đồ án tốt nghiệp online bus ticket resevevation system




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1, Ly Tu Trong St, Cantho City – Tel: 0710.3731072

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Online Bus Ticket Resevevation System

Class: HD201206-J

Instructor: Team members:

Mr. Ngo Tuong Dan Pham Van Dau (Leader) Student535289

Nguyen Van Phuc Student535280Nguyen Duy Nhan Student535286Truong Hoang Duc Student536238


Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10


Problem Definition................................................................................................................2Customer RequimentSpecification(CRS)............................................................................2Achitecture and design of the project..................................................................................7Data Flow Diagram...............................................................................................................8Flow Chart.............................................................................................................................14Entity Relationship Diagram(ERD).....................................................................................33Task Sheet .............................................................................................................................38Checklist of Validations........................................................................................................39Submission Checklist............................................................................................................40

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Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Form No. 1/eProjects/PS/Ver1.0

I. Problem Definition Introduction :

SRC Travel Agencies is a domestic privatized transportation company that runs the vehicles all over the country. They have several branches at different locations of the country, so that they can provide the transportation facilities between the places

Current system of many bus companies have many different types of tickets. In each ticket type, there are different levels of promotions different the payment be slow lack of time consuming, besides checking the tickets and also difficult. It takes a lot of time for user see also ticket or not .

Through the search function to see ticketing and bus help employees and users to save tim.Through editing functions and update bus, the user can capture information quickly so as not to miss the bus

With a computer you will maintain and retrieve records (as detailed staff and students), so will be less occupied area of your office.Through online booking function the user can sit at home and put the tickets they need.When a user visit Website will find information on traveling with attractive incentives. Client: SRC Travel Agencies.Business / Project objective: To improve the professional services and related needs of SRC Travel Agencies . We suppose proposal to build a website, we believe that our product is great for managing the router, ticket, bus, flights at the tourist destination. Recovery functions and automatic reporting system.

Form No.2/eProject/CRS/Ver1.0

Inputs provided by the client:

1. Authentication:Input: User name, password, authority.Output: Authorization.Process: Check username and password in database.

2 . Add new staff:Input: Information staff (Staff ID, password, name, gender …. )Output: Output details of the new staff is addedProcess: After the required information has been entered, you will save the entire

database and output the details of the staff.

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3 . Update staff:Input: Information staff Output: Details of the staff has changed.Process: Retrieve the information in the database and show up, after completing the

changes, update the database and output the details of the staff

4 . Delete staff:Input: Staff ID.Output: message successfully deleted informed in or not.Process: After you choose an item that should be deleted, then find your staff id and

delete it from the database.

5 . Search staff:Input: Staff ID or staff name.Output: List object found.Process: Enter staff id or full name, then access the database and find the right

object or approximate, export list staff finds.6 . Retrieve information of a staff:

Input: Staff ID.Output: The report form on staff’s information.Process: When a user required obtaining detailed information, searching in the

database and retrieving information panel report, it allows the user to print the report out.7 . Add new User :

Input: User Information (user ID, Password, name, gender …)Output: Detail of new User added.Process: After the required information has been entered, it will save all the

database and output the information of student.8 . Update User:

Input: User Information (user ID, Password, name, gender …)Output: Detail of new User changed.Process: Retrieve the information in the database and output the information of

User.9 . Delete User:

Input: User ID.Output: Message successfully deleted informed or not.Process: After selecting the item should be deleted, find it in database, delete it from

the database and output message.10 . Search User:

Input: User ID or name.Output: List of users found.Process: Enter User id or name, then find the correct object in the database or

approximate and output a list of staff found.

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11. Retrieve information of a User:Input: User ID.Output: The report form on the User’s information.Process: When a User is required to obtain detailed information, search in the

database and retrieve information table report, with report templates which thingies user can print it out. 12 . Add new bus:

Input: Information bus (time, location …)Output: Output details of the new bus is addedProcess: After the required information has been entered, you will save the bus

database and output the details of the staff.13 . Update bus:

Input: Information bus (time, location …)Output: Details of the bus has changed.Process: Retrieve the information in the database and show up, after completing the

changes, update the database and output the details of the staff.

