Comp Institute Final


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(0600115026)MOHD. ABDULLAH KHAN(0600115024) _______________________________________________ 


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B.Tech I.T. 3rd year (6th SEM)Session: 2008-2009


On the successful completion of our project entitled


we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone

who helped us throughout in the making of this report.

We are sincerely thankful to Mr ._____________ , the ProjectIn charge and Mr.  ______________ , the Lab Instructor for 

  being the constant source of help, knowledge and





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This is to certify that the project entitled “COMPUTER 




carried out under our supervision. The project is submitted in

fulfillment of the requirement for the 6th semester of 


(Project In charge) (Lab Instructor)

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Computer Institute Information System


1 TITLE of the project

2 System Analysis and OBJECTIVES

3 Feasibility Study and

4 Tools/platform h/w and s/w requirement


5 Problem definition, Requirement specification,

Project planning and Scheduling6 Analysis (dfd’s, er-diagrams/class diagrams etc)

7 A complete structure which includes:

• no. of modules and their description and data


• Design of each module.

• List of reports that are likely to be generated

8 IMPLEMENTATION of security mechanisms at

various levels9 Future scope and further enhancement of the project


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Brief History 

The proposed project will be used in maintaining the data of all the students andstaff members who belong to NIICT. It keeps the track of students who seeksadmission to the various courses in the Institute. On the availability of the seats

and performance in test admission is offered to the students. It also keeps thetrack of fees collection and their final result processing. There are more than 7teachers and other staff working in the school to manage the smooth operationand education in the School. There is a requirement to maintain the completeinformation of the employees and teachers’ working in the institute includingpersonal, qualification, leaves taken and monthly salary received through out theyears.

Management has to pay various bills for the maintenance of the school. Theproper recording of bills received and payment made is also very much requiredfor the funds management.

Through our all the above-mentioned information is organized in the databaseand we can present the information in various forms by filtering it on variouscriteria. By our system we can save a lot of time as well as man - power andprovide efficient service towards the School Management System.


Fast and efficient communication with students.

Software can run on standalone/network Environment.

It should help in maintaining the database of the students who come for theinquiry regarding the admission in School. The available computer, which is

connected to the server, should be able to answer the queries regardingseats available, the fee structure, admission test date and confirmation of theadmission.

Stores the details of the students, when they take admission to the School. Allthe personal details and qualification is to be maintained for record purpose.

Store all the personal along with the qualification details of all the teachersand other staff members.

Maintains the details of leave taken by all the employees.

Maintains the details of the salary given to the employees.

Monthly fee collection from the students.

Receipt and payment of the bills for the maintenance and operation of the

School. Final result preparation

Output reports can be generated to assist the management for decision-making.

Students can check their personal details along with their fee status andprogress in the exams.

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System Analysis

System Analysis is the main feature of the software development. It can be saidthat it is the heart of any of the system. The analysis needs an expert supervision& the person should be minimum System Analysts with the experience of 2 to 3

years. One can use Analysis Tools to analyze the system.

Some of the tools we have used to analyze the problem are given below

Analysis Tools

(a) Data Collection Tools :

We have collected the information from NIICT Lucknow so that we can make ageneral software system, which can be implemented in any with slightmodifications. This collection of information helps us to better understand thesystems.

(b) Current System

Identification of limitation and scope

First of all we have to collect the information of current manual system (as thereis no computerized system exists), which help us to collect the advantages &limitations of the current system. We have to find out under which constraints wehave to develop our new system. We have to find out the limitations and scope of the project and draw a boundary between the man and machine.


Secondly we have to collect the information about hardware requirement.This information is necessary to know about the storage space and memoryavailable for current system as well as for the new system.

(c) Current Working

We have to study the existing manual system and find out the scope to changethe procedure to increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Thisgives better control on the overall system. We have to suggest new proceduresto be adopted to increase the efficiency of the project.

