20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


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  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our FreedomsBy David Hogberg

    Sun., March 21, '10 3:24 PM ET

    Tags:Health Care-ObamaCare-Freedom

    With House Democrats poised to pass the Senate health care bill with some reconciliation changes later

    today, it is worthwhile to take a comprehensive look at the freedoms we will lose.

    Of course, the overhaul is supposed to provide us with security. But it will result in skyrocketing insurance

    costs and physicians leaving the field in droves, making it harder to afford and find medical care. We may be

    about to live Benjamin Franklins adage, People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve

    neither and will lose both.

    The sections described below are taken from HR 3590 as agreed to by the Senate and from the reconciliation

    bill as displayed by the Rules Committee.

    1. You are young and dont want health insurance? You are starting up a small business and need to

    minimize expenses, and one way to do that is to forego health insurance? Tough. You have to pay $750

    annually for the privilege. (Section 1501)

    2. You are young and healthy and want to pay for insurance that reflects that status? Tough. Youll have to pay

    for premiums that cover not only you, but also the guy who smokes three packs a day, drink a gallon of

    whiskey and eats chicken fat off the floor. Thats because insurance companies will no longer be able to

    underwrite on the basis of a persons health status. (Section 2701).

    3. You would like to pay less in premiums by buying insurance with lifetime or annual limits on coverage?

    Tough. Health insurers will no longer be able to offer such policies, even if that is what customers prefer.

    (Section 2711).

    4. Think youd like a policy that is cheaper because it doesn t cover preventive care or requires cost-sharing for

    such care? Tough. Health insurers will no longer be able to offer policies that do not cover preventive services

    or offer them with cost-sharing, even if thats what the customer wants. (Section 2712).

    5. You are an employer and you would like to offer coverage that doesn t allow your employees slacker

    children to stay on the policy until age 26? Tough. (Section 2714).

    6. You must buy a policy that covers ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization,

    maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health

    treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services;

    preventive and wellness services; chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and

    vision care.

    Youre a single guy without children? Tough, your policy must cover pediatric services. Youre a woman whocant have children? Tough, your policy must cover maternity services. Youre a teetotaler? Tough, your policy

    must cover substance abuse treatment. (Add your own violation of personal freedom here.) (Section 1302).

    7. Do you want a plan with lots of cost-sharing and low premiums? Well, the best you can do is a Bronze

    plan, which has benefits that provide benefits that are actuarially equivalent to 60% of the full actuarial value of

    the benefits provided under the plan. Anything lower than that, tough. (Section 1302 (d) (1) (A))

    8. You are an employer in the small-group insurance market and you d like to offer policies with deductibles

    higher than $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for families? Tough. (Section 1302 (c) (2) (A).

    9. If you are a large employer (defined as at least 50 employees) and you do not want to provide health

    insurance to your employee, then you will pay a $750 fine per employee (It could be $2,000 to $3,000 under

    the reconciliation changes). Think you know how to better spend that money? Tough. (Section 1513).

    10. You are an employer who offers health flexible spending arrangements and your employees want todeduct more than $2,500 from their salaries for it? Sorry, cant do that. (Section 9005 (i)).

    11. If you are a physician and you dont want the government looking over your shoulder? Tough. The

    Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to use your claims data to issue you reports that

    measure the resources you use, provide information on the quality of care you provide, and compare the

    resources you use to those used by other physicians. Of course, this will all be just for informational

    purposes. Its not like the government will ever use it to intervene in your practice and patients care. Of course

    not. (Section 3003 (i))

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  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    12. If you are a physician and you want to own your own hospital, you must be an owner and have a Medicare

    provider agreement by Feb. 1, 2010. (Dec. 31, 2010 in the reconciliation changes.) If you didnt have those by

    then, you are out of luck. (Section 6001 (i) (1) (A))

    13. If you are a physician owner and you want to expand your hospital? Well, you cant (Section 6001 (i) (1) (B).

    Unless, it i s located in a county where, over the last five years, population growth has been 150% of what it

    has been in the state (Section 6601 (i) (3) ( E)). And then you cannot increase your capacity by more than

    200% (Section 6001 (i) (3) (C)).

    14. You are a health insurer and you want to raise premiums to meet costs? Well, if that increase is deemed

    unreasonable by the Secretary of Health and Human Services it will be subject to review and can be denied.

    (Section 1003)

    15. The government will extract a fee of $2.3 billion annually from the pharmaceutical industry. If you are a

    pharmaceutical company what you will pay depends on the ratio of the number of brand-name drugs you sellto the total number of brand-name drugs sold in the U.S. So, if you sell 10% of the brand-name drugs in the

    U.S., what you pay will be 10% multiplied by $2.3 billion, or $230,000,000. (Under reconciliation, it starts at

    $2.55 billion, jumps to $3 billion in 2012, then to $3.5 billion in 2017 and $4.2 billion in 2018, before settling at

    $2.8 billion in 2019 (Section 1404)). Think you, as a pharmaceutical executive, know how to better use that

    money, say for research and development? Tough. (Section 9008 (b)).

    16. The government will extract a fee of $2 billion annually from medical device makers. If you are a medical

    device maker what you will pay depends on your share of medical device sales in the U.S. So, if you sell 10%

    of the medical devices in the U.S., what you pay will be 10% multiplied by $2 billion, or $200,000,000. Think

    you, as a medical device maker, know how to better use that money, say for R&D? Tough. (Section 9009 (b)).

    The reconciliation package turns that into a 2.9% excise tax for medical device makers. Think you, as a

    medical device maker, know how to better use that money, say for research and development? Tough.

    (Section 1405).

    17. The government will extract a fee of $6.7 billion annually from insurance companies. If you are an insurer,

    what you will pay depends on your share of net premiums plus 200% of your administ rative costs. So, if your

    net premiums and administrative costs are equal to 10% of the total, you will pay 10% of $6.7 billion, or

    $670,000,000. In the reconciliation bill, the fee will start at $8 billion in 2014, $11.3 billion in 2015, $1.9 billion

    in 2017, and $14.3 billion in 2018 (Section 1406).Think you, as an insurance executive, know how to better

    spend that money? Tough.(Section 9010 (b) (1) (A and B).)

    18. If an insurance company board or its stockholders think the CEO is worth more than $500,000 in deferred

    compensation? Tough.(Section 9014).

    19. You will have to pay an additional 0.5% payroll tax on any dollar you make over $250,000 if you file a joint

    return and $200,000 if you file an individual return. What? You think you know how to spend the money you

    earned better than the government? Tough. (Section 9015).

    That amount will rise to a 3.8% tax if reconciliation passes. It will also apply to investment income, estates,

    and trusts. You think you know how to spend the money you earned better than the government? Like you

    need to ask. (Section 1402).

    20. If you go for cosmetic surgery, you will pay an additional 5% tax on the cost of the procedure. Think you

    know how to spend that money you earned better than the government? Tough. (Section 9017).

