P Kazimierz Domek -...


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7001 12th Avenue South ▪ Tampa, FL 33619 PHONE: 813-626-2984 ▪ Fax: 813-626-2842

office@blessedsacramentcatholic.org www.BlessedSacramentCatholic.org

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa

P Kazimierz Domek


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday (Close)



5:00 p.m. (English)

Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

& Saturday 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday at 7 p.m.


Saturday 3 p.m.

E A Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to our Church

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Sunday, March 25 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Spanish Cumpleaños Pablo Cancel 7:45 a.m. by Maria Gimenez y Pedro Cancel

English † Richard Byerly 10:00 a.m. by Nguyen Family

Spanish † Salvador Lopez 12:00 p.m. by Sus Hijos

Monday, March 26 Monday of Holy Week Spanish † Jesus Nieto 8:30 a.m. by Juana Nieto y Familia

Tuesday, March 27 Tuesday of Holy Week English Special Intention 8:30 a.m. by Coki Gonzalez

11:30 a.m. Chrism Mass- at Cathedral of St. Jude

Wednesday, March 28 Wednesday of Holy Week 8:30 a.m. Confessions

6:15 p.m. Via Crucis Bilingual Holy Mass 7:00 p.m. For our Volunteers

Thursday, March 29 Holy Thursday 8:30 a.m. Meditation Worship Time & Confessions

6:00 p.m. Holy Rosary

7:00 p.m. For the Religious Vocations The Washing of Feet & Adoration until Midnight

Friday, March 30 Friday of the Passion of the Lord 8:30 a.m. Meditation Worship Time & Confessions 1:00 p.m. 7 Últimas palabras de Jesús 2:00 p.m. 7 Last Words of Christ 3:00 p.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy 4:00 p.m. Lit. Passion of Jesus (Eng) 5:30 p.m. Live Stations of the Cross 7:30 p.m. Lit. de la Pasión de Jesús (Sp) & Adoration until Midnight

Saturday, March 31 Holy Saturday - Vigil of Easter 8:30–10 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

10:30 a.m. Blessing of Easter Baskets 7:00 p.m. Chaplet & Novena of Divine Mercy 8:00 p.m. Eastern Vigil Celebration

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In the charity of your prayers, please pray for those who are ill, homebound; or con-fined to hospitals and nursing homes, es-pecially for the following: ▪ Marta Troncone ▪ Hilda Vega ▪ Jaime Caballero ▪ Angel Enrique Rodriquez ▪ Victor Rodrigues ▪ Imogene Rodrigues ▪ Natividad Nieves ▪ Bartolina Angeles ▪ Rudy Hernandez ▪ Carmen Stack ▪ José Ortiz ▪ Loris Murray ▪ Francisca Cardenas ▪ Romana de Guzman ▪ Winifred Lankford ▪ Consuelo Roman ▪ Dessiree Cuevas ▪ Marisol Velez ▪ Asley Perez ▪ Esperanza Miranda ▪ Carmen Rivera ▪ Norma Loubriel ▪ Daniel Soto ▪ Kuincy Taylor ▪ Isabella Transki ▪ Charles Hoffman ▪ Julio Calderon ▪ Aurora Cruz ▪ Jose Guerrero ▪ Carlos García ▪ Ivonne Morgan

Anointing of the Sick and Visitation If you or a loved one are homebound, ill or will soon be undergoing a serious medical procedure, please contact the parish office.

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

♦ Dorothy Breene ♦ Willard Murray ♦ Lito Rubio ♦ Pabozi Ani ♦ Bob & Gracie Perricone ♦ Methujael A. Martinez ♦ Aileen Niggermeyer ♦ Esther Barnes ♦ Wiesia Kraus ♦ Edna Vanhorn ♦ Virginia Quaid ♦ Hiram Sanchez Sigler ♦ Leroy & Joyce Miller ♦ Zachary Graham ♦ Carmen Vasquez ♦ Adolfina Luis ♦ José Rubio ♦ Nilo Cabrera ♦ Carmen Garret ♦ Peter Alfonso ♦ Luis Jose Rodriguez ♦ Manuel Paulino ♦ Margarito Hernandez

And all our beloved members of Blessed Sacrament who have recently passed way.


▪ Eleazar Horta ▪ Remy Herrero ▪ Samantha Linkiewicz ▪ MarcAnthony Paz ▪ Mario Alemán ▪ Mario José Alemán II ▪ Rosana Iribar ▪ Manuel Roa ▪ Jacob Rodriguez ▪ María Martinez ▪ Donavon Gerber ▪ Jessica Sells ▪ Taylor Moody ▪ Julio Pinto Jr.


Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church extends a cordial welcome to all our visitors at Sunday and daily Masses.

The Parish invites you to become a member of our church. Registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and Funeral.

Individual Masses for your loved ones, as well as Quinceañeras, can be scheduled also.

La Iglesia Catolica Blessed Sacrament extiende una cordial bien-venida a todos nuestros visitantes a las Misas dominicales y a las misas diarias.

