Excel features


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05/01/2023 Alen philip 2

Features of excelConditional FormattingConditional formatting, as its name suggests, changes the format of a cell dependent on the content of the cell, or a range of cells, or another cell or cells in the workbook. Conditional formatting helps users to quickly focus on important aspects of a spreadsheet or to highlight errors and to identify important patterns in data.

05/01/2023 Alen philip 3

Features of excelRemove DuplicatesThere are many constants in corporate life and cleaning and organizing data is one of them. Remove Duplicates, a feature introduced in Excel 2007 makes it very easy to solve an important problem we all face—duplication of data.

Just select the data and then on the ribbon under Data, click the Remove Duplicates button and watch Excel clean your data. It’s that simple.

05/01/2023 Alen philip 4

Thank you!