    Welcome Power Line, Fark.com and Big Government readers.


    Comments ADD NEWSEARCH

    qwondre -Here ya go- with references! It's a start..... |03-23-2010 22:39:04


    1. Once reform is

    fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage,

    including 32 million who are currently uninsured.2

    2. Health insurance companies

    will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting

    conditionsor to drop coverage when people become sick.3

    3. Just like members

    of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase

    insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety

    of competing plans with lower premiums.4

    4. Reform will cut the federal budget

    deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in

    the following ten years.5

    5. Health care will be more affordable for familiesand small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other

    assistancepaid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and

    the ver...

    Reply 00

    JR -Thank God |03-23-2010 22:27:02

    Thank God for Government! I was so stupid. I thought I knew what was best for

    my family. Now I realize Congress and the Government know best. Health care

    for all, will eventually be the same as health care for none.


    James Pethokoukis

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    Washington Monthly

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    Hasn't any of

    these people ever read an Economics textbook?

    Reply 00

    Joan |03-23-2010 22:12:34





    Reply 10

    CK -I'm glad it passed |03-23-2010 20:57:11

    I'm self employed, so this bill is a blessing for me. No more denying access

    to health care for people with pre existing conditions. I'll gladly keep

    paying my share. No more paying for uninsured people in emergency rooms. In

    2014, no more keeping a job you hate because they supply health care. You will

    be guaranteed the right to purchase your own as a self employed independent

    person. I feel a sense of relief that I won't get dropped from my insurance

    plan if I ever get sick and actually need it. This bill is about consumer


    Reply 416

    Anonymous -Censored |03-23-2010 20:52:08

    My post was censored. See if I renew my IBD again.

    Reply 31

    Anonymous |03-23-2010 20:41:18

    shouldn't be surprised that the same group that is entirely comfortable

    w/spending at least $100 billion a year on wars in the Middle East are outraged

    and offended at the idea of spending $100 billion a year on our own health care

    Reply 910

    IK |03-23-2010 20:34:54

    I do not see anything wrong with any of that. If those assertions are true

    indeed (I did not read the bill), those restrictions are there. But each

    argument against them is flawed. Takle paragraph 6 that deals with a single guy

    having to pay for prenatal care. Applying that logic, only adults with children

    would have to pay school tax. And what then? The problem of all those who want

    to scare people with this bi ll - be it that it is not perfect, is that they fail

    to understand that the right way to see things is from the general to the

    specific, and not the other way around. The more people are insured, the more

    the hospitals and doctors will benefit. It's the volume. Maybe, and I do not

    know it and am just speculating, the rate of compensation will be lower, but

    there will be so much more people able to pay. And they will be able to pay for

    the preventive care that will drastically cut hospital costs when, like now,people...

    Reply 814

    Phyllis -What you can do |03-23-2010 20:30:25

    Call your states Att Gen office...voice support if they are suing, if they are

    not, encourage them to do so..register to vote now..do your homework on

    candidates in November elections...stop the commie take over with your vote!

    Reply 106

    Chris -? |03-23-2010 20:26:41

    I'd just like to point out that the most severe and direct infringement of our

    personal freedom, in the bicentennial history of United States, was the

    so-called Patriot Act. So pardon me if I don't take you seriously if you

    supported the Patriot Act and all of a sudden this public HEALTH legislation is

    too "fascist" for you.

    Reply 712

    Haleigh -Doctor shortage |03-23-2010 20:20:43

    Its true. I was accepted to both Medical school and veterinary school this past

    year. I chose to go to veterinary school because of this healthcare plan. It

    will comepletely dictate how doctors practice in the future.

    Reply 105

    SukieTawdry |03-23-2010 20:18:45

    Tom: "1. With ObamaCare's takeove of the student loan system, the federal

    government now provide all such loans directly, rather than just reimbursing the

    banks. So if the government gets to approve loans directly, the government gets

    to decide who gets loans and who doesnt. "

    Not only that, the

    government will decide who among the graduates is pursuing a "worthy"profession and who is not. Someone who goes into "public service" has a

    good chance of having his loan forgiven. I guess because "public

    service" is such a sacrifice.

    Government is supposed to level the playing

    field to the extent possible (and prudent), not choose life's winners and


    Reply 111

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    joseywales |03-23-2010 20:07:39

    Everyone that is concerned about this country and the direction that we are

    headed needs to read this article:



    Reply 51

    Ydnar Llebpmac -Wow I'm amazed at.... |03-23-2010 19:56:46

    ...how many people in the U.S. are actually duped by the lies that this Health

    Bill is going to "help" people.

    Reply 67

    joseywales |03-23-2010 19:53:13

    Everyone who cares about this country and is concerned about the direction thatwe are heading needs to read this




    Reply 21

    Tom -College Quotas |03-23-2010 19:48:50

    1. With ObamaCare's takeove of the student loan system, the federal government

    now provide all such loans directly, rather than just reimbursing the banks.


    if the government gets to approve loans directly, the government gets to decide

    who gets loans and who doesnt.

    2. Under ObamaCare, 10 to 30 million more

    folks are going to be showing up in doctors' offices, and about 30 percent of

    the primary care doctors in America will leave the medical profession, creating

    massive waits and shortages.

    So given one student wanting to get an MBA and

    another wanting to be a doctor, the student loan bureaucrat looks at his numbers

    and sees the quota for MBAs has been exceeded but the doctor shortage is still

    acute. Guess who doesnt get their loan (some technicality will be found) ?

    Can anyone say for sure this isn t a backdoor way for the government to

    control what professions future generations go into? If you need a student ...Reply 132

    selfsufficient1 -Social Programs |03-23-2010 19:45:17

    The references to social security made me do some math. (OUCH)

    For the number

    of years I will pay social security I would have reaped 4,000,000 dollars at a

    conservative return rate. I could have spent this money or passed it on to my

    children. With social security I will have to live 20 years just to collect

    480,000 dollars and I will not have this money to spend or pass down to my

    children o my children. Social health care will be a failure too.

    Reply 113

    JLB -This sucks |03-23-2010 19:40:23

    The solution was to get people back to work so they could get back on a

    healthcare policy that was lost when they lost their job. The Pharm Industry

    could add 100K jobs paying $23K yearly, for the same money they now have to hand

    out for nothing in return. The medical device industry could've added 50K jobs

    paying $40K a year for the money they have to fork over. The Insurance Industry

    could've added 200K jobs paying $32K a year to branch out into new territory but

    now they have to fork it over to the govt. Hey you have nots! Stay in school,

    get a job and earn money like the rest of us! Quit asking for a handout! This

    is a total mismanagement in funds!!!

    Reply 102

    Rick -All seems so familiar.. . |03-23-2010 19:32:10

    Remember a couple years back when the shoe was on the other foot? Remember the

    go to responses that Conservatives would repeat over and over?