La parroquia te invita a ser miembro de nuestra iglesia. La registracion es necesaria para recibir los Sacramen-tos; Bautismo, Confirmación, Matrimo-nio y funeral.

También se pueden programar misas individuales para sus seres queridos, así como quinceañeras.


Hoy es un día especial en la liturgia de todo el año. Cerramos la experiencia de la cuaresma y comenzamos la Semana Santa o Semana Mayor: Y el relato de la Pa-sión es la nota característica de este día y dentro del rela-to de la pasión la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén, que asume el verdadero sentido de su misión en la tierra.

La entrada triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén; la entrada del "príncipe de la paz”: entrada que esconde también los trágicos acontecimien-tos de la pasión. La procesión nos habla de nuestro caminar por la vida. Hombres y mujeres peregri-nos, viajeros, que no tenemos aquí nuestra patria definitiva. En este caminar, nos precede y nos guía la cruz de Cristo, en la que está la salvación. La procesión de este domingo posee, ciertamente, un carácter festivo, más la celebración eucarística que tiene lugar en el templo po-see un tono diverso: más solemne, más reposado, más misterioso, más contemplativo. Explica claramente cuál es el reinado de ese Cristo que acaba de entrar a Jerusa-lén. Se proclama la pasión según san Marcos. Evangelio sencillo, claro, diáfano, esencial. Nuestra contemplación va pues a Cristo que sufre, particularmente en el huerto de los olivos. La lectura del profeta Isaías nos introduce aún más en el misterio del siervo de Yahveh que, humi-llado, sabe obedecer.

Toda la segunda parte del Evangelio de San Marcos, se orientan hacia la pasión. Narra las cosas con sencillez, y su meditación se dirige más bien a comprender las cau-sas secretas que condujeron a la condena de Jesús, y al misterio de que el Hijo de Dios tuviese ese tormento. Esto acontece a la luz de la profecía bíblica que se cum-ple en Cristo.

Vemos a Jesús que se retiró a la oración a su Padre. Sus disciplinas de más confianza deben tener conocimiento de su profundo abatimiento, así como lo tuvieron de su glorificación en la transfiguración.

Deben velar, deben orar y vigilar porque el enemigo está a las puertas. El cristiano se debe preparar en la ora-ción para el combate espiritual. Hay momentos en la vi-da en que nunca llega el cansancio ante la lucha por el bien. Que no nos desanime la vejez, la enfermedad, las desgracias naturales, las guerras ... hemos de caminar e instaurar el Reino de Cristo, un pesar del mal que parece rodearnos. Por encima del mal y el pecado, está el amor de Dios en Cristo Jesús.

Invito a todos a participar en la Semana Santa, como familia, como parroquia, unidos con Jesucristo.

¡Vengan, participen!


In today’s Liturgy we face quite a contrast of experienc-es and emotions. We begin our celebration listening to the story of Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem with great joy and exultation! “Hosanna!” they cried out. “Hosanna in the Highest!” Jesus was treated as He should have been treated. People were excited to see Him and there was much excitement.

But this excitement quickly turned to shock and horror as we enter more deeply into today’s read-ings. The Gospel culminates with Jesus hanging on the Cross crying out “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And with that, “Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.”

How things can change in one short week. What hap-pened to all the people who were shouting and praising Him as He entered into Jerusalem? How could they al-low Him to enter into this Crucifixion and death? The deepest answer to this question is one that we may not expect. The answer is that the Father willed it. The Fa-ther willed, by His permissive will, that so many would turn on Him, abandon Him and allow Him to be cruci-fied. This is so very important to understand. God is more powerful than death itself and God has the final victory even when all seems lost.

So often we can be tempted toward discouragement and, even worse, we can be tempted toward des-pair. But all is not lost for us either. Nothing can ulti-mately steal away our joy unless we let it. No hardship, no burden and no cross can conquer us if we remain steadfast in Christ Jesus letting Him transform all we endure in life by His glorious embrace of His own Cross.

Reflect, today, upon the contrast of emotions from Palm Sunday through Good Friday. Reflect, upon this being a divine act by which the Father permitted this grave suffering so as to use it for the greatest good ever known. The Lord gave His life freely and calls you to do the same. Reflect upon the cross in your life. Blessed Holy Week! Put your eyes upon the Lord’s Cross as well as your own.

Lord, when I am tempted to despair, give me hope.

Help me to see your presence in all things, even in those things that are most troubling to me.

May this Holy Week transform my darkest moments and weakness as I surrender all to You, my God.

Jesus, I trust in You.



Lunes: Juan 12: 1-11 Martes: Juan 13: 21-33, 36-38 Miércoles: Mateo 26: 14-25 Jueves: Juan 13: 1-15 Viernes: Juan 18: 1 - 19:42 Sábado: Marcos 16: 1-7


Monday: John 12:1-11 Tuesday: John 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Matthew 26:14-25 Thursday: John 13:1-15 Friday: John 18:1 — 19:42 Saturday: Mark 16:1-7

Living Stations of the Cross

Good Friday 5:30 p.m.

