Aut tobias hoffmann

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Montreal 25.11.2011

topics* background ~ studies and interessts * artistic work and activities * paedagocial foundation and vision * examples of possible courses

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. . . i w a s b o r n in g e r m a n y

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h i lb e r t r o o m ( in v e n t o r o f q a t e r n io n e n ) h e r e

I e n r o l le d w it h p h y s ic s . . .

. . . a n d s t u d ie d s p e c ia l e d u c a t io n

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. . . i h a v e a s t r o n g in t e r e s t in a r t , t e c h n o lo g y a n d h u m a n it ie s

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. . . i m a d e m y d ip lo m in f in e a r t

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D ir e c t o r o f M e d ia S t u d io

U n iv e r s i t y f o a p p l ie d A r t s a n d S c ie n c e N o r t h w e s t e r n S w it z e r la n d

This included a video studio (post-production and audiovisual) and a

media workshop (programming and physical computing). My responsibilities also involved budgeting and

maintenance of an equipment pool, advising students with

soft- and hardware questions and maintenance of web server, which provided

organising infrastructure for the institute, provided instructions and relevant “How-Tos” on various of media art

related subjects. The web server also functions as the documentation platform for all “hands on” experiments collectively. I

taught physical computing and frequently post on the blog “the electric kitchen

sink”, which is aimed to bring contemporary discourse of media art into discussion.

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S o f t w a r e D e v e lo p m e n t Design and implementation of

network and hardware comunication

9 HD Beamer 3 HD Video Player DMX light protocol DALI light control 3 Info Screens

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p la y a r o u n d w o r k s h o p / Ta iw a n

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Try BLINK example1. compile

2. upload

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See your arduino works!

short leg GND

long leg PIN13'blink'


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global network 1901

Samuel Morse 1791 – 1872

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OSC /fromTwitterPort 9000

OSC /toTwitterPort 8000

TWITTER tweets

The TWITTER gateway sends OSC messages as TWEETS Received TWITTER chat messages are sent by OSC



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