Battle Born Bulletin - March 2013



April issue ARW Newsletter featuring current political topics and activities our club is involved in

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2013 March




Mon Mar 4 @ 6pm - 8pm

ARW Monthly Board Meeting

Thu Mar 21 @ 5:30pm - 8pm

ARW General Membership Meet-

ing, Spanish Trail

Mon Apr 1 @ 6pm - 8pm

ARW Monthly Board Meeting

Thu Apr 18 @ 5:30pm - 8pm

ARW General Membership Meet-

ing, Spanish Trail


Apr 18: Ron Futrell

May 16: ARW Fashion Show Battle Born Bulletin

President’s Message...Cherie Wood





I wanted to give a big Thank You to member

Brenda Flank, founder of the Conservative

Alliance for Community Growth, who so

brilliantly stepped in at the last minute as our

President’s Day/Black History Month sole

speaker on February 21st. Brenda very

eloquently conveyed the message of the GOP’s

history of championing civil rights on behalf of

all minority people and that most in their

communities can and do have the same

conservative values of the Republican Party.

Messaging, however, is indeed the way to

transition that message effectively. I say

nothing could be truer for our cause but there

are other ways, as well.

Republicans are at a structural disadvantage

within the Electoral College. Democrats start

out with California and New York in their

column and 220 electoral votes in the bag

every single election. Do you want to end

voter fraud for the future of conservative

politics? We already have documented proof of

entire precincts voting 120% for the Obama

Ticket in the last election and in other

precincts, not ONE vote being cast for the

Romney ticket. I’d say those are pretty

unbelievable odds even given the

circumstances of their battleground state status.

So let’s lobby to have “Winner Take All by

Congressional District”! This would in no

way dismantle the Electoral College and it is

totally constitutional. It’s Federalism as its best

and preserves the Electoral College and

empowers the states. In fact, Maine and

Nebraska already do this. You see, State

Legislatures have been given the power

under Article Two Section One of the

Constitution to award their electors in the

manner they see fit. Founding Father

James Madison said states should award

their electors in the way that derives the

most benefit for their state. For America’s

first 150 years, states awarded electors in

various ways; winner take all for the

whole state, winner take all by

Congressional District; proportionally,

sometimes, even the Legislatures

themselves would just decide who would

get their Electoral votes.

It wasn’t until the early 20th century that

Progressives popularized the “Winner

Take All” rule that we have in most states

today. In other words, if you win the

popular vote in a state, you get all the

Electors in that state. Conservatives have been

paying the price ever since. Michigan, Ohio,

Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin alone

would have shifted around 65-70 electoral

votes into Romney’s column depending on

how you look at the map. And that doesn’t

even account for Florida.

Continued Page 3...

Keynote Speaker — March 21st

Dr. Annette Teijeiro discusses the impact of

Obamacare on individuals and employers.

This information is sure to be informative

and sobering as we learn how unaffordable

the "Affordable Care Act" really is.

Don't miss it!

Mix and Mingle at 5:30pm; Meeting starts PROMPTLY at 6:00pm

Please RSVP by Sunday March 16th to Cherie Wood @

or 702-480-7151

Spanish Trail Country Club, 5050 Spanish Trail Lanes, Las Vegas, NV 89113

Entrance at the East Gate on Tropicana Blvd, west of Rainbow Blvd.

Click here for Directions

Members $30, non-members $35; Cash, checks, credit cards accepted at the door.

Or pay in advance Specify dinner choice in Special Instructions

RSVPs are firm reservations and required for private country club access. No-shows will

be billed.

General Membership Meeting

Dr. Annette Teijeiro

April 2013

Ron Futrell


Ron Futrell will speak to us about the inner workings of the liberal media and whether there is a way to overcome it's skewed portrayal of the Republican party. This presentation will include a discussion of R o n ' s f a s c i n a t i n g background in newscasting, Republican politics, and as a sports promoter.

May 2013


Fashion Show!

