eRecruit July Release Notes 07032014 Final


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eRecruit Release Notes

July 2014 USDA Staff Acquisition Solution

Date July 7, 2014

*Proprietary Information*

eRecruit: June 2014 Release Notes

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Table of Contents

RELEASE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

PREPPING FOR TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

RELEASE CONTENT – FUNCTIONAL OR USER INTERFACE MODIFICATIONS................................................................................. 4

REMOVED ASSESSMENT QUESTION FOR SCREENED OUT GRADE IN SNAPSHOT .............................................................................................. 4 EMAIL NOTIFICATION ON RETURNED CERTIFICATES NOW DIRECTED TO THE MOST RECENT ASSIGNED HRS ........................................................ 5 CERTIFICATE COMMENT EMAIL TEMPLATE TO INCLUDE CERTIFICATE NUMBER............................................................................................... 7 STANDARD MESSAGE ERROR FOR ALL ENCRYPTED FILE TYPES .................................................................................................................... 8 POI SELECTION IS NO LONGER READ ONLY WHEN COPYING A JOB .............................................................................................................. 9 CORRECTED SPELL CHECK IN JOB AD ................................................................................................................................................... 10 UI IMPROVEMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 OTHER UI IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 OTHER UI IMPROVEMENTS CONT’D .................................................................................................................................................... 12

RELEASE CONTENT – NOT IMPACTING USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................... 13

CORRECTED CHARACTER VALIDATION LIMIT PREVENTING USERS FROM CLOSING JOBS .................................................................................. 13 CORRECTED OCCURRENCE OF NEXT STEP IN PROCESS APPEARING BLANK WHEN EDITING AN ANNOUNCEMENT TEMPLATE ................................. 13 PANELING IN THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS NOW DISPLAYS PASS/FAIL IN THE APPLICANT POOL ........................................................................ 13 CORRECTED ERROR RECEIVED WHEN COPYING VACANCY AND ADDING MORE THAN 4 NFC POSITIONS............................................................ 13

eRecruit: June 2014 Release Notes

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Release Schedule

eRecruit Environment Deployment Date

Non-Production – TS Scheduled to begin at 8:00 PM ET, June 26, 2014

• Team NTIS testing June 27 – July 7

• USDA Testing July 8 – July 15

Non-Production – TR Scheduled to begin at 12:00 AM ET, July 16, 2014

Production Scheduled to begin at 12:00 AM ET, July 16, 2014

Prepping for Testing In preparation for testing items in this release, users will need the following announcement types or content.

Item 61266:

• Multi-Grade position that can be associated on the same announcement

Item 62086:

• A certificate created on an existing vacancy

Item 62479:

• A certificate created on an existing vacancy

Item 62195/61210:

• 2 encrypted files: 1 encrypted PDF and 1 encrypted Word Document

Item 59542:

• A known previously created vacancy prior to the Oct 2013 USAJOBS 4.0 release that could not be closed

Item 61845:

• A known previously created vacancy experiencing blank pages when editing an announcement template

Item 62438:

• 2 or more positions with different POI’s that can be associated to the same announcement

Item 62504:

• A vacancy announcement with panel assessment configured

Item 5991/62613:

• Multiple positions that can be associated to the same vacancy. Can leverage existing announcements to

copy and add new positions

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Release Content – Functional or User Interface Modifications The following system changes or defect resolutions are included in this release.

Removed Assessment Question for Screened Out Grade in Snapshot

NTIS # N/A SM# 61266

The applicant snapshot no longer show the assessment questions for applicants who have been screened out for

specific grades. Note: Only applicable on new applications post release.

1. Start by creating a New Recruitment Request with different grades.

2. Work through building the vacancy and post vacancy to USAJOBS. (Be sure to add questions to the

minimum qualification and assessment sections for each grade and apply screenouts accordingly).

3. Apply to both grades of the vacancy. Answer appropriately to pass through one grade but be screened out

of the other grade.

4. Open the applicant pool and click on the snapshot for the job seeker. In the example below, the

assessment questions for Grade 12 will not show because the job seeker did not pass through Minimum

Qualifications for the Grade 12 position.

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Email Notification on Returned Certificates Now Directed to the Most Recent Assigned HRS

NTIS # 1811 SM# 62086

Returned certificate email notifications are now being sent to the most recent HR Specialist assigned to the vacancy

instead of the HR Specialist that originally created the vacancy.

1. Create and apply to a New Recruitment Request or access an existing vacancy with applicant pool.

2. Navigate to the applicant pool and Preview, Create, and Issue a Certificate.

3. Prior to returning the certificate, navigate to the vacancy dashboard click ‘Update Vacancy Roles’ to change

the assigned HR Specialist.

4. Click ‘Change’ to choose a new active HRS to be assigned to the vacancy. (For this example, the current

HRS is the administrator; the new HRS will be Marc’s account).

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5. Select a new active HRS user to be assigned to the vacancy.

6. Verify that the new HRS is assigned to the HR Specialist role and click ‘Save’ to update the vacancy roles.

You will receive a notification that the ‘Vacancy Roles updated successfully’.

7. As the assigned user, Return to the certificate that was created in step 4. Update the Certificate Member

Statuses of all applicants and return the certificate to the HRS. Email notifications will now be sent to the

most recent HRS user assigned to the vacancy.

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Certificate Comment Email Template to Include Certificate Number

NTIS # 1873 SM# 62479

Email notifications for comments that are created on a certificate, now include the certificate number for


1. Create or access an existing certificate for a vacancy.

2. Click the ‘Comments’ tab and click ‘Add Comment’ to create a new comment.

3. Select a user to email the comment to. Enter text into the text box and click ‘Save’ to send the email.

4. The email notification that the user receives now indicates the vacancy and certificate number for


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Standard Message Error for All Encrypted File Types

NTIS # N/A SM# 62195 / 61210

Encrypted files that have been uploaded to a job seekers application will now display a standard message indicating

that the file cannot be included in the PDF packaging.

1. Start by accessing an existing vacancy or create a new Recruitment Request.

2. Apply to the job posting with at least 1 applicant.

3. In the Candidate Portal for the core eligibility questions, upload 2 files in any of the available document

upload fields. Be sure and upload at least 1 Encrypted PDF Document and 1 Encrypted Word Document.

4. Continue to apply to the Announcement and submit the application.

5. Navigate to the applicant pool and proceed to PDF package an application for the applicant with the

encrypted files.

6. Download the PDF package, open the file, and scroll down to the attached supplemental documents.

7. Files that are encrypted will receive a standard error message. ‘An error has occurred during the PDF

packaging process for file “InserfileNameHere” and cannot be included in the requested package.’

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POI Selection is no Longer Read Only When Copying a Job

NTIS # 1862 SM# 62438

There are 2 scenarios. Scenario 1 with EmpowHR Position: When copying a job, the POI that was assigned to the

original vacancy, is replaced with the new POI when selecting new NFC positions to associate to the vacancy.

Scenario 2 Manual without EmpowHR Position: When copying a job and continuing without selecting any NFC

positions, previously the POI from the original vacancy would be read only and unable to update within the new


1. Start by copying an existing announcement with positions originally attached.

2. Scenario 1: Select at least 1 position with a different POI to attach to the new announcement. The new

positions are listed at the beginning of the New Recruitment Request Workflow.

3. On Step 1 of the workflow, only POI’s of current vacancy displays.

4. Scenario 2: Continue without selecting positions to attach to the new announcement.

5. On step 1 of the workflow POI(s) are no longer read only, and are able to be selected.

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Corrected Spell Check in Job Ad

NTIS # N/A SM# 61784

Spell check in the WYSIWYG has been corrected. **Please note, there is a known issue with the Spell Check

function for users using Internet Explorer 8, errors may not be identified if text is limited to 1 line. Users are

recommended to upgrade to the latest version of Internet explorer if they continue having issues.

1. Start by accessing an existing vacancy or create a new Recruitment Request.

2. Advance to the vacancy ad builder.

3. In any of the WYSIWYG editors, type a sentence with misspelled words.

4. Click the icon to identify the misspelled words. Click the underlined words and the system will provide

a list of corrected words to choose from.

UI Improvements

NTIS # N/A SM# 61934

There are two items that are being deployed with this ticket.

1. The Global Question Library is now sorted using the creation date with the most recent GQ listed first.

2. NTIS #1845 In the Application Summary of the candidate portal, individual questions within the Minimum

Qualification and Assessment Question sections are marked with either Complete or Incomplete.

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Other UI Improvements


UI Improvements that will now appear as part of the Global Merge.

• New WYSIWYG editor

� − Bold

− Italics

− Underline

− Font Sizes

� − Font Color

− Font Background Color

� − Cut

− Copy

− Paste

− Paste as Text

� − Undo

− Redo

� − Find and Replace

� − Bullet List

− Numbered List

� − Increase Indent

− Decrease Indent

� − Left Align

− Centered

− Right Aligned

− Justified

� − Insert/Edit Link

− Remove Link

� − Source Code

� − Special Character

� − Spell Check

− Character Count

Other UI Improvements Cont’d

• New help display summary shows number of Alerts, Warning, and Hints.

• Collapsed View

• Expanded view

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Release Content – Not Impacting User Interface The following system changes or defect resolutions are included in this release and do not impact user functionality

or user experience.

Corrected Character Validation Limit Preventing Users from Closing Jobs

NTIS # 1280/1405/1452/1465/1478/1695/1924 SM# 59542

Can only be tested with specific vacancies where the reported error occurred. HR Specialist’s were experiencing

difficulties closing vacancies due to the Required Documents field and the Job Summary field not validating

correctly due to the October 2013 USAJOBS 4.0 release, which updated Charater Limits. User now able to closeout

vacancies created prior to the USAJOBS 4.0 Upgrade.

Corrected Occurrence of Next Step in Process Appearing Blank When Editing an Announcement Template

NTIS # 1750 SM# 61845

Can only be tested with specific vacancies where the reported error occurred. Users experienced blank screens

when saving to continue after editing an announcement template. Testing has reported no issues with

Announcement Template workflow when editing.

Paneling in the Assessment Process Now Displays Pass/Fail in the Applicant Pool

NTIS # 1867 SM# 62504

User’s had reported that when completing the panel review process, after adding scores or marking individuals as

pass or fail, the results were not showing in the applicant pool on the initial review. The system now is correctly

showing the score and pass/fail results in the applicant pool after completing the Panel Review action once saved.

Corrected Error Received when Copying Vacancy and Adding More than 4 NFC Positions

NTIS # 1888 SM# 59991 / 62613

Addressed an issue when copying a vacancy, users were receiving an error message when trying to associate more

than 4 NFC positions to the vacancy. Users are now able to copy over a vacancy and associate more than 4 NFC

positions. Already deployed to production.