Requirement Strategy for New System

(i) Increase Capability:

We have decided to increase the capability of the system, as it is the growingneed for the organization. For this point of view we have suggested the

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management to computerize their leave management and staff attendance also,which will help in turn to enforce rules regulations and punctuality.

(ii) Information Accessibility:

The analysis of information accessibility is also the main part of the system

analysis as in lack of information we cannot design our system well and we haveto face a lot of problems while implementing the system and to devote much timein the maintenance part of the project.

We have gathered the data & collected the information about the informationaccessibility system.

(iii) User Friendliness

It is advised that if the maximum information can be shown on the system online,the system will be easy to operate so that we can eliminate the need for softwareengineer to operate the software on behalf of the client.

(iv) SimplicityThere should be simplicity in the design and the screens should be moreinformative and simple.

Partition of complex tasks

The partition of complex type procedures can make the problem more simple andeasy to design and maintain.

Identification of the Need

Goal of Analyst here is recognition of the basic problem elements as perceived 

by the students and management and understand software in the systemcontext. In order to identify the need there is a need to establish contact withmanagement, staff of the customer and software development organization.

NIICT is imparting quality of Computer education to the students they are theeducation service provider. Students come for the admission and requires thefollowing information

Seats available in a particular class/stream.

Admission test date

Admission test result

Monthly and yearly fees

If all the information is entered in the database the above-mentioned queriesbecome quite easier.After getting admission in the School the student has to fill the registration formhaving the personal details including the address for communication, previousschool attended and qualification. There are numbers of forms and to get theinformation from it is very difficult and if the information is organized in databasethe task is quite simpler.

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Staff information has to be maintained including their personal and qualificationdetails.

Leaves taken by the staff members are to be recorded as they get limited leavesand if they take beyond that there is a provision of wage cut. Staff members also

check their leave status frequently. At present the manual system keeps the trackof leave maintenance and the clerk has to update the register regularly to providethe balance leave status.A monthly fee has to be collected from the student and there is period in whichthe students has to deposit their fees otherwise late fees will be charged. Inmanual system there is no fixed rule of charging the late fees, it totally dependson the discretion of clerk.

There is a need of computerized fee collection system and if the fee is not intime, late fees automatically get added and the receipt is to be printedaccordingly.

Monthly salary is given to the staff members as per their grades and allowancesthey get. Clerk has to devote three to four days every month to calculate thesalary of the staff members. There should be a provision of automatic calculationof salary and the salary slip has to be generated and given to the staff members.In result preparation, a monotonous calculation is to be performed by the classteachers and they have to calculate the ranking of each student in the classalong with his percentage marks obtained. This activity can also be computerizedso that there will be a lot of time saving and the staff members can reply faster toqueries of students and the management and the entire information will be verymuch organized.

Problems in Current System

- Difficult to locate or find particular information regarding students andSchool.

- Difficult to get the following statements in time.- List of the Students not paid their fees.

- Monthly Salary Statement

- Monthly Bills Received

- Payment made against bills

- Balance Leave status of the employees.

- Seats available in a particular class or stream

- Total number of students in Batch Proper Authorization to access theinformation.

- Result of a particular Student

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- Marks obtained by a particular student in a particular subject.The main objective to develop the project is to make the Computer InstituteManagement System simple and to provide user-friendly access of this programto all the staff members and students of the Institute so that they can locate andreply the queries concerned to them.

This Software provides a user-friendly interface for the user and it reduces thedata redundancy. Centralized information is available which can be accessed bynumber of users.

Preliminary Investigation

In the present scenario, the School is maintaining the details of the students andstaff members manually by storing them in different registers. For billsreceivables and payment, details are stored on separate registers, but there is alot of duplication of information and it is very difficult to locate the particular inquiry raised by the management or by the parents of the students.

Currently staff members do not maintain the details of inquiries seekingadmissions. There is a lot of competition among the schools, so if we have thedetails of inquiries we can send them mailers to convert them to our school.

