July 26, 2015 AM Order of Worship



Order of Worship and Outline for July 26, 2015

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  • Worship Leader Pastor William Koopmans Music Ministry Willem Ligthart, Alice VanStempvoort

    MORNING WORSHIP July 26, 2015

    *Please stand, if able


    Welcome *Call to Worship *Opening Song: O Praise the Lord, for It Is Good (PsH #187: 1, 2)

    *Prayer of Preparation (concluded with the singing of Breathe on Me, Breath of God (PsH #420: 1, 2))

    *Gods Greeting *Congregation Responds by Saying Amen

    *Songs of Praise & Worship: 1. Beautiful Saviour (PsH #461) 2. I Lift Your Name

    Time of Confession Gods Guide for Holy Living Song of Response: The Power of Your Love

    Offertory Prayer Offerings: 1. Our Gifts for the Church Budget

    2. World Renew Disaster Response Services

    Scripture: Philippians 3:17-21 (read by John Dieleman)

    Childrens Time (Children come to the front then ages 3 and 4 then leave for their Time of Worship downstairs (Visiting Children are Welcome!)

    *We Sing: Psalm 23

    Text: Philippians 3:17 Message: Are You a Role Model?

    Prayer of Response (Duet: Make Me Like You)

    Prayer of Gods People (led by Bill Eenink) *We Sing: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (PsH #545)

    *Gods Parting Blessing *Congregation Responds by Saying Amen

    *Closing Song: Go Now in Peace *Postlude

    Prayer Ministry: Patrick McNamara and Natalie Nauta are available for you to pray with in the Prayer Room. Please allow Pastor, Elders, Deacons and those needing assistance to exit before you leave your pew! Thank You License #CCLI 320696


    Scripture: Philippians 3:15-21

    Text: Philippians 3:17: Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.

    Sermon: Are You A Role Model? Outline Introduction Seven ways that Paul in the Book of Philippians sets the example.

    1. In prayer for others. 2. In talking about his faith. 3. In rejoicing in the midst of suffering. 4. In not arguing or complaining. 5. In valuing the knowledge of Jesus above all else. 6. In focusing on what pleases God. 7. In expressing thankfulness.

    Conclusion -- our calling to follow Pauls example and be a role model to others
