '

Dniorltinntcty. ihii mllleiinliim la not jiu t around the eorncr. but.prrliap^ roiicr<v' can nt Icasl a,-<ertain

&u.ns misnaina.wlseven the mlrnKe of » rainbow the end Lewlstop Tribune. ■

Wall Street Recognizes Fii’st Attack on War Credit Bau

NEW vonK wjimuf.ioB j n iehard Walds ind

G»brlcl Veillotd OPENEIU W an slreei recosritod

the,first oblique attack on the B u- illle restriln ln f war crediu in U»l seek'i ietlon by New York'fi o— Senstor Wapner. - As a membtf the senate finance commltiee It fell to Wagner to Introduce a law lulhorltlnc tiie treasury tp freest lU monetary.txchai\Re wUli tl»e na­tion* tha t have suffered Invasion Tilt measure would merely have liven BecrcUry Morsenlhau con- crtM bnal authority to do perms- nenlly what he did on administra­tion InltliUVB In tlie emergency ot aermany's march Into Denmarl

nd Noni-ay.AtKehed to this nece.usry Ie;;ls

Utlon wa« a rider vestlns the execu tlv# with further power lo handli Uie llQuldatlon of allied securltlcji This eomes a t ft time when all Wall itreet Ii full of admiration for Uie >rderly. efficient and profitable waj n which French and Brlllih ftank. irs hav* . handled their tlock and bond sales to date. If more expert help were needed thMlllna tth belnt ____ _____

to allied banks by J, P, Mor- and Co. It's a fiuc.illon whet:

Washington could provide It.Implication of the rider lies

Ihe plan which h is been knocklncind White Ifoiw e dcpar

IS w all.- National Whirligig Neu-8 Behind The News

ai the going market price, and receipt* to Uie allies redeemable ellher In Amerlran pwcha\cs o In. Che ortftlnal uCACkn-and bond) *1116 redemption angle would maki It a (juestlon whether the hllles line received a loan In violation of llii

son law and neutralliy net— d merely bouprht a sovernment ter*’ bill." In either cm« the

Dopiilsr UboQ asfttni.t mentlonlns to belHRerirnt-1 would get Its

llrNt brrnk—and hurry up the ce.M ol converting the putillc it

of flnniiclng tlie allies'

I)lf;C0t;NTi:D. Diplomats her< . Crc surprl.^cd lo discover Ilerr Itlb- benlrop'* -iliot In the dark «orcd aj

my hita AS It did. Ptiraiely the} ; Kcnernlly nfrreed lhat ihe docu­

ments ftlleRlng Dritttln's nlan.i M In. vade Nfl'rway st« lowonee Is mndi been‘prepared b;

up only If a|.

I’l^TTI.N'G OF TinUD TEKMKItS iflcnnt glint came Itilo the ryes of Inner c •rnieri" a t Wii»hlu(;ton when Ihe news

ilHllrd that F.D.R, l» planning a imn«oiitlnent»l n June, according lo careful ob^en'erx nt tlic ualloniil :apltal. T lir Inner circle has the proverbial look ;he cat th a t swallowed the canar>', ’Hiev bAlcve 11 ;hf prfsfdent will come back from r


51 y e a rs a g o ; a n d a c itiz en .o f .C rossvlIIc, T cn n ,. h a s dem anded o l a r a i l ro a d tw o days ' p a y d u e W m for d riv in g a s ta g cc o n c lj S3 y e a rs ago.

I t 's re a lly re fre sh in g . In th e se m o re o r le.s.s h tc t l c 'l i m e s , lo ru n across s u c h c v ld en ce of leLstire a n d T h e y ’re c e r ta in ly

■ 'm b rc sen.slble th a n d riv in g a c a r 80 m ile s a n h o u r o r w an t in g lo fly 500 m iles p e r lio u r .

P E R I'E T U A Ii P E N S IO NA L a b o r m em b er of th e B r it i s h H o u se of

Common.*;'ha-s asked how long a h e ro ’.s h e ro ­ism la s t s . a n d how m an y o f h is re la llv e .s s h o u ld b e '^^onorW In h is n a m e . T h e M . P . d ec la red t h a t nearly SOjlOOO p o u n d s— m ore th a n ’ $3,000,000—h ad b c ra p a id th e N elson f a m ily s in c e 1808. 'T lte p re se n t L o rd N elson , re c e iv in g m ore th a n 5100,000 a y e a r , Is a g rc a t-g ra n d -n c p h c w of th e h e ro of T r a f a lg a r . I t 's q u ite a b i t of m oney to be p a y in g su c h a dL ^lant r d a tlv e for no p a r t i c u la r re a so n .

T ills g r e a t-g ra n d -h e p h e w Is 82 y e a r s old a n d I t w ou ld p robably b e .u n fa ir to - ta k e . aw ay a ll b is p en s io n how. B u t I t w ould .-iccm to sh o w H o lo,s,s(’n ln g o t p r id e a n d r e s p e c t 'f o r th e g r e a t a d m ira l to s to p p e n s io n paym enU s to o th e r m e m b e rs of th e fam ily Iti tUe fu tu re ,

he planned ilie trip for ihe pirrp<we of lli convlcilon. If F.D.Il, has ever felt any reluriance agulnjt runiitni: again. It wa* along nbniit la 'i Cliri.<i> mas, when he loyed with tlie Idea oCmftktnK Corddl Hull the Democrntlc nominee for prc.'.ldeni iinil ilien lalcr thnuiiht Hecllngly about the merli.t of Atlonipy Oencrnl Dob Jnck.wn a i a possible c.mdldale. TliP.«e tnotighl.i, AiiKKC.Mtons and Ideas, while probably never

While House1 •'feeler*."

T circle bo>’s. Tlie other jt>rrlrd tlie

1. likely

Tlierefore I

IS liM K.D.H, or pern u the pri'%ciu innc

the planned tour wlllif that the

the people for n or (he nrniv nn the federal fmyroll -Aill'com tliat he Is being really drafted'lo run ngali only chanec lh a t tlie Inner circle has to u poealvllo •JYlliune,

^el 111. In Novi


W A .S IIIN G T O N H.v Kay Turktr

i’i;CTj). Prer.ldenl Roo Irri-ierm decision mny i

hK can nUrSi'W ivill be a . ure winner

r. He will lake I ) chsnHi; oul.Dt_liic_Wtillc_ll(iii.iL ented and dlwertlicil chief '. So far the primarte

tradlilhn. lal t 1 In Juiiimrweoi.. .

genernlly regarded ns nn allemp te.ll liln rwpularliy wlih the pro-

. • nnd th e politicians, IleMde.i hli mbilc appenrances, he will con»n1i :he Innal ,hn .w s lynd-pulM.flngefoa.

.. Whnl li nay be U« .ile-

ninatinn If 1nijoy t:

I IMPORTANT FACTST h e re Is a ru b b er w orker in A kron , Ohio,

40 yeans o ld . w ho boasl.-i of a " p h o to g rap h ic m in d " fo r v lia l .<;tatl.silc.s. H e say s h o can te ll o f fh a n d th e b ir th a n d w ed d in g d a le s

. o f 1.500 frlcnd.s.- • - I t is obv iously useful to h a v e su c h a i

a ro u n d . F r ie n d s probab ly ca ll h im on te lep h o n e , r ig h t a long, to f in d o u t h o w old th e y a re o r w h en th e y w ere m a rr ie d .

T h e w r i te r of th is c o m m en t w as a b o u t to a d d t h a t i t ’s a p ity th e ru b b e r m a n d id n 't d e v o te h is m em ory pow ers to m ore serio i •■info" r e a lly w o rlh w hile . B u t su d d e n ly B o m eth ln s in th e to p of h is h e a d b u tte d In w ith th p q u e ry : "W ell, now If y o u 're so w ise, w h a t k in d of know ledge o r In fo rm a tio n r e a lly Is w o r th w hile?”

W e oncB h a d & Jrlcn d •who r e a d a n u n ­a b rid g e d d lc t lo n a ry ’c lea r th ro tlg h , a n d y e t d id n ’t tfeem to g e t a lo n g a n y b e t te r th a n

• th e r e s t o f us. 'A n d a n o th e r w ho h a d read a ll t h e b o o k s in a b ig c i ty l ib r a ry up to th e

: l e t t e r F , b u t d id n 't h a v e any ' Job . A n d a n ­o th e r w ho a p p a re n tly , kn ew a b illio n u n ­r e la te d f a c ts , w ith o u t k n o w ln g 'w h a t a n y of' th e m m e a n t in te rm s of re a l life .

N ow if t h e r e 's a n y th in g m o re im p o r ta n t t h a p b l r th j a n d w eddings, w h a t is It? -

RIGHT-LIVING SEAM EN C aptain M cHale ol th e Mormacacft, Amcrt-

■ can fre ig h te r t h a t was in a Norwegian h arbor w hen th e Nazis entered Norway, h a d afiveral

exciting days before he vias able to leave for th e U£.A . T he Journal be kep t of those ex­periences Is fascinating reading.

C aptain M cEale had im p o rtan t decision's

_____ I io n if io niO M WITHIN- AOAIS________f nny drp.irtmcnt of this government has been free pollilc.1t mniience.s. It I* Uia Federal Bure; 'c.'liKallon. T liat I* a te.ilin)r>nMl to the Inlecrllj Uie viirlmis nttomey generali wSSliave had charge Uie bureau—and lo It* director. J. Edgar Hoover, lie <lrji:irinieiit has done more to reduce and punish a m ccittic In tlitj. cauiilr^' Umn any otUec as«K y- tllier or not the crimes were committed by men o: h nr low station. l)j'. men without Influence or m<i; h Rr*at pull.' And Ih it fact nwy havi somelhlns rio illth the current campaign io "smear.Hoover'1 hiv departineiit. Left-wlns ■ organtiaUons hav< led Ilie liuni in lull cry. However, the -<mear tcch- iie 10 have been deflated like a suddenly

pui'clured lire.- 11 was rhnrKed Hint the FBI made a general pi

tice of wire.taiiping—yet not a ilngle provable InsUnce has been Dioduccd. , l t hM b«en charKCd that the FBI niblreatrd ^o^1e pcr.'ons recently arrested In Detroit. chft/Kcd with Uie Jcdeml,crime of .wllclllnK volulllerr^ for i«'forel|:n belligerent natlon-»-yei I since been found that mistreatment. If It actually )i*ppeneil, occnrred after the prisoners were turned over lo local niiihorltles. as the-law pnsvldes. So It goi-». down ihP llst.'A s floiike Carter has written, "The squawti mo'ily from croups who.'e acllvllles are now b ^ j Miefe.'.sriilly uncovered for the flrsi time, a r i l i i '.imear' liicilc.'< are out In full force to confuj* thi public and bring disrepute to one sovernment biireai. th a t slmiily refuses to play politics—or fivorltei-or be boiiKlii."

n i r ".Mnearers" iL-.e Insinuation, half-truths,ant downright ml.-.repre.'.pnlatlons. rortunately. the peoplt seem lo have seen Uirough th ls-a* has Aliomty Oeneral Jnrkson. Mr. Hoover'a chief, who has given him a clean ^Iale. More power to the FB I.-Induitrltl

. "AttCNDANT LIFE- id Droolui—In condemning American In- t American business much hat been said abundant life. If you v w it to tee a 0 American genlu* look around. Uia

latlon enjoy Uie benefiUi ofpeople of . . . - ........................................many electric llRhts. fumaee-heated homes, bath tubs,

..telephones, radlca, nutomoblles. electric machines nnd appliance.-., nnd m adtm methods bf transpoflaUQa m do the American people. This b nbimdont life.

"When knighthood WM In flower nnd klnR.t wsre aiipreme. not one of Ihem enjoyed the. luxuries ihat are enjoyed by the average clUten of America today.

"And the covem m tnl did r o t create itt The gov- ertunenl merely malntAlhed ordetand protected Indi­

v idual lnlllirUv9.-Abiuidftnv-«fe cannot be legUtated ihio bilng. 11 come.1 from hard work. Intelligence, and enterprise. America lias been-great In lta abundant life, full of hope because ot tta freedom to labor and aueceed."

The foregoing I* from Uie National p m n t Teacher. I t l.s somctliing to Uilnk about as.we nre compelled to listen to the Demagocues^Bofte StaUsman.

B reakfast Food


T ire DEAR DEPARTED. "I suppose you cnny a*memenlo of toirie locket?' Raid one woman to another.

"Yei. a lock of my husband'* h a ir.- *'Dut your husband Is allte."-eura; but w* h»ir li sotw.'’

every s tn te 1 from tUei •mlnlnc fncior cleil. tho convc

can have Ihi will take It. He will fl irtvnntacr o f knowing iti r the Q. O. P. nominee.Key D cm ocrnllt le-nltn arc iharp-

ly sp lit over h is tccle.cllon pro\i»fis. Tlielr own personal prejurilce.s anti •nmmt!onrahftpff-tn?irMfuis6iiarii,s much M tJielr reftard for the presi­dent and the psriy. Tlis "pnlsce iruard" — Me.virJ- Icke.s, llopklm, Cohen. C o rcornn-w ant him to malic the t r y 'f o r obvious rra.'.nns, .so do men' like M nyon Hague imd Kelley, who figure U ist he will help to elect their local tickets. But If he Ulks w ith hard-boiled realists like Nation­al Chalrmnri Farley. Vice President O am er and Dennett CMrk-whlch h r probably w onT-he w1H receive the frank sdvlce tlia; he c.tnnot'

AI.AUM. M artin Diei promlir: nM.'lonal iMelMions as a resiiV hts uiirterrover InvesUgatlnn of thi ope iind operntlons of B-''Iiftli col' iii>liii_tlie-.UuUttLSUUx^tflxIf< 111 .‘Viulh America. His mall mj the

Ir, and he in.slsts iliat hli :x«!. f.trucli toteljn din, iiiMs,- Fawlsl.s and NiijJ: iirtr.ited churche.v rivit le rdllege.s. labor unlnn; li grou|xi, according to ilii


. Trained propagand' I r.ent Into Mexico by (l.s uiitler usumeil ItnR .■‘onte of Berlln'ii

.•ah have

. Dies ean hardly l>e blamed apltnllslnK—perhaps ovcrcaplt-

ftllslnK-rrveliillons of Ulllctii.TW- ■ leclinlque. But the fact

la lhat once-.ikeptlcal offldals here , Rroivu alarmed; the sctjffi have

been shaken out of them. Watlilns- ton 't concern ove r'th li problem ac- :ouht* for creation of th# new "*py

dlTltlon* In ih« departm tnt of Jus­tice. , •

COMMENT. Even close frlendt cf

N.E.'S ASIIiUVIEDI N. E. saw p a r t of the colorful band

m archlns contest last .Prldsy eve­n t U nco ln Held, and conildtred ihow well worth Ihe 24 and 33

cent adm ission charge.But rum ors have reached his ear:

:hat everyone did not ahare his feel-

c’e rU ln women In town are report- ed lo be outraged lh a t they had tc pay B q u a rte r Ui*t their children nigh t te e th e ahow.

E. %ron<Str& It Uiey Uavt stoppei to think how the show wa* financed,

First. It co st MOO to bring the Judge* to th e festival for the threedsyi.

Every school and every student li. Uie contest pnld an entrance fee. In Home cnze.1, U worked n hardvhlp or he uniUl s tu d e n t t>ocIy to send theli

en tran t to th e festival.Before Un;, festival was arrangk

.J f in T s-ln m ils , the Twin Falls mcrchivnta underwroie the affair, h a t luslstance would be givtn Uie m orehanu .to .u ie schools (o htianeet expense*—|f the f ( ...............lo t pay for m a lh women wlio were "f^ylni"ibout Uifl Idea of p a y in g ............rof tlielr children to.seo might ask th e ir hiubands how much

would hnv r cost If the merchant.s' trcau and th e Junior Chamber of

Commen:e hnd hnd to back up their iromlses if th e show failed. T hanks lo th e eolleoUotj.of. Hit

mall Bdmtialon clinrge lo ih& msrchlnc contest, the festival was a InnnclAl suoce.u — local business

(nen do n o t h av e to “dig u p ,'- tn d Khool offlcl*ls will bo able to re-

p a rt of th » entrance fee* paid ;ompetlnB achool* nnd Individ-

PARLOR TALK Maybe these tez-o-gram* aren't

w far fetched a fte r all. A rtcent local newspjper Item relate* how a speech here will Include "the flrit

itlon between two rooms Intho t e ho

Now all we do Is figure out what they said to one another, and a good *ez-o-gram will be bom.


I ( the weatiier m an h u been a bit unkind this spring In produelns rali for music festivals and cold for base ball 8ame.s, lie partly cleared hlmtel yesterday.

During the rural school track mee At Filer, enrly May sunshine drench­ed the fairgrounds to Increaw the enjoj-menf of the th ro n n of chil­d ren gathered for the event. Later In the day. Uie sub-dlstrlct track and field meet here « sa ruo off under tlmlTarly favorabla condltlant.

¥ ¥ ¥ c L A s s ! n c A T r o N s r : : r : : : : ; — ~

Twin Falla whUker crops are now reaehlnr the place th a t Uielr bearers ire beginning ta ahow an'Interest .n combing and other such frlrolovs puriiults.

Now tlint thl.i stage ha-i been rftched. when conversations turn to ID hirsute decoratlans. men are

likely lo refer to t«xture.s In terms of typt.i of dos hair whlcli they rcstmWf. One w as .h e a rd .to tay

he hnd the nirrtale variety and ___ her commented Uiat his re­sembled thn t of A Pekingese.

O n tills basis, nearly all could be classified by such descriptions as the

rl. bulldog bristle, mastiff muBUche, tbe Mexican hairless ef- loTt natl »d biilDltiua.

James A. Farlry cocked tlielr eve- browa at apparently ln^plret^ clalmt that he now commantl.i Miffleleiit dclegalei for the pre.flrienilnl nom­ination o( P. D. R. bows hlmftll out of the nailonal picture. I t np- pears ihat ihe-pollllcos nre playlnj a cagej-. Eiune even .UiouRh-U-ln- volvM dfcepllon of such a popular figure as the national chairman.

Local bones want to . make no commllments unlit ihey know the PTe»lrtfs\t't 'WSlh the txeep-ilnn ot a very few. they are mn't excellent bandWflKon Jumpers, So ihe easle.n wav’ to dodge the im- pnrtunllles of frienili of other c»n- dlilale* - Mewrs, Oam er, McNutt,

I Uiey favor the rcnomlm 111 of Mr, Rortseveti. W hen pccw- 1 for their second choice—and a

•Ing;rrltorlal offl-

by trained military men.' the...recent Bulllii-Ken-

. , elatlons-widely acknow- ledged Rs a cc u ra te-a shell like ,lhe ■ St one found n lot ef believers.

Actually. Ihe cenerol staff of every country has a military blue­print for the attack en nelghbor-

■ es In peace or war. U Is dtbatsible l \ » t Kng'nnd

has such chnrtA against (he con- Ungenej' of a war against any world

r K ' : iirilnR Job of the admit' any ana general ?taff to brim them up lo dat« regularly. .A siir- prL'e raid Into the archives of al major power* would ahow what ad-

mlrallles do with their spar* Ume.Tills much It known of Brillih

foreign pollcy-that the creation of a biiitlefront In Scandinavia, pre­ferably Flnlaod antl Sweden, wm nn objective as far back na Januan'. But Uittt Ihe plans had taken such concrete shape a* to make It a Question o f ' ten hours ‘whether Drllon or Nail got there first Is generally discounted. Not to do no would be to rale Rrlllsh organWns. a'bimies a t n lower Itv tl th w sttmn credible.

' PfllVATj; A mile known slorj’ nf American slake* In the Scandlnt-

ible shows the chailenln: Influence the nculTAlIty law has had on shipping tycoons. I f s mum when the waterfront la In trouble. —In the hope that congresslonsl UoUtlonLiu w-lll keep ihelr sett* and let Ihe shippers *ettle problcnu tlielr own way.

.UlUer's blltikrlcg In the norlh cnflRtit some IJOO DanLih nnd Nor­wegian vcMcIs on the high sets wlih more itian IMO.OOO.OOO worth of American exports In the holdv For a week It was touch and go wheltier more Itian a quarter of thl^ floating fortune..would rcach des- llnailon, whether It would be cap. lured, Intemert or unloaded in off- route porw for auctioning. To the crcdll 6f some Irlggcr-lhlnklng Yanks—aided by plenty of luck—an estimated 95 per rent of the cargo will - rcach tlcsilnallon without Kreoier ineonvenlenee. thnn a small

extra charterageC0.M.S.

Tlie Germans Indicated the Scan­dinavian merchant fleets were be- vonrt Ihelr physical cnntrol, Vhai [herefore no legfll IrnpedimenU *-mild Interfere with delivery of pre- ivnr cargocs. "Hie B rim h laid lown some strict conditions and let the Norse freighters complete their lonlfACU-Dinei are still holed up ill over the globe. And the Amerl- ;in shlppera rang dMrbtSls o{ Dan- ' sli, Norwegian, BrllLsh and German lUthorlllM far Into Uie night to get •he accOTiI-wlihoul tipping off a lenloas congress lhat Uiey were on I spot.

SPOHTISO. A vLillor from Scot- and who was a wlliieis lo'several 'Jntl air raids on the Firth of Forth alked engagingly the other day ibput his experiment. Aaked whclh- r any particular event remained ippermoit In hi* mind, he rcpUed viihoul hesitation: ’T lie conslder- ileneu of the attacking nlrerafU" tor detail*, he related how a Helnkel bomber wta h it by anU- .ilrcrafi ihelHng. The cnem>' plane rapidly I&u alutude, one engine ap- pnrenUy not functioning. Present­ly the pilot got hts ship under con- ' ' gain nnd headed for the sen at tow speed barely above. the root tops, &’«rybody watched brea th -" le.'-'ly. tom »» the p^ane was ever deep water all Its bomb* were rctciwed without the chnnce of any •hnmi‘'t>fine'Soii*.' ■A ii*rtl!5l, UiT~ bomber was seen to rl,v nn tl'd k - ipptar In the general directisn of

the relch. .Till.', tha visitor aalrt.10 Isolated Instance and. In.hts '

oglnlon. '‘rather. <rlsket.-

t O ^ r C h ild r e n ^i t l ^ n i f e l o T ^ r i ,

mlldat •njoy nijMi It r . D. n ,

Ihey. fall back on "Jim.' ean buck 'a Rooscvelt-

Fnrley preference, even though he i,'pe«t l ^ ^ l t Is .a i ta ll .Farley — tiiUtivkc

alwiii It—Is Uie l>esl loved political In the Democratic party, ex­

cept Uie pre.'Jdent, n ie pollUcIm lid be only too glad to nomli

. . him tor first or second place. If Uiey Ihought he would be'occeiit-

F. D. R. and could win. Uiit e etircmely dubious on both

.couni.s nnd. n* (he prcildenl rcceni- ly iBld 10 a visitor, they *'hop« Jim won't be disappointed If he find i tha t he can't make U."

WORKERS. ISie federal reserv' 'ysiem's personnel hS* been quietly transformed under the regime of lien like Chairman Marrlner a Ec- :Ies and member* DavU and Em- p't O- Draper. I t no longer eon' 'Ists ot bankers who look a t Amer­ica'only with the eye* of m en deep ' 1 finance.

With only one es:cop tbn-«ad 'h i a holclaver—(ha chairman of th t

board of ih i regional dlatrlcU an biiilncss men, InduslrlalUta, agrl- iuliural experts, lawyer*. Every «!• 'iJory commlilee now contains « pracilcal or theoretical fnnner wise In ih« ways of making money If the soil. Typical of th» new Tiembcrshlp are Owen D. V ounj and Robert t . Wood of Bear<-Roe‘ buck. Tliey bring 'lo the ir oarijn '------ n broader undersUndln* ol

iilon's problem*—In w , near­er peace—than did th« old-

fa.shloned bankeri,Tlie change also repr»*»nt3 a def­

inite saving In dollar* and centi- Formtrly th* board chairmen n celvcd salaries rnngtng from t2S,000 to »M,000. Their successor* »erv# for noUilng. and they work a t It. too. -At a recent board oonfenmce Mr. 'V'oung gavu InstrueUon* ta hU office not 10 Interrupt him with phone calls under any clreum' ata,!\tts: , ' ' • • ,

INCUSED. Senator StyleLQridte* recently brought lo lha .M«p|Ul M hetd of hit.woman'i d(rt»lon ‘ " ' .vsflgua gal frem'CallfantlAT-*) cellont orgimlter but « b it a}iy «n. tlie amcnIllM ot naUonol .pollUca. Soon after her afrli^V th e vsia In­troduced lo nouse Leader “Jo*'

■M A««^t MtMachuselt*.Wlfrri’-slie IdenUfled herself, the

always gracious Joe said; - I am very fond ot Senator Bridge.s." Thb young lady brightened, her face wreathed

. and she said: *'0h. then..............wlih U.S — with ScnntorBridges. I m e a n . - - - • — -

who Is playing iio favorites ly in Uie game,, hlccoughe<t,

buttoned his coat nnd slonunsred: ••Well, you «e, I am tnklne no pArt

1 the pre-convenUon campftljn*

NOTE.S. American purchue of

IVIIAT IS A SCHOOL?When people think of .iclioolj tliey

■t bullrilnRi nnd they measure Uie lallty of Uie school by the bcnuiy : II.S slruclurc oftcner Ilian In any her terms. Communities vie with >ch other in pulling up the liand- )mesi structures. One meets pala-............ .....................inrteif......

to which children nre hauled from long tllslancM, In All weatliers, often unde[ unplea5>int conditions. The Idea was to have a fine ichool. meaning bullrilnc.

Tlie Chinese have a proverb Uiat say* whin (he bulldlnj* were pala­tial the field* and granaries are implT. Often I think ef (hat when I see (he.\e grand'bylldlnga and talk to the teacher* who work Jn the All Ihi mone)- went Into th i bull Ing, and the buses, and tlie exlr

meeting room* for the grow: Olten .there wasn't enough left

.:r*(le the yard- decently. Tliat would h*ve lo eoma later when Uie

rs and moUiert pul on enlei talnments and gave supper* to r»l:

real teacher but the lack of It pun- ,• Wie,s ihc teacher. Is Uiat w hat Ihe . community would wi.'tfi to do? It the fathers and mothers were directly conccnied ,wllh Uie building and ' manning ot ihe stliools Uic teacher would,'cilooked o s . ls . ao aJlen the case. The molhera know


that Uie building Is Uie school. I t Is not and never Iiaa been. T liat 1* why bewildered old (Imers look a t tills grand building and aay."We went lo the lllllt Red School House end you knoTf. lhat »cht»l turned out some

I- good cltliens." TliaC achccl . .lotbticaiise It was llltle and rvd.

but bectuse It had a teacher. If It lacked that teachcr It did not turn out an ybody-or-anyth ing worth while,

^ ’ha t good I* a irrand building If l« itM htr is Ucktng? Tenthcta re like everything else In Uil* •orld, they must be paid for and In lany such schools they cannot be

. aid for nnd les.wr people take tlielr places. Qunllflcatlens are low­ered wlien salaries are lowered. Tin best teachers go where they are bcr paid.. ■ • .

To become a good teachifr long ean of hard and cosUy study must

r t put In. long ye*r* of apprenUce- sliip must be served under trained lea;lershlp, consecrated effort must

•e the ci 4 0f dhood.

•Tlie dualliles you most value I teacher could no t be paid for

■Id a Khool trustee. i agree tha t money never pays it

Uon auihorlUes—and considered by diplomats: one'propoaal. 1* to have All the American, republlcii aeiiuLrt UUe to It jointly, -.--M lllU ry.ex* p e ru figure th a t th« Oemian* mutt lake Luxembourg to protect their flank before they can risk Invatlon Of HoUind. . . Now .dealers have aiopped hsping Jocularly for • Will- kle nomination by the Republicans «hd have su rted Jioplng w n a itly

tt_wcB-» «etM true._______

clilldren, and to (hem, nnd they would not have It so. ,

But moat mothers havn all they can do to nKend to the children at home. They have no time to atudy tlie problems lhat thl* m atter In­volves, Tlicy leave tha t lo tha boards and the polllclan* who Infest these boards, Soma 'day soori, I hope, mother* wUl.flnd Ihe time to learn the Inner workings ot the ir achools. ■nien teachers will come Into their own. and the schools will be school*, not buildings.

The eerrwdan of had hablU will help y*ur yaunnter. while he li ■till snull, (s feel a keener interest In life. Stnil fer Angelo Pntri'a book­let. "Annoylnjr habit*," enclosing 10 cents In coin. Addrei* Angela Fairl,

Twin FaIIs New*, r . O. Bos ;5;fiUtlon 0, New Tork.N.-Y,

^.eleased by The Bell Sj-ndl- cate. Inc.)

PAUL. . Bolse-W. C. Tucker and son.

Dllly. were business vltltora In Ba(ttlast Saturday, .......................

Visit* En R*ul*-Mr*. .Harold BrowTi of Ilagerman. en route home After spending three weeks In Lo* Angeles, tlopped over n ight Tues­day a t the home of her parenta>ln- law, Mr. and Mn. Albion Brown. And to iret ’her small son. Karon, who sUyed wlih his grand parenU dur­ing her Absence.

Lea»e* II#,plUI-Mr. and Mr*. Glen-Clark and Mr*. F . r . Clark drove to Rupert TMe.sday to bring ihelr amall ton, Douglas, who hai

In the Rupert general hosplul for several week* folbwlnf a nip- hired appendix operjiUon. Ho U "really improved.

D.U.F. Meel-i-The Daughters of the tJu h Ploneen. sjaty B. Hell*- . well camp.mei a t the home of C»p* tian Jeiv* Bllllniton. The lesson.- . ■Tlie Plonesrs and Uie Indians’ waa Riven by Mrs. K, 0, Merrill. A cocn- mtltee. Mn. D»tl» Oreen, Mrs. Mor­ris Roylanee and Mrs. Blaine Nell- lon, wa* Appe!nt*4 to overw e'the lunch baskfU to b« Uken to JVipert for Ihe vWlor* of Cawin and Twin Fall* county camps, during the an­nual convention to be held all day Friday, May J,

n«lurM-Mf». FrttJ W iamttr hw n tum ed rr«m Breymer. Mo., where ■ahe waa called a -menlh ago by the denlh of her brother. Mr. McNaw.

Brother Injured — f in . Wnenr ^ n n e r received word last week tha t hor brother. A. A. HJorth. h*d th# two *mall flngen on h lj le ft hand n t off with an electrla u w wWeh Ju .« u .& 4 n t tt-baO dinixttibM td.-:—


SOCIETY and CLUB. NEWS= D em onstration Given by N oted Dance Teacher

A nnual Tri-County CoHvention of Utah Pioneers Staged a t Rupert

E lp h ty - f lv c w om en from C assia co u n ty , tw c n ty -c lg h i fro m . M in id o k a c o u n ty a n d tw e n ty f ro m Twfri FnU s coun ty , a ll

m e m b e rs o f th e D aughter's of th e U ta h P io n e e rs , m e t y e s te r ­d a y a t th e new L.D.S. ta b e rn a c le In R u p e r t f o r th e a n n u a l I n te r - c o u n ty c am p m eetin g . M rs. E lla S. M ay of th e M in i­d o k a .'rtake p resided nnd c o n d u e tc d . M rs. Id ft M . K lrk h a m , p r e s id e n t of th e S ta te c e n tra l c o m p an y of S a l t L ake C ity , w ho w ill b e th e guest sp e ak e r a t th e a n n u a l T w in Fal!.s c o u n ty m e e tin g to d a y In T w in F a lls , ' wa.s t h e Ruest sp e ak e r a t b o th the . m o m J n e .7 a n d a fte rn o o n 5c « I o n s y e s te rd a y In R upert.

El«ftloii of roimtj- offlfPM will lilRhllglil ih f m eftint lofiay. when nil memtMn wlU intend In pioneer rriNliimrs. Mr. . Emmn 3. tiik f 1* rrilrlnR county prf.-.lrtciit.

A frutiire of 5'r.Mrrclfty> smlon wns th r formnllon of plnnj for n jnlnt plonw r b.ill- to bf hrld nrxi Nnvtmbrr a t a pince to l>f named Inter. . -

Mr.i. May. Mliiltltikn cnuniy p r« - Idenl: ^^r^ Elmn T. Cbtl:. Cnwln rn>mty nnrt MT iJHkf.n-wln Pnll^ coiinlv president, were imrnert on the Benernl committer for the Bttnlr.

At CniiTenllon T ain F.ill-i county women wlio

ntlendrd the ses.'lon were Mrs.. l.iil:e. Mrii. Elnnr Cnrrol. Mn, Min'

M em oria l D a y R ite s P la n n e d B y GAR Women

Mjrn Onrlow. Mrs. Ornc» Kilb^um^ Mpi. UHdn Boren. Mr.'. Mn Oileit. Mrs. Borthft Miller #ml Mr*, tlllinn Wmis. s il of Twin Pnlls.

Mrs. Mur)' T . Glenu. Mrs, Elvira Siidwlck. Mrj. Ion»' BlnRham. Mrs. Ecther McFarland. Mrs. Mablfl Pet- rrrm . Mr*. Zells Morrill. Mr*. Lou*Hli\ Stjm ser Mrt Mm. EllribetliStanner. il l of Kimberly, anti Mr.n Mary Ecbert and Mrs. Xenin Ec- bert of ATurlnuEh.

Ttw serjiatv yeslttdciy memlns opened »'ilh (rroup »ln«lnir of "Utah. ^fJ' Own Beloved nomel»nd." fol­lowed by Invocation ijlrtn br the Burley chspIMn.

Gne»t Speaker neporfji from e«eh eounly

dent anri camp eaptnlni were heurd, nfter which Mrs, Kirkhum Ruve her ndclrcs.'*. fxpre.wlns imtLifactlon and plew iirr a t the (rrowth.of the or- RnnlwtloTi In sfnithern IdnYin. She reported the orcnnlmtlon of a new

history sent to Salt I^Ve Cltv wi cheeked #nd prepared for publlfi tion, (itres»lnp the.value of orljlnal hl*torlM and telllne of tlie value thej’ be to the young people of future Renemtloni.

D urlnc her talk she utrewed Uie hlBhlirhtJi of plans for the b li een- lennlal eelebraHon In Utah In !9« .

DurlniT Uie noon rect.w, Umeheon >»rl-c»mp;-af-

ter which counly pre.rldenW nnd camp e ap ttin t met to dL*.cuii plans for the Joint pioneer b»l1.

President R. S. May iddrew d thet ronventlon In the afternoon, and Mrs. KIrkhnm cave another tn«plr- •.llonal twldfea fttwl an j««ed fluc«- Hons d u r irs an Infflrmal hour which followed.

Special feuslc for Uie program In- chided group sinirtng of plonei '

./■onw: niim teni by a trio, MraT• Crnco Kllboume. i r n . Uelda Bowen

and Mm, Myr* Barlow, of Camp. Km-Ar-ra of Ttt'In •Palls; and num­bers by IV Jtmlor pioneer band com- l>o.ied of atudenta from the Ilupert JiinSor h lc h lehoo).

Elrjor Carroll cave the bene­diction. and Mrs, Liike Invited the convention t« meet In Twin Falls

• ror th B 'lw rm e e tln e ............' p

G radu a tes of S t. E d w a r d ’s A t Nat-Soo-Pah

An out^nt a t Kat-SoorPsh w u _ arm tjied Thuraday tn honor of V St. R dvsrd 'i aehool, and a* * ruu lt,

■ aehool w as dlsmliied for other " ^ n u le i M w«n.

Tlie a ffa ir was arransKl by Mr« Rfise Onmbrel. Mnt. Otto FlorenCB. Mrs, Oeort# Thomet* and Mn, T. O, Klef/ner.

SpecUV irueita were the SUtert of the Im inacul(t« Heart of Mary, Mother UrMllna, filst«r Noel, eighth erada teacher; S itter Oanlce and Sister Henry.

H l|hll8ht4 of the dky wtr« s*lm. mine In the natatorlum, a plenie hinch tn Uie crovi and a w ftbtll

O rsduatln j honorcea were Ber­nice am lth , Betty Jane Qambrel, Edith Dillon, Dorothy Rettlnghouis. K athrjti Thom«t«. Anns Marls Kirk. 8t« lU Mae Lang. Patricia Powell. P rank Florence. Manual 8«* bala. Edwurd Beckwith, Walter, vl«. i « r e n » Selaya. Robert' Det- reller, H arry Martins and frencls Kleffner.

Extcn.slvf plnns for Memorial d i , ..rvlces werff made by mrmbers of Dsn McCook circle, U(Iic-.\ of .the Ornnd Army of fh r Tlepublle. wjifn

met in .refrtilar hviMnr.M lesslon y'cnordny • afternoon - ft I -llic- Amcrl-

in LcKlon Metnorlnl hnll.Mrs, i . N. Clyile. circle rhnplaln.

is Kcneral chnlrmim In. clinrKe of Brrnnfienipnl-s for, the alfnlr.'

Memorial jen 'lcrs Trtll - t>f ■ hrlrt Simcloy, May 2C. n t the ChrlMlan church. All piiirlotlc orders will be Invited to attfiid the r.ervlces with

joL U ie^JL R .e aUo m.ideArrangement.s

4nke care of tl mnrlal day a t the cemeterj'.

Tlie Kroup also made plans .for the next molnl meptlnc tn be held Friday. May 17, a t the home of Mr,i, Charles Jones.

Plan* were mad» for the dr earn In meet next Wednesday evi ling. May fl, a t the home ol Mi nme.s Personetle on Tlilrri nvem inrth for pmctlce.

P resby terian s H ave LuncheonVomen nf the Presbytrrlw tliurch re nuesti Tliur.sdny afternoon at

the annual May luncheon arrnnRed by the LadlM' Aid society, with Mrs L, V, MorRnn> and Mrs. J. P. John-

I’.n dlvl.ilons In chiirRC. Nenrl> hundred nnd twpijly-(lve eiie.M.r

! seated a t the lone lunclicon tables, *w

Mrs, J. N, D av ira n d Mrs. O, H, Shearer arranied the procram, on which n comprehensive review of the book. •'The Mnklns of n MlnisMr's Wife," Anna Frrnch Joh

by N!rs. Marj- Ruth FUlier BfcTftpwn fX

Mrs, A. A. Arnold of Kimberly presented vocal selections, and Mrs Mnrearet Peck played pUno num- Bifa dllfliia CHb proRrnm periST Group slnKlnr was led by Mrs. Shearer with Mrn. Peek a t the piano.

Lilae.t and tulips predominated In thfl sprln r irarden decoratlvr theme, and May blos-soms centered the luncheon ' tables, Ltincbeon was len'ed by members nt Uie Home nom la club of tlin Tu-in Palls hlnh .school under the direction of Mki Juanltft Sutcllff,

P oppy Girl

;M.EN d r e w fabore). film arln h is been -nam rd • 13«0 -nitlonit hurtdy poppy elrl liy tlie \ t ol Forclrn Wani of V. S, Slifll he hMtess of (he V. y. W. rnramp. menl seliediiled for Atu, - a t Los Ancelei. - • •


Ilonoree a t a lolly birthday parly Tuesday evenlns " t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otts Miller of Filer was their daughter, Melva Wilier. Mr*, Miller wm assisted by another


Last day - “Calllni Philo V »n«" James Stephenson. I

Sun, Mem.. Tuts,—"Sldtwatk* of UinSon,-.i V ly;tn U Igh, .Charl/;j

^wrj- qc M-• > -rn h d e rt ir tth am S«!!.r Oon Ameeh#;

LoretU youni:,-.....Frt.. a a t.—“Viva ClKo K i a c t i s r

Romero, Je an R o j n . -ROXT %

- --L ast-day -^ -;^ -= X ru liln (rT ^" ,« James Newlll.

Starts Bunday — 'ThB Doeter- Takes % Wife." XorettA Vounj.

W ^ „ Thvr*-—"Q«ntIeniM> fr«nA tltosw ,-JohnK Jt«. Z. y*tnH VUe. Donald; “T ha Man wlth Nina tlves." Boris Karloff.

O E w in ia . , lA st day—-Man Prom Dakota,"

- Wallac* Beery, Dolores D*I Rio.Sun., Mon,. -Tues.—"Yotms-

■Edison," Mkkey Rwney, Vljtlnl* Weldler.

• f t W ed-'ThiOT. — “And Opa W«« ^ BeautinU." Rob«rt 'CummlM*. Lart-

ane Day.■ Prl., S a t—“My U ttlo Chlcka'd*#,*

• Mae W ilt. W, 0. Plaldi.

Wrlhday Included M|.s* Laum Allen. Mlsa Ruth SneI.'.on. Ml.u LnDonna Btevart, Mls.< Wanda Lannlnc. MLu Eleanor Lannlng. MIm TVe\'» Miller. Miss’Joyce Dlckard.

lYoy Dlckard. Hob ^nelson. Shorty Miller, Billy Fletpor nnd Elvin Dar- rlngton.

Coming EventsDE.''IOCRATIC WOMEN* ■

Twla Falls county Democratic Women’s StutJy -wHl m rel next Monday afternoon a t 2 o'clock n t the homa of Mri. J . O. Pumphrey, An Intcrestlns'program has been prepiyed, and all are niked to re- t..ond to roll ta ll with ciirrrnt events. Anyone lnterea(«d Is Invited to b« presen t.'

Hostess~J?avor-s- W hite.and Rose Theme in Decor

Whit# flowerlnK nlmoml nnd ; colored tullp.1 crniered tlie lunch tnble.s and defcrntcd the room liie home of Mr.'s. H. » , Jensen ; terdny nflernpoii when she en . tallied mcmbcrii of the Oeln SIsle SlMdy chib a t n rirjserl hmthtnn aiitl afternoon of contxact.

Besides Members, Mrs. W. Sslmon, Mrs. Ho-j-nrd Tucker snil Nfr*. Maude Mobley were . fuwtj. Covers were marked at three aiiat'

t table.i'for the de.uert luncheon Mrs. D. R. Jotiiir.nn, flub prejl.

dent, conducted Uip' brief buslne.'i serjlon which prercdcd Uie afte.-- noon'.s contract se.vilon.