The show will feature Eccoci fashions worn by our very own ARW members, escorted down the runway by some of our favorite male associate members. There will be beautiful clothes, wonderful food, and a gift for each attendee. Many thanks to Chris Hall for coordinating the event again this year. This program offers us a fun break from politics and the news.



Classic Caesar Salad ENTRÉE

Salmon Piccata

Roasted Potatoes

Seasonal Sautee Veggies


Chef’s Special Selection


Vegetable Lasagna

President’s Message Continued from Page 1… Let’s put it another way: If those states had operated this way, Mitt Romney would have won the Election. What

the current system has given us is ten “Battleground States” deciding the election every year. This has led to a

Federal Government empowered to trample on the rights of citizens in non-battleground states without political

consequence, while they buy off the voters in the Battleground States. Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and

Wisconsin all have Republican Governors and control of the Legislature right now. That will likely never happen

again in our lifetime. The Virginia Legislature is currently considering this measure.

This message by Ken Blackwell of the Tea Party Victory Fund and others are flooding these State Legislatures

with calls and letters in support of this bill, letting Legislators know that this bill has their support. We have a

historic opportunity right now to put another 65-70 electoral votes into the GOP column and hold our leaders


Even though Nevada’s Legislature is not Republican controlled, we do have a “Republican” Governor who

should consider supporting the same measure for our state. We are, after all, not California…….yet!

Cherie Wood

Special Announcement In case you missed it...It is my great pleasure to tell you that ARW has implemented the PayPal

online payment system! This is especially exciting because this process will make our RSVP’s,

meal payments and membership dues payable through our website! We also offer credit card

payments at check-in! I’m so excited to bring all this new technology to our club which should

make check in much faster and with greater ease. We also want to encourage everyone to start

paying ahead for your reservation either through the PayPal system or by sending your checks to

our mailing address…889 So Rainbow Ste. #146, LV 89145—please go to the website for all the information.

The Republican Party History

From the Beginning

Abolishing slavery. Free speech. Women's suffrage. In today's stereotypes, none of these

sounds like a typical Republican issue, yet they are stances the Republican Party, in

opposition to the Democratic Party, adopted early on.

Reducing the government. Streamlining the bureaucracy. Returning power to the states.

These issues don't sound like they would be the promises of the party of Lincoln, the party

that fought to preserve the national union... Click here for full article

Something to think about...

Caring for America...Barbara Altman

Meriam-Webster Dictionary Definitions

Politically Correct: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend someone’s political sensibilities--should be eliminated.

Double Standard: a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another. Covet: To desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably Culpable (culpably): meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful

Surprising how all these societal “Progressive” beliefs are used so

effectively today in controlling American citizen’s thoughts through

media, politicians and certain acceptable organizations.


This year we will be supporting Marion Cahlan-Edison Elementary School. This school has approximately 800 students, most of which are living at, or below. poverty level. The school’s population is highly transient, with a disturbing percentage identified as homeless, or living in a multifamily situation due largely to economic hardship. The needs of these children are many and varied. I am hoping that throughout the year our Active Republican Women will step up and lend support to these needy children. Following is an excerpt of the school’s wish list. To see the full list Click Here. Clothing, Backpacks, Hats, Coats,

Shoes Copy Paper, Pencils, Sharpeners, Mini Whiteboards w/Markers Microphone/Music stands, Podiums Kindles, Mimi iPads, iPad protective

cover Flashdrives (for teachers) Recognition Certificates, Testing prizes

(pizza party, ice cream social) Teacher Appreciation Luncheon Physical Ed Supplies (see list) Musical Instruments (see list)

In addition to items, your time is also appreciated. A couple of upcoming activities that you might consider donating time to are: Career Day: Friday, March 22nd from

8:00—10:30 a.m. Anyone who would like to speak to the students about their careers and accomplishments is welcome.

Nevada Reading Week: Feb 25—Mar

1. Come in and read to the students or bring books.

If you can find the time to contribute to either of these events, please let me know and I will add your name to the list. Thank you for support, Caring for America Chairman Barbara Altman







PHONE: (702) 799-7103

Literacy Center...Molly Governs


This article is the third of three planned articles on Internet literacy and safety. Judging by the amount of information

that Is available on the topic of Internet safety for our children this article will only touch upon some of the important

tips plus point ARW members to some websites for further ideas and activities to keep our next generation safe in the

world of electronic information.

