Adapting Improved Agricultural Water Management and Protected ... · India is the second largest...


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Adapting Improved Agricultural Water Management and Protected Cultivation Technologies - Strategic Dealing with

Climate Change Challenge


Prof. Kamlesh Narayan Tiwari


Agricultural and Food Engineering Department

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


• Profile of IndiaSl. No.

Particulars Value/description

1 Geographical area 329 Mha

2 Geographic Coordinates 20.5937° N, 78.9629° E

3 Climate Comprises a wide range of weather conditions(Tropical, arid/semiarid regions, subtropical regions etc.)

4 Average rainfall 120 cm

5 Rainfall variation ≤ 60 cm western most region to ≥ 400 cm eastern most region

6 Available water resources 1869 billion cu m

7 Per capita water availability

1730.6 cu m

8 Population 134 crores (up to December, 2018)Anonymous, 2019


• Indian Agriculture

World's largest producer of

Fruits like banana, mango, guava, papaya, and lemon

Vegetables like chickpea, and okra

Spices like chilli pepper, and ginger

fibrous crops such as jute

Staples such as millets and castor oil seed.

India is the second largest producer of wheat and rice, the world's major food staples

As per 2018, agriculture employed 50% of the Indian work force and contributed 17-18% to country's


Total food grain production of India is 281 million tonnes during 2018-19.


In order to meet food demand, we will need

60-70% more food

by 2050

• Climate Change

Identifiable change in the climate of Earth as a whole that last for an extended period of time (decades or longer). Climate

change refers to significant changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind pattern and other measures of climate that occur

over several decades or longer.

Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon of climate change characterized by a general increase in average temperatures of the Earth,

which modifies the weather balances and ecosystems for a long time. It is directly linked to the increase of greenhouse gases in

atmosphere, worsening the greenhouse effect.

• Climate Change Impact on Agriculture

• Disturbance in crop cultivation schedule

• Damage to standing crop

• Outbreak of pests and diseases

• Risk of water availability

• Deterioration of natural resources


• Weather and Climate


• Short term

• Limited area

• Can change rapidly

• Difficult to predict



• Long term

• Wide area

• Seasonal changes

• Measured over long spans of time

Climate is the average of many years of weather observations

Adaptation strategies should be on a short and long-term plan to agricultural activities to tackle the effects of

changes in climate.

Adaptation will require

Cost-effective investments in water infrastructure

Emergency preparation to deal with extreme weather events

Development of resilient crop varieties that can tolerate extreme temperature and precipitation

New or improved land use and water management practices.

Precision Farming involves the application of technologies and principles to

manage spatial and temporal variability associated with all aspects of agricultural,

horticultural and aqua cultural production for improving crop performance and

environment quality through efficient management of resources using location

specific hi-tech interventions.

Precision Agriculture (PA), Site specific farming (SSF), Site specific management

(SSM), Farming by the foot, Variable rate technology(VRT) etc.

Computer and Internet, GPS, RS, GIS, Auto analyzer, and Sensors are the

components and facilitators of Precision Farming


Precision Farming


Precision Farming Technologies

Micro Irrigation

Water application : Drop by drop or in the form of spray

Network of pipeline and emitting devices

Filtration and Fertigation Unit

Protected Cultivation Structures

Protected cultivation structures provide favorable environment for

crop growth thereby achieving greater yield and high quality produce.

Greenhouse , Polyhouse, Shade net house & low tunnels

Protects the standing crop from sudden weather change

Controlled inner environment

Year round cultivation


• Water Saving (40 % to 60 %)

• Low application rates

• Energy saving

• Fertigation

• Improved yield

Crucial Factors:

Operating Pressure

Proper layout and design

Application uniformity

Optimum irrigation schedule


Experimental demonstrations and Research Findings of Precision Farming Development Center, IIT Kharagpur

Experimental Details


Table: Description of study area and plantation covers

S. No. Plantation Types Year of Plantation Area (m2) Slope (%)

1 Mango 1998 2250 0.5

2 Guava 2006 960 0.7

3 Banana 2011 800 0.3

4 Sapota 2006 960 0.84

5 Coconut 1992 800 0.64

6 Cashew 2009 5000 0.3

7 Litchi 2006 960 0.61

8 Agri.crop 1990 1920 0.42

9 Eucalyptus 1990 33000 0.62

10 Tea 1990 5440 0.75

Location: 22°18.5′ N 87° 19′ E Altitude : 48 m MSL, Rainfall :1390 mm , Soil Type : Sandy loam soil

10Mango (1998)

11Guava (2006)

12Litchi (2006)

13Cashew (2009)

14Banana (2011)

15Coconut (1992)

16Sapota (2006)

17Vegetable: Brocolli

18Eucalyptus (1990)


Table : Trend analysis of weather data for base period (1961-2005) and future period (2010-2099) under the

climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) at selected study locations in subtropical India

Climate Change Trend Analysis and Rice yield simulation for the climate change scenarios of Kharagpur

Figure: Simulated grain yield of direct seeded drip irrigated rice for base period (1961-1990) and future periods (2020,2050 and 2080) under the climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) at selected locations of subtropical India


Figure: Simulated grain yield of conventional puddled transplanted rice for base period (1961-1990) and future periods (2020,2050 and 2080) under the climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) at selected locations of subtropical India( Maxi. Grain yield- 4885-5029 kg/ha in DIR, 5064-5398 in PTR for the base period)


