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Blog Entries

By:Pranay Gupta

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11-15-11Quantitative Data


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What did I learn today?

• I should use labels and answer what is being ask in the question.

• I learned to always be specific to what quantities you use so that your reader knows what units you are talking about.

• You use the delta mark to show difference of values. Also, Subtraction is Final Value – Initial Value = Answer.

• I know you need to know and understand all values in order to answer a question

• You need to know what the terms being used in the question mean in order to accurately answer what is being asked.

• I also learned how to use delta and how to correctly write/type it

• How to properly organize files in a directory or computer.

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How did I learn it?

• I learned to answer the question specifically, use labels, understand the question and how to accurately answer the question.

• This I learned by analyzing a paper in class.

• We analyzed the Pros and Cons of the answer.

• We realized that being specific is extremely important and using correct values and definitions plays a major role in answer questions in a science class.

• Showing us the parts done incorrectly, a standard for quality work was set.

• We were given explanation of what you should do and what you shouldn’t do when a question is asked through deep analysis of answers of our classmates.

• I learned it by looking at our answers in 4.1 and how Eva described clock reading and position in her data table.

• I learned what physical quantities and units are.

• By overlooking our mistakes on our group’s blog.

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How did I use it in class?

• I analyzed my paper that I did and made sure I didn’t make any mistakes and answer everything specifically and accurately.

• I made sure all my units were correctly labeled and I understood all the terms mentioned in the question and overview.

• I can use physical quantities and units to find units for items such as medicine or cooking items (Consumer Foods class).

• I can find patterns in real life like Eva did while observing the motion of the ball.

• I used the organization technique with two other websites I made.

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How can I use this outside of the

science classroom?• When I am talking to someone over the phone, I

should be as descriptive as possible and make sure I am explaining what I am saying.

• I make sure what I say is easy to understand and is enough so everyone understands what I am trying to tell them.

• Also, to allow people to understand my ideas clearly and interpret what I am saying correctly.

• I can use the proper/better way to link and organize files in any file directory and/or any website (FTP SERVER/DNS)

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Line Graphs

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What did I learn today?

• What line graphs are and their purpose.

• Independent and Dependent Axes

• Mass is independent and volume is dependent

• The trend line is different from a data line because a trend line shows similarities in data over time where a data line displays data.

• Degrees Celsius is an acceptable unit for measuring temperature

• The five rule is used to determine the difference between a physical quantity or a unit.

• Different parts of a line graph

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How did I learn it?

• Studying the line graph given to us in class on the worksheet.

• Deeply locking and understand the line graph parts and details.

• The interactive learning course which Mr. Thomas guided us through.

• The Guidelines given to us.

• The explanations that were presented to us in class and the expectations were set for quality work.

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How did I use it in class?

• I can understand line graphs better now in


• I can accurately make and organize line

graphs the correct way

• I can read and analyze data in a line graph

with great detail

• I can also see trends in data by creating a

line graph

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How can I use this outside of the

science classroom?• I will be able to read line graphs for various

types of data displayed in the form of a line graph.

• I can look a stock graph or a diverse population line graph.

• I can tell the difference between a trend line and a data line.

• I can find similarities between data types and displays.

• Almost always, I can use my knowledge to make and determine the purpose of a line graph.

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11-17-11Applying Line


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What did I learn today?

• How to use our understanding of line

graphs to make a line graph.

• Applying our knowledge from 3.2 and

recreate a similar experiment in 4.3.

• Line Graphs can show various data types.

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How did I learn it?

• We performed a similar experiment in 4.3 as we did in 3.2.

• We stacked three books on top of each other and led a ramp down.

• We rolled a ball down the ramp and dropped a sandbag at the position at which the ball was every second.

• We recorded out data and measured the distance traveled by the ball using a meter stick where the sandbags were dropped every second.

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How did I use it in class?

• I used my data table to plot points on a line


• I used my previous knowledge of increments,

intervals, axes and trend lines to display my data

• Line Graphs can be used to show relationships

(Time vs Position) or patterns(2 cm/second)

• They show data (visually) in a way that you can

understand it with great detail and analyze it

better than a data table (a bunch of numbers)

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• If I experiment again, my data can be shown on a line graph to be albe to identify trends, rise in data, drop in data, or any other patterns.

• If I am given a line graph, I can find trends, relationships, independent and dependant variables.

• I can use line graphs to show (position vs time) relativity or recurring trends and/or data.

• I can understand changes in stock markets or my GPA using the graphs provided to me (rise, drop or no change).

How can I use it outside the

science classroom?