    Now listen to

    your own words guys:

    1) Not supporting our president is unpatriotic.

    2) If you

    don't like it, move to another country.

    So take your own advice.

    Reply 1327

    GE |03-23-2010 19:25:37

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    This article made me want to throw up. It's just all about me, isn't it? Has

    anyone here ever considered that there are *other* people out there in our


    Reply 932

    Dr. Jason H |03-23-2010 19:25:30

    What this health care bill will effectively do is not only fix a problem that

    doesn't exist but will cause multiple more issues. First we will see a mass

    exodus of quality physicians who will realize that they would rather retire than

    get payed less and taxed more to work very long hours in a very stressful field.

    We will also see a decrease in good candidates going into medicine not only

    creating a shortage but a dilution of good providers. The idea of good health

    care at a low cost is a joke. Good providers will seek a model whereby only

    people who have good insurance will be seen thus those who have poor insurance

    will no longer get the benefit of going to the same places as people with goodinsurance creating a tiered system of care. Because the level of care will

    begin to deteriorate you will actually see more medical mistakes and without

    tort reform you will see an increase in lawsuits leading to hight malpractice

    Reply 174

    Common Sense -Get real |03-23-2010 19:18:10

    Everyone here that posted that this is some "conspiracy","rise to

    communism", etc is full of ****. Get real and gain some common sense. This

    is an attempt to help people who are less fortunate, and those selfish people

    who can afford to spare cash will be the ones that contribute the most to paying

    for this. Its sad that people are against taking care of one another.

    Reply 939

    Daniel Booker -Spin it all you want |03-23-2010 19:01:59

    You can spin this issue anyway you want, but America has changed, and we will

    reap what we sow. The brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the

    freedoms we today gave away for a pot of mush, will call us fools. What

    happened America? We stopped believing in "God we Trust", and believed

    a lie instead. Don't stop praying America, God has not moved one bit.

    Reply 217

    selfsufficient1 -Allison Reply choices |03-23-2010 18:56:11

    I can not choose what is best for me. I can not choose a major medical policy

    only. My policy will have certain things it has to cover that I will never need.

    What will these lack of choices do to my premiums?

    Reply 163

    selfsufficient1 -auto insurance vs health insurance |03-23-2010 18:50:19

    there is a big difference here as with auto insurance you have choices. You may

    purchase insurance, or you may show proof of financial responsibility. No

    accidents and the money is still yours. With this bill you have to purchase theinsurance and even without claims your money belongs to someone else.

    Reply 171

    EM -Why |03-23-2010 18:48:41

    This bill will help a lot of people, huh? Why should someone like myself and my

    gf have to work our ****s off to provide health care to someone else. By that I

    mean, many Americans who take advantage of the system, have large families

    irresponsibly and decide to go to the emergency room for everything and

    anything. Not only will this bankrupt our country, Raise our taxes, and

    quadruple our deficit, but now we will have the same strategic HC used in

    European Countries, Canada, etc. Have you (Americans) travel to France, Greece

    or Canada to go to a DR/Hospital?

    Reply 234

    **** Lover -yes |03-23-2010 18:46:47

    As a gay I must say that you're argument is invalid.!

    Reply 517

    **** Lover -yes |03-23-2010 18:45:38

    As a gay I must say that you're argument is invalid.!

    Reply 416

    **** Lover -yes |03-23-2010 18:45:18

    As a gay I must say that you're argument is invalid.!

    Reply 315

    Ed F -[giant eye roll] |03-23-2010 18:36:05

    Do you realize how ridiculous your hysterical rants sound? The sky is not

    falling, and your freedom is not evaporating. After 100 years of dysfunction

    and misaligned incentives, we're finally doing something about moral hazard and

    the fundamental market flaws in today's heal th care system. Thank God for the

    courage of the Democrats to lead and govern on this one.

    Reply 938

    DontTreadOnMe -CONTINUED |03-23-2010 18:27:31

    "wacko conspiracy theorists" have been warning about since 1960, but you

    just laughed at them, calling them "tinfoil hat wearers."

    The enemy

    is inside and showing its beastly face.

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    him when they discovered he had AIDS? Or the lady with breast cancer...her

    insurance company cancelled her policy the day BEFORE her surgery. Just

    yesterday I spoke with a lady who said her aunt worked and paid for insurance

    until she retired. She found out afterwards she had cancer. The insurance

    company would not cover the treatments. I asked this lady did her aunt get her


    Reply 724

    Wammer -Too Bad |03-23-2010 18:16:16

    We need Health care reform, but this bill is not reform. All it did was take

    away core freedoms for doctors, insurance companies, and consumers. It also gave

    the power to the gov't since 1) communism worked swell, and 2) Massachusetts

    system also works well 3) Canada's system also works well.

    Reform has to fix the

    problems not copy medicare

    The next step is for a public option which both

    Obama and Peloci are fans

    Reply 184

    Allison -reply to AGSMom |03-23-2010 18:15:21

    You can still choose what is best for you. The choice here is for those without

    health insurance...those who want it and can't afford itl As far as HC being the

    beginning, I have to politely disagree. Bush and Chaney took more freedoms from

    us than any other administration. As I said earlier, HC reform helps those who

    do not currently have insurance and WANT/NEED it. It will not change want you

    personally want or need UNLESS you ask for it. Have you heard the story (yes

    these are true) of the 17 year old young man who's insurance company cancelled

    him when they discovered he had AIDS? Or the lady with breast cancer...her

    insurance company cancelled her policy the day BEFORE her surgery. Just

    yesterday I spoke with a lady who said her aunt worked and paid for insurance

    until she retired. She found out afterwards she had cancer. The insurance

    company would not cover the treatments. I asked this lady did her aunt get her


    Reply 413

    Enraged -Get off your lazy ass!!!! |03-23-2010 18:11:03

    The only people in support of this bill are people that have been abusing the

    system in the first place!!!!

    Reply 247

    Ang W -What about congress? |03-23-2010 18:08:18

    Isn't ANYBODY aware that Congress and President Obama are all exempt from this

    new healthcare bill?? Shouldn't that tell everyone something??? If this new

    healthcare plan is not good enough for them, then how on EARTH is it supposed tobe good enough for all of us law-abiding citizens???? That's what I wanna know.

    Reply 114

    SEC -live with it |03-23-2010 17:52:08

    1-Health care is something we can live with and help a lot of people with. 2- It

    better than not having any health care. 3-if you not for helping others than you

    must be a selfish person and we really don't care what you think.

    Reply 432

    AGSMom -what freedom is lost? |03-23-2010 17:39:42

    the freedom to choose what is best for yourself and your family is the freedom

    you've lost... plain and simple. And HC is only the beginning... with a foot in

    the door, the govt. will now be able to decide everything for you because

    apparently we all are not capable of deciding these things for ourselves.. silly


    If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I,

    and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It

    seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.