Student details are maintained in forms and are kept in stores and if theinformation regarding the students permanent address or qualification or familydetail is required then one peon will go and find out the details and sometimes ittakes hours. It is just impossible to get the details of the students who havepassed out four or five year back.Employee or staff details are maintained on registers. The detail of the part time

teachers is to be maintained and some times the School authorities has tomaintain the buffer of trained teachers so that they can be called in absence of main teachers so that the classes should not be hampered. Salary calculation part is manual and there is a salary register having thecompete details of all the staff members. Staff salary is increases on yearly basisby giving them one or two increments on the basis of the performance. Manualsalary calculation is very tedious because every month you have to calculate thesalary on more or less same type of data and generate a number of reports fromthe same.

Leave maintenance is also done manually and to know the status of balance

leaves is also very difficult. A monotonous updates is to be performed to knowthe status of balance leaves.

The manager and the principal have to seek the help of his/her assistants tolocate particular information asked from the government.

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The few limitations for current working are:1. Nothing is fully computerized all the class teachers of the institute are

working in isolation. Every one is maintaining it own database to keep theinformation related to his students and there is no common database.Hence there is a duplication of data.

2. Lot of work has to be done manually (leave balance of employees, salarycalculation, result preparation, fee collection etc..). For the present theyare using Excel Sheets to maintain few data on computers.

3. Non-User supported interface.4. No security of data (i.e. Confidential data)5. Single user interface.6. Cannot support a large database

Feasibility Study

All projects are feasible given unlimited resources and infinite time!Unfortunately, the development of computer-based system is more likely to beplagued by a scarcity of resources and difficult delivery dates. It is bothnecessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of the project at the earliestpossible time. Months or years of effort, money loss and untold professionalembarrassment can be averted if we better understand the project at its studytime.

The feasibility of a project is being analyzed with in some framework. The mostimportant factor is that if a project is feasible and desirable then it include in theschedule of the management so that approval can be taken from the same

The assessment of the "Computer Institute Information System” has the followingfacts.

Technical Feasibility

Technical Analysis begins with the assessment of the technical viability of theproposed system. We have to mention what technologies are required toaccomplish system function and performance. We have to also study how thesetechnology issues will affect cost.

This Software is used for the maintaining of entire Institute information regardingstudents and staff members. As this Software is to be operated by the staff 

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members of the organizations and the students (to know the examinationschedule, result, availability of the seats) it should be user friendly.

The existing technology seems sufficient to run the new system. The dataholding facility is also seems sufficient because we are using Oracle 8i and it can

handle large volume of data, hence in near future if the number of employeesincreases it can handle its very easily.

Operational Feasibility

It seems that management of the institute is very much interested in the newsystem. The management & the users are normally the same members sothere is no problem of conflict between the management & users.

The all work is going manually that is why there is no liking with old systemreflects.

The user & management both are ready to accept the new system, so they bothshow keen interest in giving the facts.

Financial and Economical

Among the most important information contained in feasibility study is costbenefit Analysis – an assessment of the economic justification for a computer-based system Project. Cost Benefit Analysis calculates approximate costs for project development and weighs them against tangible and intangible benefits.

In the manual system it is difficult to keep the track of fee received by thestudents and the list of pending students whose dues are not cleared so far.It is analyzed that it will benefit the institute in terms of time saving as well ascost. It is also analyzed that cost of full system investigation is not much as it isnot very much complex system.

Software Requirements Specification


The objective of Institute Management System is to provide efficient informationsystem for management, staff and students.As the system is based on a storage and retrieval of information and monotonousleave maintenance process of employees salary calculations are error prone andare sometimes very time & resource consuming.The main objective to develop the project is to make the Institute ManagementInformation part simple and to provide user friendly access of this program to allthe staff members of the Institute so that they can locate and reply the inquiriesconcerned to them.

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Overall DescriptionAfter joining the institute the staff member or teacher record is registered in theadmin department. This department maintains the following details regarding thestaff members or teachers.

