What I have done What I have done with Facebook, with Facebook, Twiter and Meetup Twiter and Meetup API /Widgets API /Widgets Presented by Pete DuMelle PD Design, Inc Brought to you by Fox Valley Computing Professionals HTTP://PDDESIGNINC.COM Fox Valley Computing Professiona

August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

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Fox Valley Computing Professionals Presentation Series

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Page 1: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

What I have done What I have done with Facebook, with Facebook, Twiter and Meetup Twiter and Meetup API /WidgetsAPI /Widgets

Presented byPete DuMelle PD Design, Inc

Brought to you by Fox Valley Computing Professionals


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 2: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page Widget

Twitter ApplicationPull your Twitter to your Web site

Name Tag generatorEvent look up

Page 3: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page Widget

Page 4: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Fan Page WidgetFan Page Widget

What is a Facebook page? Make a pageUse the widget generator Cut and past the code to your



Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 5: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Make a Page Make a Page

1. Log on to Facebook2. Click on Advertising

3. Click on Page


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 6: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Use the WidgetUse the Widget

1. Log on to Facebook Page2. Click on Add Fan Box to your



Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 7: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Use the WidgetUse the Widget


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 8: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Use the WidgetUse the Widget


Fox Valley Computing Professionals


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Fox Valley Computing Professionals


*150 api calls per hour

Page 10: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Twitter Application

Page 11: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Application Application

What one place to see and post to multiple twitter accounts http://twitterapps.pddesigninc.com/

Login and get the friend feeds PHP$twitter_username = 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE';

$twitter_password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE';

$XMLfilename = "http://$twitter_username:[email protected]/statuses/friends_timeline.rss";

Login and Update your StatusPHP$twitter_username = 'YOUR_USERNAME_HERE'; $twitter_password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE';

$twitter_whatiamdoing = 'YOUR UPDATE HERE';

httpRequest('twitter.com', '/statuses/update.xml?status='.$twitter_whatiamdoing , 'POST');


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Page 12: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Add custom Twitter Feed to your site

Page 13: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Custom Examplehttp://www.pddesigninc.com/



Line 29 rss2htmltwitter.php $XMLfilename =


Edit Twitter-template.htmlAdd include to your site<!--#include file="rss2htmltwitter.php" -->


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

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Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Add Twitter widget to your site

Page 15: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

WidgetWidget1. Log on to twitter2. Click on Goodies

3. Click on Widgets4. Click on My Website5. Click Profile Widget6. Edit the wizard 7. Finish & Grab Code8. Cut and past code to your site


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Example http://energyrealitytheory.com/readings.php

Page 16: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals


*Need api Key

Page 17: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter


Fox Valley Computing Professionals

RSVP Name look upand Event look up

Page 18: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Event LookupEvent Lookup<?PHP

$GroupID= “enter in Group ID”;

$apikey = “add your api did";

// this is the meetup api Event_id is the event that that you want return the Key is my api key this is call the rsvp that returns all of the info for the people that rsvp yes or maybe

$request_url = "http://api.meetup.com/events.xml/?group_urlname=".$GroupID."&key=".$apikey ;

// standard Curl

$ch = curl_init();

$timeout = 5;

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);

$data = curl_exec($ch);


// puts the data in to $xml varable for seperation

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);



Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Example http://meetup-api.pddesigninc.com/

Page 19: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

RSVP LookupRSVP Lookup<?PHP

$EventID= “event ID”

$apikey = “add your api did";

// this is the meetup api Event_id is the event that that you want return the Key is my api key this is callin the rsvp that returns all of the info for the peopel that rsvped yes or maybe

$request_url = "http://api.meetup.com/rsvps.xml/?event_id=".$EventID."&key=".$apikey;

// standard Curl

$ch = curl_init();

$timeout = 5;

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request_url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);

$data = curl_exec($ch);


// puts the data in to $xml varable for seperation

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);



Fox Valley Computing Professionals

Example http://meetup-api.pddesigninc.com/

Page 20: August 10th, 2009 Pete De Mulle Twitter

Pete DuMellePD Design Inc847-768-8495

[email protected]




Thank You

Fox Valley Computing Professionals