Become a Chatbot consultant - Foundations by Cameron Jenkinson

How to Create Chatbots on Facebook Messenger without Programming Experience

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Become a Chatbot consultant - Foundations

by Cameron Jenkinson

Page 2: How to Create Chatbots on Facebook Messenger without Programming Experience


Become a Chatbot Consultant: Foundations

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Cameron Jenkinson My mission is to help define the grammar of

conversational design and Chatbot UX

Designer at Accenture, co-founder of Dialect.ai - Product

designer with most of my experience in the

start-up B2B space in London.

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Course Outline


- About the course

- Bots for Business

- Your consulting workflow

- Designing Chatbot experiences

- Introduction to Chatfuel

- Setting up your development workflow

- What we are going to build

- Project brief

- Designing Healthio

- Building Healthio

- What we’ve built

- Where to go from here

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What you will build


Structured Input based Chatbot

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What is a Chatbot


• A chatbot is a computer program that can have a conversation

on instant messaging platforms, such as Facebook Messenger

• For businesses it helps customers interact with their brand in a

better way

• They can feel using like a phone tree which we typically use

when we need to call a support line

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Why Chatbots and why now


• The number of mobile social media users has risen by 17% in the last


• 23% of time spent on online is on social and messaging apps

• 88% of Millennials report that they prefer chatting over the web or social

media to talk to businesses, rather than over the phone

• Thought leaders are suggesting bots will replace apps

• By 2034, 47% of all U.S. jobs will be at risk of automation

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“Chat apps will come to be thought of as the new

browsers; bots will be the new websites. This is

the beginning of a new Internet.”

Ted Livingston, Founder of Kik

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Designing Chatbot Experiences

Become a Chatbot Consultant: Foundations

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Chatbot Design process


Project Brief

Job Stories

UX Plan

Hand Over


Chat Flow

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Project Brief


What problem are we solving and why?

Add the client problem from the scoping phase, clearly explain all facets of the problem and how it will impact

different parts of the client’s current CRM process

Job Stories

Describe job stories to make the value we deliver to customers clear, and what it will enable them to do

How will we measure success?

Add how we will determine whether the problem has being solved. Qualitative and quantitative measures.


What is in scope and out of scope, and estimated dates for delivery


Do not add the solutions here, mention the the clients technology capabilities that may impact the job stories

Always use plain simple English, no technical terminology or codenames.

Write this document as you would describe the problem to a client face to face.

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Creating Job stories


‘When ____’ focuses on the situation, ‘I want to ____’ focuses on the motivation,

and ‘So I can ____’ focuses on the outcome.

If we understood the situation in which people encounter a problem to solve,

understand the motivation for solving it, and understand what a great outcome

looks like, we were confident that we would be building valuable product for our


- Intercom

When _____ , I want to _____ , So I can _____

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Chatbox UX 101


Provide shortcuts + talk to a human

Create and instruct users on text based shortcuts to get to key and frequently used features.

Always provide an easy way to talk to a human

Design for returning users

Two experiences for first time and returning users.

Learn by doing to separate experience based on previous user activity and engagement

Structure what the users says

Balance your goals with the design constraints of the platform

Add buttons with the specific answers to the message and ask people to choose one.

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Designing Chat Flows

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UX Plans

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Hand Over



Getting all related content such as

written text, images, downloadable

resources, media, RSS feeds etc


Making these resources accessible

and organised into a simple folder

structure via Dropbox / Google Drive

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Building Chatbots with Chatfuel

Become a Chatbot Consultant: Foundations

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Introduction to Chatfuel


“Chatfuel is the best bot platform for creating an AI chatbot on

Facebook. Learn how to create a Facebook message bot

quickly and easily, no coding required.”


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Setting up your development workflow


1 - Setup an admin Facebook account

2 - Create an account on Chatfuel

3 - Create a blank bot template


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What we’ve built

HealthioScan Code to Get Started

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Healthio Bot


Project Brief

Job Stories

UX Plan

Hand Over


Chat Flow

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The Healthio Experience


1 - Make a copy of the project brief and review it

2 - Review the Job Stories and Chat Flow

3 - Make a copy of UX Plan and complete the blanks

4 - Download the handover package from the resources folder

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Building Healthio in Chatfuel


1 - Create a new project in Chatfuel

2 - Open the asset folder

3 - Use the UX plan to guide you

4 - Watch each section then re-build it

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Testing Healthlio


Bot Testing Steps:

1 - All health outcomes / Action Plans

2 - Text based shortcuts

3 - Breaking the flow

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Where to go from here

Become a Chatbot Consultant: Foundations

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Creating your own process


Improving your skills:

1 - Improve Healthio

2 - Create your own projects

3 - Recreate popular Chatbots

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Getting involved in the bot community


• Read Medium publications

• Join the Communities

• Use different platforms

• Sign up to bot specific newsletters

• Follow thought leaders

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Immersive course overview

Sell • Marketing your service • Prospecting & Identifying

clients • How to scope client needs

• Proposal writing • How to price and up-sell

additional services

Build • Accelerate your design skills by

reverse engineering other bot


• Learn how to design UX plans /

Chatflows using prototyping


• Build a portfolio of templates

by creating 10 new Chatbots

Measure & Improve • How to measure and report

performance to your clients • Using Facebook advertising to

acquire new users and achieve

marketing objectives

• How to support clients and

manage feedback • Private Facebook group access

to a private community to share

stories and insight

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Thank you

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