The following are some everyday safety tips for children using the Internet:

For younger children use content blockers and filters. This type of software scans the Internet sites for images

and blocks those that contain certain key phrases.

For older teens there is tracking software. Tracking software allows parents and supervising adults to track the

teenager’s path online. By using this type of software it lets the teen know you trust them and gives them more

freedom online while at the same time lets an adult see if the student is using appropriate sites while online.

It is important to remain vigilant. Even when using filters, and content trackers kids figure out ways to get

around them.

Talk to your kids about what to do when something inappropriate or scary pops up on the Internet. Not all adult

sites post industry ratings identifiable by blocker and tracker software.

Adult supervision and involvement cannot always be replaced by any software. Continue to monitor what your

kids do online regularly without stepping into the role of an Internet cop.

If a child uses a mobile device monitoring Internet use will be more difficult to control and monitor. Keep

communication lines open with the child.

Some useful sites for Internet Safety for children and teens:

Internet Safety Tips for Elementary School Kids:

This site gives suggestions, safety tips, strategies and activities for elementary school aged online users.

Safety Tips from the FBI:

The FBI website presents not only online safety tips for kids, but a history of the FBI, about their police dogs, games,

what it is like to belong to the FBI, how to investigate a crime and much more.

Net Smartz Workshop:

This is a website that gives some basics on preventing cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate material, online

predators, and revealing too much information. A rich collection of many other current topics and discussions can

be found on this site.

Parent Further:

A site that speaks directly to parents.

Net Literacy:


Young Net Literacy volunteers present a series of public service announcements in short videos on all aspects of

Internet safety. It is an extremely well done website.

Caring for American Soldiers...Patricia Derrick

Please take a minute to look over the Caring for the Troops flyer. It is going to be a great year, but we need your help. If

you will volunteer for just one event, I promise to make it painless and lots of fun. The short time I have been involved, I

feel happier because I am helping the soldiers who do so much for all of us. Just go to and list the

event you would like to join.

1ST QUARTER CARING JANUARY Girl Scout Cookies Thank You Melody Howard

FEBRUARY We need volunteers to make these events come alive

MARCH OPERATION WARM HEART: Children and Homeless Veterans

2nd QUARTER CARING APRIL OPERATION BABY SHOWER: Eastside Cannery on for 150 expectant mothers (either active

duty or wife of deployed. (Tricia Trowbridge & husband) MAY

JUNE Veterans Hospital Guest House: Park Bench with Plaque

3rd QUARTER CARING JULY Veterans Hospital Guest House and Park Bench with ARW Plaque

AUGUST Present OPERATION WARM HEART: Back to School Gear for children

SEPTEMBER USO: Product Collection Drive


NOVEMBER Program Nov. Mtg: Celebrating our Troops, collect toys/gifts for

DECEMBER Present OPERATION WARM HEART packages to families.


VOLUNTEER FOR ONE EVENT OR MORE: share your talents and ideas. Just pick ONE OR MORE events

to join and indicate if you would like to be the leader. We welcome your energy. You will make a difference and

make these events successful for our troops. Thank you for caring, Patricia Derrick



Patricia Derrick Chairman: contact info - phone:804-1112

LEADER HELPER Sign up for the event you would like to Lead or Help

OPERATION WARM HEART: Children and veteran families



USO: Product Collection Drive

USO: United through Reading & DANCE WITH THE TROOPS

TOYS & GIFT DRIVE (December 2013)

EMAIL: PATRICIA DERRICK @: Just name the event you would like to partici-

pate in. You will instantly become a member of our caring & sharing team. Be sure to indicate if you

would like to be a TEAM-LEADER for the event. Email TODAY! We need you and we appreciate you!!!

Did you know...