Employee Number, Name, Address for Communication (Permanent and temporary),

Phone, designation, department 

All staff members are entitled for different types of leaves and that too, they canavail them many times during the year. It is necessary to maintain the leaverecord because the organization has to ensure that he does not avail more leavethan what he is entitled to. The admin department maintains the followingInformation

Employee Number, Leave Type, From Date, To

date, Leave Balances 

The following Staff or teachers Qualification details are also maintained.Employee Number QualificationYear, Board/University Grade

When the student takes admission in the School after clearing the admissiontest, he has to fill personal detail form and submit it to the admin department. Thedetail of the information is as follows.

Serial Number, Roll Number, Student Name, Father’s NameDate of Birth, Address for Communication, Class, StreamCaution Money, Status 

Fee Collection is a very important activity as this is the only means to generaterevenue and meet the School expenses. The following details are to bemaintained.

Student Id, Class, Month, year, date of fee submission,Fee Amount, Late fees (if any)

Bills are received and payment is also released for the same. Whenever theparty raises bills they are noted down in the register so that the management canplan their funds accordingly. The following information has to be maintained

 Bill Number, Bill Date, Party ID, Amount 

- Difficult to locate or find particular information regarding students andinstitute.

- Difficult to get the following statements in time.- List of the Students not paid their fees.

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- Payment made against bills

- Balance Leave status of the employees.

- Seats available in a particular class or stream

- Total number of students in institute (Class wise and section wise)

- Proper Authorization to access the information.

- Result of a particular Student

- Marks obtained by a particular student in a particular subject. 

Proposed System Description

New System Requirements

Following points describe the requirements of the institute for the new proposedsystem.

1. Inquiry Handling2. Fast and efficient communication with management & students.3. Software should run on standalone/network Environment.4. Staff Management System.5. Leave Management of the Staff.6. Generate the list of pending students who have not paid the fees7. Maintains the details of all the students8. Manager can assign/mark the letters further to the employees9. Staff with their login/password can view the information.10.Output reports can be generated to assist the management for decision


Should maintain the salary details of the employees.

Design Constraints:

Hardware Requirements

Processor - Pentium II(min.)Speed - 833 MHz (min.)RAM - 64 MB RAMHard Disk capacity - 20 GB

Monitor - SVGA color monitor  

Software Requirements

Operating System - Windows ME/NTFront End - Visual Basic 6.0Back End - Oracle 8i

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Database is created in Microsoft Access 2000 and Visual basic is used as FrontEnd to provide a GUI based user InterfaceFor the proposed School Management Information System we have divided theentire project into 10 different sub-modules and their details are as follows.

Proposed Modules1. Create Users2. Change Password  3. Student Entry and Details4. Instructor Entry and Details5. Courses Offered and details6. Fees Payment and Details7. Data Reports

Staff Salary Calculation and Fee Collection process is concerned with Accountsperson only so the permission is given to the accounts person to run the process.

Updation of leaves taken is concerned with Admin In-charge, so the proper permissions are given for the same. Result and marks entry can be done by theclass teachers so the proper login and passwords are given for the same.Student can check their results, examination schedules and notice and circularsconcerned to them.Staffs have given very limited options like they can check their balance status of leaves and personal details.


The Data Flow Diagrams of this system are as follows: -

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 NAME: Users

PURPOSE: It stores the details of the users working on the software..


 NAME: Student

PURPOSE: It stores the details of the students in the institute


 NAME: Instructor 

PURPOSE: It stores the details of the instructors/teachers in the institute.


 NAME: Course

PURPOSE: It stores the details of the courses offered by the institute.


 NAME: Transaction

PURPOSE: It stores the details of the payment details of students.

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In This module there is the information about the students taken

admission and studying in the institute.

Table Structure :

stu_id number(5) primary key,

first varchar2(10),

last varchar2(10),

gender varchar2(1),

address varchar2(30),city varchar2(10),

  phone number(10),

quali varchar2(10),

f_name varchar2(20),

date_join date



In This module there is the information about the instructors/teachers teaching the students in the institute.