14 . Delete bus:Input: buss idOutput: message successfully deleted informed in or not.Process: After you choose an item that should be deleted and delete it from the

database.15 . Search bus:

Input: bus ID or bus name.Output: List object found.Process: Enter bus id then access the database and find the right object or

approximate, export list bus finds.16 . Add new router:

Input: Information routerOutput: Output details of the new router is addedProcess: After the required information has been entered, you will save the router

database and output the details of the staff.17 . Update router:

Input: Information router Output: Details of the router has changed.Process: Retrieve the information in the database and show up, after completing the

changes, update the database and output the details of the staff.

18 . Delete router:Input: router idOutput: message successfully deleted informed in or not.Process: After you choose an item that should be deleted, then find your imployee id

and delete it from the database.

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19 . Search router:Input: router ID or router name.Output: List object found.Process: Enter bus id then access the database and find the right object or

approximate, export list router finds.20 . Booking tickets:

Input: Information tickets (price, time, location …)Output: Output details of the new tickets is addedProcess: After the required information has been entered, you will save the tickets

database and output the details of the staff.21 . Canceling tickets:

Input: Information tickets (price, time, location …)Output: Output details of the new tickets is cancelProcess: After the required information has been entered, you will save the tickets

database and output the details of the staff.

22 . Search tickets:Input: tickets ID or tickets name.Output: List object found.Process: Enter tickets id then access the database and find the right object or

approximate, export list staff finds

23 . Looking for information on upcoming tripInput: Bus nameOutput: List bus nameProcess: Search with related keywords in the Database, then export list of the bus .

24 . Expensive ticketInput: User information and bus information Output: successfully keepProcess: successfully keep and save to database

25 . Cancellation ticketsInput: User information and bus information Output: successfully canceled keep

Process: successfully canceled keep and save to database

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Expected Delivery Dates: 08-Feb-2013

List of deliverables:

Application:1. Development application2. Application source code

Documentation:1. Installation manual.2. User guide manual.

** Hardware Requirements:Server:

o CPU: core dual or highero HDD: 1GB free space or more.o RAM: 1GBo Network card.

Client:o CPU: core due or higher.o HDD: 1GBo RAM: 1GB

o Network card.

** Software Requirements:Server:

o Windows XP or higher.o SQL Server 2008 or higher.o Framework 4.0 or higher.o IIS 7 or higher.

Client:o Windows XP or higher.o Browser:o Internet Explorer 7 or highero Google chrome.O Firefox 3 or highero Flash.

** Scope of the word:Will work:

Due technical error. Data loss due to system.

Will not work:Data lost due to deleted by user.

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Form No.3/eProject/Design/Ver1.0

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Bus Online Reservation Process


Report Information of System




Report Information of System


Provide List Ticket / Router

Find , Booking OrCancelling Ticket

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Form No.4/eProject/DFD/Ver1.0

Contac Diagam

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Router information

1 LogIn

5 ManagerRouter

2 Manager Account





3 Manager Bus

4 ManagerTicket

List Ticket


Admin role Router selected

Admin role


Account Username/pass

Information account


Bus information List information

Admin role

Ticket selected

7 ManagerCancellingTicket

6 ManagerBookingTicket


Booking ticket Ticketl

List R


Ticket information


ID Ticket


Ticket selected


Cancelling sucessfull Customer information

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

DFD Level 0

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List account

Router selected

Admin/Staff AccountUsername/pass



Admin role

1.2 Asign Permissions User role

1.1Find Username/


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DFD LEVEL 1 / 1.1

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System / Group 5Page 11

2.1Add Account


2.4Edit Account 2.5

Delete Account

2.3View Account

2.2Search Account


List Account

Account detail edit

Account ID

Account ID

Account detail

New Account

Search detail

Account ID


Account ID

Information Account

Information Account

Account ID

Account ID

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

DFD LEVEL 1/ 1.2

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3.1Add Bus


3.4Edit Bus 3.5

Delete Bus

3.3View Bus

3.2Search Bus


Search detail

Bus IDBus ID

List Bus

Bus detail

New Bus

Bus detail edit

Bus ID


Information BusInformation BusBus ID

Bus ID

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Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System / Group 5Page 13