In 2013, 97 women serve in the U.S. Congress. Twenty women serve in the Senate and 77 women serve in the House. The number of women in statewide elective executive posts is 76, while the proportion of women in state legislatures is 24.1 percent. Congress: In 2013, women hold 97, or 18.1%, of the 535 seats in the 113th U.S. Congress — 20, or 20%, of the 100 seats in the Senate and 77, or 17.7%, of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives…. Of the Twenty women serving in the Senate, 16 are Democrats and 4 are Republican... Seventy-Seven women from 31 states serve in the House; 58 are Democrats and 19 are Republicans... Statewide Elective Executive Offices: In 2013, 76 women hold statewide elective executive offices across the country; women hold 23.4% of the 320 available positions. Among these women, 38 are Democrats, 38 are Republicans...Full article COPYWRIGHT 2013. Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP). Cawp\Informationservices\Factsheets\Fact2013\FS-Elective(02-13).wpd



OFFICERS: President Cherie Wood 1st Vice-President Diane Welch 2nd Vice-President Stephanie Reeder Recording Secretary Kristene Fisher Treasurer Priscilla Campbell Immediate Past President Maureen “Mo” Karas STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Achievement Awards Eleanor Mills & Alice Shillock-Clark Americanism Barbara Altman Budget & Finance Nancy Hambrick Boutique Judy Ferraro & Michele Bruce Bylaws Martha Kimpel Campaigns Melody Howard Caring for America Barbara Altman Caring for American Soldiers Patricia Derrick Chaplin Kristene Fisher Communication/Public Relations Jennifer Barrier Corresponding Secretary / Advertising / Promotions Christine Hall Decorations Gwen Barrett Fundraising Maureen “Mo” Karas Hospitality / Historian Margaret Helsper Leadership Alice Shillock-Clark Legislation Melody Howard Literacy / MELP Molly Governs Newsletter Annette Barnes Parliamentarian Kathie Slaughter Volunteer Hours Alice Shillock-Clark

***NOTE: If you are interested in helping out on any com-mittee or have questions, please contact Cherie Wood via email or phone (702) 480 7151

At The Botique

Stop by the boutique this month, before the meeting

begins, for the best selection of political


Bring your cash or checks! ….and don’t forget to

stock up on our Patriotic items. These are sure to

make great gifts.


Stay tuned for more details as we continue planning

this fabulous excursion

ARW Message Board

You know you live in a Country

run by idiots if…

1. You can get arrested for expired tags on

your car but not for being in the country


2. Your government believes that the best

way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt

is to spend trillions more or our money.

3. The government’s plan for getting people

back to work is to provide 99 weeks of un-

employment checks (to not work).

4. Politicians think that stripping away the

amendments to the constitution is really

protecting the right of the people.

5. The rights of the Government come before

the rights of the individual.

6. Being stripped of the ability to defend

yourself makes you “safe”.

7. You have to have your parents signature to

go on a school field trip but not to get an


8. Being self-sufficient is considered a threat

to the government.

9. Hard work and success are rewarded with

higher taxes and government intrusion,

while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded

with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid,

subsidized housing, and free cell phones.

10. You can write a post like this just by read-

ing the news headlines.

Visit ARW’s Website:

or Click Here

Find us on Facebook: ARWLV

Follow us on Twitter: ARWLV

Email us at

FEBRUARY 4 , 2013

True the Vote Files Lawsuit Against Super-visor of Elections Over Mishandling of Al-

len West Recount

By Katie Pavlich Voter integrity group True the Vote (TTV) filed a federal lawsuit Monday against St. Lucie County Florida Supervisor of Elec-tions Gertrude Walker for failing to uphold election law and for failing to enforce re-cord inspection rights...Click to read more

An Update on Wasteful

Spending in Washington

from the House Majority

Whip’s Office

More on this issue...

_________________________________________________________________________________ ARW ADVERTISING BOARD

ARW is accepting ads for our newsletter Get your business noticed! Great Prices! $100.00 Bus. card size $150.00 1/4 page $200.00 1/2 page $250.00 full page Advertising pricing is based on full year. Pricing for half-year or quarter-year available upon request. To place an ad or if you have questions please contact Chris Hall at 254-2688 or

Get your business noticed by your fellow ARW members

ARW’s Monthly Meeting—February 21


Our membership Drive for 2013 is in full swing!