Hlffh honors went lo Mrs. Ivnn Lincoln and ctie.-.t p riv went

Tucker.Me.vs a t th r next mertins

ihe club will be Mrs. Lincoln.

Mrs. a I. Price Head of Acirema

Mrs, C. Ivc

the :

Price 1 elected

cctlng nflerno'.. . .terdny home, nnd u-lll lake office at

. . . .ft of the flub. 61ii Biieceeris Mrs. J. R. McMlllnn In thst rapacity, ,

>frs. Rice was named vlte-pre.s- dent and Mrs. Weaver was named lecrelarj' diirlns the election,

Mlacs nnd tulips In a charmlns sprlnR arnvnrement centered tha

larse table a t which Ruesw

openlnB of the session.Current event-s-were the ba. l5•of

n InterwllnR dt'.cu.vilon /oIIooIiik le ejection of ofncrrs,


Mrs. Viola Wylanrt ent^rtalnfd T members of the PJ.I, club iC Kuest, Mrs. L. fichlffctn, a

lome a t liifl TeoUi avenue

It honors;t»leway nitenioon.

Mrs. Jennie Schlffcen w at'eontrnct, Mrs, K ottraba

g a t pinochle and Mrs. Ned Maher on honors a t Chinese checkers, tlext hMteMi for th« ciwb ’Kill b«

M n, Emma Balsch.The hojteM sen’ed dellshtfiil it-

freshments a t Uie. elo«e of the seyslon,

A . A. U. W. TO H E A R M R S. . JO H N W. G IiA H A ^ f

Mr*. John W. Q m hahi will addrtu members of Ihe D ram a nnd Lllera- ur« rroup of thp American Awcls- Ion ot University W omen when they

meet Mond.iy, evenlne. May 0. at the country home of Mrs. Ed Tolbert far

pot-luck dinner n t B;30 o’cteek, Mrs, Graham, one of the meat

lifted 'a-Amen w riten o e Otm Ut«. will discuss poetry, selecting IS her title, "Words Ar# a Herp.”

Sha will tire e resume of poetr>-, from Its earliest forms, up to tli present.

Charm ing Spring Tea-Arranged B y Young Matrons Organizcftion

A C h a rm in g .-iprlnK te a wa.^ a rra n g e d y i'.u erd ay a f te rn o o n by m e rn b c y s o f th e Y oung ^ t r o n s Mi.s.sloiiary so c ie ty of th e C h r ls i ln n c h u rc h w ith mcmber.'i o f : th e W om en '« Ml.i- -•iloriary .soc ie ty a.s ;ipeclal Rucsts: T h e a f fa i r wa.< h e ld a t t l i e 'h o m e o f M rs . M ark C. C ro n e n b erse r, 137 S e v e n th av en u e c as t, w h e r e a profu.-.lon of p a i te l colored lllac.s a n d tu l ip s m ade th e ro o m s love ly fo r th e occasion. G u es ts w ere received by M rs, C ro n e n b e rR e r^ M rs . F ra n k S lack a n d M rs. W ayne

JIancock,A iarRe b o ji io f j 'c llo w tu lip s

.ind ,--.pirna on a tf ilr ro re d base, Ilim ked by ta ll y e llow ta p ey ;, fentercd the lace*cmered tea table,

Mrs. Petrr Carlson and Mrs. U t- lie Jiiirkhiilter presided a t the silver

Bach Members P e r fo r m fo r Beethoven Club

Bach club members' prcsmled :cltal ycstorday nft<riioon f

members ot the nerUioyeii club .Mudlo or Mrs. Eflir Rlherd

Ilim'on, their Inslruclor. PrccedliK lie fliuMcAl proflraui, Mrh. Illntni a v t'a U lk on the Niitlonnl Frder- irrt M\wlt chvb nnd mM \c week ■ lilcli ha.i been ob-.ervrd the p.v. ,rri: 111 Twin I^ill'. ttolectlons Irmn l};irh. l.iMt, Me

Dowell, Schubert, Mo:art nnd Coiv were plnyed by the students.

'.1 Hetty Crnnenberrer, tlaiiKli

it perlormer.vocnl i- lec

Mlu narbiirii Randall, nrcoinpanli K-. Janet Pink, ru were made lor members i wo clul«i to :iin>i-:ir In a rerit;

.. .day. Miiy H . for mothers and friends o f the proiip.

Tlios<! who ftppenretl yesterday nlternoon on the . program wer* Donald Nell.von. ftobcrt Nell.wn,

nc tty l.yncN, MLv. Mnrsaret Voorher-'., MU.1 Darliiirn Sutcllff. MW M arjorie Robcrl.'on, Miss Bet­ty Wilhltr, MLv; Korina John.son,

Arlene Porter and George Pmkett.

: ..iine Toler preMdent of th' Dach club.


Mrs. MarRaret MeDniiKall enter- ilned mrmbcr.n of the Sodalei

l^inochlc club a t her home Wednes' nfteniivin. May day flowrn

ffirmed Ihe theme for Ihe tnlllr.s, ant nines nnd tulips wore ii'rd for room diToratloiis.

Prlte.i a t pinochle went to Mrs. C. E. Modlln, Mrs, Roy Weller and Mrs. Matt Schmidt.

roUowinc the same.';, a two-eourse luncheon was served.

S T O R K S H O X '^ R H O N O R S M R S ..J . M A R B L E

Honoree a t a pink and blue show srranRed TJuirsday afiemoon by

-tweire-felendiv— from— Twin FalU; Hansen anti Kimberly, wns Mrs, John Marble, Tne ntfalr. held at the Marble home, wns nrrnPHed by Mrs. A. B rnhet of lfanjen and Mrs, Muniliy Black of Kimberly. Rames, directed by Mrs. Leo Mullins of Twin 'Palls, enter* talnetl m icsu durlnR tljc afternoon. P rir« were won by Mrs, J. Rignry of Twin Falls nnd Mrs. F. R, Grif'fith nf Klmberlv.________________ _

Many a tuactive giftsnted t Tlie lioii

decoratfcl with sprlniT Iloi ncfrc.shmenis were served.

Oue.^ts, bcildcs h03tcs.scs nnd pri:e Inners, were Mrs. Charles Pierron,

Mr*, F. Overland. Mrs. a . Erl<;k^nn ot Kimberly; Mm. Gene Morlln. ftrs. Earl Drown and Mrs. B, Brown of Hansen and Mrs. Homer Baylc^ of Ttt'ln I'alls.


Among the miests present at the mother-daughter banquet this week a t Uie Goodins Methodl.- t church, atransttl by the ro tn ol t l« ton- Bresatlon. were Mrs. L. M, Hcrulrick.s •nd Mrs. Opst W oraeott, both of T iln Fells,

Their mother. Mrs, H. H, &'llsl:er, ,'on the prlte for hav lns all mem*

bers ot her family present nt the event. She received a larga May. basket 'of flowers, and she and each daughter aUo received a cellophane- wrapped handkerchief,'

Mrs. Alma, Crabtree, a daughter Mrs. E^'lbilrer, received n prlrr

for belnj the youngest mother pre- »enu

Ends Tonit6'r.r./r7'Kr■CALLING PHILO VANCE' |

Jimn SKrhtnxin U.* nroDbr- r t .u B —

c iu r , s—~csEEK nonsxr*

rvlcr.T!ie piii-.;niiii wns InlriKluccd by

Mti. D:ilc Hoxm;in, president of Ihi Young .M:iiron.\‘ rociely. and Uie tlf' vnilftnni period wn» conducted li; Mr*, nurklmller.

Mrs. nmiriW Or.ive.K nnd liei dnu;;h!«. ML.I

Ihp jilnii1, Gnive.i nt a colorlul t I. Claude llrown or Mrnlln i;nt iineroiis .^nuvfnlrs which I III the different Islands

anseiiientj foj thn affair were r the- (lirrruon of Mr*. Armsnd I'T nnd Mrr.. llnncock.

Annual M ilitary Ban Set a t B uhl

Duhl couip:iny, enKlneer* of thr Idaho national giiaitl, will entertain

the ^rfen^trmh ntinunl Tnhhaty II nnd bsnQiiet Mondiy evening.

May C. a t , Buhl, C^Pt^ln Elmer ‘ones nnnnu'nrrd yesterday.

Tlie banautt. which will be for fflrerj and men of Uie company lid Iheir nartners only, will be sen'- i at 7:M n'clock nt the Mercrr ifr. Cajii.iln Jones will be toast-

master,Invitiitinn been extended to

thr putillr 'lo attend the ball, a for­mal event, to tnke place U ter In the evenlne at the irmor>-. '


Motliers o! ctrls In an e lih th rrade ome making class In Twin Falls

Jiuilnr high school were honorees .May day tea arranged In the g room Wertnetrtay. A May erntered the table from which

refre.shment-s were sen'ed. and May ^l#r^-of the decor-


OTVOKWAOtyok'Mi Ktoiip tir ;he Camp Fin

r.iils met Tluii^clny siicrnoon a the home of Mr* Thomas Pfavpy nvMMant !cr a regulsi meeting, wcie jiractlcetl. amthe girls vlrwcl liiwidwnrk tha nitKla be clone a i • project for Mo.


Thr three Gmces of the M ountain ' nock Grange presented « Motlier’a day program at the meetlnc W ednes-

evriiiiin ( t the Community:li. follou-ltig a business

read'^ ■ pn

r hour, till*I the

iwerert, •vnted to all IJetiy CeorRe.

Darlene NeKon Miinnlng pliiyed ;a£ci T 'cre p jc-

•lllr cnve a read- I": Wiiviie noT\-rr K ".M'lth'-r." Mr*.

I.""’ Hnu':ird Miinning Woriderliil Mother of Tiafs Wlist God Made

ils wr;e f-rved bv th r T nf th'- evening, mem rominiitee for the

vlll meliiile Mr. and S'el'on. Mr. nnd Mm,

and Mrs. O'Dell

DfishonKcv Fire Olrls ) home of


nA RTioN nrwr

M R S. n O R O T H Y CV.'iTKIi NA M E D B Y U. B. CLUB

At the mee’inr of ihr II. B. eh:bWednr'rtlfV aftrnio<Mi ;it Ihr hftlie

rs. Clara Woollrv. Mr . Dorothy CiiMrr W.1-. .•icTr.-ii i,i,-iil-'nt.

I Mid M f Q p.\u!?o^

■TAI.K O S M ISS IO N S A T ^■ m e e t i n g ^• I nrv._M. II 7.acel gave a talk on

i;'.! -icn'. si the me-tinK of the ll.u ’,l;rrin fliiiifli l,1rtlp^’ nid roelely Thiir-'lsv «f;pniDo;i i;i the church

............................ .......... -

m;.M) THR .VKW.S WA.‘»T ADS.

0 Mr- Dnrothy Her-

F o r ^ c r v S u sp o c l T g k e n a t R ii r l r y

anserled rlirck foiger who deals In big (Iciire- .Inmes Mimvnn.

arrested -. .Mer'Liv a t Unrlrv «1ll t>e rrlunied m Twin Falls ir.wer to a fheck fnrgerv

Sheriff I-. W. Hawkins nnnouiieert

e accused mnn Is allesfd p;issrd a JI.W rhrck a t a Ti

Falls department siore. fmm Burley wrre that h deavorlnc lo p»-< a $175 check when

as arreMed there, and ttu t he...... wme noo in sllrgedly budchecks In his po’-sevlnn ready for pas.slng.




^rniv.five members of the !?oyiil (llbors of Amerlrn m et la.'t eve. ; In rrKUlar se.vslon nt the Odd

Fellows hall wiUi Mra. Mabel Yoirnr. oracl'-. pre:.lrtlng.

Refresliinif lo v of tl

.. Helerrommliti

IDAHO TO G n r r r iikado r I.KGION AUXtLIART

POCATELW. Idaho. Mav 3 :rs. Wlllliini Corwlth of Rockville

Centre, New York, national dent of the Amerle.m Legion Aux* Uinr%-. wlH vWi the tdahft rttpait-

II Mav 13, Mrs. Georgia Foreman Pocntello. Mate president, an-

nounce4-to<lay.— -------------------------Mrs, Corwith will Inspect the Vet-

liospltnl at Boise and attenditlons,

A musical progr................ . — - ................ . - .InMnimentar numbers was given a third dlstrlc* meeting In Merldlsi during th r afternoon.

received by Imogene Death. Pearl Babbel, Onrbaru Mont Romery and Ei'elyn Anderson. Hos- ler.s^i were Shlrlev Hayes. Flora Camiibcii, Gloria Wilson and Dor. tha RiLsh.

Peggy Hafignrdt. Lillian Gwin.

There s r e ^ « - 32.500 licensed pi- lo u In the United Stattv

W A N TEDF ir .s f C lass S aleslady

M hs{ b a v p b e s t r e f e r e n c e s

- J i .p p ly - a a c r - 10- a - j nto d a y


B aked H u m 'L o a /. A<i C rattii

P olnlocs Green O nio tis ' Rice P udd ing '

Coflec Ice C ream

Won t yo'j. loo. Join Ihe ranks of our wtlsfled customers? You'll ftnd a wide selection of quality mtatj and groceries ■* economy prices here. _ , .

niOXE 663

We Diliver,

,----- BUNGAU3W------GROCERY

I » Fonrlti A rt. K.

y tiencl :s nnd tiuln' Howard 'presided at the lea fable. Zola Bsrt. > tt and Naney H art assisted icrvlng.

Tlie pros'rniii svas nrrnnsetl by M'nrtha Burnett with ImogeiiB

Flora Cnmpbell. Marlone Holloway. Gloria Wll.wn. Beverly OLson. Shirley Hayes' and MnxlmUenth taking part.’ _ 1_____

Invltnllons' were In charje of Perm? Hnpgarrit., Heading the serv^ Ins committee wns PeRgy Hendrlrks. and ether members were Harriett* Holler, Colleen Pennock. Mabte Brewer, Glenda Bailey. Beverly 01-

and Patricia CappeJ. wmlB Sm ith htatJtd the tleannp

eommlttce, Including Jean Collin, Leone CulIIhan. Stella Hobson and

Air machine pin.s of JO caliber •e being widely built. I t Is repori- I Uint there are none In battle

yet. but will b« soon.

KIDDIES' So s n o w TODAY lt:00 A. H.

— ----- CNCLB JOB-K’B-.,‘i.N o r je Air CanUlUoned

C 0 3 3

....... - CortUotJilis-BhawiDeon Open U :(5 P. M.

Shaw EUrts ftl 1:00 r. M.

I B d M ^ 2 0 * to < P . K,1 ® K iauiti tot A W «»»

J i t j I E S N E W I L L In "C B A S IIIN G T H R U "Three 8l««r«> Comedy . # Carteoa • ‘ShAdow" No. U

S I M lfe s S i® .OM 0 R R (X W I -

YOU’LL lAWH Y0UR31iir.,S:Ca! 1

S t a r t s T O M O R n O W I I

TOOETHERb l W c C T H j U t i l a l


C H A R t i i

j u a t C H T O N y




I f , An A « c i n i p l l » l > n i » n f

200(1 IH ow ever, inekine ia an aecom,

tb a i anyone

a p . - « r / * “ ■' ,

M a k e G o o d C o ff« «

n u C r tM o K W ™ *, m « a .I , .1 c e l ta -

it .liMtiWn n u



LEAP B E fO R n O U LOOK______________ By Peggy O'More,_______ _______VKSTEIIOAY: ThlnWnr »o«7

nourhcrly ' h « btlraytd hrr. TomI ifndi h fr i t^trrr»ni flrlni hrr. The bnilnru mlmlon Ut l-ot A nirlrt li k rallurr. Alien ta k n Taml out for (he eTrnini and the r ra lltn »he bolb h»tta and lo rn him.

»• Clinpltr 50 DKSKUTION

'^oml »a.'' iiirjiflAftl la rre Dolly DoiiRMcrty at ilie catr

- I lirtd you. Mn. DouBhrriy.” the Jnfnnnrd Itie woinnn, coolly.

Dntiy look ihc ImiulljnKs from her. "You c.m't lire pcopl« Ihfjp slic rriiiarkcd, "I tookIt up «lili llir NX.R.n, and they said lo Klve you niiollier clmncr. If yoM, dliln't belmvc yourself I could linvp your froc* plrkctecl."

A v,nii RlKnle rf.rnl>fd Toml. ntld Uicn kIic rcmrmbcrfil.

■'Blit I can'I tinvc pcoplf nroiinrt nif »’Mo can't be irw ird."

"I slioiiUl s!iy nnt," nKTCcd Dotty nnd pU'hfd To;iil onlo tlii^dlvnn, rcniovfil tier took off lirrJllRh- licrled nnd teplnccdtlirni.uitli lu)u:.e illppcri.-iiho hur* rjcil ftilo ilir kliclirti ntid reiyrjjed S'licflliii: a ica-rjiri.

•;A< »oon .-iv I rfcrlvrd Ihr wire," (ilie cnntlniird IIioukIi iIktp linti

■ been no Uitir lo Iiipvc. "1 u rn t Into nctlon, You'd l)fpn bclrnypd i;ome- Uliorr beltt'prli rlie fnrin nnd Lo.< AnRelM. I riioiiKhl Allrn nilctit be lip to «nmpihlng, nn I rallKlhom* nnd tlie ni.iKI told me he’d left for Ilie Soiilli on the sniiie train you ttrre on, aiul rniilcl be reached a t llie WHIP lioicl r d lold you about. Ak I liiuln'l lold him. I: jtnrted looklns nround for ttie f d - ' Jew wlio had. I t wa.t i

- "Abe!" fried Tonil, "I'll nlleiid lo 'lilm ." •

■'Wlion, ,mia' wnlt n mlnutp, warned Dotty. "He didn't know you I'ftnled It kept a weret. Allen drove him to Alnmedn wh'pn hlj ear broke Aav\\. U t W m t when li<t KOt your rejcrvallnn. and probably boiwlit one for -hlm.'cJl a t Ilie Miqe tlnip,

••Next, he drove Abe to tlie tele- (traph olllce. All he'd hnve U> do th tre voutd be lo llJlen to the emlof read Ilir mc.unRe baclc .. Abe and he'll know where Toml wn. maklns revrvatlons,"

Toml nodded, "nut, Dottv, «1i5 didn't Affe tell Jrfc he lind met Al­len nnd hnd been wllh him Ml of th a t time?"

Mrs. Dougherty chueVltd. "Abe sa ld -h i:’d raUier have you'Uilnfci he'd doiible-croMcd you, lhah lo ftdmll Uie nrk. had broken dou n acnln. And (hat. my love, li what you Rcl for teaxInR him about hLi lln frot:/

Toml leaned back, relieved. Tlie llKht nupper wa* dellelou.i, ihe h . . tea frnRmnt and refrpshlni:. She wa-i home. She hnd Dotty and Abe —and—

"1 BUtM he mdn'l nee me cnmr In.- " I KueM not," Rcreed Dotty In a

peculiar lone. "Yoti ^eo - well, Toml, Pierre Ijn't a-ltli lu any mort. He'a gone bnck lo

T om l,fell a i thouRli nome foun­dation upon which .'hr pendlnK had ulven way. Hnd Pierre been called home by lllne.'s,

One of llip iHlshbor;. I* calllnir for me in li.T '■Yo\ril b<* all rr^lit hrre alnup? Tomorrow's dinner L\ all rpnilv. C.bdvi allpped on n ru s . . . "

Toml liplivd Mrs. DouKherty l>ack licr b:iK. T lir nplRhbor wns llirrp bv Jlie uinr h .• v,a.i rp.icly.

"Ill iiiu r to .^lay with the chll- d rrn until ^li^ rpitirni from ihp

Dotty sans out as the ir ikove <iCt.Hca(llli.;liW r.Miir towards hpf.

Tlirrp car.-, diov<' toanrdi the fnriii, ilirn lunu'd left to Mop bp- fore Alien Dnrtrll'n, IIlRh above

IP voloM of irirLi nnd men came ie fnmlllar loiip."Allrii." bonniPd Orp.M • aunt

Ilnnnih Tolaml. "Lily tnilKht :ne to truckCouiP nn." A dour closed. Alien

,u;.t havToml walkpd .vlowly into the

dark houip. Hhr Kroni llic ttcM Biiiriow nht could

............ indn of llRhLi which<o.itonnr<l Npiitiiiip Dfach. whirl of llKhI,-. Oil ihP ferrls

liiK line of llghu <rolirr

Kiirk of Uie m an iJie hud dli- ,;c<l l)(s.-iiii.M? ^llp was' rounllui! Ip.', hut from tha t hour

rlrrw carry on throuRh Ihr d.iy.

!• rool. dcw-.^weet hour wn; bilm to her brillr,<yl ;.plrlt, 111!! flow-

c.'jxiiidetl to her care. Gladioli..... delphiniums fndrtl and dahlloAui:d sinni.i* b!a»<l In Uirlr wnkp.

" f.idr-d to m ake way foi; a.5tpm awl co-.aio,'.

■Ill'* Kardcn hnti become iin 'en- llv; a child. Slie had lo fpp<l niid ir r for wUeUier It was to be hrr w i or not.

Continued toRiamir

0 ihrir

th a t peculiar tone.B ut for Plerrc lo leave witliout

waltlnR to ace her, to leave wUUe ahe wa.1 out of town?

