Estimating volcanic CO2 emission rates from atmospheric measurements on the slope of Mauna Loa


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Ž .Chemical Geology 177 2001 201–211www.elsevier.comrlocaterchemgeo

Estimating volcanic CO emission rates from atmospheric2

measurements on the slope of Mauna Loa

Steven Ryan)

Mauna Loa ObserÕatory, Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Lab, NOAA, P.O. Box 275, Hilo, HI 96721, USA

Received 26 July 1999; accepted 9 March 2000


The annual quiescent CO emissions from the summit of Mauna Loa volcano between 1959 and 1999 were calculated2Ž .from atmospheric measurements made 6 km downslope at the Mauna Loa Observatory MLO . Volcanic CO is trapped2

beneath a tens of meters thick temperature inversion at night and produces excess CO mixing ratios of up to tens of ppm2

above background. Measurements of the excess CO , as a function of height above the ground, and wind direction are2

combined with the downslope wind speed to estimate the total flux of CO trapped near the ground, which provides a2

minimum estimate of the total volcanic emissions. The CO emissions were greatest shortly after each eruption and then2

decreased exponentially with 1re time constants of 6.6, 6.5, and 1.6 years for the post-1950, 1975, and 1984 periods. Totalemissions for these periods were 3.3, 1.9, and 2.5=108 kg, respectively. The distribution of quiescent volcanic CO with2

wind direction shifted eastward after the 1975 and 1984 eruptions by a few degrees, coinciding with a shift in eruptiveŽ . Ž .activity from the SW rift 1950 to the NE rift 1984 . A broadening of the distribution in 1993–1995 and 1998 is interpreted

as indicating a new source high on the SW rift. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Carbon dioxide; Volcanic emissions; Flux; Mauna Loa

1. Introduction

Gas emission rates from erupting volcanoes areusually estimated by integrating the flux through asurface perpendicular to the axis of the plume. Ide-ally, this requires measurements of the gas mixingratio and perpendicular wind velocity at every pointwhere the plume passes through this surface, as wellas measurements of the atmospheric backgroundmixing ratio of the gas upwind of the volcano. Inpractice, a few measurements taken at intervals inspace and time are averaged to approximate the flux.

) Fax: q1-808-933-6965.Ž .E-mail address: S. Ryan .

These measurements are usually taken either by re-Ž .mote sensors on the ground e.g., COSPEC or by

in-situ sensors aboard aircraft. This paper describesthe use of long-term in-situ measurements from asurface station to calculate time-averaged emissionrates when the volcanic CO is trapped beneath a2

surface temperature inversion.CO flux measurements in volcanic plumes are2

usually made from the air. Aircraft can carry high-precision analyzers to measure SO , CO , and other2 2

Ž .constituents in-situ see papers in this volume . Theinstruments are usually flown in a series of succes-sively higher traverses along a plane perpendicular to

Ž .the plume axis Gerlach et al., 1997 . Winds aredetermined by the aircraft’s instruments and more

0009-2541r01r$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.Ž .PII: S0009-2541 00 00392-2

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211202

recently, GPS. Plume mixing ratios of CO range up2

to tens of ppm above an atmospheric background ofaround 360 ppm. The technique gives good resultsfor eruptive plumes with large emission rates. ExcessCO in the plume can currently be measured to less2

than 1 ppm, corresponding to a minimum detectableŽemission rate of about 100–200 trday Gerlach,

.personal communication .In this paper, volcanic CO fluxes are calculated2

from yearly averaged measurements made on theŽ .ground at Mauna Loa Observatory MLO in Hawaii.

Atmospheric CO data from MLO provided the first2

proof that the CO concentration of the global atmo-2Ž .sphere was increasing Pales and Keeling, 1965 .

The observatory is at an elevation of 3400 m, 6 kmnorth of the 4169-m summit of Mauna Loa volcano.This is an excellent location to measure clean, back-ground air minimally disturbed by distant anthro-pogenic and continental sources and sinks. Aftertraveling across the Pacific for days to weeks, thewell-mixed air parcels have a steady CO mixing2

ratio with minute-scale variability typically less thanŽ .0.05 ppm Ryan, 1995 . The site is also a good

location from which to monitor the quiescent emis-sions of Mauna Loa volcano. From the beginning ofthe MLO program, volcanic CO coming from the2

summit was frequently detected in the atmosphericŽrecord Pales and Keeling, 1965; Miller and Chin,

