Wishes in the tree.ang

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I want success!I want world piece!I want good grades! I want more drinking water! I want the world to be better! I want less fighting in our country! I wish Id be better at football! I wish health for my friends and myself! I wish for a new piano and guitar!I want more money!I want a new video game! I wish my friends would be my friends for a long time! I want more friendship than hate! I wish to be single for a long time! I want better air! I want a new phone


I want a lot of snow! I want to sleep a lot! I want more holidays! I wish for more happy families! I want people to be happy!I want heaven for all people! I wish for better environment! I wish less criminal! I wish a lot of happiness! I wish a boyfriend who would understand me. I wish schools for children in Africa! I wish for new clothes for all the ones that need it! I wish no hunger!

I wish no wars!

I wish that all the people who have too much money would give it to the ones who live on the streets or just dont have any! I wish that all the teenage girls who are not happy with themselves would start to love themselves the way they were born cause theyre all beautiful!
