© 2011, Blue Rock Station Preparing for the Post- Fossil Fuel Economy Jay Warmke Blue Rock Station

2011 expo-post fossil-fuel

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Preparing for the Post-Fossil Fuel Economy A presentation by Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station Presented at Columbus Green Building Forum's 2011 Green Building EXPO

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© 2011, Blue Rock Station

Preparing for the Post-Fossil Fuel Economy

Jay Warmke Blue Rock Station

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© 2011, Blue Rock Station

This program is a registered educational program with the Columbus Green Building Forum and AIA/CES . The content within the program is not created or endorsed by the Columbus Green Building Forum and AIA/CES nor should the content be construed as an approval of any product, building method, or service. Information on the specific content can be addressed at the conclusion on the program, by the Registered Provider.

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Columbus Green Building Forum

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© 2011, Blue Rock Station

Learning Objectives:1. Participants will learn how the evolution of fuel over the past century has led to building practices as well as how cities and society has organized itself.2. Participants will be exposed to how these fuel systems (for heating/cooling, electrical, and transportation) will change dramatically over the coming decades.3. Participants will also learn how traditional raw materials used for construction will dramatically increase in cost, if available at all - and what alternatives may arise.4. We will explore how these changes may dramatically impact how buildings are constructed, as well as how society will organize itself (cities, suburbs, green areas, etc).

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What is Blue Rock Station?

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What is Blue Rock Station?

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© 2011, Blue Rock Station

What is Blue Rock Station?

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“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value.”- R. Buckminster Fuller

What is Blue Rock Station?

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The Year is 1911World population, 1.7 billion40,000 Model T's produced, double from


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EVERYTHING is about to change AGAIN...

we are entering the

post-petroleum economy

The Year is 2011

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The GaiaStatic Century?

Leave her like you found her.

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What are we assuming? In the future, there will be more people on the planet

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The bottom line...But w hat about Me?

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8 New “Americas”

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The Numbers are SO Huge

For Example:US uses 3,741,485,000 MW-h per y

Give everyone a 60 W light bulb and let them use them for 8 hours per day...Add 1,576,800,000 MW-h per y or about 42% of the annual US use

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What are we assuming? In the future, there will be more people on the planet Things that we use - that cannot be replaced - will eventually begin to run out

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So, how did we get here?19561974

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In One Generation...


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What are we assuming? In the future, there will be more people on the planet Things that we use - that cannot be replaced - will eventually begin to run out When more people want a limited something, it will cost more.

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It is not about running out!• 4% production drop will result

in 177% increase in cost• Estimate 3-10% drop each

year “There will be an average of two-percent

annual growth in global oil demand over the years ahead, along with, conservatively, a three-percent natural decline in production from existing reserves.”

- VP Dick Cheney

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Wonderful world of compounding...Even at half that rate...• 2010 $3.00 per gallon• 2011 x 139% = $4.17• 2012 x 139% = $5.80• 2013 x 139% = $8.06• 2014 x 139% = $11.20• 2015 x 139% = $15.57

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What are we assuming? In the future, there will be more people on the planet Things that we use - that cannot be replaced - will eventually begin to run out When more people want a limited something, it will cost more. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better

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The energy contained in One Barrel of oil contains the equivalent of 25,000 human hours of labor (12 people working 40 hrs per week)Currently 1 barrel = $10025,000 hrs x $8 = $200,000

The Oil Economy

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The Electrical GridWorldwide demand

will double over next 40 years

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So where is it coming from?

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Coal?2.5%60 years

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1977Build one brand new billion-watt nuclear power plant every 1.6 days until the year2050, they will generate only about 8 terawatts.

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Natural Gas?

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Peak Oil!

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So, what's Next? "The Americans will always do the Right Thing…after they have exhausted all the Alternatives."

- Winston Churchill

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Green Technology

Solar Wind BioMass Hydro Ocean Power Hydrogen

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Wind?• Currently only 2.3% of electricity in US

• 20% by 2030

• Capacity has grown 50% each year

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• 2010 study shows potential of 37 petawatts annually – 9 times the current electrical consumption

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Solar Power? 2010, installed PV

doubled Costs

dropped 30%

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Solar Power? US Solar Doubled

again in 2011 69% of

US electricity from solar

by 2050 From Scientific American

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So where WILL it come from?






Fossil Fuels


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What if we cut Energy in Half?

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Green Technology

2007Utility-Scale Wind

Cost of Renewable Energy

Cost of Fossil Fuels

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Green Technology

2015Residential Solar

Cost of Renewable Energy

Cost of Fossil Fuels

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Green Technology

Cost of Renewable Energy cut in half every 4 years

Moore'sJay's Law

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Energy is NOT the Problem

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Energy is NOT the Problem

It (the Sun) provides enough energy in one minute to supply the world's energy needs for one year. In one day, it provides more energy than our current population would consume in 27 years. In fact, "The amount of solar radiation striking the earth over a three-day period is equivalent to the energy stored in all fossil energy sources." - NASA

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Ask Yourself...

What will the world look like when energy is free, and everything else is very very expensive?

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How will it affect...

Transportation?City Structures?Buildings?The Economy?

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Who am I talking about...

The Rich?

Middle Class?The Poor?

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Downwardly Mobile...

as globalization begins to level the playing field.

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Transportation – Short TermTransition to electric – so all buildings require integration of vehicles as load as well as storage devices

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What about Systems

Smart Grid creating peer-to-peer energy systems.

AC or DC or Wireless?Independent versus

municipal systems ($3.5 million for sewers for 200 homes?)

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Power Integrated into Everything

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Transportation – Long TermRuralification of City Centers?

–City clusters for social interaction and resource conservation

– Rural give up access for space. Will virtual packaging change this?

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So What is Virtual Packaging?Already exists on Internet

–Amazon.com or I-tunes– Is local inventory

required?–Virtual Main Street–Cooperative delivery

So how does this change the design of retail/commercial?

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What about Virtual Housing?When CGI is cheaper than real... what then?

We live in “fake homes” now, why not take the plunge?

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Communal HousingIndependent dwellings contain only what we

need, all other “activity rooms” shared.– Result, larger livable space,

smaller units per person» Entertainment Room» Kitchen» Dining Room» Bedroom» Bathroom» Foyer» Study

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Building Materials

He who has the most garbage, wins (cradle to cradle).

Balance energy efficiency with material costs.

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Access to water will determine where you live.

– Is Chicago the next great city?

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The GaiaStatic Century

Pack out what you Pack in...

“May you live in Interesting Times”

» Chinese Curse

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There will be problems...