When you become a Member of ARW, you are automatically a member of the Nevada Federation of

Republican Women and a member of the National Federation of Republican Women.

Your Voice and Opinions are very important!

Join us and make sure your voice is heard across the Nation.

Welcome this Months’ New Full Members: Janis Jo Bertels – Mari St. Martin

New Associate Members: None

Welcome back returning Full Members: Bernadette Anthony—Judith Ferraro—Persia Golden

Martha Kimple—Lynne Sloane

Welcome back returning Associate Members: Stavros Anthony – Maraya Evans

Michael Kimpel – Ken Small

Thank you all:


Stephanie Reeder – V.P. Membership

Only 7 days left to get your renewal in!!Only 7 days left to get your renewal in!!Only 7 days left to get your renewal in!!

Beat the deadlineBeat the deadlineBeat the deadline———pay online at www.arwlv.compay online at www.arwlv.compay online at

If sending a check, please drop an email to If sending a check, please drop an email to If sending a check, please drop an email to StephanieStephanieStephanie tototo

alert her that it’s on the way.alert her that it’s on the way.alert her that it’s on the way.

ARW needs your support for our effortsARW needs your support for our effortsARW needs your support for our efforts

& to stay in good standing with the National Federation& to stay in good standing with the National Federation& to stay in good standing with the National Federation

Fill out the form on the next page and send it in Fill out the form on the next page and send it in Fill out the form on the next page and send it in

Via US mail or email to Via US mail or email to Via US mail or email to Stephanie ReederStephanie ReederStephanie Reeder

The NvFRW is signing up membership for the 2013 The NvFRW is signing up membership for the 2013 The NvFRW is signing up membership for the 2013

Regents Program Regents Program Regents Program

If you are interested in becoming a Regent fill out the attached If you are interested in becoming a Regent fill out the attached If you are interested in becoming a Regent fill out the attached

Application and bring it with you to our next meetingApplication and bring it with you to our next meetingApplication and bring it with you to our next meeting

ACTIVE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS (Nevada) is a women’s political organization, bringing together women to positively im-

pact the direction of our state and our nation. We come together as a collective force advancing the Republican Party and WOMEN through political access and participation.

ACTIVE Republican Women Membership Application 2013

Annual Dues--Check One: *New _________ Renewing __________ Member since: ________/_________ Member* ($30) ________ Associate* ($15) ___________ (If already a regular member of another club or men only)

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (As it appears on Voter Registration – Must be a Registered Republican to join)

ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY and STATE: _________________________________________________________________________ ZIP: _________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________________________CELL NUMBER: __________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________BIRTHDAY: ___________/___________________ Month Year *Referred/Sponsored by: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Please indicate if you’d like a name badge for an additional $10.00 Yes ____________ No____________

I am a registered Republican and I will support and work for the election of Republi-can Candidates for office and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party. _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signature Date Please make check payable to Active Republican Women and mail to: Stephanie Reeder-Membership Vice-President; 889 So. Rainbow Ste. #146, Las Vegas, NV 89145

Visit our website:


Silver State—RED STATE!

Regents are members and friends who step up to a higher level of membership and commitment to the mission and goals of our Nevada Federation. Your generous annual donation of $100 is the financial backbone for our political and educational arm of NvFRW. Participation in the Regents program will insure that our Federation grows with pride in our in numbers, leadership strength and political involvement in electing Republicans throughout our state.

Your generosity is vital to the continued growth of NvFRW. Join today and supports the following activities:

Leadership Training This valuable training is sponsored by NvFRW Regents each year in both the North and South to provide leadership guidance to all club officers and interested members. Leadership materials are developed by your Executive Officers and are provided by Regents funding to all Leadership participants.

Special projects and Political activities approved by vote of NvFRW Regents. - 2012 projects brought statewide recognition to the energetic work our Nevada Republican Women! - Regents funds allow NvFRW continued political relevance throughout Nevada

Grants and Assistance - New club grants to assist initial expenses. - NvFRW Board may allocate grants to coalition groups from Regent funds.