Figure: Percentage change in the simulated grain yield of direct seeded drip irrigated rice (DIR) and conventional puddledtransplanted rice (PTR) for the future period (2020, 2050 and 2080) under the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 as compared to base period(1961-1990) yield at selected locations. (Reduction- 3-15% DIR, 3 -21% PTR)


Table : Water requirement of horticultural crops and their response due to drip irrigation


Crop Water requirement

(Litres/ Plant/ day)

Yield increment

due to drip (%)

Mango 16.6 - 47.39 128

Guava 11.93 - 34.53 164

Banana 4.0-18.6 39.08

Pineapple 1.56 - 5.48 22.81

Cabbage 1.17-1.66 62.44

Cauliflower 0.74-1.35 22.30

Tomato 0.89-2.31 44.10

Okra 0.60-1.90 54.92

Brinjal 0.77-3.39 25.58

Dutch Rose 0.22 – 0.79 15.76

Gerbera 0.42 – 1.30 21.40

Table : Water saving and increase in yield with sprinkler irrigation systems


Crops Water






Crops Water Saving





Bajra 56 19 Gram 69 57

Barley 56 16 Groundnut 20 40

Bhindi 28 23 Jowar 55 34

Cabbage 40 3 Lucerne 16 27

Cauliflower 35 12 Maize 41 36

Chilli 33 24 Onion 33 23

Cotton 36 50 Potato 46 10

Cowpea 19 3 Sunflower 33 20

Garlic 28 6 Wheat 35 24

Table : Economics of fruits and vegetable crops for cultivating 1 ha area using drip irrigation




(m × m)

Fixed cost of




of interest (%)

Life of drip



Annual cost of

drip system


Cost of



Expected yield



Benefit - Cost



Cabbage 0.6 × 0.45 1,07,596 12 7.5 23,626 12,161 112 6.40

Tomato 0.75 × 0.60 90,551 12 7.5 19,883 21,810 75 6.42

Okra 0.6 × 0.30 99,366 10.5 7.5 14,287 11,500 17 2.2

Brinjal 0.75 × 0.60 89,760 12 7.5 19,740 21,070 47 3.27

Broccoli 0.6 × 0.45 1,07,596 12 7.5 23,626 12,161 108 4.54

Fruit Crops

Mango 5× 5 49,191 12 7.5 10,801 38,746 19 6.27

Sapota 5× 5 49,191 12 7.5 10,801 34,746 22.7 3.21

Banana 2 × 2 95,120 10.5 7.5 20,831 38,746 58.9 2.55

Guava 5× 5 49,191 12 7.5 10,801 38,746 24 3.17

Pineapple 0.65×0.45 1,12,102 12 7.5 24,615 27,480 81 5.88

Litchi 5× 5 49,191 12 7.5 10,801 34,746 20 3.64


26Figure : Layout of modified greenhouse of 1000 m2 area with plan of installing drip irrigation system

Fig. : Isometric view of the modified greenhouse

Protected Structures


Table : Comparison of crops in open field (T1) and greenhouse (T2) condition


Sl. No. Name of crop

Water requirement

(L day-1 plant-1)


Weight (g)Yield

(t ha-1)

T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2

1 Cauliflower 0.74-1.01 0.42-0.63 600 1100 24 44

2 Cabbage 0.76-0.97 0.45-0.60 2000 2750 66 91.66

3 Tomato 0.63-0.82 0.41-0.52 45 80 20 110

4 Broccoli 0.71-0.99 0.46-0.61 730 1400 29 66

5 Capsicum 0.58-0.84 0.37-0.52 170 380 44 124

6 Cucumber 0.29-0.40 0.19-0.25 184 270 35 110

7 Rose 1.28-3.11 0.86-3.00 - - 136* 212*

* No. of flower/m2/year

Table : Plastic mulch thickness suitable for different crops




Crops Recommended

25 Short duration crops, vegetables (3-4 months)

50 Medium duration crops (11-12 months)

Early-stage of fruit crops, Coffee, papaya, sugarcane.

100 Mango, Citrus fruits and medium grown trees

Crop Weed control


Yield increase


Water saving


Kinnow 55 18 25

Lemon 51 14 30

Cotton 60 25 46

Pineapple 61 32 35

Ginger 99 28 30

Turmeric 94 21 25

Brinjal 90 20 12

Coconut 80 75 25

Table : Increase in yield, weed control and water saving due to application of plastic mulch

Plastic Mulch


• Climate change is a threat and it needs attention by the research community worldwide as it poses an adverse effect

on the well-being of the society.

• Rice grain yield simulation using CERES model stated decline in grain yield up to 16% in RCP 4.5 and 41% in RCP

8.5 in future periods (2010 to 2099) as compared to base period (1961 to 1990) yield under drip irrigation in

subtropical India. The reduction in rice yield is greater in under puddle transplanted rice (PTR). Adaptation

strategies such as early transplanting ,higher N dose and drip irrigation can help in tackling climate change impact.

• The adaptation of improved irrigation techniques like drip and sprinkler along with the polyhouse and shade net

house showed improved results for sustainable agriculture and horticulture production.

• Experimental results under protected cultivation show reduction in water requirement and increase in yield. These

structures have scope to deal with short term and long term climatic variations.

• There is need to develop low cost protected cultivation structure with automation facilities.


Thank you

