SUPER SEARCHER: ENHANCING YOUR ONLINE SEARCH SUPER POWERS Max C Anderson Technology Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region

Super Searcher

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Last edited in October 2010

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Max C AndersonTechnology CoordinatorNational Network of Libraries of MedicineGreater Midwest Region

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Search engines & results The Invisible Web Academic search options Searching for historical and cached web

pages Media searching (images, videos, books

and more) Searching 2.0 Resources

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Where Searching Begins

“The Pew Internet Project has found that search engines are the most popular way to locate a variety of types of information online – including health information, government information, and religious information.” (Pew Internet and American Life Project. Memo: Search Engines. 2002)


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Search Engine Popularity

“Some 84% of adult Internet users, about 108 million Americans, have used search engines to help them find information on the Web.” (Pew Internet and American Life Project. Search Engine Users. 2005)


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Results provided by Nielsen Online reports for January 2010. Based on a total of 10,272,099 total searches (U.S. only).

Top 10 Search Providers

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Where do you search?

Google Yahoo! Bing Ask.com Others?

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Search Engines Galore!

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Spider Power

Computer programs called web crawlers (aka: spiders and bots) browse the Web for information to add to a search engine.

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Formula for Success

Complex and often secret algorithms determine which parts of the Web will be searched.

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Result Overload

Results are ranked based on several factors (determined by the search algorithm).

Beware of information overload.

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Search Engine Taste Test


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Google Results Tools

Basic search: http://www.google.


Google provides tools to narrow your results.

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Advanced Search Features

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Google Search


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Yahoo! Search

http://www.yahoo.com/ vs http://search.yahoo.com/

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Bing Search


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Exercise I

Test your skills Use the handout provided to work on practice exercises

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More Things Great & Google

Google offers a variety of other search options including: http://directory.google.com

/ http://www.google.com/pat

ents http://www.google.com/pro


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Rev Your Search Engine

Pop the hood and take a look around the search engine.

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Exercise 2

What do we really know about the company? Use the handout provided to work in small

groups to discover more about a search site

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15 Minute Break

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The Invisible Web

Search engines cover less than 20% of the entire Web.

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The “Deep Web”

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Scholarly Pursuits

Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/

WolframAlpha http://www.wolframalpha.


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Blast from the Past

Wayback machine http://www.archive.org/

CyberCemetery http://govinfo.library.unt.edu

Google Cache http://www.google.com Search using cache:URL

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Exercise 3

Test your skills Use the handout provided to work on practice exercises

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Media Searching

What types of media are commonly searched for? Books/Print Images Video

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Books/Print Search

Google Book Search http://books.google.


Project Gutenberg http://www.gutenberg


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Image Search

Google Images http://www.google.


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Picture This

Flickr http://www.flickr.co


Flickr Commons http://www.flickr.co


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Just Press Play

YouTube http://www.youtube.


YouTube EDU http://www.youtube.


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Searching 2.0

Where will searching take us next?

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Real-Time Results

Twitter http://www.search.twitter.

com http://www.crowdeye.com http://www.twitjobsearch.


Google Realtime http://www.google.com/re


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Mobile Search

Mobile search interfaces are streamlined to make searching on the go easier.

Yahoo Mobile http://m.yahoo.com/sear


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Touch and Go

Touch search for mobile devices.

Taptu http://www.taptu.c


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SMS Search Tools

Libraries using SMS for reference http://bit.ly/c0QwFW

Cha-Cha http://www.chacha.com/

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Who You Gonna Call?

Search using your phone 1 (800) GOOG.411

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Mobile Visual Search

Google Goggles http://www.google.c


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Goggles On!

Goggles searches for text and images.

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Seeing Things Differently

Google Wonder Wheel http://www.google.co


TouchGraph http://


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Exercise 4

Test your skills Use the handout provided to work on practice exercises

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Keeping Up: Resources

New Books Sauers, Michael. Searching 2.0. 2009.

Devine, Jane and Francine Egger-Sider. Going Beyond Google: The Invisible Web in Learning and Teaching. 2009.

Croft, Bruce, Donald Metzler and Trevor Strohman. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. 2009.

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Search Engine Resources

Google http://googleblog.blogspot.com/search/label/

search http://labs.google.com

Yahoo http://research.yahoo.com/

Bing http://www.bing.com/community/blogs/search/


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Search Engine Resources

How Stuff Works: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/basics/search-engine.htm

Search Engine Land: http://searchengineland.com/

Tame the Web: http://tametheweb.com/

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Search Engine Resources

Search Engine Watch: http://searchenginewatch.com/

Delicious: http://www.delicious.com/maxlibris/super.searcher.class

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Library Resources

Library Success Wiki: http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Search_Engines

Infopeople Search Tools Chart: http://www.infopeople.org/search/chart.html

LITA blog: http://litablog.org/

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Max [email protected] CoordinatorNational Network of

Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region