Joomla SEO

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Proper SEO with Joomla!

Paul van Jaarsveld @kalemanzi


Basics and Vanilla Joomla SEO

Touching on 3rd Party SEF

Q&A + forum

What's in a name?

Good domain name = headstart

Domain age older = better

Choose keywords you want to rank for

Market, geo location, uniqueness eg.

Pitfalls: abbr.

Pitfalls: _ or -



How to setup Joomla for SEF URLS

Alias in articles / menu items

SEF Components SH404, Joomsef, AceSEF

Extention specific plugins

Title tag

Keyword rich, but not stuffed

30-70 characters

Google puts lots of weight on title

Google uses title tag direct for results page

Joomla title tag (global + menu based)

Consise and unique to page / content

Description meta tag

Unique per item

Clearly tagged facts

Quality tags descriptive

In Joomla (Global + Article / category)

Automatic generation

Intro text

Keywords meta tag

Google not since 2009, others do

Unique per item + 3 global

Take keywords used in content

Quality + related (eg. NOT Rec studio + sex)

In Joomla (Global + Article / category)

Auto generators?

TEXT / Copy

Content is KING!

Search engines serve people, people read content

Entice users to read more

Copy should be natural. Read it out loud

Avoid keyword stuffing

Images and rich content

Prodical of Joomla SEO

Search engines cant see pictures

Alt tag + description tag

Describe what the picture is about

Inside Joomla

Flash Bling vs SEO friendly

404 and 301

How do you manage 404 pages

We have moved

301 redirection normally .htaccess

301 redirection Joomla 2.5 redirect manager

All SEF components include 301 and 404 management

Who are your friends? Inbound links

Eg. Real estate valuation

Quality inbound links from credible sources!

Comment on other people's blogs (not nofollow)

Use RSS features to syndicate content

Pump RSS into twitter / facebook

Social bookmarking for each article

Avoid link farms, questionable content

Sitemap, robots.txt and noindex

Easy to find content (bots, people)

Set boundaries

Use the robots.txt to stop bots

Crawl rate Google WM Tools

Crawl rate yahoo + MSN in robots.txt

Calendar extentions problem