    Thomas Jefferson

    Reply 182

    megaman2 -not the same as auto insurance |03-23-2010 17:38:49

    @joDi - Comparing the health care bill to auto insurance is inaccurate.

    Auto insurance is only required if you want to drive. You can still opt not to

    drive; plenty of people decide to walk, bike, or use public transportation.

    Reply 93

    George Delgado -The Beggining of the END |03-23-2010 17:36:26

    Wait till he uses his take over of our educational system (student loan program)

    to create the army he mentioned during his campaign. I'm sure he will tie it to

    loan fmmGGAorgiveness for service time.

    Reply 104

    Kristen -KB |03-23-2010 17:29:40

    ****o?!?! Look at all the money this bill takes from people and companies. The

    amount of money it costs is insane. They basically are bankrupting companies.

    Also, requiring driving insurance and requiring health insurance are two

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    totally different matters. A person can make a choice of whether or not they

    want to drive. Driving is a privilege, which can be taken away.


    "right" to health insurance is total BS and goes against what America is

    all about. This bill is unconstitutional . I cannot believe they got away with

    this. This MANDATE is absolutely insane.

    Reply 142

    Lorione -The difference |03-23-2010 17:26:37

    I keep hearing the comparison to car insurance. Here is the difference: driving

    is a privilege, and buying insurance is part of the price one pays to have that

    privilege. Buying health insurance is, what? The price one agrees to pay for the

    privilege of merely existing? There is no agreement, tacit or otherwise. This is

    the first time US citizens will be forced to purchase a good or service merelybecause they exist.

    Reply 102

    pj -be responsible |03-23-2010 17:08:59

    well, how about if you have a couple hundred thousand in savings you don't have

    to buy health insurance...

    no one young and healthy thinks they need it, until

    they need it ... and don't have it... and then can't pay, then end up in


    it's either get the insurance or have a single payer system based

    on tax contribution alone.

    folks fighting so hard to not have insurance on the

    claim of 'freedom' are not grasping that there is 'responsibility' that goes

    along with freedom.

    anybody can end up with a catastrophic illness or

    accident or lose a job and then need health care and not have the funds to pay

    for it, then have a preexisting condition that won't be covered when you get


    we all are at risk.

    something needed to be done.

    Reply 523

    joDi -stop whining |03-23-2010 17:04:47No one *****es this much when they live in a state that requires car insurance

    and fines you if you choose to not have it.

    Also, I work in the research sector

    and still support big pharm being charged yearly.

    Reply 525

    markartist -happy |03-23-2010 16:56:33

    right now if insurance companies were to change their rates based on actual

    expenses, it would be about a 1/3 less rates, have you ever seen the ridiculous

    hospital charges? Why do you think they charge those rates, insurance wants to

    make money from each transaction, not only "covering your expenses.


    less than 5% of this country makes 250k or more income, are you kidding me?

    Reply 617

    Thinh Phan -Most of American still in day dreaming!!!!...Good |03-23-2010 16:51:58

    I lived with Communist for the past 15 years and I know exactly what Obama up

    to. I remember the quote from the South VN President said "Don't believe

    what the communist say but look carefully at what they done". "They say

    one thing but does the other". They are very good in propaganda. If you

    don't wake up now then it's too late when your freedom is taking over.


    freedom is the last place on earth if you don't protect them.

    GOOD LUCK to all


    Reply 285

    Paul K -M-TURMAN |03-23-2010 16:38:40

    Your a typical small-minded liberal. Blame Bush for aftermath of Katrina? I

    think one would start with the MAYOR OF THE CITY, and then the GOVERNOR???


    so small and closed-minded your bias prevents you from an honest debate. Plus

    I'm intellectually superior to you.

    Reply 217

    TeaBagger -Hope-y Change-y |03-23-2010 16:37:30

    Hope-y Change-y

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms



    Scared-y, hate-y, whine-y, paranoid-y, craze-y,



    You make the call

    Reply 514

    Gerald Ford -My take |03-23-2010 16:34:16



    Reply 293

    Donna |03-23-2010 16:29:30this about sums it up...

    Reply 34

    Allison -lost freedoms? |03-23-2010 16:28:32

    What might those "freedoms" be? I think if you take a "

    comprehensive look" you will see no "freedoms" will be lost. Former

    President Bush took away some of our basic rights such as Habius Corpus and many

    more. This is a HEALTH CARE REFORM issue. It does not cause you to lose any

    "freedoms". It might cause corrupt politicians and big insurance

    companies some discomfort....oh well....

    Reply 1338

    Allison -lost freedoms? |03-23-2010 16:27:46

    What might those "freedoms" be? I think if you take a "

    comprehensive look" you will see no "freedoms" will be lost. Former

    President Bush took away some of our basic rights such as Habius Corpus and many

    more. This is a HEALTH CARE REFORM issue. It does not cause you to lose any

    "freedoms". It might cause corrupt politicians and big insurance

    companies some discomfort....oh well....

    Reply 534

    Dana -Vote |03-23-2010 16:19:40

    I think that all of the American Citizens should have been given a chance to

    vote on ObamaCare.

    If you live in a community that wants to increase sales

    tax to build a new jail, you get to vote, so why weren't we given an opportunity

    to vote on this? I believe that they knew that the majority of American

    citizens would have rejected it.

    There were better ways to reform health care.

    Did anyone ever think of tort reform for malpractice suits? malpractice

    insurance is why it costs so much to go to the doctor. As his insurance

    premiums increase, it is passed on to the patients. Dr.'s are sued everyday for

    ungodly amounts of money. It is called a medical practice for a reason.

    If the

    cost of doctor and hospital visits could be controlled, more people could afford

    to go or even buy insurance.

    I was an employee benefit specialist and now I am

    looking for a career change. I want no part of what will become of this.

    Reply 315

    Donna |03-23-2010 16:17:52

    this pretty much sums it up

    Reply 24

    m. turman -What? |03-23-2010 16:15:54

    even if this article has valid points to make, there are so many spelling and

    grammatical errors that no one could take the author seriously.

    another hit

    piece from right wing radicals who had nothing to say while Bush ignored OUR

    NATIONS needy in the aftermath of Katrina, and oversaw the murder of over ONE

    MILLION iraqi citizens during 6 years of occupation.

    Hypocrites all of them

    Reply 742

    joseywales |03-23-2010 16:07:12

    A previous commenter quotes the gallup poll indicating that Americans favor this

    legislation. All of the polls that I have seen disagree. They are however,

    beside the point. This is the point:

    We are now living from bond to bond

    auction. We are broke and unless we correct our course there will be a fiscal

    crises that will make 2008 AND 1929 look like the good old days. If you graph

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  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    Reply 308

    Aaron Spuler -Franklin's Quote |03-23-2010 13:48:37

    Funny, I just happened to post Benjamin Franklin's quote on liberty and safety

    on my blog yesterday. Going to link to this post as



    Reply 111

    Hammern Husky -Constitutional Amendment |03-23-2010 13:41:32

    At this point, with overwhelming public disapproval of this bill and, as of this

    morning, 13 state attorney generals preparing to file suit (I think that would

    make 30+ states considering legislative action), would a constitutional

    amendment be out of the question?

