BrandStreet Weybridge Presentation


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Your life in the palm of your hand!

If you’ve been handed this brochure, you’ve already received our special invitation to join Brand Street. Your business has stood out from the crowd and been put on the radar as a local business we’d like to help, for free.

We hope that by the time you’ve finished reading our brochure, you’ll be as proud of Brand Street as we are, as we’re here to give a big boost to local business.


69% of consumers are more likely to use a local business if it has information available on a social site like Brand Street.


The most important information that mobile searchers want to see about a local business on maps are their hours of operation (56%), special offers and coupons (37%), ratings and reviews (33%), products and services (26%), and the businesses’ website URL (24%).


Welcome to BrandStreetWe realise you will have a lot of questions and may want to know more before giving us a decision on whether to accept our invitation to join us.

Firstly, we are offering 24/7 support, so if you need any clarification at all, please contact us by phone, email, text or ask us to pop in and see you.

What is Brand Street?Brand Street is a new APP that your customers use to connect with brands and local businesses in the one place. It offers the ultimate convenience to shoppers while incorporating the latest marketing techniques to build your business. Our aim is to make Brand Street indispensable for shoppers while being an incredible tool for online and offline businesses to connect with their customers.

Why Local Businesses?Already we have some national brands on Brand Street which confuses local businesses. You may wonder where your business fits in to our plan, the truth is, locally, is where it all began. We had a vision to revolutionise local businesses and to bring entire communities together with one single APP. Big brands realised our potential but we are still pursuing our dream of making shopping more local.


Studies show that by the year 2016, mobile searches will overtake PC searches for local search. 78% of customers recommend a brand to friends and other contacts after a great customer experience and 68% reported that they spend more money on the company’s items.


All about youWe’ve talked enough about Brand Street, it’s time to focus on you and your business. We know you have questions and ultimately need to know how this will benefit you in the long and short run. Our focus is always on you, along with your customer’s experience as only by bringing you rewards will we succeed and reach where we plan to be.

Why My Business?We have taken time to carefully consider the local businesses who will benefit from being part of Brand Street the most. Your business made our shortlist and we would be delighted if you accepted our invitation to join us.

Why is it Free, to Me?We understand that you’re already busy and that you probably have no plans to expand your marketing this year. Yet we need you and other businesses we’ve chosen on board so we can bring shoppers back to local business. We’re keen to connect with local councils in order to bring bigger rewards that still don’t cost you a penny.

What’s the Catch?The offer we’re presenting may seem too good to be true but there isn’t a catch, we do need you. This is why we’re making it as easy as possible for you to come on board, so you don’t worry about Brand Street taking your time or your money.


By 2017 it is predicted that over 85% of High Street stores will use beacons


BrandStreet benefitsThere are many benefits of joining Brand Street from increasing customer loyalty to enhancing the customer experience. From driving profit through sales to demanding a larger web presence. We could send a lot of statistics your way to show how our original model drives your business growth but we know you’d rather see real time results. This is why we’re showing, rather than telling, and offering you a no risk way of experiencing the benefits of Brand Street for free. It’s a Win Win.

What Are the Benefits?If you join us on Brand Street you’ll become part of this initiative from the very beginning which means you’ll receive incredible exposure in your town and through the national press. With hardly any effort on your part you’ll receive the best marketing for your business and it won’t cost you a penny.

Due to the nature of Brand Street you’ll also be offering your customers a personalised, unique experience that is building momentum with the biggest global brands already. This will cement your reputation as a business that cares about excellent customer service, which in turn builds loyalty and repeat custom.

What Next?If you accept our offer to join Brand Street we’ll set up another meeting at a time to suit you. The meeting will take around one hour, where we’ll collect information about your business to best promote you on Brand Street.

We’d also use this time to collect any images or logos you would like to use on your store front or in promotions. If you don’t have images, we can help. We’re also giving away some free beacons to local businesses to make the town a fully connected hub of Brand Street. To find out more please read on.

To arrange your next meeting, please get in touch or let our representative know. We hope to welcome you to Brand Street very soon.


BEACONS, APPS &YOUR BUSINESS FACTSWe live in a connected society and with Brand Street this is set to escalate quickly as we blend the benefits of shopping online with those of shopping real time.We’ve brought together the most exciting beacon and mobile shopping statistics that show how Brand Street truly enhances the customer experience.







93% 91% 70% 63%














25 million use APPS to find coupons

46% of shoppers less likely to compare when using an APP

Mobile coupons are redeemed 10 times as often as paper coupons

20% of sales are on a mobile device

Customer personalisation is still the cheapest and most effective way to drive profit growth




BrandStreet Beacons What You Need to KnowBeacons are rapidly rising in popularity, with the estimated value set to reach £3billion in 2017. This is due to the dizzying speed in which businesses are adopting this new technology, the versatility they offer along with the opportunity they give to get closer to the customer than ever.

For many in the UK, beacons still seem a long way away. As global companies incorporate beacons they do seem a little out of reach for the smaller business. In reality, this market is moving so fast that those smaller businesses that adopt the technology now will be those who stay one step ahead of any competition. The beacons we use with Brand Street are Estimote beacons, our images show these Estimote beacons in action. Let’s start from the beginning.

What are Beacons?Beacons are small devices no bigger than your mobile phone but don’t let their small size fool you, they are hardworking pieces of tech as they recognise a user’s mobile phone from a distance away triggering the app to send information to your customers. They attach to a wall, a window or a ceiling and are low energy Bluetooth enabled devices that alert a shopper’s mobile phone when they are 70, 50, 20 or 0.5 metres from your business.