Hospitality Receptions Regents host receptions at NvFRW Board Meetings and Biennial Convention in appreciation for the wonderful support pro-

vided by members who make this program possible.

Candidate Development and Campaign Training Survey of needs and resources to assist candidates. Possible registration fee assistance for NvFRW member candi-dates and NvFRW attendees.

Scholarships previously funded by Regents will be paid by NvFRW "Jo Marshall Scholarship Opportunity Drawing" allowing ALL contributions to the Regents program to benefit NvFRW membership growth.


Name Club Address City State Zip Phone cell E-Mail $100 Yearly dues enclosed New Member Renewal Include my husband (additional $100) (Name) Amount enclosed

This is the wish list for our children whom we are supporting this year. Please contribute as these children are in great need.

I will be collecting at each meeting the items that you bring. If you can not attend a meeting, please contact me and I would be happy to meet with you.

Thank you,

Barbara Altman Chairman

Marion Cahlan-Edison Elementary School

Wish List Items: 1. Clothing, backpacks, coats, hats, etc.

2. Shoes

3. Copy paper

4. Pencils

5. Mini whiteboards and markers

6. Electronic pencil sharpeners

7. Whisper phones

8. Text exemplars tied to the Common Core State Standards (multiple copies of books)

9. Authentic literature (books) to be used for writing mini lessons

10. Poetry books

11. Phonics and fluency centers

12. Computer software for math and reading

13. Listening centers and CDs with books

14. Headphones (standard and with a recording device)

15. Microphone stand

16. Music stands

17. Podium for assemblies

18. Kindles

19. Mini iPads

20. iPad protective covers

21. iTunes gift cards to purchase educational apps

22. Flash drives (one per teacher)

23. Various certificates to recognize students for Honor Roll, Attendance, etc

24. Testing prizes such as pizza parties and ice cream socials

Teacher Appreciation Week luncheon Physical Education 1. Flag football flags

2. Small rubber rings (12) 5-6 inches in diameter

3. Rhino skin foam balls (24)

4. Egg and spoon relay game (12)

Pugg Pop-up goals Continued Next Page… Back to Newsletter

Music wish list:

Supplier: Cascio Website: 13819 W. National Ave New Berlin, WI 53151 Fax: 262-957-4538 Toll free: 1-800-462-2263

Back to Newsletter

Page number quantity

Item descrip-tion

Item number Amount Cost

Pg. 163 (14) Xylophone Stands

ST056 $187.00 $2,618.00

Pg. 343 (3) Keyboard Stands

SS094 $37.99 $113.97

Pg. 343 (5) Keyboard Bench

SS008 $49.99 $349.95

Pg. 300 (1) Lugwig Ele-ment 5-piece drum set

DRSLCE522F $499.00 $499.00

Pg. 52 (3) Hamilton Auto Stands

ST149D $38.49 $115.47

Pg. 305 (1) Gilbraltar Thrones Gil-braltar 9608 Throne round vinyl set

PB74308 $82.88 $82.88

Pg. 309 (1) Squier Electric P-Bass pak

GTS0301670 (025) metallic red

$299.99 $299.99

Page number quantity

Item descrip-tion

Item number Amount Cost

Pg. 163 (14) Xylophone Stands

ST056 $187.00 $2,618.00

Pg. 343 (3) Keyboard Stands

SS094 $37.99 $113.97

Pg. 343 (5) Keyboard Bench

SS008 $49.99 $349.95

Pg. 300 (1) Lugwig Ele-ment 5-piece drum set

DRSLCE522F $499.00 $499.00

Pg. 52 (3) Hamilton Auto Stands

ST149D $38.49 $115.47

Pg. 305 (1) Gilbraltar Thrones Gil-braltar 9608 Throne round vinyl set

PB74308 $82.88 $82.88

Pg. 309 (1) Squier Electric P-Bass pak

GTS0301670 (025) metallic red

$299.99 $299.99