    I am certain the wording and intent can be

    addressed later, but use something simple as a starting point. Something simple

    along the lines of "The federal government will not force an individual (or

    private entity) to enter into an agreement with another individual (or private


    I am not certain that I am in favor of a Constitutional

    Convention at this point, but with this legislation be "passed", and

    legal challenges being prepared (that the White House seems to think can be

    overcome), would this become the only way to prevent (roll back) this


    Reply 122

    allen -mr |03-23-2010 13:01:07

    Docs will leave in droves to set up private practices -- cash only, full price.

    Docs can do this as they will be in short supply. They won't take ANY insurance


    Reply 311

    dcalyn -I Am Canadian And Not For Socialism |03-23-2010 12:55:54

    For the record this is a Canadian who understands the pit falls of Socialism.

    Many of my Countryman DON'T, and won't until they know the difference of having

    a business here Stateside and up North. The Government in Canada takes over

    half your cheque for taxes. There are so many Fed regulations, that almost make

    it impossible to reach any type of major winfall. Why are there more

    millionaires in the U.S. then any other place in the World? Because America,

    awards (well at one time) awarded hard work. Gave tax breaks, and encourage

    entrepreneurial endeavors!

    In America now you are going backasswards! You are

    going to start doing in Canada what should've NEVER been done here. Rewarding

    people who are doing nothing.

    Of course you can be happy in Canada, if you

    don't want to succeed and pick up your check and live off other peoples


    And thanks to the idiots that voted this thing in, that is exactly

    what you...

    Reply 506

    Tater Salad |03-23-2010 12:50:48

    How to help ourselves:




    and here:


    Reply 44

    babbo -US Health Isn't Canada Health |03-23-2010 12:29:06

    Interested Canadian: You might want to brush up on the legalities a little

    yourself. You don't seem to recognize that the law Barack Obama signed into law

    today bears no resemblance to the Canada Health Act whatsoever. Under this law,

    the for-profit corporate s***bags responsible for the rate-hikes and ballooning

    costs are being put in charge of everything, and the every member of the

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    American public will be required to do business with them or face an income tax

    penalty? There is no provision of any kind for the public option you, the Brits

    and French have.

    Reply 839

    HowSoonWeForget -50.8% |03-23-2010 12:24:45

    50.8% told us what to do with our health.

    219 / 431 = 50.8%

    so they aren't

    even a 51% government.

    i guess you cant govern with 51%.... you only need

    50.8%!Reply 191

    Caribou Barbie -for the "interested canadian" |03-23-2010 08:57:01

    interested canadian i think its grand that all you canucks get "free"

    medical care and can choose your job based on its merits and not the

    insurance...oh yeah...didn't one of your national leaders recently hop the

    border to have major surgery in the united states? hmmmmmmmm....that must have

    been because health care in the great white north is so stellar and

    expedient....not. face it....you all are on a rationed care system and that

    politician knew it. he knew that he would die or face a worsening condition

    because he had to "get in line" behind all you other canadians to get

    his health care. Need open heart surgery?? No problem! We will schedule it in

    three years!! Don't you dare try to criticize us who prefer a free market system

    for healthcare and not government rationing. Oh, and btw...we do have a safety

    net for the poor...it's called medicaid...run by the government of the united


    Reply 275

    SCS -Canadian health ins. |03-23-2010 08:49:36

    Yea...your system is sooooo good your own politicians need to come here for the

    real deal.

    Reply 222

    Shimmer128 -Oh yes, surrrrrre we're better off. |03-23-2010 08:47:23

    The first comment I read is some ignorant screed by some Canadian sheep that

    loves the heavy hand he or she lives under. This person has no concept of

    FREEDOM and yet lectures us about our supposed lack of understanding of our

    Constitution and constitutional processes! What a joke, he (or she) thinks they

    are so elite and enlightened, but are showing gross incompetence and ignorance

    Reply 223

    Don -Con Law 101 |03-23-2010 08:47:00

    Captain Constitution,

    here is the text of the commerce clause... " [The

    Congress shall have power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among

    the several States, and with the Indian tribes"

    now...where in there does

    it state that the federal government has the power to regulate banking? it

    doesn't. it's an implied power taken from that, and the necessary and proper


    all of those supreme court cases just prove my point further that when

    the country's national/public interest at stake, the court will most likely give

    deference to the Congress to regulate businesses that affect every member of

    every state. the fact that the last check on legislation, the supreme court,

    has historically upheld social programs to be constitutional totally proves you


    You post the 10th Amendment as if it is some stand alone do***ent that

    needs to be adhered to strictly.

    If you were as smart as you think you a...

    Reply 331

    An interested Canadian -Interesting |03-23-2010 08:30:30

    I love how this is being equated to the stripping of freedom. How about the

    freedom to not have to worry about losing insurance? The freedom to work where

    you want based on the jobs merits and not its medical compensation plan? The

    freedom to choose a doctor, or hospital (as we have in Canada) based on the

    doctor or hospitals reputation vs their alliance to an insurer.

    Oh my god, it

    must be horrible to think that you are paying for those that don't pay enough.

    Based on that shallow argument, shouldn't you be ****ed off about paying for the

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    military which guarantees your security regardless of how much you pay in taxes.

    How about fire fighting? My god, that welfare person over there is getting

    fire protections services just like me... how very unconstitutional.

    It never

    ceases to amaze me how little American's know and understand their own

    constitution and constitutional processes. The only thing that the constitution

    Reply 1677

    Mike -Goodby Marxists! |03-23-2010 08:20:35

    The Marxists who are posting on this web site don t care one wit about the

    freedoms they have lost over the last 80 years. They think it is better for the

    government to control what people do, rather than give freedom to us for us to

    make our own decisions about our lives. Facts don t seem to matter to them at

    all. They are typical drones they dont think for themselves and blindlyfollow the words of their great leader, Obama.

    Yes, the Marxists

    intelligence is tiny, and their brains small, but they are dangerous. Now we

    conservatives and libertarians are united in our opposition to the Marxists.

    Your days in power are numbered. You will be defeated. You can post garbage here

    all you want. There are more freedom loving real American voters then Marxists

    like you. You are going down. And if you dont like it, please just move to

    your version of utopia Cuba. I am sure you will love it there and we will be

    glad you are ...

    Reply 444

    TG |03-23-2010 08:11:51

    It really does not matter how good or bad any provision of the bill is. The

    reality is we don't have the money for it. Every Government program before this

    has exploded far beyond what it was projected to be and this will be no


    When the bills come due the Government simply will not have enough

    money to pay them because the U.S. will be bankrupt. So in the end no one will

    have Health Insurance, because private insurance companies will be out of

    business as well. A company can only survive if they make a profit. Basic

    Economics 101 !

