Dear Parents, Students and Staff, - Monbulk€¦ · Mindframe, have expressed concern about the...


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4 May 2017

Issue 6

Monbulk Primary School

1 Main Road

Monbulk Vic. 3793

Telephone: (03) 9756 6481

Facsimile: (03) 9752 1977



Principal: Lynn Ordish

School Council President:

Steve Woolcock

OSHClub Coordinator: Kaye Gray

0438 568 149

Uniform Coordinator: Cathy Piesley

Shop Open Wednesday: 9.00—


Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

Numeracy FISO Day On April 18th Danielle Lamport, Wendy Smith Tordy Brain, Jess Holloway and I attended a network day around Numeracy, along with six other schools. The day focussed in on Targetted Teaching and ensuring that we use our numeracy data effectively to direct our teaching. It confirmed that we are on the right track with our Instructional Model of ‘whole, small, whole’ and that our goal of planning across different year levels is the way to go. Leadership Day On April 21st our school’s Leadership Team, consisting of Danielle Lamport, Wendy Smith, Anne Wall, Jess Holloway, Tordy Brain and myself took a day out of the school to spend valuable time discussing future goals for Monbulk Primary School. Our discussion consisted of analysing the school’s data and looking at the achievements we have made and the areas in which we need to improve on. We also discussed our self evaluation for our school review and set future goals. School Council will hear more about this once our review is completed. It was fantastic to actually get time to think big picture, thus making it a worthwhile day out!! Student leadership Day

On May 8th our student leaders are getting the opportunity to meet with other schools in our network to learn what it means to be a caring, confident leader and an

active, community-minded citizen. The students will be creating an Action Research Project to action at school. The students will be mentored by Year 10 students from Monbulk College, Sherbrooke Community School and Upwey High School. Big Brothers Big Sisters, ‘Big Futures’ Information Night On Tuesday May 2nd, we hosted a Big Brother Big Sister Information Night with much success. The information session discussed the value of mentoring and its benefits for the students, the mentors and the community. About six people have expressed a genuine interest and they will begin an application process with the Big Brother Big Sister Organisation. We are hoping to have this program in the school in Term 3. If you were unable to attend the night and are considering being a mentor please come and see me for an information pack. Bendigo Bank On Thursday April 27th I met with the Bendigo Bank Manager, Aimee te Boekhorst to discuss a sponsorship proposal. This will be reviewed annually but the Bendigo bank have so generously agreed to sponsor our Big Brother Big Sister Program if we are able to get enough mentors. Coonawarra Camp Just a reminder that payment for Coonawarra Camp is now due. We do not want your child missing this. Payment can be made via Qkr or at the office.

Key Diary Dates

Term Dates:

18 April—30 June

Early finish 2.30pm

9-11 May NAPLAN GR 3 & 5

9 May School Nurse Preps

25 May Hot Food Lunch

25 May Student of the Month Assembly

26 May District Cross Country

30 May-2June

Gr5 Coonawarra Camp

22 June Hot Food Lunch

E x p e c t m o r e -

A c h i e v e m o r e !

Notices Sent Home this Week

Gr5 Coonawarra Camp Medical, Payment and Horse Riding Info

5/6S Newsletter Week 3

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Attention Year 5/6 Parents You may be aware of the media attention around the recently aired show on Netflix titled “13 Reasons why” which focuses on the suicide of a young woman. Both headspace and the national suicide media program, Mindframe, have expressed concern about the graphic depiction of suicide in the series, which is inclusive of method and means. National and international research indicates a link between exposure to harmful suicide content and an increased risk of possible suicide conta-gion. Headspace have developed a resource to support parents to have a conversation with their children who may have watched the series, or other distressing online shows. If you would like that resource, please come and collect from me. ANZAC Day Again our students proudly marched down the main street of Monbulk for ANZAC Day. I am always so proud that the majority of children in the march are from our school whether it be they are in our uniform or the Guides, Scouts, CFA and any other form. This is such an amazing community event and one that I am sure will be memorable to the children forever. We have been asked to participate again next year.

Vicinity Centres donation Vicinity Centres who Trevor Ordish works for has so kindly donated a number of these benches to the school. They sit perfectly on the decking for students to utilise.

Sustainabilty We were so pleased to announce to the school on Friday that we have saved $4360 by reducing our waste, water and electricity consumption. We have reduced our carbon omis-sions to the equivalence of 482 plane trips to Sydney from Melbourne in one year, that is 17403 tonnes. Our electricity savings have been equivalent to running 29 fridges for a year, 14875 kilowatts and we have saved 524296 litres in water. So our goal is to beat that this year. Last year our school was featured in a program on the ABC called Paddock to Plate. The link is now on the school web-site for viewing. It has really highlighted the great work we are doing in our school around Sustainability. If you go to the website it is under the heading curriculum and under the subheading Sustainability. Just press on where it says watch on vimeo. Parent Involvement We have a lot of parent involvement at Monbulk Primary School whether it be listening to reading, running fundrais-ers, helping in cooking, excursions, sporting events, teacher support and more. We are so grateful for all that they do. It was so encouraging to see Dads getting involved the other day in a Year 3/4 activity. We have such a wonderful par-ent body at the school!!

