Louis Kahn


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Q. Study one louis kahn building and express is principles

Kimbell Art Museum

Kimbell art museum at fort worth, texas, is considered the crown jewel of Louis Kahn. The brief demanded for a modern building where natural light should play a vital role and the form to be a work of art of modest scale – not overwhelming the viewer and the artwork.

The museum is composed of 16 parallel vaults that are each 100 feet (30.5 m) long, 20 feet (6 m) high and 23 feet (7 m) wide (internal measurements). The vaults are grouped into three wings. The north and south wings each have six vaults, with the western one open as a portico. The central space has four vaults, with the western one open as an entry porch facing a courtyard partially enclosed by the two outside wings.

Most of the art galleries are located on the upper floor of the museum to allow access to natural light. Service and curatorial spaces as well as an additional gallery occupy the ground floor. Each interior vault has a slot along its apex to allow natural light into the galleries. Air ducts and other mechanical services are located in the spaces where the edges of the vaults almost meet.

The main feature of the Kimbell art museum is the lighting. The interior is superbly lighted, thanks to the shape of the barrel vault, focusing the light as if it is a torchlight. Louis Kahn had this done very well indeed, as light is the main factor in designing an art gallery or museum. A reflecting screen made of perforated anodized aluminum with a specific curve was used to distribute natural light evenly across the cycloid curve of the ceiling. In areas without art, such as the entry hall, cafeteria and library, the entire reflector is perforated, making it possible for people standing beneath to glimpse passing clouds. In the gallery spaces, the central part of the reflector, which is directly beneath the sun, is solid, while the remainder is perforated. The concrete surfaces of the ceiling were given a high finish to further assist the reflection of the light. The end result is that the strong Texas sun enters a narrow slot at the top of each vault and is evenly reflected from a curved screen across the entire arc of the polished concrete ceiling, ensuring a beautiful distribution of natural light that had never before been achieved.

Kahn used several techniques to give the galleries an inviting atmosphere. He had pozzuolana added to the concrete mix to give it a warmer color. The ends of the vaults, which are made of concrete block, are faced with travertine inside and out. The handrails and other stainless steel elements were "sandblasted" with ground pecan shells to create a matte surface texture. The museum has three glass-walled courtyards that bring natural light to the gallery spaces. One of them penetrates the gallery floor to bring natural light to the conservation studio on the ground floor.

Kahn’s love for monumental buildings is evident in this piece of art. The vaults appear to be floating on a few pillars.

The landscaping has been described as "Kahn's most elegant built example of landscape planning." Approaching the main entrance past a lawn edged by pools with running water, the visitor enters a courtyard through a grove of Yaopon holly trees. The sound of footsteps on the gravel walkway echoes from the walls on either side of the courtyard and is magnified under the curved ceiling of the entry porch. After that subtle preparation, the visitor enters the hushed museum with silvery light spread across its ceiling.

Q. Essay on monumentality

A. Monuments are human landmarks, which men have created as symbols for their ideals, for their aims, and for their actions. They are intended to outlive the period, which originated them, and constitute a heritage for future generations. Monuments are the expression of man’s highest cultural needs. They have to satisfy the eternal demand of the people for translation of their collective force into symbols. The most vital monuments are those which express the feeling and thinking of this collective force - the people.

The last hundred years have witnessed the devaluation of monumentality. This does not mean that there is any lack of formal monuments or architectural examples pretending to serve this purpose: but the so-called monuments of recent date have, with rare exceptions, become empty shells. They in no way represent the spirit or the collective feeling of modern times.

This decline and misuse of monumentality is the principal reason why modern architects have deliberately disregarded the monument and revolted against it. Modern architecture, like modern painting and sculpture, had to start the hard way. It began by tackling the simpler problems, the more utilitarian buildings like low rent housing, schools, office buildings, hospitals, and similar structures. Today modern architects know that buildings cannot be conceived as isolated units, that they have to be incorporated into the vaster urban schemes. There are no frontiers between architecture and town planning, just as there are no frontiers between the city and the region. Correlation between them is necessary. Monuments should constitute the most powerful accents in these vast schemes.

The people want the buildings that represent their social and community life to give more than functional fulfilment. They want their aspiration for monumentality, joy, pride, and excitement to be satisfied. The fulfillment of this demand can be accomplished with the new means of expression at hand, though it is no easy task. The following conditions are essential for it. A monument being the integration of the work of the planner, architect, painter, sculptor, and landscapist demands close collaboration between all of them.

Sites for monuments must be planned. This will be possible once replanning is undertaken on a large scale, which will create vast open spaces in the now decaying areas of our cities. In these open spaces, monumental architecture will find its appropriate setting which now aces not exist.

Monumental buildings will then be able to stand in space, for, like trees or plants, monumental buildings cannot be crowded in upon any odd lot in any district. Only when this space is achieved can the new urban centres come to life.

9. Modern materials and new techniques are at hand: light metal structures; curved, laminated wooden arches: panels of different textures, colours, and sizes; light elements like ceilings which can be suspended from big trusses covering practically unlimited spans.

Mobile elements can constantly vary the aspect of the buildings. These mobile elements, changing positions and casting different shadows when acted upon by wind or machinery, can be the source of new architectural effects.

During night hours, colour and forms can be projected on vast surfaces. Such displays could be projected upon buildings for purposes of publicity or propaganda. These buildings would have large plane surfaces planned for this purpose, surfaces which are non-existent today. Such big animated surfaces with the use of colour and movement in a new spirit would offer unexplored fields to mural painters and sculptors.