    Reply 323

    Pro Constitution -Yes, I know the constitution |03-23-2010 08:11:35


    -The constitutionality of the Social Security Act was settled in a set of

    Supreme Court decisions issued in May 1937-Yes, Medicare falls into a same

    grey area, however no litigant has ever challenged it.

    -The Supreme court has

    ruled on minimum wage, and states have the right to change minimum wage


    regulate banking is under the commerce clause

    -The Fair Labor Standards Act

    1938 was challenged before the Supreme Court

    Kind of hipocrital to tell

    someone to read a book when you don't seem to be able to.

    Reply 52

    Mike -Horrible Bill |03-23-2010 08:00:10

    Reagan said it best: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from

    extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be

    fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will

    spend our sunset years telling our children and our childrens children what

    it was once like in the United States where men were free."

    Reply 443

    TruthSeekingHoosier -Healthcare a right? |03-23-2010 07:57:34

    So health care is a right? A right must be paid for by taking from someone

    else? What about their right to determine their own destiny?

    So what about

    food? I can live a lot longer without without going to a doctor than I can

    going without food? So it's a right to eat? By all means then let the

    government decide what and how much we can eat and make others pay for food too.

    Oh yea, they're working on that too!

    You people screaming for government

    health care are a bunch of whiny, Pablum-puking babies who don't know the first

    thing about this country's history and what made it prosperous in the first

    place. Yes, there's much that needs correction but this bill will only compound

    our problems.

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    So go ahead and reply on your government-provided computers you

    pathetic *****s. The **** is about to burst and you'll drown with the rest of


    Reply 332

    Don -You know nothing of the Constitution |03-23-2010 07:43:31

    Where in the constitution does it give the federal government the right to set

    up social security? medicare? set minimum wage? regulate banking? regulate

    pollution? set minimum working ages?


    Oh no all these laws are

    unconstitutional!!!! AAHHHHHH!! WE HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO!!!

    Read a book

    before you start spouting off at the mouth about what is and what isn't


    Reply 823

    nvrpc -Stop Socialism Now |03-23-2010 07:41:53

    We now know the names of the first 219 AH's in the Congress to remove

    Immediately. It's time to clean the house and senate of all socialist once and

    forever. America Gone Stupid

    Reply 333

    Pro Constitution |03-23-2010 07:38:19

    Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

    The powers not delegated to

    the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are

    reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

    OK, so we know it isn't

    constitutional now.

    All it will take is one court case and see how long this

    democrat **** lasts in court.

    Reply 243

    Anonymous |03-23-2010 07:36:33

    Thought you might like to read this .Bob

    Reply 20

    Anti-Republican -Get a Job! |03-23-2010 07:13:30So, all of you reading this. Do you know who the author is? David Hogberg,

    Ph.D., who oversees health care/Social Security programs. Do you think he is

    upset about losing his job?

    Reply 712

    Don -LOLOL |03-23-2010 05:03:58

    "I thought we elected officials to represent the people. Obama


    frightening...truly frightening. He is a sociopath and has rallied


    constituents into becoming mouth-frothing, head-nodding sycophants who


    afraid to defy him. Where did he come from? He had no previous voting


    and many wonder who, really, is backing him. He is Jim Jones bringing


    American public to drink the cyanide-laced drink. Scary. "


    read this/your post. Who sounds like a "sociopath"? Who is

    "frightening"? Who sounds like they've been rallied into

    "mouth-frothing, head-nodding sycophants "?

    Take your head out of your

    ass. You have been manipulated by the use of fear and misinformation.


    can you not see this?

    The frightening thing going on is the realization how

    truly ignorant and narrow minded so many people really are as to get up in arms

    and feel hatred/fear towards a president who ...

    Reply 1738

    Rick -Dummies - read the f'ing bill before you get all h |03-23-2010 04:04:49

    A lot of those points are wrong. I know it's fun to get all bent out of shape

    about losing your freedoms based on a commentators 20 line summary of a 1000

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    page bill, but use the brain the lord almighty gave you, think for yourself, and

    you might discover the world ain't such a bad place after all

    Reply 1157

    Jim M. McDermott |03-23-2010 03:46:09

    Not only is this bill a blatant attempt to destroy freedom, but one major thing

    is left out of this article. For 98% of Americans there will be no benefits

    until 2014. We are to be taxed immediately or even retroactively from March

    robbing us all. Like buying a car and having to make payments for 4 years

    because we can't have the car until 2014. Total nonsense and this is the end of

    the Democratic Party. They doom America to economic disaster we reserve the

    right to remove them from power. Google '2011 Obama's Coup Fails' and see what

    I mean. We are on to all of the Marxist **** and America now rises.

    Reply 527

    The Fighting Corpsman -Obama is Unfit to Lead or Make Laws |03-23-2010 03:27:02Politicians can become president. Only leaders can be great in the hearts of

    those they are to serve.

    The media can love a fraud, but the m***** don't

    trust Obama or see any reason to follow him with their hearts.

    This man sets

    no example of ethical leadership for our children, our men and women serving in

    our U.S. Military, law enforcement, CIA or FBI. See 'The Military's Moral





    Reply 267

    Comrade Bob -The End is near |03-23-2010 02:58:33

    This bill is laughable. Except that it actually passed which is very sad. I'm

    hoping it will be repealed and parts (including individual mandates) will be

    decalared unconstitutional.

    Doesn't really matter - the US and state

    governments are bankrupt so this bill and ALL bills that this congress will pass

    are meaningless - this nation is going down - and hard.


    It's sad that we have a nation of

    people who expect the government to take care of them instead of working to take

    care of themselves. We voted for the politicians that allowed this mess to get

    where it is so we deserve what we are going to get. Stock up on food (freezed

    dried lasts the longest), water collection/purification system, seeds (start a

    garden), learn to ride a bicycle, obtain and learn how to safely own and operate

    a gun, learn and follow all gun laws or else they'll throw out a murderer to

    make a cell for ...

    Reply 327

    spectacula -ha! keep whining! |03-23-2010 02:37:27

    Anyone here ever see that John Grisham movie with the guy who got denied even

    tho he had coverage? That is all your saying goodbye to... Don't act like

    couldn't happen to you... America will be a better place because of it, and more

    countries will be jealous... Don't You want to be GREAT?

    Reply 854

    Crombie -Idiots |03-23-2010 01:55:28

    Most of the posts I've just read are written by idiots............you actually

    think your about to get hosed when you've been getting rammed the whole

    time.......grow up.....none of you know what you're talking

    about............everyone who pays for insurance and/or medical care is

    overpaying.............the only reason why everyone should have insurance is

    because of *****s who don't pay their medical bills. When hospitals and doctors

    get stiffed....we all get stiffed. I'm sick of republicans crying about health

    care, abortion and whatever else they feel the need to whine about. The deep

    problem is government demo or rep I don't care anymore it's all a joke. If you

    want to know how to pay for government get rid of politicians..............They

    should be here doing my dishes, laundry and misc. chores around the house. D.C.

    is the biggest waste of resources ever.

