~oITe.spondfh)'~la a -...


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• {loa, 31 sf, October, 1963

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(Department of Food)

New Delhi, the 4th October 1963


U.S.R. 1616. - lin exerctseof the porwers conferre,d by sub­-clause ,(1)0£ 'clause 14 oOf the Vegeta;ble on iP'roducts Control, Orde'r, 1947, ,as continued in: force !by 'sub-:Se'ct~on(t2) of sec­ti-on 16 'olf the ,Ess'e:nti'a!l Gommoditi'es LAct, 1955, (10 of 195'5), the VegetaJble ,on Products Cont'roller ,for Lndia hel'e!by mak'es, with eff.ect from the 1st October, 1963, ,the follo.rwing amend­ments in the NO'tifilcalti'on oOf the Gove'I'nment of iIndha in: the

OFICIAL MlnistlY 'of F,oodand' Agrku1tuI'e(<Dep.a;rtmenlt of Food) No. lG.oS.!R. n69 dalted 2nd July 1963, namei[y:-

,In the saii!d NOlti!frca'tiJon;

(i) for ,the further proviso, ithe follorwing shaJH be subs­tvtuted, na'mely"-

",Prolvi-ded fUI'ther th8Jt the stocks' oOf ".sma;ll-pack" tin containel's ,hialving '8- netcarpaC'ilty of 8.0, 1.0, 0.5, and 0.:25 kHogrammes, if any, held Iby the producers wt the' commencement of thi's ,order, or conitraJcted for supply !With their supplrers and rwhich supply has not been maide, oOn oOr Ibefore such commencem;ent, m8JY ,con!tinue ItoO' be used for p'8Jckilng vegetafb'le ON product until the 31st day oOf <December, 1963, and the produot so packed may coOntinue to be soto'cked 3:ndsoM untH Ith'e30th day of June, Ul64".

(ii) for ,the Schedule, the foOUorwing Schedule shaH be substituted, namely:-­


Type of container


Tin containers

Galvanised Steel Drums



1. Lange 2. SmaU

Net capacity (weight of contents

in kilogrammes)


(i) 16.5 (1) 4.0

(it) 2.0

(i) 45.0 (ii) 23.0

(a) Should conform to

Indian Standard Specification No.

IS : 916-1958 lS: 1413-1959



(b) Nominal capacity relevant

to the Indian Standard specificat':on (in litres)

18.0 4.50 2.24

'50.0 40.0 '30.0" 1 (iii) 125.0

IS: 1549-1960/GraJdel A The' galva.- f ni-z'ed steel sheets, used should ) conform ,to IS: 277-1951/Class I l



Secretariat Administration Office of Ponda


Notice no. 8

Roguvira Xamba Sinai Borcar, Administn8Jtor:

At ,the request of the Public Works Department I hereby make it known that as the tithes and depOSits reserved as

[No. 17-VP;(1)/6:3.J

L. G. RiAJiW A[)!E,

Velgelta;ble DB IProducts Oonltl'o};lier for LLndlia .



",':1~" 'i


Secreta~J~ 1'):,

Administrafiao do Concelho


Ponda 'r~~'>

fl Edital n.o 8 fI,

Roguvira ,X!amba Sinai Borcar, administrador:'~?:, Fago saber, a solicitagao da Direcgao das Obras Puhli~

e Transportes, que tendo de ser restituidos ao empreiteiro


a security for the repalrmg of pavement .of the natimuH r.oad no. 14 from Ponda to Margao .on the stump extended between 1 and 3 Kms. of 1600 metres Jong, carried ,out by the ,contractor Raugi Babura,o Sinai Candeaparcar, from Candeapar, are to be return"ed to him, aU the inteI1ested parties are hereby ,invited tG approach this .office, within a period ·of 30 days, frOim the date ·of publication .of this notice in the Government Ga2lette, with any comp1aints they hav'e as regards the nGn-payment .of salaries, materiaJs and any otller indemnifications tG which they are entitled to, ill! aJccO'rdalnce w.i!th the Iprura 1 .of aJrt±clte 60 .of the Lalibo!ur Legislation (Lei drus Empreitadas) tn fGrce.

PGnda, 18th .octGber, 1963. - The AdministratGr, Rog.u­vira Xamb'a Sinai Borcar.

• Administration Office of. the Comunidades of Goa


lin ac~ordance wiJth ,and for the pUJrpos!e !e'stabHshed in the a:rticle 2.12 ,OIf the Oode of Oomuililidlades, in :f'Oil~()e, it rs he'rieby alImouneed ,that in tille ComunidJruue of Oujira, wi.th the help of ,the surveyo,r, havce been 'setp'avated margina,l ,lands, destined for conslbructilon of houses 'and that mak!e part 'Of the item 'Of triennLail.cashew in'oome, 1C000siisting in ]Jobs rros. i,18, named «Oandelem», 2nd p'arlt, and lot no. 11119, n8JITletd «Calldielem», 1st part, libounded, the first, .on tb:e ,east by the >Lot !!l0. 117; 'On the north by tlle re:Berreid lot nD. 117 and property lof Remedios Santana >de Slou2la,; Ion tibJe :south byt'he: 'ltirrnIirt olE Bambolim vil­lage and Ion the west rlby the prrap'ercty .of tlle ,sraJid Remedios; a;nd the tSlel~o[tdi, Ibounded 'on ,the le,rustt rlby the tliot 'll'0'. 118; on the west 'by rthellimt lof Crutrupru.r v~l1iag:e; 'On the noa'1th by the prop'ell'ty 'Of RemedliJos S,. de s,QuZ!a and on ;the south by the limit 'of Oailiapur v:tllalge.

Those who do not lagrele with this demarcation, may-eom­pt8Jin t.o the ,competent bodlies.

Panjim, l,1t:11 October, 1963. - The Sec~etary, Vitol M alu Poi Vernencar.

Vi'sa. ---' The Ad'mini:straJtor, Maximo We Menezes.


Revenue Department


Jot ~sannounced for generall informati'on !thrut ,the 'ome-limit for the p8Jymenrt ,of :the industr~rul 'tax, ,compl'emern:tary t.ax ,and professioIlJail tax -1st and ,2nd groups ~ and ,the mining 't3lX due 'in !the current 'month and 'in the month 'Of November, 1963, is ,extended up tJO rtheendl 'Of Dt'cember lJ963.


A period of 180 days is allowed for claims from the date of publicati.on of this in ihe Government Gazette, according tQ the terms 'Of the Decree dated 5th December 1910, passed by law and in force by virtue of Decree dated 24th March 19,11, rtG >3Jll inlteI'ested! pa;l'ti€\Si who may llalv:e la .Tiight ,to the pay due to the late Agostilnho' Pe:regr'lno Deniz" whOl wars «2."m3lquini,sta 131 Navegagao da Indta», 'and whO' expired .on 23rd July 1962.

Shri Fllipe Deniz, residing in Panjim is elligible tG the above said pay, as his son.


A period of 180 days is allowed for claims frem the date of pubHcaition of this in the Golvernme'D!t Ga0ette, a,ccording to >the terms of ,the Decre'e dated .5th December 1910, pass'ed by 18JW and in if·orce by vktue of Decree da;ted ;24th IM.a;r-ch 1911, to aU i·nteres:ted p3!rti,es who may 'h:8Jve aJ r1g11t to the pay due ,to the lwte Gongall0 Cruz Fran·cisco :FernalIl!des who was gua,rda fi,scacl, reDir'ed 'and who, expare'd on 1'3th August 1962.

M'rs. 'Robe'rtitnaJ LRos3!1ina: (Ines de- Ga'stro Sileva Lopes, his wtdo!w, is el!Igible- to ith'e !wibo'Ve said p3!y.


A pertod of 180 dayS' is a;Horwed for claims f·rom the dalte .of puibl!i:c3!tiolll! 'of thiS' in the 1G0'V:erITlffielIl't G3IZette, 3Jccordin:g ·to the terms of the \Decre'e dalted5th De-cember 1910, p3Jssed


Raugi BaburaG Sinai Gandeaparcar, de Candeapar, os de­Clmos e deposito'S reservados para a garantia. da obra n.O IV. 166l6!2-'63 de repa:ra'gao dOi pavimenkol da es>trada na-· cional n.O :14 de Ponda a MargaG ne trogoa,largado entre os Kms. 1 a 3 na extensaOI de 1600 metrGs, sao por este coIividados todos os interessadGs a vir apresentar nesta. Administragao, ne pra:w de 30 dias a ,contar da publicagao deste no BO'letim Oficial, quais quell' reclJamag5es pOl' falta de pagamento de jornais, materiais e outras indemnizag5es a que se julguem com dill'eito, nos termos do § 1.° do artigo 60.0 da Lei das Empreitadras em vigGr.

Ponda, 18 de .oUtUb110 de 1963. - .0 Administrador, Rogu­vira Xamba Sinai lBarcar.

• Adminis+ra<$ao das Comunidades de Goa


Nos ,telrmos e para OIS fins do disposto IlIO' al1ti-go 2,12.° do vlgente C6dig;o d3!s Comunila8Jdes, 'se anuneia que na comuni­dade de Cujirla, ,oom 'a.uxHiQ do Ia;grimenso:r', fOTlam 'sepruriados ter,reniQIs m'aIDg:inai's, lIlestina;dlO's pa:raconstrugalo, de ,casas 'e

. que Laz,elm p'ar1Je da 'arvenga !lie receiiJa t,rtiJenral Ide loajual, con­sistentes leltll ,lotes n.O' '118, dellominado «Orundelem», 2." pa'rte e lote n.O 1119, denomi.J1'adiot «CandelEm», 1." parte, ,confr.ont-ados rle,sp'e'ctivamente, 0 prim,eir!O', de n3ls'cente, loom 10 'l\)te n." 117; de rn:o[''be, como ,rleferla;O' lote n.O 1,17 e predi!o de Reme:di.os Sianibana de SOIus:a; de suI, 'com 10 I~miJte- da taildeia Bambo,11m e Ide pO'ente, 'eom 10 prediJo do diito Remedios;e.o slegundo eon­fcrolll!iJ8Jao die narslClente, ,com 0 worte n.O 1118; de pOtente, ,com .0

limite da ruldJeia de Oa1rup.or; de nort1te, com .0 pa:-edio de Reme­d~os S. de Sousla 'e de sm,com :0 limite da ,aJl!dieia de CaiJ:apor.

o.s que ,s'e julguem les'adols loom a. mesma demarcagao, ric'· 01aml'em n:as 'estagoes lC!ompeltentes.

Goa, 11 de Outubro,'lde 11963. - .0 Secre:tar~o, Vitol lI:l'alu Poi Verneno(tr.

Vis:to.- 0 Ad!minrstr'adiO'r, Maximo de Meneses.

• •• Servilios de FClzenda e Contabilidade


Tor,na-s'e pubtico que' 'otS Pl"a:Z!os pa;r31 !p'argwmento' da contri­buigiiio illldU'stri8Jl, impo,sto com;plementar, imposto ;profissio­nal- ,1>.0 e 2,.0 grUipOS e 1i1n1lpiO'stIJo mine-iro', V1enciveis no cor­renbe mes e no proxi>m'o mes de LNorvembro fi,crum prorrogados ate fims de De·zembro dO' corrente ano.·


P.or esta Direcgao correm editos de 180 dias, a con tar da publicagao deste no Bole'tim Oficial, nos termos do Decreto com forga da Lei de 5 de DezembrG de 1910, em vigor, em virtu de do Decreta- de 24 de Margo de 1911, citando quaisquer interessados que se julguem com direito ao vencimentG em divklJa >a AgOiltinho Pcregr1no Den~z, que fOl 2 .. " maiquinista da Navegagao da India, falecido aos 23 de Julho de 1962.

Aos referidos abonos habilita-se 0 seu filho Filipe Deniz. residente em Pangim.


Por !Csta Direcgao correm editos de 180 dias, a contar da pllblicalgaO' deslte no Bolet'~m Ofic~al, nO's' termos dO' Decreto com forga da L.ei de 5 de Dezembro de 1910, em vigor em vir­,tude do, Decreto de 24 de Margo 'de 1911, ciiballl!do qU'aii,g,quer inlieress3!dos {que' se jul:guem co!m .di,reirtO' ·310' V'enc1meDJte em divida a Gongalo Cruz Francisco Fernandes que foi guarda fis'cal, des'Hgado, do s·erv1go, fa!Ieddo em 13 de Agosto, de 1962.

A,os ref'erudos provenrtos ha:bHit,a-'se a: sua vIiiiva RO'bertin:a RoS'a.tina Wn€s de Oastr:o SilV'a Lopes, rle'Sktenteem Damao.


POll' esta DirecgaG correm editos de 180 dias, a contar da pllblicag1l!o deslte no BoleUm O!,icial, lll!OS te'rmos do iDecreto -com fGrga da Lei de 5 de Dezembro de 1910,em vigor em vir-


• 31ST OQT9BER) 1963

by law and in fowe by vktue of iDecree daJted 24th }\fa,reh 1911, to all intereslted parttes ,who may have ,a; ,ri'ght to the :pay due tOo the la:te Lourengo 'Fernandes, a,l:ia;s Jose iLouren'go F'ernamJdes, who W8JS peon of Hospilta:l Es'coraT, ,retJiljed, and who expired 'On l'3ith iJY.[ay 1963.

Mrs. Marta Domi!lligos Gons'a:lves, 'residi,ng in Ta:l!etgao is eJi.gibte to the albove said pay.


A period of 180 days is 'allowed for claims from the da:te of pubJ'i.ca'tionoif ,this an the Government Gazette" 3!cco'rding to the :terms of ,the De'cree' da:ted '5th J)ecembe,r 1910, pas'sed by law and in f0'rce by vktue of Decree dated 24th March 1911, to aU interested pa'I'ItiJes Iwho may haV'e 3! ri:ght ,to the pay due to the J:3}te' Zotvo'lJ!ta, Porobo Da:rvotcar, who, was surveyor grade 'HiT, retired, and who expked on 11th lVI:arch ul<ti.m'o.

Mrs. Sara,svatibai DaJ3¥otear, wrdofW, resiiding ,in tPa'lJ!jim is 'dilgiJble to the above said pa,y.

Goa, 25th .October, 1963. - The Director, Carmp de Noro­nha.

••• Public Works Cepartment

Road and Buildings Wing

Buildings Sec+i:on


Sealed tenders are iJnv1ted for the :bel<OIw mentioned works, e'stima;ted a,t ,Rs. 5,50,000/- (five l!a!khsarid fifty thousands rupees only) so as to rea!ch this offLce not la!ter ,than 11 A., M:. on 15th NO'¥ember 1963.

Two units 'Of «,construction of Gover=ent OffiJcers resi­denUai quaJ3ter:s» building (type A), lat Al!tinho-Panjiitm, esti­mated at Rs. 2,75,000/- (two lakhs and seventy five thousand rupees ea,ch).

Separa!te tenders are invi'ted forea:ch block.

The tetIliders ,shaH be accompanied ,by' the r,eceipt 'O'f pa;yment 'Ofea;rnest mo~n.:ey amounting to 2.'5% of the' est1m'8!ted CO'st of ithe fWo'vk al:ong with documents Imenttoned :inO'rder nO'. 7905 dalte'd 17-11-60, certifyirng ,the payment of prof'ess~onal tax.

AH parUculars regal'ding the wO'I'Iks ,can Ibe' 'OlYtained during wcr~lhg hours at the !Buildings SectIO'n on 3111 wO'rking days.

Public WQrks Decp'31rtment, GO'a, 26th October, 1<963., - The En:grneer Directo1r, Balcrlisna Ramachondra: Naique.


Se3Jled tellldevs a:re :inmted ~n 'this, Sub-Di'Visi:O'n tiU 1:2 no'on of 20th NIovember, 1963 for the execution O'f the work n'O. 166-191/62-6'3/63,.64, Qf Waiter !Supply 8'cheme at Daman - pa,rt Qf Oharpter 5 '('3lI1ticle 7 to' 12) and Cl:uapt'e'rs VI, VII, vm:m: ,and IX, 'ait an :estiJma:ted value Qf Rupe:es 1,,48,'8'60/-.

The :tenders should be accQmpanied by a' document proving that a tempO'rary deposit equivalent to' 2,5% of the basic valueO'f auction has been anad'e at the Tl'easury of the Re­venue Department at Daman a;t order O'f DirectQr P. W. D., as well as other dO'cuments mentioned !in the ,order nO'. 7905 dated 17-11-1960.

The 'respective files, tender dO'cuments, detaills and other specificamons 'Of the Icontract are available at Daman Sub­-DivislO'n and can be obtained on all work!ing days during office hO'urs. .

Public Works Department, Sub-DivisiO'n, at Daman, 3rd October, 1963. - The Head of Sub-Division, S. V. Na~k.

Visa. - The Director, Balc1·isna Ramachondra N aique.


tude d0' De'cretO' de 24 de Margo: de 1911, ci;tan:dO' quadsquer i'IJ,Itel'essa:dos :que se ju~guem oO'm dkeito '3.10

' V1e!tlcitmelIl:toem

diividaJ a LO'uI\engo F'ernandes, ,conhecidO', por Jose LourengO' Ferna:'lJ!des, ,que ~oiiJ s'crvente do iHosrpiltall EscoJ:ar, d'alJ:eddO' a;os 13 de M,aiO' de 1963.

AO'S referidos abO'nos habiHta-se a sua viuva Maria Domin­gO'::; Gonsalves, residente em TaleigaO'.


PO'r esta Direcgao corl'em edit'OS de 180 dias, a cQntar da ",:mblica:gao deslte nO' Bolet'~m O/,icfJal, n'Os, termos do, D:ecreto c'Om forga da Lei de 5 de Dezembro de 1910, em vigor ,em vir­tude do i[)ecreto de 24 de Margo de 1911, ctta:rrdO' quaJisquer inlteI\ess'8Jdos Ique se jul:guem Icom dire:iJto 810: v,enc'i'meiIllto em divida a ZOQ,voUJta;PO'rolYo, iDa:rvoltcar, que fot agdmensor de 3." cl'asse, arpose'lJ!tado, faIecidO' a:os' 11 de 'M,argo, de 1963.

A:0'S refe!'idQlS 'a:bonO's haibi:llita!-s:e a sua¥iriirv-a !8'a!rasvaJtilba:i b.;iwvo:tcar, resLC!ente: 'em tP,a;rugim.

Goa, 25 de OutubrO' de 1!963. ~ 0 Dir'ector dos S'e:rvi<:;os, Carmo de Noronha,.

----........-... .. _--'

Servicsos das Obras Publicas e Transportes

Repartio;;ao dos Servio;;os de Viao;;ao e Edificios

Sec<$ao de Edif/cios


,Faz-se publico ,que .ate as 11 ho,ras'do dta 1'5 de NOlv,embro de 1963, serao receibid3!s, nesita D:i:re,cgao dais Obrals Priiibli:ca,s, propostas em ,carita fechada e 'Ialc!'aJda para: 'a; :e:x:ecugao' da.s seguintes O'bras, cO'm a base de licitagao de Rps. 5,.50.000/­(cinco laquel'l e cinqu'euta mil l'Upi:as):

Duas unidades de «Gonstrugi'iio, de -bliO'co'S r,esicrenc:iais pa:ra funcLonari~OIsi publicos'», .ediJfi'Ci'os do tirp:o A, no Altinho, Pangim, com a ba!se de 'licittal;ao de IRps. ,2.:75.0'00/- (do'ils Ia'ques e se­tenta e dneo mil rupi'as caJda,).

Deverao, serenviadas prO'PostaJs sepaDada:s pa:l'al ca:d3J Ibloco. A:s PToposluas deverii:0' 'Vir a:comrp1anhadais dO dOlcum.euto com­

provativo de ter efectuad'O na pagador~a desta Direcgao, 0

dep6sito provis6rio cO'rrespondente a 2,5 por cento da base de licitagaO' juntamente com os dQcumentos menci'OnadQs na RoT'ta,ria n." 7905, de 17 de [NO">"etnbrio de: 1960, Icomp'Tovando de tel' efectuadO' 0 pagamento da taxa profissional.

o 'respeictivo proc'es'sO':, progJ3am'a! de, 'c'Oncur,so Ie dem'ais con­di:g6es encontr3!m-,s'e rpate'lJ!tes itlJa S'ecgao de Edifici'os des'ta; Ditrecgao 'Onde po:derii:o ser 'consulltaJdos· 'em todos 'Os di''81S uteIs, durante a,s h'Oras' reguJ:aJmentarels de servilgo.

Direcgao das Obras Publicas e Transportes, em Goa, 26 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 EngenheirQ Director, Balcrisna, Rama­chondra Naique.

F3Jz-se pubJ.iJco que ;ruo diaJ <20 de NO'vembrQ' de 1963, as 112 horas, serao reee!b±daJs n~s!ta Secgao (SU!b-!DilV,ision), prO'­postas em ·ea,rta fechada e lacrada pal'a aeXiecugao da obra n." 1'66-191/'6'2-6'31/6'3-64, de- Waltelr: SUrppiyl,Scheme 8JtDaman - p8Jrte do Capitulo V (aI\tigO's 7 a 12) e C3.pitulos VI, VII, VlIilIIe >LX, 8O'ib 3i ib3Jse de l'idta;gaO" de RIps. 1.48 . .86:0/-.

A proposta devera. vir acompanhada do documentocO'm­provativo de ter efectuado na Recebedoria de Fazenda de DaJmii:o, a 'ordem dO' diJrectoir da!S1 Oboos: tPulblicals, 0 dep6sito provioorto cOTr.e'sp'onde'lJ!te a 2;5 po:r cento Ida: ibas'e' de lici:tagiio, junta:mente ,com a,s docU'me'lJ!tos 'mencionaidos n3J P'ortaTX3J n.O 790'5, de 17 de Novemlbro' de 19i6O'.

,0 resp'ecti¥o processo, eaderno de enca;rgos, prO'grama de concurso e deIrulis cond!i:g6es eIl1icontram-se patentes nesta Sletcgao (Suib-Di1vi!s,iJon), onde poideriio sel' 'cQn8U1tadbs ·etIn todO''S os dra;s uteis, dura.nte as horas Tegulamental'es de servigo.

Secgao das Obl'as PulbliCia:S, em DaJmao, 3 de OutubI'O de 1963.-0 Chefe da Secgao, S. V. Naik.

Visto'. - 0 Director, Balcrisna Ra'Yf/Jachondra Nuique.


Directorate of Civil Supplies and Price Control

, Notificatioo

ACca.J:1ding ito the trnstructions received from i[)il'e,ctora;te General of Supplies & iD:i:sposails, !New IDeIhi the revIsed retail prices O'f cemernt 'weill he 8!S foUowvs:

V'asco da G=a ................................ .

:~:f,: ..... : .... : .......... : .... : ... :: .... :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: M8!puga ............................................ ' .. .

Bag of 50 Kilos

Us. ll.P.

8-59 , 8-7;3

9-15 9~2:6

TheaJbove 'revi'sed ret8!il prices wvHI ,be applted to the con­stgnme:nts rece1ved by ,cemernt idea:lers 'On :a:ccount 'Of deUveriies fr'Om, 'On or ,after :W-8-'63. Any 'sto'cks· 'with de8!lers Telaiting to receipts 'of 'cement rim cO'l1!d~tions 'Other th8!ll 'the :mentioned albove wiH ,be s'Old at ithe rrutes refeTred in the' notiftcatilon pwblis:J:J.'ed in Government Gaz'ette, no. 37, Ser,i!es m, d3!>ted 12th S,eptember, 1963. ./

Co·nsignme'l1!ts 'Of 'cement aJt imcre'alsed raJtes shaill be s'OId by de8!leTsonly '8!ftergeittinlg a celrtilfiJcrute from Directorate of CivH Supplies al!1d Price Co,ntrol, cO!llfirminlg that the old stocks 'Of 'ce'ments are over.

Panjim, 22nd .october, 196,3. ---< The Director, RedualdJo da Costa.


]t is hel'e'by pubHshed f'Or rinf'OrmaJti!on of the cement dis­triibwDors and consume'rs thrut the foHawmg instrudti'Ons aire is'sU'ed in regal'd to the diispos'aJl 'OIf cement aHo'ted to' Go:a Territory:

1 ~ The sltQickilSiDS' O'r !SubsltockJists ma;y rssue lany quantity upto ten balgs wi!thout p'e:rmit to any i!lldi:vi:dwal consumer fo,r bonafide, purposes.

:2 - Oonsume:rs relqw1rin,gcement ·eXicee,ding 10 halgs and not exceeding 100 :brug;s for bona!f'1de ,purposes should apply to the AdminiistraJtorof GOincelho 'concerned. Thos'e' reqillning cement exceedlinJg 100 ba:gs shouM aJpply to the :Directora!te of GLvH SUp'pliies a'IlJd LPriice Oontrol on 'a sta'inpe:d paper stalting the Ipurpose for which Ithe ,cemelll't ,is ,requ:~red rund the name of the st'Ockist or substockist from whom the ce­ment 1s required, etc., w1th a; decl:araJtion th8!t the, cement will be utHi:s~d' for :the purpose fo,r wbJi:ch it is :sanc.tiooned. Such appliJcaltiions should be decided on favouralble remaJrks from mun1cipaHtie:sor 'other :authorVtie,sconcerned 'and per­mits should be ,issued with a validity of 30 days from the date of 'i'ssue.

3 - The Gove'rnme:nt Departments and MunicipaJ:.ittes who. need cement for :thek dev,elopment schemes should inform to the Directo.rruteof Civil Supplies', :the ·ce:ment -quaa:J!tilty re­quiLr:ed foil" each quarter ,of a year. Pe::mnitSi d:slsued to them wiU be vaHd for 45 days aludthe 'qualll'u,tyrelquired should beresler';red by the !stiockists and su'bst'Ockists wi!thinthe: vali­drty perio'd.

4 - AI-! -the stolckists shoutd info:rm the Directorate 'Of Civil Supplies and ~Pr,ice Control a's :soon 'a,s' they rece'ive a; consign­ment of ,cement.

5 - The stockists andsubstolckists shoul:d maiill!bi"in a 're­gister indIcruting inter' alia ,the date of transaictioilJ, til'e names of the consumers to whom cement is issuedoh, perilli'ts 'or without it; the quantity of cement issued and' th~, 'number and date of ;the permit !etc. The 'accounts so :maJi'l1!ta'tned shoutd be oven to inspection by the -DirectO'ra;te of Civil Supplies and P'ri'ce CO!lltroL

6 ~ Stockists and sUbstockists should fOl'W,ard returns to Regional Offi.cerof. ithe Dlredo'raJt'e of GiIYH ISuppUles alll'd and Pri-ce, Gontrol on 1s:t ,a,nd 16th of ea;ch month in the prescribed fo'rm without faiL " '

Approved by authority.

Panjim, 18th October, 1,963.-Redualao da Costa" Director.

• , . -SERIES III No. 44:

Direccsao dos Servicsos de Abastecimento Civil e Controle de Precsos


De a:cordo ,com as :inls'trugoes recebi!das d3i iDire:cgaO'-GeraI dos .Servigos del Abrus:tedimento: e Distrihutgao, Nova De-Ihi, os pregos revJstos de venda a 'retaJlho, 'de-cimento, ipa;ssrurao 3J sel' 0'S se:guintes:

Saca de 50 quilos

Rps. ll.P.

Vasco d8J 'Gam,a; ... '................ ................. 8~5'9 M'argao ............................................... 8-73 Pangilm ................................................ 9-15 Map u ga . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-26

Os r:e:£>eridO's ,pre'gOts: revistos aplicrur-s!e--ao: as ,consi!gna<;oes rece!b~d3is peIo's dtstriibuidore-s de' C'imento pOl' 'COitl!ta 'drus 'e!lltre­gas ef'ecturudas ,em 120 de Ago'sto de 1963" Oil' depa>i)s desDa; data.' :Q-ua:i·sqwer ,cans'1gnalgoes de cimento:em posse dos: distri­'buido,res que itenham si'do' relcelbidas em condtgoes diife-rentes das a;c1ma me'llci'o:nad8Js s!erao velll'd!das, peJ!os pregos indiJcados nOI a,viso publtca:do no ,Bolet~m Otioi!al n.o '37, ,3." sterile"~ de 12 de Setembro' de 1916'3:.

As cons-igll'8!goes' decimento a pregos rev,j.stos se-rao ven­didas pelos distribuidores somente depois destes terem obtido um certificadO' da Direcgao dos Servigos de Abastecimento Civil e Controle de Pl'egos, comprovando que as consigna­goes ante'rciJo'res' ja se I3;cham eSlgoitadrus.

IBang'im, 212 de Outuhro de 19'63. - 10 Direc,t;Qr, Redwaldo da Cosf;!a.


Torna-se' pUibl1co, pall'a ,oonhecimento dos distritbufdores de dmen!tOt e consum]dores que far= eXipedida;s as segu;ntes instrugoes relativas iI; distribuigaO' de cimento destinadO' aO' terri:t6ril0 de Go'a,:

1. Os distri!butdo:res au subdis:k~buidorN! de- dmentO' p'Dde­rao fornecer Iquarquer 'qu8Jl1!tidade, a:te a:o Ii'mite de de!z sa:cos, sem Hcenga:, a !qua1lquer consum~dnr indLv1dua'l, pa:ra fins jus­tificaveis.

12. Os :consumtCUores: que ll'ec:essitem :C1menito em quanitidade supeni'o'r ,a, 10 SlalCOS mas nan 'excedendO' 100 S:3iCOS, para; fins justifi:cave~s; deverao ,suhme'ter 'OIS seus Iped1dO's ao respec­tiNO aidmiinistra:dOtr do con,celho,. Os que, ne!ces'si'tem 'Cimento em qUaI!lltidade 'Superior a 100 sa:oOts deverao 'submeter 'os' seus pedidos, 'em folha slellada" 'aO' director dolS' 8erv,igos de cAbas­tecimenito' eivil' e COlntrole de Pregos, indicandOt '0 fim a que se des-tina, '0' dmento: 'e 10, nome do distl'ilbuidor au' subdistri­buido'r do IquaJ1 se :pr'etendeadiquirir :0 'me-smo, juntamente com uma: decla,r8!gao IlIO' s'enUdo de que 0, -eimentO' sera utHi­za'do pa:ra 0' f,im pa,ra: que 10 ,mesm:o Ie autori'zaldo. Talis pedi­dos deverao ,se'r consider8JCl:o'S' co!m base mus i'llforma,goes favc­raveis das Camarrus Munidp3Jisou 'o,utr,as' 'enUdade,s compe­tentes e as licengas deverao ser passadas com validade de 30 dias contados da: data: dal sua :emissao.

3 .. A,s ReparlUgoes PIUibl:ica,s e Camara'S Munic1paiG que ne­cessttem de .cim,ento p3Jra O'S sell'S pIanos de desenvoIvimento, deverao comunicar a D'ilrecgao dos Servi'gos de Abalsteci­mento CivIl- ,e Controle- de- .Pregosa; 'quamtida:de Ide dmento 'que e necess'ar10 :palra'!ca!da, itrxmestre' do' ano'. As J:icengals pas:sadas as- mesma:s terao,a v,a}~d8Jde de ,45 dia's e os 'distr.i­buidO'rese sub-idrstributdore's deve'raol re-serV3Jr a ' 'qua'l1!ti:drude rrecess'8Jri8!, dentro do, perio:dode vaUdalde.

,4. ,Toido'S'os 'dis,1Jrtbuidores de dmento, deverao' ,ilnfOirmar- a Dkecgao, dO's ,Servi'gos de' Abaste:cimenit:O'Oi'vHe ,Coilitrol-e de PregoS' I'D'go que- ,O'S m'esm'os recebam uma;ce,nstgna:gao de, oimento.

'5. Ds di>stdbuidorese ,sU)bdistr~bU!ildore'S dev-erao .manter um' registo indtcan,do, entre outros' pormen'ores, a data daltran­s~;cgao,os nomes .dos 'consumido'res :a quem 0 dmento' e for­necido ,medi:3illt-e li:cenga .. ou sem e1'a, a: qua;nti:d3Jde' decim'ento fo,rnedda e 0 ,n;(imero'e- druts! ida Hcenga'; 'etc. As eontas, ID8Jn­tidas de 'conformidaide 'com' as pres'entes instrugoes, idevera'o estar pa!tentes la veriificag§;o por parte ida; iDi:recgao do's Ser-' vi,go'S de Abalste'cimento Ciivi-! 'e COllitrole de Pre',gos.

6. Ds distrilbuidores e subdistr,Lbuildores deverao sUlbmeter, ,impr'eterivelmente, OS seus relat6rios ao Of,icial Regional (IRegilonS!1 Od'ficer) ida Dilreicgao! dos Servi<;(ls de Albasteci-. men'to Ci'Vi>!, e Controh,: de -Fregos, em 1 e 16 de cada mes, segundo 01 modelo, indi:cado.

POl' orderri ~uperio~., 'P:a,ngim, 18deOuitu1?I1ode 196,3. --c'Re:dwaldo da Oosta, ,Di-

rector. '

r t





Return stlock oil' cement for the fortni:ght endLng .......... " .......................... , .' .................. ': .... , ............ '.' ....... '" .................... . Existencias de cimento durante a quinzena que 'termin:oib em Name of :the cement stockist/'· substo~kist'- .~ .. ,.'~-., Nome'do diStrlbuiddr} 8ubdistiibitW:or ,.' .. " . ; ...... , ..... ' :." ................. :. " .......... " .,. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. , .• " ....................................... ..

Piace ........................................................................................................................................................................ . Lacalidade .. . ' .

. . QU$titYSOl? in ba&,s Y) -Quan,tid!Jde vendida (em sacos) I .'

On permit - Go·m licenqa Balance with Previous 'stock the stockists!

on .......... !substockists from Adm. of Concelho from D. C. S. & P. C. Existencias an- Saldo em posse Without Total of bags permit da Adm. do Concelho da D. S. A. O. e O. P. teriores e'-ni", ~ .... do distribuidor!

Sem licenra Total de . . '1

No. a",d date I No. of bags No. and date 'de N.· data-N.· e data

I N.· sacos e

I" -I I


Forest Department

. Range Fo%'est Office. Quepem


It ts he:r~by anI?-ounc~d :1;or tJhe iru(olflmationof t:qe pe'I1Sollls concerned thaJt 'Olll thre '21st day beg.iIll:J::ti>ng from Ithe: 2nd day of the tpuibHcation 10il' this ,announcement m tJh;e GolV'ernlment Ga2l~tt'e alt 1-1a. m.,in Ithe rpremi'S,es of tihUs! lRJallJJge; !B1orest OffIce and befo·re the Oommittee ire,ferred ItOi in the p8!r8!{)lll'ly of the article -54 of ;th~ GO'!J, FOirest rRe:g;u(J:a;tiOill ,in ~ol'lce, that there will he .auction 'Of: 0,42-8 m" 'Oil' timber of tbJe ~illd ,class, 1,087 un" of tJhe 41th .cl8iSS; 3'()m3'of tlhtck wood, tZ5 iOiI' kihotty, 15 of thin <olf Ithetoltail vailue' of lR:s. 1101 -!64 n,:p.; 0,'63'6 rn3 of timber Oil' the ;2nd d!llss, 0,112'3 .Oil' the 4th (lliaSS, 2 Irlaifters of the 2nd' 'class, M). ~3 ,of :t:h1ck wood, 1200 of ,kihotty and 30 of tilliill wood, of the total 'ValiU,e oil' IRs. /130-013 n. p., lfiel1ed. by the E:le·ctric Go., .at Benurdemand :Cordero Forests, Irespectively, oil' the Round of lB!lJli,Quepoem Taluka. mhe ibas'e 'Of auction is IR:s. 1241-'67, n. p. '

Th'e succes'sful ibidde:r h'avilllig ,the r~ght 'of purchase: win ha'V'e' to produce l1eady ICash in this R:an;g.e Fiorest IOffice fo:r th'e p,roduct sold at :the auctiOlll tOJge1Jher wHlhl% destined il'o'r ,ciharitaJble itIlStitJutiOillS and: to daim the Jlroduce wtthm 30 days. begmning tfil'iom fue date 'oil' the transit :license lor ,else it will !be ,reVlerted ,in favolUiI' 'oil' :the Estate.

This no:tice is lP'u'bUshed, so that it may Ibe known to all and similar noti,ees hWVie been fixed in the uSlual places..

iRange Forest Office oil' Que.pem, 8th Octob&, 1963.- - 'Dhe Ran,ge I~ore.st Oflf:L0er, .Antqn.io Joaquim de Melo .

••• «Caixa Econ6mica de Goa»

Operations Department


In pursu;ance oil' Sectiollll 'Oil' e,rttcle32 of the rules of «Oaixa Eoonomi.ca de Goa» it is noltifLi.ed that F1rallJJCisCOI Sa­lema, mar.rj.led, I~ndlQrd, ,residd.n:g alt Curtolrim, :has aJPrplied for the wtthdrruwal of Rs. 11()3-46 n. p., this beil!lg the balance in the a;ccount' of Meixo CaetanO' S'alema wh1cll is m !thi:s Ins­ti1iUtiOill. The account l'eiferredi to is n~. 24J ~n. Anyone who has a rilgblt ,to t'hi!s amount or 'a Jlia'rt 'oil' tt sihould ma<ke -a cia;im to the Head Offi~e oil' il:ihe ~aid lIns.titutton, Wlithln IaI perilod of six months, beginning from the' date O!f the ipublJiJcatilQn oil' this notice in the Gorv:emment Galzette, aiftelI' :fJhe ,expiry 'Of which tih;is c,laim WillJ; :pe adlmitt:ed.

«Caixa Eoonomi'OO de GQia;», in Goa;. 2118t OotobelI', ,1963.­The Chi:elf oil' Operations De'P'aJrtment, Ramucmona:ra Pombo Lounroo.

Visa.-,The Custodian, S. V. Bhobe.

1 1 I !

I 1

sacos !subdistri.buidor

No. of bags ".

N.· de ~ -.'" -..... -


. I O/The ........................... ; ........ .

• Reparti~ao das Matas

Repartic:;:ii:o do «Rang~ Forest c>f~icer"" Quepern


Fa\Z-se publtilco, que 1ll'0' ~n . .o di!!lI 'a ·COilltaJr do, 12." 'dia da; pu:bli­~ao des:be no Bol~t~m Oijicw,l,pela!s 1,1 !hora.s, nes,ta iRe,par­ti,!;ao, pier ante a ,comisswo a Ique se a::,e£ere a. p'!lJrte f\inal do § up.li:co do !aiI'tig'QI 54.°. dJoRegu1amento,dalS MaJtaJs em 'Vigo,r, se plroceder1a $. ?Jdjudica!;a.o: ein :ha.sta:piUbHca, de: (},14~8:ro' de madeira, de 2." >eIa:ssle, 1,0187 ditosde 4." ,cl!iJsse,35m: de leniha g,rolSs,a, 25 ditos de nodosa, 11,5 :ilit08, dei/:ina, do valOir total de R:ps. 11-1-64 Ill. :po'; 0,63'0 m3 de m!aJde'iJl'a de '2.' cIa;ss'e, 0,12!31 In" de 4." di!lls,se, 2 a;guIetiiros de: 12.' dass'e, 40:m3 de 'I:eruha; 'g,rolSs'a:, 120 di1los de nii-d!osa, e 30. :ditos de' f\ma, db 'lalotr Itotal de iRps. 130-03 n. p., :prt'{)duto ,este !coriado pela !OolITl[panhia E[lJec­trd.oo, reslpeativaJrnJente . nas maitas de :a:etIlIUIrIdiem 'e Coroem, da iill'ea. do CPatelado de!Ba;li, do 'concelihol de IQueplem, slendo a i1:Yasle de UCita!;§Jo, de ·Rps'. 1241-,6,7,:n.!p.

o adijudicatiilrio ipa;gar.a I(} [pIf~go de arremata;!;8Io illO' 8!Cto aJcrescido die 1 por .cento desooa:dOi a ohras :pia;,; e ;remQlVera o produto dentro de '3,0 di'a's 'a -contaiI' d.ru druta da; respe,ctiv;a; guia d'e trans-ito soib perra de ,reV'erter 0' produtoa il'av{)ll'i do Estac1o.

IE para !constar s'e 'ex;pediu ·este Ie :outros' de :i,gual teor que 'Vao g,e!f afi'xac1os nos luga;res de Icosturn,e.

[RJepaIDtL!;wo do 1«lRaingle li1or1est QiI'iI'icer» ,Quetplettn, 8 de Outubro de 1963. - 00 Rarruge IForest Officer, .An:tonio JOaJquilm die 'Melo.

• •• Caixa Econ6mica de Goa

Sec<;;ao de Operac;oes


Nos termOis diQdispiosto ITO '§ 1.° do acligo 312.· do Reglula~ mento da Oaixa. Econ6mtca de Goa, anunci:a-se haver .requerido F,ra;ncislco 8-a;lema, Icasado, pr'OIp,metiilriJo, Irelsidenteem Curto­rim, 0: ae~an;taJmelllrtOi :do 'Sa[dQ de R:ps. lJ03-46 n. p. dosl depositO's existentes na reife:r'ida Caix:a E,con.omioo. de Goa em iIlOime de Aledxo Oa;etano ,Sallema, que tfOii! titulaiI' da lcademeta n.O 24371, a fim. de qua:1quer <pelssoaque 'se j,u~gue' 'com di,reitQl ·8ique:le saldio OIU pa;rie dele 0' 'adluza n.esta Gerencl'a, denrtI101 dol p!!"'azo de sew me8lelS, a ,Clontar da publiC'a!;aOl deste iIlO! Bolertim Oficial findo {) quaJ! 'seII'a ,resolvid'a a preltenSaol.'

O!liixa Ecoill6mica die Goa, ,em Goa, 2,1 dre Gutubro. de 11,963. -o Ohe:Ce dia Sec!;aOl. de Opem!;oes;' Ramachondna, PorolJo Loundo.

Visoo, - 00 GeSltor, S. V. Bhobe.


Municipality of Salcete

Noi'ice of 18.0 days

Antonio Blasio de Souza, President:

I hereby invite any interested party who has claim in the pension ,of Ernesto' do Rosario Nicolau Viegas, to dedare t.he same to this Municipatity Within 180 days of the publica­tion of this in the Government Gazette, in terms of the pre­vailing Decree in force dated 5th December 1910, in force in virtue of the Decree of the, 24th March 1:911, quoting any interested parties who claim to be With a right to the pension due to Ern.e'sto do RosMio N:i;ci)J.aru; Viegas, retired tax-ins­pector of this Murucipality, who e~ired on 2nd September ,last.

The daimants for the said p:ension are his widow Maria AJumra Lustridla Ubeooa ,Epci!f.lania Melo 'e Vielg3Js, his daughter Anita Quiteria Esperan~ Viegas and son Jose Antonio Ja­cinto Viegas, from Margao.

It is :Do:r the lmowledige orf the pulbJ:i:c fuat ;this and sitmHar notices arecpublished and affixed in the normal places.' .

Margao, 10th October, 11963. - The President, Antonio Blasia .l'TJe Souza.

V. no. 9qq/1963

••• Advertisements

Goa Judiciary Division

«Comarca» (Judicial Division) of the Islands (Ilhas) of Goa, Licentiate Fernando Jorge Cola~o:

Sitaite'iTi'enrt rega1rcBn,g $Ucce·s,~io·n

In ,accordance with the prescriptions of par,a one, article one hundred and seventy-nine,. of the Law number two thou­sand and fortynine d3Jted the sixth, August, one thousand nine hund1'ed and fifty one, and for the purpose of what ds prescribed in para two of the said :article, the following is made public:

From the :nomri8il deed dated the nin'eteenth, October, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, executed by me on foilio forty (back) of the Regi,ster of Deeds number five hundred land ,shcty-one, it is se,en that on the thirteenth, June, one thousand nine hundred. and sixty, death occurl'ed in this town of Caetano PoHbio Mascavenhas, who was als'O named caetano Polibio Joaquim Mariano Francisco xavier da Rosa Mascarenhas, who was a native of Anjuna 'aJIld residing at this town of Goa,and was married for the first time to Mrs. Laura Adelia. Bruto da Oosta, upon whose death an orphanological inventory was effected in the Court of «Jus­tice 'of the Comarca» (Judictal Division) of Daman, and from whom he 'had 'Only one son, Dr. Antonio Pel'egvmo Mascavenhas, . now residing at Almada (Portugal) 'and for the second time to Mrs. InesLeana,r Bruto da Costa Masca­renhas, under the I'egi.1The .of . communion 'Of pl'operty, fram whom he had also only one san, Dr. Caetano Dlogenes da Piedade Mascarenhas, dental surgeon, residing at this town of Goa. The said Caetano P'Olibio Mascarenhas left a closed testament, dated the fifth, February,ane thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. By the sadd deed, the said two sons, Dr. Antonto Peregrino Mascarenhas 'and Dr. Caetano Dio­genes da Piedade Mascarenhas, were quaHfied as the so}erund universal heirs of the said Caetano Polibio' Mascarenhas and as the «meedra» (widawentitled to half estate) of the pro­perty acquired during the constancy .of the second matri­mony, the said M1's. Ines Leonor Brut'O da Costa Mascarenhas.

Goa Town, Twenty-fkst, October, one thousand nine hund­red and ,sixty-three. The Acting Assistant of the Notarial Office situate at the «Antao de Noronha» Street, in-charge of the Notary in this «Comarca» ·of the Islands (<<Ilhas»), Li­centiate Fernando Jorge Cola~o, in full ,exercise in the im­pedimentof the said Notary who is ,enJaying disciplinary leave. Ba,lcrisna Sadassiva Sinai Vai/le.

V. no. 978/1963

Administration Office of Marmagoa

2 In accordance With and f:OIr the purpose mentioned in the iartide 330 of the Code of Comunidades,-it is hereby an­nounced that Nara.ina Ramnata Mauzo, from Margao has applied for the lease of an uncultivated iand unused plot no. ',n, situated alt ,sancoale ,and belangirr:ug to the Comunidade of the same village, for the cultivation of bambu and caju trees. It as bounded on the ,east with the village of Dabolim; an the west Wi,th ,the prop!erty Naquelim belonging to the

Camara Municipal de Salsete

Ediito's de 180 diias

A:ntoniJo BlaSli.1()· de Sousa.; PtI1esifdente:

Fa~o' Saber que, po~ e~tt C~ra, co~elll edito~ de 180 dt~, a contar da publicaga6'(1#t~1l()i3q~iimOfiaffal> pos.-terltl0s do Decreto com for~a da Le1 'de 5 de Dezembrode 1inO,em vigor em virtude de Decreto de 24 de Mar~o de 1911,1, ci1:{mda quafusiquer initeressadas que se jrul,gtuem clOm direit~) it pensiW em divida a Ernesto do Rosario Nicolau Viegas, zelador apo­sentado desta Camara, fruecido aos 2 de Setembro findo.

A referida pensao habtJitam-se a sua viuva Maria Aurora Lustrim Uibeilina EIp~,fa.n.ia Meilo Ie Vielg'8JS ,e ~EmS fUhos Anita QUiteria Esperanga Viegas e J·ose Antonio Jacinto Viegas, de Marga-o.

E par~ constar se ex.p:ediu este ,e outros de igual teor, que .. van ser'afixadas nos lugares de estilo.

Margao, 10 de Outubro de 196,3. - 0 Presiden1:ie, Antonio Blasio de Sousa.

G. n.· 9q7/1963


Notariado - Coma rca das IIhas de Goa

Cartorio notarial a cargo do notario da Comarca da Ilhas de GOa, Licenciado Fernanda Jorge Cola~o:

Deela'ra<;ao de sucessao

De harmonia com 0 disposto no paragrafo primeiro do artigo 1Q9.· da Lei n;·' 2049 de 6 de Agosto de 1951 Ie para os 'efeitos do que preceitua 0 paragrafo segundo do mesmo artigo, faz-se pubHco ,Q seguinte:

Cansta da escritura publica de 19 de Outubro de 1963, POI' mim lavrada a folhas 40 verso do livro numero 561, que, em 13 de Junho de 1960, faleceu nesta cidade de Goa Oaetano Polibio. Mascarei:lhas que tambem se .c!]jamava Caetano Polibio Joaquim Mariano Francisco Xavier da Rosa Mascarenhas, natural de Anjuna e (tjesidente que foi nesta cidade de Goa, ,0 qual era casado em primeiras nupcias com Dona Laura Adelia Bruto da Costa pOI' cujo obito se procedeu a inven­tario orfanologico pelo tribunal da ooniarca de Damao :e de quem teve um unico f:i1ho Dautor Antonio Pe1'egrino Mas­carenhas, ',ora l'esidente iem Almada (Portugal), e em segun­das nupcias era casado ,com Dona Ines Leonor Bruto da COsta Mascarenhas em l'egime de comunhao de bens, e de quem teve tambem unico filho 0 Doutor Caetano Diogenes da Pie­dade Mascarenhas, cirurgiao-dentista, residente nesta cidade de Goa. 0 ,dito Caetano Polibio Mascarenhas deixou um testa­mentocerrado datado de 5 de FeV1ereiro de 1958. Pela referida 'escritura ficaram habiIitados como iinicos e universais her­deiras. do dito Oaetano Polibio Mascarlenhas :as referidos ,seus dois fUhos Doutor Antonio Peregrino Mascarenhas e Doutor caetano Diog,enes da Piedade MasCiarenhase como meeira nos bens adquiridos na canstancia, do Isegundo matrimonio a dita Dona Ines Leonor Bruto da Costa Mascarenhas.

Cidade de Goa, 21 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 Ajudante inte­rino do Cartorio Notarial situ ado a r1l:a Antao de Noronha a cargo do notario desta comarca das Ilhas H.cenciado F1ernando Jorge Cola~o, em exercicio plenario no imp!edimento do mesmo notario quese encontra no gozo de licenqa disciplinar. B'al­crisna Sadassiva Sinai Vagle.

