Harry the monkey loved - E-Classroom


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Harry the monkey loved to climb trees, swing on the vines,

and eat bananas.

One sunny day, Harry woke up and

decided to go for a swing ride in the

forest with his friend, Elina.

As they were enjoying their playdateswinging from tree to tree, they suddenly came across a tiger, fast asleep!

They were terrified they would wake Tiger,

so Elina signalled Harry to swing back.

At that moment, Harry lost his grip and tumbled to the ground.

Elina leapt to help him, but before they could escape, Tiger woke up!

“Well, well, well!” Tiger snarled! “Look what the forest has brought me to eat!”

Harry and Elina ran and ran and eventually came across a cabin.

Harry and Elina ran as fast as they could, followed by hungry Tiger close behind them.

Before they could lock the cabin door, Tiger sprang inside with a loud ‘thud’, ‘thud’ ‘thud’.

Harry shrieked, ‘Please stop! Don’t eat us, we’re not very tasty!’.

Tiger burst into laughter. ‘Don’t be silly, Monkey, I’m not here to eat you, I want to play with you!’

Harry and Elina were speechless! They never expected Tiger would want to play with them. They thought he wanted to gobble them up!

‘Don’t be scared’, said Tiger. I have no friends in the forest, so when I see new faces, I like to cause a bit of hullabaloo!’.

Harry and Elina were relieved, and they all played together.

‘By the way’, Harry asked Tiger. ‘What is your name?’ ”My name is Penny”, said Tiger “and I’m still hungry!”

The End

Harry opened the fridge door. There was lots of food to eat and they all sat down together for lunch.

Editing and artwork copyright E-Classroom