.1978 . Volcanic CO only appears at night during2

periods of light winds. Under these conditions, radia-tive cooling produces a strong temperature inversionnear the ground which traps the gas in a layer tens of

Ž .meters thick Ryan, 1997 and transports it to theobservatory in downslope winds. The volcanic CO2

is poorly mixed with background air upon reachingthe observatory and is easily identified by a highlyvariable CO trace and mixing ratio increases of up2

to tens of ppm. These events have always beenregarded by atmospheric scientists as an undesirablecontamination of the clean background signal andhave been objectively eliminated from the climato-

Žlogical record Keeling et al., 1976; Thoning et al.,. Ž .1989 . Ryan 1995 developed a methodology for

estimating the volcanic emission rate from meteoro-logical and atmospheric CO measurements. The2

data were used to produce a continuous 37-yearrecord of quiescent CO outgassing, which spanned2

periods between the last three Mauna Loa eruptions

in 1950, 1975, and 1984. Using other observatorymeasurements, a 20-year record of volcanic aerosolswas derived, and upper limits on the amounts ofvolcanic H O, O , CH , SO , CO, and H poten-2 3 4 2 2

tially present at MLO were determined.In this paper, the relationship between local mete-

orology and the presence of volcanic CO at MLO2

will be examined in more detail. The Mauna LoaCO emissions record is refined and extended to the2

Ž .end of 1999 42 years . New measurements of SO2

and wind at several heights above the ground areused to better constrain the vertical distribution ofvolcanic gas. The relationship between volcanic CO2

mixing ratio and wind direction is used to show thatŽ .the location of the CO source s near the summit2

has shifted after each eruption. These measurementsalso suggest that a weak new source appeared highon the SW rift in 1993–1995 and again in 1998.

2. Site and measurements

2.1. Site description

The Mauna Loa summit caldera is 3=5 km indiameter with a floor elevation of 4000 m at abearing of 1908 and distance of 6 km from MLOŽ .Fig. 1 . The northeast rift lies between 1008 and

Fig. 1. Map of Mauna Loa summit area. North is up. TheŽ .observatory MLO is located at 155.5798W 19.9538N. Radial

lines from MLO give bearings in degrees from true north. BasedŽ .on a figure from Lockwood et al. 1987 .

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211 203

1808 at a minimum distance of 4 km, and the south-west rift is between 2008 and 2108 at distancesgreater than 10 km. Above an elevation of 2500 m,the slopes of Mauna Loa are barren of vegetation.

Between the 1975 and 1984 eruptions, visiblefuming occurred along seven 120–3628C active fu-maroles located on the 1975 eruptive fissureŽ .Casadevall and Hazlett, 1983 . Visible fumingceased from this area after the 1984 eruptionŽ .Lockwood et al., 1987 and a much weaker sourceof visible fume was observed in the southwestern

Žend of the caldera J. Sutton, personal communica-.tion, 1993 .

The height of the caldera rim varies from 180 mon the west side to near zero where it intersects therifts to the NNE and SSW and forms two pits.During periods of light winds, the surface tempera-ture inversion at night would tend to trap the emis-sions from the caldera basin and air would drain outof the caldera from the low points to the NNE orSSW depending on the prevailing wind direction.The observatory is located directly downslope fromthe NNE point.

2.2. CO measurements2

In 1958, the Scripps Institute of OceanographyŽ . ŽSIO began monitoring CO Pales and Keeling2

.1965; Keeling et al., 1976 using an Applied PhysicsCorporation dual detector non-dispersive infrared an-alyzer. Air was sampled alternatively from intakelines at two different heights for 10 min each fol-lowed by a 10-min flow of reference gas. Watervapor was removed from the air stream by a y608Cfreezer trap. The analyzer output voltage wasrecorded on a chart record, from which the data werehand scaled. The precision of the SIO system inmeasuring reference gases was between 0.1 and 0.2

Ž .ppm Keeling, 1986 .In May 1974, what is now the National Oceanic

Ž .and Atmospheric Administration NOAA ClimateŽ .Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory CMDL

began operating a Hartmann and Braun URAS-2non-dispersive infrared analyzer. Every hour, twoseparate intake lines and two reference gases weresampled. The two reference gases were calibratedweekly by comparison with a suite of five standardgases. Water vapor was removed by a y608C cold

trap. Beginning in 1976, 1-min averages of the ana-lyzer voltage output were recorded by a computer

Ždata acquisition and control system Herbert et al.,.1986 . The precision of this system in measuring

reference gases was between 0.015 and 0.03 ppm. In1987, a Siemens Ultramat-3 analyzer was installed,

Žwhich improved this precision to 0.009 ppm Ryan,.1995 .

The SIO and NOAA programs sampled air fromŽvarious towers at heights ranging from 7 m begin-

. Ž .ning in 1958 to 40 m beginning in 1988 . Air wasalways measured through at least two switched inletsevery hour. There were periods when the inlets wereat separate heights and other periods when they were

Ž .at the same height listed by Ryan, 1995 .

2.3. SO measurements2

SO was measured using a Thermo-Environmen-2

tal Model 43-S pulsed-fluorescence analyzer fromJune 1994 to January 1997, and again from July1998 to the present. The analyzer has a 95% re-sponse time of 2 min. The detection limit for a20-min air measurement at the 95% confidence levelis 50 ppt. The current system samples air through athermostatically controlled heated Teflon line withinlet solenoids at 40, 23, 10, and 4 m above theground. Every hour, these inlets are sampled for 6–7min each in two consecutive sequences, followed by10 min through a zero SO filter. Hourly average2

mixing ratios are calculated for each of the foursampling levels. A single point calibration is madefor 1 h each day.

3. Results

3.1. Volcanic emissions eÕents at MLO

Two recent representative emissions events areshown in Fig. 2. On both nights, there were periodsof steady background CO mixing ratio with2

minute-scale variability of less than 0.05 ppm. Whenthe emissions were present, the CO mixing ratio2

increased by up to several ppm, and the minute-scalevariability also increased greatly. At the same time,

Žthe SO mixing ratio at the CO sampling height 402 2.m increased by 50–200 ppt above background lev-

els of less than 50 ppt.

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211204

Fig. 2. Parameters measured at MLO on 2 nights at the indicated heights above the ground.

Ž .Ryan 1995 described a procedure for calculatingŽ .the amount of excess volcanic CO termed DCO2 2

from the continuous atmospheric measurements,which will be briefly reviewed here. The presence ofemissions is identified by the amount of minute-scalevariability in the CO mixing ratio. This is measured2

Ž .by a parameter called the variability index VI ,which is the average absolute difference between allsuccessive 1-min CO mixing ratios during a sam-2

Žpling interval. For the NOAA data Hofmann et al.,.1998 , there are two 22-min sampling intervals each

hour. If the VI exceeds 0.1 ppm, emissions are

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211 205

assumed to be present. Below 0.1 ppm is consideredbackground. The background is estimated during aninterval when emissions are present by linear inter-polation between the nearest background mixing ra-tios that occurred during periods before and after.The interpolated background mixing ratio is thensubtracted from the measured mixing ratio to obtainDCO .2

By applying this methodology to the CO data in2

Fig. 2, emissions were present during the hours of1:00 AM, 5:00 AM, and 6:00 AM on September 15with DCO of 0.66, 0.38, and 0.43 ppm, respec-2

tively. On September 19, emissions were presentduring the hours of midnight and 1:00 AM withDCO of 1.85 and 0.18 ppm.2

The surface winds at MLO were described byŽ .Ryan 1997 . The nighttime surface wind is com-

posed of two components. These are a radiationwind, which is the downslope gravitational flow ofradiatively cooled air near the ground, and a barrierwind that results when the winds in the free-tropo-sphere flow around the mountain obstacle. Theseeffects can be seen in the wind and temperature datain Fig. 2. On both nights, there was a strong temper-ature inversion near the ground, with the temperaturedifference between 2 and 37 m increasing from 38Cat 10 PM to 58C at 6:00 AM. This produced a steadydownslope radiation wind near the ground. At 8.5 m,the wind consistently blew downslope from 180"208 at 3–4 m sy1 on both nights. Higher above theground near the top of the temperature inversion, thewind is more dominated by the barrier wind field.The free-tropospheric wind direction at the 3400-maltitude of MLO can be estimated from radiosondeslaunched by the National Weather Service at 1:00AM from nearby Hilo, HI. On September 15, the

Žradiosonde wind reported at 3560 m the measure-.ment nearest 3400 m was light, blowing from 2748

at 1 m sy1. This caused a westward deflection of the38-m wind at MLO, which blew from about 2508 at3 m sy1. On September 19, the radiosonde wind at3301 m was blowing from 1838 at 1.5 m sy1 while

Ž y1 .the 38-m wind at MLO was light 1 m s andvariable, averaging 1708. On both nights, the free-tropospheric wind speed was low, which is a neces-sary condition for volcanic emissions from the sum-mit to reach MLO because a strong easterly orwesterly free-tropospheric wind blows the gas away

from the direction of MLO and also tends to breakŽ .up the surface temperature inversion Ryan, 1997 .