We invite you to pray the path Jesus walked

through prayer & the representation.

Via Crucis Viviente Viernes Santo


Le invitamos a recorrer el camino que Jesús caminó a

través de la la oración y la representación.


Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Necesitamos Voluntarios con conocimientos de Power Point para la Presentación de las Misas Dominicales de las 7:45AM y de las 12:00PM.

Favor contactar a: Jessica Chinchilla (813) 419-8621 o

Luis Hernandez (813) 817-8251

Our Parish Food Program is driven by donations, so we always require of food donations in order to meet the needs.

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Please bring to our church non perishable food: Soup, Canned Meats, Peanut Butter, Beans,

Spaghetti, Cereal, Rice, Fruit juice, Crackers.


Alcohólicos Anónimos En casa de María Faustina - Jueves 7:00 p.m. En casa de María Faustina - Sábados 4:00 PM Altar Servers / Monaguillos Ninoshka Pinto 813-531-5905 Julio Pinto 813-650-5237 3rd Sunday after 12 o`clock Mass Movimiento de Juan XXIII Carmen Colón 813-475-1753 Martes 7:00 pm Legión de María Angel Rodríguez 787-225-3721 En casa de María Faustina Martes 5:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración (Carismáticos) Antonio Reyes 813-478-3825 Miércoles comenzando con la Santa Misa 7:00 pm . MDS—Matrimonio Dialogo y Seguimiento Juan y Joselyn Montas 813-356-8617 Salón Parroquial - Lunes 7:15 p.m. Pequeñas Comunidades & V Encuentro Maximino Meléndez – 860-796-7701 Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. English Choir Meeting Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Meeting Active Councils are Successful Councils Third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Multicultural Group Felicia Glover 813-843-4432 Parish Council Meeting / Reunión Consejo Parroquial First Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Primer Lunes de mes a las 7:00 p.m. Youth Group / Ministerio de Jóven Connected with Christ / Conectados con Cristo Friday / Viernes 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual) Rediscover Catholicism Martha Burgess 813-626-2984 Third Wednesday at 12:30 pm Divine Mercy Group Cesarina Campusano (813) 495-6895 Viernes a las 3 p.m. Primer Sábado las 9:30 a.m.

1ª Conferencia Anual Hispana para Hombres “Vivir Nuestra Fe”

Presentada por la Diócesis de St. Petersburg y Suncoast Catholic Ministries.

7 2018 S S N C C .

7:00 . P 8:30 . . 3:00 . .

L 33


Desde Abril 4 y hasta Mayo 6 cuando participaremos en la Misa de Consagración de nuestra Diócesis al I C M .

Interesados comunicarse con la Legión de Maria o con la oficina Parroquial.

THURSDAY 29th & FRIDAY 30th 8:30AM


by Deacon Bob Harris @ Our Church


Estamos apelando a que donen

con corazones generosos para hacer realidad este proyecto.

We are appealing to your generous

hearts for a donation

to make this vision a reality.


We welcome your gently used items to garage sale.

Donations can be dropped off at the Sor Faustina House


Wednesday 7:30-11:00AM - @ Pastoral House 2nd Saturday 7:30-11:00AM - @ Sor Faustina House

If you need FOOD, Please come see us...

Food Pantry Mar 26, 2018 Apr 9, 2018 Apr 23, 2018

Monday De 11:00 AM a 2:00 PM Food

Pantry Apr 12, 2018 May 10, 2018 Jun 14, 2018 Thursday De 1:00 PM a 2:00 PM


Catechesis Phone: 813-252-5032 Email: stjb1888@blessedsacramentcatholic.org

♦ Office Hours - Tuesday -Thursday 9:00 am - 1:30 pm ♦ Office Hours - Monday -Wednesday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ♦ Catechesis English Classes: Sunday 8:30 AM- 9:45 AM ♦ Clases de Catequesis en Español: Domingo 10:30 AM-11:45 AM ♦ Confirmation & RCIA: Wednesday 6:30PM-8:00PM

God Bless our Religious Education in our Parish for the best life!

MARCH ACTIVITIES . 24-25 Confirmation Retreat 25-30 Holy Week 31 Easter Vigil-Sacraments

__ APRIL ACTIVITIES . 1st Easter Festival 5 FC Parents meeting 12 Conf. Parents meeting 13 Movie Night (BRUCE ALMIGHTY)

Necesitamos huevos y dulces para el Fes val de Pascua. Por favor depositar-

los en la caja que tenemos en

la iglesia.

We need eggs and candies for the Easter Fes -val. Please bring them to the box at the entrance of the church.


Bring your Easter Basket with Food to be blessed and share with Family and Friends.

Trae tu canasta de Pascua con comida para ser bendecida y comparte con tus familiares y amigos.