G. n.- 978/1903

• AdministrcC$ao do Concelho de Mormugao

2 Nos termos e para os fins do disposto no artiga 330." do vigente Codigo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que Narama Ramnata Mauzo, de Margaa., requereu em aforamento urn terreno in.culto e desaproveitada, compreendido no 10te n." 22 de tomba~o, da camunidade de San coale, na area de 30 000 m', para 'Os fins de cultura de cajual e bambual. Confronta-se de

• 31ST . OQ'f.OBE}?!~ 1963 675 --------- ---~- --------------heirs lof iLigorio Aniceto E. Fulltado; on the north with the part of the same plot no. 22 and on the south with th'e land usurped by Franc~s Xavier Rodrigues, covering an area of 30.000m'.


3 In ,accordance with and fOIl' ,the purpose mentioned in the arti.c1e 330 'of the Code of Comunidades, it is hJereby an­nounced that Madhussudan Vitol Gaocar, from Margao, has applied for the lease of an uncultivated and unused plot no. 75, belonging to the Comunidade of Siancoale, for the cultivation of caju trees and' bambu trees. It ds bounded on the east Wiith the land usurped no. 74 and other land given on lease; on the west with the part of the same plot no. 75; on the north with the land usurped by Fmncisco Xavier Rod­r<igues and Ion the south with the land given on lease to the heirs 'of Htpolito POlicarpo Pegado and tp.e hill of the village Assai belonging to Bernardino Teotonio Costa, covering an area of 30.000 m'.


4 In ,accQrdance with and f,or the purpose mentioned ill the artIcle 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is hJereby an­noun:oed tha:t Naraina ,sinai 'Qui,rtoni il'Tom Ma;rgao', ihas ap­plied for the lease of an uncultivated and unused plot no .. 75, belonging to the Comunidade ·of Sancoale for the cultivation ofcaju tr·ees and bambu tl'ees. It is bounded on. the east with the part of the plot no. 75; on the Wiest with the plot ,no. :21; on the norrlth with :the land usu~ped !by FranciJsco Xavier lRodrdcglues and on the south rwith :the ihill !of Assoi village ;belonging to !BernardinO' TeotoIllio Costa land with :t:ihe land given on lease to Ith:e heirs oil' Hipolito fPolicaIl>o \Pegado, eovering an al'ea of 30.000 m'.

Vasco da Gama, 7th .october, 1963. - The Secretary, Mab­les'Vor Visvonata S. S'irvoica.r.


5 In laccordance wi:th and for the purpose menUoned in the article 330 of the Code of ComUillddades, the pI1esent adver­tisement is given that Usno Porobo Colva1car, pl'opnetor and resident at Panjim, has applied for the 'lease of ian unculti­vated and unused rp'lot no. LXVI, belonging to the Comuni­dade of Sancoale, for the purpose of rice cultivation and fruit trees. It 1'8 bounded on the 'east, west, north and south with the wand 'Of the same Comunidade,covering ,an area. of 30.000m'.

Vasco da Gama, 18th .october, 196·3. tary, Wwlter Oo~ago.

Acting as the Secre-'

V. no. 975/1963 ----.----

Administration Office of Bicholim 6 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose

established in arucle 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is herebyann:orun!cedJ that Xivagi Gajanana Pratalpa RJaru 81a,1' Dessai, resident at Sanquelim of this Concelho ·of Bicholim, has applied for the lease for the construction 'Of a hous'e, a plot without special denomination ,and b'elongmg to the Comu­nidade of Usgao, bounded on the east and south by same COIITllUni'da!de; on the west by ·the natiJonoa,l highway that from Usgao leads to CoHemand on the north by lease of Ga'llJ~3J G'Olvind8, Boto Upadre, in the aTea 'of 10'0'.0 m 2•

Bicholim, 15th .october, 1963. - The Secretary, Vassanta Narvencar.


Administration Office of Ponda

Section of Comun;dad,,,

7 According to the ,terms and for the purpose established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is hereby announced that iNaranaGoviillda Maunim, married, landlord, residing at Agapur, village Queula, has applied for lease for the purpos1e of ,construction :of a house ·of a plot 'Of land situ­ated at -Bandor,a and belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, bounded on the east by the summit of a hiHock; on the west by the national road which leads from Panjim to Ponda; on the north by the plot of land belonging to 'the Comunidade appHed for lease by Madhav Anant Bhat Cumar­dercaT and on the south by a pedernal, coV"ering ,an aI1ea of 1000 m'. File no. 82/1963.


nascente, com la 'aldeia Dabolim; de poente, com 0 predio de Naquelim dos herdeiros de Ligeno Aniceto. E.Furtado; de norte, ,com a restante parte d'O ,dito lote n.O 22 e de' suI, com a usurpa<:;ao de Francisco XaVier Rodrigues.


3 Nos termos e para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.0 dQ vigente COdig'O das Comunidades,anuncia-se que Madhus­sudan Vitol Gauncar, de Margao, :-equereu ,em af'Oramento um terreno inculto e desaproveitado, compreendido no lote n.O 75, pertencente a comunidade de Sancoale, na area de 30.000 m', para cultura de cajual e bambual. Coofl'onta-se de rrascente, 'como teI'I1e!lo usurp-ado' Slob 10 n. ° 714e outros ter,rle!lOS .cOlll'ce­didos em afol'amento; de poente, ,com a riestante parte do dito loten.o 7,5; de norte, 'com 0 terreno usrult'p'ado p.or ~ran­cisco Xavier :Rodrigues, e de suI, .com aifO'ral!I1Jento dog. herdetros de Hip6lito Policarpo Pegado 'e outeiro do bairI'O Assoi per­tencente la Bernardino 'Teot6nio Costa.


4 Nos ,beI'mos e paI'a Os fins do msp'Osto no aI'tigo 330.° do vigente C6digo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que iNaraina Sinai 'Quirtoni, de Margao, requereu 'em :aforamento um ter­reno mcultoe desaproveitado, compreendid'O no lote n.O 75 da comunidade de Sancoale, para os fins de ,cultura drecajual e bambual, na area de 30'.000 m 2

• Confl'outa.-se de nascente, com a restante parte do ref,erido lote n.O 75; de poente, com o !lote n.O 21; de norte, com 0 terreno U'surpado pOT Francisco Xav~er RJodrigues e de suI, ,com 0 outeiro do bairro Assoi per­tencente a Bernardino Teot6nio Costae de aforamento' dos herdeiros de Hipolito Policarpo Pegado.

Vasco da Gama, 7 de Qutubro de 11963. - .0 Secretario, Mablesvor Visvo'lVata Sinai Sirvo~car.


5 N OiS termos :e para 'Os fins do disp'Osto no artigo 330.° do vigente C6digo das -Comunidades, ianuncia-se que iUsn6 Porobo Colvalcar, soilteir'O, pl'oprietariOi, r,esidente em Goa, requereu .emaforamento, para cultura de ,arroz Ie arvol'es fruHf-eras, um terreno inculto ,e rochoso, pertencente a ·comu­nidade de Sancoa'Le, compreendido no lote no. iLXVI, na ar,ea de 30000 m 2

• Confronta-se de nascenbe, poente,' norte e suI com 0 terreno da comunidade.

Vasco da Gama, 18 de Qutubro de 1963. - Servind'O de Secretario, Wa.lter Oo'lago.

G. n." 975ji19'63 ---..... -----

Administra~ao do Concelho de Bicholim

6 Nos te,rro:o,s' e :p.a,ra os fins· dn 'disposto' nO' 'a,rltigo 330," do C6digo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Xivagi Gajanana Pratapa Rau 8ar Dessai, ,reslLdente em SanqueHm deste con­celho de Bicholim, req'U!ereu em aforamento paraconstru<:;ao da casa um terreno sem denomina<:;ao especial, pertencente a ·cnmunidade de Usgao,confrontando de nascente ·e suI, pela mesma comunidade; de poente, pela ,estrada nacional que de Usgao se dirige a Cnlem e de norte, pelo aforamento de Ganexa GoV'inda,.Boto Upadie, na area de 1000 m'.

Bicholim, 15 de Qutubro de 1963. - .0 Secretario, l1:assanta Narvencar.


• Administra~ao do Concelho· de Ponda

Secc;ao das Comunidades

7 Nos termos ,e para os fins do ,disposto no artigo 330.° do C6digo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Narana Govinda A1auntm, casado, prol?rietario, resi.dEmte em Agapur de QU'eula, l'equereu em aforamentopara os fins deconstru<:;ao da casa, um te'rreno sito em Bandora e pertencente a comuc

rri<daide dame'sma! a,ldei8J, confrontando· de' nas-cente, com o cume de outeiro;' de poente, com a .estrada nacional que de Pangim se dirige a Ponda; de norte, ,com 0 te,rl'eno da comu­nidade requeddo em afol"amentlo pOI' Madav Ana:rit Bhat Cu­mardercar e de suI, com a pederneira, ·na .. al'ea de 1000m'. Processo n.D 82/1963.



8 According to the terms and for the purpose established in the article, 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is hereby 8.1nnaun0ed that Esvanti Loximorna, Pot Ra;t0ar, balche'lor, landlord, res!i>dmg at iBandora, ha;s 8JPpHed for '~e8fse fur the pu~pase olf constructi'onaf 8.1 hoU!s~ of a;n, unculttv8Jted and un­used plot of land which is the part of the plot of land no. XIX, reserved far Ithe 'canstruction 'Of houses, si!turuted at (Ban:dor8.1 and belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, bounded on the feast by the remaining part the said reserved plot of land no. XIX; <In the west by the plot of land applied for lease for the canstruction of a house by Joao Inacio Gracias, residing at Bandora; on the north by the national road and on the south by the 2nd division of the plot of land no. 74, cover-ing an area of 1000 m'. File nO'. 88/1963.


9 According to the terms and for the purpose established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it ~s hereby annaurnced tha;t JVlJrudhav An,ant iBhat lCuma,r.d~l1C8fr, maa:-rred, landlord, r.esiding at Ramanata village Bandora llas applied for lease for the purpose of theconstruct10n of a house of a, plot of land known as «Gudietembo»,situa;ted at Farma­gudi village Bandora and be:longingto theOomunidade af the same village, bounded on the 'east by the summit of a hillock; on the west by the national road which leads from Mardol t'o Ponda; on the north by the plot of land giv'en on le3JSe to Narcinva Veling.car and on the south by a pedernal, coverlng an area of 1000 m'. File no. 83/1963.

Ponda, 9th October, 1963. - The Secretary, Sadussiva Usso PO'f'lobo DeSS(!1;.

Cia •

Administration Office of Quepem

Section of Comunidades

10 There having been divergency between the boundaries contained in the iIDtial petition and those verified on the spat at the time ad' me(j,suI'ement" 1:tis a;ga:in ,announced tha;t an llliculti:V'aked ,and t'nused p}ot na:rried «Qu!bteac:o:d'il Miaddb, situated at CacIJra and, belonging to the Comunidade of the same, viras measured out to be leased to Xamba Govinda Sinai Ca'co!dca;r, r:esiimng at V'a:s:co da Ga;ma, for tIre pu,rpose' oil' the construction of a house: The plot is bounded on the east, north and south by the remaining part of the same plot «Quiteacodil Maddb oand on the west by 'the naUonrul road which goes fram Ourchoil'em to S'angu,em, -andcarvering an aTfeia of 9HOo m" for the annual rent ofRs. 25/-. File no. 25/1961.

Cia (Repeated,

11 There. having been divergency between the boundaries contained in the initial petition and those verified on the spot at the time of measurement, it is again announced that an uncultivakeda;nd unused plot n8Jmed «QuiitOOJcodH Moddi» , situated at Cacora and belonging to. the Camunidade of the same, was measured out to be leased to Ranganata Ganaxama ,s,inai Cacodoar, residing alt Vtla NQrva; '91f OurClhorem, for the purpO!se of ,the 'construction 'of a house. The plot iils 'brounded on the east, north and south by the remaining part of the same plot «Qulteacadil MQddi» and on the west by ,the naUona'!: road which goes from Curchorem to Sanguem, and covering an area of 990 m', for the annual rent .of Rs. 25/-. File no. 26/1963.

Queipem, 5th OCitobeT, 1963. - Th:e SecJ:'etary, J aianta Vis­vonata Sinai N arcornim.


Cia (Repeatf'd)

Administration Office of Canacona Section of Comuni.dades

12 In ,accordance with the termsaiIl!d f,ar Ithe .purpase esta­blished in ,the amc1e 3'300 of the Oalde of OamUinidadies ilf is iherle'byannlafUnce:d ,that Ana Fra'll'cilsca ,~er:n~des, m~ed, born and ,res1d'i.rnrg at A;g'Onda, has' ,alPplied far the iease for the p:urpas'e 'af cansiwuCition of hou,se, the U!lloulmalted: rund unused !plat, .called «ipia;riem~la 'o,r Bella'», situ'abed' a;t Agenda and :be-1!0[Ug1n:g Ito the Comuniid'aide ,ail' Cal!lJacOID!a, cOlVlermg mu,ghly an ,aJrea of 100000 m 2 , bafUnd:ed on the 'east by the plot ·caHed «,ourvava,l a;nd Pauteabagoa» ,of LoX1iim,ana Paiica N'afuque J);ess:ai a;n:d' others; on 'tihe wem by the ,plot 0If th:e sai'<l' Comuniidade; on the north by the plolt «AbtaJta10oita aiIl!d V~dlr.6» af Bazro X-aiba Naique amJd ,ort;lhers ,and O!ll the south :by the plot of J;3aibanim Btcarro Na;ilque and others. lFi'le nO'. 53/1,9:63.

V. n.O 878/.1963 (Repeated)


8' Nos termoS 'e para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.' do C6digo das' Comunidades, se anuncia que Esvonta Loximona Poi Railcar, sol-teirO', propri'et~riO', ,residente 'em 'Banda,ra, reo quereu em aforamento para os fins de ,construgao da casa urn terreno inculto 'e desaproveitado .que' faz parte do lote n.O XIX, reservad'O para construgao da casa, sit.o em Bandora e per· tenc'ente a comunidade da mesma ialdeia,confrantando dE nasic'6nte, calm aI restante' .p3!rte do ditO' Iai1;e reservaldc n.O XIX; de poente, com 0 terr.eri'O pedido ,em af,oramento para a construgao da casa POl' Joao Inacio Gracias, de Bandora; de norte, ,com a estrada nacional e de sul, com a 2.ft adigac do lote n.O 74, na area de 1000 m'. Processo n.O 88/1963.


9 Nos termos 'e para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.' do C6digo das Comunidades, se anunciia que Madhav Anant Bhat Cumardercar, .casado, propl'lietario, ,residenteem Rama­nat~ de Bandora, r:equereu em aforamento para os fins de consttuga-o da casa urn terreno denominado «Gudietembo», sito ,em Farmagudi de Bandora e pertencente a comunidade daJ me's'ma' alldei8f ,Bandora, ,c'Onfrontando, de nas'cente', co'm ° cume de 'outeiro; de poente, com a estrada nacional que de Mardol se dirige a Ponda; de norte, com '0 aforamento con­cedido a Narcinva V,elingcar 'e de suI, com uma pederneira, na area de 1000 m'. Processo n.O 83/1963.

Ponda, 9 de Outubro de [963. - 0 Slecretario, Sadassiva Uss6 Porobo Dessai.

C/C ------+----

Administragao de Cencelho de Quepem

Sec<;ao das Comunidades

10 Por tel' havido d~vergen.cila entre asconfrQntagoes cons­ta:n:tes da p-etigao inicial e as !8Jc:hadas no 'sl'tio aiD tempo <'La med!ilgao, no'V'amente se anuncia que a Xamba Govinda Sinal Ca-codc;ar, resiidenteem V'asco :d!a Ga;ma, foi 'meilidio 'e'm afora­mento_ .para canstrug1iJa de ,ca;sa urn terreno incu1tO' €I desa­proveitado denominado «Quiteacodil Moddi», sito em Cacora e pert,encente a, comunidade da me sma, confrontando de nas­ce!llJte,- norte 'e suI, "corm 'a re'stante parte do mesmo teITeno «Quiteacodil . Moddi» e de poente, cam a estrada nacional qu:e de Our.chiorem se diirilg'e a S8JnIgUem, na aT'ea de 9HO m" e com 10 iioI1o an.uo de Rps. 25/-. ProcesSQ n.O 25/11961.

C/C (Repetido)

11 Por teiI' havido 'di'vergencia entre as .confiI'ont'agoes cons­tantes da petilgao inici'al e !8lS alchadas no. sRio a:D ,tempo da medigao, na'V'aJmente 'se anuncia que a RangaI1lata GonaXIama Sinai Caeadear, residente em Vila NOVTa de Curcho'rffin, foi medido em aforamento para construgao deoasla, um' ter:reno mcultoe de'saprorveit'aldo den:orninadO' «Quite:l'codn Moddi,', sito em Cacora e pertencent·e a comunidade da m'esma, confron­tando de nascente, norte e suI, com 'a restante parte do mesmo terreno «QuiteacodH Moddi» , e de 'poen'te, ,com a estrada: na­cionail que de Ourchorem sle di:rdige a Sianguem, na arela de 9'90 m', e com '0 fO!1o anuo de R.ps. 25/-. P,roc6s:s0 n.O 2:61/1961.

Quepem, 5 de OutUibro de ,1963·. - 0 Secreta rio, Jaianta Visvonafia Sinai Narcornim.



Administra~ao do Concelho de Canacona

Sec<;ao das Comunidades

12 No'S terlrrJ!os e p!ru~a O!s flilns do displa'Sto nQ artigD 330.° do G6di:go .das Comumd'aJde:s, se anunc:iJa que Ana F,1"a;ncisrca ~eI1D:an:des, cas'aJda, natural e :re!siid1ente em Agonda, requereu .em a:f.o,rarrnento iP'aTa ,canstrug§;o ide ,ca;s:a, 0 tenreno incuR\) e desapimrvettado :dienominaido «IPiariemoila ou Bella», s:iJt0' em .AJgolnda e p.e,rtenoente a com1IDiJdalde de Oanaco[U8f, ll'aJ ar.e!8l prav8;vel de .10000 m 2 , canlfr.ontanldo de nascelll!te, ,com 00 ter:r.e!110 dJenauTI!inadQ «G;urvalvail e PauteaJbai!ga» ide LDximona Pa1!ca Na:ique Des,s,ad ,e OIUltrO's; de' poente, com 0 terreno da: diita caimunilda,d.e,; de nO'r.te,co:mo terre'll'o «.AJbialta;r.colta Ie V:i:dre'» de Bozr6 Xa;ba: N!l!:iJque e outros e de suI, cam '0 predto de Ba;booiim Bicaro Na'iique e outras. Proicesso n.O 53/19'6'3.

G. n.O ,878/1963 rRepetido)

13 ill 'aiccocrdaillce wJith the: terms =d fo[' Ithe ,punposle 'esta­bliShed in the ,alr-tiiCle 3:30, of the Colde of OomulIllitdruclJe:s, i!~ is herielby alll'll'OiUlllc:ed rt::hat l\11aTlgaJrida Fenn:=dJe:s malrried, !born a;rud res!h:l:in,g ,alt ~go!lJJclJa, ha;s ajp!ptie.d £'olr the leas.e, for :the jp:ullp!osle lof cO!lJJstructi!ollJJ of horuse, the IUlllouLtiJV'a:ted and unuseld

'\plot, ,ca;Hed «PariemJo:la '0[' Bella», sLtu'ated Sit A,go:nda and Ibe­JJotngJng 'to 'the COlITlUnilda:de ef Cana,co'll'a, cOlvler~nlg T,Qughly :am. area of 1000 m 2 , bOlunlded o:n the eMit iby ibhe ;p10t ,caHed «.Gurva;vo,l and BaiUteaibaga,» of LoXiiIJl:On8: Paioa NwLque iDessai and oltJhe:r:s; on fue west tby the plot 'Of the s,a~d OOlITllUntdade; 100 ;j;Ihe nOlr'th by the plolt «Abiruta.Lcoita alnd V~dr:e» of (B,ozrol X,aJba Natque ilIIllld o,tJhers and en the seuth iby the (plot 'of

.Ba;bonim iBiicalm Naliique :atl1Id otheTs. ~He no,. 54/1963.

V. no. 879V1;963 (Repeated)

141m aoco,rdancewith the t'erms allJJd fOlr Ithe tPur,po:s'€ ,os,ta­blished iln thealrlt~c1e 3'30 of the COlde of Ooanu,ntdrudJe:s, i!~ is her'eby announced that Av:elina Fernandes, ,ma;rried, borJl all1ld r,es!idilllig laJt ~goaJJda, has a!p[llie.d f,o,r the leas.e, fiQlr the jp,urpos'e lof cOIIJJS:truot<tcn of horuse, :the ulnouluV'aited and unused :plot, ,claHed. <~Pariemola olr Belil&» , sitU'ated at A,gonda andjbe-10ilJiging Ito 'the Comuuidaide .of Can8!c'olll'a, cOlvleriilJig roughly 'an ,a:rea of 1000 m 2 , bOluntded on tlhe ,easlt Iby the plot ,called «Gurva VOtI and P:au:teabaga» of Lc'X4n:cn.a Pate:a Na1que IDessai and OItihers; om fue west Iby the ,pletoil' the said QomuniJdade;

,on tihe nOlI"bh by the plolt «AbiaJtalooita alnd ViLdrle» of i8.ozro Xa!bl>l Nruqueantd on ithe:wuth bY' the plolt oil' BaJbonilITl BieaJro _NaIi!que and others. lFJ<le no. 55/19'63.

V. mo. 8'80/19'613


.w l!n aceo,rdainee with the t'e,rms and f,or thepurpos'e ,esta­blis'hed in the ,alr!ti.cle 3'30 of the Celde of Coa:;nu.n,:,d3Jdes, i~ is

_hereby ,aJllill!ouncetd th3Jt Piledaide Fe:rna,ndes, marr~e:d, resJ-dmg at A,gendi3., ha:s a,piplie:d fO'r the leas'e, fOlr the tPurpose of ·cons'trudi'on 'oil' house, the uncultilv:alted aUld unused plot, ,caHed «IPla,rieunola o,r Bella», sit,ua:te.d at ~gollJJda aln.d <be­rOllliging Ito the Comunidalde ef CallJJacolll'a, cOlVlerilllig 110tughly an ,a;rea of 1000 m 2 , bOIUinlded on tlhe east Iby the p,lot calleld ,«GurvavoJ and Plautea!ba,ga» of LO'xiiJ;nona Paie'a N:ai1que DeslSai 'ilIIlld oltlhers; on the west by the ,pIot of .the saita QOlITl!unidade; 'on tihe nOll'th by the plOtt «Abialtalcoita ailld V,LdTIe:» of BozrOt .XtaJba Nai'que an:d oltlhe,r,s ,anid :on the SOlUth by the iP10t of Bahonitm Bie:aJro Nailque, Balsu 'Vitotba Nai:que and others.

_FHe nO'. 59/19'63,. V. mO'. 881/1963


16 ill acco:lldance willth the 'terms alllJd fo,r the pu'rtpos'e es:ta­.blished in. 'the a,rtLcle 3:30 ,of the Colde of COiITllUll1LdaiCl:es, iit is .!hereby a=oll.l!1ced that COIIlce:tgao Fern:a;ndes, married, bOlrn a:rud res!ldinlg :eJt Agonda, ha;s alPlPlied fOIr the lease, f:Olr tb;e ;PUlrposle ',01f cOlll'stvuot!i!on Off hO'Ulse, :the rwncu1tiJv.aJted and =useld !plot, ,claJHed ,<~Pariemo1a 'Ol!' BeUa'», situated at A,go!lJJda and be­~ongin:g Ito the ComuntdaJde of Canacoma, cOlVleriIIJJg roughly ~ aJrea of 1000 m 2, bOIUlllc1ed ontlhe ,east ,by the ,p'lo,t ,called «GurvaVOtI a!lJJd B8Juteaba.ga» .of Lox1rn:Oilla Paic:a N:aJique D:essai auld ouhe:rs; om Ijjb;e We:slt by the [lletcf .the sard QOlITl!untdJade;

,'On me nm'bh by the plolt «cAbtaJtalcoita aiIJJd VdJdTle» of Bozro ~aJba Nailque allJJd others a;n:d,on the south Iby the tP'lQ.t of .Bafb<onim Btcam Naique and olthers. FJle n:o. 58/,19,6:3.

IV. no. 8<812/196,3


17 In a;cco,nda:nce wtiJth the t'erms alllJd f'O[' the purtp'os'e'esta­blisihed in 'the alJ:1~ele 3'30·.of the Cold:e of OO\Dl'llil:lid:alclJes, it is h&;elby a;ruruolU'lJJce:d !that FloriTIJa FeIiDJa;ndJes, ma;nralea, boom 8Jl1Id res!idilllig :alt ~go!lJJdJa, has ajp!plied flCIr the lease, fOlI' ,the

,pur:pose c'fcons'tru:cm'on '01' ho'Use, the uiIJJcU'lti:va:ted plot, .{;a:Hed «:Pa;r1e:mola;-BeUa;», situ:a:te:d <alt Agonda and be-10l!lig1ing 'to the ComunidaJdeoif CanacOllla, cOIVIeriIIJJg TtOughly anaJrea of 1000 m 2 , bounlded on tlhe rea;st by the plot oalled «GurvavoJ and Pa,utea!ba.ga» .of L,oxtlJ)Jcna Paica N:aJtque D:essai allJJd othe:rs; on 'tlb;e west <by the plot·of the said Oomunidade; ·en tihe nOll'th by the plolt «AbtaJtaLcoita a;nd Vtd;rle» of iBczro X!alba Naique allJJd ,citlher;s ,a:n:d :cn the S!OlUth Ibythe .plot 'Of .BabonilITl BiJclaro Naiqu,e a:nd o!tfrlJers.Fl1e no. 57/19'6,3.