The thickness of the volcanic gas layer aboveMLO can vary substantially throughout the night asseen in the vertical distribution of volcanic SO and2

the presence or absence of volcanic CO at 40 m.2

The layer was less than 23 m thick during the hoursof midnight, 4:00 AM, and 5:00 AM on September

Ž15 indicated by high SO mixing ratios at 4 and 102

m, much lower mixing ratios at 23 and 40 m, and.little or no volcanic CO at 40 m . In contrast, the2

layer was more than 40 m thick during the hours of1:00 AM on September 15 and midnight on Septem-

Žber 19 similar SO mixing ratios at all levels,2.volcanic CO present at 40 m .2

3.2. Long-term record of Õolcanic CO mixing ratio2

Ž .Monthly average DCO described in Section 3.12

normalized to a common sampling height of 23 m isshown in Fig. 3. The averages are taken over allhours between midnight and 8:00 AM, and include

Žhours when the emissions were absent DCO . There were 117 h in the 4 years following the

1984 eruption when volcanic emissions caused someof the 1-min average CO mixing ratios to exceed2

Žthe upper range of the analyzer usually about 25.ppm above ambient . These hours had a correction

Ž .factor applied as described in Ryan 1995 .The fraction of hours that volcanic CO was2

detected ranged from 50% shortly after the 1984eruption to 15% in the late 1990s. Much of the

Fig. 3. Monthly average volcanic CO 23 m above Mauna Loa2Ž .Observatory DCO from 1958 to 1999 between the hours of2

Ž .midnight and 7:00 AM. Hours with no volcanic CO DCO s02 2

are included in the monthly averages.

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211206

scatter in Fig. 3 is caused by an annual cycle in theefficiency of transport of volcanic emissions to theobservatory. Monthly average DCO is least during2

the winter and spring seasons when strong free-tropospheric winds tend to deflect the emissions tothe west of the observatory.

Fig. 3 shows that the volcanic CO mixing ratio2

measured at MLO increased greatly after an eruptionand then decreased exponentially in later years. Sev-

Ž .eral other features were described by Ryan 1995 inthe 1958–1995 records, which are briefly listed here.Ž .1 There was a delay of 65 days between the end ofthe 1975 summit eruption and the onset of increased

Ž .degassing. 2 No increase in DCO was observed2Ž .on short time scales hours to weeks prior to either

Ž .eruption. 3 There was no increase in DCO on a2

time scale of months-to-years prior to the 1984eruption, but there was such an increase prior to the1975 eruption. The magnitude of this increase wasnot great enough above the monthly noise level toprovide an unambiguous eruption precursor.

3.3. Relationship between Õolcanic CO and wind2


Before 1977, wind speed and direction wererecorded on charts and hand-scaled to produce hourlyaverage values. The wind direction was only re-ported as N, NE, E, SE, etc. These measurements arecombined with modern computer-recorded 18 resolu-tion data after 1977 to show the annual averageDCO in three 458 wide sectors centered on wind2

Ž . Ž . Ž .directions of 1358 SE , 1808 S , and 2258 SW forŽ .the complete 42-year record Fig. 4A . The distribu-

tion has shifted after each eruption. Between 1958and 1974, there was about three times as muchvolcanic CO coming from the SW sector as from2

the SE sector. After the 1984 eruption, this ratio wascloser to 1.

The direction of the center of the three-sectordistributions is shown in Fig. 4B. The center direc-tion has shifted eastward by 3.38 between the post-

Ž1950 and post-1984 quiescent periods 95% confi-.dence error on the mean is "1.58 . Although we do

not understand the wind field at the summit wellŽ .enough to pinpoint the source location s from these

data, it appears that the average location of the

Ž . Ž .Fig. 4. A top — Yearly average volcanic CO DCO parti-2 2

tioned by wind sector. Each sector is 458 wide, centered on theŽ .indicated direction. B bottom — Yearly average direction of the

center of the distributions shown above.

quiescent CO source region has shifted slightly2

from west to east following the last two eruptions.This is consistent with a shift in eruptive activity

Ž . Ž .from the southwest rift 1950 to the summit 1975Ž .to the northeast rift 1984 .

An interesting feature in Fig. 4A is a flattening ofthe distribution that occurred between 1993 and 1995.In every year prior to 1993, the volcanic CO mixing2

ratio in the SW and SE sectors was always 6–10times less than that in the S sector. In 1994, themixing ratio was nearly equal in all three sectors.This is seen more clearly in Fig. 5, which shows theDCO distribution in 108 sectors. During the post-2

Ž .1975 quiescent period 1977–1983 , the full-width atŽ .half-maximum of the distribution FWHM was 518

Ž .ss58 . In the early post-1984 quiescent periodŽ . Ž .1984–1987 , the FWHM was similar at 488 ss28 .In contrast, the FWHM during the anomalous 1993–

Ž . Ž .1995 period was 708 ss98 . Ryan 1995 sug-gested that this was caused by additional emissions

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211 207

Ž .Fig. 5. DCO distributions for 1984–1987 filled circles , 1977–2Ž . Ž . Ž1983 empty circles , 1993–1995 squares , and 1990–1992 no

.symbols, heavy line as a function of the 8.5-m wind directionmeasured at MLO.

from a new source located near the opposite side ofthe summit caldera from MLO, possibly high on theSW rift. Gas coming from this location would haveto travel equal distances around the mountain toarrive at MLO from either the southwest or southeastdepending on the prevailing wind direction. If thisinterpretation is correct, this source was active in1993–1995, diminished in 1996–1997, and became

Ž .active again in 1998 Fig. 4 .The prevailing wind direction in the free tropo-

sphere at the 4000-m altitude of the summit can beestimated from the daily 1:00 AM radiosonde windmeasurements taken from nearby Hilo, HI. The free-tropospheric wind presumably directs the gas as itemerges from the vents near the summit. The rela-tionship between this wind direction and nightlyaverage DCO is shown in Fig. 6. These data have2

more scatter than the MLO DCO distribution in Fig.2

5 because the wind direction determined from adrifting balloon has a much greater error than thatfrom a surface wind vane, because the balloon windat 4000 m is interpolated from various reportedlevels, and because the barrier wind field around themountain is three-dimensionally complex. The vol-canic CO is greatest at MLO when the free-tropo-2

spheric wind blows from a southerly direction asexpected, but it is only three to five times less whenthe free-tropospheric wind blows from the north. TheFWHM of these distributions is about 1208. In1977–1983, the distribution center was from 1798.After the 1984 eruption, the center shifted to the east

to 1668 in 1984–1989. This is consistent with theŽ .shift in eruptive activity from the summit 1975 to

Ž .the northeast rift 1984 . The anomalous period of1993–1995 had a distribution center from 1838 withrelatively more volcanic CO coming from south-2

western free-tropospheric winds, which supports thehypothesis that there was a new source located highon the SW rift.

3.4. AÕerage Õertical gradient of the Õolcanic CO2


Since summit emissions are trapped beneath thesurface temperature inversion at night, the mixingratio of volcanic gas measured at MLO decreaseswith height above the ground. Although the thick-ness of this layer can vary substantially from hour to

Ž .hour Section 3.1 , the vertical gradient averagedŽ .over many months or years is well defined Fig. 7 .

Ž .Ryan 1995 derived the vertical profile of theŽvolcanic CO layer at four heights 13, 16, 23, and2

.40 m . For 17 out of 37 years, CO had been2

sampled from pairs of sampling lines at differentheights. These data were used to calculate the ratioof DCO at the four heights, normalized to a stan-2

dard height of 23 m, shown as filled circles in Fig. 7.In 1992–1993, wind and temperature were mea-

Žsured at six heights on the sampling tower 2.5, 5,.10, 20, 30, and 38 m . During this 2-year period, a

subset of 23 nights was selected when radiosonde

Ž .Fig. 6. DCO distributions for 1984–1987 filled circles , 1977–2Ž . Ž . Ž1983 empty circles , 1993–1995 squares , and 1990–1992 no

.symbols, dashed line as a function of the wind direction mea-sured by Hilo radiosondes in the free-troposphere at 4000 maltitude. The lines are five-point running means.

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211208

ŽFig. 7. The average vertical profile of volcanic CO filled2. Ž . Ž .circles , volcanic SO rectangles , and wind speed crosses .2

Each is ratioed to the average value at 23 m above the ground.Details of the derivations are given in the text.

measurements showed that the free-tropospheric windŽ y1 .was light -1 m s at 3400 m, which is a

favorable condition for transport of volcanic CO to2

MLO. The average downslope component of thewind at each level was calculated between midnight

Ž .and 7:00 AM Ryan, 1997 . These wind speeds,normalized to the interpolated wind speed at 23 m,are shown as crosses in Fig. 7.

The 1998–1999 SO program made measure-2Ž .ments at four sampling heights 4, 10, 23, and 40 m .

During the first 300 days of operation, there were 21nights in which the CO data showed that Mauna2

Loa emissions were present between midnight and7:59 AM, and an SO baseline of less than 50 ppt2

indicated that pollution from Kilauea was absent. Anaverage background SO mixing ratio of 40 ppt was2

obtained for these nights by averaging the SO mix-2

ing ratio at 40 m for all hours in which DCO s0.2

The volcanic SO mixing ratios at the four sampling2

heights were calculated by taking the average mixingratio at each height and subtracting the 40 ppt back-ground. These values, normalized to the mixing ratioat 23 m, are plotted as rectangles in Fig. 7.

The final result shows that the vertical gradient isconsistent between all three measurements. VolcanicCO , volcanic SO , and downslope wind speed are2 2

all proportional and decrease inversely with the loga-rithm of height above the ground between 2.5 and 40m. The regression fit through all the data in Fig. 7has r 2s0.91. The integrated area under the curve isequal to a 78-m column having a uniform ratio of

Ž .1.0. This confirms the result 79 m that was re-ported in 1995 using only the CO data.2

3.5. AÕerage wind speed

Ž .The two-component downslope and cross-slopewind at 8.5 m above the ground was selected for allhours between midnight and 7:00 AM in which

Žvolcanic CO was present DCO was greater than2 . These were combined into annual averages

between 1977 and 1998. The overall average downs-y1 Žlope component for this period was 3.7 m s ss

. y1 Ž .0.4 m s . The average cross-slope westerly com-Ž . y1ponent was only 0.2 ss0.2 m s . Ninety percent

of the time that volcanic CO was present, the wind2

speed was less than 6.5 m sy1.

3.6. Estimated Õolcanic CO flux2

The observatory measurements are used to makeannual estimates of the total CO flux that is trapped2

beneath the temperature inversion at night. By aver-aging the data over a period of 1 year, variabilityarising from changing meteorological conditions ontime scales from minutes to seasons is minimized. Itis assumed that the volcanic CO is contained within2

a wedge-shaped segment with its origin at the sum-Žmit, and a radius of 6 km equal to the summit–MLO

.distance . The downslope vertical face of this seg-ment is the normal surface through which the fluxpasses. The total flux through this face was calcu-lated on a computer spreadsheet by numerical inte-gration, using the results of the previous sections.

The flux calculation goes as follows. At the 680mbar pressure and 108C temperature of MLO, 1 ppmof CO is equivalent to 1.06=10y6 kg my3. The2

mixing ratio of volcanic CO and the wind speed as2

a function of height above the ground are both givenby the linear fit in Fig. 7. Using DCO at a reference2

height of 23 m and the average downslope windspeed of 3.7 m sy1 at a height of 8.5 m, the verticalintegral for the flux is 1.98=10y4 kg my1 sy1

ppmy1. The total flux is obtained by integratinghorizontally using annual average DCO distribu-2

tions such as those in Fig. 5. Unfortunately, accuratewind direction data was only available after 1977.Before this, winds were recorded in 458 sectors. To

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211 209

Fig. 8. Estimated minimum annual CO emissions from the2

Mauna Loa summit. The heavy lines give logarithmic regressionfits to the 1960–1973, 1975–1983, and 1984–1989 periods. Theparameters of these regressions are in Table 1. The light lines

Žcontain 95% of the annual averages from 1959 to 1990 Section. 64.1 . 1 kTs10 kg.

produce consistent results, the annual average DCO2

in the 458 sector centered on 1808 must be used forthe horizontal integration throughout the 42-year pe-riod of record. Fortunately, this is a reasonable ap-proximation, since the average FWHM of the distri-butions between 1977 and 1997 was found to be 508Ž .Section 3.5 . A 458 sector corresponds to an arc

Ž .length of 2p=6000 m= 458r3608 , which is equalto 4710 m. The total flux is therefore 0.93 kg sy1

ppmy1. Over 1 year, a 1-ppm average volcanic CO2

mixing ratio from the south sector equals a totalemission of 2.9=107 kg of CO . This is somewhat2

less than the 3.7=107 kg obtained earlier by RyanŽ .1995 using simpler assumptions.

Annual CO emissions for each calendar year are2

given in Fig. 8. The values for 1975 and 1984 areaverages for the 12 months following the end of theeruptions, which occurred in July and April, respec-tively. Logarithmic regressions were calculated foreach of three post-eruptive periods. The parametersof the regressions are listed in Table 1, where the fitto the 1960–1973 data was extended back to 1950 to

obtain estimates for the initial rate and total emis-sions for that period.

4. Discussion

4.1. Do the CO fluxes represent total emissions?2

The values in Fig. 8 represent the total emissionsof CO from the Mauna Loa summit only if the2

volcanic gas remains completely trapped beneath theŽtemperature inversion at night midnight to 7:00

.AM . To the extent that some CO may escape from2

beneath the inversion within 6 km of the summit,these estimates must be considered a lower limit ofthe total CO emissions. For the gas to remain2

completely trapped, the heat flux at the ventsrfumaroles must not be great enough to loft any of theCO above the surface temperature inversion near2

the point of emission. If this condition is not met, agradual decrease in the quiescent heat flux from thevent following an eruption could introduce a system-atic error in the CO emissions estimates, with the2

greatest underestimation occurring shortly after theeruption. There is also the potential for some vol-canic gas to leak from beneath the inversion layer intransit downslope to MLO. The MLO meteorologicalmeasurements show that the local inversion layer is

Ž .fully formed by midnight on average Ryan, 1997 ,when the volcanic CO mixing ratio is proportional2

Ž .to the downslope wind speed Fig. 7 . Substantialvariations in the vertical distribution of wind andtemperature sometimes occur on time scales of min-

Ž .utes to hours Fig. 2 , and some volcanic CO could2

be lost when the steady flow is disrupted.The annual CO emissions estimates are scattered2

about the exponential fits in Fig. 8. Between 1959and 1990, half of the points are within a factor of

Table 1Minimum total CO emissions estimates2

2Period r 1re S Emissions Year 1 emissions Lava volume8 8 8 310 kg 10 kg 10 m

Ž .1960–1973 0.85 6.6 3.3 est. 0.46 3.761975–1983 0.89 6.5 1.9 0.27 0.301984–1989 0.97 1.6 2.5 1.18 2.20

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211210

Ž .13% between F=1.13 and Fr1.13 of the regres-sion value F, and 95% of the points are within afactor of 49% of the regression. The 95% confidenceband is plotted in Fig. 8. The scatter is most likelydominated by annual variations in average meteoro-logical conditions but could also be caused by depar-tures of the volcanic emission rate from a steadyexponential decrease.

4.2. Interpreting emissions after 1994

After the 1984 eruption, the summit CO emis-2

sion rate rose to 160 kt yeary1, and then fell expo-nentially with 1res1.6 years. At this rate of de-crease, emissions should have fallen below 1 ktyeary1 after 1991 and become undetectable by the

Ž .late 1990s Fig. 8 . Instead, the emissions after 1991resumed the trend established after the 1975 erup-tion, which had a much slower decay rate. Based on

Ž .the data through 1994, Ryan 1995 proposed thatthis was evidence for the presence of two indepen-dently degassing sources after 1984. In this model,

Ž .the post-1975 source 1res6.5 years was not dis-turbed by the 1984 eruption. The 1984 eruptionproduced an independent source of CO with a2

Ž .rapidly decaying emission rate 1res1.6 yearswhich fell below that of the post-1975 source after1990.

The five additional years of measurements re-Ž .ported here 1995–1999, Fig. 8 are consistent with

Ž .this hypothesis. Two years 1997 and 1999 werewithin the 95% confidence band of the post-1975 fit

Ž .and 3 years 1995, 1996, and 1998 were above it. InŽtwo of the years with higher emissions 1995 and

.1998 there was also an increase in volcanic CO2Ž .from the SE and SW directions Fig. 4 , which was

interpreted in Section 3.3 as coming from another,intermittent source located high on the SW rift.

Ž .In the model of Johnson 1995 , the 4-km deepMauna Loa reservoir is charged with CO -rich2

parental magma during an eruption, which then de-gasses as a batch with a characteristicexponentially-decaying rate. If the reservoir remainsopen to the atmosphere and stays at a fixed depth,this exponentially-decaying rate would define theminimum level of all future emissions The annual.

summit emissions since 1990 have never fallen be-Ž .low the post-1975 trend Fig. 8 , which would be

expected if they reflect the degassing of a batch ofmagma put in place by the 1975 eruption.

4.3. Background DCO and the future2

In the future, emissions from the current reservoirshould continue to decay with 1res6.5 years. Inthe absence of a new eruption or the emergence of asignificant new source of volcanic CO , the issue of2

what constitutes a background level of DCO will2

become important in interpreting future data. BesidesMauna Loa volcano, there are other known andpotential sources of variability in the atmospheric

Ž .CO mixing ratio Ryan, 1995 . Sources of noise2

such as synoptic shifts in the background mixingratio and rare instrumental instability contribute bothpositive and negative changes in DCO and have a2

long-term sum of zero. There is the potential forcontamination from island sources of CO such as2

respiration from vegetation at elevations below 2000m and emissions from Kilauea volcano below 1200m elevation. These sources have minimal impact onDCO since they are distant andror diffuse and their2

emissions become relatively well-mixed with back-ground air by the time they reach the observatory.Under average nighttime conditions, these emissionsremain trapped below the base of the trade windinversion which has an average altitude of 2130 mŽ .Ryan, 1997 . At night, air from lower altitudes ismore likely to reach the observatory when windshave large easterly or westerly components than

Ž .when the winds are southerly directly downslope .This would produce a background DCO distribution2

having the opposite shape of those in Fig. 5, with aminima at 1808.

The upper limit of the annual average backgroundlevel of DCO is 0.005 ppm, which was observed in2

Ž .the SE sector between 1969 and 1974 Fig. 4 . Thisis certainly an over estimate of the background be-cause the SE sector winds were carrying some emis-sions from Mauna Loa during this period. At thecurrent 1re decay rate of 6.5 years, the annual

Ž .average south summit sector DCO mixing ratio2

will fall to 0.005 ppm by the year 2014. Thus, in theabsence of an eruption, we can expect to make usefulmeasurements of the CO emissions of Mauna Loa2

for at least another decade.

( )S. RyanrChemical Geology 177 2001 201–211 211

5. Conclusions

Atmospheric CO measurements and wind mea-2

surements made between 1958 and 1999 at MLO canbe used to calculate the annual average flux ofvolcanic CO trapped beneath the surface tempera-2

ture inversion at night. This flux provides a lower-limit estimate of the emissions from the summit ofMauna Loa volcano. The emission rates were great-est shortly after an eruption and then decayed expo-nentially, with 1re time constants of 6.6, 6.5, and1.9 years for the post-1950, 1975, and 1984 quies-cent periods. Total CO emissions calculated for2

these periods were 3.3, 1.9, and 2.5=108 kg, re-spectively.

A shift in eruptive activity from the SW riftŽ . Ž . Ž .1950 to the summit 1975 to the NE rift 1984was accompanied by a several degree eastward shiftin the peak of the wind direction distribution ofquiescent volcanic CO . In 1993–1995 and 1998,2

there was an unprecedented broadening of the distri-bution, which could be explained by the appearanceof a new source of CO high on the SW rift. These2

features are also seen in the distribution of volcanicCO with wind direction in the free troposphere at2

4000 m measured by nearby radiosondes.The annual emissions data suggests that the post-

1975 CO source was not affected by the 19842

eruption, which apparently established a second, in-dependently degassing source. The post-1984 sourceŽ .1res1.6 years was exhausted faster than the post-

Ž .1975 source 1res6.5 years and produced lessCO after 1990. Between 1991 and 1999, CO emis-2 2

sions followed the trend observed after the 1975eruption, with slight increases in 1995–1996 and1998.


The MLO staff has diligently made measurementsfor over 40 years, particularly J.F.S. Chin who hasoperated the CO program since the early 1960s.2

The Scripps Institute of Oceanography CO mea-2

surements at MLO were begun by C.D. Keeling andsustained by D.J. Moss and others. The NOAArCMDL CO data were obtained through the efforts2

of P. Tans, K. Thoning, L.S. Waterman, and others.

The NOAArCMDL condensation nuclei measure-ments were begun by B. Bodhaine and are currentlyoverseen by J. Ogren.


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