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School Fees The amount owing on the school fees is approximately $30,000. This is still a significant amount outstanding for this time of the year, which would help us recoup the cost of essential items, that we have already paid for. If you haven’t paid your school fees yet we would really appreciate it if you could. If you have any problems with payment of the fees please come and speak to me. Every Day Counts! It has been brought to my attention that some students have already missed several days of school. Given that we have only been at school for a few weeks, this pattern of absence can become a real concern. Going to school every day is the one of the most important parts of your child’s education. Students learn new things every day and missing school puts them behind. Why regular attendance is so important Teachers often present new concepts in a sequential way, so missing out a day of school can mean missing out on the fundamentals. It is hard to make up this learning so keeping student absences to a minimum is essential. Friendships and socialising can also be interrupted when children are frequently absent, which can be distressing for children. Every day that a student misses is associated with lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading. What we do know is that attendance patterns are established early in life and will often continue unless non-attendance is addressed. What you can do to support regular attendance. First, there are always times when a student becomes ill, and in this instance, they should stay home to recover. It is vital however that they are only away when genuinely sick. To assist with good health and minimise illness children need to have a good sleeping pattern, eat well and exercise regularly. Families are encouraged to think twice before giving children a ‘day off’ unless they are genuinely sick. If your child is experiencing any issues such as not wanting to come to school then please alert your classroom teacher. Working together on such mat-ters is most helpful. What to do if your child has been absent Talk to your child’s teacher and find out what work needs to be done to keep up with learning. Remember, that every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher especially if the absence is longer than a couple of days. Long Service Leave From June 13th to June 30th, I will be taking Long Service Leave. During this time, Danielle Lamport and Wendy Smith will be taking on my role so if you need any assis-tance they will be available. Have a great weekend.

Students of the Month for April

Congratulations to the following students for achieving a Student of the Month Award: OOH: Maisey Poole Poidomani / Audrey Ross OOR: Alex Jones / Stella Dunstan 12L: Amelia Hodgson / Cohen Mitchell 12W: Stephanie Brooks / Mark Grooby 2OH: Ella Bibby/ Nicola Marnock 34T: Olivia Melford / Alex Vranjes 34E: Maddy Stewart / Zac Gates 34V: Piper Willoughby / Jess Piesley 56P: Charlie Wilson / William Melford 56S: Jacob Defina 56R: Ben Hardicre / Matilda Atkins Principal: Miley Norris Music/Art: Abby Rayson / Grace Summers

The next Student of the Month assembly is Friday 16th June at 9am.

Scholastic Book Fair. Thank you to all who attended our Book Fair. We sold $3813 worth of books, which enabled the school to pur-chase $1142 worth of books and resources. A huge THANK YOU to the many volunteer helpers . Mother's Day Cards We have some beautiful Mother's Day cards available from outside the office from Monday 8th May. ONLY 50c each. Please pay into the honesty box. Mother's Day Raffle We will be holding a Mother's Day raffle next week. 15 fantastic prizes to be won including: beauty vouchers, hair care products, a handbag, a DVD, books, chocolate and many more. THANK YOU to all those that donated priz-es. More details to come. Mother's Day Stall Our annual Mother's Day stall will be held on Friday 12th May. Gifts ranging in price from $1 - $6. More details to come.

Unique program developed in Israel helping kids with reading, writing, concentration & learning difficulties.

A natural, drug free program developed in Israel is giving hope to kids in Melbourne. Intelligence Integration program has helped thousands of children and adults in Israel and the USA experiencing difficulties with reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), auditory processing disorder (APD), attention deficit (ADD/ADHD) and concentration. The centre for cognitive and mediated learning solutions in Dallas Texas (TCCMLS) is currently working towards introducing Intelligence Integration program into 9000 schools in Dallas. Tony Andrews, teacher of Intelligence Integration Australia says that contrary to popular perception, learning difficulties has nothing to do with our academic capacity. Usually they represent the inability of the body to carry out tasks. Intelligence Integration Australia has been and can be a natural alternative for many of these difficulties. It is referred to as “the physical natural foundation of learning” because it looks to the body as the primary source of such difficulties. Tony argues that while medications may treat symptoms, finding the root source of the difficulty and building key neural networks that can improve these abilities with a natural treatment, can help to resolve or significantly improve the problem altogether. “A prestigious health magazine in Israel calls this program one of the 100 milestones in the history of alternative health”

My 9yr old son completed the program with Tony over the last six months. Max was troubled at school due to lack of focus and a great sense of failure. He didn’t think he was “good” at anything which greatly affected his ability to enjoy or process what he was being taught. Last year the school wanted him to repeat grade 2 as he was very behind. Tony recommended I didn’t keep him back as he was sure he could help. Max is now at the level expected for grade 3 and thriving. This program not only helped Max’s self-confidence, but has given him life lessons in perseverance, focus, stress management and the ability to find the emotional words to describe how he really feels inside rather than bottling then up and feeling worthless. As a Mother I now have some extra tools to help my son if he ever feels overwhelmed. Thankyou Tony. Phone 0425703353.

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We have added a MONBULK MONTHLY EVENT CALENDAR page so you can now let the public know about your Event or Community Pro-ject. This service is free for all Monbulk Community Groups and Businesses. It is just another way to motivate the locals to be more active within their community and know what is available for them to en-joy and get involved with. Visit the Monbulk Monthly Event Calendar page ( for details on how to lodge an event or project. You can help us by promoting the Monbulk Monthly Event Calendar each month with your facebook. An easy way for us to be more informed about what is great about Monbulk and our community. Best Regards Jeanette Jensen Find It Locally - Monbulk

03 5964 4849 0432 106 101

Hot Food Lunch Days Please note for all Hot Food Lunch Days your order must

be received in the office or on QKR by 4pm the Tuesday

before the Hot Lunch Day.

Paper Menus/Orders may be obtained from the office . A

brown paper bag is required for each food item ordered.

Write your order, name and class on each brown paper

bag. Thank you

Mark these dates in your diary!!!

25th May and 22nd June Hot Food Lunch Dates

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Prop. Lay & Ratha Lao

Quality Pies & Cakes for all Occasions

65 Main Street Monbulk 3793

Telephone: 9756 7466

Proud sponsors of

Monbulk OSHClub

Before and After School Care
