Do You Know



This presentation is designed to impress upon you the rapid & converging nature of our world. We all need mutual, beneficial outcomes. Choice around all sides of the debate. Have a say in big decisions: like bank governance, climate change, food supply. Create, follow &/or observe our future. Engage with your own and many other communities

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Did you know?

Did You Know? originally started out as a PowerPoint presentation for a faculty meeting in August 2006 at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado, United States.

The presentation "went viral" on the Web in February 2007 and as of June 2007 had been seen by at least 5 million online viewers.

Today the old and new versions of the online presentation have been seen by at least 20 million people, not including the countless others who have seen it at conferences, workshops, training institutes, and other venues.

So what do you know?

More importantly what don't you know!

This presentation is designed to impress upon you the rapid & converging nature of our world

Currently the most populous country

And rapidly becoming one of the most wealthy

China has significant US $ reserves giving China immense power

Rapidly urbanising

Cost effective labour force

Ability to invest in alternative technologies

Keen to develop

China will become more of a central player in our World

Speaking English

We are fortunate that English is the language of the Internet

Are you selling internationally & translating your web content into native text? Great for SEO and selling

Largest global population - India

Well not now but by 2030 source UN

Highly educated

English speaking

42 cities > 1m USA 9

How do we compete as a nation in knowledge industries with this?

Population growth

A 50% increase globally in 40 years

How do we manage?

How do we engage with each other, share more ideas & information more rapidly & in a more fragmented market?

The problem isn't only ours!

Competition for web footprints will increase

The sooner we all learn what to do and how to do it the greater the strength of our future economy

Questioning our kids education!

It is not only us that has to learn fast

We need to encourage our kids to engage and learn online too

Which leads into employment

The entire employment landscape in changing

6 years for a major shift

How long will this shift continue for?

How do we deal with this?

What should we be doing now?

Engaging with social media will help you to keep up to date also assisting your kids keep up to date and even get ahead

We all need to engage

Learning in small steps is easier than big chunks

Engagement now means we will all learn and evolve together

We face many of these

Climate change

Weather extremes


Population growth


Energy shortages

Job for life is gone

Mobility is the key

Nimble minds

Open minds

Cross disciplinary minds

To cope with a varied work life

Contracting landscape?

Friends become even more important

Keep in touch more easily

Using social media

Better financial education r'qd

Long term planning will be less secure

No part of life is sacred!

The internet touches every part of our lives

Internet stats

25% of global population can access the internet

Mobile broadband will become mainstream in 2 years with incredible handsets

Can you believe this

Global population expected to reach 9bn by 2050

1.3m moving to cities every week

Income per day $100 $10 $1

% world pop 20% 60% 20%

% world income74% 24% 2%

Google just noticed 1998

And now!

How reliant are we?


What did we do?

Employ more researchers?

Read more books?

Employ more staff?

Live in a seemingly smaller world

Where are we headed?

Did you even have a mobile then?

When did you have your first mobile?

Within a couple of years our mobile will be our main computing tool

With Google likely running the operating system?

British Empire had the telegraph

How quickly we are getting connected as a species

TV changed how we communicate

The most powerful education medium?

For how much longer?

Seems we all wanted it!

And still do!

Engaging in a richer way than Google searches & email provides us all with a richer life if we choose to use what is there!

And now Facebook

Social media breaks wide open communications

Demographic growth is biggest now in the 35+ age group

With business/charity engagement rising rapidly – what are you doing to engage?

How was your computer knowledge then?

Internet born 40 years ago in 1969

Became an adolescent in 1989 when Tim Berners Lee develops http

How was your computer knowledge then?

Did you even have a mobile device?

And now?

This growth will continue for time to come

What is your strategy to stay ahead of the game?

Or at least keep pace?

Would you like to count them?

Admittedly many are technical terms

But still......

Would Shakespeare's plays be even longer and more complicated with a current dictionary?

Information flows are increasing

How are you managing your ins & outs of info to your audience?

Learn how to watch, listen, understand, share, collaborate, help & discuss topics with your audience?

Where is all this info coming from?