V. D!O. 1883/191613 (Repeated)


13 Nos te!1lITJ!CIS e paira ,os fins, dO'dilSlp'o:sltiO IJ!O ar,tigo 330,.° do C6:dLg;o tdas Ocmumda;dies, s'~ ilIIllu!lJJcila que 'Ma;ngaTidJa Fer- • nandes, ,ca;sa;da, n8Jtur:al e re:stdent'e em AgolllreJla, reqUJe:reu :em aiforalme:nlto' pa;ra ,co!lllsti;rugao de ,casa, 0 tea:,reiOJo inou1tJo e desa[lll'!o,ve1taldo ldienominac1o «IParie:mola ou BeLla», s:ilto em. Agonda; e peI1uencenite a comuniJdade de Oam:acolll'8J, na aDeaJ prc,v3;Vlel de ,1000 m 2, cOlIJJfrlc:ntandOt de nascente, ,com 'O! terr:elllJo dellJJomiJn&do «G!urvavol e tPauteaJb,a,ga» de LOximiclll3; pa)~ca Niatque De!ssai e 10lultros; de p:oente,com 0 !bOOrleno dia dilta co'munitdade; de nOivte, com '0 tenneno «Abi-a;talcoit<a e V,idre'» de Bczr6 X!a;ba Nalilqu:e e 'OU!tnolS e de suI, ,com '0 predilo de Babonim Bica;r6 Nanlque Ie cutros. P'ro,cesso' n.O 54/196'3.

G. Ill. ° -87-9,/;19163


14 N'Os termo!S e ,pa,ra ,CIS fins ,dc' df:s!po,slt:o IJ!O' a:!1ttgo 330.0 db C6tdig;0' drus OJmulIJJiJdald!es,se ,anunda que A verina Fer­nandes, ,ca;sa;da, D!aJtur:al e re:sident'e em A,gomda, l1e:quereu 'em- afo,ramehTtlo'"paT'a {~onstrugao de ,ca;sa, .0 terren,o illlcuLto e desEljp:ro'Veitaldo tdenOimina;do «IP~Lr'ie:mo'la ou Bella», s:ilto ern Algol11da; e pe'rtencente a cqmwll'ida,de de Oa:nacona, llru arel8J pDolvaveI de, 1000 m', confrontando' de n-ascem'be, C'cm 0 predilOt «iGurva'Vol ,e Paute'wbaJg.ai» de LO'xi:mona Pa~C'aJ lJ.\Tt&I:lqu:e' [i)es,s:aJJ e '0'utvos; de poente, 'C'om 'QI te'rren'o' aaJ dilta 'comuui'da'de; <de Il'oiribe, oom '0'tel1re!D!Q .«Albi'8Jta,lctQlta 'e VJdve» ,de Bo,zr6 XaJb'a: N!Mque Ie de ,suI, co'm 0' ipveai:o de' B:wbonum Bi'cwr6 NaJique e oUltros. Pnoces'StQI n.O 5'5/1,963.

G. n.O 880H963 (RepeUdo)

15 Nos telrlmos e [l,ara 'Os fins dOt dilE!p'olsl~e, nO' a:rti,g1o 330.° dc C61dLg;0 <laS' Comunidades, ",'e anlun.cia que Piedade Fer­n8Jndes, ,cas'BJd:a, nmtur:al e re'stdent'e em A,gomda, l1equereu lem a:folra,me:nto' para .co.nstrugao ,de ,casca, 0 terreno' inculto e desajpll1oveitaJdo denolIninadc «IPiaritemcla ou Bella», s:i!to em Ag.o:ndw e pentencellJJte a comu!D!iidade' de Ga!D!3Jcona, nw arelal pr'O,va;vlel de ,1000,m2 , collllfY'OntauldO' ,de nascen:te, com ,0, ter:reno de:nommado' «iGUirva'Vol e Paultelrubalgal» de Loximon:aJ P'a,ilca lNatque DetSis,aD. e 101u:bros; de ptO'ente, C;Qm 0, :tOOl1eno, da diita comll'llidad:e; de nOtl'te, com .0 ,terDeno, «Abila;ta;lteo'iJal 'e Vidnel» de Hozr6 XaJba Nal~qUie e cutmls 'e de suI, .c'om 0 pred;o de Ba;hcnitm iBrilc8Jr6 NaliJqU'e, Ba;!SiU Viltoba: NaJilqu:e ,e' o'Ultrols. Pro'" ce:s:s'O 111.° 59/196'3.

G. n.' 881/Uli63


16 NolS tenmos e ,para ,0tS finis do d1is!p:oslto' IJ!O al!'tLgo 3,30.0 do C6di,g:o daiS Com'ltilldaldes., se :a:nullJcfua que OOIlllCeigilJO' Fer­nandes, ,cMIa:da, nalturlal e relSlident'e eIITJ A,gomda, ,11e:que,reu em aifoJ:"ameruto palrlaconstrugaO' ide :crusa, 0 terrello iuoultQ e des:ajpll101veitado denolITllinia;do «IP,ariemola ou Bella», SilDO em AlgOlndaJ e pertelllcen:te a comUlll'iJdaide de Oa;na'coillla, naJ al'e:a: pro:v3;Vlel de ,1000 m 2 , con!l',Ylontando de nas,cente, com 'O! terr:eno denoilll'inado «Gu:rvavOil e i8auiJeaJbaga» Ide LOxi.mona Paica Natqu:e DessaD. e 10U<t1'0IS; de pO€tl1Jt,e, com Ot itoorenc' d:a di<ta cOlmU!l:Jj;dalde; de nOJ:1De, com :0 ,ter-reno' «AbiiaJba;lico'tal <e: V1drei» de iB'ozr.o X!aJba NaJilqU!e 'e 'OUltTIOIS ,e de, 'SuI, ,com '0 pl1erdiiQI de

. Balbcn!i:rn B~c1l!r6 Na:i:que :e mrtvo's. PrO'ces'scl n.,o '5'8/19,63.

G. n.O 882/11963


17 NolS tenmolS e pa"ra ,CIS fm do d1is:poslto no a;rttg;o 330.° do C6d!igo idas Oomunidades, s:e anunci:a Ique Fl'Oil'in!a F&­naJDJdies, :cMIa:da, naJturial e relSiidente em A,gollJJda, l1eque:reu em atforame:nto tP'aJra ,C!omtrugao de ,casa, '0 teI1relllJQ i!lJJoulto de:nomin;aJdO' «iPaJrile:modlaJ-Bella:», sttQ em Agonda e' pe!t~ten~

,cente a comundJdaJde de Oam:aeOl!llaJ, na! anea; p:YQvavel de 1000 m', ,conf,ront<amtdO' de n'a!scen;te, 'com '0' 'berrenol den;ommwdo' «Gurv:a'VIOJ ,e LPaute'albaJgaJ» de lioxiimollJJa lPwlca N<a;i:qu:e 'Dess,a;i e 'Outros'; de pOlente, cOlm '0 'terven<Qt daJ d~ta ,colITlunilid1l!oe; de 1Il0'r,te, co'm 0< 'terneD!o «cAbilaJtarcOIDaJ e V:~drel» de BOIzr6 Xaiba: Nalilque e outy,ose de suI, cOlm 0' ip'vedio: de lBaJbon,im Bicaro Na;ique e 'outro's. P'roces'S'O' n." '57/1'96,3.

G. n.O 883/19·6,3



18 In 'accoXldalIl,ce wJlth the 'terms and :l3o:r !the PU'I'Ip'os'e esta­blished in .the .a;:r'ti:cle 3!30 ,of the COl(le of OO'llruiThiidialdles, tt is iheme'by ia:tl!llIounJc:ed tihaJt Sanft:an:a F'ernandes, Uill!ffi'amI'Xed, b'orln a'nl,d res~i!dinlg ialt ~onJcl!a, has a;pplied £:OIr the lease, roil' lthe P'UJI'prolsle 'of c:onJs'tvuoti'orn: od' horulS,e, ithe ,ulllclUltivraJted amid' UJnrused pLot, ,c3JHed «IPariemola 'o,r BeLlai», s'itru'a1Jed at A,gotllJda and: lbe-10llljgin:g Ito the Comunioda;de ,of Can8Jcona, c:01V',eming To:ughly ainaJrea of 1000 m 2 , bOlUnllle.d o:n bhe ,ea;slt by 1Jhe ip10t (8)ned «Gurva;VloJ and Pa;utea'ba,ga» of LOXi1Inona; PaJlca N:a'ilque ,DieslSai anld. olbheI1s; on the weslt ,by the plot ,olf the sal'd QOlIT1unidl8Jcl!e; on the nOIl:'th by 1Jhe, i)lolt «AbiaJta1co!ta and Vild;rfe» of iBozro Xalba Na1que alilid ()Jthems ,and Ion the SIOruth :by the ploe of BabOinim Bic3JI1o Nailgue, Balsu 'Vi't'dba Najjque aJild QItlhieI1s. I0He no. -56/1963.

Chauri, 30th March, 1963. - The Secretary, Ghitaranjana Xemb:u Sinai Quencro.


Administration Office of the Comunidades of Goa

19 In a-::lcordance with land for the purpose ,established in the article 330 of the Code of Oomunidades, in force, it is her:~by announced that Ananta B:alcrisna Sinai iNagorcencar, married land residing Ia;t Panjim, has appUed for the Jease of a hHly, uncultivated and unused plot for the ,construction of a house, belonging to tl1eComunidade of Cujira:, situated at the Isameand which makes part of the strip 1ll0. ill8 of the aforesaid Oomunidiade, named «Candolfun», bounded on the Wiest by the divisional limit between the strips nos. 118 and' 119; on !\:he east by the :l'emaining portion ,of the strip no. 118 and on the south by the Umitofthe viHage Cujira, a plot 'Which ~s bOl'dering the publi,c road, ,covering an al'ea probably of 1000m2.

Goa, 30th September, 1963. ~ The Secretary, V'iit'QlZa Malu Poi Vernencar.

V. no. 967/1963

• AdministraC$ao das Comunidades de Bardes

20 In accordance with the teimlS and fo:r the purpose ,established in the article 330> of the Code of Comunidades, it is announced that Vinaica Pundolica Oamotim Danconcar, Tesvdilllg at OO'l'li>m ,olf iBaldez, has appliJed on >llealSle ror :the construction of a house, an uncultivated and unused plot n'am!ed «Tol&echo Sorvo» , belonging to the Oomunidadeof Corlim. It is bounded on the east by the leased plots 'of Madeva Visnum Sirodoor; on ,tiJ.·e west by the l'es'erved street; on the north by the lot no. 20, now applied on lease by Gopal­crisna Porobo Pormcar 'and on the south by the 'l:ot no. 22, now applied on lease by MadeV'a Ca-motim Danconcar, covering an area of 1000 m 2.File no. 289'/19:63.

V. no. 0894/1963 (Repeated)

21 In 3Jc,co'l'dan'ce with the, I\::el'ms aiIlld for 'th'e pucq>O'8oe· lestablished in the article 330> of the Code of Comunidades, it is announced that M'adeva Camotim Danca:ncar, :r,esiding at CorIim of Bardes, has applied on ilease for the construction ,oil' a house, an uncultivated OOid unused plot, named «Toliecho Sorvo», belonging to the Comunidade ·of Corilim. It is bounded on the east by the leased plot of Madeva Visnum Sirodcar 'e Gonum Sinai Vaglo; on the west by the reserved street; on the north by the lot nO'. 21, now applied on ~ea8oe by Vinaioo PundOlica Camotim Dancancar and on the south by the lot no. 23, cov,ering an area of 1000 ill'. FHe no. 290/1963.

V. no. 895/1963 (Repeated)

22 In the tertmS 'and foir' the p'urposle lesua;b[tshed lin the aritiJ01e 330 of the OO'de of COlffilUniidades, it is hereby lannoun­oed that Caxirama Panduronga Salvi, from Corlim, has ap­plied for lease for the purpose of the construction of a house, OIllIe uncultivated and unused plot named «'l1ollli:echO' SOIrvo:», belonging to the Comunidadeof Corlim, bounded on the east by the reserved street; on the west by the lot no. 17 of the said Comunidade; on the north by the lot no. ,5A now appUed by Megaxama Ananta Sunwar and on the south by the lot no. 4 now appliled by AtIIJa;I'aJIUa Dattatr8Jia Frudique, eo'V'emng an area of 1000 m 2 approximately. File no. 293/1963.

V. no. 896/1963 (Repeated)


18 NolS termols epara 0;80 fins .cto dis!pioslto, no wrtigo' 330>.°' do ,C6Idigo da80 C:omuniidadelS, sle 'anru;ruci;a .qu.e'lS,anitana Fe,r-' n8Jildes, sOIl<teilro, naitul1aJI e' resdJdie!!1lte em Ago:tl!daJ, r,equereu em atfora;menuo iPiaTa ,c1olnsttr;u'g§Jo idie IC.lma, 0> te:r;reillo inculto' e delSaiP,m'V'eit8Jcl!o iClJenomin8Jdio «lP1ari€lIllJo~a ou BeHa» , ·sjlto em, AJgond3J e peI1tencente a. .QomU!ll'1daide! de OaJn8!COI[1la;, na ~l'e'8J provwVlel de 1000 m 2 , conifmlntanido, de nas,c:e:n!te, ,Clom IQo terreno, de:n!ominado «Gurva;voil e iP!autlealb'a,ga» Ide Lo!Ximona Ba;~ca, iN'aigue DessaJi e I()lutrooS,; de po'enlte, c,om 0 itel!1rlen'o da diita oomuni>da;de; de n'oil'te, com 0 ,te'rl'elllO> «Ahi'aJtaJllco'taJ >e! Vtdr,e'» de Hozro ~aJba NadlqUie Ie 'oUitms, ,€I de, Isul, !OOlm ,0 predio de BaJbomm iBi'calrO NaWque, iBaJlls,u V!iltoiba NlaliJquel 'e' :DlUltrolS. 'P'ro­l0elSSlo n. ° '5'6/1963.

Chauri, 30 de Margo de 1963. - 0 Secretario, Gh1Itaranjana Xembu Sinai Quencr6.

G. ill.O 1884/1963, (R,epetido)

• "v ~dministra<;ao das Comunidades de Goa

19 Nos termos e para ,os fins do disposto no artigo 330.°' do vigente Codigo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que Ananta. Ba:l;cri'sna Sinaii NaJg1o'[1cencar,casa;diQ Ie 'I1esi'diente >em Pangim, requereu 'em aforamento um terreno rochoso, inculto e desa­proveitado para ,construgao duma casa, pertencente a. comu-' nidade de Cujira, sito na mesmae que faz parte do, late n.O 1118 da rHba comunidaJde de!llOlIT1inado «eandoh~m», eomron-' tJ8Jildo de poelllJt'Gl, {lOm '0 limite 'divisorjjo 'e!l1tI'e OSi I~OiUe'Si n. os i,18 'e 119; de nascente, com a restante parte do 'lote n.O '118 e de suI. com 0 limite da aJde~a Oujilr'a, lueI'I1ern:o!que e ItnJa.Tginal a. es­ibraJd!a publica, :n!aarlea; .pr'olvaVle'l de 11000 m 2•

""';Goa: 30 de SetembI'o de 19>63. - 0 SecIietario,' Virtola Malu Poi Vernencar.

G. n.O 967/1963 .

• Administration Office of the Comunidades of Bardez

20 Nos termos e para os fins do disposto no 'artigo 330.°' do Codigodas Comunidades, Se ;anuncia que Vina;iea Pun do­liica Camotim Danconcar, res:tdente 'em CorUm de Bardes, requereu em :afo,ramento para construgao de casa urn terreno inculfo 'e desaproveit,ado, denominado «Toliecho Sorvo» , per­tencente a. comunidade de CorUm, confrontando de na;scente, com os aforamentos de Madeva Visnum Sirodear; de poente" com 0 ,caminho reservado; de norte, com 0 ~O'te n.O 200'1:'& requerido por Gopa1crisna Poroho Porricar e de suI, com 0>

lobe n.O 22, ora requerido pOI' MadeV1a Camotim Dancoillcar, na area de 1000m2

• Processo n.O 289/1963. G. n.· 894/1963:


21 Nos termos e para os fins do dispostO' no artigo 330.° do Codigo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Madeva Camotim Danca;ncar, residente em Corlim de Bardes, requereu em aforamento para construgao de ·casa, urn terreno inculto '8'

desaproveitado, denominado «Toiliecho Sorvo», pertencente a. comunidade de Corlim, confrontando de nascent'e, com 0

aioramento de Madeva Visnum Sil'odcar e Gonum Sinai Vaglo; de poente, com 0 caminho reservado; de norte, com 0 lote n.O 21, .ora requerido por Vinaica Pundolica Camotim Dancancar e de suI, com 0 lote n.O 23, na area de 1000 m 2


P:roC'8SS0 n.O 290j1963. G. n.D 895/1963'


22 Nos termOis e para 081 fins do disposto no art!:iiig:o 330.° do Codig1o da:s Oomlmidades, se l8Jllun:clta que Caxtr'a;ma Pan­dur'olOiga Sl8.llvJ, de Co'rHm, reque,re'll lem afora;mento pa'l'acons­trluga:o da casa, um te.rr'e:nOl incu1to Ie diesapro'Veitado, deno­minado «Toliecho Sorvo» pertencente a. comunidade de Cor­lim, confronta,ndo de nasoente, com 01 caminho reserV1ado; de poente, com 0 lote n.O 17 da ditacomunidade; de norte, com 0> lote n.O 5 A ora requerido por Mega.x:a;ma Ananta <S,8Jllwar, !e de suI, com 0 lo-te n.O 4, ora requerido p~r Atmarama Dat­iua;traJi:a Fa'diqU!e!, na ar:ea de ,1000,m2, 'ap'l'oXii!InadaJl1:l!ente. Pro­cesse n.O 2ge/il963.

G. n.O 896/196e: (Repetido)


31ST OCTOBE~, 1963

23 In accotdance with the terms and for the purpose esta­blished In the 'article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is an­nounced that Shivananda PurshQttam Valavalkar, residing' at Corlim, has appUed on lease for the construction of a house, an uncullti'Vated and unused plot nrumed «Toliecho SO!I'v6», ibello!ll'ging to the Comunioodie of Corlim of Bardez. It is bounded on the east by the reserved street; on the west by the ]Jot no. 17 of ,the Comuntdadie of COrllim; on the NOrr'th by the lolt no. 2, now lapplited Gn lease by Rajaralma Datarama Dubaxi and Qn the south by the reserved street, cQvering an aI1ea Qf ,100n m2• tap'rO'ximately. File nO'. 287/:19163.

V. no. 897/19,6'3 (Repeated)

24 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose esta­blished in the article 330 of the Code of CQmunidades, it is an­nounced that Rajarama Datarama Dubaxi, residing at Mapuga, bias applied on 'lea.'lle for the 'consltr'Uctton lof la hou'se, an un­cul:tivated and unu:sled plot named «Tolie:ch6 So,rv6», betlong­ling to' the CQmunidade of Corlim of Bardez. It is bounded on the east by the reserved street; Qn the west by the IQt no. 1'Z, Qf the CQmunidade of Corlim; on the north by the lot no. 3, now applied .on 1elaJSBJ by Ra;dhalcrisna D. Samallit and on the south by the. lQt no. 1, now applied on lease by Shivananda Purushottam Valavalkar, cQv,ering an area of 1000 m'. File no. 288/1963.

V. no. 898/1963 (Repeated)

25 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose 'esta­blished in the article 330 of the Code of CQmunidades, it is an­nQunced that Gopalcrisna Porobo Porricar, marrled, residing at Parra has applied on lease fQr the construction of a house, an uncultivated and unus,ed plot named «ToliechQ Sorvo», be­lJongmg to 'the CornunidadJe of Corlim. It is hounded Qn the east by the leas-ed plot of Xlembu Smali Dum6, from Mapuga; on the west by the reserved street; on the north by the lot !l1O. 19 now a;ppliJed on 16ruse by AnOil Xan<llaxtama Clatmotim and on the south by lot no. 21, now applied Qn lease by Vinaica Pundolica CamQtim Dancancar, covering an area of 1000 m'. File nO'. 286/1963.

V. no.. 899/19-63 (Repeated)

26 There having been divergency between the boundaries con!truin'ed i'n the initilrul peti'tion and ;tholse whl[.ch found at the time of measurement, again it is annQunced, in accQrd­ance with the terms and for the purpose established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, that to' Benedito AmtonilQl F'r1aindscOi [Rodriguels, l'esiding laJt Beltim havdng been measured on lease for the cQnstructiQn of hQuses, an uncuI­·tivated, rocky and unused plot named «Patolechem ran», Jot nOI. 126 IS'iltuaited :alt «alUQ de POlrvo·rim», land beIongin:g to the Comunidade Qf Serula. It is bounded on the east and nQrth by the land of the Comunidade; on the west by the land of the same CQmunidade measured in the file no. 123 of 1961 and on the south by a strip of land of the width Qf four metres along neighbouring street that from nattonal highway Betim-Mapuga leads to Paetona, covering an area of 1000 m2 allId ·on annuaJl l:ealse rent oIf ten rupees. The same plQt' has been adjudicated in auctiQn to the same ap­plicant, Benedito AntonJo Francisco RQdrigues frQm Betim, un annual lease rent of Rs. 160/-. File no. 122 of 1961.

V. no. 907/19'63 (Repeated)

27 There havdng been divergency between the boundaries contained in the ini,tial petition and those fQund on the spot at the time of measurement, again it is announced, in ac­cordance with the terms and for the purpose established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades that to Aur,elito Caetano JQaquim Menezes, residing at Reis-Magos, having measured on lease fQr the ,cQnstruction of houses, an uncul­tivated, rocky and unused plot, named «Patolechem ran», lot no. 1126, situated at the «Alto de Porvorim», and belonging Ito the OO!ffiuni!dade 'Of is'erul'a. ]t is bounded on :theeasrt aIDJd north by the land :of the Comunidade that makes part Qf the said lot· on the west by the land Qf the said lot measured in the We 'no. 122 Qf 1961 to Benedito Antonio Francisco. Rodrigues and Qn the south by a strip of land of the width of fQur metres reserved by the side of the neighbouring! street that from natiQnal highway Betim-Mapuga leads to !P:ae:tonlaJ,covering aIIl laJrea IOf 1000m" 'and 'on 'talll'll:ual le'alse· rent of ten rupees. The plot in auction has been adjudicated to the petitioner Aurelio CaetanO' Joaquim M·enezes, from Reis-MagQs, on the annual lease rent of Rs. 330/-. File no. 121 of 1961.

V. no. 908/1<963 (Repeated,


23 NO's te:ru:no'S 'e paraQs fins.do dispO'steno a;rtigo :33.0.° do C6digo drus Comunidades, anU'llcia~se qUie ShlLvananda Pur­shottam Valavalkar, residente em Corlim, requereti em afora­m8<Ilto para .oonstrugiio die 'Ctalsa, urn terrene incu'lto 'e desaprQ­veitado denominaido' «'l1oliech6 Sorv6», peribencen.te: a ,comuni­diaJdJe de OorUm de l3a;rdesl, confrontandQ die nas'Cente, com 0 caminhQ reservado; de poente, CQm 0 lote n.O 17 da comnni­dade de COl1l1m; die norte, ('.om 0 lote n. ° 2, Qrra l'leque.ridiol pOl' Rajarama Datarama Duba~i e de 'SuI, com 0' .'caminho reser­vado na area de 100.om2

, iaIP'I1O~imaJdamente. Prlo:cesso n.O 287/ 1963.

G. n.O 897/19613


24 Nos termo'S e prura os f1ns do dJisposto no arngo' 33.0.'" dio C6digo das ComunidaJdies,anuncia-se que Rajarruma Data­rama Dubaxi, res,ideate em Mapuga, requel-'eu 'em afol1amento pal1a construgaO' de 'easa, urn teITIenomou1to e desa;pro!ve:ilta~o dei;lO~nado. «1"Zltt2cl~? Sorv6» , pertenoente acomunidaJde de Corlim de Bardes, CQnfrQntando de nascente, com :0 caminho reservado; de PQente, CQm 0 lQte n.O 117 da comunidadedi;! Codim; de nOl1te, com ° 10rtJe n.O 3, <i,ra requeridQl p1orRirudha­ori,sna D. Samant 'e de \Sui, CQm 0' loue n.O 1, ora !1elC].U1e:rido' poT

ShiViananda Purushottrum V'alavrul.kJal', na area de 1tOO() m2 .. P110CesSlO n. ° 288/19,6,3.

G. n.O 898/119163 (Repetido)

25 NO's tJermos e para os fins dO' drusposto nO' al1tigQl 330." do C6dtgo flas Comunidades, sleanunci1a que Glopalcrlisna. POI'O,Jjo Porrioar', casado:, residente em Pa,rra, I1eque\l1efU' em, afor1aJmento para 'CO!ll'strugao de 'C!aS'a, urn 'uerritJenOi mcultol" e· desapl'o'VeitadJo dienomdnado «ToLielch6 SOl"v61», pe1rtencente 'a 'cQmunidade de CorUm clonfrontandQl ide nalSClenlte, Icom 0 aia-, tI'rumentO' de Xembii. S~ Dum6, de Mapuga; die: poente, iCOm 0' ,clam·inhO' reS'erVadO'; de n:oribe, ,com 0' Lote n.O ,1:9 01l.1a !r'eque­ride por Anil Xantarama CamQtim e de suI, CQm 0 lote Ii.o 21. Qra requerido por Vinaica Pundolica Camotim Dancancar, na. area de 1000 m'. Processo n.O 286/1963.

G. n.O 899/i1~63


26 P~r ter hav.iJdo! :a ,dWe'rgenci:aJ entre as confrontaJgoes: ,consltaTIJtes da petiJgi'iiO' illl!itc.ia:l e als aJchaldas laJO' Itempo da medi­gaO', 'll!olV'rumle!ll'te ,s-e ianuncita, nos uermos e' p.ara os fins dOl dis­p'0slt·O' []JOt all.'ti'go ,3130.° do C6di;gO' drus' OomUlIJ.li'daJdes, qu:'a iBlene-, dito Antoniio lilranois'cO' iROldrLguels, r,esiidente 'em Be'tim, tellido s1:dol mledtdo em aifolralmentoi p'aJraCO'!lJstrugao; de 'C'aJsas, 0' tel'" l1eno incuIuo!, l1olcholSO lei deslarp:rO'vejjta;do' de'!lJo~i!ll'aJdo; «Pa;tQ1t;:-. .chem ran» lote n.O 1C2i6, s1;to no laJl1tOi de PorvorllJll e pel'tencelllJte' a comunildaJde de .8.eIl'1JlM.,confrontando' de ll'aJs'cente Ie !tlo1"te, .. ,oom 0' IterrenO' daJ C'omun±daJde; de' poelllJte', com ~o 'terrenO' dO. m'esmo lloitei meidiidQl nO' pJ:'olcessQI n.O 1'23 de 19161 e de ,suI, :C'orn a faJlxaJ do IteTJrelllJOI da la;r.gural de 'qUiatrome'tros aJO' l~ng\o. d3J esh'adal vi·ci!ll'aJl que diru nacrO!ll',aJl, [Betim-ilWarpuga s-e dirig!~ aJ Pai'tonaJ, nal 8:11eaJ de 1000m2 Ie ,com 0' forO'8.nuo de: dez rup1as, 01 qua:! !ll'aJ hasluaJ fVeou 'alcJijuaitc'aldO' laJOi Ipropr1io me-querente, Be~ nledilto .AaJ;t6nio FrancislcQl 'Rodrigues, de Bebim" pello' TOirO anuol de Rps. 1160/-.. PTQlCe;s:sio n.O 122, de 1961.

G. n.O 907/196:3' (nepetido~ '.

27 POII' ter havido a divergencia entre as confrQntagoes' cO'nstantes da petigaQ inicial e as achadas ao tempo da. medi­gaO', novamente se anunc!ia, nos: termose para QS fms do disposto no artigo 330.° dO' C6digQ d!l;s Comunidad.es que a Aurelio Caetano JQaquim Meneses, resldente em Rels-Magos, tendo sidQ medido em aforamento para CQnstrugao de casas, um terrenQ Iincu1to, rochoso e desaprove.itado denominado «PatQlechem ran» lote n.O 1126, situadQ no alto de PorvQrim e pertenc.ente a comunidade de Serula, confrQntando de nas­cente e norte com 0 terreno da cQmunidade que faz parte do ditQ lote; de' poente, com 0' terreno do di:tO' IQte .medido n.o' pro-cess'o n. ° 1'2!2 de 11961 Ia! Belllleidilto! Arn't6n:ilO [F,ralll'Cl!S!CO ROld!t'i­gues e de suI, coma faixa do terrenQ. d.a largura de q~atro metros res:ervada aO' lado da' estrada v1C.mal que da naclOn~l Bettm-MlaJpuga s'e :dill'ige a; Palilton'a;, na al1e!a; d~ 1000 Il02 e: CQm 0' foro anuo de dez rupias, 0 qual na hasta flCQU adJud1C.a.do :aJO pr6prto relquer.ente' AureldJo, OaJetamo J'Oialqu'imtMle[l'eses', de· Reis-MagQs, pelo foro anuo de Rps.330/-. ProceSSQ n.O 121 de 1961.

G, !ll'.1'" '908/196~; (Repetido)

28' In the terms and fQr the purpose established in the 'article 330 of the Code 'Of Comunidades, it is herebey an­nQunced that Vas santa Datarama Durbatcar, from Sirgaim, has applied for lease for the p~lrpQSe of the cQnstructiQn 'Of a house, 'one unculttva1veid and unused p~Olt na::med «Silmen,cht­-iDaJte» part of IO't no,. 7'6, sli:tualuedat IS~rgaJim and he~o!!1ging tQ the Comunidade of the same village, bQunded 'On the east, 'weslt, and south by the' Iland 'Of :the C'omunidBlde laind on the . Il:mth by the national hi'ghway thaJt f'l'om MlaJpuga; Ielads 10'0 Bf"cho[dIm, covering an aJl'e!a 'of 1000 m'. File no;. ,2,96/1963.

V. !!101.909/19'63' (Repeated)

.29 In the terms and l' 'Or the purpose established in the article 330 of the CQde of Comunidades, it is hereby an­nounced th'aJt iGe,rtrudes Cec:i:UaJ A!!1a J'osef,iIn!aI iRJQdl'iguels Ie' CaJr­valh'O, has appIied fQr lease fDr the purpose of construction 'Of a hQuse, one hilly, uncultivated and unused plot, reserved ]Qt' no. 12,3, s'iltU'aJted 'alt«'allltDI de PQrvOir'im:» and :be~ollJJgillJJg 'tOi the Comunidade 'Of Serula, bQunded on the east by the land 'Of the Comunidades; 'On the west by the land 'Of ,the Comu­tti¢lade. applied for lease; 'On the nQrth by a strip 'Of said land 4 metres wide at the side 'Of municipal rQad that frQm tlle n:aJtiJon,a;v hitghway Be·tim-il.VJ'apuga }eads Itol :SauMal(!or do' 1\IItindQ and on the south by the land 'Of the said Comunidade, ,cQvering an area of 1000 m'. File nQ. 246/1963.

V. nO'. ,916/1963 (Repeated)

30 In the terms and fQr the purpose established !in the i8ivtide '330 'of itllJe OOlde 'of OomU'll!idaJde:s, dlt ,1s heTieby an­

:nOUl::Loed 'thaJt An11L XaJntaJraJm:aJ Ca::moltJ.m, from Anjuna, has applied for lease fQr the purpos,e 'Of the construction of a House, '. 'One uncu1tivated and unused plQt named «Toliecho­-Sorvo» belonging tQ the CQmunidade of Cor1im, bounded

. 'On the east by the plQt .leased ;to Gongadora Xembhu Xete M1l'z; fl'omMapwc:;a; 'On the west ',by the ,reselrv'ed .road; on the north by the IQt nQ. 18, nQW applied by Bagvanta Narayn Prabhu Tendulcar and on the SQuth by the lQt nQ. 20, nQW applied by Gopalcrisna PQrobQ PQrricar, cO'vering an area

''Or 1000 m'. File no. 292/1963.

Mapuga, 8th OctQber, 1963. - The Secretary, Manguex'a .R. 8. Quencro.

V. 1tJ!0'. 912/1963 ( Repeat .·d)

31 In alcoo,nuance w~th :the termsl H:n.d for the purlpose 'estBlblUshed iill the 3Jr-:ticle 3310 lof the Code 'orE Comunid8Jdes, it ,iIs IaJmwU!l1celdJ IthaJt S'elb!a:stiilii:o F1eilix D'SQuZla, marnied, ,majo.r .3JDJd l'es!idJing laJt A6'5~OnOr'a, has !aJpp:lied on 'LeaJse for \the cO'ns­'truct:liJOill ,of 'a house, an unDtvl:tiV'aJtedi and wmsledJ plot named <~Semilchi DhSlt», b:,,~onging 110 Ithe Oomun:idadJe of S:trQalim, It

. iIs bounded! IQn the: :easrt, WeIslt 'and 1t1OM, by the Land of the

.saJi!;l OomwnidBldJe 'and on the 'south, by :the: n:atiOlllaJl highway, ,coV'crmDlg an 'area 'OrE 100.0 m'. F1illel no,. 278/1963.

V. no. 842/196,3

32. In the terms and for the purpQse established in the article 330 of the Code 'Of CQmunidades, it is hereby an­nounced that Mrunalinibai Naique Pratap Rau Sar Dessai, residing at Aturli 'Of BichoIim Taluka, has appUed fQr lease for the purpQse 'Of cQnstruction of a hQuse, one uncultivated, hilly and unused plot, of reserved lQt nQ. 123, situated at «Ia~to de PO'l'vQri,m» aitl:d lb'elo!!JJgmg ItOI ;the OQmumd8Jde 'Of Serula, bounded 'On the east hy the land 'Of the sa:me CQmu­

'nidade; ''On the west alSOI by the land 'Of the same Comuni­da'deaJpp:}iteid on '1'eas'e; ,onl Ithe nOCJ:1th by IaJ strip 'Of }oand 4 metres .wide tOi he reserved at the s1de 'Of the municipal

'Toad 'thait frO'm the nakronaJl 'hilghway IBet1m-MapuQa, IeaJds tQ Salvador dOl Mundo, and O'n the SQuth by the land 'Of the

. said 'CQmunidade, cQvering an area 'Of 1000 m'. Fi1e nQ. 274/ /11963.

V. nQ. 925/1963

33 In the terms and fQr the purpQse ,established in the article 330 of the CQde of CQmunidades, it lis hereby an­nounced that Pramilabai Naique Pratap Rau Sar Dessai, residing at Aturli of Bicholim Taluka, has applied fQr lease for the purpose 'Of the constructiQn 'Of a hQuse, 'One unculti­vated, hilly and unused plQt 'Of reserved lot no. 123, situated

,at «BlLto de iP'O'rv;orim»and Ibelongi'rug Ito the Comun!idade of Serula, bQunded 'On the east by the land 'Of the same CQmu­nidade; 'On the west alsQ hy the land 'Of the same Comuni­·~ade applied for lease; 'On the north by a strip of said land


28 Nos termQs e para 'Os fins dQ dispostQ nQ arUgQ 330:' dQ C6digQ das CQmunidades, se anuncia que Vassanta Data· rama Durbatcar, de Sirgaim, requereu .em aforamentQ para construc:;aQ da casa, urn terreno incultQ e desaprQveitadQ denQ­m:inadQ «Simenchi-Datte» parte dOl' lote n.O 76, situadQ em Sirc:;aim e pertencente it. comunidade da mesma, confrontando de nascente, poente e suI, CQm a terra da cQmunidade e de 1lJJQ!J:1te,com a e!SltnaJda ,nacti'onail ,que de· lMiaJpuc:;a lS,e ,dirige: a BtchQlim, na area de '1000 m'. PrQcessQ n.O 296 de 1963 .

G. n.0909/1933 (Repetido)

29 NOis termQs e para 'Os fins dO' dispostQ nQ artigQ 330.° dQ CodigQ das CQmunidades, se anuncia que Gertrudes Ceci­lia Ana JQsefina RQdrigues e Carvalho, residente em BichQ~ lim, requereu em afQramentOi para construc:;aQ de casas urn terrenQ outeiral, incultQ e desaprO'veitadO', do lQte reservadQ n.O 1:23, stbor no' aH:o' de Porv'o:l'Iim '81 pel1vencen·te it. comulliidBlde de Seru'la;,cQnfrQntandQ de nascente, CQm '0 terrenQ da mesma comun-idal(!e; de p,oente', ·com 0 Ite'rrerrro- daJ mesma; 'Co-mumdaJde requeridQ em afOiramentQ; de nQrte, 'Com a faixa dQ ditQ ter­'re!l]'O' daJ h!!rgura de IquaJtro' me!trO's paira 8 le'r reseTIVada 810

ladQ da estrada municipal que da naciQnal Betim-lVIapuc:;a se dirlige a Salvador dQ MundO' e de suI, CQm '0 terrenQ da l'ef,eridaJ comunidaJde, illIaJ 'areaJ de 1000m'. P,rO'cess'Ol n.o 24'6/ /1963.

G. 111'.° 916/1963 (Rp.pettdo)

30 Nos termos e para os fins dQ disPQstQ no artigo 330.° dQ C6digQ das Comunidades, se anuneia que Ani! Xantarama Ca:motim, de Anjuna, requereu em afQra:mentQ para CQns­trugao da casa, urn terrenQ incultO' e desaprQveitadQ, deno­m i ll1ado «To.JIi'echO'~,s.orv6», pelrtence:I1!te it. comunMade de CQrlim, confrQntanaQ de nascente, com 0 afQramento de GQn­gadQra Xembu Xete Muz, de Mapuga; de PQente, com '0 cami­nhQ reservadQ; de norte, CQm .0 lQte n.o 18, 'Ora requeridQ por Bagvanta Narayn Prabhu Tendulcar e de suI, CQm '0 lQte n,O 20, 'Ora requeridO' PQr Gopalcrisna PorQbO' PQrricar, na area de 1000 m'. PrQcesso n.O 292/1963.

Mapuga, 8 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 SecretariQ, Mangue:xa R. 8. Que:ncr6.

G. n. ° 912/19£3 (Repetido)

31 Nios terll11!01S e para QIS fros 00 di!S1p'olsiJor no ,wrtigo330, ° dOl C6digo das OomunriilJadies, 'se anun:Ciila quel S:ebaJSltiao, Fe1lix D',Sousa, CiaJSai(]Q, lInaiQlr de :i:dJade e I'elStidielntel elm ASSlono,ra, l'Iequel'eu em Ia;fQI'atrnJento p'aJI'a 'CIO!ll'S:tI1Ugfuo Idle easlal, IUJm ter-1100'0 incul1lo Ie des!aJp'l'iO'veitaJdJO' denommadlO' «8eltll!iohi Dhak», :pertencente it. comunidiaJdie de Sil'gairrn, eOll1fno!!1iJandQ die nas­cente, poente Ie ,noit"te, ICiom :t:errenO' da dlita ,comuniida;de e de suI, estradJa n8IciOfllJail, nla wea die 101001 'm'. Poo!celssQ n.o 278/ /1963.

G. n.O 842/196.3

32 NQS termos e para 'Os fins dQ dlisposto nQ artigQ 330.° do C6di:gQ das OomwnidaJdes, 's,e, anuncLa ·que iJII.!'rull1!alinibaiJ Naii­que PraJtap !R;aJu ISar :DessaJi., ,resident-e' em .A:turli dOl eOlllJce­IhO' de Bi'choHm, .requereu e'm aifo'I'amenlto para 'Construgao de calsas urn Iterl'eno 'oute:il'iall, iII1Jculito' e de,sa'ProV'eiltadO', do ~o've reservadQ n.o 123, sito nQ alto de PQrvQrim e pertencente it. comuniJdade de SeruM., ,coml'orntandol de naS'Ciell1'te, com 0' te,r­reno da m,eiS'maJ comunidaJde·; de pOlen'be, Iva;mbe:rn ,com 0' 'ter­reno daJ m'e'sma ·comunidade relqueddo em aioramento'; Ide nQrte, com a faixa dQ dito terrenO' de largura de quatro me­trQs para ser reservadaaQ CLado da estl'iada mun1cipa:l que da nacional Bet~m-Malpuc:;a se' ldirlige .aJ· ,sail'V1ador do Mundo 'e de' suI, com 0' 'tel'reno d8i 'referidaJ cOlmull1'idade, n,a wre'a; de 1000 m' . PrQcesso n.O 274/1963.

G. n.o 925/1963

33 Nos termQs ,e para 'Os fins dQ disPQsto nQ artigo 330.° dQ C6digo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Pramilabai NaJi­que Pratap Rau Sar Dessai, residente 'em AturIi dQ eoncelho de BichQlim, requereu em afQramento para cQnstrugao de caJsas, urn Ite'N'eno 'Outeir,al, mcultol ,81 desa'Pl'Qv,e:iJtaldQ, do' l'O'te reservadQ n.O 123, 8itQ no altQ de PQrvOirime pertencente it. co,mun1dade de is'erul'a, c'Onf.rollitan'do de' illJaJscerrte, ·com· 0' te,r­reno daJ mesmacomumdaJde; de, po!ente, Itallibem com 0 ter­reno da mesmru ,cO'mun:iida;de l'ielque;ri'd'O' 'em af.Qra,menot'o; de nQrte, CQm a faixa dQ dito terrenQ de largura de 4 metrQs para ser reserv;adQ aO' aadOi da estrada; municipaJlque da

" .31ST OCTOBER) 1963

4 metres wide to be· r,eserved along the municipal road that from the national highway Betim-Mapul<3- leads to Salvador do Mundo, covering an area of 1000 m2. File no. 273/1963.

V. no. 926/1963

34 In the terms and for the purp0'se ,estwbUshed in the ar­tide 3'30 of :th:e Code'of lC0'muniJdwdes, it is hereiby annoulll­coo th8Jt Chanda Sinai Boreal', hals applied :Dor loose for the purpose 'Of the cOlllstructiolll of 'a hOlUSel, one unCiulti~ated, hilly :and unused plQt llIaIIDed «Temerilcho-Skl1rvol», situated at Ma'Pu~a a!Il'd Ibelongi!Il'g tOi the ComUlllidrude 'of the same: village', bounded on the east by the ~ot no. 47 belonging 1\10 VassUJderva Altmarama iPo:robo iDesslwi; on ,the !West by the land 'I'es'e,nred for road 'wf'ter whkh is' siJtua!ted the' plot leas1ed toi Mirudeva Xelll,eoraNroque'; ,on Ithe no'ruh Iby ithe Irund olf ;the Cbmuniidade res:e:rV'edJ fior road and Olll the south by the :land lof the Comu­n'idalda - plOlt no. 45 Ba'pphi'ed 'on lease' by VinaJeca; Sinai Dumo,covering ,an a,re'w of 1000m2. File '110'. 2,98/1963.

V. no. 9<34/1916'3

35 Iili the tero:ns 'and for the pUripose established in the aT­tide 3'30 of :j;:he ,c0'de of Comun!i1dades, it is herelby lalllnoun­ced thalt [M)aria Justini'ana A:ssilziltru de' iMJe:ne2Je's, res:iJdi!Il'g at S,anta-Cruz" ,has lappLied for the ,cionStTUJCtiQIll ,of :a h'Ous1e" one UIliculti'Vated, 'hiUy =d unus'ed prot iIl!amled «Oidlem-:So·nguh>, belolllgmg ,to the CO!ITlJUnidiade of ;pa:lerne, bounded 10111 t:heelast by aJ strip oil' 5, metil"€s after whlch dis Isituated the plot mela­sured to A1ar~co Mascal'enhas; on the noI'th and west by the land ioil' the ComuniOOdle ianld 0111 thel 'Sloluth by a ~es:erved strip of 5 metres fo'r· sltreet arf5telr which is siituruted :the Ialll,d of the sam'e Gomurrrtdaide, corvertngrun lrurea of 1000 m'. Fl1e no. 297/1963.

V. no. ,944/1963

36 There having been divergencies betw,een the boun­dar~es a:s 'tndicated !in the mitial petition and thos,e ¥eriil'ied on the spot at the time of measurement, it is again announced in the terms and for the purpose ,established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, that ,one plot of nature «Moroda» named '«Ba;mna-Tovo~> situated at :the ward [)at and ibelon;gin;g to the Comunidade of Tivim, bounded on the ,east by the iPC!'O[perty of TeI'eza Maria; lPereiil"a; on the :wiest ·and north by the land oil' the IOomunidade and Ion tihe s:orutJh !by the [pro­perty of Natalia Maria Pereira, co¥ering an area of '9197,50m' and with an annual lease rent of ten rupees, was measured out to be leased to Isabel Pereira, wife of absent, Sebastiao Deonisio Pereira, from Tivim, for the purpose of the cons­truction of ,a house. File no. 206/1962.

V. no. 953/1963

37 In the terms land for the purpose established in the article 330 of the Oode of Comunida;des, it is hereby annou,n­oed that Vassanta Mucunda MaJencar, from Penn,em and resi­dilIlg ,at ,the ward Camsvado ,otE Ma;puga, has alPpHed rOT lease for the punpose ,of the construction lof a house, one hilly, uncultivated and unused plot named «Temericho-Sorvo», sttua;ted at Carasvadlo ,of lMapwl<3- an'd be~onging to the COmu­nidade oil' the same village, bounded on the least by the plot leased to. ILtma lFil"aiIl!cis'oo de Sa; on: the west and iSoutih by the plots of Miguel Oarasco and on the north by the plot of Maria Sabina de Souza, ,covering an aI'ea of 1000 m'. FiTe no. 301/1963.

V. no. 974/1963

38 In the terms and for the· purpose established in the arUcIe ,330 'Of the Oodeoif Com'llilltdaJdes, it !is hereby annol\lill!oed that Nougo TrimbacaNaique Manrencar, from Duler of .Ma­pruga, ihas a,ppUed for [ease lfi0'rtihe [pwr;pose lof the coilllStrnc­tton: of ia house, one hilly and uncultivated plot named «Bate­cho-Sorvo»,situated a;t Corlim and belonging to. the Coimuni­dade of the same, 'V11lage, iboundied on ttJhe ,east, nor:tih and south by the land 'Of the same 'lot of Comunidade, and on the west by the land leased to Niaguexa Colo, of Oorlim, covering an area of 1000 m'.

Mapuga, 10th .october, 1963. - The Secretary, Manguexa R. S. QuenC'ro.

V. no. 979/1963 ----+---



39 Tlhe aiJ::J-olVementioned Oomunidade is iheJ:leiby :convened for an e~traordm3il'y m,eetmg, at its :l\feet:ll!lg Hall Olll ibhe 3rd Sunday, afi.er the puibltcaltiol!l of <this notfuce liiIl! tI:lhe Go:-


nacional Betim-Mapuga se 'dirige a Salvador do Mundo e de ·sul"oom 01 iterreno Ida! Tefelrida 'comun-rdade,· na areru de 1000 ffi'. Prooosso n.0273/1963. '

G.n.o 926/1963

'34 Nos termose para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.° do C6digo das Oomunida,des, anuncia que Chanda Sinai Bor­car, residente em Mapuga, requereu em aforamento para construgao da casa, um terreno inculto:, rochoso e desaprovei­tado, denominado «Temericho-Sorv6», sitoem Mapuga e per­telllcente ,a, comuntdalde da mesmaJ ,a;ldeiJa:, ·conifrolllitrundo de nascente, com 0 lote n.o 47 de Vassudeva Atmarama Porobo Dessai; de poente, com 0 ;terreno reservado para caminho depots do qual fica 0 aforamento concedido a Madeva Xen­cora lNailque; de nOlrte"coimo ,terreno, dru ,comunidalde J:leser­vado para ca;minho e· de sul, com 0 teI'reno da,comunidade -I0'te n.O 45[8 relquerildo em af0'rrumento' pOT iVilllrue'ca Si,naiiJ Dumo, na area de 1000 m2. Processo n.O 298/1963. .

G. n.O 934/1963

35 Nos termos ,e para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.° do COdigo das Comunidades; se anuncia que Maria Justiniana Assizita de Meneses, residente em Santa-druz, requereu em aforamento para construgao dacasa um terreno ,duteiral, incuH)o e desalprolV'eitaldo" deillominaldol «Odlem iSoI'gul'», -per­tencente a, comunidade de Pi:l:eI·ne, eonfr-ontando de nascente, com a faixa reservada de 5 metros depois da qual fica 0

terreno medido ao Sr. Alarico Mascarenhas; de norte e poente, COim 0 ,terreno da dilta! ,comuill!i!drude' e de, sul', com' 'a! falii8Ja reservada de5 metros para travessa depois daqual fica 0 terrenod3Jmes,ma comunidade, na larea! de 1000 m'. P,rocess0' n.O 297/1963.

G. n.O 944/1963

36 POir ter havido drvergenclas 'entre as comrontagoes con-stantes da [peti:gao ini1cial 'e as ,a;,ciha;das no s,j,tio. ao tempo da mecligfuo, novame!Il'te se anuncia nos te:rmJ'os e para os tEans do disposto n'O 8JI'tiiG;O' 330.° do C6digo das Comunidades que a Isahel lBererra, l,lI1uHl!er do ausente is:e'bastia·() DionisilO IPeneka, de Tivim, tEod. med!ido ,em ,aif:o:rament:o !paTa ,constmI'gwo da ,cas a, um terr8!Ilo. da natulneza «IMhroda» denom1:nado ,«'Ea;,mna-To,vo», sito ino ibairx:OI ·nat e pertencente a, 'cornu­nildade de IT'iivcim, Iconfirontando de na;s:cente, com Q !premo' de fI'1ereza Maria P'ereira; de poente ,e norte, ,com Q terreno da -comunidade e de sUII, Icom 10 premo de Namlia Maria Pie~eira, na l{urea de .997,'5{1 m· ,e com 0 foro 8.n1l10 de dez !l1Upias. ~o­cesso: n.O 206, de 1~'62.

