Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Hosting the presence (part 1)

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Page 1: Hosting the presence (part 1)

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Page 2: Hosting the presence (part 1)

Introduction• Psalm 27:4 states, “One thing have I asked of the

LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the House of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in His Temple”. The HIGHEST PRIORITY in LIFE is to DWELL in GOD’S PRESENCE daily. We were CREATED to LIVE WITH and LIVE IN the PRESENCE of the LORD God (Genesis 2:7-8,15; 3:8-10). It was our SIN that EXPELLED and ALIENATED us from the PRESENCE of the LORD God (Genesis 3:23-24). The LORD JESUS Christ is our ONLY WAY back into the PRESENCE of GOD (John 10:7-9; 14:6-7; Hebrews 10:19-22). He has OPENED up THE WAY into GOD’S PRESENCE for us. Therefore, we must SEEK to DRAW NEAR unto GOD. It is the “ONE THING”, above ALL else, the PRESENCE of GOD (Psalm 27:4-6).

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Introduction• David was very clear about what mattered:

ABOVE ALL ELSE, he desired the PRESENCE of the LORD in his life. At that time in Israel’s history, GOD’S HOUSE was the INNER SANCTUARY and MOST HOLY PLACE of the Tabernacle. This was where HIS actual PRESENCE was manifested and where David longed to be (v. 4). Just like the PRIESTS, who alone were PERMITTED to ENTER into the SANCTUARY, David wanted to live in UNINTERRUPTED enjoyment of the LORD’S PRESENCE throughout life.

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Introduction• Note we are have become both THE PRIESTS of GOD and the TEMPLE of GOD (Revelation 1:6; 1 Peter 2:5; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16). Like the priests and David, we are PERMITTED to ENTER into the PRESENCE of GOD; however, more importantly, we are PERMITTED to HOUSE the PRESENCE of GOD. We can learn a substantial amount of information from David’s desire for GOD’S PRESENCE (Psalm 16:11).

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Introduction• David yearned to LIVE in GOD’S

PRESENCE in order to BEHOLD or GAZE UPON the BEAUTY of the LORD (Psalm 27:4). What is the BEAUTY of the LORD? Scripture reveals that GOD’S BEAUTY is in His HOLINESS (1 Chronicles 16:29; 2 Chronicles 20:21; Psalm 96:9). Every OBJECT in the TABERNACLE testified to the LORD’S HOLINESS. This is TRUE WORSHIP: to bask in the PRESENCE of GOD, adoring His perfect holiness.

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Introduction• Additionally, David wanted to LIVE in the

LORD’S PRESENCE to INQUIRE or SEEK HIM (Psalm 27:4). The word “INQUIRE” (baqar) means to “PLOW into, break forth, INSPECT, admire, CARE FOR, consider, SEARCH, seek out”. David passionately desired to OBSERVE the LORD in His DWELLING PLACE, to MEDITATE upon Him, to INVESTIGATE Him. Simply put, David’s foremost priority was to KNOW GOD. This is the DESIRE of the TRUE WORSHIPPER: not to receive something from God but to KNOW GOD (John 4:24; Philippians 3:10-14).

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Introduction• David recognized a vital fact: by LIVING in GOD’S

PRESENCE, he would receive GOD’S PROTECTION (Psalm 27:5). Many people turn to God only in times of trouble, but not David. He was not one to SEEK the LORD only when he needed something from Him. He understood that his RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD was the MOST IMPORTANT he could pursue. If he lived in the PAVILION or DWELLING of the LORD, he would be safely SHELTERED when trouble struck. The SECRET of HIS TABERNACLE (literally, secret spot or place) was the MOST HOLY PLACE, where the MERCY SEAT was located- the ACTUAL PLACE where GOD MET with HIS PEOPLE (Exodus 25:22). By LIVING in GOD’S PRESENCE, David would be SET upon a HIGH ROCK- a place that could not be penetrated, that sat high above his enemies’ reach (Psalm 18:2; 31:2-3).

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Introduction• In addition to the PROTECTION of GOD’S

PRESENCE, David would also experience the POWER of GOD on his behalf (Psalm 27:6). GOD would FIGHT for him, granting him VICTORY and EXALTING him over his enemies (v. 6). When the BATTLE was OVER, David vowed to joyfully OFFER SACRIFICES of JOYOUS THANKS unto the LORD. Filled with faith in GOD’S DELIVERANCE, he looked forward to triumphantly singing GOD’S PRAISES in His sanctuary. “It’s important that we all find the ‘ONE THING’ that can become the reference point for the rest of the issues of life. And that one thing is the PRESENCE of the ALMIGHTY GOD, resting upon us” (Bill Johnson, “Hosting The Presence”, p. 21).