4.1Add Ticket


4.4Edit Ticket 4.5

Delete Ticket

4.3View Ticket

4.2Search Ticket


Search detail

Ticket detail

New Ticket

Ticket detail editTicket ID

Ticket ID

List Ticket

Ticket ID


Ticket ID

Ticket ID

Information Ticket Information Ticket

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Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System / Group 5Page 14

4.1Add Router


4.4Edit Router 4.5

Delete Router

4.3View Router

4.2Search Router


Search detail

Router detail

New Router

Router detail editRouter ID


List Router

Router ID

Router ID

Router IDInformation Router Information Router


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6.1Find Router

6.2Bokk Ticket



Customer infortion

AgeRouter selected


Customer/Ticket infortion


Router ID List Router

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7.1Find Ticket

7.2Cancel Ticket



Ticket selected

Ticket id

Customer/Ticket Update





List Ticket TicketID

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2.3ReturnedTicket id


2.4Manager Router

Ticket id

Ticket id/Customer

Ticket id

Customer/Ticket Update

Ticket id


Ticket id

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Form No.5,6/eProject/GUI&FC/Ver1.0

Flow Chart

Login :

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Add New Account


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Message1: You did not enter a username!!!

You did not enter a Password!!!

not use special characters!!!

Message2:The username or password you entered is incorrect!!!

Check Values: Username must be from 6 to 30 characters. Password must be 6 to 32 characters. Password must be difference username

Asign Permision:

If “Administrator” is Admin

If “Manager” is Staff Save Session.


Input information: username, password, role, address, quanlification, age, phonenumber, fullname.

Message1: input field not valid.

Message2:The username or password you entered is incorrect!!!

Valid: Username not null

Password not null

Address not null !

Qualification not null !

Age not null, Age not exist !

Phone number not null !

Phone number not exist !

Full name not null !

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Update Account

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Message1: input field not valid

Message successful: Update account successful

Valid: Username not null

Password not null

Address not null !

Qualification not null !

Age not null, Age not exist !

Phone number not null !

Phone number not exist !

Full name not null !

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Message1: Are your sure to delete?

Message2: Are your sure to delete foregn key?

Message successful: delete successfull

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Seach Account

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Message1: input field not valid Message2: account is not null

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

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Add Bus

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Input information: Busname, Category name, State, Type.

Message1: input field not valid.

Message2: The Bus you entered is incorrect!!!

Valid: Sate not null!!, Sate number not exist !

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Delete Bus

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Message1: Are your sure to delete?

Message2: Are your sure to delete foregn key?

Message successful: delete successfull

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Seach Bus

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Message1: input field not valid Message2: Bus is not null

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

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Update Bus

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Message1: input field not valid

Message successful: Update Bus successful

Valid: Valid: Sate not null!!, Sate number not exist !

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Add Router

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Input information: Router name, Start Place, Destination place, Create date, Long, Description, Status.

Message1: input field not valid.

Message2: The Router you entered is incorrect!!!

.Valid: Router name is not null!

Create date is not null.

Long is not null.

Description is not null.

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Seach Router

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Message1: input field not valid Message2: Router is not null

Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

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Delete Router

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Message1: Are your sure to delete?

Message2: Are your sure to delete foregn key?

Message successful: delete successfull

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Update Router

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Message1: input field not valid

Message successful: Update Router successful

Valid: Router name is not null!

Create date is not null.

Long is not null.

Description is not null.

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Booking Ticket

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Message1: Router is a exits

Message2: input field not valid

Message successful: booking ticket is successful!!

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Canceling Ticket

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Message1: Router is a exits

Message2: input field not valid

Message successful: booking ticket is successful!!


Message1: Router is a exits!!

Message Successful: delete ticket successful!!!!