Table Structure :

inst_id number(5) primary key

first varchar2(10)

last varchar2(10)

gender varchar2(1)

addres varchar2(30)city varchar2(10)

  phone number(10)

quali varchar2(10)

f_name varchar2(20)

date_join date

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In this module there is the details of the courses provided to the

students by the institute with fee details.

Table Structure :

course_id number(5) primary key

course_name varchar2(10)

fees number(5)

duration number(2)


This module consist of the authorized user who are permitted to

work on the institute’s software.

Table Structure :

username varchar2(10) primary key

  pass varchar2(10)


This module gives the details of the payments done by the students

after taking admission in institute.

Table Structure :

student_id number(5) primary key,  pay_date date,

  paid_amount number(5),

description varchar2(30),

  bill_no number(5)

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Form-1 (Splash)

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 3If ProgressBar1.Value = 99 ThenUnload Mefrmlogin.ShowEnd If End Sub

Form-2 (Login)

Private Sub Command1_Click()s = "select * from users where username = '" & Text1.Text & "' and pass = '" &Text2.Text & "'"'MsgBox sIf rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientrs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticIf rs.RecordCount = 1 ThenMsgBox ("Login Successful"), vbInformation, "Success"frmmain.ShowUnload Me

ElseMsgBox ("Unsufficieent Or Invalid Entry"), vbCritical, "Wrong ID n Password"End If End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Close

cn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"

End Sub

Form-3 (Main)

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Private Sub about_Click()frmabout.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Changepassword_Click()

frmchangepass.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub CollectionFromStudents_Click()frmrecpayment.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Collectionlist_Click()frmpaydetail.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub coursedetails_Click()DataReport2.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub coursedetailss_Click()frmcouentry.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Coursepackage_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Courses_Click()DataReport2.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Courseslist_Click()frmcoudetails.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Createuser_Click()frmuserentry.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Exit_Click()EndEnd Sub

Private Sub Instructordetails_Click()frminstdetails.Show

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End Sub

Private Sub Instructorlist_Click()frminsdetail.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Instructors_Click()DataReport4.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Paymentlist_Click()frmpaydetail.Show

End Sub

Private Sub Payments_Click()DataReport5.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Studentdetails_Click()frmstuentry.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Studentlist_Click()

frmstudetail.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Studentsdetails_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Students_Click()DataReport1.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Users_Click()DataReport3.ShowEnd Sub

Form-4 (New Student Entry)

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Private Sub Command1_Click()If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"rs.Open "select * from student ", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticrs.AddNewrs(0) = Text1.Textrs(1) = Text2.Textrs(2) = Text3.Textrs(3) = Text4.Textrs(4) = Text5.Textrs(5) = Text6.Textrs(6) = Text7.Textrs(7) = Text8.Textrs(8) = Text9.Textrs(9) = DTPicker1.Valuers.UpdateBatchMsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "Saved"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()Text1.Text = Clear Text2.Text = Clear Text3.Text = Clear Text4.Text = Clear Text5.Text = Clear Text6.Text = Clear Text7.Text = Clear Text8.Text = Clear Text9.Text = Clear End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()Me.HideEnd Sub

Form-4 (New Instructor Entry)

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Private Sub Command1_Click()If cn.State = 1 Then cn.CloseIf rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"

rs.Open "select * from instructor ", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticrs.AddNewrs(0) = Text1.Textrs(1) = Text2.Textrs(2) = Text3.Textrs(3) = Text4.Textrs(4) = Text5.Textrs(5) = Text6.Textrs(6) = Text7.Textrs(7) = Text8.Textrs(8) = Text9.Text

rs(9) = DTPicker1.Valuers.UpdateBatchMsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, SavedEnd Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()Text1.Text = Clear Text2.Text = Clear Text3.Text = Clear Text4.Text = Clear Text5.Text = Clear 

Text6.Text = Clear Text7.Text = Clear Text8.Text = Clear Text9.Text = Clear End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()Me.HideEnd Sub

Form-5 (New Course Entry)

Private Sub Command1_Click()

