Anti-IUU Measures in FAO Regional Fisheries Livelihood Programme project in Timor Leste


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Anti-IUU measures in a FAO Regional and Fisheries Livelihood Programme

project, Timor Leste

18 June, 2012Mario Pereira, Crispen Wilson

Department of FisheriesThe Problems:• Data was not being gathered in any systematic manner.• Many of the government agencies were isolated ,entering

and reentering data. • Data was being lost due to viruses, hard drive crashes,


Website ( objectives:

Offsite backups data and virus protection A shared data system accessible across ministries Workloads can be distributed to districts Performance matrics for government staff Increase transparency and service to stakeholders

Website ( 2 interfaces Public page

Socialization of laws and community mapping

Mobile Licensing

Boat Registration

Data we make available to the fishers

Weather, Cyclone warnings,

Sea Surface Temp, Wind, Wave size and direction

Tide Predictions, Coral temperatures, Tsunami early warning system

Reported accident at sea

Then there is the data we collect from the fishermen

Local prices, local taxonomy, catch volumes

Mapping fishing patterns, near shore bathymetry,

fishing effort

Mapping the dangerous places

Mapping the Tara Bandu (traditional


Mapping Mangroves

Mapping Aquaculture Data entry page (NDFA staffs and related counterparts)

Community-based IUU program

Timor Leste IssuesSuspected they are losing natural resources every day

due to illegal fishing.Infrequent patrols by Navy, Marine Police.Lack of incentive for fishermen to cooperate with

authorities.No IUU list.No system in place to determine whether large

commercial vessels have license to fish in the area.No data collected from commercial vessels regarding fish

catch in Indonesian and surrounding waters.

Changing the business modelWho pays the fee? Why should

fishers’ allow themselves to be monitored?

Other benefits that can be delivered to the fishers, improved safety, collecting management data, documenting fishing patterns, etc..

Strategy to engage the fishermen in helping to combat illegal fishing

Equipping the fishermen with real time satellite transmitters. These transmitters automatically record the location of the boat every ten minutes. They have two user activated buttons.

The instructions to the captains are: if your sinking, press button #1 to call for Help, and press button #2 to report illegal fishing

Intended outcomesHave illegal fishers from other

countries view every artisanal boat as having the potential to report them.

Gain a measure of how many our fishers are illegally fishing in other countries waters.

Build partnerships between the fishers and the Dept of Fisheries, Marine Police, Military.

Collect management data


Ability to call for help when they are in trouble.If they are pulled into foreign port then likely they have been arrested for illegal fishing and are not dead.If the boat is overdue, their families can see where they are and be assured the boat is OK.

Get to see where fishers go and how much time they spend between locations. Catch data/distance travelled. CPUE This is the start of building a positive working relationship with fishers.

Engaging the fishermen to report illegal fishing will add tremendously to the countries capacity to patrol its waters. Saves time, fuel, boats. This is the start of building a cooperative relationship between governmental agencies and boat captains.

Fishermen Natural Resource Governmental Management Agencies

Thank you

Collected data for bathymetric analyses.