37 .Nos te,rmos e pa,ra 'os' fins do dis!po.sto 'l1!0 a.rliigo 3'30.° do C6digo das Comunidades, se anu!Il'cia que Vassanta Muounda Maencar, natural de lPernem ,e res:idoote no:ibaltrno Carasw&do de Mapuga, re,quereu emafora;menito para fconstru:gao' de casa um teIT'enlO .mculto, ,TOIchosoe desapr:olVeitado oenommado «TeIDerilch6-Sorv6» sito lem Caras'Va;d6 e pertencente a. ICOilDlU­nidade de Miapu~a, confrontando de nascente,com 0 afOlra­mento de Lina Franci'sco de Sa; de poentee suI, com os de Miguel OarascOi e de nOrte, com 01 de Maria Sabiill!a de Sousa, na; area de 1000 m2. Prooesso n.O 301/1963.

G. n.O 974/1963

38 Nos termose para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.° do Cooigo das Comunidades se anunciaque Naugo Trimbaca

. Naique ManI'encar, de Duler de Mapuga, requeneuem lafora­mento .para ,construgao da casa urn rterreno outeiraI e inculto denommado «Ba:techo-Sorv6», sito em CorUm 'e pertencent., a. comunidade da mesma aldeia,confrontando de nascente, norte Ie Sill I, 'c'om () terreno do, Q)lesmo lolbe da ,oomunidade,' e de poente, com 0 terneno concedido em aforamentOi a Naguexa Co16, de CorUm, na area de 1000 m'. Processo n.O 299y11963.

MaJpuga, 10 de Outubno de 1963. - 0 SeCI1etatio!, Manguexa R. S. Quencro.

G. n.O 979/1963 ----~---



39 ]jj convOlcada a sobredita ,C'OIDulllidade pa;ra se relUIlitr, nas ICasias das suas se:ssoes, no Jterceiro dOlllllingo, apoo a iPlUlbli­cagao, desite, no B.oletim Ofri:cial, iPelas ,10 iho,ras, a tfim de


vernment Gazette, at 10 a. mo, so as to igii've its opinioill 'on the' file nO'. 151/19'63 in Wlhich !Batista ,p,ereina, ifrOllU Anjuna, has'appli,ed ifor a lea;se Ifo'r tthe pUflPose 'of tJhe ICOiIlS<t!\uctio'll ofa house of a ihiiIly, uilllcul'tivat:9d an:cl! unused plot known a;s ,«IDeuladi», situated at oAnjuilla, and bei10nging to tl1is Co­munida;de, ibounded ion the west and :n:orr:tlh !by a Istreet Of the Gomunidade; .on Ithe south !by a lPuIt>Hc Slt:reet that leads to IDunfuc:Lpal ,road and on the ,east by the land of ,the Cornu­ntdade now applied on ~ease !by 1R0sariJa IAlvaJI'eSI Firanicisca, £rom Anjuilla, iC'overingan ;area olf rtOO()l m'.

v. nO'. 9~9iJi1963

40 T'he abovementioned iComunidooe Ii:s ihere1by 'con'Vened for an extraordinary meeting, at. its MJeeoog Hall rOO the 3,rd Sunday, aiter the publication olf this notiLce tin :!:!he Go­vernment Gazette, at 1'0 a.IlU., SOl as to give !its IOpin:i:OO IOn the' .fi1e no.H)i~/196,3, in WlhiCih fR!osaria Alva.res F,raruc:isca, If1'om iAnjuna, has applied for a lease Ifor the purpO'se of the constI'uction ,of a houseolf a hilly, luncultivat.ed aalld unus'ed plot Iknown las «[)euladi», situated ·at Anjuna, .and 'belonging to tlilis 'Coctnunida;de, bounded Oill rt:lhe east by tlhe land 'oil' the San:l!e Oomun:tdade;on the west by the iand of the same G9ffi;uni:dade now a,ppliedon lea;se iby [Battsta Pereira, Ifrom Anjuna; on the north Iby the street rof tlhe iComunidade' rOlf And'una and on !the south ibythe pUlblic street !that leads to the municijpal s'treet,coiVerinig 'an -area 'of '100am'.

Anjuna. l11th October, 11963. - The Clerk, R'Oguvir Sinai Narvencar.

v. no. <93(}/1963 Carmona

41 The abovementioned Comunidade is heI1eby convened f o,r an e:xltI'aJordilna'l'Y mereltiing aJt tl;ts Mieetinlg HaJJI on the 31'd Suncl:ay: atfter the :publr1cation of tMs notice in Ithe Go­vernment Giazetteat 10 a. m., so as to giVie its opinion on the foHorwinrgcalses:

lslt - Wour pro!jects of the wo'rk of clIeaTing up the ptts used ,for irrigation. and situated in the «OHemcasana», «Vai­nails casana» , «.oiampoechem ,ca'sana» and «Nagooem and Pugaly» estimated to cost Rs. 3074/-, 21~4/-, :2303/- and 1036/- respectiViely.

2nd - Project of therbiene'ficiart1on' wo:r;k of it'W'O' fralgrnents of the lrudge' 'of QHem 'caJsan'3J lestimated to cost Rs'. 12i~9/-.

3rd - AJppI.LoaJUoo' olf kJud'ilta tMiI"BJnda, wilfe of Augusto Me­nez<es, tenra,nt of ,UrIs OomurnilidaJde, an whi<ch s'ne asks iUO !e:x!em:pt heir from the PaJy1ID8il1't O'f the l!1ent duet.o this 'ComunndaJd!e fbrJack of producti.on in s.orodio crop of 1962 due to the use of' 11!ews1eed of EK -10 tquaJJrirty.

4th - 'I1wo.lbiHs of 'e:xlpenses malde w~th urgent work of cI'os[lng :the ,breaJch 1m. rth'e hedge .of OUaJmpo:e =d :gu:tterin the same hedge :amountirug .:Rs. ,2140/- land 1a9/- respe,ctively.

5th - To get fr.om the aandlords of the hredges which sur­rou,nd rthe Oi'ampo:echem 'calsa,nar, the e:x!pteiUS'es marcle' by thds Comundda:ide 4n the cI'Osill'g wOirk 'Of the brela,eh a:mountimg Rs. 760/-.

Carmona, 7th !September, 119'6,3. - The Olerk, Cel8ar N. J. Qu'n.tiio da Oost,a.

v. no. ,923/1963 Batim

42 Notice is hereby given that the plots indicated below, bel.onging the a,bovementioned C'Omunidade, aI'e t.o be leiased out for the remaining part of the six year period .of 196~-19,67. Th:e interested parties should submit the applications, on plain patper, addI'essed to the president of the managing oom­mittee; within ten days from the date of the publication hereof in the Government Gazette, and should indicate . the plots which they wish to lease,as well 8S all the necessary details for the classification of the preferential right under clause 4 of the order no. GAD/74/62/~1347 'Of 18th December 196~:- 1.0 Pllot Bona, 5 ,aandis, 3 curos and 6 medidas; B.o Plot O~8.cho, 6 candis, 17 curos and '5 medidas; 9.° Plot Madiecho, 5 candis, 13 curos and 6medidas; 7.° Plot Oracho, 6 candis, 4 curos and 4 medidas; 1/4 of Bacor, 17 curos and 6 medidas in Sor.odio and 15 curos and 6 medidas in Vangana and 3." Plot Mudiaco, 5 can dis 1 cur.o 'and 7 medidas.

v. no. 9'51/1963

43 The :abovementioned Comunidade is hereby convened fOr an extraordinary meeting at 10 a. m., on the 3rd Sunday after the publication hene.of in the Government Gazette in order t.o dedde about the fHe no. 334/1963, ,concerning the rebate on the rent of the crop of 19'63 made by the holder, Antonio Pereira of Batim.

Batim, 15th October, 1963. - The Clerk, temporary, Rauji Sinai Edo.

v. no. 952/1963


deHberar sobre 0 'Process'O ill." 1'51/19'63, 'em que Batista PE

re'iira, de lAnjunla, requereem 'aifor'amento Ipara 'CoDS'tiI'uga de ,casas 0 terreno outefral, inoulto ,e rdeslllProiVeitado', dem: minado «Deuladi», sito ·em Anjuna e pertencente ia lesta comu nidade, Iconf:rontando de :J;l'oente e norte, Icom 0' ,cammiho d IC:Qlffiunida;de; de :sul, 'COIlu ro ,cam1nho pUlbli'co Ique se li;ga ~

estrada municipal e de nJas,cente, iCOllU 0 ,terreno da rComu n'i'<l!ade elora ct'equerid.o ipor RlQisa,ria Alvares Francisca, rdl Anjuna, na r8;rea de lo.00:m2 •.

G. n.O 9129/1:9,6:

40 l!: rconV"o,cada a sobredita ,comunidade paJra se reunir nas 'ca:slas Idas iSuas sessoes, no ,terce1ro dorrn!inig1o', ap6s a pUibli· cagao deste no Bolleti!m Ojicial, pel-as 10 horas, a tim de deliberar soblle 0 prooesso n.O 152/19r63,em que Rosaria A:1va­Irles F,randSica, de Ainjuna, ,requere em a\fommento para rc=· trugii.o de casas .0 ilJerrenoouteiral, inculto e deSiaproveitado de-!J!.!)~aqo ,«DeulaJdi», stto 'em Anjuna re iPertencente a ,esta 'comunidade, 1C0nif'1'Oillltando de nascente, rcom, '01 iteweno da mesma c.omunidade; de poente, ·com .0 terreno da mesma comunidade, ora I1equerid.o por Batista Pereira, de Anjuna; de n.orte,com .0 caminh.o da rcomunidade de Anjuna, e de suI, com 0 carninho public.o· que se liga a estrada municipal, na aI'iea de 1000 m'.

Anjuna, 11 de Oiutubro de 1963. ~.o EsrClrtiviio, Rogu1Jir R. Sina·i Narr'IJencar.

G. rU. ° 9!30/1963 Carmona

41 l!: 'C'OrUvoc3Jda; a sobreldLta oomunida)de para rse reuniT na ·cal:53Jdas :suas s:essoes ,em s:eSisao' 'extraJo,ndill'a:I1i1:V no ter­ceiro d.omirugo, iatp:6s a pub1:i'caJg8JO deste no Boleti>m Ojicial, pelas 10 ho,ms, ra. fim de deJ.iibe1'a:r 'sOIbl'e lOS se!gu'intes: ~'Sunt'Os:

1. ° Quatro proj:ed)os de OIbra. de des'Ohstrug8Jo' dos ·ch-a,rcos des.t;in:aldos paJra nega; re situatdos no «lOlrLem ca.sana», «Vari­narli s. oasana'», «IOLa,mpiYech:e'm oasanal» :e «INa!godem e Pu­galy;» , o:ngados em !Rps. '3074/-, 21!24/-,~'303/- 'e 10.3'6/-, res­peotivalmente ..

:2.0 Prorj:ecto de ohra de 'be!ll!efdlcialgiioi de dOlis' tro'g'Ols do va­lada de OITem :ca;sana:, olvgaldo em IRJpS. l!2~29/-.

3. ° lRequerirmell'to de Judtta 'Miranda:, mul;he:r de .Augusta MeneZles, arrend3Jtari.o destacomunidad€"em que pede isen­ga.o do pa'gament.o da rendia devida a comunidade pOT falta da rprordUigao no s:or6dto de 19:6:2 dervvdOl aJO' uso, daJ norva se~ menbe da vair~edalde ElK - 10.

4.° [)urus fo:lthals de despes~s' feilta'S com lS'ervirg'Os' urgenrte'S de: talpume da: rOltu:rru no Vlwl'a.do de 1000atrrupiYe 'e ,ca;!ha no dilt'O, '"ruI8)do das iiJmp'O'rtanroiia;s de 'Rps. :2,40/- Ie 17,9/-, ~ers'P'elctirva;­lriBTI'te.

5. ° H'alv·er dos prorprve'tari'Ols dors vruIaiclols tque ctr,cun,d-am a Oiampoechemcasana :a despesa f:eita por esta comunidade com 'baipume dill roltuI'a na ,quantval rtota,l de IRps. 760/-.

Oarm!ona, 7 de 8etemb!1o de 19,&3., - .0 ElSlcrQivao, Oesar N. J. Qwiwtaoda Oosta.

G. n.o 923/19,63 Batim

42 Anunda-se 0 arrerndamento dos lotes varzios infra mencionados, da s'Obreditacomunidade, para 0 restante pe­riodo do sexeni.o de 196~ a 1967, devendo os pretendentes entregar 'os s'eus pedidos fleitos em papel comum, indicando as varzeas que pretendem arrendar, ao signatario deste, dir:i­gidos ao presidente da junta administrativa, no prazo de dez dias a contar da publicaga.o deste no Boletim Ojicial, con­tendo nos pedidos todos os 'PormenoI1es necessarios para 0

apuI'amento do dilleito de preferencia, nos termos do artigo 4." da Portaria n.O GAD/74/62/21347, de 18 de Dezembr.o de 1962: _1.° Lote B'Ona, 5 candis, 3cur6s e 6 medidas; 11.0 Orach6, 6 rcandis, 17,cur6s e 5 medidas; 9.° lanQo Madiech6, 5 candis, 13 cur6se '0 ,medioos; 7.° Jrang.o Orach6, 6 candis, 4 curos e 4 medidas; '1/4 de Bacor, 17 cur6s 'e 6 me:didas no sor6dio e 15 cur6s e 6 medidas na vangana e 3.0 lango Mudiaco, 5, can­dis, 1 cur6 e 7 medidas.

G. n." 951/1963

43 l!: c.onv.ocada a sobredita comunidade para se reunir em sessao extraordinari.a, na caSia das suas sessoes, no ter­ceiro d.oming.o, -ap6s a publicagao deste no Blo;letfnn 0 jicia)l, pelas 10 horas, a fim de de1iberar .sobre 0 pr.ocesso n.o 334 de 1963, referente a quita de sor6dio de 1963, requerida por Ant6nio Peveira, de Batim.

Batim, r15 de .outubr.o de 1963. - 0 Escrivao interino, Raugi S~nai EdO. .

G. n. ° 952/1963

( I


$.JST.oCTOBEfRi\ 1,963


44' The' abovem:entidileClComunidade' is 'coriveried"f6ran extrao.rdinary'rneetrilg"m'Its" Me<etiilg Ha11~6it'thethird'Sun­dl:lyafter the pUblicatfon of this notice in the'GOvernrnent Gazette at 10 a.ni;'>in o'rder'tO delibera:teoilthefile ri;o 571 1,9:613 ,in which J'egaoo.rth GOiVJnd Shtl'vlant if,1'um' 'Fonda, has applied for lease for the purpose ofcon'st~cti'OIiof a house one hilly part of p,lot no. 74, l~t part covering an area of 1000 m' called «Sarpangab situated in th~ ward Carpassa ood 'j)e:longmg itO <tJhiJs OoirnIttnIi.d!ad!e, bounded on the 'east by the plot of Xantarama Sinai Dangui; on the west by the 1st part of the plot no. 74 belonging to this Comunidade applied to> Prallac1a Jega,nath S,trv,ant; 0111 tihenorth by the 1st part of the same plot no. 74 and on the south by the reserved plot no. XXI.

V, no. 9,58/1963

45 fI'he abo¥ementioned Comunidade is convened for an extreol'dialary meeti!ng in i,ts Miee!Jiill!g lIaJ1l,on the third Sun­day after the publication of this notice in the Government GalZette, at 110 a. 1m., in ,order to deltbwatie tin <tfue file no'. 881 1962, in which Prabhaker Ragunath Arolk'er from Vasco da Gama has ap'Pllied for tease for the ;puI1piO'se olf co[)£trUlcltion of a house, one: hillly palr:t 'of p~ot '!l!0. XII unouJJti'Vlalted and fixoe'd fQlr the constructiJon of !houses 'co'Vlering an area of 1000 m', situa;ted wt Formalg'udl 'and belon:gmg ,to this C'Omu­nidade, bounded on the east by the reservedi rpJ.OIt no. XIV; on 1:Jhe welSlt by the ~JeserV1ed proll: no. xm; 'on the novth by the remaining piart Qf the ,!'eserve:d p,lort: no. XII land 'on the s!OI\lth by rohe la~pIied piatt 11:0 Arvind T. N. Gaunenker.

V. no. 959/1963

46 The abovementioned Comunidade is convened for an extraordinary meeting in lts Meeting Hall on the 3rd Sun­day after the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette at 10 a. m. in order to deliberate on the file no. 56/ /1963, in which Prallad Jaganath Shirvant from Ponda has applied for lease for the purpoi5e of construction of a house one hilly part of plot no, 74, first part covering an area of 1000 m2, ,ca;11ed «Sarpangah situated in the ward carpassa 3illd belonging to tros Comunidiade, bounded 'on the east by the pallb of the l"Ianne plot 8Jpplied Ito Jelgau'ath Govind Shirvant; on the west by the same plot applied to Ramacant Anant Porob Dessai; on the north by the part of the same plot and on the south by the reserved plot no. XXI.

V. no. 960/1963

47 The abovementioned Comunidade is convened for an extraordinary meeting in its Meeting Hall on the third Sun­day after the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette at 10 a. m. in order to deliberate on the file no. 891 /1962 in which Antonio Maria Silveira from Vasco da Gama has applied for lease .. for· the purpose of construction of a house, one part of plot n'O, XII, uncultivated and fixed for the construction of houses covering an area of 1000 m\ si­tulai1Je,dJ 'all: FOJmUlJgudi andi belongin'g. to this Comunid3.de, bounded on the east by the plot no. XIV; on the west by the plot no. XIII; on the north by part no. XII and on the south by the applied part to Prabhaker Ragunath Arolker from Vasco da Gama which also joins plot no. XII.

V. no. 961/1963

48 The abovementioned Comunidade is convened for an 'extr1ao!'dinary meeting tn its Meeting Hrul 'on tlhe third Sun­day after the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette at 10 a. m. in order to deliberate on the file no, 33/ 11963 in which Ramabai R. Borcar from Ponda, has applied for lease for the purpose of construction of a house oIie uncultivated plot of part no. XII covering an area of 1000 m', s:iibuated 'at Form:agudi 8Jnd belonging to this Ocmuni­dade, bounded on the east by the reserved plot no. XIV; on the west by the reserved part no. XIII; on the north by the remained paII~ of the T'E::Si2Irved plo.t no. XN 'aud on the south by the applied part to Antonio Maria Silveira, fr'Om Vasco da Gama.

Bandora, 18th October, 1963. - Th:; Clerk, An:xnta Sa,un,l6 Sina:i Quercar.

V. no. 962/1963 Latambarcem

49 A meeting of the above Comunidade is herebycolllvened at its usual venue lof its sesl32;ons Ion :3i!'d SUlllld!ay at 15, :rrours after, the publilcaltionof this notice. in the. Gov'ernment Gazette in order to deliberate on the application for lease applied for by .Evelina Cora da Costa Pereira, resident of Bicholim


. Bq~ci(llt~,

'44 'Ecortvoeada asobrectltacomunldadEl' para:' sereunir; na.,casa:d~suas' sessoesno'terceiro'llimlingo ap6sapublica­gao diesteM B'oletimOfiCial'ipellasdfez hOiMSl 8J fim de dEili­bera:rsOlire 0 proces'so 11;0,,117 de 1963 em qu~ Jeganata G6~ vinda'Srtv'anta; 'de Ponda; requeretnem: aforarneIito para cons­tru~o de ,caSaJ Q te:tT'eno dI6 l'Oibe n." 74, 1.'" 'larlli¢O, ,na are'a de 110.00 m', deno'minad6«SaJI1paill!gaJ», :sito no badr.J:fo Oa'qJ'3ssa e. peI1ten.cente! a eslba ,comunl~diaide:,coof'l'onrt:aJndOi de nas!C!ente a~oramento de Xantarama Sinai Dangui; ,de poente parte do Q,ItO lote n." 74, 1.a adigao, requerido pOI' Prall ada Jeganata S:rJ;vaJnba;; de nOlrte pa,1'tJel do d~1!o, Jof1Je n.o 74, La adic;ao ,e de suI lote reservado n, ° XXI.

G. n," 958/1963

45 E convocada a sobredita comunidade para . se reunir na casa das suas sessoes no terceirOi domingo ap6s a publi­cagao deste nOi Boletim Oficia;l~ pelas dez horas'; a fiin de

deliberar sobre:;,o,.pr!)cesso n.o 88 de 1962 em que Prabacar Rogunata Arolcar, de Vasco da Gama, requereu emafora­mento para construgao de casa 01 terreno do lote 0 n. ° XII, ineulto e destinadOi para construgaQ de casas, na area pro­vavel de 1000 m', sito em Formagudi e pertencente a esta comunidade, eonfrontando de nascente, com 0 IOite reservado n.O XIV; de 'PQente, loom 0 iote rese:rvado n.O XIU; de norte, c'Om a restaJnte parte do lote resewarlo n. ° XiII :e de suI, ciom -0

terreno requerido POI' Arvinda T. N. Gaunencar.

G. n.O 959/1963

46 1li corivocada a sobreditacomunidade para se reunir na ,casa das sua;s l"Iessoes n'O ter:ceiro diomingo laipOS 'a publi" cagao dest'e no Boletim OtiJoial, pelas dez horas, a fimde deliberar sobre 0 proeesso n;o 5,6 de 1963 em que Prallada J,eganata Srivanta, de Ponda, requereu em aforamento para construgao de casa 01 terreno dOl lote n.o 74, 1." adigao, na area de 1000m2 :denominooo «S8JI1PMl'gal», ,silto ill!O bairr'O OaI1p3!Ssa 'e p'er,tenoenitJe '3; e:srtac!OImunWade, Iconifro,utando' de nascente parte dOl dito lote requerido, por Jeganata GOvinda Srivanta; de poente parte de dito lote requerido por Rama­canta Ananta LPorobo Dessai; de norte parte do dito lOite e de suI lote reservado n.O XXI.

G, n.o 960/1963

47 1li convocada a sobredita comunidade para se reunir na casa das suas sessoes no terceiro domingoap6s a publi­cagao deste no B.oletim Oficial, pelas dez horas, a fim de deliberar sobre 01 processo n." 89 de 1962 ,em que Ant6nio Maria Silveira, de Vasco da Gama, requereu em aforamentOi para construgao de casa 0 terreno do lote n." XII inculto e destLnado paraconstrugao de ca:sa:s, na a,rea pI'lOva:vel de 1000lm', sito em FO]1ma'gudte pelrbencente a 'esrba e<;lmunhiade, confrontando de nascente, com 0 lote n." XIV; de poehte, com 0 lote n,o XIII; de nOirte, com 0 lote n." XII e de suI, c,om 0 terreno requerido pOI' Prabacor,a Rogunata Arolcar, de V'arsco da Gama, que t'am:bero f)az pa,rlbe dio' 10ibe n.O XII.

G. n." 961/1963

48 E convocada a sobredita comunidade para se reunir na casa das suas sessoes no terceiro domingo ap6s a publi­cagao deste no Boletim Ofic:ia:l, pelas dez horas, a fim de deliberar sobre 0 processo n,O 33 de 1963 em que Ramabai R. Borcar, de Ponda, requereu em afOiramento para cons­trugao de oa;sa 0 :ber'renod!e! l,octe n.O XIJ, incul!to, na area de 1000 m', sitQ em Formagudi e pertencente a es;ta comuni­dade, confrontandOi de nascente, com 0 lote reservado n,O XIV; de ipoent:!, 'O:lIU~ '0 lote r:eSicTIV,ado n." xm; de norte, C:C(TI a res'l::a:n!ce parte do ,Lote re:slerv,ado n." XII :e die 'SuI, Clom '0

terren~ requerido por Antonio Maria Silveira, de Vasco da Gama,

Bannora, 18 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Ananta Saunl6 Sinai Quercar.

G. n.O 962/1963 Latambarcem

49 EC'onvocada a sobreditaco!!Ilunidade :para ISe ,reunir no local de sessoes no tercetro domingo as 15 horas; ap6s a publi<:agao celeste illlOrZroWiJm tOf~Crial ,a f1m de deHbeI'lear sobre o ;p!r1ocess'o de aforamento em ique Evelina [smAlia iCora da CQ,sta (E>~r.etra, .,resideillte em Bicholim, pre'tendeem aJfora!!Ilento

wherein she has applied to have,'lease of a piece of fallow land, belonging tq. the al:)Qv.e COJ;nunidade known as «Cata­docho Ma,to?>, and" situated, 1).( Latambarcern. Its ,boundaries ,are:. on, the e.ast bounded QY the nation1).lroad (l;'.·W.D.), on the west the .. property ofPandU :Porobo .LOundonoi,y belonging to Ranes of Odauli, on the, south with property of Joaquim Rodrigues and on the, nprt):l with Ozrachem galao., The area in qUestion is of tbree hectares.

