3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback? We also posted our finished newspaper on Facebook, and asked for feedback. We would then take any criticisms and aim to change them. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.10150207063016093.348196.633746092#!/photo.php? fbid=10150243889981093&set=a.10150207063016093.348196.63374609 2&type=1&theater http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.10150207063016093.348196.633746092#!/photo.php? fbid=10150243889981093&set=a.10150207063016093.348196.63374609 2&type=1&theater From the following comments, we took the criticisms and made a few changes to the paper. Fill the g picture or finish off Colour it make the out more.

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3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We also posted our finished newspaper on Facebook, and asked for feedback. We would then take any criticisms and aim to change them.



From the following comments, we took the criticisms and made a few changes to the paper.

Fill the gap with a picture or text, to finish off the paper.

Colour it red, to make the ‘new’ stand out more.