"Didn't find a note pliined lo liti pillow. ,did .you?" »hc asked flip*

. pantly.Mrs. DoiiRherty shook her head,

"No. he didn't lake a ehnncp of Its — bflnir anplnnffl.'He iiiMlcrt a lr ttp r

to you via Uncle Sam," She hatid- r t Toml s thin envelopp,' and buK- Ued out of the Voom wllh tJie dbhes.“ 'I^ml opened th r IpI1/t ___ ...A ([lance Bt'the nic.v.iBe lold her It was not a bvo Jettpr, U lind been prepared by a public rteiicfitrapncr, Piutfled. ahe resd*

Dear MLis Tolnndr- I am sorry to- leave durlnc

your nbsenct. b u t'm y father Is anxious, lo hnve me return to New ,Orlf!ins Inimrdlnlply.

I have pnjoj-fd my brief slay a t the farm.

If you are ever In New Or- leans, and are’ *1111 Inlerpntrd in ranaculture, • y o u mlsht drop me a Utie and I will have someone call-for you and t.ikc ■ you on a tour of our hoUtnj.i.

Verj' truly yours,rierre Pniiihomme,

Toml read Ihe irtipr Ihrpc lime.-'. Uien wondered why she -fe lt r.o HI, U 'm u s t have tapn the salad, Plerrc had Ronp away and dnrrd to leave th li stilted note; Plerre^who had said ho loved her; who had wanted lo care for her: to protect her; lo flRlit Allen In her behalf,

•■lie was all rlRht &iturday." she UiouBht. "And Sundw when he drove me lo Uie train hs kLv.pd me

. Eoodljy and promL'ed to look after thincs for me."

. Y et thl-1 letter w m dated Mon- - day. Som elhlnj hnd happened be­

tween Sunday and Monday morn- Init.

Allen BartelUS u t Alien was on the train Sun­

day. He was in Lot Anwle* all drtj Monday and she had tone out with him Monday n ljhu

'h la d ir t / vork fdr someone ebe u do." . . . . .

Hlowty Toml went to .h e r room, to iliMid before the we. t ’clndow Mid |{«r« blindly Into Uie summei

— -dust— T hnt-d ldn t^exrtB e^rip rri'. ' Fierro had been tho one to ipenk

opeilly of Allen'i underhand meth­ods. No m atter w hat had occurred

, to tnftkfl him think of nigh ahould hnve ■known I t wo«n t eisary. '

"And no mailer ' what provocs* Uon h« had." T oai reasoned, "If h# had ]oved me Jual half aa n ueh u he soUI. he'd have.itayed 't o r a r o

Toml heard A be'i.cnr go rattU as and w heednj out of the >-ard. Ha hadn’t walWd to welcorae her. B e » u aTtuld (o raet her. '

O ow iutaln the l « l « p h o n « •hrilled. Toml heard Dotty'i et* d ie d rc4ce. t h a heard h e r calUsf M ah4-yaa .tipttalrt,

Khp tunii-il to thp f.oulh wluilow, mow in ilip RnrlPlI <ot- hrlKht, Heads bobbed bp.

/on- them.. nrcn'l liivltinK

party.'' tliouRht Toml.She'd cet away from thl.i rn htTe evn>— swrtntr-TjiTlTOr

coniparUon, lirr Iniiply llfp In ci ■-a.M to llip happy hvps of when.

She luriiecl on flir Innip bniilp Ih r flfi'f cfowii. iaukpd III). T i m o t h y .^mllpri h i' oil- fialnted ftnTlr Toinl'.s bruised henrt eaf.ed. T h e old fellow , looked kindly.

■'Well, Unelp Tlmj; nhe sldiPil. "It looks a.n.thniiRh Ju.H you nnd I are Ipfl."

Toml fiicrd tlip future with bltlpr curve to her Ups nnd s: donk InuKhtor In h e r eyp.i, T InuKhlcr wn.i for hrr.',elf. dlreclcd nt Ihe Toml Tobm l who hnd out', from ClilcnKO, Slie \vn.i

Some ({ood liud pnme ot Dolly's and Plcrrr's df.';prtlon. In the ihrre monthj left heforp th e close of ihe *cn,-;Qn she would have the nine hundred dollars ulilrh would have Konc lo their r.alnrle.'i. ilvlnR economically »he c<Mvr a t Je.if,l nn nddltlonal liundied Jnod and utlllllps. .Much to her amiu-.emcnl, Uie

moniliis mnll broiiRlit ii check from Hiinnnh Tolniul, roverlnf: llie full amount of the bliu incurred by Uie fluiirnntlnr,

Toml RlancM a t tJie |)o\ljnnrk MldnlRht. Ihc prt'vinus nlsht. Oreat-aiint H annah liitd talked to Allen at Uie party. They had fell NOiTj' for her.

Kr:f;|)-\l the . .iii> !u ii'iir n~Tn-7]ii'r.i~

Utfc\ »Uc esidor:.-U a . Sttt'd need Ihla tf win. qhe couldn't Indulce In emotions,

Toml mnde jiu t one bii'lne.-.i cnll, 3hB-went lo see Uie-rnllraid com- mUsarj- asen t, Shi- l.nlked for an hour nnd came out. defcnt.-*l, Frocs' IfRB were not a .'.tnpre .com­modity.

"We hnvo lo slnck our tr.ilns with

public," thp HKcnt rxpbini'il. 'Ourij lim ited......................... .

.vleh perl.sliablo foo<I.i ui will be u.'1'd i-nch niii."

to rou te home. Tn;nl .Mopixyl a t beauty parlor, H er jin iri which

Imd bppn Rrowlns 1oiir,-w,i.» crop- IX'd to.n cla.p boyL'li cut.

At. homo.’ a key »•«.< turned on the • dainty -fcmintnc’ iloijie.v' Tlic tlniwi-r.i of hpr w.irdrolx* -Arrp flllM ^^Hh-ell*in-lcnlt-?^:t^t.^ whlrh~wnuld' rpfjulre no Ironlnc. nnd kliakl brrM.t-hP.v .

CA REYf;ii<N—Mrs. Den WUde. re-

tui ned lust- Monday' from ORdcn andH.ili U-ike City, where she luid bet

her ritiMRhltr. lUita. arm her .Min and dauKhtcr-ln-law, Mr. (in.l .Mr.s. HiiRh Wlldp.v since the Ia. 1 wrelc in March.

IlrrplvM PoslMon—Word, HX-! been ri-ieivrd hiTo th a t Claude Kirkland h:i' oblalned n poslUoif as clerk In thp .Seiirs Roebuck store In SailI.iike City. Mr. Kirkland n-tumeil about two months aso Ifom an I,. D. K. mission to the Island of New Ze.ilaiid.

Itpliirii*—W all -Bowen rrlumed

•jvni I w ln trr months'w ith “ ‘STii .*<4lnion Clly—nodney Coale.:

d.-oiv lo .Sftlmon. Cily J.iW fVWa.v brouKht Back Mr. a i« .Mr. . S. <•< nnd tlielr famlhy «|Ui him.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Coiiles t i l l remain -p 111 Ciirci' un til nfUT the slTeep arinu Rcn.'.on. ()aiirpr« Meet—Mr. loarki-r

h it (lanchiK pa rtn rr . both oft l wlUl Uie M. I. A. dance

Cnri-y lar.t. Tuiv<Itty i-v<;ut!iK Uiem Uielr In.M hi^trucjlnns

before Jhr ^peclal dnnpo practice at nii|)pri W cdnridny tvcnliisr, Mny I. Abmlt ten coUpIes from Cari-y i-j|>ect to jurtlcljm te In Uio iinmml .dniiop fp.stlval lo b«! held In Salt Uike Clly on June 7-8-0 of IhLi ycnr.

Cnuplp Honored—A .shot\Tr''V,'^ Rlvc-n .-It Uie E. P . Dlx home Inv

lor' Mr. and Mr.v Halph Pat who BTre married dtirUiK ihp

Apill conferciicc n t Uic L. D, S. n-m- S.ili Lake City. About 35 rrl-

ntlve.s were pre.u'nt nnd the yoinij; cnupir ri-cflvwl m nny Rlft.v

Sjiriiic I.uiipheon—Mr.'>. LiVour Cojte.i wa.i hO'.te.'j lo Ihp Study elub

nnnuni .'prlnrt luncheon la'.! Wiiliic':<lny afternoon, Table difor. iitloii^ wprir In pink iind.Krei'n. Vat; l-Ml majjicJne articles fonncd the b:i.\ls of dWiLS-'lons for Uie alter'

Mfpt W llh OfflPlals—W. D. Rich' ds, James ■niriibiill. Arlle McCar-

■ur-niid-TTOiinm—ARch:-nirj>ii.iKi mrmbera ot Oip Little Wnod'Illvii Irrigation project, met wltli Dean Miller nnd other WPA official.^ In IJolsn la.ii Friday nnd S.iturilny.-li Is cxpecte<I (lint th r work on the U tile Wood nivcr dnm will sinrl nKnln nbout :he of June.

Daucliler Ilnrii—Mr. aiul Mrs, Ar­iel Fam .w orth nre parents of a .......... ....... ...............- Ilnllpy'


Mrs, R. L,- Bralnard of Wardner, ft.ilp presldpnt of Ih t Idaho Con- (jren of Parents nnd Tpnchers, lelt yeMprdnv fnr Omahn. Neb., lo repre>

ed n! his ranch Monday to ftnl'h puttmK In his croivs for him. He lias

■n nuue seriously ill a t the home Ills p.irents In Cnrey. bu t 1«

Improved a t this time,Aiilo A rrldent-jM bert Vlnionhn- r In .I tontrol of hU ear while re-

turnlii;; to Carey from Hnlley Mon­day and d.imased tlir car quite bad­ly. Mr. nnd Mrs, Vlnsonh.tler nnd baby. <mly occupni

e Inil MiRhlly in ^ ittipped complclely

4inerica’s Relief ProblemTniced to ‘Loss of Faith’

CALDWEXL, .May 3 (,r,-Amerlca'a relief problem wan troced by Com-

:r..''loiipr Emory Afton of the ... . .. Tifnrfrnr ;i nddrc.--i here to "Lov; of r .illli.'’ Afion, speaklnR to Colli'ne of Ida- ;i .'.(udents at chnpel prrlotl, s.ild: ■'One of the Krcnt troubles with

th r American people Is that we have deelared ihls to bi- a Clirh llnn nn-

1—and then wp\o let Jt ro nt th:it."

. :\pre.N.'ln(: hi-, belief that "the re- llKltnis fnlUi of today Is not ns slronp

yenrs nup,'^fton cmillnued, It. the n-iisnn people nrejlenn-


Legion SlatesD istrict iMecls

BOISE..May 3 (/T>— Sitf» and dulet of elsht dLitrlct mepiuu.' of Uio American Leulon were announc­ed today b)’ LeiUT Albert, .''..itc de- partnirnt adjulant.

Tltcy will be held nt_,S;. .Maries May 11, MiTldlan May 13, Glenns Ferri' May W. ttarvlw u M.iy 15. Dlackfoot May 1C, Shelley .May 17. Salmon Mny 18 nnd Knmi.ili '


■ JEROME. Mny 3 -T lie orRonlta- ilon of Ihe Golden Rod cooking club, uritler the leadership of Mrs. Leona Aslell of the Plcaaanl Plain* dlitrlcl, brouRht Jerome county enrollment to ninety for the 1B<0 season. It was announced this week by Jerome county nitent. Eugene W, 'miltroan, —37i»4lub, >-iicw.oiiB for flnLi'e iL Klrli. Mabel Spenccr as pre.'il- dent; Betty Larsen, ns vice prrsl- deni; Clydn Bell Reddick, ns secre-

nnd OlBdys Larsen as elub re­porter. ..................... - .............. - •

Oilier members of Uie new or- KnnliUillDn Include Vrrna Kcrchcr. Wnnettn JcnnlnR.v Rose Shllllnslon. Verba U e Reddick, Melnccii Sliaw. Darlan liiill. Mildred HcpaorUi, Lor-

Shaw, Lavenie Shaw nnd Lor­raine Asktl.

Tlie Klrls will carry flr.-t year nu­trition.

H AN SENStark Shower—A pink and blue

slio'Aer, honoring U ri . Prod Qoul- ney waa amuiKed a t th# home of Mr*. Arch Wheeler Friday.

OW Senuti—W eather cowSWona ja*l-S<U»itdtty.httmperod-airl 5coatj In ihelr plaiu to attend Uie n»- Kloiwl Inver,Uturo eeremony « t ' Goodlni?. but 10 of Uiem and the ' m i s t r e s s . Georglanne Lechlelter, held a picnic a t Uio Artesian nala- lorlum.

Enlertsln-M r. nnd Mr.s. IToward m il eiilcrtiilned n t dinner Sunday /or her Rrundmother. Mrs. Lucy Strieker, ajtrd pioneer woman of nock Cri'ck: tier nimt. Ml.w OIndya Strieker, and .Mr. nnd ^irs . Barnard Strieker.



dauRlitX- bom i

Club O rianljed—A branch of Uie Carey Coinnuinlty -l-H club has been octtnt\l7f<l toe ulrU u,t A«.'.Un, lo l)c known tJie Ra-nlle club, under Ihe IrndPr.'.hlp of Mr.s. Ixiwell D^vU. I1.S pri^Ulent Ls .m Us .Mlllla Judy: Vlce-pri'.'ldenl. Mlv OT-eah E<lward.'i: secretarj-, Ml'.s Catherine Edwards: soim Ipa.l.-r, MKs Freldn Cohip.i; clieer lender, ML-.i IrelA Green mid n-iiorter. Mhs Mnrnarct' 'DK't-Tlf.-------------

Daily Cross-Word Puzzletsalutlon of Yeitorday'a Purila


' B 3 S L 7 8 H

1 13M


li. >1

ra ■ >1 So '0^/,y/M21 22 23 24

f2 ^

- ' ^ 7 - — » « _

2 ?i l , '

30 3t '0^'’ 32

U 35

n 30 ■yf

j y 40■ 41


34* 4 4 41



St 7i

t w in f a l l s n e w s , t w i n f a l l s , ID A H O . SATURDAY M ORNING. MAY 4. 19i6 PAGE 5BVEK

i FIELD OF NINE NAMED FOR KENTUCKY DERBY■it •it -ti ■ -ti - -it -it ‘ ■ i t -ti . i t - f r - f r * -ii -it t t

^__LJiin X aJ io iL S -^ S lu gg in ^ C M f r 4 o ^ I h f - - o f - A m e r i e a n —L eague^-

‘Bimeleeh-Rules As 2-5 Favorite

On Fast TrackW eather Forecasl, Slreiiglheiis B id of

C olonel E . R. Bradley’s Colt in 66th B hic Grass Classic

By SID FEDEIlLOUISVILLE, Ky., Mny 3 (/D -Evcrythlng looked martc to

order for blR boy Blmclcch tonighl.A field 0 / n in e wns nnmcd for Batiirdny's 6flth riinn lnf; of

tliff K entucky derby and old mnn weather promised to turn off his frost nnd rain faucets for the big dolnss.

The derbV Held la slolcd to go to \hc p o s lin th e ne ighbor­hood of 4 :45p .m . (3:35 MST) to the tunc of "My Old K entucky Home” sung by movie actress Irene Dunne. . •

If the w ea therm an does his stuf? and provides ft fa s t run-n ln g u tr lp , I t w Jll J u s t m a k e th e »h o le m l l e - a n d - a r q u a r t c r a f - f tlr mare lop«l(le<3 for Blmmic. wtio !a bidding lo r a lUUi derby vlcUir)' for ColaneJ B. R . Brndley and v.ho probibly will be th e shortest prlccd f*vorit« In the history of the clnutc.

\ i r he'd' St cood u 3 to S In tlie mt:tuel«. the be ttln s bo>-.i nnd girls will ooiuldPT It n b n m ln . inrtcrd, and If he wins (which Jiwt dboiit •TiOlxxIy fully txpectB) ho'l) col­l e t a n f» t IM.075 M the winner's •nd in • nlne-horse mce.

In the ovemlBht field entered to- dny -« t least seven of which nrt podUw st*rtCT»—Blmeledi Js likely to hare opposition only U the Inck li "off." WliJj th « exception of

• AinoW Jlaniter-# D lt. the »4.000 Bar- ■(Off* yearling Sales Bnrgaln who remjwd off with tho Wood Memorlnl last week, the lU ndoiitj are the sIoiMttppeni. like W l l l l f tm L.Brwjn'd Plctor, a Bon 'of Chnllcrger 3nd, who really can. p!ek 'cnj up and lay ’em down In the soup; Roj-iU M aa bought by Hurdld a . Olnrlc. c t Ularol Beach. Fla., last winter lor «8,OCiO; Joseph E. Wldcnex's Homan, never b«oten In mud. and Mr*. ElhBl V. M ars' aslU hadlon..On « fast track the threnti^ u .

Dlt end Mloland, thn Calffomla OlKtiour Boy w ith thu inttm iticn j;! bloodline*- for whom Chnrles S.HowiiKl kicked in »I8.000 - mtmlha bade.

>-<rthej tm>' In tlia rigld-Tro —irrjiim iStraoM. by CUfttlts T . Plsher. of th i Fisher body Plsheni. nnd the "*-onder why" colt, IVue f ila r ,.* yearlbc sales purchnse for. »5M re. presentinj the bam - of- M urtln J. fichtatdlt. ft loc(U law>-er. Ttu® Star waj « surprise o n tir this Inff.

SIroeco will go to the po5t only If the track la f a it . D lt u u l Slroceo

cfMltiPit tn thn TlKtd-. tha ^r*« tii«co lta.

Son Valley Holds Four-Event Meet

— S k ie r s a n d S h o o t e r s G a t h e r f o r S n o w - a n t l - S p r i n g

S p o r t s P r o g r a mm m VALLEV, MAjr 3 {)1V-SlElei3

and sboot«ni— th e l a t t « of two varleUes — gaUiereii hero tonlsht lor Saturday** opcnlns of the tour- event m ow -uid-sprlngr iportii meet which m trk i the transition of Sun VallBy*# seasons.

A rallS 'U id 'a-qunrtff g iant sla­lom n t t down tho elopet o! Mount

' Baldy and n trapshoot will eompou the l in t proCTftm. Twenty- three coptestimts. 18 men and five women, are entered In each evenu

QoK in d tennis will hold th e spot* light In the t«uniam ent windup Sunday, with 33 m en and tight wemen onlln^d for the llnkA cam-

' paign and 37 men nnd nine women scheduled to try the ir aUll o a 6ua Valley^ court*. '

Andrew Todd cnt«-ed In Uie trap- . shoot and golf toumeya. already hw

claimed one prlie — for belnff the contestant -from the srca lest dis­tance.. Ills home la In Welllnaton,Niw Zealand.........................................

O then among Uie goircrs ore Dr. - a n d Mn. A. J. K nox and Mr. nnd

U ri. Jules Dros from Bolie'a Plan- uUon club, and Jaefc Roper. Burley club champion. . _ .

Tendlstt will Include HeUn ......tin. Sarah Walker, HuUi Edelln, Jouph Bosh and D onald Chapman a! Wayne Mlnnlek. BuelWarner and I«!« M«1b* of Twin rtl] ( . Dr< & & Robtnson and B ru e h Bird of OoodLnff, R. R. John- fon and Bob Thompson of Poca- tallo, and Ja tk A heara imd Cleo SInnard of Salt L«k« O ltr.

M ia U artta Is BolM (loglM cham­pion.' Kfeet (tffldala n p o r ted th a t the alalonx cqtttM. aet-by P rledl Pfeifer, naUonal ehamplon. w u In excellent shape. ...A 'd tn e a will elimax tomorrow's

Rul^overning ' Meets Explained

D i s t r i c t F i r s t a n d S c c o n d P l a c c " W in n e rs E x e m p t

F r o m P r o l i m l n a r i o s •

BOISE, Mny 3 (/T) _ Rnles rov- eniliKf pTtllmtnnrlea to the Uiret fitnie high school track meets M«y 18 were explnlned .l«niEht by E. T Qrlder of Boise, secretary of the Tddho high tchool athletic ft.v,oel&-

He pointed out tha t each n ^ c t Is lo qutillly five entran ts InYeach event. Since two dlstrlctn will be ttpttstn ied in each of th e ihrto sinte meeLi — n t Pocatello, Boise and Momow — there would be I( eomp^ltera In each event Jf all qualttlen appear.

‘’Bui our tiocka are of only eight lones, making It ImpoMlble for -all the bo}-s to run a t the same time In the hurdles and dashes,~ Orlder explained.

“PreltalnnrlM are ' scheduled _ cut down the' field to elRht, with dlstrlel wlnnen of .first and second places exempt.'

B R tM f TRACK TEAM WINS WITH 94 POINTSTwin Falls Squad Twin Falls, Buhl-and IGmberly Athletes Show Speed

Dominates MeetB u h i A n n e x e s S e c o n d P la c e

In S u b - D i s t r i c t C o m p e t i t i o n

The track mid field forcei ef Ttrin Falls Iilfh nrhoel eapturrit 12 firsts and an Im pm ilre lelal of 91 points htre Friday tUer- noon to trlom ph o r tr liulil and Ktmbcrlr In tJie tnb-dlilHcl mrrl.BuhJ secciitl wiih 45»; pnbu

nnd Kimberly flnhhed wlih 18'i,Yesterdny'o meel, nn-rllmtnAtlon

ivjfnlr from w hldi only ih<- llr^t threC'ln each event ndvanrrs to the south central Idnho d liidct comiw* tIUon. oMured T*-ln Fsll.c of M starling positions a t Lincoln fltlri,- - rda>. c o i t r r m n r T S T F r r '

conltsUml* jiprtail OMt *o th e Ibtru number made IltUo differenee, .and commented'alM tha t preliminaries In those events would be too tiring.

