Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McShane/ Von Glinow 2/e Perception Perception and and Personality Personality in in Organization Organization s s C H A P T C H A P T E R E R 3 3

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Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McShane/ Von Glinow 2/e

Perception and Perception and Personality in Personality in OrganizationsOrganizations

Perception and Perception and Personality in Personality in OrganizationsOrganizations

C H A P T E RC H A P T E R 33

Page 2: Ch03 persepsi&personality

Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McShane/ Von Glinow 2/e

The arrest of nuclear scientist

Dr. Wen Ho Lee for allegedly

stealing secrets at Los Alamos

National Lab opened a long-

simmering issue regarding bias

against Asian-Americans.

Dr. Wen Ho LeeDr. Wen Ho Lee

© AFP/Corbis

Page 3: Ch03 persepsi&personality

Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McShane/ Von Glinow 2/e

Selective AttentionSelective Attention

Emotions andEmotions andBehaviorBehavior

Organization andOrganization andInterpretationInterpretation

Perceptual Process ModelPerceptual Process Model

Environmental StimuliEnvironmental Stimuli

Feeling Hearing Seeing Smelling TastingFeeling Hearing Seeing Smelling Tasting

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Selective AttentionSelective Attention

Characteristics of the object size, intensity, motion, repetition, novelty

Perceptual context

Characteristics of the perceiverValues and attitudesperceptual defenseexpectations -- condition us to expect events

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Splatter Vision PerceptionSplatter Vision Perception

Secret Service agents practice “splatter vision” so that their selective attention process takes in as much information as possible to protect presidents and other dignitaries. This reduces the chance of screening out potentially important information that might identify security risks.

© AFP/Corbis

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Perceptual Organization/InterpretationPerceptual Organization/Interpretation

Perceptual grouping principlesTrendsSimilarity/proximityClosure

Mental modelsBroad world-views or ‘theories-in-use’But can blind people to potentially better


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An Individual’sAn Individual’sSocial IdentitySocial Identity



Social Identity TheorySocial Identity Theory

Live in theLive in theUnited StatesUnited States

U. of VermontU. of VermontGraduateGraduate

Employees atEmployees atother firmsother firms

People livingPeople livingin other countriesin other countries

Graduates fromGraduates fromother schoolsother schools

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Social Identity Theory FeaturesSocial Identity Theory Features

Comparative processCompare characteristics of our groups with other


Homogenization processPerceive that everyone in a group has similar


Contrasting processForm less favorable images of people in groups

other than our own

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Professors areabsent-minded

Our instructoris a professor

Our instructor isabsent-minded

The Stereotyping ProcessThe Stereotyping Process

Assign category’s traitsAssign category’s traitsto the personto the person

Assign person to categoryAssign person to categorybased on observable infobased on observable info

Develop categoriesDevelop categoriesand assign traitsand assign traits

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How Accurate are Stereotypes?How Accurate are Stereotypes?

Some accuracy, but also distortion and errorTraits don’t describe everyone in the groupWe screen out inconsistent information

Stereotypes are less accurate when:Little interaction with people in that groupExperience conflict with members of that groupStereotypes enhance our own social identity

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Attribution ProcessAttribution Process

Internal AttributionPerception that outcomes are due to

motivation/ability rather than situation or fate

External AttributionPerception that outcomes are due to situation or

fate rather than the person

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Rules of AttributionRules of Attribution

External AttributionExternal Attribution


ConsistentConsistentwith pastwith past


Internal AttributionInternal Attribution


DistinctiveDistinctivefrom otherfrom othersituationssituations



ConsensusConsensus(Other people(Other people

are similar)are similar)


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Attribution ErrorsAttribution Errors

Fundamental Attribution ErrorAttributing behavior of other people to internal

factors (their motivation/ability)

Self-Serving BiasAttributing our successes to internal factors and

our failures to external factors

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecy CycleSelf-Fulfilling Prophecy Cycle



ExpectationsExpectationsaffect supervisor’saffect supervisor’s


Supervisor’sSupervisor’sbehavior affectsbehavior affects


Employee’sEmployee’sbehavior matchesbehavior matches


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Dealing with Self-Fulfilling ProphecyDealing with Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Awareness trainingLeaders learn effects of negative perceptions Problem is that awareness doesn’t prevent self-

fulfilling prophecy

Emerging three-prong strategySupport a learning orientationEngage in contingency leadership styles Increase employee self-efficacy

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Other Perceptual ErrorsOther Perceptual Errors

PrimacyFirst impressions

RecencyMost recent information dominates perceptions

HaloOne trait forms a general impression

ProjectionBelieving other people are similar to you

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To minimize racial slurs and

other perceptual problems, the

NHL requires every player to

attend diversity awareness

sessions. In these sessions,

players learn to appreciate ethnic

differences and the problems

with prejudicial outbursts.

Diversity Initiatives in the NHLDiversity Initiatives in the NHL

© Reuters/Andy Clark/TimePix

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© Reuters/Andy Clark/TimePix

Types of Diversity InitiativesTypes of Diversity Initiatives

Recruit people with diverse backgrounds

Provide reasonable accommodation

Diversity awareness activities Appreciate differences Sensitize people to

stereotypes/prejudice Dispel myths

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EmpathizeEmpathizeWith OthersWith Others



CompareComparePerceptionsPerceptionsWith OthersWith Others

Improving Perceptual AccuracyImproving Perceptual Accuracy

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Known to Self Unknown to Self

Knownto Others

Unknownto Others

OpenOpenAreaArea BlindBlind




Know Yourself (Johari Window)Know Yourself (Johari Window)







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Personality DefinedPersonality Defined

Relatively stable pattern of

behaviors and consistent internal

states that explain a person's

behavioral tendencies

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Outgoing, talkative

Courteous, empathic

Caring, dependable

Poised, secure

Sensitive, flexible

Big Five Personality DimensionsBig Five Personality Dimensions




Emotional StabilityEmotional Stability

Openness to ExperienceOpenness to Experience

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Courtesy of Thompson Doyle Hennessey & Everest

Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorMyers-Briggs Type Indicator

During their retreat in Maine, employees at Thompson Doyle Hennessey & Everest completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and learned how their personalities can help them understand each other more effectively.

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Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorMyers-Briggs Type Indicator

Extroversion versus introversion

Sensing versus intuition

Thinking versus feeling

Judging versus perceiving

Courtesy of Thompson Doyle Hennessey & Everest

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Locus of Control and Self-MonitoringLocus of Control and Self-Monitoring

Locus of control Internals believe in their effort and abilityExternals believe events are mainly due to

external causes

Self-monitoring personalitySensitivity to situational cues, and ability to

adapt your behavior to that situation

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Perception and Perception and Personality in Personality in OrganizationsOrganizations

Perception and Perception and Personality in Personality in OrganizationsOrganizations

C H A P T E RC H A P T E R 33