Online Business Simulation Games


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Behind the scene model, complex computer software that replicates the real economic situations which are ever changing.

Simulation gives an unique insight into the company & the context in which we operate, letting you make the decisions and tackle your competitors in the market.

• Risk Free Learning

• Interactive Game Play - Short Duration

Decision Making

• Realistic Story

• Competitive

• 2 year MBA in 2 days

1. Shows how to be an Entrepreneur

2. Cover all business areas:-

3. Online capability - Reports and Decisions in MS Excel

4. Develop and nurture analytical ability

5. Fun way of learning thus max retention

Finance Business Strategy & Mgmt

Marketing Interpersonal Skills

a Fun way of learning Business

Why engaging?

• learning by doing.

• No damage to real company.

• brings to life concepts, principles, and ways

of thinking.

• and energizes the competitive spirit.

Why engaging?

• Better understanding of product.

• Anticipate potential problems and failures.

• Better Decision making helps in saving


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Its REAListic

You do what leadership do in running Business

– Sell Products

– Design marketing strategy

– Understand financial implications

– Set selling prices

– Worry about profits

Its Organised

• Business Simulation follows the logical process

of doing Business.

• You are guided through the decision-making


Workshop Structure

Team formation

In-charge of Large Company

There are others in the market too

Enterprise 2 Enterprise 1

Business Issues to tackle

Operation Decisions Product Mix Product Launch Selling Price

Financial Decisions

Adequate Cash Flow Cost of taking Loan Profitability

Marketing Decision

How to market product Push marketing vs Pull marketing Marketing vs Market Share

Your Goal… Understand Business Environment and

Maximize profit in five rounds

In the process you get…

• what LEADERS do

• how ENTREPRENEUR thinks

• intricacies of TEAM dynamics

• role of STRATEGY


Brief of Event


A 2 day Online Business Simulation Workshop

4-member teams, representing virtual companies, will compete in a hypothetical market

Debrief after each round discussing decisions taken by teams

Teams strive for competitive advantage through strategic

decisions in each round

• Each team play 5 Rounds

• Teams take decisions on issues such as Pricing, Marketing, Capacity Building, Production Decisions, Product Segmentations, Logistics etc.

• Teams will be given relevant information via Industry Overview, Gazettes, Business Reports, etc, to help them take decisions.

• Teams has to maximize profitability. • 2 hours for decision making for each round.

• Administrator will be available for queries.

How is it Played?

Time Schedule

1st Day

9:30 – 11:30 am Briefing

12:00 - 1:00 pm Trial Round

1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch

2:00 – 5:30 pm Round 1 & 2

2nd Day

9:30 – 11:00 am Round 3

11:30 - 1:00 pm Round 4

1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch

2:00 – 3:30 pm Round 5

4:00 – 5:00 pm De-briefing

Business simulations have long been regarded as one of the most effective and lasting methods of teaching the techniques of business and management. Perfect for both corporate and academic situations. The hands-on learning style is proven to be far more memorable than standard lectures.

BusSims 75%

Lectures 25%

Average Learning Retention

Need of the Hour

1. Tough Business Environment

2. Intense Competition

3. Rapid changes in Infrastructure, Technology & Information

4. Bad Economic Conditions

5. To overcome above, there is need to manage Human Resources better and prepare Young Managers to face above challenges

6. Business Simulation can certainly help in this direction