District toum&menta v lll be run otf next weekend n t Coeur d'Alene, ^ CBCow, Bnmctt. Tv,-ln Palls. Poca­tello and SL Anthony. AH nre ret for May 11 except tha t a t Pocatello, which may be held May 10 If the 'Pnl^ .Tdahn aniithBrn h tu io h 1.1 H.ilng.the neld on Sattm lay.'

8ub-aiitrlct meets were held to­day a t Pocatello. Burley. Tw in Palls and Downey and Saturi^y a t Weis- -r. BoIm and Jerome.

Orlder added thnt sta te -tennis mcet« irere slated for May IS a t Moscow and Pocatello and a t Nampa May I7-1B, StBte ffotf-tournaraenU are lined up rot May 18 a t Moscow, Boise and Pocatello.

WOMEN’fl aOLP TOORNEY BOISE, May. 3 W v-Tho Idaho

slate women's golf tournam ent will ■be held a t Idaho Pulls Ju ly a-13, directors of the Idaho S tate Wom­en's Golf fts.wlatlon decided a t meeting here l u t night, • '

BIG S IX' <Br Th« A>n rK. rink

Bruins Rmbbetl all three of thU tub-dlstrlcfs places In Uic 220-ywd dtL h and the discus.

U k e and Davbpn of Th-Ib Kills, and KlnR of Duhl each won t rirsu. but L4ike added a third pli In ihe lilRh Jump to hln hlch nnd low hurdles vlcloriu to take Individual honors.

It«s\slt»ii:0-yard high hurdles-Laks. Twin

PalLii Prunty, Twin PatU: Hu twi. Dtihl: Splllmnn. Buhl, 163 seconds.

100-yard dash - D.nvbon. T»ln Falls; Tate. Kimberly; Doyer. PuW; Patton. Twin Fnlls. 10,8 lecondJ.

Mile—Eyestone, T*-ln Palls: QUHt. Twin J a i ls : JnRels, Buhl: Morris, Kimberly. 5 minutes O 'i seconds.

<<0-yard dash - H ul> fi. Twin PnlU: Skinner, DuStj^ Kcmpton Kimberly; Slzemore.t Buhl. M.flt seconds.

Medley relay Duhl, Twin Palls.minute* 53 seconds.»0-yard loa- hiirtlles - Lake.

Ttt-ln Palls: Downlns, T rin Palli: Skinner, Duhl: Chandler, Kimberly, 3<J seconds.

220->-jird dash — Robertson, Tuln Palls; Thoma.1. T»1n Palls: OIbb, Twin Palls: Crimes, Buhl, 3<J se«- onds,

SM-yartf run — King, Bulil; Tale. Buhl; Shewmaker, Kimberly; Otbb, Twin Palls. 2 mlnule* U seconds.

880-yard medley — Twin Palb. 1 mlnuto 37 seconds.

Shnt nut — Ati(1eriMn-- Pstlm Ttt'ln PalLi; Kroulh, Brown. Buhl,

lect 10 InchM..'oTe value — Davison. Tn-ln Palls;

Woodland, Kimberly; Dafli.' Buhl. 10 feet 3 Inches.

Discus — Bates, Olbb. Wells. Pat­ton. Ml Twin Palls. 100 fe tt 8 inehti.

High Jump — Wallace, Twin Palls; Henshaw. Buhl; Uke, Twin Palls, a feet Inches.

Javelin — K ins, Bulil; Robertson, Ta-ln-Falls; -Ooljbr-BaWt-WoodlsttdT Kimberly. 133 fe«t 4 Inchei.

Broad Jump — Davlwn., T«Ia Pall.i; Downing. T i'tn Pslls, and Tale. Kimberly, tied for third; Thomas, Twin Palis. 30 feet 3 Inch-

.W oilieilB iuders W ih a t R upert

RUPia^T, May 3 —. The Married Ladles bowling t«am defeated ,a squad of "All-Star” male keglen In t matcli. h e re tonight, taking three straight by scores of <31-760, S14-B3S and B35-7P3 for a toUt Of -510 to 2370. Thq handicap w u 110.

Members of tho teams were Mrs. Kay Stephuta, w ho wtis Wgh wtth a score Of 973: M n . Wilson, Mn, Earl Doll. Mrs. Pres Uwls, tnd Mn. Wcbb.Saffell. and ' ta r ty lU th, L. Leonl. M Reeves, Culbertson anil larry Coltrell.

In England,-one person In evffiy

Slot M acliinesWiU b e T aken

« iem ni' In opera­tion tn Twin Pallb county will be eoiflsctted by sheriff 's offlccr*. Sheriff 1a W, Rawklna said yester­day aftarnoon os plans were charted fc r is a tal*t«!Y«_drtT«.>B»ln!t the

*” S S i C T i l a ^ V ^ t t M. Bweeley. . « b s t tU th s t «. num ber of esUb-

0 b* op-

Kentucky Derby Linettp,LOUIBVIT.LE, K y. Blay 3 (<P) ^ The field far (he Mtb rtmnlnf

of the Kentneky derty tomortow, itllh pa»t pailUans, ow nen, Jackej^, and probable eddstPo*. Horae Ow ner Jockey App. Odds1 OalUhadlen _____Mra. E thel V. Sfan Carol] Bleim aa _ _ U-12 BImeleeh------------Cel. B. R. Brsdley :___ rreddla S m ith ----- J-53 M loland______ :_ .C h)u tor8 . H e w ir t___ l* iU r lUlaiLkl _ _ 12-1« Trne Star ________ Martin J . SebmlU____ Deoglas W e e t___ 100-1S Roman .... .......■— Jaaeph E.'^VIdener___ Kenireth '

— C h a rte i.X -T U h a --------Ko-Jtoy-

ABOVC—Snapped by the eameraman as thry lopped (he hich llmbtni (n th f Bob-dlilrift track and field meet at,Lincoln flHd ye»lerd»y are (letl to rl{hl) Ilane*. Kimberly; Kplllmaa, Duhl; lluited. Duhl.

• and Lakf, Twin Falls, the latter s d n s *" 'fin the e^enl with a time 0U16J.

LKFT—DavAon. Ilriiin star, wins the ina.yoril daAlu Sprinter sho'rn at richl l« Tatf of tho Kimberly Mulldojj, (N<-k» I’holoj and En- eravlnii).


Breeklrn -dntlnnaU - Ne* Yerk .

W. U PcU

Bees Win Over

.....19 13 jm__ III IS j s :__ IS 14 J i '

1 O tn it ' Reyal M u ........... tIaroW S. C larti__» Pleler---------:------- w m iara L, B nm i .

.-Johnny- *


-.12 17 .41«

At tho ' prM snfTlm fl,' alrp lu io manufacturer* aro turning out about <00 ntn-mUllwy B liplan* a month.

Salem Club Adopts Emil Sick’s Policy of Baseball Showmanship

By OAIL POWLCR BEATltE,. May » m ~ Owner

£mll Sick of the Seattli baseball club, who belle>-es youVs go t to spendmonsy tomaka n u n n r M s b ^ In* '•dutBlA#d"' ln' aoma respects ■ Owner George Waters of th e New Salem, Ore. entiy In the c lo u B

, sick, I t wlil be recalled, took o n r a t v n sltk Bealtlt Jttnehlse » ttn r ' yean a ^ . put up a swanky *300,000 baseboU lUdlum, ^opened v ide th e purse strlnpi for player purchases, then eat back' and watched' w hath a d been ft pem n lal BBcosvd dWttlonolub under penurious ownership fln> Ish'second tn 1931 and first In 1939.'

Adroit.shewmsMhlp r« ^ lt« d Jn --------d a n a

WtU, M looks'Ukv. th s • U tr l f

Waters Is dslnf th e ssms thing at Btlem.

P in t fie bought th e frtnchlM 'of tha tallend SelUnghom, W »sh, dub. T h m he buUt a <00,000 baU park regarded. u .o f ie .o f e .b u .U u mlncirs.■' League offldiils speak In htuhed tnnes about earpet«d, nm w iys and rtmix:'m odemlstla furn itu re m the rest rooms a n d - n n the pfii-wi* irea ing rtw os O jeyw cot ^ U th tub so b lr yoa ew ld p lv .w a ter

In I t'-W e a b e ln r p lla h tn can M... out stiff anns In the spacious tub. There's also a b lsb e la n tlin r-e r in t e n ? . , , ____........... ■ ___

When the Sslem a e n i te n m tn t i

n t y \art u « l o t o s ttt» bii{7. W>tert d e c lw ^ ^ H * u y i h tH pot up w i tsam la tb« m i ^

Dayenpoft hotel'In Bpokans o a .th e Senston' next tn p there.

Appsrently-hU Benstor* like, the treatment. In the ir opener * t home before more than 4,000 paid admls- slow In the U»t of the n in th to s — four Umcs and win.

And remember when they used 'to eaU 'em the 'Tiush leaguen?’-------

W ea they're "bus letffues" now. Both the Wetteto IntemaUona) and Pioneer lew uei eend-the clubs from town to town In tetan-owned b u '

Texas losy have Its <trl->and bcv ^'Mw-liope'* bat T aeom i'T btS p u t

m a i^ L ^ a d Blrl .ushe^ttes.___ _____take all the ateam

oat of groucliy.. lat««eomers who used to frowl » t iMle -uhBrp .fe r te t s t Mated l ^ d ft s e a t ' t J i n t th i cuitomvf I t a a d ^ t . d l s * lifee-lt-ottMomL-,. . .

— Faltering-CardsP o s e d e i 's P i t c h in g a n d H i t ­

t i n g G iv e B o s to n S e c o n d . V ic to ry o f Y e a r

NATIONAL LEAQUP.Detton 4, Bi- Louis 2.'New Yerk s t Cblcago, Brooklyn

a t Plttsbcrgh and rh lU dcIphla 'at CInclnnaU postponed, rain and coM.

CT. LOOTS. May 3 M>)-DUl PCk',o- dol’s hurling and hitting «ave Bos- Imt's Beei their second vlctoi>' of the year today, a 4 to 3 .triumph

t a St. Louis' folterln* Cardlaiai.Tho veteran rlghUiander no t only

held the O a ^ to seven KSttered hits, but his double In the sixth innlnc started .the Bees on a three- run rally, Uie clincher cf the gvnc.

P a r a time It looked like Iran Lon Waraeke would bo the first Cardinal to go the route this sea­son. but fh-e hits off him In ttmt fata l sixth was curtains. Jack Rus­sell and Bob Bowman flashed.

In addition to Tosedd’s double. H asiB tt.. Cucclnello. Chester Ross and Scam lla singled to send W ar- beke to the showers.

Posedel also accounted for the Bees'other run 'ln the ninth. Alter drawing a base on baUs, he went to second on a passed hall and, scored on Rabbit WsriUsr’a *tagle.;-------- -' J t lo<jl> »b r h

» . . ■ * ! ! IM A ! !RMttU K S 1a V n . ! ! s r . . ' I , ateV*!!

!M . I

I. ivlifX* 1 S' eHau.ll J.' 0 * “

Burley Athletes Win Sub-District Meet

Bobcats Edffe R upert ■ in tif fh t Race for'

P oin ts,

BURLEY, May J-B urlcy 'a Jrack and edged o u t the strong R upert ageregatJon In a sub-dlntrlct meet here ■totlfu:j[U.-.3jolata-tQ.72.2=a. The Paul .' tjuad collected points, OaWcy scorcd three and R aft R iver trailed, with .1.

P a c in g tlie B u rley IMjbc.'its w as Toolson w hose to ta l o f 15

■ point* KM hlKh lo t tlie ilny. , son of Rupert was tcconil 13 1-3.

Sllcock, Burley Umber - topper.stCfAkeiLjlVcr__ thC— Zno.yariL-tow.nurles Jn 2i seconds tint;- Jolmson won the lOO-yard dash In 10.8 rec- onds. and Brockle, Rupert speedjt^r. dnslied 200 yards In 23.8.

W lnnen of first. s*>cond nnd third places will c'ompet« Ip tho .district meet a t T*’in RiIIs May 11.'

Results;130’lilg ir hurlcs—FUher. DurlejT

Hunter, Rupert; \Vlt\lo«. R«p?rt; -Clmreh.-Durley. Tlme~17:

1—U»iu4 t« Kv<dn V j>—m iM far SuMJI I. ,wtwv— t(»—IltiM far OsiutHn la '------ U.1M I n n n n » » r ii\j r ih .^


- 'AMERICAN ABSOCIATIpN C e ln m b iu x it t iw M 'a V y '* : ' l adlan spaUs BUatxapeUs S. UolsTfUs 4, 84. Fast i.

^ l a d B a t M D w a ^ pMiptaMl.

t b m Is oot ta lephau fee t n t f t e f o t j p e m u In J i p t t . '-

Pole vaulli-BrowTj. Burlej; Wilson nnd Sfamons, Rupert llcd for sec­ond. Banner. Burjej-. Height• 100 yard dash—JoUwon. Ilupcrt;

Tool.ion, BurJej-; Price, Burley; F«k. Rupert Time 10:8.

Milo run—Brooks, Burley; Harper. Oakley; Campbell. Burley; Betts, Rupert Time 8;1J.

410 yard dash—Brockle, Rupert;- Braden, Burley: Kllnk. Burlej'; Ras­mussen. Raft. River. Time S3:7.

High jump — Plsher. Bwlty. Schenk. Rupert; Coon, Paul; Winion t o d Johnson. Rupert and Hoblnwij. Burley tied for fourth. Helpht

Dlteus-MlUaid. Burley; Schenk, Rupert; sehow, Rupert: Sllcock. Burley. Distance. 113'm".

Shotput—Tooljon. Durleyf flchow, Rupert; 38', Rupert; MllJard, Durley. Distance

Medley relay-Burley and Hupert BpUt points as they were tho only teams entered In both Uie medley and the BM-yard relay,

200.yard low hurdles — Bllcock, Burley: Stanley, Rupert; Johnson. Rupert; puher, Durley. Time 2(.• 220-yard-dssh—Brockle. Rupert;

Toolso^ Burley: Braden, Burley: r iak . Rupert, Time 33£.

880 yard run-Schow . Rupert; fill- cock. Burley; Hunt®, Rupen: Har- psr./Oakley. Tlme'3;lBH. •

Javelin McLane. Rupert and Toolson; Butley tied lor lin t ; Drown. Paul: Bells, R upert Olstones H7'3H".

Broad Jump-^ohnson, Rupert; Brown. Paul; Price, Burley; Oeor- gas. Rupert DUtanoe JO'lo^i”.

: 880-(reloy ssme as medle>').,

New Head Named ■ A tB eef FacfoiyBarry Eleoek, Idaho manager of

yw ta rd ir .'tanw m eed tha t Schenk, cuMtSnteadeni of. the Rv- peri-p«al -tactory. o f th s company, hod assumsd his duties as superlnt t«ndent of ths Twln-fM U factory. B s tucccAds tha lato Osorco Aduns.

Threa yean aco, 6chet\k w u u - sU tant superintendent 6f the Twin Falls factory. D urlhf his stay a t the Rupert plsnt, Mr. 0 ^ e n k made a s outstanding racord, winning th* t r o i i r J o t . efficiency- iw o -m n .-—

/o*-B lB ihun. assistant n p ^ « t«B4eot of th t wyis*. 0r6,-plaiTt of t h t . e o m ^ , wlU,|o to Rupert to

ef ttu- ocopuor to U th o «m - op«rat«. this f tH ' - tb s-«crta |t

Aiigott Triumphs Over Davey.Day

L i t t l e S c r a p p c r ' L c f l - H o o k s W a y to D e c is io n V ic to ry

------- a n d - N . B J \ r - T i t l f r - ^LOUISVn.I,E, Ky., M.iy 3 (J

Srlilni; up a (r;>rltil p.-ice nil the wny. S.immy Ansnit lefl-hooked a rirclslon vlctorj- ovrr Davey Day to- nlffht to win whftt the Natloiml Box-iMK B-'i.^OdStlolJ ll.lS f.lllRl ll.'<.i Iq;! of tlie world's championship, AnKotl \j-d8hed 131'i and Day 134,

npfpr>, . fmn-H nf .Km,. B,rWI-C:h«turned out lor this Kentucky derby eve brawl. Ui(* ^wMl lliile sliigRer from Loalm-llle and Wa.ihinftlon, Pft„-piled up a decisive margin in the first, six rounds and. nithoufih llrlnR dtjftTi the stretch, kept »-hack- Inc away lo lake Ihr sole verdict of rcfcree-judge Jnck Dempsey. ..Dempsey called sUt rounds In fa- ;or of Angott. five for the slim. r»iind-*htp«lder«l pltxWer Irom CW-

a i l d f i l u r ----- ---- ' ■ •Tlie Associated Press score card called nine rounds for Aoswt_and six for Day In fast movlnif.‘ala3hl>}ir atniggle.

Buddy Baer Wins in Seventh Round

B ig C a l i f o r n i a n R u s h e s A c r o s s R in g a n d K a y o e s

■ N a th a n M a n nNEW YORK, M ay.J W'^-Buddy

DSer- of Sacramento, Callf„ w^n s knockout o r tr N sthsn Msnn of New Haven. Conn,, after 1:30 of thn revenlli round of their scheduled 12-round bout a t Madison Square Garden tonight Daer weighed 240

nd Mann, 188.Tlie end came with dramatic

flbruptneas after Mx rounds In which the llRhler Mann held his cum and carried the f ish t to the apslheUoand logey Baer............

U aping from hU stool a t the atart of Uio seventh, Baer rushed across \hfl rlnK and began to belabor Mann with/ a series of long, vicious rights and lefUi. »

A righ t under the heart put Mann down for a nine foun t He arose Rrossy and bleeding but fought bade gamely, but mammoth Saer scentod the kill and followed his opponent around (he ring pourlnff In volleys of punishment from «U airtcUora.

Again Mann went down.for n ls t and when be arose, his face a rw y cneor,- ha dosedly. Usmed his bade On B aer and started fo r his comer. Ref c m Arthoi Doncmm .walked ox-er to 'B acr and holstsd hls band as th e wlnasr.

P jw ted bfrlnt lu llld en t lo JtaUly this move. ■ •

Record show thsC apptndmataly 14,000 «:cres Of beeU are under con- t m t in Ui# Twin PalU dlaUlct, ^ t t o w ,0 « a n plwitwl la th* dl»^ trlets aerred by faetotle* a t Bo- pert' and B u rl^ . ..

K Y I E M . W A IT E .'C O .- : •

'^ A Q to m o tl 'r a

Two Homers and Single Result in ReMox Victory

3 ) i r d B a se m a n a n d ll,1 ana gcr_• J o e C ro n in L e a d A t t a c k ’.

A q a in s t . B r o w n s , W in n in g1 0 - in n in g G a m e ,, 9 t o 8

AJILIIIC.tN- LEAGUE no«(nn 5, .St. l,nuh I..Vi-.T.V«rk *, l-lilrsjo 1.( levflaiii! At WanhlnElon and Dr-

tJi>lt at VlillsaflpJil* poilponed._ rain and ralcl;..................

IJOSTO:; Mny 3 „1'—'nie slus- fllic «r Jl:n Tnl)ur ra'vp Uic Red S»x a a-a' ovfr S'- Louis111 10 liiiiiiisr, lodtiy niitl a lilt ovrr till- WIc Clrvplaiirt indhiiu Into. Uie Aiiic'Mciiii ic icnf-, loj) rin;.

Tntior’i j'-fnnd Immrr lied the ^

with thc'l) brouKiit i:i •.vlnnlns nin, .

tVfljirr Jurfnlch pi;: t’le 3ro« is* in Uif- lull Kim? li\ tl^t stvtm h by l)lft.MIn? on; his lourth circuit rirlvr of iht season with two -on ba*c.

The R«i Sox started Jim Bagby nnd he hsd i 4-<! lead until he blr-u- up I,, [lie tevcnlli. when Uie . Uro-A-ni !jpd tlie count. -In Uie rii;Jiih th" DrpiTO pulled Into on

11-ntl ^iiih anoUier four-run rally. Cronin revived Ihe Red Sox"

droopiuf .<j)irlt.i by homertng wlUi Williams alx),ird in Uie elghUi'and Tlibor folloatd hLi manager's ex- amp:c' when he led ojf la the lo st ' of the ninth.

He Uien collected his third h it of i.'ie In Ihe overtime, after Johnny Whiteliead. who suffered llie onus or Uie Broras' setback, choked Uio bases giving Wll- llnni.t a double, and pMses to Fow and DoBby Doen-. '■ ■ ' KllUntm,

i|E‘i ; r , ' SJjwilli.m. I

j »1 ,

r. Tilur. T n toM blt»—

•kUr»—fc<f«T(CT;-iirffiimiia->ttQwn« -sr~ IVxrr. r.forin tiid rm ii Uo«rT md Cnj- nIn, Vi'lnnlrc plulMr-lInlasi kitlas rllcS.r—W)ill.Ii«i<l.