Social media is liberating us from the confines of linear email and web sites

The written/typed word

Stephen Fry has over 1m followers on Twitter

Is taking the place of the spoken word

Language is changing

How are you moving with this?

We need to support each other

To avoid being left behind

To ensure we don't have to become techies

To spread the load

Get involved now

Still hankering to be 18 again?

We need to support our kids

We need to share to stay abreast

Collaboration has never been so important as today

And so easy!



14,000,000,000,000 bits per second


When did you buy your first CD?

How many do you own now?

Or are you part of the iPod/mp3 generation already?


That's truly amazing!

What can we do with this?

Will the machines take over?

Or do we keep apace with them?

What can we use this power for

This will affect our lives soon

To have your opinion heard and hear what is really going on away from simplistic mass media you will need to engage

What DOES it all mean?Are you coming along for the ride or staying behind ?

The longer you sit & deliberate the further will be your journey of discovery The more of us engaged now the more we determine the future

The media landscape has changed

Evolution perhaps even revolution is happening right now?

If you can use Microsoft Office come & join in the party now!

The convergence of media is here







Offline meeting online

The global scale is vast

Currently 25% of the global population have access to the internet

Newspapers are suffering

Traditional methods of communication either on a local, regional, national or global scale are changing

We are shifting away from print

And moving online for our news, information, entertainment & fun

Communication styles are diversifying & changing for good

Reducing revenues affect output

Traditional forms of media are struggling to adapt & prosper with the cost of infrastructure & programming.

ITV are a classic example

More money being spent onlineMeans that our online experience has richer choice & content. What & how will you choose ?

Decisions that will affect your life.

Or don't bother & leave it to pass......

The age of user generated contentThat's you........

Video email is here & becoming the norm

Susan Boyle became a global success thanks to YouTube

You don't have to sing to engage!

Despite the industries best efforts

Illegal downloads & file sharing for some, provided motivation to go online

Collaboration & sharing has become normal – it's expected

Mobile phones are the future

Nokia are the largest suppliers of cameras in the world

More than 50% of our population use a mobile phone - 50% was exceeded mid 2007; globally

No part of society is untouched

Obama the first US president to fund raise online

The power of social networks


The explosion of online social networks has happened with our innate desire to communicate

Twitter is here to stay & evolve

Text messaging for the internet

A mini blog of 140 characters allows you to build a list of followers & communicate easily from your mobile or PC

Web 3.0 just around the corner

Email; was mainstream for > a decade

The new semantic web is coming; searches will be tailored to you

Email; obsolete < 10 years

Mobile phones is where it's at

As technology develops our mobile phone will be our primary method of communication – especially connecting to the internet

Technology - quicker & smaller

Do you remember the size of your TV 20 years ago?

Or your mobile phone 5 years ago

Windows Vista is 3 years old on January 30 2010

The future - smaller & faster

Communication between us all is getting easier & more detailed

Social media is the start of web 3.0

Are you riding the wave or the shore?

Convergence is hereBefore you simply had an audience - using traditional marketing – now you have a multi layered immediately responding community

Community building takes time & planning. The sooner you start the sooner you'll enjoy your success !Source Shift Happens video. Autumn 2009





Pushing yourself

Serving others



Watch this excellent 3 minute TED talk

Bigger & more importantWe want to be part of something

An urge to direct our own lives

To get better at something that matters

Fulfill our needs, beliefs & emotionsWatch Tony at TED

Leaders Organisations IndividualsWe all need mutual, beneficial outcomes

Choice around all sides of the debate

Have a say in big decisions: like bank governance, climate change, food supply

Create, follow &/or observe our future

Non zero sumness TED talk

Social Media for beginners

Take the plunge with some training

Offered for one and three days

Fully interactive! Improve what we do best

In preparation of your new capabilities & opportunities to broadcast business and personal news, connect with clients, colleagues & chums, comment, engage, discuss, promote events, & share.

Collaboration defines our next decade

Contact us now

We can show you how to access funding for some or all of your strategy planning & education.

Call Ivor Kellock 01727870613

email Ivor Kellock

Call Greg Peachey 01727823131

email Greg Peachey greg@fredome.org