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If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"rs.Open "select * from course", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticrs.AddNew

rs(0) = Text1.Textrs(1) = Text2.Textrs(2) = Text3.Textrs(3) = Text4.Textrs.UpdateBatchMsgBox "New Course Saved", vbInformation, SavedEnd Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()Text1.Text = Clear Text2.Text = Clear 

Text3.Text = Clear Text4.Text = Clear End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()Me.HideEnd Sub

Form-6 (New User Entry)

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If cn.State = 1 Then cn.CloseIf rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"rs.Open "select * from users ", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticrs.AddNewrs(0) = Text1.Textrs(1) = Text2.Textrs.UpdateBatchMsgBox "User Information Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "Saved"End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()Me.HideEnd Sub

Form-7 (Student Detail)

Public rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

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Private Sub Command1_Click()s = "select * from student"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()s = "select * from student where stu_id='" & Combo1.Text & "'"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticSet DataGrid1.DataSource = rsEnd Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_Click()If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Closecn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Closecn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"If rs1.State = 1 Then rs1.Closers1.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs1.Open "select stu_id from student", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticFor i = 0 To rs1.RecordCount - 1Combo1.AddItem (rs1(0))rs1.MoveNextNext i

End Sub

Form-8 (Instructor Detail)

Private Sub Command1_Click()

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s = "select * from instructor where inst_id='" & Combo1.Text & "'"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientrs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticSet DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()s = "select * from instructor"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Closecn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open "select inst_id from instructor", cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

For i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1Combo1.AddItem (rs(0))rs.MoveNextNext iEnd Sub

Form-9 (Courses Detail)

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Private Sub Command1_Click()s = "select * from course where course_id='" & Combo1.Text & "'"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientrs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rsEnd Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()cn.Closes = "select * from course"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Closecn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open "select course_id from course", cn, adOpenStatic,adLockBatchOptimisticFor i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1Combo1.AddItem (rs(0))rs.MoveNextNext iEnd Sub

Form-10 (Payments Detail)

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Private Sub Command1_Click()s = "select * from transaction where bill_no='" & Combo1.Text & "'"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimisticSet DataGrid1.DataSource = rsEnd Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()cn.Closes = "select * from transaction"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"rs.Open s, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()If cn.State = 1 Then cn.Closecn.CursorLocation = adUseClientcn.Open "provider = msdaora.1; user id = scott; password= tiger"If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Closers.CursorLocation = adUseClient

rs.Open "select bill_no from transaction", cn, adOpenStatic,adLockBatchOptimisticFor i = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1Combo1.AddItem (rs(0))rs.MoveNextNext iEnd Sub


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Why we need testing in any project?

As without get tested a project by a third party one cannot determinethe various errors that may be there in the project or may come in

future, that gradually becomes defects while implementing the

 project. So, to make an efficient project it should be properly tested.

UNIT TESTINGIt is one of the white-box oriented testing. Unit testing focuses

verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design- the

software component and module. As in this project various modules

are:student registration module, instructor entry module , generating

charges modules , providing facilities module and so on .So, various

modules are independently tested here to ensure that information

 properly flow into and out of the various modules

INTEGRATION TESTINGIntegration testing is a technique to uncover errors associated with

interfacing. The objective is to take unit testing components and build a program structure. Here interfaces can be between student

and instructor, between course and instructor and so on. Therefore

these interfaces are properly tested.

SYSTEM TESTINGSoftware in incorporated with other system elements (such as

 people, information, hardware) thus a series of system integration

and validation tests are conducted. It is actually a series of different

test whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer based


Implementation of security mechanisms

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Only Authorized users can log in into our software so the

user login is totally based on the database login. So normal

users can’t access the whole database…


At a later point of time we plan to enhance our software. The

following points would be given emphasis on:

1) . The facility of payments of employees (instructors) will

also be provided in future

2) . The facilities such as Head Of Department (HOD)would

also be provided.


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Bibliography Contains References to all the documents that were used to

develop the software.




- By K.K.Agarwal