V a n k e c s 8 , W W tB S o x 4

hJls—including homen Rod no lfe . Georr>- ft-lltlfW nnrt ffhT ll. _ Keller—to win Uie fln t of a two-' game series with the Chicago Whlto , S ox 8-4.

The victory gave young Morrln • Breuer. up from their Kansas City farm, his firsts major lesgue vic­tory of Uie season. He kept 10 Sox h lu well scattered until Uie nlnUi when Joe KuheJ homercd wlU» two •

Sm ith 'lu ted .for se n n tnaln<s before rcUrlnff In favor of Brown.'

• The Ticlory lifted Uie Vanks up to the £00 mark. -s;::r,

S'.”SnJIh »nSmlsSi

rrawlil M 4 1 In«ir« lb * t tj.n.i»k if i I sK«U>r rf , < 1 1

. < e I4 e e.llrnrUli (f '4 0 B

Chlc»fn -----________ o'oi «M

hItm-SmlOi. JSuh.l, WfliM. -nitw

The London Stock . .Exchange,. _ founded In 1801. h u about 4.100 mombers.


Rtvcrse, co-pUot »l(«nat« flrln* and d n n s of o tte r needed festurei not found tn other motors.

- WOLVERINE BOATS Tor every c st s t lowwt ptlei,

Msrtns toppUes, s te -

' E.0.HAVEN8'uA R oo; 8 irm .T o a .

M H a l A N . . » « • . « «




W a r P r in c ip a l F a c t o r in R a p - - S j u f l j n g — I c n n d s -



;iKf> iiriiililcti T lir A :o •lll[ ll I’n-.'i nvrriiKf '

CO Aiock.i, <|r;.|tup (lie rcboiitul. (in- Wiccl'olf ,t of a point nl «.fl. Trim f r n fxiwiu!.'i1 to 1,070,751) slinn-n.

Slfplj aiul molwr. Ii'd tlic momli mul v.'crr iiiiKiiii; tlic dr.n

to revive. wlili jilui murk.-,wrre U. S, S lrd , Bi'tliklicin, Dcnural Motors, D<>itKlr< Alrcrnfl. Pii l>onl, Con.ioll(1(>ir[l Fj IIm ii. Uililwln Lrt:o* moUv(», Inlrrimllaiinr Pnptf. Cro' Zellcrbnch. lliivoiitrr niul Amcrlrn

Slock Averancs

Livestock Markets

1 rend of Staples

PRICE OF l E A IQ u o t a t i o n s J u m p T w o C e n ts ;

- A 4 k r - ^ r l y - |

S l u m p

'.liiinp KKliiy and cIomc Ihnli y.v,l-T<la>- will

nml July IIO,’)^.

wjis line to liuyluR b:ir.c<t ilii' critical Kiiroiirn

iilarlj- In riip Mcdi "in In Sfciiriili-.s III!

; milalloii Ko-.-.Ip.' Kirly I folloucd rr1rrr.c nf ' •s liiillcatInK wliitrr " 1 liave Iniprovr

01 rccciilly, fnvqrabl.'

•lu early ,'.trc!if;tll liclpctl to bol.Mcr

ic first hour. Muhl niid Rood coMiiiuT-

caiiM-d prlcM lo MllfrnIK-1.1 |HJ. !lcd lip ns

, crnl.-; lo CG\. n iii-a- DM, All corn Iiiiiirr.';

bf-,t kvcli In nl.

|'<I - •-1 '; lil):1irr'Umn C5'.. July. C C 'i.\ ;■o>' IjMtll '>-1 ,|p; cr nml lanl 3-10 •

Services at the ChurchesiinruncAfiT nrvoTin.vAui

"-III "L ‘ I’rinvllnvtssoHtTz nncninEN iv ntntsT UNITED niinrnRr.'i

Ccrn.f^-n,IH^.S..^)i »n.| T>lr

ii'l rhurch. Wr.|i,c>l4). indr«rlt..ti ,ff >Tr . ‘ ■_fV-lfifW U r Vt iC ^ k i . Y

S P. m. «TAnf»n'«ifc M'fTlfF;-Ti.n Tlicm All.- 1. II. i- l.rrr: _ •ul.Wt. -Ih. WnrMt

^Bcrs'sio.s' i:i-iS('orAi

nil cut

'lll'lllf'h.Kir; r 'i . ”m."K* 'dill,irVu'r"ni,lr 'i;uM>‘ i « " i . '

nn.sT <:iinisTiA.“i r«*l' f r*. ..'.-..1 .

ln’-thti^r'"‘ ,‘l '‘'* '’"''J"‘ ," ‘l‘ 'n'lir.'ilV

1 p. m. »ll'Ifnirii.^ ~lll rr.-: In tl.'lr

d’irrrnn'nf *)r. I'ull-r In ‘ih*

gf IJ,.. IInil.-.l Tli«>i Ini;, v .li . . in. rluii. 1; •.-luol.•n.« iiu iu ,. 11. 11*

rrrtfh"«l oJTi ‘irrviir. ". ' lh« Ji.un£ iM iiil«’« f»llii~*lii|'.


Ihrr. >111 I.T > J>l >

X 'll" 'in 7ur;."r^^_ ni.' r.'r'rHr

IN eighbors’ Churches|

Senior G irl N ew Leading T hesp ian

Mils M/iry Blraln. who hua playtd A promlntnt pa rt In dnm uU ei ac* tlHUu both u an actor a n d on the production utafr n t T*1n PnlLi hljh (icliool Im« bfcn cho-icn m the out- stnmllnc «n lor TUcsplnn in ths h lc tischool^


num. d'llUn prr .

Perishal»h2 Sliippiii"

Carlond f.hliwiri

Ulali dlMrlrl—Ulaiik.M iiniiinn dlMrlci—Potaloi-.i 1, - Klahn I■•nl: dl. trlcl—rotatocs 4: IV ln Palls ilLMrlct-I’olnto<-< 23, CnUlWL-11 dlMrlct-foLiloM -1, N yv-i—Ulatik.

ri.» \

T w in Falls Markels


IX' iT

Wk S'ritr<! R-m

'T>>* rrfln«J narlo'l fKolchauz .Sorir'i winouti

. ilrivali acalnil oU cnntn , for • IlmltM iJmt

. .dMllM-«f 1 p«ll,(..-. Ifllorr 1» »h»mt !■» olti»t

B utter and Epf's

lllm frrrrt, f"l^rr4, Or«- »H Ifd ■

cinoAfio ftwojts


flH,1T fC.STIT'

• r:

I) TAiit:n.sAci,i:

Towns(!iid Council -To-iM cct-in-narkTwin FallJ rlty pnrk «11l be the

„v.'iiD of n mn^llnt; of mcmbtrs of the ndvl.'.nry committee of Townwnd

--nil conRre.vilonftl ^nfwrnoon. nfl«r n » mectlnB will be in plnce. BlnrllnK nt US announced yc.v

MiiiiTAiiRii cnxtir.v

WfOnfiilar. 1‘flTtr incttinf,____

• Music Festival ‘Pays fo r S elf

Brc.i\isc a m n ll odml;-ilou ife clinrKrd for proiir.ims prc/.pnlctl bj Ktiiilcnl.i (liirlnc ilm anmin! foiithcni Idiilio Mi:.'.lcal fc.Mlvo!. lii-Iil Inst week In Ttt'ln Fail.i, tl»^ event clMr«l nil rxpcrr.p.i and palil for lUclf, Ed' wnnl Rocrl. T»’ln Tall.i hlcb rcliool principal- nnil rlialrm nn In cturjic of -the event, announced IliU week.

ToUil cxpuni.e for tfte nff.ilr nbout »700. lie ,wld. Purl of tlih paid by llic en io ' fee ehari:cd each school for the cnirle.i It mn<le.

Mnin llrm.i of expcnr.e were Ins JiKlKfs. Ir-'iiilnf: corn-.iponilcnce Ojnlrlj^UiiUu!! in_TprlIclpat1nK rcliooLi before the nffalr .MarlCTl. anil pny-

muiJc incd In thn eiKiii rcjid-*'—Othrr-^Mprnsea Inehidfii inlwcllnnpoiw Itemfi.

were furnished by Uie bureau of thP-Chnmbei

Commerce, nntl proKmm.i wen de poulbic by a Kroup of mcr-


She played the lend In one c u t ir the nenlor plny^ - n s h .- ' ' given

liLit D^ember. For the ivll.sehool play, "I’rolosue to Glory." fhe wa.i n?-Tlilnnt tllrtclor. nnd a h o for the Junior hiKh Kchool oix-retLi. "White Gyp.-.y." In last year's Junior claM play. “Ail You Like » on SkU." &hs al'fl took B part,

MKi Strain hna done make-up ftork for nl 25 ft-vicmbllcs. play* and opcrclta.1, nnd ulio has written and produced Llirce plnya,

IJiirley E lks lo E n te rta in T rio

nURLKY, May 3 -B u rley Klk.i Iodi;c will conduct n .'.erjes of evcnli. V ihc flMt lo be ft mulllKnn fec<l to honor Elk.i who arc leaving Burley, •Dr. lien Schultz, Jnmcs Henderson ami Charlpj O'Olllls. Tlie- nffnlr l.i to he AliiKcd Saturday evenlnc at 6:30 pjn.

On .May 12.’nt 0 p.m.. Mother'd d:iy ficrrJscs will bt- held In the nks’..haU. .to ..which Ujo genenil piiljllc » Invlicd,

Amrrlcanlz.illon contest will be lirlil M ar 15. which In nlso openlo the public, iwd a n t BWuJenl {iw\ each f.rliool In Cafala nnd Minidoka roiiutlc* will compete .fo r prlzei k'lving an omtlon on the nubject.

rLlzzie IJe rb y ^ Slated a t B u rley

Tlm/lM-mllP Tin Llrzle* derby linV ftlll take place In Diirley under he'aiiiplces of UiP V. P, W. pail

Siintlay iillemoon, Mny 12. prom- ,1 to bo one of Uip most Bpcclficu-■ aiitl colorful cvenLi o ’c r alaced

in Ciirlpy, ' >Dtlvcri wiUiln Uip of Idaho

arp ttinlnft up Uirlr nnclent doodle ^ buK* and pnlntlnK Uiem every hun W of the nvlnlw-*-. each vlejnj: for the honor of havlnc Uie m o it eye at- iracllnc model-T Foril compellne lor the part of tlio *500 In cash prl;f.i that Li lo be ow ardcd the winners of Uil.i c!a.nic.

AccordltiK lo U iem ce offlcInU a t the Tin LInIe derby hend(juftrtcr*In Durlcy where cntrlc.i tiro now be- Ins Liken there will bo a field of niiproxlmaUly « drivers awnltlnc Ujr- Riiii for Uie iitarl of the big mce, sJarUng Uiem to w hat they hope

111 bff fiwnB and fortune.Drivers nrc rcjil.itcrlni; from BtiW ' y. Jeroine, LewLiton. Potlach. Kh-

mlnh, Ttt-ln Fall.i, Boke.' Pocatello ml ninckfool.Tlie winnlns machlnea will be

(nken apart to ftASUre nil drivers"Kouped-up" In any j Uicy nro jitxicUy

modcl-T Ponls. '


,ApptoxlmntcliLSa»j3..the nvc tacc .. aUie ol all nuiomobllc* on the

American hiRhwnys.

W ool M ark e t’s W eek ly Review

club* of the dhtrlcl Siindny vrlllch a public rr slaccd a i the win 2:30 p. m.. It u- lenliiy.

Twelve mcmbcni wlio —......... -the council will come to Twin Falls Iron) all p a ru of the dlatjlet. 'They will meci fir.-it In execuUvo aewlnn and will lhcn.nilend Uie ma.s.i meet' IniT.

Principal rpciikcr n l Uie pubUc i .lei'Jon will be ex-Stntfl_ Senator • William Olauner of nngcniiati.


s.mnvAHT nArrisT

s ' . s s , s :

J poultrr, etif‘i»lt s

I SS,000,000 I«.unili.

j ^ n (•ulnKj) H .n; C •u»n


-POCATELLO,-Idalio, Mny 3 {/Pr- Fm nk P. S co tt, 25, of Boise, snlci. man for th e IhlemaUonal Shoe company of S t. Louis. Mo.. »lioi and killed hlm aelf on Uie Onion Pacific's Portland Rose train of hero toda>’. S h e riff A. W. DavLyof Power county reporC«<l

rallcnt—Riw.ell Weaver Is a p tlcnt at the CoUiiRe hospltnl here.

To IUwlln»-Mr. nnd Mrs, Jnin Henderson left Sunday for Ui(

home nt Rawlins, Wyo.. where Mr, Henderson hns been imnsferred by the J. C. Penney Company. aviLiUnt miinaKcr in Uie Pen . store Uicre, L.n;it week, ft fnrewell party’wax Klven for 1110 Hehdcnsons and for Mrs. Robert Wilson, who li rcUrlnK nfler many years of sen'lce

I salc.ipoman In the Penney store ere. A banquet, w itli COTcn foi

. scnly-fh-e persons was lield a t Ihi National hotel n t 7 p, m . «nd fol' lowlnjt rhe party took plnce n t tiie hotno of M anaser and Mrs, E. J, flum*. Succeeding Mr. Henderson. In the Durley store wlU be KenneUi Arclier. a.'-iL'-.tnnt m anaser of the Rawlins store.

nifih i — Recent blrUui reported hcreVre a son bom April 10. lo Mr, and Mr3. Earsel Van Leuven: a wn bom April 2i. to Mr. and Mrs. Eu- Kcn# Jones; a daURhter Iw m April 19, to Mr: and Mrs. S, IL Shaw: a douBhler bom AprU 22 tfl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slmplot ond tu dauRh- lcr"60r»rA i>rir3irt<rM rrond"M r8. Bernard Zlllner. “V

Luncheon—A lunchw n And pro­gram will b ^ e lvm ^rh tjrsday bc- flcnlns at' 1 p, m . \ t the a irls tlan church by Uie m e m l ^ o f the Blue TrUnslB eutld w'licn liiliy entertain tnfuiber* of Oie Loyal wbfJter*' di­vision of the Aid society. Mrs. Cas- Ida Sleelimlth i*'4n charse of the uneheon armnRementa Mid Mrs,

IluUi Conlne, proffnim chatrroan hns airanced a prosnun honoring mo- tlien.

In 16D5 therfl -were four pnMenper a n rcRlstered in the DnlKd Stales, a compared to t]ie 35,8MJ40 regls-

t«ed a t UiB end o f IBM.


BOISE, May 3 (,?>-What waa be­lieved to be Uils year'* flrat death In Idaho from Rocky mountain lick fever wa.i reported today by the »Ute public heallli service.

Dr. E. L. Beny. public health dl rector, said Elija B. WiRle. 70, of Vfoimlnln Home, died April St. ft fr“ dnys nfler contracUnB the disease.

BUHL.............. [ — Roland narvey, i

6f Mr, and Mr*, L. C. Har\-cy, is i parted lo ipprtjvlns nicely a t the JBln-Fallt-Kimeral -lio»pital-*hera he underwent an appendeclomy Sat­urday.

Trio VJilu—The Misset Oeneviovo Menroy and Doris Oannon of Buhl, and Rose Smith of Chicago, ftnived In Buhl Sunday afternoon from ChJ- caRo where Uiey haye Been enjaged In nursing. MLm MeHroy has been a t the St. Anthony hospital, and MLu Gannon and Mist Smith hare been on private duly and vislttatcT\_I- ___' - ..('nK **


Methodlii cliurcli m et Wednciiday wliti Mrs. D.ilhui McNcll In Wendi-ll. At the fJiort btLslnt-M mci'tlnR they di'clde<l to i^ipatc five dollnn lo piirclm.-ie a book for Uie public II- jran-. The commltlec appointed Jor Uiti purpose included M rs.‘Danas McNeil. Afr.i. J . W. Jone.i nnd Mrs. Andy WlllLi,

Aniilvrrsarr Parly—Mr. and Mm. jvilllnin . nnrd-Jcj:— wcro—lumMod TU«lay rvenintr a t Uielr homo their 37Ui wcddhiR nnnivcTR . . . Tlilmble ''club mrmbcra prtf.ienl^ '■Ir, and Mrs.-Bardslcy with n'ruR,

Enlertaln* ‘CIa**-Mr.i. W. G Tuppcr cntert«lned- 1C member*' of ter Melijpdlst. Sunday achool cla-w evcnlriR witli n comblnwl wlmmhiR parly and wolnor-roaxl

tlie Diinbtirj- natatortum . OUicrs ,ilstlntr M n. T uppcr were MUi

Mildred Skinner, Mm. Jolin JonM and Mrs. John DapUe.

Ward C onfe rene^T ho annual ward conference of tho L, D. S, church WM held Sunday with Bu- fonl iciriland tind Luicll Wilde of Carey a.i Rucal ajwivkec. Six-ctal :'c was fumL-ihed by the local X* D,. choir.Stork SlioWCf—A pim rana-b lU fl

.^hower wa.i,given .Wcdnc.iday In;)f Mrs. Steve WlnPRnr n l Uie

TPRUbr U dlcs Aid mcelinR of Uie Reortfanlreil L. D. S. church. Mrs. Wlk-y Harmon nnd Mrs. William Hendrlekion w-ere in cliarge of Uio proRHini of Knmtw. • •

Eml VUIt—Oomer Condlt, Shel­don Condlt nnd Bob Dickerson re* lurn(\I Saturdny from O m nd Cou­lee where Uiey had spen t Uie past weelntsiilng. M rs.-M crrin 'ailniorc r^hirned to her home In Grand Coulee, Wa.<Ji., w ith Uiem after via- ItlnR for Ui8 pn.1t three weeks here wltli her moUier, Mrs. Henry Pulliiy and other friends and rclallv-es.

Aiint rasscs^M r. and Mrs. Pred Thomi«>n received word Sunday Umt his aunt, Annie Beaver or Oro- I'llle, Calif., had passed away a t her lome nt thS nee of 81. While vlslt- ng here last aummer she became

ticqualnled wlUi many trtcnds In Uie vnlley.

Family Rennlon—Mr. and Mn. Pred .Thompson wer« hosta a t a family reunion dinner held a t Uielr home Thursday a t which time about «S of their Immedlnte relaUves wet« prtrent. OUicr^ present wctu Mn and M n. August Crist and Mr. nnd M ra.-Allen-Crtst-ftnd- son.- Teddy, of Gooding.

| S E ^ C T ^


193S ChevroletCoach ------J--------J ym s riymoaurit Door Sedan,' ra-

$ 2 7 51010 Ftymoulh Deluxe Coape,

$ 3 9 5■Se­e r ...

WM riymouth * Door Sedan,

.$ 2 0 019U Cherrolet Master 4 Door Se. dan. good condlUon 1934 Oldstnoblle Se-' a ^ m dan. radio, heater —V ID3I Ford Tudor Se- a ^ ^ m dan. good c o n d l U o n 9 * ^ 3 1930 Ford CoBpe, "fair eondJUon____19:9 Ford Fordor

$ 2 2 5

7nlled Btntes carried .n>or«. Uian ^000.000 passengers eomo 80S.OOO.-

000 pa-Mtnger mil«s w ithout ai alngle alallty to paxscnger# or ercw.

mir;,lnK, Doris Oannon' and lUaa Smith are visiting a t the homo of Doris’ aunt, Clara Oannon. and plan on taking poslUoni iri -th« Twin FalLi county general hospital this week. Genevieve McHroy Is enjoy* Ing a rest^and visit wlUi her parent«, Mr., and Mrs, p ; J. McElrey.

VIGOROFeTtlllxer (o r Lawni and |

' ShmbbetT. IPbbne 191 ITwm FALLS rCED » ICE I

- $ 9 0- $ 7 5

TKUCKSi937 O. M. c. IM .Ton Tmcfc _______ 9 4 9 5ID U FordU iTon T ree k _______ ? Z 9 51M9 riymonlh l iTon rickup --------^.$49510311 Ford FaaelH Ton ---------$ 2 9 5 .1931 Cher. !i tonPiekdp, W<9 lie. 9 ^ 9

For llic B est Dcnl Jn Town S A .

tiS |U |M S '

m k

- 7 "


Best Used Car Buys, of the Week Listed:Today! See “Autos for Sale”W A N T A D R A T E S

Por I*ubIlc*«on In DothTIMES and NEWS

RATES rC R LI.VX PER DAV Six (layn. p«r llnr prr dar . . . .

— mre<r(iiyn>tninrp«riJay-rr.TtJie One d»y, per Ufm ..................... "

31 1/3 Dfjcount For Cash

Ciuli (It.'CQiiiil.N nllourd II ndvc -tiiciu 1*. piild (or allhlti scvrn ‘c5 l l r « lii!.cnion,Ko clft.vMIlcct tirl l.ikcn for less tlmn 50c Including cibcotiiit.

Line of clni.'.lflcd advcni*liiK com' ]>iiird 01) biixl.i of five medium- IfiiKili words-prr line.