;Latambarcem; 15th October; 196:3. ~ The lPiresi'dient;'Gon" pota J~ga11;ata Quilialcar.

'v. no. 949/1963 Sancoale

50 The abovesaid Comunidade is hereby convened for a meeting, at its Meetlng HaJJI, at 3 p. m., on third Sunday after the publication of this in the Government Gazette, to give its opinion on the filles nQ'. 30 of 1946 land no, 261 of 1963, fon the Iease 'of plQlts., IllIppIi'ed f;or 'by A!1eixoDouI1ado of QuelOlsslim and Hrilr8Joo,~ N8JgoI1cencar of Oidialdle de Goa.

SancQl."U1e, '13rtp Octoiber, 1:963, - The' Clerk, 8h,aratqoondm Vitol Ga1l-nCar.

V. ,no. 9,5'0/1963 Malar

. 51 Lt:is llell"eby i3lmoun:cedi ,tha;t ,the mee:ting :0( th.e said' Comunllidia;die, prublished in the Government Gazette nO'. 411, series III of 10t):l of the current month, is postponed to the 10th' of November.

S. Mathis, 17th October, 1963. - The acting Clerk, Jose Anto'Y!lio da Pievlade de Melo.

V. nO'. 954/1963 Nerul

·52 ,The ialb'O\V\ementioned CQmJ1m~cli;:lJdie is lh€!fleby c(onJvened flolr a SipelCliJaJl meeting ~t the Me,elting Hawl at NeXlUiI on the .. 31ro Srun~y,. ·atter ;the prublication of thi's> noti1ce linthel. G()'­v€lrnmentGazette at 1'0 ·a. m., for in te'rms wWth the: ,at',tic,le 310 Qf'- th:e Oode of ComruJliidaxlies, tOi consider the WOII1kJS projectE;d of ifueCionstlJUction of bordelr ·of the P8Ilim~p'I'IaJiJaJes;tEaJted t;Q Rs. 7500/- ,and the reconstructliJon of thie «sa;dIa» eiXisting iin the ISI8Jffie "border ,elsltimaJted to. Rs. 2,1,l-5,9. n. p., to inmcat'e a way DO imelEJt .th~, ex:pelnses ·and. f-!nanlcial poSliJtiou 'Of this Comunidade.

Nerul,1;3:th October, :1<963 . .,---.The C~er'k, Vittal Venktesh Pro,bhu Desai.

V. no. 955/11963


.53 An e'X:tralordina;ry Imeetlng IV8 oOTIlVoo·ed of the 3lbove mentioned Comunidade in i,ts MI?!eting Ha,LI, at 1'0, 'a. m. on third Sunday after the publication of this in GO'vernment Gazette to' dec~dewhatever necessary,' and the means and ways to rlllce the EXip:enses of the fOlUO!WIing eSitimaltes .of reparation of bund;;: Bunds Sodonecasana estim.ated at Rs. 5602-9'0 '!1. p.; Lo:t1ngTldo Rs. 7516,2-24 n. p.; SonvoJ:errn­ICl3iSana Rs. 73,919'-04 n. ip. Bamonoaslana at Rs. 11.819-46 n. p.; P~)rnelIU Ca;ntor at Rs. 8624-03 n. ip.; Sin oasatrua Oil' MOttiO at Rs. 10.066-93 n. p.

Macasana, 18th October, 1963. - The Clerk in charge, Mi­guel Vidor de Noronha.

G. n.O 963/1963


54 The albovementioned CQmunildade is ,cou:\,ened fo,r an extrlaJormna,ry ,meetJinJg in [,ts Meettng Hall Ion the thir'di S,un­day after the publication of this notice in Go·vernment Ga­zette at 10 a. m. in order to deltberate on the file no. 287/ /1963, in which Manguexa Sancoalcar, asks total rebate in the rent of ,crop ,of .11963.

Calapor, 15th October, 1963. - The Clerk, Balaji Camotim.

V. no. 965/1963


55 The abovementioned Comunidade is convened for an extra!o'I1dinary me'etinlgin its Meeting Ha!IJ ou the 3rd 'Sunday, after the publication of this notice in the Government Ga­zette at 10 a. m. in order to deliberate on the undermentioned files for the 'cousltr'ucuion olf horus'€IS in 'the plot OaiIldolem of this' Comunidade no. 26/1963 of Jose Peres Cardoso; no. 51/ /1963 of Giblo Morto Naique; no. 16'0/1963 of Joao Filipe do Rego; no. 161/1963 of Fernando do Rego; no. 2~9/1963 of Amaro Jose da P. Rebelo; no. 213/1963 of Gajanan Poi Cano; no. 202/1963 of Sundorabai Pandit; no. 201/1963 ·of Indira­canta Porobo Sinari .

. Calapor, 1Mh October, 196'3. - The Clerk, Balaji Camotim.

V. no. 966/1963

: ;~SERIESlII No: '

'Para ·a cUlltu:ra de cerea'is, um .terreno incutto, denomina «Catodech,6 Mftt6» , . sitoem Latambarcem.epert~ncente sobredita . cOJ;iui¢dade,confron1:aJiluo' de. nal'licent,e,com a ~ trada' niJ,cionl'j,l; de iPOiente, 'com .0 iPred~o deJ£:andu ;Poro Lound6 '.ora pertencente aos Ranes de Oda'llli; de .suI" com plrlediQde JOaJq1Jilffi Rodri,gu~ e.de norte, QOIffi Ol!)l1eche.m ga1i na.avea d.e: tl';'es. hect8ir~.

ILatambarcem, 1'5 de Outubro de 19163. - '0 Pr€lSiden1 Gonpota J eg'Olilillta Cwdaloar.

G. n.o:949/191 Sancoale . . , '.

50 :Ii: conV\Ocaa:a. a 'Soibredi'ta com.unidade para Sie reunir r ,casa .aas S'Ul8JSI ses'si)e's, p!efoo 115 :ltol1a;s, no te!l:'!CEl1l'tl' doming ap6s a publicagao deste no Boletim Oficial, a fim de deIiber2 sabre O'S pro·c'€lSsO's'. Idle arforramentols n. ° 30 de, 194:6: e 2'6 de 196: requeridos pOI' Aleixo Dourado, de Quelossim e Hirab2.i Nil gorcooC'ar, da C'idade de Gioa.

·Sanooalel,. 1'3 de. Ol1tub~o' de 1963. ---; 0 Escrivao, 800mt chandra Vvtol Gaundar.

G. n. ° 950/;196, Malar

51 Anuncia-se que .fica amada lpaira 101 dia 1'0 de'Novem'br~ pr:6ximo a con'voca~a:Q1 da dita comun:id8ide, publicada 'liiO Bo 7:etim 0ticiaZ n." 41, 13." serie, de 10 do ,ooll1l1ente. .

S. Maltias, 17 die Outru,bro de 196,3. - 0 E'slcI"li'va,o 'intmino Jose Antonio dia Piedade de Melo.

G. n.O. 954/1191.63 Nerul

52 :Ii: convoQaida (esta comuJliildade paJ:"'a s'e r,eunirr, em sessao e~trao:rdipa,rta:, 'I)a suaClaSa d!fl;S. 'sessoe,s" el!ll Nerud, no tereei,ro domingo, 8!p6s a publiC'a~a:o destJe no' Boletim Oficial, piela's 10 hoI' as, a fim de, nos; termos do artigo 310.° do vigente CO­dli',gQl d~ OOll11!unrdJades, pt1onUil1ciaa: ,soibre laS olbI'laS ip'l1oje,eta9;as die cOi!lstru~aQ da. hq~ :dlq PaJma.r:' Prai.1!-" olt"~aJdaem Rps., 150'0/- e ·die rlelootrus'bru~aQl duma «BIaJ&l.;,>exiJstente· no mesmo ~al1adlO', orglllloo ~ RpSl. 2i1i11-59 II,;. p., iindlilciar 01 i!l1'odo_ die :fazJer: truce {L~, SUlliS '<;'Lespe<l'~~ 'e '0 '€:s:t;ado :fj.uianceiTQ da. comu~ nJiJd'aJde.

Ne1rul, 13 die Outubm de ,1963. - 0 Eserivfuo, Vitol:a Venc­texa Porobo Des8<ai.

G. n.O 955/1963


53 :Ii: convocada a sobredita comunidade nas casas das suas sessoes, em sessao 'extraordinaria, as 10 horas, no ter­ceiro domingo apos a pUQlica!;ao deste no Bole<Vim Ojicial, a fim de deJibeil'ar 01 que tiver ip'Olt" con~li:ente, e', sOlbre 0' ,modo de fazer f'aJoe as delspesiaJSsiOlbr'e 'Os segui:ntes or!;amento,g de repar8J!;ao dos va,lados. seguintes:-1.~ ValadQ Soaonecasana, or~ado:errn Rps. 56'O2~910 n. !p.; LotingudoelIU Rps. 7516:2,,"24 ill. p.; Sonvodem casana em Rps. 739,9-,04 n. [p.;, Ballloncasana em Rip's. 1l.8HII-46 n. p.; POimem Cantolr em RipSI. 8624-'013· n. p.; Sin-Cwsana OIU Miott6 errn Rips. 10.0661-93, n, p.

Macasana, 18 de OutubrQ de 1963. - 0 Escrivao encarre­gado, Miguel Victor de N or:onha.

G. n.O 963/1963


54 :Ii: convocada a supradita comunidade para se reunir no seu lugar de costume no terceiro domingo ap6s a publi­ca~ao deste no Bo,letim Ojicial, pelas 1'0 horas, a fim de apreciar 0 processo n.O 287/1963 de perda total alegada POI'·

Manguexa Sancoalcar de sorodio corrente.

Calapor, 15 de Outubro de 1963. ~ 0 Escrivao, Balaii Ca­mo,tim.

G. n.O 965/1963


55 :Ii: convocada a supraJdita comunidade para se reunir no ·s!eu Jugal' de COlstume, uo terceirOI diominlg'o ,aipos a prubli'­ca~aQ deste nOi Boletim Oficial, pe~alS 1,6 horasi,'a fim de2lpre­cIaI' OIS IprocelSsos die alforwnentoSl de 'COlllstrrugao de IcalS@l, do terren'O «Gondilem» desta C'omunidade infm lndilcadlos: N~o 26/ /1963 de JO'&3 ;Peres CaJrdoso; n.O 51/,19'6i3. de! Gib~o Morto Naique; n.O 16'0/196,3 de Joao Fiili1pe dO' Rego,; n.O 116.1/11963 0::­Ferri:m:ldo db R':lgo; n. ° 23,9/1962 de AmaJro Jose- da P. Rebelo; n.O 2,13/1963 de Gajan<aJna Poi Cano; n.O 202/1963 de Sundora­bai Pandit; n.O 20!l de :1.9:6,3, die fudia.:'alc,a;n,lla; Pb.r'OIOO. Sinan. E par~ 's€[" pubhi'Co se ;pXip,e,diu e'ste. . ,

Calapor, 15' de Outubro de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, BaJaji Ca­motim.

G.n;o 966/1963



3J.ST .OGTOBER7 1963


56 The whove Gomullidade is hereby convened to a.ssemble at its meeting house in an extraordinary session on the third Sunday after the publication of thi's notice in the Government Gazette at 10 a. m., in order to deliberate about the process no. 256/1963 which treats of the matter of the aquisition of a steel drawer of the mark «Khira» or any other of better brand for the. purpose of filing therein the documents per­taining to iJhils Oomunidade.

Parra, 10tlh Oct.OIber, '1963, - The Clerk, Rajarama: Pondori Foilari.

V. no. 973/1963 Cunchelim

57 The abovementioned lComunidade is convened for an e~t.raor'<linary meetitng in its Meeting Hall on the 3rd F'riday after the ,puiblica~:ion of this notice in the Gorvoernment Gazette, at 10 a. m., to Ir·esolve the follow'ling sUibjeds: 1) The :petition of ,page 4~2attached to file no. 1'3;2/11950 in wllkh Leonor Coutinho, 'of Cunchelim, asks for one year's time to 'Use the pJot «CodpachOi Val» leased to her as «Iaforarnento.»· to construc'ta house in the said file; 12) The Iresolutionso!Lrthe AdmiIllistra;tive Oommi,ttee ,of Maipu!;a Comunidade in .Wlhilch prop.oses to create a place 'of assistant olerko'f this Comu~ nidadle to the Comumdaae of Ma;puga a.nd Oor:Um, as p'er para i2 'of the section -84 of 'the Code of [Comunidades ..

Gunchelim, 14th October, 1963. - The Clerk, Awtonio Fran­cisco Xavier d'a P. dia Oruz.

V. no. 9'39/1963 Mapuga

58 The abovementioned Co,munidade [s convened fOll" an extlr:aordillary meetin,g, at its Meeting iHall 'on the 3rd Sunday after the publication cd' this notice in ;jjhe GOfV1emment Gazette, at '10 a .. m., so lals to gi'Ve its Qpinion on the file no. 23!o/W63, in whiclh 'Vinaica Xencor Nai,que, res~ding at Ma;pu~a, lhas applied for the lease Ifar the !P'u~ose olf constll"Ufctmg $, lhouse one hilly, uncultiJvated and ulliUlS,ed :plot, ,k,no:wn as «Temeri-000 ISorvo», si:buated at Mapu!;a and (belonging to thii,s Comu­nidiaxlle, bounded on ,the :eaislt and north by the lalll!u of the Gomunidade; ·on the west ,and south by the reserved stree,ts, lot no. 13,3, ,oo'Verlng ana:rea of 100.0 m'.

V. no.9'41/i196,3

9 The abo'Vementioned CO.munidade 'is ,con:vened fOll" an extmordinary meeting, at its M'eeting Hall on the 3rd Sunday after '~he .publicAtion of ,this notice in the Government Gazette, at 10 a. 'm., ;SOl as to give itS' olplini'On on thel flite m;l. 1118/1196,2:, in which Nal'ana V'ClJS'su I'Iarxe:rwaQ', residing at SaJv;ador do Mundo, Iha:s apiplied for the lea:se fOll" the purpose 'of 'cons­tl'uction of a house, one hilly, 'UIl!cultivated and unused plot, named «T'emericlho .sorvo», situated at MaiPU~'9.and belonging to this Comunida,de,' lot no. 4'5 A, Iboundedon :the east by a lane; on ·the west Iby a .street olf iSe'Ven metres in widtih.; on the north by:he lot no. 46 A, leased far the lC'ons!truction olf hous,es by Madeva Xencora Na1Jque ·and on the south by a street ofbhe width of six metres, ,on an annual ·lease rent 'Of ei,ght ,I'ulpees ,and 'colv'ering an areaclf 775.m'.

Maipu!;'a, 13th October, 1'963. - The Clerk, Antonio Fran­cisc'o Xa,vier aa P. da Oruz.

V. no.'94i2/196S Verna

-00 Under the terms of the order no. GAD/74/62/21347, publishediin the G<:Nernment Gazette of .27th December 1962, applications are invii)ed from the iintell"ested parties for lease,

• for the rema'ining part 'Of the six year period f~om 19'62 to 19tH; -of the tie,ld«il,.o F1ondaZlavem» and said «:3.°' Petvotam», at the annual rffi1lt ,of 3, 'oandis ,and 51curOs wnd 4 'clalndi,g ll"espe,cttvely. Ap1ications should be made on plaiin papers for the Adml:nist!:llJtive Commttte'e of this GOlmunidaae wJthin ten days from the date of the publicattion hereof in the Govern­ment Gazette:,mentiO!ning the pl;elferentia>l right under the terms of the said order.

Verna, 22nd October, ,1963. - The Clerk, Francisco Jose Valadares.

V. no. 989/1963 Curtorim

61 The abovementioned Comunida:deis' he'reby cOll1vened under order:sfrom the higher authorities; in its usual session ha:llat 10 a. m., on the 3,ra Sunday '3ifte~ the ipublvclation of this in 'the Go'Vernment Gazetlte, to p,ronounce: 'as may be convenient on the following:- 1st - 7 estimates of wo'rks to be exe.cuted ill the bunds of casanas 'Of this Comunidade n~ed 'Novar, Solbem, Gotambo, Calcheaco, Pornem-Gantor, Murondi and Novo-Cantor, calcula:ted in Rs. 24.951/-; Rs. 14.323/-; Rs. 16.167/-; Rs. 5.373/-; Rs. 23.0.79/-;



56 E convocada a sobredita c'Omunidade, para se" reunir em sessao extraordinaria no local de casa de suas .sessoes,

9 _.'. ,

pelas de:z horas, la fim de deU!bera;r 0 que tiver 'Por ,ooll!ve:niente sobre 0 processo n." 256/1963, referente a aquisi!;aode um. armario de ferro da marca «Khira» au qualquer o)ltra de melhor quaUdade, para 0 uso do arquivo desta comunidade.

Parra, 10 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 Escrivao', Rajarama Pondori Folari.

G. n." 973/1963 Cunchelim

57 E,corrV'ocada a soibredita [C'omunidade, ipara se reunir na [casa 'das suaiS, sesso'es, na te'rcei,ra sexta-fe~ra ajp;6s a pu­blica!;ao deste no Boletim Oficial, tPelas '10 horas, ip-ara deU­,beral" 'sobir:e 'Os seguintes a:SISUn:to3:

1) iRequerimento de f1. 4,2 junto ao ;pirocesso n.O 1'312, de 19'50. em ,quei[,.~o~o,r COIU!tinho, restdenteem tCuncllelim, pede a :pro~roga;~'a:odo ;prazo de um ano (para ap.rolveitamento do terreno «Godpadh6 V,al» 'co(1J:ce:dfdo a ela ,ern ;aJfio:ra,mento para conistru!;aO de ,ca:sa no dito. (process,o; 12.) IDeliibera!;ao ida junta admiinisl1rativa da Icom:Unidade de Mapu!;,a em [que (p'ro:Poe a Icria!;8.o de um lUjgmr de ajlU'dante de .esic.roivao des:ba ;comunida:de e Idas ,comunidades de Map'u!;,a 'e Corlim (g,rupo) ao a;b[!"jgo do § 2.° db art:i!go 84." do 'Vtgente 06digO' daiS Comunl~dades.

Gunchelim, ,14 de o,utulb:ro de 19;63. - 0 :Escll"ivao, Ant6n~o Francisco Xavier da P. da Oruz.

G. n.O 19;39/11963 Mapu\<a

58 E convocada a solbredita ;comuni'dade, (para se reunir na casa das suas sessoes, no iter.cei·ro domingo 'apos a publi­,ca!;aO des>te no Boletilm Ojicial, pelas 10 (horas, a fi:.;mde deliiber;ar isobll"e 0 iproce.sso n.O 12i30/1963,em Ique Vinaica Xen­'cor Naique, ,ll"eSidente em Mapu!;a, requereu <Em a1f'o,ramento para 'C'o'll!stru,!;8.o de easa .0 terreno, 'outeiral, incul'to e desa­proveitado, deno:mina:do I«Temerioh6 .soriV6», sito ,em iMapu!;a e pertencente aestru 'collnumdiadJe, .confr,ontl[md:J' die n!3.s,eente ,e nO[FCe, com 0 terll"eno da ,cormunidade €I de poern!te ,e suI, ,co.m as ,caminhoiS resenv:ados, lote n." 313, na area de 1,OOOm'.

59 E eonv,Olcada a ',soltredita !comunJi:dade, para se reunir na 'c'asa das suas sesso,es, no :;erceir,o do.mingo apes ,a iplubli­'ca!;3Jo deste no Boletim Of~cial,' :pelas '10 m.o.ralS, a Ifim de deliber:ar sobire '0 :t)lro'cess0' n.O 11'8/1196,2elril Ique Narana iVassu :8arxencar, restdernte [emi Salva-dbr. do MundiO', pede 'Ern afo­ra;ment,o pa:ra ,co,nstru!;8.o de 'casao terreno ineulto, out'eiral e des3,piI'OIveitado denominado «TemeriJch6 Sorvo», :site. em Ma,puga e pe,rtencentea ·e3ta c'olnrun:d:1de, lote. n. ° 4,51 A, 6on­frontando de nascerrte, co,m a travessa; ,de pOl'lnte,.com 0

ca;m~nho de s·ete metros de largura; de norte, com '0 lote n.O ,46 A 'co'll'cedi'doem :aforamento para cons'tru!;8.o de ,casa a Madeva Xencora Nailquee de suI, 'Co·m 0 ,caminho 'de largura de .sets me~tros, ,com a Ifclro an'l1o de olto rupia,s e daare,a de 775 m'.

Mapu!;ii, 13 de Outubro de 1916.3. -0 lE:scrivao, Ant9nio Francisco Xa,tier aa P. da Oruz.

G. n.094:2/~i96~ Verna,

60 NOls termolS da. po'rlta,rila n.O GAD/74:/62/21347 pu:bliC'3.liia no Bolletim Oficiall de 27 de Dez'embrouIHmo, sao conyidados os interessados que pretendam arrendar para '0 restailte perio.ao do sexenio de 1,9[62 a 1916,7, 0 lan!;ol ''Varzi'O, «.F1Qnda-· zavem» 'e dito terceiro «Petvotam», pela ll"enda anUa de'3cim­dis e5 curos e 4 candis respectivamente,. a requeDer, ·em papeI ,comum, a junta admmistrrutj,va desta comunidade, no prazo ·delO dias apos ,a; publlka!;8:o deste no Boletim Oficia'l, indicando nele 0 dtreito de preferencia nos t'ermos da mesma portar~a.

Verna, ,22 de Outubro de 1963. - 0 Escrivao, Francisco Jose Val]adares.

G .. n," 989/1963


61 Bor" deterii1ina'!;8.o· superior e" ccinvo~ada -a . sobtedlta comunidade na. casa das snas sessoes,as 10 horas, no terceiro domingo, apos a pubHca~ao deste no BO'letim Oficial, para deli­berlar 0 que ti'Ver p.o.r 'co!l1v'eni:ente sO'hre: 1\.°-7 estimativa,s de obras a serem executadas nos valados das .casasas desta co­mu't)idade denominadas Navar,. Solbem, Cotambo, Oalcheaco, POTnem-Cantor, Murodi 'e NiO'vo-Cant1o'I', e,r!;,ada;s' elm Rps. 24.951/-; Rps. 14.323/-; Rps. 16.167/-; Rps. 5.373/-; Rip's. 23.079:1'-; Rps. 6.423/-; 27.182/-; 2.0-0bra derefor!;o' de


Rs. 6.423/-; 27.182/-; 2n:Ci- Work to strengthening the bund of the paddy plot - 5th plot of the paddy field named Odalle worth Rs. ,2.40'0'/- 3rd-repair work of the wooden doors of Curgunim worth Rs.l.49O'/-; 4th-Desobstruction of the rivulet 'Of Solbem worth Rs. 2.8(1)/-. .

CurtoI'im, 19th October, 1963. - The Clerk, Panduranga Gaungo Dessai.

v. no. 981/1963 Margao

62 The ,abovenaaned Comunidade is he,reby cOil1!V"ened, for an extraovdinary meeting at its Meeting lHaJll on the ;3J:1d Sun­day after the !pUlbIication olf this IlJotice in the GOV1ennment Gazette, at ,10 a. m., to ;give tts olPinfuon on :the petition of PraJb3JC'al' NaJba NaiquEl GaUinencar, from Goonem 'Of Ponda, fUe no. 44 of 19,6,3, where he r,equests dior lease a ;plot named «Ou,pa.n,gal'e» of this Oomrunidade, fOlr the 'constrruction of a ihoruse.

63 The lntevesited !persoillS :who wisih Ito tak,eon-Iease the­it'ollowing Qaddy Ifields of this Oomun,1dade, !for the vemaining six-yeaJn period ii. ,e. 19'62 to 1'967, fo,r the !price Il:felow rmen­tiQ/DJed, las alteJ:1ed by ,the Government, are ihwelby .in'vited to a,p!ply :to fue Administl'a:tiv,e [Board oit' tll!is Cov;nunidade within 10 days fl'om the pubHcation :he-reolf in the Government Ga­zetbe, handing O'V'er their applications at the Meeting iHan, with all :the details necessary for the dassif'icatLon of tiheir pre£erenti,al rtght in acco'rdance with the orden no. G.AiD:!74/6~ 2:1347, da;ted the 18th olf December 11916,2: nO's:. 332, Rs. 1160'/-; 479, Rs. 161/-;5112, Rs. 88/-;5:29, IRs. 96/-;5,30', iRIs. 88/-; ,620', IRs. 3210/-;621, iRs. 176:1-; i6i2!2, IRs. 446-40' n. ;p., 6194, IRs. 204-.80' n. !p., 7S5, Rs. ill:5-!20 n. ,po


IMargao, 16th OctOiber, 1:963. - Tlhe Clerk, i(fu'rWdas GO'vinda Egdo.

V. nO'. 968/1908


«Hospfcio do Sagrado Corac;ao de Maria, de Margao»

Cash Balance sheet

May 1963 Rs. Ii.p.

Balance O'f the previO'us month.. 7.911.49 Receipts during the mO'nth ...... 33.666.37 Payments during the mO'nth .... ~.-: ........ .