    Reply 1431

    ****bo slice |03-23-2010 01:50:33

    The health care bill is an abomination that will make insurance unafforable

    because of the rules it imposes on insurance companies, which must impact

    premiums. I have a better way to pay for it. Tax the $25 billion illegal aliens

    wire to Mexico at 20%. Fine the employers of illegal aliens $10,000 per head,

    multiply that by 20 million and you are talking some money. That's $205 billion

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  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    afraid to defy him. Where did he come from? He had no previous voting record,

    and many wonder who, really, is backing him. He is Jim Jones bringing the

    American public to drink the cyanide-laced drink. Scary.

    Reply 299

    Fake Boobs -outraged |03-23-2010 00:02:20

    "If you go for cosmetic surgery, you will pay an additional 5% tax on the

    cost of the procedure. Think you know how to spend that money you earned better

    than the government? Tough"

    omg so outraged!! how will i get ankle implants

    now!?! i seriously can't afford the 5% tax on this! i mean, i had the money

    before, but the 5% tax too?!?! thank god i've already had my boobs, ****, lips,

    cheeks, thighs, feet, fingers, shoulder blades, torso, and hair cosmetically

    worked on or i'd be in real trouble!Reply 1013

    matt -lol |03-22-2010 23:55:13

    sweet blog douche

    Reply 210

    Anton Carr |03-22-2010 23:48:38






    Reply 635

    Mtek |03-22-2010 23:46:55

    I love the fear being used in this article when one line of the

    "But it

    will result in skyrocketing insurance costs and physicians leaving the field in

    droves, making it harder to afford and find medical care. "

    "14. You

    are a health insurer and you want to raise premiums to meet costs? Well, if that

    increase is deemed unreasonable by the Secretary of Health and Human

    Services it will be subject to review and can be denied."

    Isn't that a

    direct contradiction?Reply 612

    joseywales |03-22-2010 23:42:36

    RE: Some other guy - to some guy

    What the **** does that mean? It would

    appear that the cannabis has beaten your intellect into submission.


    blogs are the only way for many of us to participate in the dialogue. Too bad

    that the discussion can't be on a higher plane.

    Reply 45

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 23:39:04

    OH and to the landscaper crying about his 2 million in sales but nothing in net:

    Are you saying that you don't want to insure any of your workers? Are any of

    them here legally?

    Reply 60

    Michael R -This is Great! $750 a year premium! |03-22-2010 23:37:04

    I just figured it out! I'm going to go with the $750 a year plan!

    Given I'm a

    healthy 47 year old male, and I don't really need a lot of health care at this

    point in my life.. I've seen the doctor twice in the last 20 years and they

    we're just my 40 and 46 year old check-up... I can refuse insurance, pay my

    penalty of $750 per-year and if (IF) I kick over with a heart attack, Obamacare

    will kick in and cover me. So I'll be safe and my annual premium is only


    I'll take the "opt-out" plan. :)

    P.S. Why did they do this? Why

    not just look at the root problems of why Healthcare is so high to begin with?

    Why not put limits on Medical Malpractice so the blood sucking lawyers aren't

    chasing ambulances? Why have hospitals and doctors have to publish their price

    list for services so it's competitive? Why not crack down on illegal aliens

    (i.e. undo***ented law breakers) and make them pay for care or send them home

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    Reply 375

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 23:37:02

    Hey Mike, are you REALLY that upset about "the way the bill was pushed

    through"? If you are, then you better take a long look at the history of a

    lot of our bills...the republicans wrote the book on getting bills pushed


    Reply 730

    Religion Sucks |03-22-2010 23:34:14


    Reply 420

    mike -Obamacare |03-22-2010 23:23:45

    keep giving it to them Michael !

    i am SO angry about how the Pelosi and Obamathreatened, bribed and bullied their fellow Democrats into voting for this bill


    if this bill was such a good thing, then why did Democrats need to have their

    arms twisted to get enough votes to pass it ???

    what's next - granting

    illegal aliens amnesty ???

    Obama is Hitler without the mustache.

    Reply 276

    Some other guy -to some guy |03-22-2010 23:15:57

    ever see the conservatives commenting on this website??

    I have, and they're the

    ones that don't want this. Because they choose to comment, I don't believe they

    deserve the rights to a computer. There's a new bill you can pass.

    Reply 426

    Anonymous |03-22-2010 23:11:58

    Well Beckel on Hannity is pushing the new DNC talking points "we must come

    together and accept this.....its time to cool down.......this is permeant and we

    all need to adjust and learn to live under this new system"


    imply that you are a "danger" and "angry" and

    "irrational" if you dont sit down and take your enslavement


    Get used to hearing this line alot!

    Now, lets not aid

    the Democrats in their campaign to get people to cool off.

    Obama is going to hit the road in a day so selling the benefits

    of the Govt takeover.

    Here are the DNC main themes (all false):

    - Its not govt run HC because its not single payer or govt option, its

    private insurance

    - This bill is no big deal moderate and

    watered down; go back to watching tv

    - This is is a giveaway to

    insurance companies.

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    This is all false and co...

    Reply 156

    Gabe Nathans |03-22-2010 23:11:01

    Who needs the government "looking over your shoulder", I think we should

    all be free to do whatever the **** we want.

    This is what you're saying. *****

    laws against murder and theft, they infringe on our freedoms.

    Healthcare should

    be a god given right, so suck up your selfishness and sacrifice freedoms for


    Reply 626

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 22:53:37

    Socialism is full govt. control and ownership of industry. If the govt

    eliminated the private sector, that would be socialism. Restrictions upon and

    heavy regulation of an industry is not. Even if there was a public option, the

    bill wouldn't equate to socialism as the private industry would still exist.

    And for those throwing "communism" out there...well, all I can say is go

    back to 7th grade.

    Reply 834

    Some guy |03-22-2010 22:53:17

    You do realize, Mr. America that she isn't comparing mooching to health care,

    she's saying that they now go hand in hand. Ever see the lazy *******s in public

    housing? I have. Every day of my life. 95% of them sit on their front stoops,

    smoke and drink all day, and have been doing that all their lives. But why

    should they stop when they live for free?! They've even interviewed people that

    only like Obama because he's giving them free money. They're the ones who want

    this, and they're only multiplying...

    Reply 278

    boof -reading between the GOP lines |03-22-2010 22:49:17

    Im reading what the hardline GOPs are really saying: "Help, a ****** is

    ruining the economy"

    Reply 522

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 22:49:13

    Taxed Enough: Your Reaganism/trickle down theory works nice in a blog, but we

    all saw over the last few years what really happens when Wall Street goes

    unfettered. Even Reagan realized this and raised the taxes he had cut. Trickle

    down doesn't work. Historically proven. The tax structure under Clinton, whichwe will be returning to, worked out well.

    Reply 933

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 22:45:41

    Chelsea....lol, so you equate mooching off your parents to health care? Apples

    and oranges. You still need a job, don't you?

    Reply 52

    Zombee -Growing government is the real reason |03-22-2010 22:45:34

    Growing government is the real reason Progressives are pushing socialized

    medicine. They know perfectly well it doesn't work. They are neither blind nor

    stupid. They don't care about your health, or what healthcare costs you now, or

    about rationing or low quality care. No arguments about the inadequacy of

    government-run healthcare will move them. Socialized Medicine grows government,

    and gives it total power over our bodies. They will literally, with the stroke

    of a pen, have life and death power over every single person in the country. It

    doesn't get more totalitarian than that.I will Continue

    Seeking , Opposing

    and Challenging Progressive Oppression Wherever It Mestasizes. We May Have Lost

    the Battle, But the War Is Just Beginning!

    Reply 236

    Anonymous |03-22-2010 22:45:32

    When republicans go crazy like this you know America is doing something right.

    Reply 1132

    Mr. America |03-22-2010 22:43:53

    ScottB: The Whig, Democrat, and Republican parties have all evolved many times

    over (or vanished) since the time of Lincoln. The Republican party from the

    time of Lincoln is unrecognizable today. Go Wiki the party and read up on it's

    history.Reply 65

    selfsufficient1 -Had my way too long?? |03-22-2010 22:38:26

    If I had my way we would not be in the predicament we are now. Life in prison

    would just be the death sentence. Drugs would be legalized and the large amounts

    of money could be taxed. Gangs would not be selling them and would not need to

    fight for territory. Prostitution would be legal and the ****s would not be able

    to use 12 year olds. Marriage would be a religious ceremony only and civil

    unions would be the only thing recognized by government. (Seperation of church

  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms


    and state should already make this so) Illegal immigration would be treated as

    just that, Illegal and be prosecuted. I have not had my way and will sadly

    probably never get it.

    Reply 206

    That kid over there... |03-22-2010 22:35:57

    Ever read 1984? If not, you probably should. Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell)

    was a genius about this stuff. The American society has a great many issues to

    overcome. The Health Care Bill passing? What a mistake for us to let that go by.

    It is the first step into socialism, then finally communism. Now the textbook

    definition of Communism, doesn't exist. All men are created equal, sure, but

    they sure as **** don't make it out equal. Society is split and for society to

    remain stable, it must always be split. This **** that the Left wing Liberals

    have been passing and all the debt that's being built up and the overall

    reliance on the government has gone up exponentially. And myself and mychildren, and their children, and maybe even their children's children will be

    paying for this. It disgusts me.

    Reply 216

    joseywales |03-22-2010 22:25:20


    Until they realized that speaking honestly would hinder passage of

    the legislation, the proponents of this approach to "health care" reform

    were stating openly that this is a trojan horse that will eventually lead to a

    single payer system. Single payer cannot control costs any other way.


    health care reform would have relied on a market based approach to increase

    competition. It would have lead to more control over health spending by the

    consumer of the services.

    Reply 103

    joseywales |03-22-2010 22:23:23

    Adam Smith's Invisible Finger - WRONG AGAIN

    Actually Adam, I've read Rules

    for Radicals. Once upon a time, I too was a leftist. But then, (after far too

    many years in an academic environment) I entered the real world and I had enough

    intellectual integrity and enough courage to change my views. Nothing focuses

    the mind like having to make a payroll.

    The math on this is relentless. As

    of today, all of the insurance companies are public utilities and probably willnot survive. Stripped of any other method of cost control, rationing will have

    to be used to contain spending. This rationing will be directed at those who

    use the most care, the elderly and the chronically ill.

    Until they realized

    that speaking honestly would hinder passage of the legislation, the proponents

    of this approach to "health care" reform were stating openly that this

    is a trojan horse that will eventually lead to a single payer syste...

    Reply 126

    Anonymous |03-22-2010 22:45:28

    ugh Canada, Saskatchewan, has a more stable economy then any place in the


    Reply 59

    Aris |03-22-2010 22:14:48

    I love how clueless most people are...your rights were most infringed on the day

    the Patriot Act was passed...that is where your quote of Benjamin Franklin would

    have fit better...comparing provision of healthcare to the actual removal of

    people right to privacy...you my friend David, are a complete and utter


    Reply 1021

    Hey Libs -CBO estimates |03-22-2010 22:14:44

    The estimates for Medicare turned out to be 9X lower than actual costs.....gee I

    wonder what the actual cost of this will be? But we will get much worse care, so

    thats good. Hey libs, who will be paying for this monster? I am a small biz

    owner who will be laying people off because of this bill. Also- can one of you

    libs give me an example of socialism working in the long run?

    Reply 208

    Chelsea -Don't want to be a Slacker(anymore) |03-22-2010 22:10:12

    I'm 20 yrs. old, currently living at home with my 2yr. old son. My health

    coverage under my parents ends at 22. I feel keeping it at this age gives me

    motivation to get a job by the time I'm at least 21. If this does pass, why

    would I want to start working? I could continue staying at home till 26, then

    move out and still have coverage. This idea is NOT what I want to do!!

    Reply 610

    yonason -@Don "- LOL@Scott B" |03-22-2010 22:03:21

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  • 8/9/2019 20 Ways Obamacare Will Take Away Freedoms



    9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.

    10. You cannot

    help men permanently by doing for them what they should do for themselves.

    Reply 313

    Don -Cant' find it?? |03-22-2010 21:25:55

    No, you can't find it. Because it i sn't in there. Yet you sit here and bash

    the bill on that premise and how bad that'd be fore you, but as usual its more

    hot air and a talking point where u think you're sounding at all


    You have no idea what this bill means for this country. You read

    nonsense articles like this that are written with a severe bias rather than look

    at real information and facts and then draw your own rationalinferences.

    they're shoveling you ******** and you're sitting there with your

    mouth open wide waiting for the next shovel full.

    If you're going to talk with

    so much anger and hatred and self-righteousness at least base it on some fact

    and knowledge, as opposed to how something looks on the surfaces and political

    talking points.

    Reply 920

    Don -correction.. |03-22-2010 21:15:58


    Reply 30

    Don -What are you babbling about? |03-22-2010 21:14:17

    Can you point me to specific text where it is saying $500k business


    All I'm seeing is all businesses with under 50 emplloyees aren't

    affected, and the language in section 1513 only applies to large businesses with

    101+ employees

    where are you getting this?

    Reply 54

    Conservative -conservative |03-22-2010 21:13:35

    America its not a rally cry. I truly see this every day I go to work. I wish I

    could honestly say that a majority of people dont abuse the system but its true.

    I actually hate be