EVALUATION PART 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation PART 4

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning

and evaluation stages?

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I used youtube to view the opening sequences of Tracy Beaker, Lizzie McGuire and the Sleepover Club which I then analysed the opening sequences and therefore build knowledge for the making of my own opening sequence.I embedded these opening sequence clips from youtube onto my blog so that I could refer back to them when ever I needed to.

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I used the internet massively in my research as it had so many resources I could use. One of the most helpful was old magazine and DVD covers that weren’t available to buy and be scanned. By being able to research DVD and magazine covers of children’s TV programmes meant that I could analyse them and gain knowledge of the conventions and know what to include in mine.

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I used surveymonkey to conduct questionnaire’s about my target audience, existing products and features for my product. It was easy to use and I could embed it and my questionnaire results into my blog and had a link which I could easily post on social networking sites for people to complete the questionnaire which made it easy to access.

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I used social networking sites Facebook and Twitter in my research as I could post links to my questionnaire’s and blog and ask friends to fill in the questionnaire’s. I found this very useful as I gained a lot of audience feedback which helped in my research as I gained a better understanding of what my audience wanted.

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I used Microsoft word document to plan the layouts of my DVD and magazine covers as they allowed me to do so clearly and easily with quality finished results.

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I used Microsoft Paint as it allowed me to quickly and easily produce colour charts which I used in the decision making for the 3 main fonts I was going to use throughout my tasks. I was also able to upload these to my blog as a JPEG file.

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DAFONTI used DAFONT.com to download extra fonts that weren’t automatically downloaded onto my computer as there was such a wide variety of choice that made my work look more realistic as a childish font for a children’s TV programme that the standard fonts I could easily access. Below is the font I used.


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Using a Video Camera and Tripod was key to the construction of all of my tasks as I used the video camera to film my opening sequence and take still pictures of my characters for my DVD and magazine covers. The tripod was vital when filming my opening sequence as it allowed me to film steady with no movements which meant that my final task had a professional finish to it.

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Imovie was vital in the construction of my work as it allowed me to edit my opening sequence to a very high standard. It allowed me to add still frames of

the characters after their individual parts, alter the picture qualities, add text and alter the text to different fonts and colours that I wanted and also add a

soundtrack behind my video and cut the soundtrack to the length and place I wanted it. All of this was vital to my opening sequence as without it, it would

have been poor quality and not the way I had planned.

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Imovie was vital in the construction of my opening sequence as it allowed me to add ‘still frames’. This was key as I planned to have a short video clip of my characters and it freeze on them for a few seconds before moving onto the next character and repeating this effect.

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Imovie was vital in the construction of my opening sequence as it allowed me to add text to my ‘still frames’. This was key as I planned to have the short freeze frame clips with the characters name in the same font as the Hi Five! name and in a colour that represented that individual character. This was creating continuity throughout my piece.

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Imovie was vital in the construction of my opening sequence as it allowed me to add a ‘cube’ transition between my short clips. This was key as it added a professional finish to the piece and allowed the audience to see more than once character at a time, therefore reinforcing that they are all together as one group of friends.

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I used clipart to find images in a cartoon form that I could import onto my magazine front cover in its construction as images that represent each characters characteristics. This makes it easier for the audience to identify which character is which and makes it more appealing to the audience as it is appealing to the eye.

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I used youtube to upload my final production and then embed into my blog and this way very easy and convenient for myself and my audience to view.

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I used Paint shop to edit my still pictures as it allowed me to edit to a high standard, resulting in a high quality finish. The most used tool was the ‘lasso tool’ as it allowed me to remove the background of my pictures which was key to gaining a high quality image as I could then import my own background.

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I used slideshare and prezi in my evaluation as they allowed me to present my evaluation using a different technology, was fun and interesting, as well as meaning I gained skills such as embedding youtube clips, images and links. It has made my evaluation fun and not just mainly text.

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I used powerpoint in my evaluation as I know how to use the programme easily and know how to get the results I wanted from it. It allowed to me to add to my evaluation in a creative way, keeping it from being mainly text.

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I used social networking sites Facebook and Twitter for my evaluation the same way that I used them for my research. I could post links to my blog and ask friends to comment on what they liked, disliked and thought I could improve on. I found this very useful as I gained a lot of audience feedback which helped in my evaluation as I gained a better understanding of successful I made my product.

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I used blogger to put all of my coursework research, planning, tasks and evaluation and found it easy to use and useful having all of my work so easily accessible at any time. However blogger also raised issues as I accidentily deleted something, there was no way of retrieving it and I had to retype it all again. I also found the placement of images, videos and text awkward as they would not always place where you wanted them to, but overall enjoyed using blogger and would do so again.