IN TWIN KALL3 ......PHOSX J8 or'32 i m ADTAKBR

IN JEROME LrCBve Ads a i K & W Root B rrr

IN RUPERT Uiive Ads ftt Residence of Mrs. I<Iiv Wlieder. 71S D SU


IJOX NUMDERS •Hie TIMF,a and NEWS with to

nmkp It clear lo Uielr rrtid rn tha t "blind uU:.'' (udx coiitalnInK a box number Iti entp of the two-par—* ' aic btrlctly coiilldeixinl nnd ni lorinnllon ciin be Klvcn convralnR ilic odvertlser. Anyone wanting to nii.'.wer b cliis«lfle<l i>d cnrrylnc TIMES ■ NEWS box iiumbcr .•dioiild ivrlle to Hint bnx nnd rltlirr mnll or brine It to the TI.MES-NEWS office.

v'"ifT“nO''e^tni"ehfii'Ke fur bux numbers,


FARM Sabovers »W\ {orolUtJ who »ro not rc.ildenl.i of IdiOio wlio nrc looWns /or n low rcnl. conifort-

giblc place to live onn obiiiln fonnntlon by « iu n ( ; Box New»-TImej.

GOOD T H lN fiS TO EATrRYERS. 410 DUmond. Ph, 1C09-W.

GUERNSEY milk. JOc gal. Ph. U31.

BATH AND MASSAGEMALLOn'Z. 114 iliiln N. PU. llfl-R

STA-WEUi. 635 Mnln.W. Plione 155.

SCHOOLS AND TRAININGTO 'd«t« we hnv-o a record of 100%

plAcemcnt of Brndunics. T . P. Ciulnr.M University. Pli. 314. '

LOST AND FOUNDliOST—bny rnftre—4*E brand on left■“ ftou lder. PirTJlHTTn:

Enjoy Yourself This Summer!

Vacation in a Good U sed Car!

CiL'l oiil in n used car and liuvc rcul^ fun th is siininiLT. You can tak e a vnratioti uvory week-end, 8<?c, y o u r , frionds iti diHtnnt towns, run ap to ncjii'i)y vacation spot.i. R ig h t now. • Cln.-isifiod “Atito.s fo r Sale" b o l­te r vnhios in Rood u.sed cans. T ake a moment or two to check th e . . . th e car to .■luit your ncod.s is th r r c l

A SirrO N 6E n3 rOTATOES Dliie ’f iK.i. Red Tn«% nnd iion-certl-

fled Gema, C, L. ASIILEV. Ph. II04M. a mi. N. uf War.l). Ktioo:.


CHOICE tros\l, 7W5TO on Main Doctor or rtentl.^l prrferred. Ph. 1713 mornlnus or 5-7 p. m.


3 RM3-. priv. batli. ptiy fiim. 1955-J.


3 RM3. Adults. 312 4th Ave. E.

2 RM. »pt. Adulta. 252 Sth Ave. E.

MOD 1 rm apt Adults. 21Q.3d Av H,

VACANCYi R « d Apti. Ph. 1217.

2-RM.. «dr-cond. Oar. 605 2nd N.

3-ltM. fum. ButiKalow Apia. 2cut Z.

JUSTAMZRE Inn. Ph. 450. Oasis 071

THE n m SIIOPB expert furrier W qualiricd to repair. clcAn, clnro Kid ftore your fur«. We ir e ex­pert*.— ^Vhy tnkP chrxnces .w ith your fure elsewhere? Phono 413.


d«nt work f ^ a . 135 Main West.

SPECIAL—M wnve for 13.50; I I and |5 waves H prlc«. Jduho Barber is Deautjr Shop. P i t 424.

UAROILLE’S. 151 TWnl Ave. N. The ohop of uniuual permanents and lasUne finger vnvcs. Oil shampoo and finRcr wave SOc. Evenlncs ' tppolnlment. Phono 362.


lU lw aATO R, {ftrro Uand «'nnta work. Art E. Brown. 805 Pierce, Boise.

MARRIED man. cffldcnt, reliable, sood cducatfon. Will do anythlns. M2-W.


WANTED — Exp. beauty operator, Kcqualnt«d In Twin PaIU. Box 28,


APTS, Til# Oxford. 438 Ma)a North

4 RM9. dean. lU eSectrlc. i ‘ In .'-A dulls.M lSnd'N .'

APARTMENT-3 ‘rooms and bath, close In. A. S. HI^jSON & J. E. ROBERTa Phone 583.

a, S o n 5 rm. comp. turn. Plione. P rlr. b a th , entr., laundry, stoker, )lr*cond. Adults. 719 2nd S . eve's.

CLEAN, comfortable, QuIet, attrse* Uve apu CaJJ « l Apt. IB. Calif. Apts, 260 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1004.



FU R N ISH ED HOIJSKSI RM. lights, water. MO War.h.

MOD. fum . cott.nce. IDJ N. Wn:.h.

SMALL: Adull.n. 628 2nd /^ve. K,

-R.M. lioa 'e for two, 2« Quincy,

5.RM. modern lvsr‘. 3rd Ato. W.

2 RMSh close In. Inquire 414 3rd W.


MODEKN 5 or 6 rni. fiirn, houre In nonli o r iiiirt of lomi by, Juii 1st. Box 2(3. News-Tlmes.


Fred P . Dates—NortJiem Uf# Ins. Co. Peavey-Tnbcr Bids. Pb. I27J


QOOD modem 0-room house with fumiure to be moved from present localloo. Inq. room 105 Park hotel.

WE hnve a Kood houM In tho east part of till' city for sale at a bar- KAln prlcel


WELL Joc-'H -A w ith nrw 3 rm h i. be- low ea.ih. 1 A «1th 8 rm-hi-trad* for tovn properly. Qoddard, IIOH Slio. W. -


POR SA L E -ltcd br;.nv U. of I. rJn • 3, Ic p rr lb, nlxivr ni;irkct price. nl

Trliild/nl !lrn!i Hmr.r, Dnhl. Ida. A. A. Emory. R 2. BuW.

SEED i^A TO E S -lO O fl sacks Oem teed, graded and sacked. 1st >t . out of certllled teed frti.Ti Montana. Ph. HO. Rupcru w, r. uunt<r.

CHOICE 111 yf. RuiMt feed, wrlcd and aocked. nuarnnteed from To- tonla Dluo Tar. grown on new po- l.ito Kround 1939. I.uko' V. Bonner. 4 ml, S„ I E Bnlil, !’li. 337R5 Dulil.

s e e d T ^ ) t a t o e .sEARLY BUSS TRIUMPHS

Crrtlflrd and one-drops RUSSETS-Dlue !at( und Red taiT. And icii-cted IM yr, out local


:l3(toii. r,O.W- Craliimont, Ida. •J CHAS, a , !iK.NRy

F A u:\i i m p j , i:m e n t s



VHITE l.rKhorn clilcl-Ji-icx^yl pul.and ro. l;tr<-|j-avnlUble no*

tinl i!iroii.'!i Mny. Aljo Nc:i H;uii)v.liirc.. Wi)t(c nnd |{ocl;^. R I n -l.v and niiff Or-i'lnKions ;-u n .’; y c m ix h a t c h - KRY. Ph. :03 Kiler—on 0 ,'S . Hy.11).

WlilTrl Wranclnf.c frj-m . 1591*W

HUI-T lifn.r. fwkrrrl.i. Ph. 0M9-R12.

MII.K frd rolnrrd fr>Tr.t—nllve ni dr<’v,ii|, 0 |)t'n Ktmdayi. Hnyc; Hiilclifiy, |)linno 73.


lIIOH Rrr prices )>nld tor -our fcUcliltkfii.', and lurkri;,. Iiidc^nd- ent Merit Company.


ro R SA ix recoiulltloned "70" iraclors,PI4 Fftrmull irnctnr outfit with ImnK-on plow, cultlvnlor nnd i

I McDrg. ■■20" Uoc-lrftclor,I .McDrg, 2-rbw pouio plnnlrr.I McDrg. 1-row potnlo plfinter.• Olivrr 1-rnw potnlo plnntrr.

num'bfr ot KOod imiiiio .ind rultlvnlor.n.C>Po<l work horrf;..



.'lO head Hereford c.ilv<<—Hit? !■ flnr lot. W. J. Hollcniirck,

IIA Y . f;RAIN, FEEDPASTURE, Mnry Alice Pnrk, 02fl(!.JI.

HAY for aale, W, O.

WHEAT, barley, iiny. I'li. 0355.R3


5 YOUNQ sows, farrow Mny IStli N, jQhnfitone, 4 ml. S. Edru.

GOOD tyjx-. wi, 1700. 4 yn, old. JIM, J . K. Jor^eiucn. Dlelrldi. Ida.

WANT pa.'.turc for 3 eolla. Under good fcnce. Ph. 03S4-R3. Arcli Coiner.

DAHLIA bulbs. Mr:., Slmrp, 1087-W.

GLAD. Bulbs, Ph. 24-ru . Kimberly

WANTED TO HUYWAN’reU; Apple wood. Ph. Ii<2.

WHEAT nnd b.irlry. Ph. 24. Pller.

WANTI:D-2 Jenl;lii,i hny fUi J buck rakcv



GOOD saw mill, 7S H. P. .^U nm c tine, bfl^ 451 3rd 3.

CANVAa-JVLL KtNDB T’Tliomei* Top i i Body Works

KrenRi'l'f. Hiifdwiire,

L ife ’s Like Thai E O I H GRADESE'

“ I t ’s v e ry im pnrtan l th a l o u r Icd iT S In- m a iled to n ii :h t . . W iiu liln 't i t 111' Icrrililc i f .’'l ic h c y Rnoncy nr) f a n m ail i th e m o rn in j;” ' ’


TRUCK UuUs l(v •lieop. Also M'n" Plinnr :074-I.

■ATf: model I.'.-in, a rriaso Rovnl Iyp<'Tcrll.T. ( tnlHiliitor, R ' ri'l, rond, PflrM in !,p|l (lulrk, L .%t, .V Co.. CDS <Ui E, Pli609.

•Miav f.i.'.li rcrfislir; nuck rnl;e, cullivninr, bfrt nnrt be;i mower: will lit FlJnnd FI4, All I vn-y i;<’f«l I'onillllon, 1-ow price MSU Jd lw on. C«*ylinK.

It^UliSCO In nil color. , RrmemBer limt Genuine .Muri".to lin.-, twice the eovrmgc yon tret wiih clicnp


r pliicr C> 'nii. N,


Covert, cloth body and hood J4.a5 nnd t3H5 ench; Icnlherciie body and hood {OHS and up.

. . . . MOON’S ...

LOT, must be rea-i. 2l5 Locust.


130 A .'farm for sale In Wallowi Co.. Oregon, Ensy. lennj. lr» L, Lively. Prombe. Oregon,

BOARD and mi. 121 ?Ui Ave, N

DD & rm- 137 4th AVe. N. Ph. 1500W

lU L and bd. 311 2nd Av. W. Pb. 1213.

FURNISHED ROOMSFRONT bedrm. close In. Ph. 003,

ROOM lor. 1 or 2. 3<B flUi Ave, N.

PLEASANT rm. Oonsg*. Ph. SOO-W

LO.- CLEAN mod. rw . 459 2nd Av. N.

COMPETENT .. cook--lor.-m odem •quipped ranch. Ph. 045-J3. 6ho-

. shone.

EXP. beauty operator to manage and operate a cut-m te Besuty Salon State nge and experience. Box 25 Newa-Tlmea;

HELP- W A N TED — MALEOPPORTUNITY lo r young man with

car. BmaU ' Investment. Box 27. N#ws-Tlmc3.

MARRIED a u i —no c h l ld ^ or_sln;■ gla m an for farm work. Qlve age,

rcTs.. &nd wages wonted. Box 23. News-Tlmea,


W. c . FIELDS and Mae Weit imper­sonators. Must havt costume*.

• Hourly salary. Apply Orpheum H ieatra. • ,

BUSINESS O PPORTUNITIESrm E S T n igh t d u b In Ely,'Nev. for

talo because of illness. tlfi.OOO. Tor.■ parUcuIanf~wrlt« Box 1108. Ely,

n In mod. home. Ph. 1B33

ROOM and garage. 320 OUi Ave. -E.


3 RM. house and water, ph . 12B5M.’

s-nn . dwlg. wltn Stoker, n . hot water, double gar., finished tm In tumt., »3S. T«l. 2041. I

30 A. Jerome county. Known & north portion of Bcthuuo propet ty. 8 ml. E. Jerome. 4S0 »hare» N. side wnlcr. 2 seU bulkllnss, read­ily adapted for stock purpoeu. Offers lo purcIiiLso nnd appoint­ment for examination ot property may b« mnde by seeing Wm, H. Tfio.-npion, Burley. Ph. 63.



This vnlley grows a wider range of crop.1 Uiwi any oUier secUon of the United Stales. A mild dimatc and unplo ntlnfttll make Ideal growing conditions. All crops i produced n t low ctMl, and due .. seaport morkel/i. bring higher prices than those produced a t In­land polnta. As a result, good fnrmen prosper.

I t you are an e x f^ e n c td Itiroer with a KOOd record. HA\VKINS i ROBERTS. INC.. will sell you dMlralile fnrm In this vnlley i . veo' atlmcllve term s. Wrlto for Uielr lllaitmled farm cstolog and full particulars o f _ their selling plan.

H A W IN S*& I^OBERTS, Inc.Ouardlan Building



»mST and second year seed pola- toet.'-W . C..UOU, M urtau(th.

r m 'p o ta to e s 'l s t arr. MeCan Bln* Tag. L. Davla. Murtaugh, 3iJi.

1ST. year cu t Russet ce«d potatoo*, Mrted. 'Sacked. B. Nob, PHtr. a40J14.'

Bushicss and E^ofcssional

DIRECTORYBicyclc Repairing

Coal and WoodPHONE 3

for Aberdeen coal, moving nnd trans­fer. McCoy Coal & Transfer

Curtain 5 /fopjCustom Draper)' Scr^ce. Curtnln &

Drniicry Shop. 464* B..PI1. M2.

D ry CleaningParisian Dry. Cleaners. Plio 850.

Fur StoroffcRICRARDSON‘8 PUR REPAIR -AND~STORAOE.- Repairing.' re-

ntyllng, cleaning and glazlns. ex­pert care and protMllon. Ph. 8T9.


Job PrintingQuality Job Printing

0>'dcry. Phont IM,

Lawn Moiver ServicelAwn mower grindlne, WUl call for

«nd deUvcr. MOORfrS REPAIR SHOP. 244 Main S. Ph. 229-R,

lUoneg tQ LoanSeo J . S. W blU first for Io«ni on.

homes or business property. Low IU t« t. quick servlee. m Main X.


Auto LoansLo-

Rcflimiice, nddlllonni cju-.h. reduci your prc.'ent monthly pnymeni,^ cat company.


Next to ridellty Bntik

? ? ? ? ? r ?NEED JIO N EY

FORSpring Wnrtlrobe — Rcdecoratlni: — Vncatlon - Boatlt^s — Pcn*nftlU.-.C?— ..........— ■ r ........ ....

See “Skip” Tow an'fti CA S» CREDIT CO.

Rms. 1. 2 Burkholder Bldg. Pii. 770 ? ? ? 7 7 ? ? ? ■

ORteopathic PhysicianMiller Clinic. 413 Main N. Ph. 1B77.

Dr. O. W, R0.1C, 114 Main N.. Ph. 037.

Painting and Dccoraiing

Planing M atWe mnke m h . doors, screens, i. .

nets, counters—anything of wood- TWIN FALLS LUMBER CO,

Phone 542

R a d io f i e p m r in gPOWELL R A D IO-PnO N E M9.

Shoe Repairing -Ralph E. Turner n t lludson-OlarkV^.

--------Trailers-Traller Houses. Gem TW Ier Co,

VVK H-\Vf; i;.i!(lin v;i-d, bull: umlpiu;;.: i-jiri^i-nml |K.'.»!f»«ii|.Hoviu,sluHV;. MUU\ Mill cnsp,?. beds, sprlriK.i. llre^. Jnrk<,,i;um. tool*, dlshc,'., wiiiclir^, cri:im M-imrntnr, giirden tool''. Open cvciiinK.v R:'>' A; Rny'.^ 2nd Himd .'-.lore, 230 Main S,. f tc ra j from Scn^ .


HED, SUnmoiw sprlnr-.!. f’li.

OOOD. new coni ranRe. 230 Tj-ler

iillon w.r-1 hejd. followed by lulbi by Uie Kuwu,

Refre,ilime»t.s were served from n Inble loveli- with an ivory b.iikel of white nnri-KM, Gr.-r-ii crrix: paper cnrrled out n green and I'hite theme.

HMlcs.-iC5 were Mc.sdnmcs R. K Dllllngluim. O. C, DavI.s, D. N. En> - ' - ‘■'Ighl, L. W. Hawkins.

^MALL tu_ed stoves and refrlg,. sult- •iBle for ap&. Good W ia.Ttruwn.

iblc. Ph. 1700 hr liCTT

^VE'fftill have a number of W ilton -rug Mimples lelil Priced from ?0e to *2,79 nnd while you’re In th e ^ C re we urco you to look 'over our handsome Velour cov^red sewing chairs, only UJS.


AUTOS FOR SALK• I Buick sedan, cheap. Ph. ie09-R.

»300 equity on deluxe Plyinonih ■!j\crt{Scc! t$ox 20. Nws-T^mw.

•37 FORD coupe. Rood e«id.. ehe.-ip. O o t u ^ l r y . S. H w . oi s . Pk. comer.

•33 FORD V-B 4-door. ld« ihnn 21.-000 mU lookx like new nnd Is In A .l sliiipp. Dewm A MBlllncr,

-fiPECIAL THIS WEEK12 Ford V-8's.-3 Plymoulhs. 2 Chev-

roletA—all underpriced I STATE MOTOR CO.

130 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 168

77 Pontiac Sedan.. -...1565

Radio, healer, new tires, sci cover*. Previous oa-ner *111 rec*

- onitnend. name-fumb'iird tf-In* Interested. See 'lhls car. NED DeOROFF PONTIAC CO.-rlSJ-

*-4nd Ave. West.

TRUCKS AND .TRAILERSDANDY trailer lisc. 905 4Ui W.

EXOEPTlONALliY welt twUt troUer house. Phone S42.TWIN-PALLS LUMBER CO.


Officers R eport Suicide AUeiiipl

.initOMi:, Miiv 3- RUl Wfill.-n. b;iri;<T, alroiil -13. lodiiy viw 111 tli' eoiiniy -nil rerovprlin; frr>m w! IjiUl.i.a n'l.iiml:,, i.Illr-.-r:, .-PiiiiMnl

nccorduii: to ,'.hrrii:', ., nltempled \V(ilin\.(lai

i'vr iUi:;: I., take hL-. Own lilr by nii- tnii; III , wrlst.% and th ro a t. •Jitl.i rn.'iir W,.cJr, ■ Ho wns Elvcu 't h al- iiirm i)\ a iocnl physician.

•Pic vdimils proved only Mii'er- IIi-Ij I, .ucordinc lo ofJlccn. who :.iU W<)liii.i..u.-;cr i.crawlcd n iioir :.:at- liiK tluii 'nobody corr^ for nif."

He Wius found on the flou," of hi; home by n ni'iKhbor/

T iler Q, E. S. Gives 'Iraveling Gavel

I'll.KR. Mny 3— Filer chapier. O rde r 'd FiiMrrn Star, held n 1 liir mc-.-ilnK In tin; Mnf.imlr;.y rvrnllii:, Klfti'i'll H ijor,-. ol Uic Uurlcy KvurK-rceii c

DlMlnRul-.lii-d nuetnunc from I]jjrlcy wn-u Mrs. Lulu M. Biirclny. pn.'.t gMiid v.-orthy mat- rnn: Mrs. .Mai- Crlffltii;,. wo/Hty matron of niirley thnpsrr; ll\ish Crawfonl. p;i:.l p.itron of chapicr nnd Mrs. Graci: John

*■.1111. uho .11 rhnlnntullon I I hy-lni


llu rloy Kites fo r , F orm er R esiden tBURLED’. Mny 3-P uneraJ serv-

Ices for Mrs. John Bcn.^on, fom itr Burley rc.^lileiil wJio died a t the home of her son In L0.1 Angeles, will be hfld a t 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon ol the Payno .mortiiory chapel with BWiop Sidney L.vscn ofthp-Tnin|-Trnrtl-L:-D ,-8,-chui«h- officlnUnfr, Inlfrnipni will be In Uie Diirley cemeier>', TIip body wUl be received by Uie Pavnc mortuarj" F ri­day. .

FU .E RE ntertalni Cinb—Mrs. T. D,

on. wfts hmlfM to her contract irlclKo club Friday evcnlnR. Dca- ■eri w as ' scr'Td a t S o'clock lo members and SUt^ ts. Guests were Mt3, E E Wcslan of Los Angeles. Cnllf.. Me.wlames A. B. H erron, a X. DllHngham. J. M. JamerM n. B. A. McCoy.

iCelum. - Lloyd Sclmelt^ w'ho >pcnt the piul month In n snnlUtr- wm a t Denver, relwrn^d home S it- lirday.

