Maersk Line - Print Version




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10/ 17/ 12 M aer sk Line - Pr int ver sion

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Charges Shipment details Forms & certificates

» Import General Charges » Gateway & Local IGM » Factory Destuff Bond - For CHAs

» Factory Destuff Bond - For


» Import Inland Haulage » Local IGM from Icegate » NOC Letter from consignee to CHA

» Import THC » Manifest Details » De-plugging form

» Detention Tariff » Inland movement tracking -


» Refund Request Form

» Import invoice request


» Vessel IMO Codes » TDS Declaration

» Sub-Manifest filing

» Client Advisories Keep yourself updated with changes which affect your Import consignments

Know the Import Processes

» What do I do to release my delivery order /empty letter ?

» What do I do if my cargo is in damaged condition ?

» What do I do if my Maersk Line original B/L's are lost ?

» How can I make e-payment for my shipment ?

» How do I submit documents for House B/L manifestation ?

» What do I do if the container is damaged and not being offloaded ?

» How do I submit documents for High Sea Sales ?

» I am having trouble filling Bill of Entry, What do I do ?

» How to make an amendment to the Import Manifest ?

» How can I get my refund processed ?

» How do I get my cargo arrival notice ?

» Where can Maersk take my import cargo? / what are Maersk's import acceptance points?

» How do I make payments and surrender documents at a CMS counter?

West Region (Maharashtra and Hyderabad) Toll free: 1800 200 1644

Person Responsible Mearsk Identification Numbers (MIN)

Navnath B Unde 7689

Taposh Biswas 7420

Shama Shaikh 7867

Sudesh Walunj 7691

Vincy John 7693

Danzil Aloysius 7692

Disha Buddhadev 7731

10/ 17/ 12 M aer sk Line - Pr int ver sion

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North Region (North India &


Toll free: 1800 200


Person Responsible Mearsk Identification

Numbers (MIN)

Location Responsible

Nidhi Sharma 1468 Key Clients North India

Aparna Kishen 1406 Kandla, Ludhiana and Rajasthan

Manuja Sharma 1419 Ahmedabad, Baroda, Ankleshwar, Sanand and


Sankalp Dheer 1506 NCR Region, Kanpur and Moradabad

South Region (all locations

in South India)

Toll free: 1800 200 1640

Person Responsible Mearsk Identification Numbers


Location Responsible

Sonia Doss 2729 Chennai & Bangalore

Ganesh D 2731 Chennai & Bangalore

Sathyapriya R 2730 Tuticorin & Cochin

Hariharan Devarajan 2728 Key clients South India

East Region (Kolkatta & Vizag) Toll free: 1800 200 1638

Person Responsible Mearsk Identification Numbers (MIN)

Aditi Bose 1665

Lopa Mudra Saha 1666

Contact us:

Pending Task/Issue


Email Address

House B/L Submission; High

Sea sales submission


Freight and Detention Invoices

& Receipts of Payment

North India shipments (Gujarat, Punjab and



West India shipments (Mumbai, Pune,

Hyderabad, Nagpur and MP)


South and East India shipments (Tamilnadu,

West Bengal, Kerala and Karnataka)


Invoice Disputes Freight Invoices (

Detention Invoices (

Maharashtra & Hyderabad

10/ 17/ 12 M aer sk Line - Pr int ver sion

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North India and Gujarat


South India


Kolkatta and Vizag

Damage Container Invoice (

Refund application for

detention or any other charges


All other disputes and issues (

Maharashtra & Hyderabad


North India and Gujarat


South India


Kolkatta and Vizag

» Export service

Printed from Maersk Line web site 10-17-12 13:27
