Research and planing


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Films that relate to my film idea

All these films relate to the film I want to create for example all these films use tension to entertain the audience and make them keep watching for example someone is running from something and the soundtrack, camera angles and costumes while all create tension for the audience. I want my film to have a similar storyline to relate to psycho as psycho uses slow scenes with slow camera work to create tension. Also we want the antagonist to be a freaky character with unique features and a weird way of moving and thinking to make the audience feel scared and interested in this weird character.

Conventions of horror/thrillerGeneral Conventions • Low key lighting • Suspense scenes • Chase scenes • Suburban areas • Loud suspense soundtrack • Close ups for example of protagonist to show fear• Mediocre• Story • Close ups • the protagonist is normally the only one able to solve the enigma or the real truth• Violence • Weapons etc.• knifes and guns • the hero and villain may share some characteristics•

Conventions of horror/thrillerTechnical conventions

• Very quite scenes with sudden sounds to create panic to the viewer for example • Depth of field used to disoriented the viewer and to create panic if there is movement in the

background. • Long tracking shots to create suspense• Point of view shots to show what the protagonist is seeing to create suspense/tension• Unusual camera angles to create disorientation and discomfort the viewer.

Symbolic Conventions • Colours like red connote death, danger and blood.• Props like weapons show there is violence for example a knife will connote death and danger.• Props such as a bible show religious themes.• Body language will show actions of the character in different ways

Themes• Good vs evil• Revenge • Religion • Supernatural• Living dead • Insanity • Lust

Conventions of horror/thriller

3 films that will inspire my production1. Psycho

This film will inspire my film because I like the way that the film uses very slow scenes to build tension to one action at the end and then a loud sound will be played to jump the audience to the action. Furthermore I like the way the antagonist is a very peculiar person as I have noticed films with a unique antagonist are successful because the audience are entertained about the way the antagonist acts.Moreover I like the way the film uses soundtrack to create tension for example the shower which is a very legendary scene in the film industry. This scene is when the protagonist is in the shower and the antagonist slowly makes his way to her. This is also a example of dramatic irony as we know the antagonist is coming but the antagonist doesn't know and this creates tension as the audience are worried and excited for what's going to happen next. Next the camera work is something that I like as in the shower scene there was long shots that created tension and lasted longer then they usually do. This was done to create tension as the long shots create tension as the audience are focused on one thing to create a freaky atmosphere. Furthermore close ups shots are used to show the emotions of the audience and make the audience feel as if they are face to face with her and feel sympathy. Furthermore the close ups are used to show the killer as the killers face was shown but the face was blurred to make the audience feel scared and want to know who the killer is. The conventions in this film are typical of a horror/thriller it is set at night, the killer has a reason and is very peculiar which is what we aim to do in our production. Furthermore there is always a very vulnerable women mostly who is chased and then eventually killed violently by the killer which is what we aim to do. Furthermore there is suspense scenes for example the shower scene where it is very quite to create suspense and make the audience think about what's going to happen next then there is an example of dramatic irony when the killer slowly walks up to the women when the audience see but we don’t which creates suspense and tension. One of the most noticeable things about horror films the antagonist doesn't want it to be easy for himself as there never use guns its always a melee weapon. The most famous scene of the film when the killer uses a knife or an axe or so on. This scene is a very violent scene where the antagonist almost acts like a robot when he stabs the women. We want to achieve something like this where the antagonist acts very peculiar and when he moves and kills which is what we aim to do in our film. Moreover the soundtrack is very legendary in this film for example when the killer stabs the women a loud and fast paced sound is played over and over to create tension and emphasize the violence that is happening. In our production we want to make a very unique soundtrack that will do the same.

SevenI like sevens storyline as it is very unique because the main protagonist has a reason for his murders and the reason is very peculiar. This storyline makes the film chilling to watch and also keeps making you watch as the killer murders his prey in different ways every time which creates tension for the viewer.Furthermore the character that interests me is the protagonist as he is very peculiar and creepy character as he murders his prey for a reason that Is not common for normal serial killers. In our production we want a peculiar character that will act in a weird way which add a creepy feeling to the opening sequence which will hopefully make it stand out.Moreover I like some of the camerawork in this form for example the box scene when the camera is handheld to create suspense and make the audience feel disorientated. Furthermore I like the soundtrack of the film as the soundtrack for certain scenes is on of the vital parts of the scene as it creates suspense and tension for the viewer and also soundtrack helps the viewer to understand the situation of the scene and what might happen.

2.ScreamI chose scream because scream is probably the most conventional film in the horror genre in my opinion and this is want we want to follow for example the killer uses a very big and scary knife and chases there prey slowly as if the killer is having fun. Furthermore there is low key lighting to set the atmosphere. Furthermore the victim is always a vulnerable women who always tries her hardest to get away and screams to create tension for the audience but then she gets killed violently by the confident killer who shows no guilt.Furthermore there is always a chase scene with fast paced shots and violence. This kind of scene Is what we want to create. Lastly I like the main character as he seems to have a comedic side to him when he is committing murder and it’s a mix of Comedy and creepy actions which make it peculiar and different which I like.