How Are Beacons Installed?Beacons really don’t take much installing at all, as we’ve explained they really are very small. They simply stick to a surface, a table, product or a wall and we can set them up in store within minutes. Once your beacon is installed, we can manage it remotely so there’s no need for any disruption to your business. Like plug and play, you’ll be ready to go in no time and you’ll probably forget the beacon is there, until a customer congratulates you on the new service.


64% of smartphone users have made a mobile purchase after seeing a mobile notification but nearly three-quarters (74%) haven’t received these from their favourite businesses.


88% of customers agree that receiving updates from brands in real time strongly influences their decision to buy.


What do Beacons do?The beacon’s features are vast, and as the technology advances, beacons are enabling brands to market their stores in entirely new ways. This activity, for now, is predominantly overseas and so on Brand Street we’d like to introduce businesses and customers gently, starting with just one or two of the features.

• Beacon WelcomeOne of the features we utilise is the warm welcome. When your customer is close by, physically, the beacon will transmit a signal to entice them into your store. Different messages can be programmed depending on the distance between your business and your customer, from a reminder of a special offer when they enter your High Street to a warm welcome when they step inside. For example: a restaurant may choose to display a menu on a diner’s phone as they enter, whereas a museum may choose to display a map or a brochure.

• Beacons In StoreBeacons recognise a shopper’s mobile phone when it is in range, triggering the app within to reveal information to your customer. This information is created by you and can be anything from a video to a product description page, or simply, a warm welcome. Smaller beacons, called nearables, can be attached to products, narrowing the area dramatically, and so triggering more bespoke information from an APP. When a product is picked up, the shopper’s phone could show all the details along with the price, any offers and the product’s item description.

In a museum, a beacon can be added close to every artefact to deliver a personalised tour guide experience direct to the visitor’s phone. Quite simply, beacons make shopping a personalised experience for your customer, blending traditional customer service values with the best in modern commerce technology.

• Beacon PromotionsAs you realise the benefits with beacons, you’ll feel confident about their place in your business. This is when you may choose to further personalise the shopper experience with offers, promotions and news of events or in store deals. Your customer can keep all information of your offers in the one place on Brand Street while receiving your updates direct to the palm of their hand.


Joining Brand Street is the wisest move you could make for your business to accelerate customer loyalty, acquisition, personalisation and profit growth.


Beacons and your businessYou’d be forgiven for thinking that beacons will only benefit the biggest brands as it’s these who will be the early adopters due to their massive budgets. In fact through our research, we’ve seen that local businesses actually benefit more when compared by scale. This is because you are small enough to care but large enough to grow, making anything you do with beacons seem completely sincere.

Beacons for small businesses help to increase customer loyalty and drive sales, especially when you’re busy. They’re an extra hand that ensure you always deliver the supreme customer experience you’re known for, and are consistent at delivering it on a multitude of platforms. We’re here to help every step of the way and will make it as easy as possible at every stage.

How Many Beacons Do I Need?To deliver a warm welcome to your customers you need just a single beacon. This can send notifications to shoppers when they’re a distance away. To access other features you could benefit from more beacons, however there is absolutely no obligation to choose more.

Do I Need a Beacon to be Part of Brand Street?You don’t need a beacon to be part of Brand Street, in fact, out of the businesses we’ve invited, only a few will be offered this beacon technology to start with. If you think your business would benefit please talk to us soon.

You do, however, need to be a Brand Street store to benefit from Beacons as your customers will follow you on our app first, in order to opt in to your beacon notifications.

Who Manages the Notifications?We will manage all notifications for you for your free beacon, in order to show you just how it will benefit your business. We have a very strong marketing team that we’ll utilise to ensure we market your business in a way that completely appeals to your customers. You don’t have to do anything at all as we understand you’re busy enough without adding another string to your bow. We’re here to make business easier, not harder, and we’re here to bring you some great rewards.



Beaconing brilliantBy now you understand the benefits of beacons and probably have ideas on how they can help your business. We can get you set up with a beacon in a matter of days. You’ll soon see other local businesses signing up to Brand Street and taking advantage of our no risk offers, and we hope to connect the whole of the town in this way. We’d be thrilled if you were one of the first adopters as we said at the beginning, we sent the invitation as you really stood out for us, and behind the scenes we’ve been researching your target market and putting together sample beacon notifications for you.

How Much Do Beacons Cost?For local businesses your first beacon could be absolutely free. On top of this, we will be offering select businesses money to generate an offer that ties in with the beacon and Brand Street. We are currently seeking support from the local council to bring more opportunities to local businesses. If you’d like to find out about the money we’ll invest in your business to enable a beacon offer, talk to us today.

What if I’d Like More Beacons?Usually, once a business tries one beacon they consider expanding to further enhance their customer experience. We believe that one beacon will give a great experience, however, if you’d like to use more please see the separate price list.

Complete Beacon SupportIf you are chosen as one of the businesses to benefit from beacon technology we will give you our complete support. From free content creation, marketing ideas and generation of notifications, to free expert copywriting and tagline advice. We want your beacon to work for you, and for the town as a whole, as we are on a mission to bring local businesses into the future.

Call us now on 0800 689 0671


Any questions, contact VIP support on T: 0800 689 0671


Brand Street Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 09194974 and VAT registered number 192376288. Our registered office is at Colmore Court 2nd Floor, 9 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2BJ.

For information about how we process data and monitor communications please see our Privacy policyand for terms of use please see our Terms and Conditions.