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The Ultimate


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Read Genesis 1:27-28

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Why did God instruct Adam and

Eve to fill and subdue the earth?

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• He instructed them to “SUBDUE” (kabash- tread down, conquer, subjugate, keep under) the EARTH, because they were GOD’S AMBASSADORS- purposed and equipped to exercise His AUTHORITY in the GARDEN and over all that was in the Garden, even the serpent. Note the word “SUBDUE” is a MILITARY term, meaning to INVESTIGATE, CONQUER, RULE and then MASTER. Was there DARKNESS beyond the GARDEN? Apparently, there was DARKNESS outside the GARDEN but LIGHT in the GARDEN. God commissioned them to RECLAIM the AREAS beyond the GARDEN by SUBJUGATING the DARKNESS with LIGHT.

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Read Romans 6:16

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How did mankind become a “slave to sin”? What did sin establish between man and the devil?

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•Mankind became a slave to sin when he disobeyed God in the Garden. Sin made mankind subject to the devil; and therefore, the enemy became mankind’s ruthless taskmaster.

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Read Luke 4:5-6

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How was the devil able to offer JESUS “the kingdoms of the world” during

the wilderness temptation?

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•The devil became the “god of this world” when mankind gave him legal access to the kingdoms of the world in Eden through agreement.

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Read Matthew 28:18-19

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In the Great Commission, JESUS

said that “all authority” was given to Him.

What does this mean for the enemy?

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•Since JESUS has “ALL AUTHORITY”, the devil has none! Note this is the Great Commission. This means we have been the mandate. JESUS given us His authority. Since JESUS lives in us and through us, we have legal access to JESUS’ authority and are able to exercise it over every work of darkness.

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Read Matthew 10:1; Luke 10:19-20; Acts 1:8;

Ephesians 1:19

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What authority does the believer


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• The BELIEVER has been the SAME POWER and AUTHORITY that JESUS Christ Himself possessed. It is a DELEGATED AUTHORITY. It is NOT our OWN power or authority. It has been BESTOWED upon us; it has been GRANTED to us by the LORD JESUS Christ. He is His authority. We are His Ambassadors. We are His Representatives. We are His Apostles. Therefore, whatever we “do, in word or deed, do everything in the NAME of the LORD JESUS…” (Colossians 3:17).

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Read John 5:19; 14:12

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How did JESUS perform His

miracles? And what are the implications

for us today?

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•JESUS performed miracles as a man. He was anointed by the Holy Spirit. We are able to model Him and work the same miracles, and even greater works, since we have received the same Holy Spirit.

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The Perfect Guest

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“God with us” Isaiah 7:14;

Matthew 1:23

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God tabernacled among us as a man.

John 1:14; Colossians 1:19;

2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16

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JESUS was the Ideal man, the

Absolute Prototype, the Perfect Guest.

2 Corinthians 5:21; 8:9

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The Perfect


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Read Genesis 3:24;

Exodus 25:18-22; 26:1,31; Psalm

99:1; Isaiah 37:16

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What is the role and function of the


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Read Psalm 2:11; 100:2

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What does it mean to serve?

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What does it mean to serve the

LORD? How is this possible?

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Read Exodus 25:10-22; Jeremiah 3:15-16;

Acts 2:1-4; Revelation 21:9-23

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How is the believer to handle the

Presence of God?

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Has the believer become the Ark

of the Covenant?

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Awakening to Purpose

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Read 1 Corinthians 4:1-2;

1 Peter 4:10

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In what way, are we stewards of the

mysteries and manifold grace of


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Contrast the differences between

an investment and a gift.

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Is the Presence of God an investment

or a gift?

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What happens to a person when God rests upon them?

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What is their responsibility in protecting the

Presence of God?

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The Ultimate


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Conclusion• HOSTING GOD is FILLED with HONOR and

PLEASURE, COST and MYSTERY. He is subtle. He can also be extremely obvious, aggressive, and overtly purposeful. He is the MAKER and OWNER of the WORLD; yet, He lends out the world (land). He is the TRUE LANDLORD. He stands outside the DOOR and enters as GUEST. What generation will HOST the KING and HIS KINGDOM? (Psalm 24:6; Revelation 11:15). To become WORLD CHANGERS, we must become AWARE of GOD’S PRESENCE and utilize the AUTHORITY given to us. It must be more than a teaching; it must be a normal lifestyle.

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Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda