


EPM infra

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Oracle EPM Troubleshooting & Infrastructure Best PracticesDoug FiedlerPrincipal Infrastructure Architect

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal1


15 Years700+ clients1000+ projectsAbout Edgewater RanzalCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal2We offer a full spectrum of EPM/BI ServicesDashboards & Scorecards, Financial Analytics & Reporting, Operational Analytics, What-if Analysis, Query & Reporting, Visual ExplorationFinancial performance, Legal, Segment & Mgmt Reporting, Financial Close HFM Optimization, Performance LabSOX Compliance SupportStrategic Finance, Planning, Budgeting, Forecasting, Workforce Planning, Capital Planning, Project Financial PlanningData Integration, Financial DataManagement, Data Warehousing, Master Data Management &DRM, ETL Services, AutomationProject/Program Mgmt, EPM Road Maps, Application Reviews, Business Requirements, Process Change, DocumentationInstallation, Upgrades, Migration, System Monitoring, Backup and Recovery, Disaster Recovery, Load Testing, Hardware Sizing, Exalytics BenchmarkingConsolidationBusinessIntelligenceEnterprisePlanningInfrastructureTraining &Support ServicesProjectManagementDataServicesCosting & ProfitabilityMgmt

Support Services Infrastructure & Application Support ContractsKey Teach Course Delivery: Planning, Essbase, Financial Reporting, Smart View, HPCM, HFM, FDM, DRM, OBIEECustom Training Delivery: Process & ReportingHPCM Standard & Detailed Models, Waterfall Allocations, Activity Based Costing, Customer, Product & LOB ProfitabilityCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal3v11.1.2.3V11.1.2.2V11.1.2.1V11.1.1.4/3 or earlierWhat version of EPM are you running today?Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater RanzalMonitoring your EPM environment with OEMEPM log utilities ziplogs, log analysis, validationResetConfigTask - revert a product back to an un-configured stateMaintenance & Housekeeping - common logs to rotate/archiveWhen to apply PSUsVirtualization when it works and when it doesnt

AgendaCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal5What is OEM? OEM stands for Oracle Enterprise Manager, it is used to manage many Oracle products including Oracle RDBMS, OBIEE & EPM. It can be used to monitor performance, monitor system health, restart services and many other useful features.Out of the box it only plugs into the weblogic JVMs but it is possible to add non JVM applications like Essbase. Upgrade to OEM 12c and check out doc - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi-foundation/epm11123-oem12c-monitor-1955582.pdf

Monitoring your EPM environment with OEMCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal6

To get to the OEM login screen you must first start the weblogic admin server in foregroundThis can be added as a windows service - https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=1060058.1

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal7

Here you have access to all weblogic deployments on the current wls domainGreen for jvms that are up, red for downCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal8

Shows system healthJVM PerformanceResponse & Load timesCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal9

Start/stop servicesView logsSetup securityCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal10Log Analysis UtilityLocated in \Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\loganalysis.batCollects data from all log EPM log files, allows searching by key word and/or window of timeEPM log utilitiesCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal11

\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\diagnostics\reports\LogAnalysis_Report_2013_10_24_17_58_15.htmlCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal12Script that collects and zips all log files on the server, great for submitting log files to Oracle support


The zip file will be created here: \Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\diagnostics\ziplogs\EPM_logs_servername_11.\zipZiplogsCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal13\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\validate.batChecks to make sure that the environment is working properly and produces the following reportValidation Tool

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal14\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\registry-cleanup.batIf you see errors pertaining to the EPM registry, after viewing the validation report, they can be fixed by running the registry-cleanup tool.It is also helpful to remove a server from your environment in order to clean it out of the registry.Registry-cleanupCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal15Provides information on what has been configured, # of CPUs/Ram by server, OS, Database/JDBC etc.

Deployment Report

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal16Generates an html report of all registry keys

Registry Report

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal17What does it do?It allows you to redo a config task Why would you want to do this?When a task fails or you need to change somethingFirst run a registry reportD:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\epmsys_registry.bat or epmsys_registry.sh

ResetConfigTaskCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal18Here we can see that Planning has been configured and it was successfulIf it had failed it would say failed instead of configured

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal19To reconfigure run the following command:

resetConfigTask.bat -product Planning -task applicationServerDeployment

When you go back into the configtool you will now see that the Planning deployment will have gone from green to yellow (unconfigured)

You can do this with any epm configuration taskCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal20Backups - NightlyFile system (d:\oracle , /app/oracle)Database (SQL, Oracle)LCM exportsLog file archivingEssbase.log & app logs can be archived with the AGTMAXLOGFILESIZE & APPMAXLOGFILESIZE commands within the essbase.cfgHFM & .odl (oracle diagnostic logging) log files should be archived manually as needed when they reach a size that is too big to open with windows toolsIf you have a log essbase.log file that cant be opened in windows you can view it in EAS and view by date/time as well

Maintenance & HousekeepingCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal21HFMPurge task & data audit quarterlyMiscellaneousAlways monitor disk space, especially on the Essbase server. If the disk becomes full Essbase will become corrupted.

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal22PSUs tend to come out quarterlyPSU = Patch Set UpdatePSE = Patch Set ExceptionPSEs come out all the time, they are usually created because of defects specific to a certain customers environmentI recommend applying PSUs quarterly

When to apply PatchesCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal23I only recommend applying PSEs if the issue listed in the defects fixed readme is an issue that you are experiencingTo find out what the latest EPM patches are go to the following url:

https://supporthtml.oracle.com/epmos/faces/ui/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=1400559.1Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal24Oracles official policy on VirtualizationThe following KB article is Oracles official stance on virtualizing the Oracle EPM Product stack.https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&doctype=HOWTO&id=588303.1Additional informationhttps://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/SearchDocDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=1854yc0wrq_9&_afrLoop=14354592882224In a Nut ShellOracle will support VMWare and Microsofts Hyper-V technologies, but they do not certify them. What this means is that if Oracle cannot fix an issue they can refer you to the hosting provider for further troubleshooting, or force you to physicalize the servers and reproduce the issue. However, Oracle does certify their products running on Oracles Virtualization Manager (OVM).VirtualizationCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal25AdvantagesReduced hardware costs (ability to consolidate servers)Much quicker to stand up a VM vs a physical serverIf the hypervisor fails, technologies like vmotion allow you to move your VM/s to another host, this is also very helpful in DR situationsCPU, disk & memory can be added and removed as neededDisadvantagesYou can over assign resources (CPU, memory) and this can cause performance issues when multiple VM guests need the resources at the same timeCertain products run better than others when virtualized: weblogic JVMs run well while Essbase & HFM may have a performance loss during intense calculations

VirtualizationCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal26Allocate resources statically : RAM and vCPUsDont let the VM Host Servers manage resources on the fly, use reservationsDont over subscribe your Virtual host serversUtilize dedicated VM Host servers for EPM when possibleTest, Test, Test and then Test again. If you have a test tool like Load Runner ever betterHave performance issues? We have VMware Certified Engineers who can find & fix your VM bottlenecks

Virtualization Whats important to knowCopyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal27PhysicalDepending on the application, the following servers should perform better on Physical hardwareHFM application Server (Consolidations)Essbase Server (Calculations)Integration Server (Data Mapping and Loads)VirtualFoundation and Web ServersDRM ServerHSF ServerAll servers can be virtual, really depends on the application HFM Application ServerEssbase ServerIntegration Server

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal28Doug Fiedlerdfiedler@ranzal.comCome see us @ Booth 508www.ranzal.comQuestions?

Copyright 2014 Doug Fiedler, Edgewater Ranzal29
