Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Hosting the presence (part 10)

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Page 1: Hosting the presence (part 10)

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Page 2: Hosting the presence (part 10)

Share a prayer request.

Practice different methods of releasing God’s Presence to address the mentioned prayer requests.

Page 3: Hosting the presence (part 10)

For those who know people who need breakthrough, but are not currently present, bring an article of clothing- as a point of contact- and together we will release God’s Presence.

Page 4: Hosting the presence (part 10)

Introduction• Living CONSCIOUS that the PRESENCE of GOD

with us is one of the most ESSENTIAL parts of our LIFE. He is “Emmanuel, which means God with us” (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 7:14). We INHERITED the “God with us” LIFESTYLE from JESUS. We must LIVE in an AWARENESS of the PRESENCE of GOD. Being PRESENCE-CENTERED as a CHURCH, a family, and as a PERSON must become our PRIORITY. It is the HEART of GOD to DWELL in, with, and among His people; it helps us MATURE in our TRUSTING GOD. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight”.

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Introduction• TRUST will take us beyond

UNDERSTANDING into REALMS of DISCOVERY. TRUST is built on INTERACTION, and the resulting DISCOVERY of HIS NATURE, which is good and perfect in every way. DISCOVERING a fuller EXPRESSION of GOD’S PRESENCE is exponentially increased with this simple element called TRUST. To ACKNOWLEDGE GOD is the natural RESULT when we TRUST HIM. The word “ACKNOWLEDGE” (yada‘) means to “KNOW, discover, BE AWARE, declare, PERCEIVE, regard”.

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Introduction• It speaks to the REALM of personal EXPERIENCE. It is a KNOWING through ENCOUNTER. It is a DEEP INTERACTION. TRUST makes HIS PRESENCE more DISCOVERABLE. He becomes MORE TANGIBLE to the one who RELYS UPON and is ASSURED in His POWER and ABILITY. The passage from Proverbs 3 indicates the one who TRUSTS should ACKNOWLEDGE HIM or recognize until KNOWING and ENCOUNTERING HIM.

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Introduction• TRUSTING, DEPENDING upon, and

ACKNOWLEDGING will certainly MAKE things work BETTER in LIFE (Proverbs 3:5-6). It’s a given. The author, designer, and inspiration for LIFE promised GUIDE you and MAKE your PATHS STRAIGHT. This means the PRESENCE of GOD is a MORE DIRECT PATH to DESTINY and PURPOSE. Use your FAITH to DISCOVER the ever-ABIDING equipping INCREASING PRESENCE of GOD on your LIFE. He never disappoints. The overwhelming outcome is learning to LIVE from the PRESENCE of GOD toward the issues of LIFE. The PRESENCE of God is “UPON” us; the PRESENCE of GOD is “WITH” us; the PRESENCE of GOD is “IN” us. Divine ORDER fills the LIFE of the one who has the PRESENCE of GOD as the PRIORITY.

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Introduction• DISCIPLINE (structure, order, commitment) is an

IMPERATIVE as we learn to WALK with CHRIST. It is important to DISCIPLESHIP- growth and development. However, commitment without passion is loveless. PASSION is an EXPRESSION of DESIRE and ADORATION. It often leads to OWNERSHIP and/or PARTNERSHIP. Note PRAYER is the ultimate EXPRESSION of PARTNERSHIP with GOD. It is the PASSION of DISCOVERING the HEART of GOD. This PARTNERSHIP, with its answers and breakthroughs, is the means to our FULLNESS of JOY and PLEASURES evermore (Psalm 16:11). Finding the HEART of GOD is the SURE WAY of LOCKING into the PRESENCE of GOD. Remember it is REVEALED through PRAYER.

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Introduction• There are TWO METHODS of PRAYER: in

the SPIRIT (heavenly) and with the UNDERSTANDING (earthly). Both are important and both are available to believers today. Note one is the COMMERCE LANGUAGE of HEAVEN and the other is the COMMERCE LANGUAGE of EARTH. Every KINGDOM (nation, country) has a NATIONAL LANGUAGE and COMMERCE LANGUAGE. In fact, to become a CITIZEN, one must be able to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND the NATIONAL LANGUAGE.

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Introduction• The KINGDOM of GOD is no

different. EVERY BELIEVER in the KINGDOM of GOD must speak the HEAVENLY LANGUAGE (1 Corinthians 14:2). It is ESSENTIAL to CITIZENSHIP and effective COMMERCE in the KINGDOM of GOD. So, PRAYING in the HOLY SPIRIT anchors one’s LIFE in the PRESENCE of GOD and enhances LIFE in the KINGDOM of GOD. This ESSENTIAL GIFT is brilliantly USEFUL for LIVING in the PRESENCE of GOD and BUILDING a personal HISTORY with Him.

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The Practical Side of

His Presence

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Read Matthew 12:33-37

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Language is the gateway of the


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Read James 3:1-12

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The tongue controls the


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Read Acts2:1-4

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The initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit

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Read Isaiah 28:11-12

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The LORD will speak to His

people through other tongues

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Praying in the Holy Spirit

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Read 1 Corinthians 14:2

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Speak to God about His Mysteries

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Read Romans 8:26-27

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Pray the Will of God

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Read Ephesians 6:18

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A weapon of Spiritual Warfare

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Read 1 Corinthians 14:4

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Builds up and constructs the


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Read Jude 20-21

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Raises up, charges up, and

causes the believer to gain


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Read 1 Corinthians 14:4-5,12-13

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Builds up and constructs the local church


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The Practical Side of

His Presence

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Using your designated altar. Spend a least 5 minutes each day “Praying in the Holy Spirit”.

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In an effort to build a personal history with God, journal what the LORD spoke to you during your prayer time.

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The Practical Side of

His Presence

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Conclusion• These are the moments that we learn the most

about Host ing the Presence of God. It’s when there’s no one to pray for, no one to serve- that’s where the relational boundaries are determined. Am I in this for how God can use me, or am I surrendered because He is God, and there is no greater honor in life? JESUS had His encounter with the Holy Spirit at His water baptism. A crowd watched. Probably very few, if any, had an idea of what was happening. But it was on the nights on the mountain, when no one was watching, that His greatest breakthroughs came. History was made in Him before history was made through Him. He loved the Father before He could reveal the Father.

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Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda