Playcamp - Lego Serious Play


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Welcome! Open Serious Lego

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®A “leaning-in” 100-100 meeting.Ah lovely. A traditional meeting.

Technical skills

Story telling - using three modes of communication

Bricks as metaphors

Listening - eyes & ears

How to be a LEGO Serious Play Ninja in 30 minutes or so.

You need four skills

Technical skill

Build a tower.

Three modes of communication - Demo

Learning to tell the story of the model

Listening with eyes (and ears)

Share modelsNow you share yours on your tables - 20 seconds each

Or about one breath of explanation.

I’ll ting a bell every 20 seconds …

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - Etiquette Your model is your answer to the question/challenge.

There are no wrong answers.

Think with your hands. Trust your hands.

Listen with your eyes, as well as your ears.

Everyone builds, everyone tells.

Select 5 bricks and connect them in any random wayRecycle your tower bricks


Explain this!Practicing creative thinking and using metaphors is helpful.

We can give bricks any meaning we want.

You don’t need sophisticated Lego technical skills, because you can

make a brick mean anything you like.

A polar bear Good health Democracy Cake!

Explain this!

Go round the tables left to right: First person: Explain this!

My best friend…


Go round the tables left to right: Explain this!

What I dream of…


Go round the tables left to right: Explain this!

Space travel…


Go round the tables left to right: Explain this!



Go round the tables left to right: Explain this!

Genetic engineering…


You can see how you can give your bricks and your models the meaning you’d like, to explain any idea you’d like.

Explain this!

Story Telling

In this next exercise… think with your hands - don’t have a meeting with yourself.

Build a model to show your dream holiday

Story Telling - listening with eyes

In 1 minute, tell your stories

I’ll ting a bell every 60 seconds to tell you to move to the next person…

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - Core process

Question Build Share Reflect


Get 100% participation

People think before they speak

Get everyones unique insight

Improve outgoing communication

Improve incoming understanding

Focus on the message (not messenger)

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - Levels /applications

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - ApplicationsLevel 1 - Build Individual Models

Level 2 - Build Shared Models

Level 3 - Create a Landscape

Level 4 - Make Connections

Level 5 - Build a System

Level 6 - Playing Emergence and Decisions

Level 7 - Extract Simple Guiding Principles


Case studies

Your Questions?