End — .Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Weston of Lot Angeles, who have been vlslllng Mr. nnd Tklra. >A. B. Herron, left Tuciday lo r Flint, Mich. Mri. We.iton and M n . Her- •on nrc“ titters.

low* Vaj(—Mra. Earl Morclnnd Is jome from a visit a t Charlton. la . ;ier sister. .Mrs, HugJi Brown, re­lumed with her for n m onth 's vUlL

Birthday P arty -- Mre. E E Lee as surprised a t her home Satorday vcnine with a party honoring h«r

nnd Mesdnmcs.. Ed Read. Gilbert Smith. A1 U eper. Bert Cantill. R. VrOHdc.-.V.-lT. Munybn-.-'Bifliiday gifts were presented to h e r and fo!- owlng aa evening of plnochlc, re-

frcshm enu .were served by the guests.-E n teru in » -M ra. O. J . C h i ld f— leruined Monday a t tliree tables of co n ln ct bridge and a 1:30 des- scrC tuochmiv. Out-of-tow n su u ta were TUtf. E- E. WesUm of 1-os Angeles. CaJlf.. and Mra. U . E. Mu»- erave of Twin PalU. Honors went to Mrs. Ed Reichert and Mrs. Mus- grave of Twin T^Us. Honors went gift..

Stork Shswtr — Mrs. Harold ^ w n .g f tv a » stork ohower . for M n . M orris'K laaa Mooday ofler*

T o JH eh iian -R oy Corson Jefl n - oently for Flint. U lch , where be has- poidllon.

F iU ierltl-M rs. OrvU;o Crcod andt lsttf, .U n . B-. a . Puddy Tirln

Collcfjc o f I d a h o P r e s i d e n t to A d d r e s s J e r o m e

G r a d i i a l e sM.iy 3-W illttim W.

ol \nr College ol cIl. will ije U:c prln-

nl s:iiulualloii excr- r;rr.t;e sclicol i;riida*lcs iinltk-, Plpn.-nnt Plain'. r-cUwlv, to be helti al

(.'luKjl auditorium.

: To;;!ilillploina:. .\V.KS. E ir l E. Atnolrt,

I. Dnlon-b Ar.plasu. Lcnli . lol;i Uarlier, Mildred tirliinan. June' Vivian i-rnon l-Vlivald Bell.

;i. £V1n> Elliabdli '.i-rf.Vnifi;, Umln

, l.--*«tttowii. Ullly BU-

iitm n u rte iit • • Olyn

•. Preil Duanr

, LawV, Wnrreii :iun Cliad^jurii. Uetiy

xmrni- Vivlnn Lorraine Claj- )•, Hrh-n !:vne Clifford. Jesse C,

• Ellrjbt-ili Conkil,

Un .Smlili. .Melvin T. .SmiUi. B ir- V r. Nrlllft Uiric BlMV-,r,-. p.iuy F. HUiiihapr. Jlrrbert J. .Htcu,,iri, Uiwrenr* W. Slone. Roy K Tii'lor. I/oiils F. T « slc r. J r , MaxI. Ttif,miv.uii. Robert Thorpe. Tcre.-j» Wlrn Tficrpp. Anils TlnKwnll; 8>-Ivm v.'.ilni;nii. Robert Eueriie Wnlker, Aljfe lone Walr. Irene RuUi Wam-

ilrlrn Louise W arren. Helen Wii'libtini. Billy Williams.

1.1 WiiiiPiOioUer. Maurleo James r. n iiiiv i/iienn .WolfciibarKer.M. Wolverlon nnd Donovan

na Lmi Criiii:. Henry Leon n.mlr!'. Edith Irene D avu. Teddy IJiHiI, Mikirpd Lurlllp Evans end GrnriiP finla. RoKrr Finla. Paul ripchtnrr, Clennn Frcshour. JamesII. Gmilnn. W illiam-.?, Hall. Ray HiiUirli!. Alvin Hepworth. Jr.. Ken- • M'lli H:iy H’v -.ler. Mnr:.- Louise Hill. Omni B, Hiiniphrlo. M nrsnrtl Ikur.l.

W.niriu l/ils Jennlne.^, Betty Lou Jniiii>rp)i. Ororcln Violet Johnson. . Dale A. Jo!tii;.lone, Alice Kcnr.edy, Hiirokl Kennedy. Jiimen D.nir Lnw- rrnre, Nonna K atherlnr Lee Eunice l/*-klenr, Marie M ndfih, Everett

iln. Ilia Rhen Mnln. Jnpics R. • ., Cr.itc Etlllh M urlln. Gloria ^lelser. Jnlin W arren Me«enger,

V.ivTi Meiwev, ElRcne Evelyn Iillpr, U Vernii Moore, nicUnril B. Morehead. June Myers.

MrCny. .M.irlorlei .Mne McVey. Vlvn Lee Nance, Ketmetli Oliver. Richard C. Oliver. Huey Paytonyw illiam Al- Ihon, Dinck Peters. MeiTlnm Evelyn Pelenon. Mnry Ann PI'..%llno. Norma Ploy, Donald Gene Rice. Leonard

s Hnild. John L. R iihtrr, Betty Scott, J. L. Shou-ers. Leon An­

drew Slioun. George Arlo Simmons Auilo' Elaine Sm ith.

Sliriiiers to Stage Event a t G ooding

SHOSHONE. Mny 3—Wood River Shrine club of Shdshono will cntcr- tnln for Bliriner* a t a ceremonial booster celebmlion d inner and tiro- Kram nt the Gamboa resldcnee- club nl Qoodlhg. Saturdny, May 4. rannpT In- lw foHnifr<4 - b» - gpti^r--. inlnmcnt, will be served a t 7, p. m. W. O, Blssell will bo toasim aitcr.

Memben of Uie committee In chnrce Include Fred S. Craig, . Tliomat IL Gooding, . Jam es E. farmer, Emmett E. .Kelly, Alex Wat.v)n and J. Leo Rice.

New Candy S to re In O pera tion H ere

—O lrnn-PhllUpsr-Jrrome.—cpened— the Haljljprf Onndy store In Twin Falls^day a t 153 M ain avenut west, a location formerly occupied by Scotfs cate.

Special equipment w hich win manufacture all candy sold tn the .

:ore li&s been tnstalled..Mr. Phillips, operator of th e local orr; nl.v> oaiis a sim ilar cstAt)llshr

Falb. left by auto recently with Mr. Creed for Cniro, Mo., called by the serious Illness of theM father.

Appendeelotny— Miss M a r j o r y Wood submltted-to an appendix op­eration Tuesday a t the county hos­p ita l Her condition Li satlafactory,. M ttU m .& tt-C hapttr_A U , P .E O .....Sisterhood, will meet M onday a fte r­noon wllh Mrs. C. E Lancaster.

VltlU Son—Mrs. L aura Anthony of Pocatello to vlsltlnff a t the home

■ r son. 0 . W. Anthony. .


WILL, ET& . <In Uie Probate Court o f T u ln P»Ui •

County, State of Idaho.In Uie Matter of Uie EsU te of J. H.-ewan, deceased.-

PuTsuvQtao'&n'order ol'O ie JutSst.-I sak) court, made on aSnd day ,«f April, IWO, noUce Is h e reby given ._ that Monday, th e om d o r o f X V v ,J940. a t Uo o'clock In th e foreoooa of-eald-doy,- st-U ie -coartT O om -ln^Ui# tourt*hi?use, to th e OHj'County of T«rta PHls, S taU .o f lio, h a rt been • p p o tn t e « - » * '- t l » '* - " Ume and pUce for p ro rln t;ttt f wtu -, of J. U. Swan, deceased, and fa* ’ hesrlflj the APyicaUon at ‘J — '* • 'S. spofford'for ism z to t-td 'li of letten of a d m ln li tn i t io n ^ . _ anncwd, w henand'W herb.anjr-Iwv;.': son may appear

D » t e d " t h i s '^ 5 i i i ^ ^

. : • ; ■ p w u u ' j S te -p f tW o '. . , ,

(SEAL)' .Pub. N m -A prU :^ l, W . t td U w ll.I .'f



W EOFmCS e n i o r a m i i i i n i o r H ig ii

S c h o o ls P r e s e n t P r o g r a m .

N e u ’_ I ) e p u t y■ i S B C l i M I B

S iiF S F O lB o v F u l l e r o i K i m b e r l y__N<imed..Deputy to Push_

Figtil on Thcfl

W i i M e ^ n i i sIlj KOnKRT QL1I.I.EN .

:i Mtrrr,".: nil •; Cnniimmltv r! Slitrky. -Alth t, nil •<iln

n 'f ." I ;iSp«Tiat Mrnl

"iSpfrtil nV'iitlnti nf nnd tJiank.> i ' <(iir M r-.

nf KImbrrlx. nallir •lirrliini ....................

»V. llauklnV rliiilfi-

I o w a H i l ( ‘ s f o i '

„r,T,a.;,Cl -nmi.-l.v

K.mtyrly. - : irr of MiiitnuKh, n ii I Idnlio llvrMivl: mnl

(• rnii:i(lciil Mr.(if and ntiu;r ronIllK rrcloii 7.'|1| l)p 0

;s j o it inkantn t r r fo r' nnnnir \ m d-.-

i ifa iil (liiiin lilrr (,l Mr. iiinl l.Tl Qr.ljamr.'•(I III th r npyiioldii [iirirral •" irrtlny nflrrn<vin. r . I,. WliHf niriPitil-'d. fiiul :.n 111 IlKr T nvIii Fiilinciiir-

" ir Is mosl fiitliik’ In ihtinl;, fJirojich llii' |n. ilir Itmiilrill PlhrnI (•oniptiiv. -IVIn r.iIK nnnil, untl Illii'* I.ulir.s nmilrvard' Flnnl, for ihPlr ndrrli^s:Omnk tlir vnrlom olhrr-palrnns V) cnirfoti'lv ronlrllnilcil f lw rr s ir lirlp. Ill » (I'-coralivr mnnnrr, rnnkp tlir n Mircrr--!."

rdrtay'n I'l&rram ' ' OppnInK Ihf proirnim Imt niKlit

tlir Junior IiIrIi wliool oiciir-.irn p1«yp<J ''I.yrJc Ovrrtiirr" by Oll^ Tnylnr, ''Mlnupl" from ■•Drrrtilcc"

' hy H nnM nml ■lUininnlnii r.iii- • by Carol Vrl^kn. A filrh' f.ninll

ffTOii|) KBVP “Saiiriih“ by Scluilxrt and •n i* Nli:lil Will Nrvpr S tay

, by llrctor McCnrtliy.GlilV rliRmx Mns - I Pn.^ f<l by

Tour WtadoW my Mny nriikp, “SoiiUiPrn Moon- by. Lily str lfk - Innd. nnd 'Monilnf:," bv Olry Spenk*. Tli(“ mlxPd eliolr njinc “Hull. Orrrn World" by Unrtinann nnd "Under IJir" n Mrxlrnn folk »one. Tlip boys’ ehonn “A Bold Ailvfiilurcr" by Wnkrin.iii <ind "A R 'd Caniven" bv PIowicp Aj'lwnrd.

MIxrd eJiorun n n ? •■llintik'; Ilf To Oo<1,* by Sinnlry Dlck-.on nnd B bffflnnfr.V hnnil pluvrd •■Doi

■PllJl." by Mflfftl/. ''fVTninrip'^ o n m idJTlif nri;lm>-nt nnntl" by

Coiicludlns protruin miinbprs u by the Junior lilsli hand. •"n. (flRti" by -n ip Mldnlirlit Bun- by Yoder. "March of Yotiili" by OIlTfldot! and "My Oto tJg.A.” byWMifnll.

•Wimain Mtinlock nf Ixjndnuworld'.i first wioukIu plprv bv

»er<!wlne mii.ikel b.irrcN lo’ rlhrr. nU Imprompiii b n r n ^

In i' Siiniiav iiimt ill'' A rf 'hii itntnruiiu. kIuI h i ' liilni"thici- tin' ir.illn- Ijilallll'-. in iIk

coiiiitv Ini' 1 40.

ilic Hp.inl.'.li.Aini'rlcan liir «lt!i T lirodorr floo^cvpn In tlip

rli- nl Snn .Innn lilU. Up ' .r I'rfrruti of (Ilf U'orM

I iiiul wUli llip rxppdlllonariI [nrcc ;. iiiirlnR lha l conflict.

SaysBill Jones-■I'ly U u l . t tRai.-.ln R lnc wlih iomorro' n orlUtl ;’. cof/rp. Yon'll li’II '.tiirt you oul on j jii-.i ijiriii' to Rol

I for a t.-x;;ly K;ind«lch Hmf.i l;c'(l n iih food wirrc)' we r.vlillc brctul. ll 's porli'Ct for iiic-i . . . It .liny* frPAh lonRcr,

S u U in h y Sjicv in l- B l L r a i ! R - R A J S I N - R l N G

Di'liciotis ra isin swccl roll w ith lot.s ' « " 9 ^ of M i^ar conliDfC............................................... J l ^ V

SCHWEICKHARDTSlixcliw ivc K ctn il H n k c ry

- r S r


I R ’ W I L L - O P I

CHPS c h e d u l e A n n o im c c t l lo r

- O c m o n s t r - a t i o n s - B a i t M ix in g

(ciilnK .-lioi In ilie "«nr'>; in T«.-in f.tHs rmn Din will comp Wpdn'-' ,Inc to County Annii Hcrt nol- :ii'xp. .1 WcilnrMliiy mul Tliiirtlny, n and 3. ))0I-<II1-Iiiulii;: drnion. i'liis iilin'.vliij; iiui't rlfpctlvp ('I tnptlioci:, of ItiP lodrilt lir.M.i l)P Khrn by Urn Kv;'

Sohediile-Givcn- F o r NYA Viisils

« ilKffrrnl

.SriU<*iicc ln i|)osi'< l I 'o r T ip s y j j r i v iu ' :C”:>ur[,-tl of tljm^-dilvjiii;, J. K. ‘

K:ii'iic -. lit 'iv in Fni:-. wn.-. '<'ntnirp(l tiy C, A. Uiilli'v In iiroliiilcKHUl m T'.vin F;iIU vrMrnlriy lo •MW) nr.r anil 1^2.14 aii.

h^ ilrlvpr.i Ilcpir.p fur

ipprf' lo;oKlf,il

aiid .Ml-. Ili-liimljif>kp, ulio ’IMrr (h r bait 'iillimit mil,

n'-CP.v.lrv- (liiiL f;iniiiT» brliij I n',vll frr.'.b Krri'ii alfrilta llpi inlMtiK “ Itll tl|p poll

V<ilnp.'/1iiy. ^tny fl-Andcnion farm, MiiiI.niBti; 10

111, C. W, Colnrr liim 11. sn , Til I;

iMiki; l:.m p. ni., (;.um. T\Mii_tMlh;.3.,

. found Rtiillv llialr la in t mill (1

IV 'MAr/ I). Mnd- iii-WlI-

II Iiirm,

rli;ii,T WHS flird aflrr hp -.vir. rl tlip .'VriiNis of ln',1 Nov. 2i :ir car-ft)llKlon on tlir lilKh- inllr fa.'>t of Twin t'allii,

J. Clii.nTih o!

Ti'.iir.-.ilny, May Il-f!:70 ii. m, nil- il;n Vl.iMik, .SInkiiii: <'nti>nn niiifli; l'i.;in n. m.. Charlp/. m il lann, Ckn. lliforil.

Irri-.K-d 111 KaliiliiK ao:1. r>iiiTl« n «YA proJrPl.i.TlK" NS’A ptO'^r;un w 'Ulv wy

offrrs iiumproii\ opjinriin^iuy

Includp cxprrlcncp nt -'•l 'lr <l''b lialciicrlr.N n l O aiinrtt. Jrinriir, and TwSh J-'iiU\, ns' well ll and ■'.hop i-xi>crli'iipp at tlir liijli Kliool hpip undrr »|ioiv.o:';ilii of Siiprrlntfndpiit' Hoinrr M 0.''vu.

l-'olloalnK W Mr. ^•o!'Onl' Itln- frnry. mill l i r may be nppu ai tUt DPA or county offlcr.? of r.ifii tn;n- miniiiy;

Moiulav; Iliiii'.rii. Miirl:ai.'li nr.'l Hiirlpy. ri'iiiiiliuiii; Mmi.I i> M Jh aI llip Nnllonnl liolrl at llmlry.

T>iC'.'l:iy: Oaklry. AiDiny. Dcclo, Hliprrl, Arrgiil;i and I!i '

\VpdlU':.aav.' Hiilll:l'r.HaKninan .iiid Wrnil'-I!

Tlitir.'dav- Jrio in i''RlcWlrUI, Curry, Ciaiii'..- Hallry nnil Goodink'.

Y outh ParoltMl ( In(le<’<*ncvl.cltlPii Cato. 72. Haii'i'ti 'iti

WOO iind .'..■nirnrrd m .Ill tlK' roiinlv Jail .n> a m«i*»l<. clliirrtr' whri: - KlJlllv vr:.lpi(lnv l).-friic .It II. iVll on a l Klnihril',. iilltr.', w rrr .'.uvIW'tlilnl. Iv. C.ilo paioiPil to Con- i.ili!. Klmbrrlv. for ft .■K-iin'r


Sccoiid Pool of LamliB to D ein e r

6«ond leimU stuVtti'-nt of thp sf.ison by tlip Twin I-^IK Coirnty Ihpr.lork Markctlns I'.-ycliitlon Irfl IVin raH.' yr.'.tprday for Denver D b« r/)lil on ihp open inarkPi,The tlve-llfcl-. MwrnriU coml.'trd f more than SOO lamb.v -Ir^URiimI—pool,' ' ” hiiili noW—

Drnvtr Tupndny broiiKlit JJ.

J3.<9 _pcr huinlr«SwpiKhV on full • iii5 weight wlIU no shrink. S.i Ib made ttironBli the Iiilcnnoun*

lain .Llvetock Mnrkctlnj ft-'-vsriiv. Hon.. On »tiPor.'.:.|vr Fridays, olhPC ponlj iirr whnltili'il, and crowrrft uitli Inmb" re.ifly for marsipl may rail Mr. DolhiKlirokP" office, tlip i!. a. DfNpal otflfp in Iluhl or Raynioiui

tr . Biihl. elflPlal sortrr for the

I'l', liiilil.

; ,^;ru.yp,

fllifil ; mriniVi . Inilrrrnt

■ iilnrtPd

OlM'in itnd I

L a d i e s ’ o r M e n 's S i z e s




In Lix'ht W eis’h ts — De.siffiicd for T rout rish in g

E s p e c i a l l y P r ic e d a t

$ ^ 9 8

Rii)l)p(l Ipr. clcaiod fiolt','!, fo.'ifiiros n(ijti.'j!- nbl<* sti'jip.s in.'sitio al tiic kiu’c ;iii(i ;il llio k'jj top to iircvonl or {wllinK o tf.

~~C3TnTorT7rl}tG cii.'Wn7rlTn?iTlc:------------------------

IDAHOJ ) J E E T . - S X O R E _

For. Vacation FunH ere arc snmo'sj^ccinls ,thnt will niean more' ouliioor fu n fo r you find y our f«m- ily. D on't miss out on thiK sum m er’s fun.

1037 FORI) Sf:H.)N. Rpfondltlaiird ^ ^ A !■ Vprr Cl»n ............. > 3 9 5

i m i.iNC-7Eri!YR c o i ; r r ,N«w {Mini, C E f « « fmechinlritlly okrh

1938 DOnGK SEIIAN.Low mllraiP, jood llrt* ....m u rORO"sr.T)A?» A -l eon-

...$ 5 4 5

$ 4 5 0


.........$49510J5 CHRYSLER SEBAN. CMondUlonrd, C <9 « N r* 'p* ltil ..... > 3 1

I t u DOOGC COUrE. Meeh*nlr»lly A-1.

* ninOK- 8EDAK.

..._________ $ 5181* a iE V . I.TOH STAKE.

i r s , ; ^ ; “~ . . $ 5 5 o

M A G E LA utomobile Co.



i 5 o e- F r e e —



DEV,MEAT' i S/zc Tin-


HcinTi — (Jcrl)cr*R .

4 con . 2 9 <Carnnlinn ■— Scco — M orninir

Tnll Cans

6 Can.s 39c C.isp $3.071

SHRIMP•S t)r, I^ry Pack

I O C can


1 0 ^


J>ONS-OIV I'EET’S G R A N U L ,\T E D OR c o n c e n t r a t e d S U P E R SUDS, PALM­OLIVE A ND CRYSTAL W H IT E ,

SARDINESDome.>ili(r in Oil

2 f o r 9 C


1 5 lb.

CRACKERSL ib e r ty lU-n

2 lb.b o x ’! 5 ^


1 6 '^ lb .

- TOMATOESFre .ih ~ F i d d ’* ~ ’ ’

2 . b s . l 9 < ?

PEASF re sh '— Green

4 i b s . 2 5 C

JladiSlies - Onions

2 bunches 5 q

We Pay In Trade


Home M ade Bread Cinnam on Rolls Layer C akes

3 ^ loaf



1 5 lb.


. ■ 6 9 C e,;


4 5 c En.


CATOUP12 0!. K ilchcn K in j

bo ttle

Porit Shoulder


SInh •

BACON.Ex-Ccl LiRhl W eight

1 2 ^ l b . 1 7 '^ lb .

Shredded Wheat

I f o r l S C



1 9 ^ i b