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram

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Online Bus Ticket Reseveration System***************

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Database Design/Structure

Table AccountField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionAccountID Int PKUserName nvarchar(50)Password nvarchar(50)Role IntAddress nvarchar(50)Qualification nvarchar(50)Age intPhoneNumber varchar(50)FullName nvarchar(50)

Table BusField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionBusID int PKBusName nvarchar(50)CategoryID int FKSeat intBusTypeID int FK

Table Bus TypeField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionBusTypeID int PKType nvarchar(50)

Table CategoryField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionCategoryID int PKCategoryName nvarchar(50)

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Table CustomerField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionCustomerID int PKCustomerName nvarchar(50)Age intMobile nvarchar(50)Email nvarchar(50)Address nvarchar(200)

Table ListbusField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionListBusID int PKBusPlate nvarchar(50)RouterID int FKBusID int FKDeparture datetimeArrival datetimePrice float

Table PlaceField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionPlaceID int PKPlaceName nvarchar(50)

Table RouteField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionRouterID int PKRouterName nvarchar(50)StartPlace nvarchar(50)DestinationPlace nvarchar(50)Long intDescription ntextCreateDate datetimeStatus nvarchar(50)

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Table SeatField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionSeatID int PKListBusID int FKNumberSeat nvarchar(50)Status nvarchar(50)

Table TicketField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionTicketNo int PKDate datetimeListBusID int FKCustomerID int FKAccountID int FKNumberSeat intPromoteID int FKTotalFees floatStatus nvarchar(50)

Table TicketReturnField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionTicketReturnID int PKTicketName nvarchar(50)Description nvarchar(50)PercentPrice intDateReturn int

Table PromoteField Name Data Type Null Key DescriptionPromoteID int PKPromoteName nvarchar(50)Discount int

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HD201206-J eProject – ACCPi10

Task sheetProject Ref.No.:

eP/LB/01Project Title:

Activity Plan

Preprared By:

Date of Preparation of Plan:

Sr.No. Task Actual Start Date


Team MemberNames


1 ProblemsDefinition

Online Bus Ticket

Resevevation System

Pham Van Dau

8/1/2013 2 Pham Van DauNguyen Duy NhanPham Van DauTruong Hoang Duc


2 CRS 8/1/2013 2 Pham Van DauNguyen Duy NhanPham Van DauTruong Hoang Duc


3 Architecture and Design of the Project

9/1/2013 1 Truong Hoang Duc Completed

4 Data Flow Diagram

11/1/2013 10 Pham Van DauNguyen Duy NhanPham Van DauTruong Hoang Duc


5 Design Interface 14/1/2013 4 Pham Van DauNguyen Van Phuc


6 Design Table 17/1/2013 4 Truong Hoang Duc Completed7 Flow Chat 19/1/2013 8 Pham Van Dau

Nguyen Duy NhanPham Van DauTruong Hoang Duc

` Completed

8 Coding Login, Coding Booking, Coding Canceling.

29/1/2013 6 Pham Van Dau Completed

9 Coding Account(Add,Edit Delete,Search,display)

29/1/2013 6 Truong Hoang Duc Completed

10 Coding Ticket, Router (Add,Edit Delete,Search,display)

29/1/2013 6 Nguyen Duy Nhan Completed

11 Coding Bus(Add,Edit Delete,Search,display). Coding

29/1/2013 6 Nguyen Van Phuc Completed

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Canceling12 Check All Link

on web site4/2/2013 1 All Member Completed

13 Check Demo 4/2/2013 1 All Member Completed14 Check All Code

And Gui4/2/2013 1 All Member Completed

15 User Guide 30/1/2013 1 Nguyen Duy Nhan Completed16 Installation

Guide30/1/2013 1 Nguyen Duy Nhan Completed

17 GUI 30/1/2013 1 Nguyen Duy Nhan Completed

Check List of Validation

Option Validated

Do all numeric variables have a default value of zero? Yes

Does the administrator have all the right to create and delete the records? Yes

Are all the records properly fed into the appropriate database? Yes

Have all the modules been properly integrated and are completely functional? Yes

Have all the Design and Coding Standards been followed and implemented? Yes

Is the GUI design consistent all over? Yes

Is the navigation sequence correct through all the forms/ screens in the application? Yes

Is exception handling mechanism implemented in all the screens? Yes

Are all the program codes working? Yes

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Submission Checklist

SR.No Particular Yes No Comments

1. Are the users able to enter the Web site after

validation is performed on the UserID and Password ? X

2. Are the users search detail which they want ? X

3. Do all the Web page contents are devoid of

spelling mistakes ?


4. Is the process working well ? X

5 Is the Website user-friendly ? X Test on Google

Chrome, Firefox.

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