Balance fO'r the fO'llowing month .......... : ...

Rs. n.r.

41577.86 27.938.65


Margao, 21st October, 1963. - The acting BoO'k-Keeper, .JO'Se Exaltagao Brito.

Visa. -The President, Roque FenelO'n da Piedade AzaredO'

• «Devalaia»

Xii Mallinath of Marcela

65 The Maha,jail1!s loif the .a;bovemeil1!troned temple are he're,by convened fior aJ mee'tiil1!g 'at the, llJOI'lrnM meettmg ipl~ce Agra­Xlailla; 0If the Dwalaia, at 116, p. an., on the thIrd Sunday after the pllIbli!C!aJtion .of this nottcem the GQ,V'ernment GaI'lJette, lin ol1der t01 erect Ithe ilv.Dan:JJa~ilIli~ lOommittee· for iUre remadnmg of :the eUT.reI!l!t 'tl'ieill!ll'i'aJl p:eriad rul· we'H< alS to ,talke note I()f. the fund whi'ch ,some MahaJjans have loffered.

Ma;reela, 18th Octolber, 1963, - The 'Secretary, X!antararma Raiu Camotritm.

V:I!sa. - The P11esidOOJt, Roguvir Venctexa Oamotim.

v. no. 964/1963


Privete ad"'ertisements

66 (Narayan BaJlkl'lisna iNaik iP,rata,pTao Sardesai, ,resident of iP:Ledadie, ann:oU[JJOIes :t'hat !he r~qruested the regts.tra;t:iJon of «F'Orrrnas:>', cOIllSisting of fifteen annas and two pies, equivalent, aJpproximrutely: to' alborut minety filV1e n. p., pMd 'by :the· Oomuni­<laide of Vaw aIllJd reg.iIS'tel'ed:i!n the lIliaJme of hisi ],a;tJe faJther, Ba;lk!risna! La;dcOlba: NiaJik PratapraJo' 'SardesMI.

Anyone initerested has tocha;im wtth1:n ,the pres'cribed period in the' Ad:m:iJl:i,sJtra'gao of cOlllceI'ho of ~o1l!da; f'or due :pul'poses.

V. no. 9516/1963


borda de varzea 5.° lango de Odalle de valor de Rps. 2.40'0'/-; 3,.0-Ohra de henef;1e~agoe;s' dbs povtals de Cuvg1Unim do valor de Rps. 1.490'/-; 4.° Desobstvugao do mgueiro de Solbem do valor de Rps. 2.80'0'/-.

Curtorim, 19 de Outubro de 19'6·3. - 0 Escrivao, Pa.nd,u1'onga Gmmq.o Dessai.

G. n." 981/1963 Margao

62 E ,convoca;da a supradita ,colmunidade, ,ern sessaoextra­OIrdinla·ria, no tevce~ro domin,go apos a pubHcagao, deste no Boletim OfiJci<al, as 10' 1h000las, a ifim de, reunindO' na casa de siessoes, delibera;r 0 'que :t~V'er !pOl' conveniente sOOr,e a prre­it-ensao de LPtraibacora Naba (Na:ique Gaunencar, de Gauulem de ~otll:dia, constante ,do ;Plro·celSso n.O 44 de 19'6:3, ,elJl que pede que the s,ej.aco<tlJ:cedido ,em aio,r&mento ;para ,constrrugao de ,casa urn t'erreno desta comunidade denominado «Oupanga;le.».

G. n.o 9'57/1196'3

63 ,sao .conv'idadOis O'S inter:essados que 'qQl;e~ram arrendar os seguintes lotes varzios desta comunidade para 0' :restante perio;do do seXJenio de 1'9'612 a 196,7, pelos piregos. abaixo rmen­aiona:dos sujeitlO's a ~dte,ra.gfuo do Go'Ve:mO', a T'e:quereI1em ,a junta administrativa, no ,pxazo de 10' dias a ,conta;r da pUiblicagao deste no Bo~etim Oficial, da:nJdo 1e:ntI1aldiai ,ao's p'edi~do's P.R 'casa :das sessoes, ,com todos O'S po,r:menores ;pal'a 0 ,apuramentodo di'r,'\tIO de plrleferencia aO' aJb.rtgio da iPlortal'ia ill.O G.AjD/74j<62/ ,213·1r1, de 18 de Dezembro de 196:2:: iN.os 3;3:2, lRps. 160'01-; 47>9, Rps. 161/-; '51i2, R,ps. 88/-; :5:2'9, R!Ps. 96/-; '5:30', 'Rps. 88/-; 6~O', R,ps.3120:/-; '621, iRjps.l7'6:1-;6i22, !R;p:s. 446-40' n. ;p.; '694, Rps. :204-,80 n. p.; 7.85" Rps. 1115-20' n, p.

Margao, 16 de Outubro de 196'3. - 0 iEscri'vaO', Gurudds Govinaa E'gd6.

G. n.O 968/1963 _._----_. Hospicio do Sagrado Cora<5c3O de Maria, de Margao

Balancete do «Caixa.

Mes de Maio de 1963

Saldo do mes anterior ........... . Entrada durante 0 mes ........... .

Rps. n.p.

7.911.49 33.666.?7

Saida dura.nte 0' mes .................................... .

Rps. D.p.

41.577.86 27.938.65

Saldo para 0' mes seguinte........................ 13.639.21

Margao, 21 de Outubro de 1963. - ServindO' de Guarda­_Livros, Jose Exaltagao Brito.

Visto. _ 0. Presidente. Roque FenelO'n da Piedade AzaredO'.

• Devalaia

Xri Malinata de Marcela

65 E convocada, ,a; supra;dtta mlfuZail1!iaJ paraJ se reunirr :no seu 'Iugar de 'CO'ls,tume na AgraxailiaJ ldaJ DevailaJial, ll'0 te'l'ceiTo domilIligOi 'a:pos IaJ ,pUlbM.'ca:g1l:OI Ideste no Boletim. O/icial, pela:s 16 horas, a fim de 'el<eger :aJ mesaJ a;dirudlIliilStraltiva para! ° ves­taID.'te pe,rioldio do COTI"e'DiUe itr'jJen:iio', :bern aJSlSim itom'ar (} cOIIl'l:J!e­cli/mento, do! fundo' que a;lgulIls maJZaJilles' olfere'Ceram.

'MaJrcela, 18 de OutUlb,rO' de 1:963. - 0 iElS!c:ri'V3JO, XantJarama Raiu Oa;m:otiJm.

Visto. - 0 iPresidentJe, Roguvir Venotwa Olllmo.tim. G. n." 964/1963

• Particulares

66 iNaraina Balcrisna NaiJque iPratajp iR:au ISar Dessaci, ll1esi­dente na -Piedade, anunc!ia que soi1icit'OU a mscrigao do «Far­mas», 'consistenteem quinze tangas ·e dois rreis antigO's, corres­pondentes a llO'Venta. ecmco n. p., aprO'x1madamente, pagos pela comrumdadie :de Vadi e nela inscribos ,em nome· do seru !finado pai, Balcrisna :Ladic'oiba Naique P!l'aJtap Rau ISar fflessai.

Qua;l'que,r ,mte'ressaJdiO' :deve redamar, IlJOi pralzoll,egail, rperante a 'Admin,tstragao dO'con:celho de iPonda, ,para os devidos elfeitos.

G. ill.O ,9'56/1'963


c ;687 31ST ()aTOBER~ 1963 --------------~~--~~--~--~.~~.-----------------------------------

67 Alvruro da Costa he'reby annOUThces· ,thaJt he wishes to coHect the ,acClriu,ed and !\lJ:l[}aid 'divfudei!1J&s: 'ofthe sha;re:s no'. 2829 {jf the share-:c:erttfiicate ThO. '50<7 and no. 12808 to 28>17 :of the share-.certifkale no. 504 "O!f the 'Oomunidadie of ,CueliIID and of the shares no. 16-9:1 olf the shrure-,certif:i!cate no. 386, no. 517 to '52:2 of the s'hare-certif~cate [to. 1148 ito 153 aJnd no. 16:92 and 16:93 of the s'hare-:ceTtiif'icate no. '3,87, :3'9·1 and :3·88, under the letter A, ,belonging ,to rhts late fathe'er o~tovam Heliod?TO dos 'Remedios RieS:SlureLga,o da Oosta. 'I1he mterested parties ame inr'\'iljjed to pre:s'ent their druiIIDs wi'thin the/timelim~te\StaJbUshed by law.

V. n'o. ,980/1963

68 DinC'o:rla Vi,toIa lS.ina;r Arnoncar, ·a1:so known 'as Dincor Vi.tola Arm.oncall:", frolIll Camorlli:m of Oowale, n!ow vesciJding at Bombay intends ,to renew ,asOiJJie of the iniberesited p:alTiby in the inheritance, the shar:e-ce~tilfi'cate ill:O. ]58 of t!he r'\'a1ue of 400 rupe!es, Clontaminig 20 shares IOf ltIhe OOimrunvdaJdie of 'Boma bpAring nos. 287:5 to [2'894, ,bclong11nig 'to hts late father 'Vitola J.aganata Sin8;i Almonc:ar, whio was f,rom :Chi:caJim of Oorlr'\'ale, and InVlite:s the tnterested p:arlti'es, if th:eyWish,to daim, shou1d do so within the p:rtes:crilbed ltime .Limit.

V. no. 199.9/.1963

69 lB8ipbis,ta Longuinhos l8-ebastiao Oalded:r'a, married, land­lord, fvom Cavelossim, 'm the ,c8[llaCli,ty of heir.,gra:n'Qson. in tIre iniheriltance of his deceased ,graIl.ldimotiler ]dalina 'Dlas, wtdJOiW of Jose ]jrracio Oa~dei!ra, fvom Carvelossim, hereby an­no'lIDces that lhe imenas, Ito Ine:gister in his <faViour fue share ,certifi:c'ates nlOs. 111 and ,:L112 of OSJY1elossilIDOoiffiUil1'~dalde, each containing ·one schame nos. 174 and 17'5, lan:d a1:sO' to ·renew ,the same shwre cemf-icaJt-es which lare l:ost anld alsO' to' receiv;e rtihe :divLden.ds due a:rud not f:orifeited of the same shacres. ,Anyone having a claim shou:ld 10dgie ,in within the estaJbliished time Itmit, with the aurtho:rtties ,con:cern:ed.

. V. no. 9:96/1963

• State Bank Qf India


A Branch of -the Ba:nk has' this day :beenopeneld at San-vo,rdem, 'Shr1 H. Ram:aJchan,dr& being app'ointed .AJgent.

R. N. Chettur, Secretary and Treasurer.

Bombay, 3rd octoibe:r, 1963.

Hth Asvlna, 1885 (Saika'). CIa

67 AlvaI10 da Costa, iP'ret,errdendo iam:ecadaros il'Ieditos ven­cidolS 'e nao arrecadados :das acgo,es n.o 12812·9 do titu10 n.o50J e n.O 12808 a \2817 do titulo 5014 da Icomunidarde de rCuelilIDe das acgoes n." 16191 do titulo 138E1 n.O ·5'1,7 a 51212 do' titu~o i14S a 153 e n.O 16,92, 16,96 Ie 1693 do tituLo n.03,87, 1391 ,e 388 sob a letra A, peTtencentes alO Iseu finrudo, part, Ori:s:t6;vaJo' lHeIliodoro dos Remle­:divos Ries:surre·iJgao aa 'OO'8ta,. CO\UlV'i:da os' que Iquekam reda'maT '0 fagam dentro do prazo ,legal.

G. n.O ,980/1963

68 IDincora Vito,la S:i.na~ Almoncar, por ouitl'O n:oID:e Dincor Vitola Arn:Onear, Qie Oamorlim de lOoiVlalre, or,a resid:ente em !Bombaillm, preitende irenOViarr como um dos inteI1eSSaJdros na lherang-a, 0' ti,tulo' n.O 158 do valorr de 400 rulJ)lilas, 0Onte:rrdo :vinte lacgoes dacomuni!da,de de [Boma dios n.O" 12875 a 2894, !p'elritence!lJite ,lliO ,g,eu f:tn'llido pa-i V:wo'la Jiegonl8if:ra Sinrai Armoncar, ique i10li de Omca,lim de C:oIVlale e, po:r -iSSIO, ,conV'iJda os interes­:,saido;s paira{c:'quierei!lido, redama,r Icontrla :es1::a prreitJensao nO' pr,az'o, legal.

69 lBialPmsta iUo:nrg;uinhos Sebasti'iiJo, OaIldieira, :ca!SaldO', pro­p'rieitarriQ, de Gruvelossim, na :qulaUdiaJdle de nEito, heJ:'de,i~'!o na lreranga da sua finada aVi0 Jidalina Dtas, vli:uV'a de J'ose InaciJo C8J1deira, die rOavelossil!n, laJIllUnciJa qlUe pretOOde ar'\'e,riIJra,r -a seu ifaVior IO'S UtuLos n.OS I'll ,e 11112 da clomun!ildade :de CawelossiJm, ,co!il1tend~ e-ada um uma ,acgao dos n. os 1714 ie 175, e berm assrim reno:Vlar os mes-mOiS tiltulos 'que se :archam extraJviadose a.inda 'ar,reoodar lOIS Tleditos. pa;rra;dlos :e nao prescriilos das meslffias I8Jcgoies.QlUem se julg'ue Ies:llido, rec1larme na 'estalgi'iio compe­tente, no prl3aiO da lei.

G. n." 9916/196.3 -_._--_._-«State Bank of India»


TO'rIlJa:-se pulbHlco 'que fou: aberi;a, n:esitar da:t'a, umaJ SucursaI do Banco em SalWordem, 'bendo: sildo· no'meado igevente :0 Sr. H. RamaJchandraJ.

R. N. Chettur, Secretarioe Tesoureiro. Bombaim, 3 de Outu'bro, de 19;}3. 11 ASV'in1al, 1885 (Sakal.


Governm':!nt Printing Press Rs. nP.

Notice It is hereby notified for public informatIon that copies of

the follo;wiJng lndian A:obs :extended ,to land emo!rced in the Union territory of Goa, 'Daman llind Diu are available in the PubIica:tion Delpa.rtmcut fof .t:his Government Priess:

Price per

copy Rs. nP.

Act ,to pr!OIV'jJd~ f'acilw'tliles fO'r carrying OlUt se1awa,rd artillery practice (Ae-t no. VIrI 'of 1949) .. ...... ....... 0-07

The Multi-Unit Cooperative ,80cieties Act, 1942 (Ac1 no. VI of 1942) ... .............................................. 0-07

Act to provide facilities for military manoeuvres and for field firing and artillery practice (Ae-t no. V of 1938) .... ......................... ...................................... 0-07

'rihe ConDilngency Fund O'f ]jndi'a Act 1950 (No. XLIX of 1950) ................................ ... ...................... .... 0-07

Act to enable duties in connection with vital services to be imposed in an emergency on the armed forces oil' the Orown (ACIt no XV of 1947) .... .... ...... ....... 0-07

The Agriculturists' Loans Act, 1884 (Act no. XII of 1884) as modified up to 1-11-1934 ............. .... ....... 0-07

Act ,to make provision for the constitution ofa special police force for the Chi:ef iOommissioner's Province of Delhi... (Act no. XXV :of 1946) ....................... 0-07

The Indian Carriage of Goods by 'S'ea Act, 1925 (~VI of 1925), as modified up to 1-1-1953 ..... ............ .... 0-19

The Indian Passport Act 1920 (No. 34 'of 1920), as modified up to 1-5-1957 ..... ......... ..... ....... .......... 0-13

The Army and Air 'Force (Disposal of Private Pro-perty) Act, 1-950 (No. XL of 1950) ............. .... .... 0-13

Territorial Army Act, 1948 (,Act no. LVI of 1948), as modified up to 1-11-1952 .............. ....................... 0-13

The Indian Em1gration Act, 1,922 (VII of 1922), as modified up to 1-9-1954 ..... ......................... ........ 0-25

The Indian 'Red Cross Society Act, 1920 (XV of 1920) as modified up to 25-9-1951 .................. ;.............. 0-25

The Opium Act, 1857 (XIII of 1857) as modified up to 15-2-1951 .................................................. ..... 0-32

The Indian W'orks of iDefence Act, 1903 (Act no· VII of 1903) as modified up to 1-3-1941 ..................... 0-32

The c'api,taJ Issues (Contro'l) Act, 1947 (Act no. 29 of 1947) as modified up to 1~2-1958 ..................... 0-12'

The Untoll.l,chaJb:iliJty (Offences) Acrt, 1955 (22 of 1955) 0-2:a

The EssentiaJ Commolrn:ties Act, 1'9:55 (:10 of 1955) '8;S

modified up to 1-2-1963 ....................................... 0-4(} The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,

1946 (20 of 1946) as modified up to 1-6-1962 ..... .... 0-40 The Industrial Finance Cor,poration Act, 1948 (15 of

1948) as modified up to 1-11-1961 .. ... ... ..... ....... .... 1-00 The Gene;r:a;l Cllall!s'e's Act, 1897 (110 oil' 1897) 'as modi-

fIed up to 1~2-1962 ..... ............ ..... ... ............... ..... 0-70 The Indian Tva,dle Un<iloillS Act, 192'6 (16 olf 19:26) ·as

modified up to 1-10-1961 .............. ....................... 0-60 The Oentral Sales Tax Act, 1956 (74 of 1956) as mo-

dified up to 1-5-1'96'2 . ..................... ... ............. .... 0-70


Rs. n.P.

Th~ Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950) as modified up to (' "1-2-1962 ............................................ 0 ~......... •••••••• 2-10

The Opium Act, 1878 (Act 'I 18'b8) as modified up to 14-1958 .................................. ;........................... 0-19

The Industries (IDevelQpment and Regulation Act) :Act, 1951 (65 of 1951) as modif,ied up to 1-10-1961... 0->90

The Indian Electricity Act, 1910 (9 'of 1910) as mo-dified up to 1-2-1962 .......................................... 1-90

The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (1'5 of 1908) as modified . up to 1-3-1'962 ...................................... ............. 1-30

The IIIldustrlal DilSipuJtes Act, 1947 (14:of 1947) 3JB mo-dified up to 1-8-1961 .......................................... 1-10

The COmp!3illy'ls Act, 1956 (1 'Of' 1956) ,1a:S mO'difte!d up to. 1-'5-1961 ........... ............. ................ ................. 8-00

The lMe'rcha!OJt tShitp'pill1g Ad, 1958(1414 of 19'58) ........ .2-15

The ,Oode of CrJ,minal Procedure, 1898 ('5 'Of 11898) a's miodifi!e'd ,.uP Ito' 1st Janua:ry, 1962 ........................ 5-25

The I,ndi<m IRaHways Act, 1890,(9 'Of 1890) laiS modified up to 1st ,Jun'e', 1962 . ... .... ......... .................. ....... 2-00

The Indi'an !Penla..l Code ('45 of 1860) as modilfied :up to 1st July, 1960 ..................................................... 1-65

The InlaJild tSteiaJm ¥esse'ls Act, 1917 (1 of 1917) 'a,s mOldified up to 1st December, 1:955 ..................... 1-112

The Air CO!1po~aJti,on Act, 195'3 1(:27 'Of 195'3) 'as modifi<ed up to 1st ,June, 1<954 .......................................... 0-'43

'11he Pa;ymentof Walges Ad, 1936 (.4 of 1936) iaJS modi-filed up ;to 1st August, 19~2 ................................. 0-60

The Forej'gn ExchaDlg'e RegulatiQn Ad, 1947 (7 of 1<947)' aJs mod1<f~ed up to 1st Ootober, 119'62 ..... ....... 0-90

The Press and ,Re!gist!'aIUon 'of IBOiOkcs kct, 1867 ,(25 of 1!8'67) as modi.fied up ,to 1st Ma,rch, 1961 ............... 0-8{)

The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 (2 of 19,30)',aJs moidif,iled lup ito Islt May, 1961 ........................................... 0-60

The tRice 'MillIhlg 'Industry ('Regul'ation) Ad, 11f58 1(,21 'Of 1958) ................................................. '..... ......... 0-2,5

The mnd:a'n iFisheries Act, 1897 (4 of 1897) ............... 0-06

The Ind::;'I!], Lighthouse Act, 1927(17 of 1927)......... 0-06

The Revenue Recovery Act, 1890,(1 of 1890) ias modi-fied up Ito 1st No:vember, 1936 ............................. .

The Ne~otiaJbleln'Sitruments Ad, 1881 (:2'6 of 18'81) as modifIed IUp ito l'st August, 1962 .......................... .

The I'lldi'an tOar,!'tage Qf Goods by S'ea Act, 1925 ,(:26 of 192'5 )as moidiif:ued up ito lIst Ja:nuary, 1953 ........... .

The Jjndl!an Offtc]aJl ISeC1'ets Ad, 19,23 (19 of 192,3,) as moidifretd up ito 1st Octoibe'r, 1962 .......................... .

The Crimin3Jl LaJW .kmendment Act, 1961 (12!3 Qf 1961)

The Oopyrilght Act,11f57 ,(14 of 11f57) .................... ..

'The ,chHdren Act, 1960 (60 of 1960) ....................... .









Rs. nP.

The J.\1JedicLnal land 'ToUet iPrepaJI'atiions (Ex:cis'e DuUes) Aot, 1955 1{16 ,of 195,5) as modifi'ed up tQ 1st July, 1962 ..................... '.......................................... .... 0-'60

The MineraJl OiIl!s (AddJtrorra:l DuUeS' of, Exc~5e and Customs) Act, 1958 I{270f 1958) ........ ................ 0-12

The PubHc Debt Act,194'4{18 'Of 19404)a5 modi,fiieid up ,to 1st iNofVCember, 1960 .......... ........................... 0-40

The Additilo!OJalJ: nuttes 'of Excls'e (Goods of Spedal Jimparta:nce) AJct, 1957 '('58 .of 119157) ........... ......... .... 0-12

The StandaJrds of 'Wei'ghitsand ,Mleasures Act, ,1956 ,(,89 'of IIf5'6) ...................... ...... ......... ................. 0-12

The NaJUonal Hi'ghways Act, 1956 1(:48 lof 1956) ......... 0-12

The iRai:1w,ay (Proitect~oin FQrce Act, 1957 (123 Qf 19'5'7) 0-1,2

The Ge'lltral iBoaJrd Qf lRe'V'en'UJe Act, 1924 (4 Qf 1924)... 0-12

The POittce Act, 1888 '(,3 of 1888) as modifIed up to 15th :Se:p.teX!lIb~r, HJ51 .......................................... 0-06

The IDestruction of Records .kc,t, 19'17 (:5 of 1'9!17) as modified up to, 1st Janua'ry" 1957 ........................ 0-12

The !Poltee Act, 18'61 (5 of 18'61) as mO'difLed up to 1st AJprLI, 1960 .................................................... 0-40

The Fo!'ei,~ners Act, l!H6 C310f 19416 )as modifi,ed up to' 1st No!V'ember, 19'57 .................................... 0-12

The IOomissiions of' Enquiry Act, 19,512,{60 ,Qf 1:9512) ...... 0-06

The RaHwaY' 'Stolres{IUnlawful: iPossess,ilon) Act, 1<955 (51 'of 195'5) ...................................................... 0-12

'I1he AilicientMonuments and ArchaeLogrcal 'SItes and

Remains Act, 19'58 (124 of 1958) ........................... 0-31

The SodeUes 'Regis>tmitilon Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) as mOldrfiied up ,to' 1st J'anu8Jry, 1963 ........................ 0-40

The Embl'ems 'a:nd :Names (Pre'V'entron 'O'f Improper ,Use) Act, !195,0 '(1l2 of 11950) .............................. 0-06

The AiTC!'rufit kclt, 1934 (22 'of 1,934) as modifiled up to 1st June, 19'61 ................... :............................... 0-40

The lnfLaJmmaJble ,Substances Act, 1952 (i20 0'£ 1952) a'3 modifi'ed up to 1st :JuLy, 19'60 ........................... 0-15

The P,!'ov1dent IFUnds Act, 192fj (19 of 1925) ,as modified up to' 1st ,June, 1959 .......................................... 0-'25

T'he AntilquHtes (IEx:port OontroI) ,Act, 1947 (31 of 1947) ........ '........................... ......................... ........ 0-06

The NotarLes Act, 19512 ,(53 'Of 1,952) ........................ 0-0.6

The Central ,EXlciseS' and IS8JLt Act, 19,4,4 1(1 'Of 1944) as . mOldiif:j'ed up ,to, 'l'St lF1ebrU'ary, 1961 .... ....... ........ ..... 0~70

The IndLan PenaJ Code !(Amendment) Act, 1,961 (,41 of 1961) ........ ...................................................... 0-20

An ;]jntroiduotton ,to India'll GOlV'ernrnenit Accounts and Audilt-ISeco!UldEditi!on (lR'eprint) ........................ '5-39

Manual ,of Eleotion Law - 4th Edition ..................... 4-45 Instructions fo:r 'PoHmg ,Agents .............................. 0-30 Hand Book for Ca'lldida:tes' .. ......... .......................... 0-75

GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA (Imprensa Nacional - Goa)

PRICE - 1-34 n. P.

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